[cdftools] 154/228: RD: add a geostrophy tool,to be checked

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Jun 12 08:21:42 UTC 2015

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mckinstry pushed a commit to branch master
in repository cdftools.

commit 882e7650aee908ae05f9ea4eefd0317e98701187
Author: dussin <dussin at 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5>
Date:   Sun May 13 19:48:40 2012 +0000

    RD: add a geostrophy tool,to be checked
    git-svn-id: http://servforge.legi.grenoble-inp.fr/svn/CDFTOOLS/trunk@602 1055176f-818a-41d9-83e1-73fbe5b947c5
 Makefile          |   5 +-
 cdfgeostrophy.f90 | 335 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 339 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 14db6cc..85fa2a8 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ EXEC = cdfmoy cdfmoyt cdfstd  cdfmoy_weighted cdfmoy_freq cdfvT \
        cdfcsp cdfcoloc cdfmltmask cdfstatcoord  cdfpolymask cdfsmooth cdfmkmask cdfdifmask\
        cdfkempemekeepe cdfbci cdfbti cdfnrjcomp cdfcofdis cdfsections cdfnorth_unfold cdfovide cdfmppini\
        cdfpsi_level cdfhdy cdfhdy3d cdffracinv  cdfmaskdmp cdfnan cdfscale cdfnamelist \
-       cdfisopsi cdf2matlab cdffixtime
+       cdfisopsi cdf2matlab cdffixtime cdfgeostrophy
 all: $(EXEC)
@@ -132,6 +132,9 @@ cdfw: cdfio.o  cdfw.f90
 cdfgeo-uv: cdfio.o  cdfgeo-uv.f90
 	$(F90) cdfgeo-uv.f90 -o $(BINDIR)/cdfgeo-uv cdfio.o modcdfnames.o $(FFLAGS)
+cdfgeostrophy: cdfio.o eos.o cdfgeostrophy.f90
+	$(F90) cdfgeostrophy.f90 -o $(BINDIR)/cdfgeostrophy cdfio.o eos.o modcdfnames.o $(FFLAGS)
 cdfmxl: cdfio.o eos.o  cdfmxl.f90
 	$(F90) cdfmxl.f90 -o $(BINDIR)/cdfmxl cdfio.o eos.o modcdfnames.o $(FFLAGS)
diff --git a/cdfgeostrophy.f90 b/cdfgeostrophy.f90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bc4c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cdfgeostrophy.f90
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+PROGRAM cdfgeostrophy
+  !!======================================================================
+  !!                     ***  PROGRAM  cdfgeostrophy  ***
+  !!=====================================================================
+  !!  ** Purpose : Compute the ug and vg component of the geostrophic 
+  !!               velocity from ssh and density field
+  !!
+  !!  ** Method  : * Integrate pressure from surface to current level
+  !!                 P(n) = rho_insitu(1) * g * ssh 
+  !!                      + sum( rho_insitu(k) * g * h(k) ) k=1,n-1
+  !!                      + rho_insitu(n) * g * h(n) / 2
+  !!
+  !!                 h = level thickness
+  !!
+  !!               * Interpolation of Pressure on F points
+  !!                 values on F-point are given
+  !!                 by the demi-sum of X points (on the diagonal)
+  !!
+  !!                 p1 = 0.5 * ( A + B )
+  !!                 p1 = 0.5 * ( B + C )
+  !!                 p1 = 0.5 * ( C + D )
+  !!
+  !!                 F--------F--------F--------F
+  !!                 |        |        |        |
+  !!                 |        |   B    |        |
+  !!                 |        |        |        |
+  !!                 F--------p1--V----p2-------F
+  !!                 |        |        |        |
+  !!                 |   A    |  Pi,j  U   C    |
+  !!                 |        |        |        |
+  !!                 F--------F--------p3-------F
+  !!                 |        |        |        |
+  !!                 |        |   D    |        |
+  !!                 |        |        |        |
+  !!                 F--------F--------F--------F
+  !!
+  !!               * Compute local coriolis parameter at U and V point
+  !!
+  !!                 F--------F1--V----F2-------F
+  !!                 |        |        |        |
+  !!                 |        |   Pij  U        |
+  !!                 |        |        |        |
+  !!                 F--------F--------F3-------F
+  !!
+  !!                 Vg computation : Fij_v = 0.5 * ( F1 + F2 )
+  !!                 Ug computation : Fij_u = 0.5 * ( F2 + F3 )
+  !!
+  !!               * Compute geostrophic balance
+  !!
+  !!                 Vg(i,j) = +1 * ( 1 / rho0 * Fij_v ) * ( p2 - p1 ) / e1v(i,j)
+  !!                 Ug(i,j) = -1 * ( 1 / rho0 * Fij_u ) * ( p2 - p3 ) / e2u(i,j)
+  !!               
