[cdftools] 98/228: JMM add cdfvita-geo.f90

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:35 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cdftools.

commit d7024fd6c95977f23f3a326ea9d354caaf9f5c30
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Fri Jul 29 09:37:44 2011 +0000

    JMM add cdfvita-geo.f90
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@545 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 Makefile        |   5 +-
 cdfvita-geo.f90 | 262 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 266 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b76148d..37bc023 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ EXEC = cdfmoy cdfmoyt cdfstd  cdfmoy_weighted cdfmoy_freq cdfvT \
        cdfmxlheatc cdfmxlsaltc cdfmxlhcsc cdfvertmean\
        cdfpendep cdfzonalsum cdficediags cdfzonalout\
        cdfprofile  cdfwhereij cdffindij cdfweight cdfmaxmoc cdfcensus cdfzoom cdfmax cdfprobe cdfinfo \
-       cdf16bit cdfvita cdfconvert cdfflxconv cdfclip cdfsstconv cdfstrconv cdfbathy cdfvar \
+       cdf16bit cdfvita cdfvita-geo cdfconvert cdfflxconv cdfclip cdfsstconv cdfstrconv cdfbathy cdfvar \
        cdfcsp cdfcoloc cdfmltmask cdfstatcoord  cdfpolymask cdfsmooth cdfmkmask cdfdifmask\
        cdfkempemekeepe cdfbci cdfbti cdfnrjcomp cdfcofdis cdfsections cdfnorth_unfold cdfovide cdfmppini\
        cdfpsi_level cdfhdy cdfhdy3d cdffracinv  cdfmaskdmp cdfnan cdfnamelist \
@@ -327,6 +327,9 @@ cdf2matlab: cdfio.o cdf2matlab.f90
 cdfvita: cdfio.o cdfvita.f90
 	$(F90) cdfvita.f90  -o $(BINDIR)/cdfvita cdfio.o modcdfnames.o $(FFLAGS)
+cdfvita-geo: cdfio.o cdfvita-geo.f90
+	$(F90) cdfvita-geo.f90  -o $(BINDIR)/cdfvita-geo  cdfio.o modcdfnames.o $(FFLAGS)
 cdfconvert: cdfio.o cdfconvert.f90
 	$(F90)  cdfconvert.f90  -o $(BINDIR)/cdfconvert cdfio.o modcdfnames.o $(FFLAGS)
diff --git a/cdfvita-geo.f90 b/cdfvita-geo.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1feed3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdfvita-geo.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+PROGRAM cdfvita_geo
+  !!======================================================================
+  !!                     ***  PROGRAM  cdfvita_geo  ***
+  !!=====================================================================
+  !!  ** Purpose : Compute velocity on t grid
+  !!
+  !!  ** Method  : Read velocity component on input gridU and gridV file
+  !!               Use gridT file for the proper location of T points
+  !!               The velocity module is also output (same function than
+  !!               cdfspeed) If a gridW file is given, (fifth argument)
+  !!               then w is also computed on the T grid
+  !!
+  !! History : 2.1  : 11/2006  : J.M. Molines : Original code
+  !!           3.0  : 01/2011  : J.M. Molines : Doctor norm + Lic.
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  USE cdfio 
+  USE modcdfnames
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !! CDFTOOLS_3.0 , MEOM 2011
+  !! $Id: cdfvita.f90 539 2011-07-11 10:33:35Z molines $
+  !! Copyright (c) 2011, J.-M. Molines
+  !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (Licence/CDFTOOLSCeCILL.txt)
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                            :: ji, jj, jk, jt, jlev    ! dummy loop index
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                            :: narg, iargc, ijarg      ! browse line
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                            :: npiglo,npjglo           ! size of the domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                            :: npk, npt                ! size of the domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                            :: nlev, ik                ! number of selected levels, current lev
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                            :: ncout                   ! ncid of output file
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                            :: ierr                    ! error status for cdfio
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                            :: nvar                    ! number of variable
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: nklev                   ! selected levels
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: ipk, id_varout          ! output stuff
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),    ALLOCATABLE :: tim                     ! time counter array
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),    ALLOCATABLE :: gdeptall, gdept         ! depths and selected depths
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),  ALLOCATABLE :: uc, vc                  ! velocity component on C grid
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),  ALLOCATABLE :: ua, va, vmod            ! velocity component on A grid
+  TYPE(variable), DIMENSION(:),  ALLOCATABLE :: stypvar                 ! data attributes
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                         :: cf_ufil, cf_vfil        ! velocity files on C grid
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                         :: cf_wfil                 ! optional W file on C grid
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                         :: cf_tfil                 ! GridT file for T position
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                         :: cf_out='vita.nc'        ! output file name
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                         :: cldum                   ! dummy char variable
+  LOGICAL                                    :: lvertical = .FALSE.     ! vertical velocity  flag 
+  LOGICAL                                    :: lperio    = .FALSE.     ! E_W periodicity flag 
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  CALL ReadCdfNames()
+  narg= iargc()
+  IF ( narg == 0 ) THEN
+     PRINT *,' usage : cdfvita-geo  Ugeo-file Vgeo_file T-file [-w W-file] [-lev level_list]'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     PURPOSE :'
+     PRINT *,'       Create a file with velocity components and module computed'
+     PRINT *,'       at T points from file on C-grid. T-file is used only for' 
+     PRINT *,'       getting the header of the output file. Any file on T grid'
+     PRINT *,'       can be used.'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     ARGUMENTS :'
+     PRINT *,'       Ugeo-file  : netcdf file with zonal component of velocity' 
+     PRINT *,'       Vigeo-file  : netcdf file with meridional component of velocity' 
+     PRINT *,'       T-file  : netcdf file with T points header OK.'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     OPTIONS :'
+     PRINT *,'       [ -w W-file ] : if used, also compute vertical velocities at' 
+     PRINT *,'                       T points.'
