[cdftools] 61/228: add cdfzonalintdeg created by C. Dufour

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:29 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cdftools.

commit a1cee8cbd9b170b75cc11770100ffb68e877b3e4
Author: dufour <dufour at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Fri Aug 27 12:17:24 2010 +0000

    add cdfzonalintdeg created by C. Dufour
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@337 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 cdfzonalintdeg.f90 | 287 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 287 insertions(+)

diff --git a/cdfzonalintdeg.f90 b/cdfzonalintdeg.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..169843e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdfzonalintdeg.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+PROGRAM cdfzonalintdeg
+  !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!               ***  PROGRAM cdfzonalintdeg  ***
+  !!
+  !!  **  Purpose  :  Compute the zonal sum per degree of latitude
+  !!  
+  !!  **  Method   :  
+  !!                  Results are saved on zonalintdeg.nc file with 
+  !!                  variables name respectively as follow:
+  !!                  same as input except that the 2 first char are
+  !!                  changed to zo. Then a suffix is append to the
+  !!                  name of the variable : glo atl inp ind and pac
+  !!                  if a subbasin mask is given on input., else
+  !!                  the suffix glo is used. Example :
+  !!                  sosaline_glo sosaline_atl etc ...
+  !!
+  !!
+  !! history ;
+  !!  Original :  J.M. Molines (nov. 2005) 
+  !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!  $Rev: 256 $
+  !!  $Date: 2009-07-21 17:49:27 +0200 (mar 21 jui 2009) $
+  !!  $Id: cdfzonalsum.f90 256 2009-07-21 15:49:27Z molines $
+  !!--------------------------------------------------------------
+  !! * Modules used
+  USE cdfio
+  !! * Local variables
+  INTEGER   :: npbasins=1, ivar = 0                !: number of subbasin, number of output var
+  INTEGER   :: jbasin, jj, jk ,ji ,jvar ,jjvar     !: dummy loop index
+  INTEGER   :: ierr                                !: working integer
+  INTEGER   :: narg, iargc                         !: command line 
+  INTEGER   :: npiglo,npjglo, npk                  !: size of the domain
+  INTEGER   :: ncout
+  INTEGER   :: nvars , mvar                        !: number of variables in the file
+  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE ::  ipk, ijvar, ipko, id_varout    !: jpbasin x nvar
+  INTEGER, DIMENSION(2)              ::  iloc
+  REAL(KIND=4)                                   :: ra = 6371229         !: earth radius
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:),     ALLOCATABLE ::  e1, e2, gphi, zv    !:  metrics, velocity
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:),       ALLOCATABLE ::  alpha               !:  number of degrees for a given latitude
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:),     ALLOCATABLE ::  dumlon              !: dummy longitude = 0.
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:),     ALLOCATABLE ::  dumlat              !: latitude for i = north pole
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:),     ALLOCATABLE ::  zmaskvar
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:),       ALLOCATABLE ::  gdep                !: gdept or gdepw
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:,:),   ALLOCATABLE ::  zmask               !:  jpbasins x npiglo x npjglo
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (1)                    ::  tim
+  REAL(KIND=8)                                   ::  zpi                 !: pi
+  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION (:,:),   ALLOCATABLE ::  zomsf , area        !: jpbasins x npjglo x npk
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cfilev , cfileoutnc='zonalintdeg.nc', cdum
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: coordhgr='mesh_hgr.nc',  coordzgr='mesh_zgr.nc',cmaskfil='mask.nc',cbasinmask='none'
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE   :: cvarname             !: array of var name for input
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE   :: cvarnameo             !: array of var name for output
+  TYPE(variable), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE   :: typvaro                 !: structure for attribute
+  TYPE(variable), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE   :: typvar                  !: structure for attribute
+  CHARACTER(LEN=10) :: ce1, ce2, cphi, cdep,cmask, cdepo
+  CHARACTER(LEN=4),DIMENSION(5) :: cbasin=(/'_glo','_atl','_inp','_ind','_pac'/)
+  LOGICAL       :: lrevert_dep = .TRUE.             !: flag to revert depth order for plotting facility
+  !!  Read command line and output usage message if not compliant.
