[cdftools] 88/228: JMM : tag cdftansport_magda.f90 for robust sign conviention in cdftransportiz add cdffixtime.f90 for correcting corrupted time_counters and update of timecounter attributes

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:32 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cdftools.

commit 53a306e2d3efb45da68926f4b6b676c58a2dff5d
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Thu Apr 21 10:23:03 2011 +0000

    JMM : tag cdftansport_magda.f90 for robust sign conviention in cdftransportiz
          add cdffixtime.f90 for correcting corrupted time_counters and update of timecounter attributes
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@453 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 Makefile                 |   8 +-
 cdffixtime.f90           | 285 ++++++++++++++++++++
 cdfio.f90                | 138 +++++++++-
 cdftransportiz_magda.f90 | 661 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 1085 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 07a5512..386d805 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ EXEC = cdfmoy cdfmoyt  cdfmoy_sp cdfstd cdfmoy_sal2_temp2  cdfmoy_annual cdfmoy_
        bimgmoy4 bimgcaltrans cdf16bit cdfvita cdfconvert cdfflxconv cdfclip cdfsstconv cdfstrconv cdfbathy cdfvar cdfmkmask-zone\
        cdfcsp cdfcoloc cdfmltmask cdfstatcoord  cdfpolymask cdfsmooth cdfmkmask cdfdifmask\
        cdfkempemekeepe cdfbci cdfbti cdfnrjcomp cdfcofdis cdfsections cdfnorth_unfold cdfovide cdfmppini\
-       cdfpsi_level cdfhdy cdfhdy3d cdffracinv cdfzonalintdeg cdfmaskdmp cdfisopsi cdf2matlab
+       cdfpsi_level cdfhdy cdfhdy3d cdffracinv cdfzonalintdeg cdfmaskdmp cdfisopsi cdf2matlab cdffixtime
 all: $(EXEC)
@@ -258,6 +258,9 @@ cdfpsi_level: cdfio.o  cdfpsi_level.f90
 cdftransportiz: cdfio.o  cdftransportiz.f90
 	$(F90) cdftransportiz.f90 -o cdftransportiz cdfio.o $(FFLAGS)
+cdftransportiz_magda: cdfio.o  cdftransportiz_magda.f90
+	$(F90) cdftransportiz_magda.f90 -o cdftransportiz_magda cdfio.o $(FFLAGS)
 cdftransportizpm: cdfio.o  cdftransportizpm.f90
 	$(F90) cdftransportizpm.f90 -o cdftransportizpm cdfio.o $(FFLAGS)
@@ -503,6 +506,9 @@ cdfovide: cdfio.o  cdfovide.f90
 cdfmppini: cdfio.o  cdfmppini.f90
 	$(F90)  cdfmppini.f90  -o cdfmppini cdfio.o $(FFLAGS)
+cdffixtime: cdfio.o  cdffixtime.f90
+	$(F90)  cdffixtime.f90  -o cdffixtime cdfio.o $(FFLAGS)
 # OLD bimg/dimg stuff: use by the trpsig monitoring....
 cdfsections: eos.o cdfsections.f90
 	$(F90) cdfsections.f90  -o cdfsections eos.o $(FFLAGS)
diff --git a/cdffixtime.f90 b/cdffixtime.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34d16e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdffixtime.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+PROGRAM cdffixtime
+  !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !                            *** PROGRAM cdffixtime  ***
+  !
+  !        ** Purpose: change time variable to jcness  deduce from time tag given in arguments
+  !
+  !   History:
+  !          Jean-Marc Molines (March 2007) from old jcness
+  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  USE cdfio
+!  USE netcdf
+  ! parameter to set the behaviour of the calendar : 365= no leap year
+  !                                                  365.2425 = leap year
+  REAL :: rpp_un_an = 365 !365.2425
+  INTEGER :: narg, iargc, jarg
+  INTEGER :: is, ie            !: starting and ending position of the tag in file name
+  INTEGER :: iyear, imon, iday
+  INTEGER :: iyr_init, imm_init, idd_init
+  INTEGER :: ihr_init, imn_init, isec_init
+  REAL(KIND=4) :: rdt_obs=5.   !: time interval between the observations (jcness will be offset by -rdt_obs/2
+  REAL(KIND=4) :: rday0, rday_origin
+  !  with respect to time tag
+  REAL(KIND=4),DIMENSION(1) :: rdaycnes, rseconds
+  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: cfile, cdum, ctag='none', cdate, ctim
+  CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: ctag0, ctim_unit, ctim_origin
+  CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: cmm
+  LOGICAL :: lnoleap=.true., lagrif=.false.
+  ! Netcdf Stuff
+  INTEGER :: istatus, ncid, id_time
+  !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ! * 
+  narg=iargc()
+  IF ( narg == 0 ) THEN
+     PRINT *,' usage : cdffixtime  -f file -i initial date [-t tag] [-leap] [ -noleap]'
+     PRINT *,'        Change time_counter in file to set it according to drakkar rule'
+     PRINT *,'     -i initial_date : to indicate time origin (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss) (2 words)'
+     PRINT *,'     [-t tag ] : if not supplied, tag is taken from the name''s file'
+     PRINT *,'            (assuming Drakkar convention ( CONFIG-CASE_tag_xxxxx.nc )'
+     PRINT *,'     [-dt freq ] : number of days between model output [ 5 ]'
+     PRINT *,'     [-leap ]   : assume a calendar with leap years'
+     PRINT *,'     [-noleap ] : assume a calendar without leap years (default)'
+     STOP
+  jarg=1
+  DO WHILE ( jarg <= narg )
+     CALL getarg(jarg, cdum) ; jarg=jarg + 1 
+     SELECT CASE (cdum)
+     CASE ( '-f' )
+        CALL getarg(jarg,cfile) ;jarg=jarg +1
+     CASE ( '-t' )
+        CALL getarg(jarg,ctag) ; jarg=jarg +1
+     CASE ( '-dt' )
+        CALL getarg(jarg,cdum) ; jarg=jarg +1
+        READ(cdum,*) rdt_obs
+     CASE ( '-i' )
+        CALL getarg(jarg,cdate) ; jarg=jarg +1
+        CALL getarg(jarg,ctim)  ; jarg=jarg +1
+     CASE ( '-leap' )
+        rpp_un_an=365.2425
+        lnoleap=.false.
+     CASE ( '-noleap' )
+        rpp_un_an=365
+        lnoleap=.true.
+         PRINT *,' Option ',TRIM(cdum),' unknown'
+         STOP
+  ! if ctag = none, try to find it from the file name.
+  IF ( TRIM(ctag) == 'none' ) THEN
+    is = INDEX(cfile,'_')
+    IF ( is == 2 ) THEN 
+      PRINT *,' ASSUME AGRIF file for ', TRIM(cfile)
+      lagrif = .TRUE.
