[cdftools] 84/228: AMT/JMM : new cdftool by Anne-Marie for binned sigma transport. To be cleaned
Alastair McKinstry
mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:32 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cdftools.
commit fd0884f807a6024c57352a53a79c2252dbb8d243
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date: Tue Mar 1 14:34:11 2011 +0000
AMT/JMM : new cdftool by Anne-Marie for binned sigma transport. To be cleaned
git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@409 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
cdftransig_xy3d.f90 | 289 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 289 insertions(+)
diff --git a/cdftransig_xy3d.f90 b/cdftransig_xy3d.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cee0770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdftransig_xy3d.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+PROGRAM cdftransig_xy3d
+ !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !! *** PROGRAM cdftransig_xy3d ***
+ !!
+ !! ** Purpose : calculates u and v transports
+ !! in rho coordinates. produces a 3D field.
+ !! allow two 3D arrays for more efficient reading
+ !!
+ !! history ;
+ !! Original : A.M. Treguier (feb 2006)
+ !! Allow increased resolution in density in deeper layers (feb 2011)
+ !!-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !! * Modules used
+ USE cdfio
+ USE eos
+ !! * Local variables
+! FOR sigma 0 as the density coordinate
+! REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: pref = 0 !: reference for density
+! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jpbin = 101 !: density bins
+! REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: s1min = 23.,s1scal=0.05 !: reference for density
+! CHARACTER (LEN=7) :: clsigma = 'sigma_0'
+! FOR sigma 1 as the density coordinate
+ REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: pref = 1000 !: reference for density
+ INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jpbin = 93 !: density bins
+ REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: s1min = 24.2,s1scal=0.1 !: min sigma and delta_sigma
+ REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: s1zoom = 32.3,s1scalmin=0.05 !: min sigma for increased resolution
+ CHARACTER (LEN=7) :: clsigma = 'sigma_1'
+! FOR sigma 1 as the density coordinate for ACC region
+! REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: pref = 1000 !: reference for density
+! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jpbin = 88 !: density bins
+! REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: s1min = 24.5,s1scal=0.1 !: reference for density
+! CHARACTER (LEN=7) :: clsigma = 'sigma_1'
+! FOR sigma 2 as the density coordinate
+! REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: pref = 2000 !: reference for density
+! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jpbin = 174 !: density bins
+! REAL(KIND=4), PARAMETER :: s1min = 29,s1scal=0.05 !: reference for density
+! CHARACTER (LEN=7) :: clsigma = 'sigma_2'
+ INTEGER :: jj, jk ,ji, jt , jib !: dummy loop index
+ INTEGER :: ierr !: working integer
+ INTEGER :: narg, iargc !: command line
+ INTEGER :: npiglo,npjglo, npk !: size of the domain
+ INTEGER :: ncout, ntags
+ INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: id_varout , ipk !
+ INTEGER, DIMENSION (:) , ALLOCATABLE :: itab !: look up table for density intervals
+ INTEGER :: jpsigmax , jitrans !: dimension for itab, intermediate index
+ REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: e1v, gphiv !: 2D x,y metrics, velocity
+ REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: e2u !: metrics, velocity
+ REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: zt,zs, zv, e3v !: x,1,z arrays metrics, velocity
+ REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: zu, e3u !: metrics, velocity
+ REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: zmasku,zmaskv !: masks x,1,jpbin
+ INTEGER, DIMENSION (:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: ibinu, ibinv !: integer value corresponding to density for binning
+ REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:) , ALLOCATABLE :: gdept !: array for depth of T points
+ REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (jpbin) :: sigma !: density coordinate, center of bins
+ REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (jpbin+1) :: sig_edge !: density coordinate, edge of bins.
+ REAL(KIND=4),DIMENSION(1) :: timean, tim
+ REAL(KIND=4) ,DIMENSION(:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: zdensu, zdensv !: density on u and v points
+!!! 3D arrays below are x,y,z
+ REAL(KIND=8) ,DIMENSION(:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: dusigsig,dvsigsig !: cumulated transports,
+ REAL(KIND=8) :: total_time
+ REAL(KIND=4) :: sigtest
+!!! below 2D arrays npiglo,1
+ CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: cfilev , cfilet, cfileu, config , ctag
+ CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: cfileout='uvxysig.nc'
+ CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: coordhgr='mesh_hgr.nc', coordzgr='mesh_zgr.nc'
+ CHARACTER(LEN=1) :: clanswer
+ TYPE (variable), DIMENSION(2) :: typvar !: structure for attributes
+ INTEGER :: istatus
+ LOGICAL :: lprint = .false.
+ ! constants
+! lprint = .true.
+ !! Read command line and output usage message if not compliant.
