[cdftools] 11/228: JMM update cdfmocsig with Carolina Dufour version

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:23 UTC 2015

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mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
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commit f294dac4316e0052471d05dbeb6c2827abd893b1
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Tue Mar 2 18:29:03 2010 +0000

    JMM update cdfmocsig with Carolina Dufour version
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@287 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 cdfmocsig.f90 | 227 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 140 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cdfmocsig.f90 b/cdfmocsig.f90
index 3987c00..d056a6a 100644
--- a/cdfmocsig.f90
+++ b/cdfmocsig.f90
@@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
 PROGRAM cdfmocsig
-  !!               ***  PROGRAM cdfmocs1  ***
+  !!               ***  PROGRAM cdfmocsig  ***
   !!  **  Purpose  :  Compute the Meridional Overturning Cell (MOC)
-  !!                  PARTIAL STEPS  in density coordinates (s1)
+  !!                  PARTIAL STEPS  in density coordinates.
-  !!  **  Method   :  The MOC is computed from the V velocity field, integrated
-  !!                  from the bottom to the surface, then zonally averaged with
+  !!  **  Method   :  The MOC is computed from the V velocity field, collected in density bins,
+  !!                  (reference depth is given as the 3rd argument) and integrated
+  !!                  throughout the density bins, then zonally averaged with
   !!                  eventual masking for oceanic basins.
   !!                  In the present version the masking corresponds to the global
   !!                  configuration. MOC for Global, Atlantic, Indo-Pacific, Indian,Pacific ocean
-  !!                  Results are saved on moc.nc file with variables name respectively
-  !!                  zomsfglo, zomsfatl, zomsfinp, zomsfind, zomsfpac
+  !!                  Results are saved on mocsig.nc file with variables name respectively
+  !!                  zomsfglo, zomsfatl, zomsfinp, zomsfind, zomsfpac.
+  !!                  If no new_maskglo.nc file found, then the mask.nc file is used and
+  !!                  only zomsfglo is computed.
-  !!
-  !! history ;
+  !! history :
   !!  Original :  J.M. Molines (jul. 2005) 
   !!     moc in density : A.M. Treguier ( Nov. 2005)
+  !!     choice of reference depth, improvements: C. Dufour (March 2010)
   !!  $Rev$
   !!  $Date$
@@ -28,22 +31,20 @@ PROGRAM cdfmocsig
   !! * Local variables
-!  FOR sigma 1 as the density coordinate 
-!  REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: pref = 1000                   !:  reference for density 
-!  INTEGER, PARAMETER      :: jpbin = 88                     !:   density  bins
-!  REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: s1min = 24,s1scal=0.1          !:  reference for density 
-  REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: pref = 2000                   !:  reference for density 
-  INTEGER, PARAMETER      :: jpbin = 158                     !:   density  bins
-  REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: s1min = 30,s1scal=0.05          !:  reference for density 
-  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jpbasins=5
+  !  FOR sigma 1 as the density coordinate 
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cdref                   !:  depth reference for density read in argument
+  REAL(KIND=4)       :: pref=0.                 !:  depth reference for density used in the code
+  INTEGER            :: jpbin                   !:   density  bins
+  REAL(KIND=4)       :: s1min, s1scal           !:  reference for density
+  INTEGER   :: jpbasins
   INTEGER   :: jbasin, jj, jk ,ji, jkk             !: dummy loop index
   INTEGER   :: ierr                                !: working integer
   INTEGER   :: narg, iargc                         !: command line 
   INTEGER   :: npiglo,npjglo, npk                  !: size of the domain
   INTEGER   :: ncout, np
   INTEGER   :: numout=10
-  INTEGER, DIMENSION(jpbasins) ::   id_varout , ipk         !
+  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE ::  ipk, id_varout         !