+  narg= iargc()
+  IF ( narg == 0 ) THEN
+     PRINT *,' Usage : cdfzonalintdeg  file  T | U | V | F | W [new_maskglo.nc]'
+     PRINT *,' Computes the zonal sum per degree of latitude'
+     PRINT *,' If no new_maskglo specified, assume global '
+     PRINT *,' Files mesh_hgr.nc, mesh_zgr.nc ,mask.nc '
+     PRINT *,'  must be in the current directory'
+     PRINT *,' Output on zonalintdeg.nc: '
+     PRINT *,'      variables zoixxxx_glo  : Global ocean '
+     PRINT *,'      variables zoixxxx_atl  : Atlantic Ocean '
+     PRINT *,'      variables zoixxxx_inp  : Indo Pacific '
+     PRINT *,'      variables zoixxxx_ind  : Indian Ocean alone'
+     PRINT *,'      variables zoixxxx_pac  : Pacific Ocean alone'
+     PRINT *,'  Depth variable output is negative (standard) unless '
+     PRINT *,'  you recompile the tool with lrevert_dep=.false.'
+     STOP
+  CALL getarg (1, cfilev)
+  CALL getarg (2, cdum )
+  ! set the metrics according to C grid point
+  SELECT CASE (cdum)
+  CASE ('T', 't', 'S', 's')
+     ce1='e1t'
+     ce2='e2t'
+     cdep='gdept'
+     cdepo='deptht'
+     cphi='gphit'
+     cmask='tmask'
+  CASE ('U', 'u')
+     ce1='e1u'
+     ce2='e2u'
+     cdep='gdepu'
+     cdepo='depthu'
+     cphi='gphiu'
+     cmask='umask'
+  CASE ('V', 'v')
+     ce1='e1v'
+     ce2='e2v'
+     cdep='gdepv'
+     cdepo='depthv'
+     cphi='gphiv'
+     cmask='vmask'
+  CASE ('F', 'f')
+     ce1='e1f'
+     ce2='e2f'
+     cdep='gdepf'
+     cdepo='deptht'
+     cphi='gphif'
+     cmask='fmask'
+  CASE ('W', 'w')
+     ce1='e1t'
+     ce2='e2t'
+     cdep='gdepw'
+     cdepo='depthw'
+     cphi='gphit'
+     cmask='tmask'
+     PRINT *, ' C grid:', TRIM(cdum),' point not known!'
+     STOP
+  ! Read sub_basin file name (optional)
+  IF (narg == 3 ) THEN
+     CALL getarg(3, cbasinmask)
+     npbasins=5
+  nvars  = getnvar(cfilev)
+  ALLOCATE ( cvarname(nvars)          ,ipk(nvars), ijvar(nvars), typvar(nvars)  )
+  ALLOCATE ( cvarnameo(npbasins*nvars),ipko(npbasins*nvars),id_varout(npbasins*nvars) )
+  ALLOCATE ( typvaro(npbasins*nvars) )
+  cvarname(1:nvars) = getvarname(cfilev,nvars,typvar)
+  ipk(1:nvars) = getipk(cfilev,nvars)
+  ! buildt output filename
+  ivar = 0  ; mvar = 0
+  DO jvar = 1,nvars
+     ! skip variables such as nav_lon, nav_lat, time_counter deptht ...
