[cdftools] 23/228: JMM add cdfpvor-full to the trunk

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:24 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cdftools.

commit 4ab218c27d3a39c04b2f8a5b3da33cecc152bb2b
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Mon Apr 19 11:17:58 2010 +0000

    JMM add cdfpvor-full to the trunk
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@299 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 Makefile         |   5 +-
 cdfpvor-full.f90 | 239 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 243 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 48e8b78..4e500d2 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ EXEC = cdfmoy cdfmoyt  cdfmoy_sp cdfstd cdfmoy_sal2_temp2  cdfmoy_annual cdfmoy_
        cdfeke cdfrmsssh cdfstdevw cdfstdevts cdflinreg cdfimprovechk\
        cdfbn2 cdfbn2-full  cdfsig0 cdfsigi cdfsiginsitu cdfbottomsig0 cdfbottomsigi cdfspice\
        cdfbottom cdfets cdfcurl cdfw cdfgeo-uv cdfmxl cdfmxl-full\
-       cdfrhoproj cdfisopycdep cdfsigintegr cdfpv cdflspv cdfpvor\
+       cdfrhoproj cdfisopycdep cdfsigintegr cdfpv cdflspv cdfpvor cdfpvor-full\
        cdfmhst cdfmhst-full cdfvhst cdfvhst-full cdftransportiz cdftransportiz_noheat cdftransportiz-full \
        cdftransportizpm  \
        cdfmasstrp cdfmasstrp-full \
@@ -183,6 +183,9 @@ cdflspv: cdfio.o  cdflspv.f90
 cdfpvor: cdfio.o  cdfpvor.f90
 	$(F90) cdfpvor.f90 -o cdfpvor cdfio.o eos.o  $(FFLAGS) 
+cdfpvor-full: cdfio.o  cdfpvor-full.f90
+	$(F90) cdfpvor-full.f90 -o cdfpvor-full cdfio.o eos.o  $(FFLAGS) 
 cdfkempemekeepe: cdfio.o  cdfkempemekeepe.f90
 	$(F90) cdfkempemekeepe.f90 -o cdfkempemekeepe cdfio.o  $(FFLAGS) 
diff --git a/cdfpvor-full.f90 b/cdfpvor-full.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0108b96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdfpvor-full.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+PROGRAM cdfpvor_full
+  !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!                 ***  PROGRAM cdfpvor_full ***
+  !!
+  !!  **  Purpose: Compute the Ertel Potential vorticity 
+  !!            FULL STEP VERSION
+  !!  
+  !!  **  Method: Try to avoid 3 d arrays : work with 2 levels a a time
+  !! Formula :
+  !!   Qpot = drho/dz * ( f + xsi ) = Qstr + Qrel
+  !!   * f is the Coriolis factor, computed from the latitudes of the T-grid :
+  !!       f(i,j) = 2 * omega * sin ( phit(i,j) * pi / 180 )
+  !!
+  !!   * xsi is the relative vorticity (vertical component of the velocity curl),
+  !!     computed from the relative vorticity of the F-points interpolated at
+  !!     the T-points :
+  !!     xsif(i,j) = ( ue(i,j) - ue(i,j+1) - ve(i,j) + ve(i+1,j) ) / areaf(i,j)
+  !!     with : ue(i,j) = U(i,j) * e1u(i,j)
+  !!            ve(i,j) = V(i,j) * e2v(i,j)
+  !!            areaf(i,j) = e1f(i,j) * e2f(i,j)
+  !!     xsi(i,j) = ( xsif(i-1,j-1) + xsif(i-1,j) + xsif(i,j-1) + xsif(i,j) ) / 4
+  !!              = (  ue(i-1,j-1) + ue(i,j-1) - ue(i-1,j+1) - ue(i,j+1)
+  !!                 - ve(i-1,j-1) - ve(i-1,j) + ve(i+1,j-1) + ve(i+1,j) )
+  !!                / 4 / areat(i,j)
+  !!     with : areat(i,j) = e1t(i,j) * e2t(i,j)
+  !!
+  !!   units : U, V in m.s-1
+  !!           e1u, e2v, e1f, e2f in m
+  !!           f, xsi in s-1
+  !!           Qpot, Qrel, Qstr in kg.m-4.s-1
+  !!
+  !!
+  !!           The brunt-vaisala frequency is computed using the
+  !!           polynomial expression of McDougall (1987):
+  !!           N^2 = grav * beta * ( alpha/beta*dk[ t ] - dk[ s ] )/e3w
+  !!           N2 is then insterpolated at T levels
+  !!
+  !! history:
+  !!     Original : A.M Treguier december 2005
+  !!--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!  $Rev: 256 $
+  !!  $Date: 2009-07-21 17:49:27 +0200 (Tue, 21 Jul 2009) $
+  !!  $Id: cdfpvor.f90 256 2009-07-21 15:49:27Z molines $
+  !!--------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!
