[cdftools] 26/228: JMM add cdfnorth_unfold.f90 program. Not working at this revision

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:24 UTC 2015

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mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cdftools.

commit 5349e84d093e018f1dcf5da5358c112f8a3d8965
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Mon Apr 26 11:32:37 2010 +0000

    JMM add cdfnorth_unfold.f90 program. Not working at this revision
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@302 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 Makefile            |   3 +
 cdfnorth_unfold.f90 | 310 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 313 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index c98bbb3..80357c5 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -450,6 +450,9 @@ cdfvar: cdfio.o cdfvar.f90
 cdfcsp: cdfio.o cdfcsp.f90
 	$(F90)   cdfcsp.f90  -o cdfcsp cdfio.o $(FFLAGS)
+cdfnorth_unfold: cdfio.o cdfnorth_unfold.f90
+	$(F90)   cdfnorth_unfold.f90  -o cdfnorth_unfold cdfio.o $(FFLAGS)
 cdfpolymask: cdfio.o modpoly.o cdfpolymask.f90
 	$(F90)   cdfpolymask.f90  -o cdfpolymask cdfio.o modpoly.o $(FFLAGS)
diff --git a/cdfnorth_unfold.f90 b/cdfnorth_unfold.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16bdd87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdfnorth_unfold.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+PROGRAM cdfnorth_unfold
+  !!-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!                 ***  PROGRAM cdfnorth_unfold  ***
+  !!
+  !!  **  Purpose: Unfold the arctic ocean in an ORCA like configuration
+  !!               for all the variables of the file given in the arguments
+  !!  
+  !!  **  Method: read the filename, the limit of the extracted zone, and
+  !!              the type of pivot to use and the C-grid point of variables
+  !!
+  !! history :
+  !!     Original code :   J.M. Molines (Apr. 2010 )
+  !!-------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!  $Rev$
+  !!  $Date$
+  !!  $Id$
+  !!--------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!
+  USE cdfio 
+  INTEGER   :: jk,jt,jvar, jv , jtt,jkk                     !: dummy loop index
+  INTEGER   :: ierr                                         !: working integer
+  INTEGER   :: narg, iargc                                  !: 
+  INTEGER   :: npiglo,npjglo, npk ,nt                       !: size of the domain
+  INTEGER   :: nvars                                        !: Number of variables in a file
+  INTEGER   :: ijatl, ijpacif, npiarctic, npjarctic, isig
+  INTEGER , DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: id_var , &         !: arrays of var id's
+       &                             ipk    , &         !: arrays of vertical level for each var
+       &                             id_varout
+  REAL(KIND=4) , DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tab  !: Arrays for cumulated values
+  REAL(KIND=4)                                :: total_time
+  REAL(KIND=4) , DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: v2d        !: Array to read a layer of data
+  REAL(KIND=4),DIMENSION(1)                   :: timean
+  REAL(KIND=4),DIMENSION(365)                 ::  tim
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cfile ,cfileout                      !: file name
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) ::  cdep, cdum, cpivot, ctype
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) ,DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE:: cvarname   !: array of var name
+  TYPE (variable), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: typvar
+  INTEGER    :: ncout, ncout2
+  INTEGER    :: istatus
+  LOGICAL    :: lcaltmean
+  !!
+  !!  Read command line
+  narg= iargc()
+  IF ( narg /= 5 ) THEN
+     PRINT *,' Usage : cdfnorth_unfold filename jatl jpacif pivot Cgrid_point'
+     PRINT *, '    example: cdfnorth_unfold ORCA025-G70_y2000m10d02_gridT.nc 766 766 T T'
+     PRINT *, '    a file named unfold.nc will be created '
+     STOP
+  !!
+  !! Initialisation from 1st file (all file are assume to have the same geometry)
+  CALL getarg (1, cfile)
+  CALL getarg (2, cdum) ; READ(cdum,*) ijatl
