[cdftools] 48/228: JMM add module cdftools which holds some of the existing cdftools as subroutine. cdf_findij is the first cdftool to be converted to routine. The cdffindij has been modified to take this into consideration

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:27 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cdftools.

commit 37c0a8a72fb120a07dee75750851b2c1884438da
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Fri May 21 16:46:16 2010 +0000

    JMM add module cdftools which holds some of the existing cdftools
        as subroutine. cdf_findij is the first cdftool to be converted to
        routine. The cdffindij has been modified to take this into consideration
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@324 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 Makefile                      |  12 +-
 cdffindij.f90                 | 282 ++----------------------------------------
 cdffindij.f90 => cdftools.f90 |  91 +++++++-------
 3 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 322 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4490b58..a85b2f6 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -360,11 +360,14 @@ cdfbuoyflx: cdfio.o  eos.o cdfbuoyflx.f90
 cdfprofile: cdfio.o  cdfprofile.f90
 	$(F90) cdfprofile.f90  -o cdfprofile cdfio.o $(FFLAGS)
-cdfwhereij: cdfio.o  cdfwhereij.f90
+cdfwhereij:cdfio.o  cdfwhereij.f90
 	$(F90) cdfwhereij.f90  -o cdfwhereij cdfio.o $(FFLAGS)
-cdffindij: cdfio.o  cdffindij.f90
-	$(F90) cdffindij.f90  -o cdffindij cdfio.o $(FFLAGS)
+cdffindij: cdftools.o  cdffindij.f90
+	$(F90) cdffindij.f90  -o cdffindij cdfio.o cdftools.o $(FFLAGS)
+cdf_use_lib: cdftools.o cdf_use_lib.f90
+	$(F90) cdf_use_lib.f90  -o cdf_use_lib cdfio.o  cdftools.o $(FFLAGS)
 cdfweight: cdfio.o  cdfweight.f90
 	$(F90) cdfweight.f90  -o cdfweight cdfio.o $(FFLAGS)
@@ -499,6 +502,9 @@ cdfio.o: cdfio.f90
 eos.o: eos.f90
 	$(F90) -c eos.f90 $(FFLAGS)
+cdftools.o: cdfio.o cdftools.f90
+	$(F90) -c cdftools.f90 $(FFLAGS)
 modpoly.o: modpoly.f90
 	$(F90) -c modpoly.f90 $(FFLAGS)
diff --git a/cdffindij.f90 b/cdffindij.f90
index 8d83155..b521dd0 100644
--- a/cdffindij.f90
+++ b/cdffindij.f90
@@ -19,24 +19,15 @@ PROGRAM cdffindij
   !!  $Id$
   !! * Modules used
-  USE cdfio
+  USE cdftools
   !! * Local variables
   INTEGER :: narg, iargc, niter
   INTEGER :: imin, imax, jmin, jmax
-  INTEGER :: iloc, jloc
-  INTEGER :: npiglo, npjglo
-  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jpitermax=15
-  REAL(KIND=8)                              :: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, rdis
-  REAL(KIND=4)                              :: glamfound, glamin, glamax
-  REAL(KIND=8)                              :: glam0, emax
-  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: glam, gphi, e1, e2
+  REAL(KIND=4)                              :: xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax
   CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cdum, coord='coordinates.nc', ctype='F'
-  LOGICAL  :: lagain, lbord
   !!  Read command line and output usage message if not compliant.