+  !!               * Masking :
+  !!
+  !!                 - if A,B or C are land points -> Vg = 0
+  !!                 - if B,C or D are land points -> Ug = 0
+  !!                 - multiplied by umask and vmask
+  !!                 - if f < 1e-5, we mask
+  !!
+  !!  **  Note : Ug is located on a U grid point
+  !!             Vg                 V grid point
+  !!
+  !!
+  !! History : 3.0  : 01/2011  : R.Dussin : original code
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  USE cdfio
+  USE eos
+  USE modcdfnames
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !! CDFTOOLS_3.0 , MEOM 2011
+  !! $Id: cdfgeo-uv.f90 539 2011-07-11 10:33:35Z molines $
+  !! Copyright (c) 2011, J.-M. Molines
+  !! Software governed by the CeCILL licence (Licence/CDFTOOLSCeCILL.txt)
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                           :: ji, jj, jt     ! dummy loop index
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                           :: npiglo, npjglo ! size of the domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                           :: npk, npt       ! size of the domain
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                           :: jk             ! vertical index
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                           :: narg, iargc    ! browse line
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                           :: ncoutu         ! ncid for ugeo file
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                           :: ncoutv         ! ncid for vgeo file
+  INTEGER(KIND=4)                           :: ierr           ! error status
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(1)             :: ipk            ! levels of output vars
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(1)             :: id_varoutu     ! varid for ugeo
+  INTEGER(KIND=4), DIMENSION(1)             :: id_varoutv     ! varid for vgeo
+  REAL(KIND=4)                              :: grav           ! gravity
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),   ALLOCATABLE :: tim            ! time counter
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:),   ALLOCATABLE :: deptht, depthw
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e1u, e2v, ff   ! horiz metrics, coriolis (f-point)
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e1v, e2u       ! horiz metrics
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: e3             ! vertic metrics
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: glamu, gphiu   ! longitude latitude u-point
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: glamv, gphiv   ! longitude latitude v-point
+  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: un, vn         ! velocity components
+  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zsshn          ! ssh
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: umask, vmask   ! mask at u and v points
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: tmask          ! mask at t points
+  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zpupper        ! total pressure above current level
+  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zphalflevel    ! pressure at T-point of current level
+  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zplevel        ! pressure at bottom W-point of current level
+  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zpsurf         ! pressure due to SSH
+  REAL(KIND=8), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zptot          ! total pressure at current level
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zsigsurf       ! density at first level (used for zpsurf)
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zsiglevel      ! density at current level (used for zplevel/zphalflevel)
+  REAL(KIND=4), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zt, zsal       ! temporary arrays for temperature and salinity
+  REAL(KIND=4)                              :: zhlevel        ! thickness of current level
+  REAL(KIND=4)                              :: zhhalflevel    ! thickness of half the current level
+  REAL(KIND=4)                              :: zrho0          ! reference density in geos balance
+  REAL(KIND=4)                              :: zohr0          ! reference density in geos balance
+  REAL(KIND=4)                              :: zffu, zffv     ! local coriolis parameter
+  REAL(KIND=4)                              :: zp1, zp2       ! dummy for pressure interp
+  REAL(KIND=4)                              :: zp3, zp4       ! dummy for pressure interp
+  REAL(KIND=4)                              :: zumask, zvmask ! dummy for mask 
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                        :: cf_tfil        ! input file name
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                        :: cf_uout='ugeo.nc' 
+  CHARACTER(LEN=256)                        :: cf_vout='vgeo.nc'
+  TYPE(variable), DIMENSION(1)              :: stypvaru       ! attributes for ugeo
+  TYPE(variable), DIMENSION(1)              :: stypvarv       ! attributes for vgeo
+  LOGICAL                                   :: lchk           ! file existence flag
+  !!----------------------------------------------------------------------
+  CALL ReadCdfNames()
+  grav = 9.81  ! gravity
+  zrho0 = 1025 ! reference density
+  zohr0 = 1. / zrho0
+  narg = iargc()
+  IF ( narg == 0 ) THEN
+     PRINT *,' usage : cdfgeostrophy T-file'
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     PURPOSE :'
+     PRINT *,'       Compute the geostrophic velocity component from the pressure gradient '
+     PRINT *,'       computed from SSH and in-situ density (T,S of input file) '
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     ARGUMENTS :'
+     PRINT *,'       T-file : netcdf file with SSH, T and S.' 