+  CALL getarg (3, cdum) ; READ(cdum,*) ijpacif
+  CALL getarg (4, cpivot) 
+  CALL getarg (4, ctype )
+  ! to be improved
+  SELECT CASE ( ctype ) 
+   CASE ( 'T','t') 
+     isig=1
+   CASE ('U','u','V','v')
+     isig=-1
+  npiglo= getdim (cfile,'x')
+  npjglo= getdim (cfile,'y')
+  npk   = getdim (cfile,'depth',cdtrue=cdep, kstatus=istatus)
+  IF (istatus /= 0 ) THEN
+     npk   = getdim (cfile,'z',cdtrue=cdep,kstatus=istatus)
+     IF (istatus /= 0 ) THEN
+       npk   = getdim (cfile,'sigma',cdtrue=cdep,kstatus=istatus)
+        IF ( istatus /= 0 ) THEN 
+          npk = getdim (cfile,'nav_lev',cdtrue=cdep,kstatus=istatus)
+            IF ( istatus /= 0 ) THEN 
+              PRINT *,' assume file with no depth'
+              npk=0
+            ENDIF
+        ENDIF
+     ENDIF
+  ! to be improved
+  npiarctic=npiglo/2
+  npjarctic=npjglo-ijatl + npjglo -ijpacif 
+  PRINT *, 'npiglo=', npiglo
+  PRINT *, 'npjglo=', npjglo
+  PRINT *, 'npk   =', npk
+  ALLOCATE( tab(npiarctic, npjarctic),  v2d(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  nvars = getnvar(cfile)
+  PRINT *,' nvars =', nvars
+  ALLOCATE (cvarname(nvars) )
+  ALLOCATE (typvar(nvars) )
+  ALLOCATE (id_var(nvars),ipk(nvars),id_varout(nvars) )
+  ! get list of variable names and collect attributes in typvar (optional)
+  cvarname(:)=getvarname(cfile,nvars,typvar)
+  id_var(:)  = (/(jv, jv=1,nvars)/)
+  ! ipk gives the number of level or 0 if not a T[Z]YX  variable
+  ipk(:)     = getipk (cfile,nvars,cdep=cdep)
+  WHERE( ipk == 0 ) cvarname='none'
+  typvar(:)%name=cvarname
+  ! create output fileset
+  cfileout='unfold.nc'
+  ! create output file taking the sizes in cfile
+  ncout =create(cfileout, cfile,npiarctic,npjarctic,npk,cdep=cdep)
+  ierr= createvar(ncout , typvar,  nvars, ipk, id_varout )
+!  ierr= putheadervar(ncout , cfile, npiarctic,npjarctic, npk,cdep=cdep)
+  ierr=putvar1d(ncout,timean,1,'T')
+  DO jvar = 1,nvars
+        PRINT *,' Working with ', TRIM(cvarname(jvar)), ipk(jvar)
+        DO jk = 1, ipk(jvar)
+           PRINT *,'level ',jk
+           tab(:,:) = 0.
+              DO jtt=1,nt
+                jkk=jk
+                ! If forcing fields is without depth dimension
+                IF (npk==0) jkk=jtt 
+                v2d(:,:)= getvar(cfile, cvarname(jvar), jkk ,npiglo, npjglo,ktime=jtt )
+                CALL unfold(v2d, tab, ijatl, ijpacif, cpivot, ctype, isig)
+                ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(jvar) ,tab, jkk, npiarctic, npjarctic, ktime=jtt)
+              ENDDO
+        END DO  ! loop to next level
+  END DO ! loop to next var in file
+  istatus = closeout(ncout)
+  SUBROUTINE unfold( ptabin, ptabout, kjatl, kjpacif, cdpivot, cdtype, ksig)
+    !!------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !!            ** SUBROUTINE unfol **
+    !!
+    !!   Purpose : unfold the north pole 
+    !! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(npiglo,npjglo)      , INTENT(in)  :: ptabin
+    REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(npiarctic,npjarctic), INTENT(out) :: ptabout
+    INTEGER, INTENT(in)   ::  kjatl
+    INTEGER, INTENT(in)   ::  kjpacif
+    INTEGER, INTENT(in)   ::  ksig
+    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: cdpivot
+    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(in) :: cdtype
+    !!
+    ! local variables :
+    INTEGER :: jj, jnorth, ipivot, ij
+    !
+    SELECT CASE ( cdpivot )
+    CASE ('T','t') ; jnorth=npjglo-3
+    CASE ('F','f') ; jnorth=npjglo-2
+    DO jj=kjatl,jnorth
+     ptabout(:,jj)=ptabin(npiglo/2:npiglo, jj)
+    ENDDO
+    DO jj=jnorth, kjpacif,-1
+       ij= 1
+       ptabout(:,ij)= ksig * ptabin(1:npiglo/2, jj)
+    ENDDO
+   SUBROUTINE lbc_nfd_2d( pt2d, cd_type, psgn )
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !!                  ***  routine lbc_nfd_2d  ***
+      !!
+      !! ** Purpose :   2D lateral boundary condition : North fold treatment
+      !!       without processor exchanges. 
+      !!
+      !! ** Method  :   
+      !!
+      !! ** Action  :   pt2d with update value at its periphery
+      !!
+      !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+      !! * Arguments