   narg= iargc()
   IF ( narg < 4 ) THEN
@@ -47,14 +38,11 @@ PROGRAM cdffindij
-  CALL getarg (1, cdum )
-  READ(cdum,*) xmin
-  CALL getarg (2, cdum )
-  READ(cdum,*) xmax
-  CALL getarg (3, cdum )
-  READ(cdum,*) ymin
-  CALL getarg (4, cdum )
-  READ(cdum,*) ymax
+  CALL getarg (1, cdum ) ; READ(cdum,*) xmin
+  CALL getarg (2, cdum ) ; READ(cdum,*) xmax
+  CALL getarg (3, cdum ) ; READ(cdum,*) ymin
+  CALL getarg (4, cdum ) ; READ(cdum,*) ymax
   ! if 5th argument not given coordinates.nc is assumed
   IF ( narg > 4 ) THEN
      CALL getarg (5, coord )
@@ -64,259 +52,5 @@ PROGRAM cdffindij
      CALL getarg (6, ctype )
-  npiglo= getdim (coord,'x')
-  npjglo= getdim (coord,'y')
-  ALLOCATE (glam(npiglo,npjglo), gphi(npiglo,npjglo) )
-  ALLOCATE (e1(npiglo,npjglo), e2(npiglo,npjglo) )
-  SELECT CASE ( ctype )
-  CASE ('T' , 't' )
-     glam(:,:) = getvar(coord, 'glamt',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     gphi(:,:) = getvar(coord, 'gphit',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     e1  (:,:) = getvar(coord, 'e1t'  ,1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     e2  (:,:) = getvar(coord, 'e2t'  ,1,npiglo,npjglo)
-  CASE ('U','u' )
-     glam(:,:) = getvar(coord, 'glamu',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     gphi(:,:) = getvar(coord, 'gphiu',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     e1  (:,:) = getvar(coord, 'e1u'  ,1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     e2  (:,:) = getvar(coord, 'e2u'  ,1,npiglo,npjglo)
-  CASE ('V','v' )
-     glam(:,:) = getvar(coord, 'glamv',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     gphi(:,:) = getvar(coord, 'gphiv',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     e1  (:,:) = getvar(coord, 'e1v'  ,1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     e2  (:,:) = getvar(coord, 'e2v'  ,1,npiglo,npjglo)
-  CASE ('F','f' )
-     glam(:,:) = getvar(coord, 'glamf',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     gphi(:,:) = getvar(coord, 'gphif',1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     e1  (:,:) = getvar(coord, 'e1f'  ,1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     e2  (:,:) = getvar(coord, 'e2f'  ,1,npiglo,npjglo)
-     PRINT *,' ERROR : type of point not known: ', TRIM(ctype)
-  ! work with longitude between 0 and 360 to avoid  the date line.
-    WHERE( glam < 0 ) glam=glam+360.
-  ! For Orca grid, the longitude of ji=1 is about 70 E
-  glam0=glam(1, npjglo/2)
-  WHERE( glam < glam0 ) glam=glam+360.
-    IF (xmin < 0.) xmin = xmin +360.
-    IF (xmax < 0.) xmax = xmax +360.
-    IF (xmin < glam0) xmin = xmin +360.
-    IF (xmax < glam0) xmax = xmax +360.
-  lagain = .TRUE.
-  niter = 1
-  DO WHILE (lagain)
-     CALL Nearestpoint(xmin,ymin,npiglo,npjglo,glam,gphi,iloc,jloc,lbord)
-     ! distance between the target point and the nearest point
-     rdis=dist(xmin,glam(iloc,jloc),ymin,gphi(iloc,jloc) ) ! in km
-     ! typical grid size (diagonal) in the vicinity of nearest point
-     emax= MAX(e1(iloc,jloc),e2(iloc,jloc))/1000.*SQRT(2.) ! in km
-!    rdis = (xmin - glam(iloc,jloc))**2 + (ymin - gphi(iloc,jloc))**2
-!    rdis = SQRT(rdis)
-     IF (rdis  > emax ) THEN
-         glamfound=glam(iloc,jloc) ; IF (glamfound > 180.)  glamfound=glamfound -360.
-        PRINT 9000, 'Long= ',glamfound,' Lat = ',gphi(iloc,jloc)&
-             &               , iloc, jloc 
-        PRINT *,' Algorithme ne converge pas ', rdis 
-        IF ( niter >=  jpitermax ) STOP ' pas de convergence apres iteration'
-        lagain = .TRUE.