+    ENDIF
+    IF (lagrif) THEN
+     is=INDEX(cfile(3:),'_' )+2
+     ie=INDEX(cfile(is+1:),'_' )
+     ctag=cfile(is+1:is+ie-1) 
+    ELSE
+     is=INDEX(cfile,'_')
+     ie=INDEX(cfile(is+1:),'_' )
+     ctag=cfile(is+1:is+ie-1) 
+    ENDIF
+  PRINT *,' Changing time on file :', TRIM(cfile)
+  is=INDEX(ctag,'d')
+  IF ( is == 0 ) THEN ! not a model output but a mean value
+    is=INDEX(ctag,'m') 
+    IF ( is == 0 ) THEN ! annual mean set pseudo date to 01/07
+      ctag=ctag(1:5)//"m07d01"
+    ELSE  ! monthly mean
+      ctag=ctag(1:8)//"d15"
+    ENDIF
+  PRINT *,'            Using tag = ', TRIM(ctag)
+  ! interpret ctim and cdate
+  READ(cdate,'(i4,1x,i2,1x,i2)') iyr_init, imm_init, idd_init
+  READ(ctim,'(i2,1x,i2,1x,i2)') ihr_init, imn_init, isec_init
+  WRITE(ctag0,'("y",i4.4,"m",i2.2,"d",i2.2)') iyr_init, imm_init, idd_init
+  rday0=jcnes(ctag0)+ihr_init/24.0 + imn_init/60./24. + isec_init/3600./24.
+  rday_origin = rday0 - rdt_obs/2.
+  CALL caldatjm( rday_origin, iyr_init, imm_init, idd_init, ihr_init, imn_init, isec_init)
+  WRITE(cdate,'(i4.4,"-",i2.2,"-",i2.2)') iyr_init, imm_init, idd_init
+  WRITE(ctim, '(i2.2,":",i2.2,":",i2.2)') ihr_init, imn_init, isec_init
+  ! Compute initial julian day
+  SELECT CASE ( imm_init )
+  CASE (  1 ) ; cmm='JAN' 
+  CASE (  2 ) ; cmm='FEB'
+  CASE (  3 ) ; cmm='MAR'
+  CASE (  4 ) ; cmm='APR'
+  CASE (  5 ) ; cmm='MAY'
+  CASE (  6 ) ; cmm='JUN'
+  CASE (  7 ) ; cmm='JUL'
+  CASE (  8 ) ; cmm='AUG'
+  CASE (  9 ) ; cmm='SEP'
+  CASE ( 10 ) ; cmm='OCT'
+  CASE ( 11 ) ; cmm='NOV'
+  CASE ( 12 ) ; cmm='DEC'
+  WRITE(ctim_unit,'("seconds since ",a,i3.2,":",i2.2,":",i2.2)') TRIM(cdate), ihr_init, imn_init, isec_init
+  WRITE(ctim_origin,'(i5,"-",a,"-",i2.2," ",i2.2,":",i2.2,":",i2.2)') iyr_init,cmm,idd_init, ihr_init, imn_init, isec_init
+  PRINT *, iyr_init, imm_init, idd_init, ihr_init, imn_init, isec_init
+  PRINT *, TRIM(ctim_unit)
+  PRINT *, TRIM(ctim_origin)
+  ! Compute corresponding jcnes
+  rdaycnes=jcnes(ctag)
+  rseconds=(rdaycnes - rday0 +1 ) * 86400. 
+  ! Modify cdfile !! CAUTION : Original file will be modified  !!
+  istatus = putvar1d( cfile, 'time_counter', rseconds, 1 )
+  istatus = atted(cfile,'time_counter','units',ctim_unit)
+  istatus = atted(cfile,'time_counter','time_origin',ctim_unit)
+  FUNCTION jcnes(cdtag)
+    CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(in) :: cdtag
+    REAL(KIND=4) :: jcnes 
+    ! local variables
+    INTEGER :: iyear,imon,iday
+    REAL(KIND=4)    :: sec=0.
+    REAL(KIND=4)    :: rjuldeb, rjulfin, rjulday
+    READ(cdtag,'(1x,i4.4,1x,i2.2,1x,i2.2)') iyear, imon, iday
+    sec=0.
+    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+    rjulfin = julday(iyear,imon,iday,sec)
+    rjuldeb = julday(1950,01,01,0.)
+    jcnes = rjulfin - rjuldeb
+  FUNCTION julday(kyear,kmonth,kday,rsec)
+    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !- Converts year, month, day and seconds into a julian day
+    !-
+    !- In 1968 in a letter to the editor of Communications of the ACM
+    !- (CACM, volume 11, number 10, October 1968, p.657) Henry F. Fliegel
+    !- and Thomas C. Van Flandern presented such an algorithm.
+    !-
+    !- See also : http://www.magnet.ch/serendipity/hermetic/cal_stud/jdn.htm
+    !-
+    !- In the case of the Gregorian calendar we have chosen to use
+    !- the Lilian day numbers. This is the day counter which starts
+    !- on the 15th October 1582.
+    !- This is the day at which Pope Gregory XIII introduced the
+    !- Gregorian calendar.
+    !- Compared to the true Julian calendar, which starts some
+    !- 7980 years ago, the Lilian days are smaler and are dealt with
+    !- easily on 32 bit machines. With the true Julian days you can only
+    !- the fraction of the day in the real part to a precision of
+    !- a 1/4 of a day with 32 bits.
+    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+    !-
+    INTEGER, INTENT(in)      :: kyear,kmonth,kday
+    REAL(KIND=4),INTENT(in)  :: rsec
+    REAL(KIND=4)             :: julday
+    ! Local variables
+    REAL,PARAMETER :: pp_un_jour = 86400.0
+    INTEGER,PARAMETER :: jp_mon_len(12)=(/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
+    INTEGER :: mm, iy, id, jd, ml
+    INTEGER :: julian_day
+    REAL    :: rjulian_sec
+         &  cal(12) = (/'JAN','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY','JUN', &
+         &              'JUL','AUG','SEP','OCT','NOV','DEC'/)
+    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
+    mm = kmonth
+    iy = kyear
+    id = kday
+    !-
+    !- We deduce the calendar from the length of the year as it
+    !- is faster than an INDEX on the calendar variable.
+    !-
+    !- Gregorian
+    IF ( (rpp_un_an > 365.0).AND.(rpp_un_an < 366.0) ) THEN
+       jd = (1461*(iy+4800+INT(( mm-14 )/12)))/4 &
+            &      +(367*(mm-2-12*(INT(( mm-14 )/12))))/12 &
+            &      -(3*((iy+4900+INT((mm-14)/12))/100))/4 &
+            &      +id-32075
+       jd = jd-2299160
+       !- No leap or All leap
+    ELSE IF (ABS(rpp_un_an-365.0) <= EPSILON(rpp_un_an) .OR. &
+         &   ABS(rpp_un_an-366.0) <= EPSILON(rpp_un_an)) THEN
+       ml = SUM(jp_mon_len(1:mm-1))
+       jd = iy*INT(rpp_un_an)+ml+(id-1)
+       !- Calendar with regular month
+       !  ELSE
+       !    ml = INT(un_an)/12
+       !    jd = y*INT(un_an)+(m-1)*ml+(d-1)
+    ENDIF
+    !-
+    julian_day = jd
+    rjulian_sec = rsec
+    julday = julian_day+rjulian_sec / pp_un_jour
+  END FUNCTION julday
+  SUBROUTINE caldatjm( pjcnes, ky, km, kd, kh, kmn, ksec )
+  !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!                  *** ROUTINE caldatjm ***
+  !!