+     PRINT *,'       [ -lev level_list] : specify a list of level to be used '
+     PRINT *,'                   (default option is to use all input levels).'
+     PRINT *,'                   This option MUST be the last on the command line !!'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     REQUIRED FILES :'
+     PRINT *,'        none'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     OUTPUT : '
+     PRINT *,'       netcdf file : ', TRIM(cf_out) 
+     PRINT *,'         variables : sovitua, sovitva, sovitmod, [sovitwa]'
+     STOP
+  nlev = 0
+  ijarg=1
+  DO WHILE ( ijarg <= narg )
+     CALL getarg( ijarg, cldum ) ; ijarg=ijarg+1
+     SELECT CASE ( cldum )
+     CASE ( '-lev' )
+        nlev= narg - ijarg + 1
+        ALLOCATE (nklev(nlev) )
+        DO jlev = 1, nlev
+           CALL getarg( ijarg, cldum ) ; ijarg=ijarg+1 ; READ(cldum,* ) nklev(jlev)
+        ENDDO
+     CASE ( '-w' )
+        CALL getarg( ijarg, cf_wfil ) ; ijarg=ijarg+1
+        lvertical=.TRUE.
+        cf_ufil=cldum
+        CALL getarg( ijarg, cf_vfil ) ; ijarg=ijarg+1
+        CALL getarg( ijarg, cf_tfil ) ; ijarg=ijarg+1
+  ! adjust number of variable according to -w option
+  nvar=3
+  IF ( lvertical )  nvar = 4
+  ALLOCATE ( ipk(nvar), id_varout(nvar), stypvar(nvar) )
+  IF ( chkfile(cf_ufil) .OR. chkfile(cf_vfil) .OR. chkfile(cf_tfil) ) STOP ! missing file
+  IF ( lvertical ) THEN 
+     IF ( chkfile(cf_wfil) ) STOP ! missing file
+  npiglo = getdim (cf_ufil,cn_x)
+  npjglo = getdim (cf_ufil,cn_y)
+  npk    = getdim (cf_ufil,cn_z)
+  npt    = getdim (cf_ufil,cn_t)
+  IF ( nlev == 0 ) THEN ! take all levels
+     nlev = npk
+     ALLOCATE (nklev(nlev) )
+     DO jlev = 1, nlev
+        nklev(jlev) = jlev
+     ENDDO
+  ALLOCATE ( gdept(nlev) )
+  ! Zonal Velocity T point
+  ipk(1)                       = nlev
+  stypvar(1)%cname             = 'sovitua'
+  stypvar(1)%cunits            = 'm/s'
+  stypvar(1)%rmissing_value    = 0.
+  stypvar(1)%valid_min         = 0.
+  stypvar(1)%valid_max         = 10000.
+  stypvar(1)%clong_name        = 'Zonal Velocity T point'
+  stypvar(1)%cshort_name       = 'sovitua'
+  stypvar(1)%conline_operation = 'N/A'
+  stypvar(1)%caxis             = 'TZYX'
+  ! Meridional Velocity T point
+  ipk(2)                       = nlev
+  stypvar(2)%cname             = 'sovitva'
+  stypvar(2)%cunits            = 'm/s'
+  stypvar(2)%rmissing_value    = 0.
+  stypvar(2)%valid_min         = 0.
+  stypvar(2)%valid_max         = 10000.
+  stypvar(2)%clong_name        = 'Meridional Velocity T point'
+  stypvar(2)%cshort_name       = 'sovitva'
+  stypvar(2)%conline_operation = 'N/A'
+  stypvar(2)%caxis             = 'TZYX'
+  ! Velocity module T point
+  ipk(3)                       = nlev
+  stypvar(3)%cname             = 'sovitmod'
+  stypvar(3)%cunits            = 'm/s'
+  stypvar(3)%rmissing_value    = 0.
+  stypvar(3)%valid_min         = 0.
+  stypvar(3)%valid_max         = 10000.