-        niter = niter +1
-        ! change location of first guess point for next interation
-        jloc = (niter -1)* npjglo/niter
-        iloc = (niter -1)* npiglo/jpitermax
-     ELSE
-        PRINT '("#  rdis= ",f8.3," km")', rdis
-        lagain = .FALSE.
-     END IF
-  IF (lbord) THEN
-     WRITE (*,*)'Point  Out of domain or on boundary'
-     imin=iloc
-     jmin=jloc
-     !      PRINT 9000, 'Long= ',glam(iloc,jloc),' lat = ',gphi(iloc,jloc), iloc, jloc 
-  !
-  lagain = .TRUE.
-  niter = 1
-  iloc=npiglo/2 ; jloc=npjglo/2
-  DO WHILE (lagain)
-     CALL Nearestpoint(xmax,ymax,npiglo,npjglo,glam,gphi,iloc,jloc,lbord)
-     ! distance between the target point and the nearest point
-     rdis=dist(xmax,glam(iloc,jloc),ymax,gphi(iloc,jloc) ) ! in km
-     ! typical grid size (diagonal) in the vicinity of nearest point
-     emax= MAX(e1(iloc,jloc),e2(iloc,jloc))/1000.*SQRT(2.) ! in km
-!    rdis = (xmax - glam(iloc,jloc))**2 + (ymax - gphi(iloc,jloc))**2
-!    rdis = SQRT(rdis)
-     IF (rdis >  emax ) THEN
-         glamfound=glam(iloc,jloc) ; IF (glamfound > 180.)  glamfound=glamfound -360.
-        PRINT 9000, 'Long= ',glamfound,' Lat = ',gphi(iloc,jloc) &
-             &               , iloc, jloc
-        PRINT *,' Algorithme ne converge pas ', rdis
-        IF ( niter >= jpitermax ) STOP ' pas de convergence apres iteration'
-        lagain = .TRUE.
-        niter = niter +1
-        jloc = (niter -1)* npjglo/niter
-        iloc = (niter -1)* npiglo/jpitermax
-     ELSE
-        PRINT '("#  rdis= ",f8.3," km")', rdis
-        lagain = .FALSE.
-     END IF
-  IF (lbord) THEN
-     WRITE (*,*) 'Point  Out of domain or on boundary'
-     imax=iloc
-     jmax=jloc
-     !      PRINT 9000, 'Long= ',glam(iloc,jloc),' lat = ',gphi(iloc,jloc), iloc, jloc
-  PRINT 9001, imin,imax, jmin, jmax
-  glamin=glam(imin,jmin) ;glamax=glam(imax,jmax)
-  IF ( glamin > 180 ) glamin=glamin-360.
-  IF ( glamax > 180 ) glamax=glamax-360.
-  PRINT 9002, glamin, glamax, gphi(imin,jmin),gphi(imax,jmax)
-9000 FORMAT(a,f8.2,a,f8.2,2i5)
-9001 FORMAT(4i10)
-9002 FORMAT(4f10.4)
-  SUBROUTINE Nearestpoint(pplon,pplat,kpi,kpj,plam,pphi,kpiloc,kpjloc,ldbord)
-    !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    !!            ***  SUBROUTINE NEARESTPOINT  ***
-    !!
-    !!   ** Purpose:  Computes the positions of the nearest i,j in the grid
-    !!                from the given longitudes and latitudes
-    !!
-    !!   ** Method :  Starts on the middle of the grid, search in a 20x20 box, and move
-    !!     the box in the direction where the distance between the box and the
-    !!     point is minimum
-    !!     Iterates ...
-    !!     Stops when the point is outside the grid.
-    !!     This algorithm does not work on the Mediteranean grid !
-    !!