+     IF (ipk(jvar) == 0 ) THEN
+        cvarname(jvar)='none'
+     ELSE
+        mvar = mvar + 1       ! count for valid input variables
+        ijvar(mvar) = jvar    ! use indirect adressing for those variables
+        DO jbasin=1,npbasins
+           ivar=ivar + 1      ! count for output variables
+           cvarnameo(ivar)='zoi'//TRIM(cvarname(jvar)(3:))//TRIM(cbasin(jbasin) )
+           ! intercept case of duplicate zonal name
+           IF (cvarname(jvar) == 'iowaflup' ) cvarnameo(ivar)='zoiwaflio'//TRIM(cbasin(jbasin) )
+           IF (cvarname(jvar) == 'cfc11' ) cvarnameo(ivar)='zoicfc11'//TRIM(cbasin(jbasin) )
+           IF (cvarname(jvar) == 'bombc14' ) cvarnameo(ivar)='zoibc14'//TRIM(cbasin(jbasin) )
+           IF (cvarname(jvar) == 'invcfc' ) cvarnameo(ivar)='zoiinvcfc'//TRIM(cbasin(jbasin) )
+           IF (cvarname(jvar) == 'invc14' ) cvarnameo(ivar)='zoiinvc14'//TRIM(cbasin(jbasin) )
+           IF (cvarname(jvar) == 'qtrcfc' ) cvarnameo(ivar)='zoiqtrcfc'//TRIM(cbasin(jbasin) )
+           IF (cvarname(jvar) == 'qtrc14' ) cvarnameo(ivar)='zoiqtrc14'//TRIM(cbasin(jbasin) )
+           IF (cvarname(jvar) == 'qintcfc' ) cvarnameo(ivar)='zoiqintcfc'//TRIM(cbasin(jbasin) )
+           IF (cvarname(jvar) == 'qintc14' ) cvarnameo(ivar)='zoiqintc14'//TRIM(cbasin(jbasin) )
+           typvaro(ivar)%name=cvarnameo(ivar)
+           ! units can be build automatically: add .m2 at the end (not very nice ...)
+           !  a special function to parse the unit and build the proper one is to be done
+           !  this is tricky as many details are to be taken into account :
+           !  eg :  mol/m2, kg.m-2, W/m2
+           typvaro(ivar)%units=TRIM(typvar(jvar)%units)//'.m2.degree-1'
+           ! missing value, valid min and valid max : idem original field
+           typvaro(ivar)%missing_value=typvar(jvar)%missing_value
+           typvaro(ivar)%valid_min=typvar(jvar)%valid_min
+           typvaro(ivar)%valid_max=typvar(jvar)%valid_max
+           ! longname : prefix=Zonal_Integral   suffix=TRIM(cbasin(jbasin)
+           typvaro(ivar)%long_name='Zonal_Integral_per_degree_'//TRIM(typvar(jvar)%long_name)//TRIM(cbasin(jbasin) )
+           ! shortname=name
+           typvaro(ivar)%short_name=typvaro(ivar)%name
+           ! online operation : N/A (as usual ...)
+           typvaro(ivar)%online_operation='/N/A'
+           ! axis : either TY( original 2D)  or TZY (original 3D)
+           IF (ipk(jvar) == 1 ) THEN
+             typvaro(ivar)%axis='TY'
+           ELSE
+             typvaro(ivar)%axis='TZY'
+           ENDIF
+           ipko(ivar)=ipk(jvar)
+        END DO
+     ENDIF
+  npiglo= getdim (cfilev,'x')
+  npjglo= getdim (cfilev,'y')
+  npk   = getdim (cfilev,'depth')
+  PRINT *, 'npiglo=', npiglo
+  PRINT *, 'npjglo=', npjglo
+  PRINT *, 'npk   =', npk
+  ! Initialisation
+  zpi=ACOS(-1.)