+  !!   Purpose : return the calendar date from the jcnes given in argument
+  !!
+  !!   Method  : jcnes= 0 is 1950/01/01 00:00:00
+  !!             Take care of leap/noleap year 
+  !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  REAL(KIND=4), INTENT(in) :: pjcnes
+  INTEGER,      INTENT(out) :: ky, km, kd, kh, kmn, ksec
+  INTEGER  :: isec, idays
+  INTEGER  :: jd, jm
+  INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: indays=(/31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/)
+  INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: icumul
+  !!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  icumul(1) = indays(1)
+  DO jm=2,12
+    icumul(jm)=icumul(jm-1)+indays(jm)
+  ! look for time 
+  isec = (pjcnes-INT(pjcnes) ) * 86400.
+  kh   = isec/3600
+  kmn  = (isec - kh * 3600 )/60
+  ksec =  isec - kh * 3600 - kmn * 60
+  ! number of years since 1950
+  IF ( lnoleap ) THEN ! no leap years
+    ky=1950 + INT(pjcnes)/365
+    idays= ( INT(pjcnes)/ 365. - INT(pjcnes)/365 )* 365
+    km=1 ; kd=0
+    DO jd=1, idays
+     IF ( jd > icumul(km) ) THEN
+       km=km+1
+       kd=1
+     ELSE
+       kd=kd+1
+     ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+    PRINT *, 'Not done yet for leap years'
+  END SUBROUTINE caldatjm
+END PROGRAM cdffixtime
diff --git a/cdfio.f90 b/cdfio.f90
index 705c371..a929749 100644
--- a/cdfio.f90
+++ b/cdfio.f90
@@ -46,10 +46,18 @@
      MODULE PROCEDURE putvarr8, putvarr4, putvari2, putvarzo, reputvarr4
+  INTERFACE putvar1d
+     MODULE PROCEDURE putvar1d4, reputvar1d4
+  INTERFACE atted
+     MODULE PROCEDURE atted_char, atted_r4
   PUBLIC  copyatt, create, createvar, getvaratt,cvaratt
-  PUBLIC  putatt, putheadervar, putvar, putvar1d, putvar0d
+  PUBLIC  putatt, putheadervar, putvar, putvar1d, putvar0d, atted
   PUBLIC  getatt, getdim, getvdim, getipk, getnvar, getvarname, getvarid, getspval
   PUBLIC  getvar, getvarxz, getvaryz, getvar1d, getvare3
   PUBLIC gettimeseries
@@ -421,6 +429,94 @@ CONTAINS
   END FUNCTION getatt
+  FUNCTION atted_char ( cdfile, cdvar, cdatt, cdvalue )
+     !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !!                    ***  FUNCTION atted_char  ***
+     !!
+     !! ** Purpose : attribute editor : modify existing attribute or create 
+     !!              new attribute for variable cdvar in cdfile
+     !! 
+     !! ** Method : just put_att after some check.
+     !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     CHARACTER(LEN=*),  INTENT(in) :: cdfile  ! input file
+     CHARACTER(LEN=*),  INTENT(in) :: cdvar   ! variable name
+     CHARACTER(LEN=*),  INTENT(in) :: cdatt   ! attribute  name
+     CHARACTER(LEN=*),  INTENT(in) :: cdvalue ! attribute value
+     INTEGER                       :: atted_char
+     INTEGER  :: incid,  istatus, idvar, ityp
+     !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     istatus = NF90_OPEN(cdfile, NF90_WRITE, incid)
+     istatus = NF90_INQ_VARID(incid, cdvar, idvar)
+     IF ( istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) THEN 
+       PRINT *, NF90_STRERROR(istatus),' in atted ( inq_varid)'
+       STOP
+     ENDIF
+     istatus = NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE(incid, idvar, cdatt, xtype=ityp )
+     IF ( istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) THEN
+       PRINT *, ' Attribute does not exist. Create it'
+       istatus = NF90_REDEF(incid)
+       istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT(incid, idvar, cdatt, cdvalue)
+       atted_char = istatus
+     ELSE
+       IF ( ityp == NF90_CHAR ) THEN
+         istatus = NF90_REDEF(incid)
+         istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT(incid, idvar, cdatt, cdvalue)
+         atted_char = istatus
+       ELSE
+         PRINT *, ' Mismatch in attribute type in atted_char'
+         STOP
+       ENDIF
+     ENDIF
+    istatus=NF90_CLOSE(incid)
+  END FUNCTION atted_char
+  FUNCTION atted_r4 ( cdfile, cdvar, cdatt, pvalue )
+     !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     !!                    ***  FUNCTION atted_r4  ***
+     !!
+     !! ** Purpose : attribute editor : modify existing attribute or create
+     !!              new attribute for variable cdvar in cdfile
+     !!
+     !! ** Method : just put_att after some check.