-    !!   * history:
-    !!        Anne de Miranda et Pierre-Antoine Darbon Jul. 2000 (CLIPPER)
-    !!        Jean-Marc Molines : In NEMO form
-    !!----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    !* arguments
-    REAL(KIND=8),INTENT(in)   ::  pplon,pplat   !: lon and lat of target point
-    INTEGER,INTENT (in)       ::  kpi,kpj       !: grid size
-    INTEGER,INTENT (inout)    :: kpiloc,kpjloc  !: nearest point location
-    REAL(KIND=8),DIMENSION(kpi,kpj),INTENT(in) ::  pphi,plam  !: model grid layout
-    LOGICAL                   :: ldbord         !: reach boundary flag
-    ! * local variables
-    INTEGER :: ji,jj,i0,j0,i1,j1
-    INTEGER :: itbl
-    REAL(KIND=4) ::  zdist,zdistmin,zdistmin0
-    LOGICAL, SAVE ::  lbordcell, lfirst=.TRUE.
-    !!
-    ! Initial values
-    IF ( lfirst ) THEN
-      kpiloc = kpi/2 ; kpjloc = kpj/2    ! seek from the middle of domain
-      lfirst=.false.
-    ENDIF
-    itbl = 10                          ! block size for search
-    zdistmin=1000000. ; zdistmin0=1000000.
-    i0=kpiloc ;  j0=kpjloc
-    lbordcell=.TRUE.;   ldbord=.FALSE.
-    ! loop until found or boundary reach
-    DO  WHILE ( lbordcell .AND. .NOT. ldbord)
-       i0=kpiloc-itbl ;  i1=kpiloc+itbl
-       j0=kpjloc-itbl ;  j1=kpjloc+itbl
-       ! search only the inner domain
-       IF (i0 <= 0) i0=2
-       IF (i1 > kpi) i1=kpi-1
-       IF (j0 <= 0) j0=2
-       IF( j1 > kpj) j1=kpj-1
-       ! within a block itbl+1 x itbl+1:
-       DO jj=j0,j1
-          DO ji=i0,i1
-             ! compute true distance (orthodromy) between target point and grid point
-             zdist=dist(pplon,plam(ji,jj),pplat,pphi(ji,jj) )
-             zdistmin=MIN(zdistmin,zdist)
-             ! update kpiloc, kpjloc if distance decreases
-             IF (zdistmin .NE. zdistmin0 ) THEN
-                kpiloc=ji
-                kpjloc=jj
-             ENDIF
-             zdistmin0=zdistmin
-          END DO
-       END DO
-       lbordcell=.FALSE.
-       ! if kpiloc, kpjloc belong to block boundary proceed to next block, centered on kpiloc, kpjloc
-       IF (kpiloc == i0 .OR. kpiloc == i1) lbordcell=.TRUE.
-       IF (kpjloc == j0 .OR. kpjloc == j1) lbordcell=.TRUE.
-       ! boundary reach ---> not found
-       IF (kpiloc == 2  .OR. kpiloc ==kpi-1) ldbord=.TRUE.
-       IF (kpjloc == 2  .OR. kpjloc ==kpj-1) ldbord=.TRUE.
-    END DO
-  FUNCTION dist(plona,plonb,plata,platb)
-    !!----------------------------------------------------------
-    !!           ***  FUNCTION  DIST  ***
-    !!
-    !!  ** Purpose : Compute the distance (km) between
-    !!          point A (lona, lata) and B(lonb,latb)
-    !!
-    !!  ** Method : Compute the distance along the orthodromy
-    !!