+  !! * Modules used
+  USE cdfio
+  USE eos
+  !! * Local variables
+  INTEGER   :: jk, jj, ji,jt                          !: dummy loop index
+  INTEGER   :: ierr                                !: working integer
+  INTEGER   :: narg, iargc                         !: 
+  INTEGER   :: npiglo,npjglo, npk ,npt             !: size of the domain
+  INTEGER   :: iup = 1 , idown = 2, itmp
+  INTEGER, DIMENSION(3) ::  ipk, id_varout
+  REAL(kind=8) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE  :: e2v, e1u, e1t, e2t, gphit 
+  REAL(kind=4) , DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE  :: un, vn, rotn, zareat, z2fcor , stretch
+  REAL(KIND=4) , DIMENSION (:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ztemp, zsal,zwk    !: Array to read 2 layer of data
+  REAL(KIND=4) , DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::       &
+       zn2 , &              !:  Brunt Vaissala Frequency (N2)
+       tmask, e3w
+  REAL(KIND=4) , DIMENSION (:), ALLOCATABLE ::     gdepw  ,e3w_0
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cfilet , cfileu, cfilev, cfileout='pvor.nc'   !:
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: coordzgr='mesh_zgr.nc' !:
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: coord   ='mesh_hgr.nc' !:
+  TYPE(variable), DIMENSION(3) :: typvar          !: structure for attribute
+  INTEGER    :: ncout
+  INTEGER    :: istatus
+  REAL(KIND=4)   ::  zpi, zomega, rau0sg
+  LOGICAL        ::  lprint
+  rau0sg = 1020/9.81
+  lprint = .false.
+  !!  Read command line
+  narg= iargc()
+  IF ( narg /= 3 ) THEN
+     PRINT *,' Usage : cdfpvor-full gridT gridU gridV'
+     PRINT *,' Output on pvor.nc, variables vorelvor, vostrvor,vototvor'
+     PRINT *,' Need mesh_zgr.nc and coordinates.nc '
+     STOP
+  CALL getarg (1, cfilet)
+  CALL getarg (2, cfileu)
+  CALL getarg (3, cfilev)
+  npiglo= getdim (cfilet,'x')
+  npjglo= getdim (cfilet,'y')
+  npk   = getdim (cfilet,'depth')
+  npt   = getdim (cfilet,'time')
+  PRINT *, 'npiglo=', npiglo
+  PRINT *, 'npjglo=', npjglo
+  PRINT *, 'npk   =', npk
+  PRINT *, 'npt   =', npt
+  ALLOCATE ( e1u(npiglo,npjglo)  , e1t(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( e2v(npiglo,npjglo)  , e2t(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( gphit(npiglo,npjglo), z2fcor(npiglo,npjglo))
+  ALLOCATE ( zareat(npiglo,npjglo), stretch(npiglo,npjglo))
+  ALLOCATE ( un(npiglo,npjglo)   , vn(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( rotn(npiglo,npjglo) , tmask(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE (gdepw(npk),tim(npt))
+  e1u=  getvar(coord, 'e1u', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  e1t=  getvar(coord, 'e1t', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  e2v=  getvar(coord, 'e2v', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  e2t=  getvar(coord, 'e2t', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  gphit=  getvar(coord, 'gphit', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  zpi=ACOS(-1.)
+  zomega = 2*zpi/(3600*24)
+  z2fcor(:,:)=2.0*zomega*SIN(gphit(:,:)*zpi/180.0)
+  zareat(:,:) = 4.*e1t(:,:)*e2t(:,:)  ! factor of 4 to normalize relative vorticity
+  IF (lprint) print *, ' reading gdepw  in file  ', trim(coordzgr)
+  gdepw(:) = getvare3(coordzgr, 'gdepw', npk)
+  IF (lprint) print *, ' read gdepw  in file  ', trim(coordzgr)
+  tim=getvar1d(cfileu,'time_counter',1)
+  ierr=putvar1d(ncout,tim,1,'T')
+  ALLOCATE (ztemp(npiglo,npjglo,2), zsal(npiglo,npjglo,2)) 
+  ALLOCATE (zwk(npiglo,npjglo,2) )
+  ALLOCATE (zn2(npiglo,npjglo) ,    e3w_0(npk), e3w(npiglo,npjglo))
+  ! create output fileset
+  ipk(:)= npk                   ! Those three variables are  3D
+  ! define variable name and attribute
+  typvar(1)%name= 'vorelvor'
+  typvar(2)%name= 'vostrvor'
+  typvar(3)%name= 'vototvor'
+  typvar%units='kg.m-4.s-1'
+  typvar%missing_value=0.
+  typvar%valid_min= -1000.
+  typvar%valid_max= 1000.