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     REQUIRED FILES :'
+     PRINT *,'        ',TRIM(cn_fmsk),' ',TRIM(cn_fhgr),' and ',TRIM(cn_fzgr)
+     PRINT *,'      '
+     PRINT *,'     OUTPUT : '
+     PRINT *,'       - netcdf file : ', TRIM(cf_uout) 
+     PRINT *,'           variables : ', TRIM(cn_vozocrtx)
+     PRINT *,'       - netcdf file : ', TRIM(cf_vout) 
+     PRINT *,'           variables : ', TRIM(cn_vomecrty)
+     STOP
+  CALL getarg(1, cf_tfil)
+  lchk = chkfile(cn_fhgr)
+  lchk = chkfile(cn_fzgr) .OR. lchk
+  lchk = chkfile(cn_fmsk) .OR. lchk
+  lchk = chkfile(cf_tfil) .OR. lchk
+  IF ( lchk ) STOP ! missing file
+  npiglo = getdim(cf_tfil, cn_x)
+  npjglo = getdim(cf_tfil, cn_y)
+  npk    = getdim(cf_tfil, cn_z) 
+  npt    = getdim(cf_tfil, cn_t) 
+  PRINT *, 'npiglo =', npiglo
+  PRINT *, 'npjglo =', npjglo
+  PRINT *, 'npk =', npk
+  ipk(1)                        = npk
+  stypvaru(1)%cname             = TRIM(cn_vozocrtx)
+  stypvaru(1)%cunits            = 'm/s'
+  stypvaru(1)%rmissing_value    = 0.
+  stypvaru(1)%valid_min         = -20.
+  stypvaru(1)%valid_max         = 20.
+  stypvaru(1)%clong_name        = 'Zonal_Geostrophic_Velocity'
+  stypvaru(1)%cshort_name       = TRIM(cn_vozocrtx)
+  stypvaru(1)%conline_operation = 'N/A'
+  stypvaru(1)%caxis             = 'TZYX'
+  stypvarv(1)%cname             = TRIM(cn_vomecrty)
+  stypvarv(1)%cunits            = 'm/s'
+  stypvarv(1)%rmissing_value    = 0.
+  stypvarv(1)%valid_min         = -20.
+  stypvarv(1)%valid_max         = 20.
+  stypvarv(1)%clong_name        = 'Meridional_Geostrophic_Velocity'
+  stypvarv(1)%cshort_name       = TRIM(cn_vomecrty)
+  stypvarv(1)%conline_operation = 'N/A'
+  stypvarv(1)%caxis             = 'TZYX'
+  ! Allocate the memory
+  ALLOCATE ( e1v(npiglo,npjglo), e2u(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( ff(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( glamu(npiglo,npjglo), gphiu(npiglo,npjglo)  )
+  ALLOCATE ( glamv(npiglo,npjglo), gphiv(npiglo,npjglo)  )
+  ALLOCATE ( un(npiglo,npjglo), vn(npiglo,npjglo)  )
+  ALLOCATE ( zsshn(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( umask(npiglo,npjglo), vmask(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( tmask(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( zpupper(npiglo,npjglo), zpsurf(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( zphalflevel(npiglo,npjglo), zplevel(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( zptot(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( zt(npiglo,npjglo), zsal(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( deptht(npk), depthw(npk) )
+  ALLOCATE ( zsigsurf(npiglo,npjglo) , zsiglevel(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ALLOCATE ( e3(npiglo,npjglo) )
+  ! Read the metrics from the mesh_hgr file
+  e2u   = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_ve2u,  1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  e1v   = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_ve1v,  1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  ff    = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_vff,   1, npiglo, npjglo) 
+  glamu = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_glamu, 1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  gphiu = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_gphiu, 1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  glamv = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_glamv, 1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  gphiv = getvar(cn_fhgr, cn_gphiv, 1, npiglo, npjglo)
+  deptht(:) = getvare3(cn_fhgr, 'gdept',npk)
+  ! create output filesets
+  ! U geo  
+  ncoutu = create      (cf_uout, cf_tfil,  npiglo, npjglo, npk                            )
+  ierr   = createvar   (ncoutu,  stypvaru, 1,      ipk,    id_varoutu                     )
+  ierr   = putheadervar(ncoutu,  cf_tfil,  npiglo, npjglo, npk, pnavlon=glamu, pnavlat=gphiu)
+  tim  = getvar1d(cf_tfil, cn_vtimec, npt     )
+  ierr = putvar1d(ncoutu,  tim,       npt, 'T')
+  ! V geo 
+  ncoutv = create      (cf_vout, cf_tfil,  npiglo, npjglo, npk                            )
+  ierr   = createvar   (ncoutv,  stypvarv, 1,      ipk,    id_varoutv                     )
+  ierr   = putheadervar(ncoutv,  cf_tfil,  npiglo, npjglo, npk, pnavlon=glamv, pnavlat=gphiv)
+  tim  = getvar1d(cf_tfil, cn_vtimec, npt     )
+  ierr = putvar1d(ncoutv,  tim,       npt, 'T')
+  ! time loop
+  DO jt=1,npt
+     ! Read ssh
+     zsshn = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_sossheig, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+     ! Read temperature and salinity
+     zt   = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_votemper, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+     zsal = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_vosaline, 1, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+     ! Compute density at first level
+     zsigsurf(:,:) = 1000. + sigmai ( zt,zsal,deptht(1),npiglo,npjglo )
+     ! Compute psurf (pressure due to SSH)
+     zpsurf(:,:) = zsigsurf * grav * zsshn
+     zpupper(:,:) = 0.