+     !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     CHARACTER(LEN=*),  INTENT(in) :: cdfile  ! input file
+     CHARACTER(LEN=*),  INTENT(in) :: cdvar   ! variable name
+     CHARACTER(LEN=*),  INTENT(in) :: cdatt   ! attribute  name
+     REAL(KIND=4),      INTENT(in) :: pvalue ! attribute value
+     INTEGER                       :: atted_r4
+     INTEGER  :: incid,  istatus, idvar, ityp
+     !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+     istatus = NF90_OPEN(cdfile, NF90_WRITE, incid)
+     istatus = NF90_INQ_VARID(incid, cdvar, idvar)
+     IF ( istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) THEN
+       PRINT *, NF90_STRERROR(istatus),' in atted ( inq_varid)'
+       STOP
+     ENDIF
+     istatus = NF90_INQUIRE_ATTRIBUTE(incid, idvar, cdatt, xtype=ityp )
+     IF ( istatus /= NF90_NOERR ) THEN
+       PRINT *, ' Attribute does not exist. Create it'
+       istatus = NF90_REDEF(incid)
+       istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT(incid, idvar, cdatt, pvalue)
+       atted_r4 = istatus
+     ELSE
+       IF ( ityp == NF90_FLOAT ) THEN
+         istatus = NF90_REDEF(incid)
+         istatus = NF90_PUT_ATT(incid, idvar, cdatt, pvalue)
+         atted_r4 = istatus
+       ELSE
+         PRINT *, ' Mismatch in attribute type in atted_r4'
+         STOP
+       ENDIF
+     ENDIF
+    istatus=NF90_CLOSE(incid)
+  END FUNCTION atted_r4
   FUNCTION  getdim (cdfile,cdim_name,cdtrue,kstatus,ldexact)
     !!                       ***  FUNCTION  getdim  ***
@@ -1770,9 +1866,9 @@ CONTAINS
   END FUNCTION putvari2
-  FUNCTION putvar1d(kout,ptab,kk,cdtype)
+  FUNCTION putvar1d4(kout,ptab,kk,cdtype)
-    !!                       ***  FUNCTION  putvar1d  ***
+    !!                       ***  FUNCTION  putvar1d4  ***
     !! ** Purpose : Copy 1D variable (size kk) hold in ptab,  with id kid, into file id kout
@@ -1788,7 +1884,7 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kk               ! number of elements in ptab
     REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(kk),INTENT(in) :: ptab ! 1D array to write in file
     CHARACTER(LEN=1), INTENT(in)  :: cdtype ! either T or D
-    INTEGER :: putvar1d                     ! return status
+    INTEGER :: putvar1d4                     ! return status
     !! * Local variables     
     INTEGER :: istatus, iid
@@ -1804,9 +1900,39 @@ CONTAINS
     istart(:) = 1
     icount(:) = kk
     istatus=NF90_PUT_VAR(kout,iid, ptab, start=istart,count=icount)
-    putvar1d=istatus
+    putvar1d4=istatus
+  END FUNCTION putvar1d4
-  END FUNCTION putvar1d
+  FUNCTION reputvar1d4(cdfile, cdvar, ptab, kk )
+    !!-----------------------------------------------------------
+    !!                       ***  FUNCTION  reputvar1d4  ***
+    !!
+    !! ** Purpose : same as putvar1d4 but using an already existing file and variable
+    !!
+    !! ** Method  :  
+    !!
+    !! ** Action  : 1D variable  written
+    !!
+    !! history:
+    !!    04/2011 : Jean-Marc Molines : introduce module procedure for putvar1d
+    !!-----------------------------------------------------------
+    CHARACTER(LEN=*),            INTENT(in) :: cdfile      ! filename
+    CHARACTER(LEN=*),            INTENT(in) :: cdvar       ! variable name
+    REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(kk), INTENT(in) :: ptab        ! 1D array to write in file
+    INTEGER,                     INTENT(in) :: kk          ! number of elements in ptab
+    INTEGER                                 :: reputvar1d4 ! return status
+    INTEGER                                 :: istatus, incid, id
+    !!-----------------------------------------------------------
+    incid = ncopen(cdfile)
+    istatus = NF90_OPEN(cdfile, NF90_WRITE, incid)
+    istatus = NF90_INQ_VARID(incid, cdvar, id )
+    istatus = NF90_PUT_VAR(incid, id, ptab, start=(/1/), count=(/kk/) )
+    reputvar1d4 = istatus
+    istatus = NF90_CLOSE(incid)
+  END FUNCTION reputvar1d4
   FUNCTION putvar0d(kout,varid,value)
diff --git a/cdftransportiz_magda.f90 b/cdftransportiz_magda.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58a87f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdftransportiz_magda.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
+PROGRAM cdftransportiz
+  !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!               ***  PROGRAM cdftransportiz  ***
+  !!
+  !!  **  Purpose: Compute Transports across a section
+  !!               PARTIAL STEPS version
+  !!  
+  !!  **  Method: Try to avoid 3 d arrays.
+  !!             The begining and end point of the section are given in term of f-points index.
+  !!             This program computes the transport across this section for
+  !!               (1) Mass transport ( Sv)
+  !!               (2) Heat Transport (PW)
+  !!               (3) Salt Transport (kT/sec)
+  !!             The transport is > 0 left handside of the line
+  !!             This program use a zig-zag line going through U and V-points.
+  !!             It takes as input : VT files, gridU, gridV files.
+  !!             The mesh_hgr.nc, mesh_hzr.nc are required.
+  !!             It is conveniebt to use an ASCII file as the standard input to give
+  !!             the name and the imin imax jmin jmax for eaxh section required
+  !!             The last name of this ASCII file must be EOF
+  !!
+  !!
+  !! history :
+  !!   Original :  J.M. Molines (jan. 2005)
+  !!               J.M. Molines Apr 2005 : use modules
+  !!               J.M. Molines Apr 2007 : merge with Julien Jouanno version (std + file output)
+  !!               R. Dussin (Jul. 2009) : add cdf output
+  !!   Mods:       M. A. Balmaseda (Jan 2010). Change integration signs so that
+  !!               the transport across a segment is independent of the chosen 
+  !!               trajectory
+  !!---------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!  $Rev: 256 $
+  !!  $Date: 2009-07-27 18:25:04 +0200 (Mon, 27 Jul 2009) $
+  !!  $Id: cdftransportiz.f90 256 2009-07-27 16:25:04Z forge $
+  !!--------------------------------------------------------------
+  !! * Modules used
+  USE cdfio
+  !! * Local variables
+  INTEGER :: nclass   !: number of depth class
+  INTEGER ,DIMENSION (:),ALLOCATABLE ::  imeter  !: limit beetween depth level, in m (nclass -1)
+  INTEGER ,DIMENSION (:),ALLOCATABLE :: ilev0,ilev1 !: limit in levels  ! nclass
+  INTEGER   :: jk, jclass, jj                      !: dummy loop index
+  INTEGER   :: narg, iargc                         !: command line 
+  INTEGER   :: npiglo,npjglo, npk                  !: size of the domain
+  INTEGER   :: imin, imax, jmin, jmax, ik 
+  INTEGER   :: numout = 10, numvtrp=11, numhtrp=12, numstrp=14
+  ! added to write in netcdf
+  INTEGER :: kx=1, ky=1, kz=1          ! dims of netcdf output file
+  INTEGER :: nboutput=9                ! number of values to write in cdf output
+  INTEGER :: ncout, ierr               ! for netcdf output
+  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE ::  ipk, id_varout
+  ! broken line stuff
+  INTEGER, PARAMETER :: jpseg=10000
+  INTEGER :: i0,j0,i1,j1, i, j
+  INTEGER :: n,nn,k, jseg
+  INTEGER :: norm_u, norm_v, ist, jst, idirx, idiry
+  REAL(KIND=4) ::  rxi0,ryj0, rxi1, ryj1
+  REAL(KIND=4) ::   ai,bi, aj,bj,d
+  REAL(KIND=4) ::    rxx(jpseg),ryy(jpseg)
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(jpseg) :: gla, gphi
+  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(jpseg) :: voltrp, heatrp, saltrp
+  REAL(KIND=8)                   :: voltrpsum, heatrpsum, saltrpsum
+  COMPLEX yypt(jpseg), yypti
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:),   ALLOCATABLE ::         e1v, e3v ,gphiv, zv, zvt, zvs !: mask, metrics
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:),   ALLOCATABLE ::         e2u, e3u ,gphiu, zu, zut, zus !: mask, metrics
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:,:),   ALLOCATABLE ::         glamu, glamv
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (:),     ALLOCATABLE ::         gdepw
+  REAL(KIND=4)                                 ::   rd1, rd2
+  REAL(KIND=4)                                 ::  udum, vdum
+  REAL(KIND=8),   DIMENSION (:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zwku,zwkv,    zwkut,zwkvt,   zwkus,zwkvs
+  REAL(KIND=8),   DIMENSION (:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ztrpu, ztrpv, ztrput,ztrpvt, ztrpus,ztrpvs
+  ! added to write in netcdf
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE ::  dumlon, dumlat
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION (1)               ::  tim ! time counter
+  TYPE(variable), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: typvar  ! structure of output
+  !