   INTEGER, DIMENSION(2)          ::  iloc
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:),     ALLOCATABLE ::  e1v,  gphiv          !:  metrics, velocity
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ PROGRAM cdfmocsig
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:),     ALLOCATABLE ::  dumlat               !: latitude for i = north pole
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:),     ALLOCATABLE ::  zttmp,zstmp, zmask2d !: arrays to call sigmai and mask it
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:),       ALLOCATABLE ::  gdepw                !: deptw
-  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (jpbin)                ::  sigma                !: density coordinate
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:),       ALLOCATABLE ::  sigma                !: density coordinate
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:,:),   ALLOCATABLE ::  zmask                !:  jpbasins x npiglo x npjglo
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:,:),   ALLOCATABLE ::  zread                !:  jpi,1,jpk
   REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (1)                    ::  tim
@@ -64,46 +65,86 @@ PROGRAM cdfmocsig
   CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cfilev , cfilet, cfileoutnc='mocsig.nc'
   CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: coordhgr='mesh_hgr.nc',  coordzgr='mesh_zgr.nc',cbasinmask='new_maskglo.nc'
-  TYPE(variable)    ,DIMENSION(jpbasins)         :: typvar                   !: structure for attribute
+  CHARACTER(LEN=255) :: cglobal         !: Global attribute to trace the building command.
+  TYPE(variable)    ,DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE   :: typvar
+  LOGICAL    :: llglo = .false.                            !: indicator for presence of new_maskglo.nc file
   REAL (KIND=4)      :: ztrans 
   INTEGER    :: istatus 
   LOGICAL    :: lprint = .false.
   ! constants
-   lprint = .false. 
+  lprint = .false. 
   !!  Read command line and output usage message if not compliant.
   narg= iargc()
   IF ( narg == 0 ) THEN
-     PRINT *,' Usage : cdfmocsig  V file T file'
+     PRINT *,' Usage : cdfmocsig  V_file T_file depth_ref'
      PRINT *,' Computes the MOC for oceanic basins as described in new_maskglo.nc'
+     PRINT *,' Last arguments is the reference depth for potential density, in m'
+     PRINT *,' actually only 0 1000 or 2000 are allowed'
      PRINT *,' Files mesh_hgr.nc, mesh_zgr.nc ,new_maskglo.nc ,mask.nc '
      PRINT *,'  must be in the current directory'
-     PRINT *,' Output on moc.nc: '
+     PRINT *,' Output on mocsig.nc: '
      PRINT *,'      variables zomsfglo  : Global ocean '
      PRINT *,'      variables zomsfatl  : Atlantic Ocean '
      PRINT *,'      variables zomsfinp  : Indo Pacific '
      PRINT *,'      variables zomsfind  : Indian Ocean alone'
      PRINT *,'      variables zomsfpac  : Pacific Ocean alone'
+     PRINT *,' If new_maskglo.nc is not present mask file is used and only zomsfglo is'
+     PRINT *,' produced'
   !!   density coordinate is sigma1. 
   !!   bins are by 0.1 from 24 to 32.6  = 87 bins 
   CALL getarg (1, cfilev)
   CALL getarg (2, cfilet)
+  CALL getarg (3, cdref)
+  READ(cdref,*) pref 
   npiglo= getdim (cfilev,'x')
   npjglo= getdim (cfilev,'y')
   npk   = getdim (cfilev,'depth')
- ! define densities at middle of bins
+  !setting up the building command in global attribute
+  WRITE(cglobal,'(a,1x,a,1x,a,1x,a) ') 'cdfmocsig', TRIM(cfilev), TRIM(cfilet), TRIM(cdref)
+  !  Detects newmaskglo file 
+  INQUIRE( FILE='new_maskglo.nc', EXIST=llglo )
+  IF (llglo) THEN
+     jpbasins = 5
+     jpbasins = 1
+  ALLOCATE ( typvar(jpbasins), ipk(jpbasins), id_varout(jpbasins) )
+  ! Define density parameters
+  IF ( pref==0 ) THEN
+     IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' to be implemented soon... '
+     jpbin = 52
+     s1min = 23
+     s1scal=0.1
+  ELSE IF ( pref==1000 ) THEN
+     jpbin = 88
+     s1min = 24
+     s1scal=0.1
+  ELSE IF ( pref==2000 ) THEN
+     jpbin = 158
+     s1min = 30