+     DO jk=1,npk
+         tmask = getvar(cn_fmsk, 'tmask',  jk, npiglo, npjglo)
+         umask = getvar(cn_fmsk, 'umask',  jk, npiglo, npjglo)
+         vmask = getvar(cn_fmsk, 'vmask',  jk, npiglo, npjglo)
+         PRINT *,'Working on level ', jk
+         !! 1. First we compute integrated pressure from the surface to current level
+         ! Thickness
+         e3  = getvar(cn_fzgr, cn_ve3t, jk, npiglo, npjglo)
+         ! MAXVAL is used to avoid partial steps
+         zhlevel     = MAXVAL(e3)
+         zhhalflevel = 0.5 * MAXVAL(e3)
+         ! 
+         !PRINT *,' At level ', jk, ' thickness is ', zhlevel
+         ! Read temperature and salinity at current level
+         zt   = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_votemper, jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+         zsal = getvar(cf_tfil, cn_vosaline, jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+         ! Compute density of this level
+         zsiglevel(:,:) = 1000. + sigmai ( zt,zsal,deptht(jk),npiglo,npjglo )
+         ! Compute the pressure at T-point 
+         zphalflevel(:,:) = zsiglevel * grav * zhhalflevel
+         ! Compute the pressure at bottom W-point
+         zplevel(:,:) =  zsiglevel * grav * zhlevel
+         ! Compute the total pression -> This one is used in the geostrophic balance !
+         zptot(:,:) = zpsurf(:,:) + zpupper(:,:) + zphalflevel(:,:)
+         ! update zpupper for next level
+         zpupper(:,:) = zpupper(:,:) + zplevel(:,:)
+         !! 2. We compute the velocities from geostrophic balance
+         un(:,:) = 0.
+         vn(:,:) = 0.
+         DO jj=2,npjglo-1
+            DO ji=2,npiglo-1
+               ! local coriolis parameter
+               zffu = 0.5 * ( ff(ji,jj) + ff(ji,jj-1) )
+               zffv = 0.5 * ( ff(ji,jj) + ff(ji-1,jj) )
+               ! interp on F points 
+               zp1 = 0.5 * ( zptot(ji-1,jj) + zptot(ji,jj+1) ) 
+               zp2 = 0.5 * ( zptot(ji+1,jj) + zptot(ji,jj+1) )
+               zp3 = 0.5 * ( zptot(ji,jj-1) + zptot(ji+1,jj) )
+               zumask = tmask(ji,jj-1) * tmask(ji+1,jj) * tmask(ji,jj+1)
+               zvmask = tmask(ji-1,jj) * tmask(ji,jj+1) * tmask(ji+1,jj)
+               ! geostrophic balance
+               vn(ji,jj) = +1 * ( zohr0 / zffv ) * ( zp2 - zp1 ) / e1v(ji,jj)
+               un(ji,jj) = -1 * ( zohr0 / zffu ) * ( zp2 - zp3 ) / e2u(ji,jj)
+               vn(ji,jj) = vn(ji,jj) * zvmask
+               un(ji,jj) = un(ji,jj) * zumask
+            ENDDO
+         ENDDO
+     WHERE ( ABS(ff) < 1.e-5 ) un(:,:) = 0.
+     WHERE ( ABS(ff) < 1.e-5 ) vn(:,:) = 0.
+     un(:,:) = un(:,:) * umask(:,:)
+     vn(:,:) = vn(:,:) * vmask(:,:)
+     ! write un and vn  ...
+     ierr = putvar(ncoutu, id_varoutu(1), un(:,:), jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+     ierr = putvar(ncoutv, id_varoutv(1), vn(:,:), jk, npiglo, npjglo, ktime=jt)
+    ENDDO ! vertical loop
+  END DO  ! time loop
+  ierr = closeout(ncoutu)
+  ierr = closeout(ncoutv)
+END PROGRAM cdfgeostrophy

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