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cfilet ,cfileout='section_trp.dat', &
+       &                       cfileu, cfilev, csection , &
+       &                       cfilvtrp='vtrp.txt', cfilhtrp='htrp.txt', cfilstrp='strp.txt'
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: coordhgr='mesh_hgr.nc',  coordzgr='mesh_zgr.nc', cdum
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) ,DIMENSION(4)   :: cvarname   !: array of var name for output
+  INTEGER    ::  nxtarg
+  LOGICAL    :: ltest=.FALSE.
+  ! added to write in netcdf
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256) :: cfileoutnc 
+  ! added to write in netcdf
+  LOGICAL :: lwrtcdf=.TRUE.
+  ! constants
+  REAL(KIND=4)   ::  rau0=1000.,  rcp=4000.
+  !!  Read command line and output usage message if not compliant.
+  narg= iargc()
+  IF ( narg < 3  ) THEN
+     PRINT *,' Usage : cdftransportiz [-test  u v ]  VTfile gridUfile gridVfile   ''limit of level'' '
+     PRINT *,' Files mesh_hgr.nc, mesh_zgr.nc must be in te current directory'
+     PRINT *,' Option -test vt u v is used for testing purposes, with constant flow field'
+     PRINT *,' Output on standard output and on an ascii file called section_trp.dat'
+     STOP
+  CALL getarg (1, cfilet)
+  IF ( cfilet == '-test')  THEN
+     ltest = .TRUE.
+     CALL getarg (2, cdum)
+     READ(cdum,*) udum
+     CALL getarg (3, cdum)
+     READ(cdum,*) vdum
+     CALL getarg (4, cfilet)
+     CALL getarg (5, cfileu)
+     CALL getarg (6, cfilev)
+     nxtarg=6
+     CALL getarg (2, cfileu)
+     CALL getarg (3, cfilev)
+     nxtarg=3
+  nclass = narg -nxtarg + 1
+  ALLOCATE (  imeter(nclass -1), ilev0(nclass), ilev1(nclass) )
+  DO jk=1, nclass -1
+     CALL getarg(nxtarg+jk,cdum)
+     READ(cdum,*) imeter(jk)
+  npiglo= getdim (cfilet,'x')
+  npjglo= getdim (cfilet,'y')
+  npk   = getdim (cfilet,'depth')
+  PRINT *, 'npiglo=', npiglo
+  PRINT *, 'npjglo=', npjglo
+  PRINT *, 'npk   =', npk
+  IF(lwrtcdf) THEN
+     ALLOCATE ( typvar(nboutput), ipk(nboutput), id_varout(nboutput) )
+     ALLOCATE (dumlon(1,1) , dumlat(1,1) )
+     dumlon(:,:)=0.
+     dumlat(:,:)=0.
+     DO jj=1,nboutput
+        ipk(jj)=1
+     ENDDO
+     ! define new variables for output 
+     typvar(1)%name='vtrp'
+     typvar(1)%units='Sverdrup'
+     typvar%missing_value=99999.
+     typvar(1)%valid_min= -1000.
+     typvar(1)%valid_max= 1000.
+     typvar%scale_factor= 1.
+     typvar%add_offset= 0.
+     typvar%savelog10= 0.
+     typvar(1)%long_name='Mass_Transport'
+     typvar(1)%short_name='vtrp'
+     typvar%online_operation='N/A'
+     typvar%axis='T'
+     typvar(2)%name='htrp'
+     typvar(2)%units='PW'
+     typvar(2)%valid_min= -1000.
+     typvar(2)%valid_max= 1000.
+     typvar(2)%long_name='Heat_Transport'
+     typvar(2)%short_name='htrp'
+     typvar(3)%name='strp'
+     typvar(3)%units='kt/s'
+     typvar(3)%valid_min= -1000.
+     typvar(3)%valid_max= 1000.
+     typvar(3)%long_name='Salt_Transport'
+     typvar(3)%short_name='strp'
+     typvar(4)%name='lonmin'
+     typvar(4)%units='deg'
+     typvar(4)%valid_min= -180.
+     typvar(4)%valid_max= 180.
+     typvar(4)%long_name='minimum_longitude_of_section'
+     typvar(4)%short_name='lonmin'
+     typvar(5)%name='lonmax'
+     typvar(5)%units='deg'
+     typvar(5)%valid_min= -180.
+     typvar(5)%valid_max= 180.
+     typvar(5)%long_name='maximum_longitude_of_section'
+     typvar(5)%short_name='lonmax'
+     typvar(6)%name='latmin'
+     typvar(6)%units='deg'
+     typvar(6)%valid_min= -90.
+     typvar(6)%valid_max= 90.
+     typvar(6)%long_name='minimum_latitude_of_section'
+     typvar(6)%short_name='latmin'
+     typvar(7)%name='latmax'
+     typvar(7)%units='deg'
+     typvar(7)%valid_min= -90.
+     typvar(7)%valid_max= 90.
+     typvar(7)%long_name='maximum_latitude_of_section'
+     typvar(7)%short_name='latmax'
+     typvar(8)%name='top'
+     typvar(8)%units='meters'
+     typvar(8)%valid_min= 0.
+     typvar(8)%valid_max= 10000.
+     typvar(8)%long_name='min_depth_of_the_section'
+     typvar(8)%short_name='top'
+     typvar(9)%name='bottom'
+     typvar(9)%units='meters'
+     typvar(9)%valid_min= 0.
+     typvar(9)%valid_max= 10000.
+     typvar(9)%long_name='max_depth_of_the_section'
+     typvar(9)%short_name='bottom'
+  ! Allocate arrays
+  ALLOCATE( zu (npiglo,npjglo), zut(npiglo,npjglo), zus(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE( zv (npiglo,npjglo), zvt(npiglo,npjglo), zvs(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  !
+  ALLOCATE ( zwku (npiglo,npjglo), zwkut(npiglo,npjglo), zwkus(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( zwkv (npiglo,npjglo), zwkvt(npiglo,npjglo), zwkvs(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  !
