[arrayfire] annotated tag debian/3.0.1-1 created (now 3b81f4e)

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Jun 22 11:00:04 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a change to annotated tag debian/3.0.1-1
in repository arrayfire.

        at  3b81f4e   (tag)
   tagging  df7d7a5b341eb267548606fd94efbe19cfffb827 (commit)
  replaces  debian/3.0.0-1
 tagged by  Ghislain Antony Vaillant
        on  Mon Jun 22 11:59:36 2015 +0100

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
arrayfire Debian release 3.0.1-1

Brian Kloppenborg (2):
      Fix typo in installer mode.
      Fix path for CMake config files.

Filipe Maia (1):
      Requires some knowledge of array_proxy_impl. Fixes #787

Gaëtan Lehmann (1):
      fix missing include

Ghislain Antony Vaillant (11):
      d/p/*: remove prefixed numbering, gets in the way
      d/copyright: fix short license names
      d/copyright: refactor license texts
      d/copyright: more adjustments
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      d/rules: remove unneeded include buildflags line
      d/rules: simplified clean command
      Merge branch 'master' into debian/sid
      d/changelog: bump uversion
      d/p: add patch fixing some unnecessary deps
      add dep3 header to latest patch

Pavan Yalamanchili (16):
      Fixing CPack.txt
      Fixing CPack.txt
      Merge pull request #773 from shehzan10/devel
      Merge pull request #770 from umar456/basic_c
      Merge pull request #774 from bkloppenborg/cmake_fix
      Merge pull request #777 from pentschev/vision_docs
      Merge pull request #778 from pentschev/matchtemplate_vision
      Merge branch 'fftconvolve_fix' of https://github.com/pentschev/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.0.1
      BUGFIX/TEST: fftConvolve now does multi dimensional batching properly
      BUGFIX/TEST: fftConvolve now does multi dimensional batching properly
      Merge pull request #789 from FilipeMaia/array_proxy_constructor
      Merge pull request #808 from shehzan10/hotfixes-3.0.1
      Merge pull request #807 from pentschev/ml_examples_fix
      Adding using_on_osx document
      Update release notes and version details
      Merge pull request #814 from arrayfire/hotfixes-3.0.1

Peter Andreas Entschev (7):
      Moved CV documentation to vision.dox
      Added missing Hamming matcher documentation
      Moved matchTemplate definition to vision.h
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/hotfixes-3.0.1' into vision_docs
      Fixed matchTemplate includes
      Fixed fftconvolve() bug, resulting in wrong output
      Fixed wrong indexing in some machine learning examples

Shehzan Mohammed (27):
      Fixing conflicts between std::array and af::array
      Move snprintf/static macros from defines.h to backend
      Disable RPM and DEB packages
      Merge pull request #776 from 9prady9/gfx_changes
      Change forge branch to master
      Add defines.hpp to opencl files where snprintf is required on windows
      Enable multiple CUDA computes to be detected and enabled
      Disable fallback computes if any CUDA_COMPUTE_XY is set
      Change build status to reflect master status
      Disable fallback only if any compute is set to ON
      Merge branch 'fix-missing-include' of git://github.com/glehmann/arrayfire into multiple_computes
      Merge pull request #796 from umar456/osx_install
      Merge pull request #798 from umar456/fractal
      Optimized compute detection code
      Merge pull request #803 from bkloppenborg/hotfixes
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/hotfixes-3.0.1' into devel
      Merge branch 'private_lib' of git://github.com/umar456/arrayfire into hotfixes-3.0.1
      Fixed examples cmake for unix
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/devel' into hotfixes-3.0.1
      Fix header file in basic_c
      Merge pull request #805 from 9prady9/gfx_image_fixes
      Add gitter label
      Fix CUDACheckCompute when error is returned
      Minor typo fixes in windows doc
      Fixed gtest git link
      Merge pull request #811 from 9prady9/printf_cleanup
      Merge pull request #810 from umar456/osx_install

Umar Arshad (16):
      Added test to check the validity of the headers in C
      Remove git folder form docs folder
      Resolve ambiguous pow error on osx cuda(6.5)
      Add missing parameter to CREATE_TESTS macro
      Updated fractal example
      Merge pull request #797 from shehzan10/multiple_computes
      Make all link interfaces private
      Fix cuda linking.
      Fix cmake errors in linux for private linking
      Remove references to installer_mode
      Created OSX Installer
      Make osx installer based on targets. Style
      Finalize osx Installer
      Put guards around osx install scripts
      Renamed cpack.txt to cpack.cmake
      Update the installer name

pradeep (7):
      Graphics changes to reflect changes in upstream library forge
      Fixed glew header search hints for cmake
      Removed the need to Find glfw/glew from build_forge script
      updated external project forge tag
      Fix for displaying images of type uchar, int and uint
      Removed a printf from opencl backend
      Changed forge tag to af3.0.1 in build_forge.cmake

xumbu (1):
      Fixed 'snprintf' definition conflict in Visual Studio 2015


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/arrayfire.git

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