[cdftools] 55/228: JMM add netcdf output to cdftransportiz_noheat_obc.f90

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:28 UTC 2015

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commit 8f3076547c888347bcd581192712e0d70f455216
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Wed Jun 9 10:38:14 2010 +0000

    JMM add netcdf output to cdftransportiz_noheat_obc.f90
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@331 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 cdftransportiz.f90            |   2 +-
 cdftransportiz_noheat_obc.f90 | 152 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cdftransportiz.f90 b/cdftransportiz.f90
index a57e713..f2bd3a1 100644
--- a/cdftransportiz.f90
+++ b/cdftransportiz.f90
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ PROGRAM cdftransportiz
   !!             This program use a zig-zag line going through U and V-points.
   !!             It takes as input : VT files, gridU, gridV files.
   !!             The mesh_hgr.nc, mesh_hzr.nc are required.
-  !!             It is conveniebt to use an ASCII file as the standard input to give
+  !!             It is convenient to use an ASCII file as the standard input to give
   !!             the name and the imin imax jmin jmax for eaxh section required
   !!             The last name of this ASCII file must be EOF
diff --git a/cdftransportiz_noheat_obc.f90 b/cdftransportiz_noheat_obc.f90
index 7f22bc0..a52b73e 100644
--- a/cdftransportiz_noheat_obc.f90
+++ b/cdftransportiz_noheat_obc.f90
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-PROGRAM cdftransportiz
+PROGRAM cdftransportiz_noheat_obc
-  !!               ***  PROGRAM cdftransportiz  ***
+  !!               ***  PROGRAM cdftransportiz_noheat_obc  ***
   !!  **  Purpose: Compute Transports across a section
   !!               PARTIAL STEPS version
@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@ PROGRAM cdftransportiz
   !! history :
   !!   Original :  J.M. Molines (jan. 2005)
   !!               J.M. Molines Apr 2005 : use modules
+  !!               J.M. Molines Jun. 2010 : adaptation for OBC files
   !!  $Rev: 264 $
   !!  $Date: 2009-09-08 17:49:35 +0200 (Tue, 08 Sep 2009) $
-  !!  $Id: cdftransportiz_noheat.f90 264 2009-09-08 15:49:35Z mathiot $
+  !!  $Id: cdftransportiz_noheat_obc.f90 264 2009-09-08 15:49:35Z mathiot $
   !! * Modules used
   USE cdfio
@@ -36,12 +37,16 @@ PROGRAM cdftransportiz
   INTEGER :: nclass   !: number of depth class
   INTEGER ,DIMENSION (:),ALLOCATABLE ::  imeter  !: limit beetween depth level, in m (nclass -1)
   INTEGER ,DIMENSION (:),ALLOCATABLE :: ilev0,ilev1 !: limit in levels  ! nclass
-  INTEGER   :: jk, jclass                          !: dummy loop index
+  INTEGER   :: jk, jclass, jj                      !: dummy loop index
   INTEGER   :: narg, iargc                         !: command line 
   INTEGER   :: npiglo,npjglo, npk                  !: size of the domain
   INTEGER   :: imin, imax, jmin, jmax, ik 
-  INTEGER   :: numout = 10, numin=23, numout1 = 24
+  INTEGER   :: numout = 10, numvtrp=11, numhtrp=12, numstrp=14
+  ! added to write in netcdf
+  INTEGER :: kx=1, ky=1, kz=1          ! dims of netcdf output file
+  INTEGER :: nboutput=7                ! number of values to write in cdf output
+  INTEGER :: ncout, ierr               ! for netcdf output
+  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE ::  ipk, id_varout
   ! broken line stuff
   INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jpseg=10000
   INTEGER :: i0,j0,i1,j1, i, j
@@ -68,11 +73,22 @@ PROGRAM cdftransportiz
   REAL(KIND=8),   DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zuobc, zvobc
   REAL(KIND=8),   DIMENSION (:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ztrpu, ztrpv, ztrput,ztrpvt, ztrpus,ztrpvs
-  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cfileu, cfilev, csection, cfileout='section_trp.dat'
+  ! added to write in netcdf
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  dumlon, dumlat
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (1)               ::  tim ! time counter
+  TYPE(variable), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: typvar  ! structure of output
+  !
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cfilet ,cfileout='section_trp.dat', &
+       &                       cfileu, cfilev, csection , &
+       &                       cfilvtrp='vtrp.txt', cfilhtrp='htrp.txt', cfilstrp='strp.txt'
   CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: coordhgr='mesh_hgr.nc',  coordzgr='mesh_zgr.nc', cdum
   INTEGER    ::  nxtarg
   LOGICAL    :: ltest=.FALSE., l_merid=.false.,  l_zonal=.false.
+  ! added to write in netcdf
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cfileoutnc 
+  ! added to write in netcdf
+  LOGICAL :: lwrtcdf=.TRUE.
   ! constants
   REAL(KIND=4)   ::  rau0=1000.,  rcp=4000.
@@ -116,6 +132,77 @@ PROGRAM cdftransportiz
   npjglo= MAX(1 ,getdim (cfileu,'y') )
   npk   = getdim (cfileu,'depth')
+ IF(lwrtcdf) THEN