+  ALLOCATE ( ztrpu (npiglo,npjglo,nclass), ztrpv (npiglo,npjglo,nclass))
+  ALLOCATE ( ztrput(npiglo,npjglo,nclass), ztrpvt(npiglo,npjglo,nclass))
+  ALLOCATE ( ztrpus(npiglo,npjglo,nclass), ztrpvs(npiglo,npjglo,nclass))
+  !
+  ALLOCATE ( e1v(npiglo,npjglo),e3v(npiglo,npjglo))
+  ALLOCATE ( e2u(npiglo,npjglo),e3u(npiglo,npjglo))
+  !
+  ALLOCATE ( gphiu(npiglo,npjglo),  gphiv(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( glamu(npiglo,npjglo),  glamv(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( gdepw(npk) )
+  !
+  e1v(:,:) = getvar(coordhgr, 'e1v', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  e2u(:,:) = getvar(coordhgr, 'e2u', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  glamv(:,:) =  getvar(coordhgr, 'glamv', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  glamu(:,:) =  getvar(coordhgr, 'glamu', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  gphiv(:,:) = getvar(coordhgr, 'gphiv', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  gphiu(:,:) = getvar(coordhgr, 'gphiu', 1,npiglo,npjglo)
+  gdepw(:) = getvare3(coordzgr, 'gdepw',npk)
+  ! look for nearest level to imeter
+  ik = 1
+  ilev0(1)      = 1
+  ilev1(nclass) = npk-1
+  DO jk = 1, nclass -1
+     DO WHILE ( gdepw(ik)  < imeter(jk) )
+        ik = ik +1
+     END DO
+     rd1= ABS(gdepw(ik-1) - imeter(jk) )
+     rd2= ABS(gdepw(ik) - imeter(jk) )
+     IF ( rd2 < rd1 ) THEN
+        ilev1(jk) = ik -1  ! t-levels
+        ilev0(jk+1) = ik
+     ELSE 
+        ilev1(jk) = ik -2  ! t-levels
+        ilev0(jk+1) = ik -1
+     END IF
+  PRINT *, 'Limits :  '
+  DO jk = 1, nclass
+     PRINT *, ilev0(jk),ilev1(jk), gdepw(ilev0(jk)), gdepw(ilev1(jk)+1)
+  !! compute the transport
+  ztrpu (:,:,:)= 0
+  ztrpv (:,:,:)= 0
+  ztrput(:,:,:)= 0
+  ztrpvt(:,:,:)= 0
+  ztrpus(:,:,:)= 0
+  ztrpvs(:,:,:)= 0
+  DO jclass = 1, nclass
+     DO jk = ilev0(jclass),ilev1(jclass)
+        PRINT *,'level ',jk
+        ! Get velocities, temperature and salinity fluxes at jk
+        IF ( ltest ) THEN
+           zu (:,:)= udum
+           zv (:,:)= vdum
+           zut(:,:)= udum
+           zvt(:,:)= vdum
+           zus(:,:)= udum
+           zvs(:,:)= vdum
+        ELSE
+           zu (:,:)= getvar(cfileu, 'vozocrtx',  jk ,npiglo,npjglo)
+           zv (:,:)= getvar(cfilev, 'vomecrty',  jk ,npiglo,npjglo)
+           zut(:,:)= getvar(cfilet, 'vozout',  jk ,npiglo,npjglo)
+           zvt(:,:)= getvar(cfilet, 'vomevt',  jk ,npiglo,npjglo)
+           zus(:,:)= getvar(cfilet, 'vozous',  jk ,npiglo,npjglo)
+           zvs(:,:)= getvar(cfilet, 'vomevs',  jk ,npiglo,npjglo)
+        ENDIF
+        ! get e3u, e3v  at level jk
+        e3v(:,:) = getvar(coordzgr, 'e3v_ps', jk,npiglo,npjglo, ldiom=.TRUE.)
+        e3u(:,:) = getvar(coordzgr, 'e3u_ps', jk,npiglo,npjglo, ldiom=.TRUE.)
+        zwku (:,:) = zu (:,:)*e2u(:,:)*e3u(:,:)
+        zwkv (:,:) = zv (:,:)*e1v(:,:)*e3v(:,:)
+        zwkut(:,:) = zut(:,:)*e2u(:,:)*e3u(:,:)
+        zwkvt(:,:) = zvt(:,:)*e1v(:,:)*e3v(:,:)
+        zwkus(:,:) = zus(:,:)*e2u(:,:)*e3u(:,:)
+        zwkvs(:,:) = zvs(:,:)*e1v(:,:)*e3v(:,:)
+        ! integrates vertically 
+        ztrpu (:,:,jclass) = ztrpu (:,:,jclass) + zwku (:,:)
+        ztrpv (:,:,jclass) = ztrpv (:,:,jclass) + zwkv (:,:)
+        ztrput(:,:,jclass) = ztrput(:,:,jclass) + zwkut(:,:) * rau0*rcp
+        ztrpvt(:,:,jclass) = ztrpvt(:,:,jclass) + zwkvt(:,:) * rau0*rcp
+        ztrpus(:,:,jclass) = ztrpus(:,:,jclass) + zwkus(:,:)  
+        ztrpvs(:,:,jclass) = ztrpvs(:,:,jclass) + zwkvs(:,:)  
+     END DO  ! loop to next level
+  END DO    ! next class
+  OPEN(numout,FILE=cfileout)
+  ! also dump the results on txt files without any comments, some users  like it !
+  OPEN(numvtrp,FILE=cfilvtrp)
+  OPEN(numhtrp,FILE=cfilhtrp)
+  OPEN(numstrp,FILE=cfilstrp)
+  DO 
+     PRINT *, ' Give name of section '
+     READ(*,'(a)') csection
+     IF (TRIM(csection) == 'EOF' ) THEN ; CLOSE(numout) ; CLOSE(numvtrp) ; CLOSE(numhtrp) ; CLOSE(numstrp) ; ENDIF
+        IF (TRIM(csection) == 'EOF' ) EXIT
+        PRINT *, ' Give imin, imax, jmin, jmax '
+        READ(*,*) imin, imax, jmin, jmax
+        !! Find the broken line between P1 (imin,jmin) and P2 (imax, jmax)
+        !! ---------------------------------------------------------------
+        ! ... Initialization
+        i0=imin; j0=jmin; i1=imax;  j1=jmax
+        rxi1=i1;  ryj1=j1; rxi0=i0; ryj0=j0
+        ! compute direction of integrations and signs
+        !The transport across the section is the dot product of
+        !integral(line){(Mx,My)*dS} 
+        !Mx=integral(u*dz)  My=integral(v*dz)) and dS=(dy,-dx)}
+        !By defining the direction of the integration as 
+        idirx = isign(1,i1-i0) !positive to the east or if i1=i0
+        idiry = isign(1,j1-j0) !positive to the north or if j1=j0
+        !Then dS=(e2u*idiry,-e1v*idirx)
+        !This will produce the following sign convention:
+        !    West-to-est line (dx>0, dy=0)=> -My*dx (-ve for a northward flow)
+        !    South-to-north   (dy>0, dx=0)=>  Mx*dy (+ve for an eastward flow)
+        norm_u = idiry
+        norm_v = -idirx
+        ! .. Compute equation:  ryj = aj rxi + bj
+        IF ( (rxi1 -rxi0) /=  0 ) THEN
+           aj = (ryj1 - ryj0 ) / (rxi1 -rxi0)
+           bj = ryj0 - aj * rxi0
+        ELSE
+           aj=10000.