+ narg= iargc()
+ ntags = narg-1
+ IF ( narg == 0 ) THEN
+ PRINT *,' Usage : cdftransig_xyz CONFIG ''list_of_tags'' '
+ PRINT *,' Computes the density transport in density space '
+ PRINT *,' Files mesh_hgr.nc, mesh_zgr.nc, U, V, and T '
+ PRINT *,' must be in the current directory'
+ PRINT *,' Output on uvsigsig'
+ PRINT *,' variables vouxysig, vovxysig '
+ !! Initialisation from 1st file (all file are assume to have the same geometry)
+ CALL getarg (1, config)
+ CALL getarg (2, ctag)
+ WRITE(cfilev,'(a,"_",a,"_gridV.nc")') TRIM(config),TRIM(ctag)
+ npiglo= getdim (cfilev,'x')
+ npjglo= getdim (cfilev,'y')
+ npk = getdim (cfilev,'depth')
+! define densities at middle of bins and edge
+ jitrans = 0
+ DO ji=1,jpbin
+ sigtest = s1min +(ji-0.5)*s1scal
+ if ( sigtest > s1zoom ) THEN
+ if ( jitrans == 0 ) jitrans = ji
+ sigma(ji) = s1zoom + (ji-jitrans+0.5)*s1scalmin
+ else
+ sigma(ji) = sigtest
+ endif
+ IF (lprint) print *, ' min density:',sigma(1), ' max density:', sigma(jpbin)
+ IF (lprint) print *, ' verify sigma:', sigma
+ sig_edge(1) = s1min
+ DO ji=2,jpbin
+ sig_edge(ji) = 0.5* (sigma(ji)+sigma(ji-1))
+ end do
+ sig_edge(jpbin+1) = sig_edge(jpbin)+s1scalmin
+ IF (lprint) print *, ' sig_edge : ', sig_edge
+ !
+ ! define a lookup table array so that the density can be binned according to
+ ! the smallest interval s1scalmin
+ jpsigmax = (sig_edge(jpbin+1)-sig_edge(1))/s1scalmin +1
+ allocate ( itab(jpsigmax))
+ itab(:) = 0
+ DO ji=1,jpsigmax
+ sigtest = s1min+ (ji-0.5)*s1scalmin
+ DO jj=1,jpbin
+ if ( sigtest > sig_edge(jj) .AND. sigtest <= sig_edge(jj+1) ) THEN
+ itab(ji) = jj
+ endif
+ end do
+ enddo
+ IF (lprint) print *, ' jpsigmax=' , jpsigmax
+ IF (lprint) print *, ' verify itab:', itab
+ ! define new variables for output ( must update att.txt)
+ ! define output variables
+ typvar(1)%name= 'vouxysig'
+ typvar(2)%name= 'vovxysig'
+ typvar(1)%units='m/s'
+ typvar(2)%units='m/s'
+ typvar%missing_value=0.
+ typvar%valid_min= -10.
+ typvar%valid_max= 10.
+ typvar(1)%long_name='Zonal_Velocity_sig_coord'
+ typvar(2)%long_name='Meridional_Velocity_sig_coord'
+ typvar(1)%short_name='vouxysig'
+ typvar(2)%short_name='vovxysig'
+ typvar%online_operation='N/A'
+ typvar%axis='TZYX'
+! output file has jpbin sigma values
+ ipk(:) = jpbin
+ PRINT *, 'npiglo=', npiglo
+ PRINT *, 'npjglo=', npjglo
+ PRINT *, 'npk =', npk, ' jpbin:', jpbin
+ ! Allocate arrays
+ ALLOCATE ( zv (npiglo,npjglo), zu (npiglo,npjglo) )
+ ALLOCATE ( zt (npiglo,npjglo), zs (npiglo,npjglo) )
+ ALLOCATE ( e3v(npiglo,npjglo), e3u(npiglo,npjglo) )
+ ALLOCATE ( ibinu(npiglo, npjglo), ibinv(npiglo, npjglo) )
+ ALLOCATE ( e1v(npiglo,npjglo), gphiv(npiglo,npjglo) ,gdept(npk) )
+ ALLOCATE ( e2u(npiglo,npjglo) )
+ ALLOCATE ( dusigsig(npiglo,npjglo,jpbin), dvsigsig(npiglo,npjglo,jpbin))
+ ALLOCATE ( dens2d(npiglo,npjglo) )
+ ALLOCATE ( zdensu(npiglo,npjglo) ,zdensv(npiglo,npjglo) )
+ ALLOCATE ( zmasku(npiglo,npjglo), zmaskv(npiglo,npjglo))
+ e1v(:,:) = getvar (coordhgr, 'e1v', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+ e2u(:,:) = getvar (coordhgr, 'e2u', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+ gphiv(:,:) = getvar (coordhgr, 'gphiv', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+ IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' read in hgr file OK'
+ gdept(:) = getvare3(coordzgr, 'gdept_0',npk)