-    !! * history : J.M. Molines in CHART, f90, may 2007
-    !!----------------------------------------------------------
-    ! Argument
-    REAL(KIND=8), INTENT(in) :: plata, plona, platb, plonb
-    REAL(KIND=8) :: dist
-    ! Local variables
-    REAL(KIND=8),SAVE ::  zlatar, zlatbr, zlonar, zlonbr
-    REAL(KIND=8) ::  zpds
-    REAL(KIND=8),SAVE :: zux, zuy, zuz
-    REAL(KIND=8) :: zvx, zvy, zvz
-    REAL(KIND=8), SAVE :: prevlat=-1000., prevlon=-1000, zr, zpi, zconv
-    LOGICAL :: lfirst=.TRUE.
-    ! initialise some values at first call
-    IF ( lfirst ) THEN
-       lfirst=.FALSE.
-       ! constants
-       zpi=ACOS(-1.)
-       zconv=zpi/180.  ! for degree to radian conversion
-       ! Earth radius
-       zr=(6378.137+6356.7523)/2.0 ! km
-    ENDIF
-    ! compute these term only if they differ from previous call
-    IF ( plata /= prevlat .OR. plona /= prevlon) THEN
-       zlatar=plata*zconv
-       zlonar=plona*zconv
-       zux=COS(zlonar)*COS(zlatar)
-       zuy=SIN(zlonar)*COS(zlatar)
-       zuz=SIN(zlatar)
-       prevlat=plata
-       prevlon=plona
-    ENDIF
-    zlatbr=platb*zconv
-    zlonbr=plonb*zconv
-    zvx=COS(zlonbr)*COS(zlatbr)
-    zvy=SIN(zlonbr)*COS(zlatbr)
-    zvz=SIN(zlatbr)
-    zpds=zux*zvx+zuy*zvy+zuz*zvz
-    IF (zpds >= 1.) THEN
-       dist=0.
-    ELSE
-       dist=zr*ACOS(zpds)
-    ENDIF
+   CALL cdf_findij ( xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, imin, imax, jmin, jmax, cd_coord=coord, cd_point=ctype)
 END PROGRAM cdffindij
diff --git a/cdffindij.f90 b/cdftools.f90
similarity index 84%
copy from cdffindij.f90
copy to cdftools.f90
index 8d83155..8feb92e 100644
--- a/cdffindij.f90
+++ b/cdftools.f90
@@ -1,29 +1,45 @@
-PROGRAM cdffindij
-  !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
-  !!               ***  PROGRAM cdffindij  ***
+MODULE cdftools
+  !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!             ***   MODULE  cdftools  ***
+  !!    
+  !!   Purpose : this module holds subroutine that corresponds to cdftools.
+  !!             for example cdf_findij is the subroutine equivalent to cdffindij
-  !!  **  Purpose  :  return the window index (imin imax jmin jmax )
-  !!          for the geographical windows given on input (longmin longmax latmin matmax)
+  !!   Method : when necessery or usefull, an existing cdftools is transformed in
+  !!            a callable routine. We decided to call the routine cdf_xxxx, in
+  !!            order to make the difference with the corresponding program
-  !!  **  Method   :  Read the coordinate/mesh_hgr file and look
-  !!                  for the glam, gphi variables
-  !!                  Then use a seach algorithm to find the corresponding I J
-  !!                 The point type ( T U V F ) is specified on the command line
-  !!                 as well as the name of the coordinate/mesh hgr file.
-  !!
-  !! history ;
-  !!  Original :  J.M. Molines (November 2005 )
-  !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!  history: Original: J.M. Molines, A. Melet-Dieudonne (May 2010)
+  !!---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   !!  $Rev$
   !!  $Date$
   !!  $Id$
-  !! * Modules used
   USE cdfio
+  PRIVATE     
+  ! list of public subroutines that can be called
+  PUBLIC :: cdf_findij 
+  SUBROUTINE cdf_findij ( pxmin, pxmax, pymin, pymax,             &
+             &            kimin, kimax, kjmin, kjmax,             &
+             &                       cd_coord, cd_point )
+   !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   !!             ***   SUBROUTINE CDF_FINDIJ   ***
+   !!           