+           bj=0.
+        END IF
+        ! .. Compute equation:  rxi = ai ryj + bi
+        IF ( (ryj1 -ryj0) /=  0 ) THEN
+           ai = (rxi1 - rxi0 ) / ( ryj1 -ryj0 )
+           bi = rxi0 - ai * ryj0
+        ELSE
+           ai=10000.
+           bi=0.
+        END IF
+        ! ..  Compute the integer pathway:
+        n=0
+        ! .. Chose the strait line with the smallest slope
+        IF (ABS(aj) <=  1 ) THEN
+           ! ... Here, the best line is y(x)
+           ! ... If i1 < i0 swap points and remember it has been swapped
+           IF (i1 <  i0 ) THEN
+              i  = i0 ; j  = j0
+              i0 = i1 ; j0 = j1
+              i1 = i  ; j1 = j
+           END IF
+           IF ( j1 >= j0 ) THEN
+              ist = 1     ; jst = 1
+!              norm_u =  1 ;  norm_v = -1
+           ELSE
+              ist = 1     ; jst = 0
+!              norm_u = -1 ; norm_v = -1
+           END IF
+           ! ... compute the nearest j point on the line crossing at i
+           DO i=i0,i1
+              n=n+1
+              IF (n > jpseg) STOP 'n > jpseg !'
+              j=NINT(aj*i + bj )
+              yypt(n) = CMPLX(i,j)
+           END DO
+        ELSE
+           ! ... Here, the best line is x(y)
+           ! ... If j1 < j0 swap points and remember it has been swapped
+           IF (j1 <  j0 ) THEN
+              i  = i0 ; j  = j0
+              i0 = i1 ; j0 = j1
+              i1 = i  ; j1 = j
+           END IF
+           IF ( i1 >=  i0 ) THEN
+              ist = 1    ;  jst = 1
+!              norm_u = 1 ;  norm_v = -1
+           ELSE
+              ist = 0
+              jst = 1
+!              norm_u = 1
+!              norm_v = 1
+           END IF
+           ! ... compute the nearest i point on the line crossing at j
+           DO j=j0,j1
+              n=n+1
+              IF (n > jpseg) STOP 'n>jpseg !'
+              i=NINT(ai*j + bi)
+              yypt(n) = CMPLX(i,j)
+           END DO
+        END IF
+        !!
+        !! Look for intermediate points to be added.
+        !  ..  The final positions are saved in rxx,ryy
+        rxx(1)=REAL(yypt(1))
+        ryy(1)=IMAG(yypt(1))
+        nn=1
+        DO k=2,n
+           ! .. distance between 2 neighbour points
+           d=ABS(yypt(k)-yypt(k-1))
+           ! .. intermediate points required if d > 1
+           IF ( d > 1 ) THEN
+              CALL interm_pt(yypt,k,ai,bi,aj,bj,yypti)
+              nn=nn+1
+              IF (nn > jpseg) STOP 'nn>jpseg !'
+              rxx(nn)=REAL(yypti)
+              ryy(nn)=IMAG(yypti)
+           END IF
+           nn=nn+1
+           IF (nn > jpseg) STOP 'nn>jpseg !'
+           rxx(nn)=REAL(yypt(k))
+           ryy(nn)=IMAG(yypt(k))
+        END DO
+        ! Now extract the transport through a section 
+        ! ... Check whether we need a u velocity or a v velocity
+        !   Think that the points are f-points and delimit either a U segment
+        !   or a V segment (ist and jst are set in order to look for the correct
+        !   velocity point on the C-grid
+        PRINT *, TRIM(csection)
+        PRINT *, 'IMIN IMAX JMIN JMAX', imin, imax, jmin, jmax
+        WRITE(numout,*)'% Transport along a section by levels' ,TRIM(csection)
+        WRITE(numout,*) '% nada IMIN IMAX JMIN JMAX'
+        DO jclass=1,nclass
+           voltrpsum = 0.
+           heatrpsum = 0.
+           saltrpsum = 0.
+           DO jseg = 1, nn-1
+              i0=rxx(jseg)
+              j0=ryy(jseg)
+              IF ( rxx(jseg) ==  rxx(jseg+1) ) THEN
+                 gla(jseg)=glamu(i0,j0+jst)   ; gphi(jseg)=gphiu(i0,j0+jst)
+                 voltrp(jseg)= ztrpu (i0,j0+jst,jclass)*norm_u
+                 heatrp(jseg)= ztrput(i0,j0+jst,jclass)*norm_u
+                 saltrp(jseg)= ztrpus(i0,j0+jst,jclass)*norm_u
+              ELSE IF ( ryy(jseg) == ryy(jseg+1) ) THEN
+                 gla(jseg)=glamv(i0+ist,j0)  ;  gphi(jseg)=gphiv(i0+ist,j0)
+                 voltrp(jseg)=ztrpv (i0+ist,j0,jclass)*norm_v
+                 heatrp(jseg)=ztrpvt(i0+ist,j0,jclass)*norm_v
+                 saltrp(jseg)=ztrpvs(i0+ist,j0,jclass)*norm_v
+              ELSE
+                 PRINT *,' ERROR :',  rxx(jseg),ryy(jseg),rxx(jseg+1),ryy(jseg+1)
+              END IF
+              voltrpsum = voltrpsum+voltrp(jseg)
+              heatrpsum = heatrpsum+heatrp(jseg)
+              saltrpsum = saltrpsum+saltrp(jseg)
+           END DO   ! next segment
+           IF (jclass == 1 ) PRINT *, 'FROM (LON LAT): ', gla(1),gphi(1),' TO (LON LAT)', gla(nn-1), gphi(nn-1)
+           PRINT *, gdepw(ilev0(jclass)), gdepw(ilev1(jclass)+1)
+           PRINT *, ' Mass transport : ', voltrpsum/1.e6,' SV'
+           PRINT *, ' Heat transport : ', heatrpsum/1.e15,' PW'
+           PRINT *, ' Salt transport : ', saltrpsum/1.e6,' kT/s'
+           IF (jclass == 1 ) THEN 
+              WRITE(numout,*)  '% nada LONmin LATmin LONmax LATmax'
+              WRITE(numout,*)  '% Top(m)  Bottom(m)  MassTrans(Sv) HeatTrans(PW) SaltTrans(kt/s)'
+              WRITE(numout,*) 0 ,imin, imax, jmin, jmax
+              WRITE(numout,9003) 0. ,gla(1),gphi(1), gla(nn-1), gphi(nn-1)
+           ENDIF
+           WRITE(numout,9002) gdepw(ilev0(jclass)), gdepw(ilev1(jclass)+1), voltrpsum/1.e6, heatrpsum/1.e15, saltrpsum/1.e6