+  ! Allocate arrays
+  ALLOCATE ( zmask(npbasins,npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( zv(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( zmaskvar(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( e1(npiglo,npjglo),e2(npiglo,npjglo), gphi(npiglo,npjglo) ,gdep(npk) )
+  ALLOCATE ( zomsf( npjglo, npk) ,area( npjglo, npk) )
+  ALLOCATE ( dumlon(1,npjglo) , dumlat(1,npjglo))
+  ALLOCATE ( alpha(npjglo))
+  ! get the metrics
+  e1(:,:)   = getvar(coordhgr, ce1, 1,npiglo,npjglo) 
+  e2(:,:)   = getvar(coordhgr, ce2, 1,npiglo,npjglo) 
+  gphi(:,:) = getvar(coordhgr, cphi, 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  gdep(:)   = getvare3(coordzgr, cdep ,npk)
+  IF ( lrevert_dep ) gdep(:)   = -1.*  gdep(:)     ! helps for plotting the results
+  ! compute alpha
+  DO jj=1,npjglo
+    alpha(jj) = (e2(0,jj)*360)/(2*zpi*ra)
+  ! Look for the i-index that go through the North Pole
+  iloc        = MAXLOC(gphi)
+  dumlat(1,:) = gphi(iloc(1),:)
+  dumlon(:,:) = 0.   ! set the dummy longitude to 0
+  ! create output fileset
+  ncout = create(cfileoutnc, cfilev, 1,npjglo,npk,cdep=cdepo)
+  ierr  = createvar(ncout ,typvaro,ivar, ipko,id_varout )
+  ierr  = putheadervar(ncout, cfilev,1,npjglo,npk,pnavlon=dumlon,pnavlat=dumlat,pdep=gdep)
+  tim   = getvar1d(cfilev,'time_counter',1)
+  ierr  = putvar1d(ncout,tim,1,'T')
+  ! reading the surface mask masks
+  ! 1 : global ; 2 : Atlantic ; 3 : Indo-Pacif ; 4 : Indian ; 5 : Pacif
+  zmask(1,:,:) = getvar(cmaskfil,cmask,1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  IF ( cbasinmask /= 'none' ) THEN
+     zmask(2,:,:) = getvar(cbasinmask,'tmaskatl',1,npiglo,npjglo)
+     zmask(4,:,:) = getvar(cbasinmask,'tmaskind',1,npiglo,npjglo)
+     zmask(5,:,:) = getvar(cbasinmask,'tmaskpac',1,npiglo,npjglo)
+     zmask(3,:,:) = zmask(5,:,:)+zmask(4,:,:)
+     ! ensure that there are no overlapping on the masks
+     WHERE(zmask(3,:,:) > 0 ) zmask(3,:,:) = 1
+  ! main computing loop
+  ivar = 0
+  DO jjvar = 1, mvar
+     jvar = ijvar(jjvar)
+     DO jk = 1, ipk(jvar)
+        PRINT *,TRIM(cvarname(jvar)), ' level ',jk
+        ! Get variables and mask at level jk
+        zv(:,:)       = getvar(cfilev,   cvarname(jvar),  jk ,npiglo,npjglo)
+        zmaskvar(:,:) = getvar(cmaskfil, cmask,           jk ,npiglo,npjglo)
+        ! For all basins 
+        DO jbasin = 1, npbasins
+           zomsf(:,:) = 0.d0
+           area(:,:) = 0.d0
+           ! integrates 'zonally' (along i-coordinate)
+           DO ji=2,npiglo
+              DO jj=1,npjglo
+                 zomsf(jj,jk) = zomsf(jj,jk) + e1(ji,jj)*e2(ji,jj)* zmask(jbasin,ji,jj)*zmaskvar(ji,jj)*zv(ji,jj)
+              END DO
+           END DO
+           ! Divide by number of degrees at the corresponding latitude
+           zomsf(:,jk) = zomsf(:,jk)/alpha(:)
+           ivar=  (jjvar-1)*npbasins + jbasin
+           ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(ivar),REAL(zomsf(:,jk)), jk,1,npjglo)
+        END DO  !next basin
+     END DO  ! next k 
+  END DO ! next variable
+  ierr = closeout(ncout)
+END PROGRAM cdfzonalintdeg

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