[cdftools] 107/228: PM : add cdfdiv for divergence computation

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:36 UTC 2015

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mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
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commit f71aff5541c2be1a9a41e3128785640b83e6da17
Author: molines <molines at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Mon Oct 17 13:48:13 2011 +0000

    PM : add cdfdiv for divergence computation
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@554 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 cdfdiv.f90 | 199 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 199 insertions(+)

diff --git a/cdfdiv.f90 b/cdfdiv.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb83a43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdfdiv.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+PROGRAM cdfdiv
+  !!======================================================================
+  !!                     ***  PROGRAM  cdfdiv  ***
+  !!=====================================================================
+  !!  ** Purpose : Compute the divergence for given gridU gridV files 
+  !!               and variables
+  !!
+  !!  ** Method  : Use the equation on continuity: Integrate the 
+  !!               horizontal divergence from bottom to the top.
+  !!               ( Use the same routines than in the NEMO code )
+  !!
+  !! History :  3.0  : 10/2011  : P. Mathiot : first version, based on cdfw.f90
+  !!          
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  USE cdfio
+  USE modcdfnames
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !! CDFTOOLS_3.0 , MEOM 2011
+  !! $Id: cdfw.f90 539 2011-07-11 10:33:35Z molines $
+  !! Copyright (c) 2011, J.-M. Molines
+  !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (Licence/CDFTOOLSCeCILL.txt)
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: ji, jj, jk, jt     ! dummy loop index
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: npiglo, npjglo     ! size of the domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: npk, npt           ! size of the domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: narg, iargc, ijarg ! browse line
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: ncout              ! ncid of output file
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: ierr               ! error status
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                              :: itmp               ! working integer for level swap
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(1)                :: ipk, id_varout     ! levels and varid's of output vars
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE  :: wn                 ! vertical velocity on the top
+  !                                                                  ! and bottom of a cell.
+  !                                                                  ! wn(top) is computed
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: e1t, e2t           ! horizontal T metrics
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: e1v, e2u           ! horizontal V and U metrics
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: e3v, e3u, e3t      ! vertical metrics
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: glamt, gphit       ! T longitude latitude
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: un, vn             ! horizontal velocity component
+  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:),    ALLOCATABLE :: hdivn              ! horizontal divergence
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),      ALLOCATABLE :: gdepw              ! depth of W points
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),      ALLOCATABLE :: tim                ! time counter
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),      ALLOCATABLE :: e31d               ! vertical metrics (full step)
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                           :: cf_ufil            ! U file name
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                           :: cf_vfil            ! V file name
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                           :: cf_out='div.nc'      ! W file name ( output)
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                           :: cldum              ! dummy string
+  TYPE(variable), DIMENSION(1)                 :: stypvar            ! output attributes
+  LOGICAL                                      :: lchk               ! missing files flag
+  LOGICAL                                      :: lfull=.FALSE.      ! full step flag
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  CALL ReadCdfNames()
+  narg = iargc()
+  IF ( narg < 2 ) THEN
+     PRINT *,' usage : cdfdiv U-file V-file [ U-var V-var ] [ -full ]'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     PURPOSE :'
+     PRINT *,'       Compute the vertical velocity from the vertical integration of'
+     PRINT *,'       of the horizontal divergence of the velocity. '
+     PRINT *,'       Limitation: coded only for C grid (be carefful with forcing field)' 
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     ARGUMENTS :'
+     PRINT *,'       U-file : netcdf file with the zonal velocity component.' 
+     PRINT *,'       V-file : netcdf file with the meridional velocity component.' 