+           WRITE(numvtrp,'(e12.6)') voltrpsum
+           WRITE(numhtrp,'(e12.6)') heatrpsum
+           WRITE(numstrp,'(e12.6)') saltrpsum
+           IF(lwrtcdf) THEN
+              ! create output fileset
+              cfileoutnc=TRIM(csection)//'_transports.nc'
+              ncout =create(cfileoutnc,'none',kx,ky,kz,cdep='depthw')
+              ierr= createvar(ncout,typvar,nboutput,ipk,id_varout )
+              ierr= putheadervar(ncout, cfilet,kx, &
+                   ky,kz,pnavlon=dumlon,pnavlat=dumlat,pdep=gdepw)
+              tim=getvar1d(cfilet,'time_counter',1)
+              ierr=putvar1d(ncout,tim,1,'T')
+              ! netcdf output 
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(1), REAL(voltrpsum/1.e6) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(2), REAL(heatrpsum/1.e15) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(3), REAL(saltrpsum/1.e6) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(4), REAL(gla(1)) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(5), REAL(gla(nn-1)) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(6), REAL(gphi(1)) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(7), REAL(gphi(nn-1)) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(8), REAL(gdepw(ilev0(jclass))) )
+              ierr = putvar0d(ncout,id_varout(9), REAL(gdepw(ilev1(jclass)+1)) )
+              ierr = closeout(ncout)
+           ENDIF
+        END DO ! next class
+     END DO ! infinite loop : gets out when input is EOF 
+9000 FORMAT(I4,6(f9.3,f8.4))
+9001 FORMAT(I4,6(f9.2,f9.3))
+9002 FORMAT(f9.0,f9.0,f9.2,f9.2,f9.2)
+9003 FORMAT(f9.2,f9.2,f9.2,f9.2,f9.2)
+     SUBROUTINE interm_pt (ydpt,k,pai,pbi,paj,pbj,ydpti)
+       !! -----------------------------------------------------
+       !!           SUBROUTINE INTERM_PT
+       !!           ********************
+       !!
+       !!   PURPOSE:
+       !!   --------
+       !!     Find the best intermediate points on a pathway.
+       !!
+       !!    ARGUMENTS:
+       !!    ----------
+       !!      ydpt : complex vector of the positions of the nearest points
+       !!         k : current working index
+       !!       pai ,pbi : slope and original ordinate of x(y)
+       !!       paj ,pbj : slope and original ordinate of y(x)
+       !!      ydpti : Complex holding the position of intermediate point
+       !!
+       !!    AUTHOR:
+       !!    -------
+       !!      19/07/1999 : Jean-Marc MOLINES
+       !!      14/01/2005 : J M M in F90
+       !!
+       !!--------------------------------------------------------------
+       !!
+       !! 0. Declarations:
+       !! ----------------
+       COMPLEX, INTENT(in) :: ydpt(*)
+       COMPLEX, INTENT(out) :: ydpti
+       REAL(KIND=4), INTENT(IN) ::  pai,pbi,paj,pbj
+       INTEGER ,INTENT(in) :: k
+       ! ... local
+       COMPLEX :: ylptmp1, ylptmp2
+       REAL(KIND=4) ::  za0,zb0,za1,zb1,zd1,zd2
+       REAL(KIND=4) ::  zxm,zym
+       REAL(KIND=4) ::  zxp,zyp
+       !!
+       !! 1. Compute intermediate points
+       !! ------------------------------
+       !
+       ! ... Determines whether we use y(x) or x(y):
+       IF (ABS(paj) <=  1) THEN
+          ! ..... y(x)
+          ! ... possible intermediate points:
+          ylptmp1=ydpt(k-1)+(1.,0.)
+          ylptmp2=ydpt(k-1)+CMPLX(0.,SIGN(1.,paj))
+          !
+          ! ... M is the candidate point:
+          zxm=REAL(ylptmp1)
+          zym=IMAG(ylptmp1)
+          za0=paj
+          zb0=pbj
+          !
+          za1=-1./za0
+          zb1=zym - za1*zxm
+          ! ... P is the projection of M on the strait line
+          zxp=-(zb1-zb0)/(za1-za0)
+          zyp=za0*zxp + zb0
+          ! ... zd1 is the distance MP
+          zd1=(zxm-zxp)*(zxm-zxp) + (zym-zyp)*(zym-zyp)
+          !
+          ! ... M is the candidate point:
+          zxm=REAL(ylptmp2)
+          zym=IMAG(ylptmp2)
+          za1=-1./za0
+          zb1=zym - za1*zxm
+          ! ... P is the projection of M on the strait line
+          zxp=-(zb1-zb0)/(za1-za0)
+          zyp=za0*zxp + zb0
+          ! ... zd2 is the distance MP
+          zd2=(zxm-zxp)*(zxm-zxp) + (zym-zyp)*(zym-zyp)
+          ! ... chose the smallest (zd1,zd2)
+          IF (zd2 <=  zd1) THEN
+             ydpti=ylptmp2
+          ELSE
+             ydpti=ylptmp1
+          END IF
+          !
+       ELSE
+          !
+          ! ... x(y)
+          ylptmp1=ydpt(k-1)+CMPLX(SIGN(1.,pai),0.)
+          ylptmp2=ydpt(k-1)+(0.,1.)
+          zxm=REAL(ylptmp1)
+          zym=IMAG(ylptmp1)
+          za0=pai
+          zb0=pbi
+          !
+          za1=-1./za0
+          zb1=zxm - za1*zym
+          zyp=-(zb1-zb0)/(za1-za0)
+          zxp=za0*zyp + zb0
+          zd1=(zxm-zxp)*(zxm-zxp) + (zym-zyp)*(zym-zyp)
+          !
+          zxm=REAL(ylptmp2)
+          zym=IMAG(ylptmp2)
+          za1=-1./za0
+          zb1=zxm - za1*zym
+          zyp=-(zb1-zb0)/(za1-za0)
+          zxp=za0*zyp + zb0
+          zd2=(zxm-zxp)*(zxm-zxp) + (zym-zyp)*(zym-zyp)
+          IF (zd2 <=  zd1) THEN
+             ydpti=ylptmp2
+          ELSE
+             ydpti=ylptmp1
+          END IF
+       END IF
+     END SUBROUTINE interm_pt
+   END PROGRAM cdftransportiz

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