+     s1scal=0.05
+     IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' this value of depth_ref is not yet implemented '
+  ALLOCATE ( sigma(jpbin) )  
+  ! define densities at middle of bins
   DO ji=1,jpbin
-    sigma(ji)  = s1min +(ji-0.5)*s1scal
+     sigma(ji)  = s1min +(ji-0.5)*s1scal
   IF (lprint) print *, ' min density:',sigma(1), ' max density:', sigma(jpbin)
- ! define new variables for output ( must update att.txt)
+  ! define new variables for output ( must update att.txt)
   typvar(1)%name= 'zomsfglo'
@@ -118,24 +159,31 @@ PROGRAM cdfmocsig
-  typvar(2)%name= 'zomsfatl'
-  typvar(2)%long_name='Meridional_Overt.Cell_Atlantic'
-  typvar(2)%short_name='zomsfatl'
+  ipk(1) = npk  !  2D
-  typvar(3)%name= 'zomsfinp'
-  typvar(3)%long_name='Meridional_Overt.Cell_IndoPacif'
-  typvar(3)%short_name='zomsfinp'
+  IF (llglo) THEN
+     typvar(2)%name= 'zomsfatl'
+     typvar(2)%long_name='Meridional_Overt.Cell_Atlantic'
+     typvar(2)%short_name='zomsfatl'
-  typvar(4)%name= 'zomsfind'
-  typvar(4)%long_name='Meridional_Overt.Cell_Indian'
-  typvar(4)%short_name='zomsfind'
+     typvar(3)%name= 'zomsfinp'
+     typvar(3)%long_name='Meridional_Overt.Cell_IndoPacif'
+     typvar(3)%short_name='zomsfinp'
-  typvar(5)%name= 'zomsfpac'
-  typvar(5)%long_name='Meridional_Overt.Cell_pacif'
-  typvar(5)%short_name='zomspac'
+     typvar(4)%name= 'zomsfind'
+     typvar(4)%long_name='Meridional_Overt.Cell_Indian'
+     typvar(4)%short_name='zomsfind'
+     typvar(5)%name= 'zomsfpac'
+     typvar(5)%long_name='Meridional_Overt.Cell_pacif'
+     typvar(5)%short_name='zomspac'
+     ipk(2) = npk  !  2D
+     ipk(3) = npk  !  2D
+     ipk(4) = npk  !  2D
+     ipk(5) = npk  !  2D
-  ipk(1:jpbasins) = jpbin     
   PRINT *, 'npiglo=', npiglo
   PRINT *, 'npjglo=', npjglo
@@ -164,33 +212,38 @@ PROGRAM cdfmocsig
   dumlon(:,:) = 0.   ! set the dummy longitude to 0
   ! create output fileset
-   IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' ready to create file:',trim( cfileoutnc), ' from reference:',trim(cfilev )
-   ncout =create(cfileoutnc, cfilev, 1,npjglo,jpbin,cdep='sigma_2')
-   IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' ready to create variables:'
-   ierr= createvar(ncout ,typvar ,jpbasins, ipk ,id_varout )
-   IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' writing variables headers:'
-   ierr= putheadervar(ncout, cfilev,1, npjglo,jpbin,pnavlon=dumlon,pnavlat=dumlat,pdep=sigma)
-   IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' writing time_counter:'
-   tim=getvar1d(cfilev,'time_counter',1)
-   ierr=putvar1d(ncout,tim,1,'T')
+  IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' ready to create file:',trim( cfileoutnc), ' from reference:',trim(cfilev )
+  ncout =create(cfileoutnc, cfilev, 1,npjglo,jpbin,cdep='sigma')
+  IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' ready to create variables:'
+  ierr= createvar(ncout ,typvar ,jpbasins, ipk ,id_varout ,cdglobal=cglobal)
+  IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' writing variables headers:'
+  ierr= putheadervar(ncout, cfilev,1, npjglo,jpbin,pnavlon=dumlon,pnavlat=dumlat,pdep=sigma)
+  IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' writing time_counter:'
+  tim=getvar1d(cfilev,'time_counter',1)
+  ierr=putvar1d(ncout,tim,1,'T')
   ! reading the masks
   ! 1 : global ; 2 : Atlantic ; 3 : Indo-Pacif ; 4 : Indian ; 5 : Pacif
-!   zmask(1,:,:)=getvar('mask.nc','vmask',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-  zmask(1,:,:)=  1.
-  zmask(2,:,:)=getvar(cbasinmask,'tmaskatl',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-  zmask(4,:,:)=getvar(cbasinmask,'tmaskind',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-  zmask(5,:,:)=getvar(cbasinmask,'tmaskpac',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-  zmask(3,:,:)=zmask(5,:,:)+zmask(4,:,:)
-  ! ensure that there are no overlapping on the masks
-  WHERE(zmask(3,:,:) > 0 ) zmask(3,:,:) = 1
+  zmask(1,:,:)=getvar('mask.nc','vmask',1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  !  zmask(1,:,:)=  1.