+   !!   Purpose : the routine equivalent of cdffindij
+   !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   !! Arguments
+    REAL(KIND=4), INTENT(in) :: pxmin, pxmax, pymin, pymax   !: geographical window in lon-lat
+    INTEGER,     INTENT(out) :: kimin, kimax, kjmin, kjmax   !: equivalent in model coordinates
+    CHARACTER(*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: cd_coord !: coordinate file name (default coordinates.nc)
+    CHARACTER(*), OPTIONAL, INTENT(in) :: cd_point !: point type (default F )
   !! * Local variables
-  INTEGER :: narg, iargc, niter
+  INTEGER :: niter
   INTEGER :: imin, imax, jmin, jmax
   INTEGER :: iloc, jloc
   INTEGER :: npiglo, npjglo
@@ -37,32 +53,14 @@ PROGRAM cdffindij
   CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cdum, coord='coordinates.nc', ctype='F'
   LOGICAL  :: lagain, lbord
-  !!  Read command line and output usage message if not compliant.
-  narg= iargc()
-  IF ( narg < 4 ) THEN
-     PRINT *,' Usage : cdffindij  xmin xmax ymin ymax  [coord_file] [point_type]'
-     PRINT *,' return the i,j  position for the zoomed area (nearest point ) '
-     PRINT *,' as read in coord_file for the point type specified by point_type'
-     PRINT *,' Example : cdffindij  -70 15 -20 25  coordinate_ORCA025.nc F '
-     STOP
-  CALL getarg (1, cdum )
-  READ(cdum,*) xmin
-  CALL getarg (2, cdum )
-  READ(cdum,*) xmax
-  CALL getarg (3, cdum )
-  READ(cdum,*) ymin
-  CALL getarg (4, cdum )
-  READ(cdum,*) ymax
-  ! if 5th argument not given coordinates.nc is assumed
-  IF ( narg > 4 ) THEN
-     CALL getarg (5, coord )
-  ! if 6th argument not given, assume F point
-  IF ( narg == 6 ) THEN
-     CALL getarg (6, ctype )
+  xmin = pxmin
+  xmax = pxmax
+  ymin = pymin
+  ymax = pymax
+  IF ( PRESENT( cd_coord) ) coord=cd_coord
+  IF ( PRESENT( cd_point) ) ctype=cd_point
   npiglo= getdim (coord,'x')
   npjglo= getdim (coord,'y')
@@ -174,7 +172,9 @@ PROGRAM cdffindij
      !      PRINT 9000, 'Long= ',glam(iloc,jloc),' lat = ',gphi(iloc,jloc), iloc, jloc
   PRINT 9001, imin,imax, jmin, jmax
+  kimin=imin ; kimax=imax; kjmin=jmin ; kjmax=jmax
   glamin=glam(imin,jmin) ;glamax=glam(imax,jmax)
   IF ( glamin > 180 ) glamin=glamin-360.
   IF ( glamax > 180 ) glamax=glamax-360.
@@ -182,8 +182,8 @@ PROGRAM cdffindij
 9000 FORMAT(a,f8.2,a,f8.2,2i5)
 9001 FORMAT(4i10)
 9002 FORMAT(4f10.4)
+   END SUBROUTINE cdf_findij
   SUBROUTINE Nearestpoint(pplon,pplat,kpi,kpj,plam,pphi,kpiloc,kpjloc,ldbord)
     !!            ***  SUBROUTINE NEARESTPOINT  ***
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ CONTAINS
     ! Initial values
     IF ( lfirst ) THEN
       kpiloc = kpi/2 ; kpjloc = kpj/2    ! seek from the middle of domain
-      lfirst=.false.
+      lfirst=.FALSE.
     itbl = 10                          ! block size for search
     zdistmin=1000000. ; zdistmin0=1000000.
@@ -319,4 +319,5 @@ CONTAINS
-END PROGRAM cdffindij
+END MODULE cdftools

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