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     OPTIONS :'
+     PRINT *,'       [ U-var V-var ] : names of the zonal and meridional velocity '
+     PRINT *,'                         components. Default are ', TRIM(cn_vozocrtx),' and ', TRIM(cn_vomecrty)
+     PRINT *,'       [ -full ] : in case of full step configuration. Default is partial step.'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     REQUIRED FILES :'
+     PRINT *,'       ',TRIM(cn_fhgr),' and ',TRIM(cn_fzgr) 
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     OUTPUT : '
+     PRINT *,'       netcdf file : ', TRIM(cf_out) 
+     PRINT *,'         variables : div (s-1)'
+     STOP
+  ijarg = 1
+  CALL getarg(ijarg, cf_ufil) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1
+  CALL getarg(ijarg, cf_vfil) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1
+  DO WHILE (ijarg <= narg )
+     CALL getarg(ijarg, cldum) ;
+     SELECT CASE ( cldum )
+     CASE ( '-full' ) 
+        lfull = .TRUE.
+        ijarg = ijarg + 1
+        CALL getarg(ijarg, cn_vozocrtx) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1
+        CALL getarg(ijarg, cn_vomecrty) ; ijarg = ijarg + 1
+  PRINT *, cn_vozocrtx, cn_vomecrty
+  lchk = chkfile (cn_fhgr)
+  lchk = chkfile (cn_fzgr) .OR. lchk
+  lchk = chkfile (cf_ufil) .OR. lchk
+  lchk = chkfile (cf_vfil) .OR. lchk
+  IF ( lchk ) STOP ! missing files
+  npiglo = getdim(cf_ufil,cn_x)
+  npjglo = getdim(cf_ufil,cn_y)
+  npk    = getdim(cf_ufil,cn_z)
+  npt    = getdim(cf_ufil,cn_t)
+  ! define new variables for output
+  ipk(1)                       = npk 
+  stypvar(1)%cname             = 'div'
+  stypvar(1)%cunits            = 's-1'
+  stypvar(1)%rmissing_value    = 0.
+  stypvar(1)%valid_min         = -10.
+  stypvar(1)%valid_max         = 10.
+  stypvar(1)%clong_name        = 'Divergence field'
+  stypvar(1)%cshort_name       = 'div' 
+  stypvar(1)%conline_operation = 'N/A'
+  stypvar(1)%caxis             = 'TZYX'
+  ! Allocate the memory
+  ALLOCATE ( e1v(npiglo,npjglo), e2u(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( e1t(npiglo,npjglo), e2t(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( e3u(npiglo,npjglo), e3v(npiglo,npjglo), e3t(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( glamt(npiglo,npjglo), gphit(npiglo,npjglo)  )
+  ALLOCATE ( un(npiglo,npjglo), vn(npiglo,npjglo), hdivn(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( wn(npiglo,npjglo,2) )
+  ALLOCATE ( gdepw(npk), tim(npt) )
+  IF ( lfull ) ALLOCATE ( e31d (npk) )
+  ! Read the metrics from the mesh_hgr file
+  e2u = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_ve2u, 1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  e1v = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_ve1v, 1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  e1t = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_ve1t, 1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  e2t = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_ve2t, 1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  ! and the coordinates   from the mesh_hgr file
+  glamt = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_glamt, 1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  gphit = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_gphit, 1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  ! Read the depth of the w points (in the file, it is not a vector but a 1x1xnpk array)
+  gdepw(:) = getvare3(cn_fzgr, cn_gdepw, npk)
+  IF ( lfull ) e31d(:) = getvare3(cn_fzgr, cn_ve3t, npk)
+  ! create output fileset
+  ncout = create      (cf_out, cf_ufil, npiglo, npjglo, npk, cdep=cn_vdepthw     )
+  ierr  = createvar   (ncout,  stypvar, 1,      ipk,    id_varout                )
+  ierr  = putheadervar(ncout,  'dummy', npiglo, npjglo, npk, glamt, gphit, gdepw )
+  tim  = getvar1d(cf_ufil, cn_vtimec, npt     )
+  ierr = putvar1d(ncout  , tim      , npt, 'T')
+  ! Main time loop
+  DO jt = 1, npt
+     ! Main level loop from top to bottom
+     DO jk = 1, npk
+        PRINT *,'jt = ', jt,' jk = ', jk
+        ! velocities at level jk
+        un(:,:) =  getvar(cf_ufil, cn_vozocrtx, jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+        vn(:,:) =  getvar(cf_vfil, cn_vomecrty, jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+        IF ( lfull ) THEN
+           e3u(:,:) = e31d(jk)
+           e3v(:,:) = e31d(jk)
+           e3t(:,:) = e31d(jk)
+        ELSE
+           ! e3 metrics at level jk ( Partial steps)
+           e3u(:,:) = getvar(cn_fzgr, 'e3u_ps', jk, npiglo, npjglo, ldiom=.TRUE.) 
+           e3v(:,:) = getvar(cn_fzgr, 'e3v_ps', jk, npiglo, npjglo, ldiom=.TRUE.) 
+           e3t(:,:) = getvar(cn_fzgr, 'e3t_ps', jk, npiglo, npjglo, ldiom=.TRUE.) 
+        ENDIF
+        ! Compute divergence :
+        DO jj = 2, npjglo -1
+           DO ji = 2, npiglo -1
+              hdivn(ji,jj) =   &
+                &  (  e2u(ji,jj)*e3u(ji,jj) * un(ji,jj) - e2u(ji-1,jj  )*e3u(ji-1,jj  )  * un(ji-1,jj )     &       
+                &   + e1v(ji,jj)*e3v(ji,jj) * vn(ji,jj) - e1v(ji  ,jj-1)*e3v(ji  ,jj-1)  * vn(ji  ,jj-1)  ) &
+                & / ( e1t(ji,jj)*e2t(ji,jj) * e3t(ji,jj) )
+           END DO
+        END DO
+        ! write level jk 
+        ierr = putvar(ncout, id_varout(1), hdivn, jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+     END DO  ! loop to next level
+  END DO ! loop on time
+  ierr = closeout(ncout)

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