+      CHARACTER(len=1) , INTENT( in ) ::   &
+         cd_type       ! define the nature of ptab array grid-points
+      !             ! = T , U , V , F , W points
+      !             ! = S : T-point, north fold treatment ???
+      !             ! = G : F-point, north fold treatment ???
+      REAL(wp), INTENT( in ) ::   &
+         psgn          ! control of the sign change
+      !             !   = -1. , the sign is changed if north fold boundary
+      !             !   =  1. , the sign is kept  if north fold boundary
+      REAL(wp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT( inout ) ::   &
+         pt2d          ! 3D array on which the boundary condition is applied
+      !! * Local declarations
+      INTEGER  ::   ji, jl, ipr2dj
+      INTEGER  ::   ijt, iju, ijpj, ijpjm1
+      SELECT CASE ( jpni )
+      CASE ( 1 )  ! only one proc along I
+         ijpj = nlcj
+         ijpj = 4
+      ipr2dj = 0 
+      ijpjm1 = ijpj-1
+      SELECT CASE ( npolj )
+      CASE ( 3, 4 )                       ! *  North fold  T-point pivot
+         SELECT CASE ( cd_type )
+         CASE ( 'T', 'S', 'W' )
+            DO ji = jpiglo/2+1, jpiglo
+               ijt=jpiglo-ji+2
+               pt2d(ji,ijpj-1) = psgn * pt2d(ijt,ijpj-1)
+            END DO
+         CASE ( 'U' )                                     ! U-point
+            DO ji = jpiglo/2, jpiglo-1
+               iju = jpiglo-ji+1
+               pt2d(ji,ijpjm1) = psgn * pt2d(iju,ijpjm1)
+            END DO
+         CASE ( 'V' )                                     ! V-point
+            DO jl =-1, ipr2dj
+               DO ji = 2, jpiglo
+                  ijt = jpiglo-ji+2
+                  pt2d(ji,ijpj+jl) = psgn * pt2d(ijt,ijpj-3-jl)
+               END DO
+            END DO
+         CASE ( 'F' , 'G' )                               ! F-point
+            DO jl =-1, ipr2dj
+               DO ji = 1, jpiglo-1
+                  iju = jpiglo-ji+1
+                  pt2d(ji,ijpj+jl) = psgn * pt2d(iju,ijpj-3-jl)
+               END DO
+            END DO
+         END SELECT
+      CASE ( 5, 6 )                        ! *  North fold  F-point pivot
+         SELECT CASE ( cd_type )
+         CASE ( 'T' , 'W' ,'S' )                          ! T-, W-point
+            DO jl = 0, ipr2dj
+               DO ji = 1, jpiglo
+                  ijt = jpiglo-ji+1
+                  pt2d(ji,ijpj+jl) = psgn * pt2d(ijt,ijpj-1-jl)
+               END DO
+            END DO
+         CASE ( 'U' )                                     ! U-point
+            DO jl = 0, ipr2dj
+               DO ji = 1, jpiglo-1
+                  iju = jpiglo-ji
+                  pt2d(ji,ijpj+jl) = psgn * pt2d(iju,ijpj-1-jl)
+               END DO
+            END DO
+         CASE ( 'V' )                                     ! V-point
+            DO jl = 0, ipr2dj
+               DO ji = 1, jpiglo
+                  ijt = jpiglo-ji+1
+                  pt2d(ji,ijpj+jl) = psgn * pt2d(ijt,ijpj-2-jl)
+               END DO
+            END DO
+            DO ji = jpiglo/2+1, jpiglo
+               ijt = jpiglo-ji+1
+               pt2d(ji,ijpjm1) = psgn * pt2d(ijt,ijpjm1)
+            END DO
+         CASE ( 'F' , 'G' )                               ! F-point
+            DO jl = 0, ipr2dj
+               DO ji = 1, jpiglo-1
+                  iju = jpiglo-ji
+                  pt2d(ji,ijpj+jl) = psgn * pt2d(iju,ijpj-2-jl)
+               END DO
+            END DO
+            DO ji = jpiglo/2+1, jpiglo-1
+               iju = jpiglo-ji
+               pt2d(ji,ijpjm1) = psgn * pt2d(iju,ijpjm1)
+            END DO
+         CASE ( 'I' )                                  ! ice U-V point
+            pt2d( 2 ,ijpj:ijpj+ipr2dj) = 0.e0
+            DO jl = 0, ipr2dj
+               DO ji = 2 , jpiglo-1
+                  ijt = jpiglo - ji + 2
+                  pt2d(ji,ijpj+jl)= 0.5 * ( pt2d(ji,ijpj-1-jl) + psgn * pt2d(ijt,ijpj-1-jl) )
+               END DO
+            END DO
+         END SELECT
+      CASE DEFAULT                           ! *  closed : the code probably never go through
+        PRINT * ,' ERROR '
+   END SUBROUTINE lbc_nfd_2d
+END PROGRAM cdfnorth_unfold

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