+  stypvar(3)%clong_name        = 'Velocity module T point'
+  stypvar(3)%cshort_name       = 'sovitmod'
+  stypvar(3)%conline_operation = 'N/A'
+  stypvar(3)%caxis             = 'TZYX'
+  IF ( lvertical ) THEN
+     ! Vertical Velocity at T point
+     ipk(nvar)                       = nlev
+     stypvar(nvar)%cname             = 'sovitwa'
+     stypvar(nvar)%cunits            = 'mm/s'
+     stypvar(nvar)%rmissing_value    = 0.
+     stypvar(nvar)%valid_min         = 0.
+     stypvar(nvar)%valid_max         = 10000.
+     stypvar(nvar)%clong_name        = 'Vertical Velocity at T point'
+     stypvar(nvar)%cshort_name       = 'sovitwa'
+     stypvar(nvar)%conline_operation = 'N/A'
+     stypvar(nvar)%caxis             = 'TZYX'
+  PRINT *, 'npiglo =', npiglo
+  PRINT *, 'npjglo =', npjglo
+  PRINT *, 'npk    =', npk
+  PRINT *, 'npt    =', npt
+  PRINT *, 'nlev   =', nlev
+  ALLOCATE( uc(npiglo,npjglo), vc(npiglo,npjglo)  )
+  ALLOCATE( ua(npiglo,npjglo), va(npiglo,npjglo), vmod(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE( tim(npt), gdeptall(npk) )
+  gdeptall(:) = getvar1d(cf_tfil,cn_vdeptht, npk)
+  DO jlev = 1, nlev
+     ik = nklev(jlev)
+     gdept(jlev) = gdeptall(ik)
+  ! check E-W periodicity using uc array as working space
+  uc(:,:) = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_vlon2d, 1, npiglo, npjglo )
+  IF ( uc(1,1) == uc(npiglo-1,1) )  THEN 
+    lperio = .TRUE.
+    PRINT *,' E-W periodicity detected.'
+  ncout = create      (cf_out,   cf_tfil,  npiglo, npjglo, nlev                 )
+  ierr  = createvar   (ncout ,   stypvar,  nvar,   ipk,    id_varout            )
+  ierr  = putheadervar(ncout,    cf_tfil,  npiglo, npjglo, nlev,     pdep=gdept )
+  DO jt = 1, npt
+     DO jlev = 1, nlev
+        ik = nklev(jlev)
+        uc(:,:) = getvar(cf_ufil, cn_vozocrtx, ik ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+        vc(:,:) = getvar(cf_vfil, cn_vomecrty, ik ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+        ua = 0. ; va = 0. ; ua(:,:) = 0. ; va(:,:)=0. ; vmod(:,:)=0.
+        DO ji=2, npiglo
+           DO jj=2,npjglo
+              ua(ji,jj)   = 0.5* (uc(ji,jj  )+ uc(ji,jj-1))
+              va(ji,jj)   = 0.5* (vc(ji-1,jj)+ vc(ji,jj  ))
+              vmod(ji,jj) = SQRT( ua(ji,jj)*ua(ji,jj) + va(ji,jj)*va(ji,jj) )
+           END DO
+        END DO
+        IF ( lperio) THEN  ! periodic E-W boundary ...
+          ua  (1,:) = ua  (npiglo-1,:)
+          va  (1,:) = va  (npiglo-1,:)
+          vmod(1,:) = vmod(npiglo-1,:)
+        ENDIF
+        ierr=putvar(ncout, id_varout(1), ua,   jlev ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+        ierr=putvar(ncout, id_varout(2), va,   jlev ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+        ierr=putvar(ncout, id_varout(3), vmod, jlev ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+     END DO
+  IF ( lvertical ) THEN
+     ! reuse uc an vc arrays to store Wk and Wk+1
+     DO jt = 1, npt
+        DO jlev=1, nlev - 1
+           uc(:,:) = getvar(cf_wfil, cn_vovecrtz, nklev(jlev),   npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+           vc(:,:) = getvar(cf_wfil, cn_vovecrtz, nklev(jlev)+1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+           ua(:,:) = 0.5*(uc(:,:) + vc(:,:))*1000.  ! mm/sec
+           ierr    = putvar(ncout, id_varout(4), ua, jlev,      npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+           uc(:,:) = vc(:,:)
+        END DO
+        IF ( nlev == npk ) THEN
+           ua(:,:) = 0.e0  ! npk
+        ELSE
+           uc(:,:) = getvar(cf_wfil, cn_vovecrtz, nklev(nlev),   npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+           vc(:,:) = getvar(cf_wfil, cn_vovecrtz, nklev(nlev)+1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+           ua(:,:) = 0.5*(uc(:,:) + vc(:,:))*1000.  ! mm/sec
+     ENDIF
+        ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(4), ua, nlev ,npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt )
+     ENDDO
+  tim  = getvar1d(cf_ufil, cn_vtimec, npt     )
+  ierr = putvar1d(ncout,  tim,       npt, 'T')
+  ierr = closeout(ncout)
+END PROGRAM cdfvita_geo

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