+  IF ( llglo ) THEN
+     zmask(2,:,:)=getvar(cbasinmask,'tmaskatl',1,npiglo,npjglo)
+     zmask(4,:,:)=getvar(cbasinmask,'tmaskind',1,npiglo,npjglo)
+     zmask(5,:,:)=getvar(cbasinmask,'tmaskpac',1,npiglo,npjglo)
+     zmask(3,:,:)=zmask(5,:,:)+zmask(4,:,:)
+     ! ensure that there are no overlapping on the masks
+     WHERE(zmask(3,:,:) > 0 ) zmask(3,:,:) = 1
+     ! change global mask for GLOBAL periodic condition
+     zmask(1,1,:) = 0.
+     zmask(1,npiglo,:) = 0.
   ! initialize moc to 0
   zomsf(:,:,:) = 0.
   DO jk = 1,npk-1
-  !               for testing purposes only loop from 2 to 400
+     !               for testing purposes only loop from 2 to 400
      IF (lprint) PRINT *,' working at depth ',jk
      ! Get velocities v at jj
      zv(:,:)= getvar(cfilev, 'vomecrty', jk,npiglo,npjglo)
@@ -208,44 +261,44 @@ PROGRAM cdfmocsig
      ibin(:,:) = ifix( (zttmp-s1min)/s1scal )
      ibin(:,:) = max( ibin(:,:) ,1)
      ibin(:,:) = min(ibin(:,:),jpbin)
-      DO jj=2,npjglo-1
-       zomsftmp = 0
-     !  converts transport in "k" to transport in "sigma"
-     !  indirect adresssing - do it once and not for each basin!
-       DO ji=2,npiglo-1
-             ztrans =   e1v(ji,jj)*e3v(ji,jj)*zv(ji,jj)
-             zomsftmp(ibin(ji,jj),ji)=zomsftmp(ibin(ji,jj),ji) - ztrans
+     DO jj=2,npjglo-1
+        zomsftmp = 0
+        !  converts transport in "k" to transport in "sigma"
+        !  indirect adresssing - do it once and not for each basin!
+        DO ji=2,npiglo-1
+           ztrans =   e1v(ji,jj)*e3v(ji,jj)*zv(ji,jj)
+           zomsftmp(ibin(ji,jj),ji)=zomsftmp(ibin(ji,jj),ji) - ztrans
         END DO
-     ! integrates 'zonally' (along i-coordinate) 
-     ! add to zomsf the contributions from level jk  at all densities jkk
+        ! integrates 'zonally' (along i-coordinate) 
+        ! add to zomsf the contributions from level jk  at all densities jkk
         DO jkk =1,jpbin  
            DO ji=2,npiglo-1
               DO jbasin= 1, jpbasins
-                      ! For all basins 
-                ztrans =   zomsftmp(jkk,ji) * zmask(jbasin,ji,jj) 
-                zomsf(jbasin,jj,jkk)=zomsf(jbasin,jj,jkk ) + ztrans
+                 ! For all basins 
+                 ztrans =   zomsftmp(jkk,ji) * zmask(jbasin,ji,jj) 
+                 zomsf(jbasin,jj,jkk)=zomsf(jbasin,jj,jkk ) + ztrans
-            END DO
+           END DO
         END DO
-     !               end of loop on latitude for filling zomsf
+        !               end of loop on latitude for filling zomsf
      END DO
      !  end of loop on depths for calculating transports     
-! integrates vertically   from bottom to surface
-   zomsf(:,:,jpbin) = zomsf(:,:,jpbin)/1.e6
-   DO jk=jpbin-1,1,-1
-      zomsf(:,:,jk) = zomsf(:,:,jk+1) + zomsf(:,:,jk)/1.e6
-   END DO  ! loop to next level
+  ! integrates vertically   from bottom to surface
+  zomsf(:,:,jpbin) = zomsf(:,:,jpbin)/1.e6
+  DO jk=jpbin-1,1,-1
+     zomsf(:,:,jk) = zomsf(:,:,jk+1) + zomsf(:,:,jk)/1.e6
+  END DO  ! loop to next level
   ! netcdf output 
   DO jbasin= 1, jpbasins
-    DO jk =1, jpbin
-    ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(jbasin),REAL(zomsf(jbasin,:,jk)), jk,1,npjglo)
-    END DO
+     DO jk =1, jpbin
+        ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(jbasin),REAL(zomsf(jbasin,:,jk)), jk,1,npjglo)
+     END DO
   ierr = closeout(ncout)
-   END PROGRAM cdfmocsig
+END PROGRAM cdfmocsig

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