+     ALLOCATE ( typvar(nboutput), ipk(nboutput), id_varout(nboutput) )
+     ALLOCATE (dumlon(1,1) , dumlat(1,1) )
+     dumlon(:,:)=0.
+     dumlat(:,:)=0.
+     DO jj=1,nboutput
+        ipk(jj)=1
+     ENDDO
+     ! define new variables for output
+     typvar(1)%name='vtrp'
+     typvar(1)%units='Sverdrup'
+     typvar%missing_value=99999.
+     typvar(1)%valid_min= -1000.
+     typvar(1)%valid_max= 1000.
+     typvar%scale_factor= 1.
+     typvar%add_offset= 0.
+     typvar%savelog10= 0.
+     typvar(1)%long_name='Mass_Transport'
+     typvar(1)%short_name='vtrp'
+     typvar%online_operation='N/A'
+     typvar%axis='T'
+     typvar(2)%name='lonmin'
+     typvar(2)%units='deg'
+     typvar(2)%valid_min= -180.
+     typvar(2)%valid_max= 180.
+     typvar(2)%long_name='minimum_longitude_of_section'
+     typvar(2)%short_name='lonmin'
+     typvar(3)%name='lonmax'
+     typvar(3)%units='deg'
+     typvar(3)%valid_min= -180.
+     typvar(3)%valid_max= 180.
+     typvar(3)%long_name='maximum_longitude_of_section'
+     typvar(3)%short_name='lonmax'
+     typvar(4)%name='latmin'
+     typvar(4)%units='deg'
+     typvar(4)%valid_min= -90.
+     typvar(4)%valid_max= 90.
+     typvar(4)%long_name='minimum_latitude_of_section'
+     typvar(4)%short_name='latmin'
+     typvar(5)%name='latmax'
+     typvar(5)%units='deg'
+     typvar(5)%valid_min= -90.
+     typvar(5)%valid_max= 90.
+     typvar(5)%long_name='maximum_latitude_of_section'
+     typvar(5)%short_name='latmax'
+     typvar(6)%name='top'
+     typvar(6)%units='meters'
+     typvar(6)%valid_min= 0.
+     typvar(6)%valid_max= 10000.
+     typvar(6)%long_name='min_depth_of_the_section'
+     typvar(6)%short_name='top'
+     typvar(7)%name='bottom'
+     typvar(7)%units='meters'
+     typvar(7)%valid_min= 0.
+     typvar(7)%valid_max= 10000.
+     typvar(7)%long_name='max_depth_of_the_section'
+     typvar(7)%short_name='bottom'
   IF ( npiglo == 1 ) THEN
     PRINT *,' Meridional OBC'
@@ -261,21 +348,16 @@ PROGRAM cdftransportiz
      END DO  ! loop to next level
   END DO    ! next class
-  OPEN(numout1,FILE='out.txt')
-! OPEN(numin,FILE='section.dat')
-      PRINT *, ' Give name of section '
-!    READ(numin,*) csection
+     PRINT *, ' Give name of section '
      READ(*,'(a)') csection
-!    PRINT *, ' Give name of section  : ', TRIM(csection)
      IF (TRIM(csection) == 'EOF' ) CLOSE(numout)
-     IF (TRIM(csection) == 'EOF' ) CLOSE(numout1)
      IF (TRIM(csection) == 'EOF' ) EXIT
-      PRINT *, ' Give imin, imax, jmin, jmax '
-!    READ(numin,*) imin, imax, jmin, jmax
+     PRINT *, ' Give imin, imax, jmin, jmax '
      READ(*,*) imin, imax, jmin, jmax
-!    PRINT *, ' Give imin, imax, jmin, jmax ',imin, imax, jmin, jmax
      !! Find the broken line between P1 (imin,jmin) and P2 (imax, jmax)
      !! ---------------------------------------------------------------
      ! ... Initialization
@@ -421,10 +503,38 @@ PROGRAM cdftransportiz
            WRITE(numout,*)  '% nada LONmin LATmin LONmax LATmax'
            WRITE(numout,*)  '% Top(m)  Bottom(m)  MassTrans(Sv) HeatTrans(PW) SaltTrans(kt/s)'
            WRITE(numout,*) 0 ,imin, imax, jmin, jmax
-           WRITE(numout,9003) 0 ,gla(1),gphi(1), gla(nn-1), gphi(nn-1)
-        ENDIF
-        WRITE(numout,9002) gdepw(ilev0(jclass)), gdepw(ilev1(jclass)+1), voltrpsum/1.e6, 0.e0, 0.e0
-        WRITE(numout1,9004) voltrpsum/1.e6
+              WRITE(numout,9003) 0. ,gla(1),gphi(1), gla(nn-1), gphi(nn-1)
+           ENDIF
+           WRITE(numout,9002) gdepw(ilev0(jclass)), gdepw(ilev1(jclass)+1), voltrpsum/1.e6
+           WRITE(numvtrp,'(e12.6)') voltrpsum
+           IF(lwrtcdf) THEN
+              ! create output fileset
+              cfileoutnc=TRIM(csection)//'_transports.nc'
+              ncout =create(cfileoutnc,'none',kx,ky,kz,cdep='depthw')
+              ierr= createvar(ncout,typvar,nboutput,ipk,id_varout )
+              ierr= putheadervar(ncout, cfilev,kx, &
+                   ky,kz,pnavlon=dumlon,pnavlat=dumlat,pdep=gdepw)
+              tim=getvar1d(cfilev,'time_counter',1)
+              ierr=putvar1d(ncout,tim,1,'T')
+              ! netcdf output 
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(1), REAL(voltrpsum/1.e6) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(2), REAL(gla(1)) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(3), REAL(gla(nn-1)) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(4), REAL(gphi(1)) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(5), REAL(gphi(nn-1)) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(6), REAL(gdepw(ilev0(jclass))) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(7), REAL(gdepw(ilev1(jclass)+1)) )
+              ierr = closeout(ncout)
+           ENDIF
      END DO ! next class
   END DO ! infinite loop : gets out when input is EOF
@@ -543,4 +653,4 @@ CONTAINS
     END IF
   END SUBROUTINE interm_pt
-END PROGRAM cdftransportiz
+END PROGRAM cdftransportiz_noheat_obc

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