+ ! create output fileset
+ IF (lprint) PRINT *, ' ready to create file:',trim( cfileout), ' from reference:',trim(cfilev )
+ ncout =create(cfileout, cfilev, npiglo,npjglo,jpbin,cdep=clsigma)
+ IF (lprint) print *, ' ncout=',ncout, ' ready to create variables:'
+ ierr= createvar(ncout ,typvar,2, ipk ,id_varout )
+ IF (lprint) print *, ' ierr=',ierr, ' writing variables headers:'
+ ierr= putheadervar(ncout, cfilev, npiglo, npjglo,jpbin,pdep=sigma)
+ total_time=0
+! initialize transport to 0
+ dusigsig (:,:,:) = 0.; dvsigsig (:,:,:) =0;
+! loop on time and depth ---------------------------------------------------
+DO jk= 1, npk-1
+ PRINT *, ' working on depth jk=',jk
+ e3v(:,:) = getvar(coordzgr, 'e3v', jk, npiglo,npjglo )
+ e3u(:,:) = getvar(coordzgr, 'e3u', jk, npiglo,npjglo )
+ DO jt = 2, narg
+ CALL getarg (jt, ctag)
+ IF (lprint ) PRINT *, ' working on ctag=',trim(ctag)
+ WRITE(cfilet,'(a,"_",a,"_gridT.nc")') TRIM(config),TRIM(ctag)
+ WRITE(cfileu,'(a,"_",a,"_gridU.nc")') TRIM(config),TRIM(ctag)
+ WRITE(cfilev,'(a,"_",a,"_gridV.nc")') TRIM(config),TRIM(ctag)
+ IF (jk== 1 ) THEN
+ tim=getvar1d(cfilet,'time_counter',1)
+ total_time = total_time + tim(1)
+ ! Get velocities u, v and mask if first time slot only
+ zv(:,:)= getvar ( cfilev, 'vomecrty', jk ,npiglo,npjglo )
+ zu(:,:)= getvar ( cfileu, 'vozocrtx', jk ,npiglo,npjglo )
+ IF (jt == 2) THEN
+ zmasku(:,:)= 1; zmaskv(:,:)= 1;
+ WHERE( zu == 0) zmasku(:,:)= 0.0;
+ WHERE( zv == 0) zmaskv(:,:)= 0.0;
+ IF (lprint ) PRINT *, ' min,max u:',minval(zu),maxval(zu)
+! density
+ zt(:,:)= getvar ( cfilet, 'votemper', jk ,npiglo,npjglo )
+ zs(:,:)= getvar ( cfilet, 'vosaline', jk ,npiglo,npjglo )
+ IF ( pref == 0. ) THEN
+ dens2d = sigma0(zt,zs,npiglo,npjglo)
+ dens2d = sigmai(zt,zs,pref,npiglo,npjglo)
+! density on u points masked by u , single precision
+ zdensu(1:npiglo-1,:) = 0.5*( dens2d(1:npiglo-1,:) + dens2d(2:npiglo,:))
+ zdensu(npiglo,:) = zdensu(2,:)
+ zdensu(:,:) = zdensu(:,:) * zmasku(:,:)
+! density on v points masked by v , single precision
+ zdensv(:,1:npjglo-1) = 0.5*( dens2d(:,1:npjglo-1) + dens2d(:,2:npjglo) )
+ zdensv(:,:) = zdensv(:,:) * zmaskv(:,:)
+! bins density - bins based on dens2d
+ DO jj=1,npjglo
+ DO ji=1,npiglo
+ jib = ifix( (zdensu(ji,jj) - s1min)/s1scalmin )+1
+ jib = max( jib ,1 )
+ jib = min( jib,jpsigmax)
+ ibinu(ji,jj) = itab (jib)
+ jib = ifix( (zdensv(ji,jj) - s1min)/s1scalmin )+1
+ jib = max( jib ,1 )
+ jib = min( jib,jpsigmax)
+ ibinv(ji,jj) = itab(jib)
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ zu(:,:) = zu(:,:)*e3u(:,:)
+ zv(:,:) = zv(:,:)*e3v(:,:)
+ DO jj=1,npjglo
+ DO ji=1,npiglo
+ dusigsig(ji,jj,ibinu(ji,jj)) = dusigsig(ji,jj,ibinu(ji,jj))+ e2u(ji,jj)*zu(ji,jj)
+ dvsigsig(ji,jj,ibinv(ji,jj)) = dvsigsig(ji,jj,ibinv(ji,jj))+ e1v(ji,jj)*zv(ji,jj)
+! -----------------------------------------end of loop on ctags
+! ----------------- end of loop on jk
+ timean(1)= total_time/ntags
+ ierr=putvar1d(ncout,timean,1,'T')
+ DO jk=1, jpbin
+ zt = dusigsig(:,:,jk) / ntags
+ ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(1), zt, jk, npiglo, npjglo)
+ DO jk=1, jpbin
+ zt = dvsigsig(:,:,jk) / ntags
+ ierr = putvar (ncout, id_varout(2), zt, jk, npiglo, npjglo)
+ ierr = closeout(ncout)
+END PROGRAM cdftransig_xy3d
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