+  typvar(1)%long_name='Relative_component_of_Ertel_PV'
+  typvar(2)%long_name='Stretching_component_of_Ertel_PV'
+  typvar(3)%long_name='Ertel_potential_vorticity'
+  typvar(1)%short_name='vorelvor'
+  typvar(2)%short_name='vostrvor'
+  typvar(3)%short_name='vototvor'
+  typvar%online_operation='N/A'
+  typvar%axis='TZYX'
+  ncout =create(cfileout, cfilet, npiglo,npjglo,npk)
+  ierr= createvar   (ncout ,typvar,3, ipk,id_varout )
+  ierr= putheadervar(ncout, cfilet,npiglo,npjglo,npk)
+  DO jt=1,npt
+  !  2 levels of T and S are required : iup,idown (with respect to W level)
+  !  Compute from bottom to top (for vertical integration)
+     PRINT *,'time=',jt,'(days:',tim(jt)/86400.,')'
+  ztemp(:,:,idown) = getvar(cfilet, 'votemper',  npk-1  ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+  zsal( :,:,idown) = getvar(cfilet, 'vosaline',  npk-1  ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+  IF (lprint) print *, ' read temperature and salinity at bottom  '
+  tim=getvar1d(cfilet,'time_counter',npt)
+  ierr=putvar1d(ncout,tim,npt,'T')
+  e3w_0(:) = getvare3(coordzgr, 'e3w',npk)
+  ! -------------------------------- LOOP OVER LEVELS
+  DO jk = npk-1, 1, -1 
+     PRINT *,'            level ',jk
+     ! ------------------------------------RELATIVE VORTICITY FIRST
+     IF (lprint) print *, ' trying to read u in file:', trim(cfileu)
+     un(:,:) =  getvar(cfileu, 'vozocrtx', jk ,npiglo,npjglo,ktime=jt)
+     IF (lprint) print *, ' trying to read v in file:', trim(cfilev)
+     vn(:,:) =  getvar(cfilev, 'vomecrty', jk ,npiglo,npjglo,ktime=jt)
+     un(:,:) = un(:,:)*e1u(:,:) ; vn(:,:) = vn(:,:)*e2v(:,:) ; 
+     IF (lprint) print *, ' read u and V OK'
+     !     relative vorticity at T point
+     rotn(:,:) = 0.
+     DO jj = 2, npjglo -1 
+       DO ji = 2, npiglo -1    
+         rotn(ji,jj) = (   un(ji-1,jj-1)  + un(ji,jj-1)  &
+                          -un(ji-1,jj+1)  - un(ji,jj+1)  &
+                          -vn(ji-1,jj-1)  - vn(ji-1,jj)  &
+                          +vn(ji+1,jj-1)  + vn(ji+1,jj)) &
+                          /zareat(ji,jj) 
+        END DO
+     END DO
+     IF (lprint) print *, ' curl calculated '
+     !     now  tmask and Vaisala Frequency bn2
+     IF ( jk > 1) then 
+        tmask(:,:)=1.
+        ztemp(:,:,iup)= getvar(cfilet, 'votemper',  jk-1 ,npiglo, npjglo,ktime=jt)
+        WHERE(ztemp(:,:,idown) == 0 ) tmask = 0
+        zsal(:,:,iup) = getvar(cfilet, 'vosaline',  jk-1 ,npiglo,npjglo,ktime=jt)
+        IF (lprint) print *, ' read temperature and salinity  '
+        e3w(:,:)   = e3w_0(jk)
+        WHERE (e3w == 0 ) e3w = 1.
+        zwk(:,:,iup) = &
+   &      eosbn2 ( ztemp,zsal,gdepw(jk),e3w, npiglo,npjglo ,iup,idown)* tmask(:,:)
+        IF (lprint) print *, ' bn2 calculated at w points   '
+     !
+     !    now put zn2 at T level (k )
+        WHERE ( zwk(:,:,idown) == 0 ) 
+           zn2(:,:) =  zwk(:,:,iup)
+        ELSEWHERE
+           zn2(:,:) = 0.5 * ( zwk(:,:,iup) + zwk(:,:,idown) ) * tmask(:,:)
+        END WHERE
+        IF (lprint) print *, ' bn2 put back at T points  '
+     ENDIF
+     !
+     !   now rotn will be converted to relative vorticity and zn2 to stretching
+     rotn(:,:)     = rotn(:,:)* rau0sg * zn2(:,:)
+     stretch(:,:)  = zn2(:,:) * rau0sg * z2fcor(:,:)
+     ! write the three variables on file at level k
+     ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(1) ,rotn*1.e7, jk ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+     ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(2) ,stretch*1.e7 , jk, npiglo, npjglo , ktime=jt)
+     ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(3) ,(rotn+stretch)*1.e7  , jk, npiglo, npjglo , ktime=jt)
+     IF (lprint) print *, ' three variables written   '
+     itmp = idown ; idown = iup ; iup = itmp
+  END DO  ! loop to next level
+ !  set zero at bottom 
+    rotn(:,:) = 0
+     ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(1) ,rotn, npk ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+     ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(2) ,rotn ,npk, npiglo, npjglo , ktime=jt)
+     ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(3) ,rotn ,npk, npiglo, npjglo , ktime=jt)
+  END DO   ! loop on time
+  istatus = closeout(ncout)
+END PROGRAM cdfpvor_full

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