[mlpack] 23/149: Refactor test to remove overclustering parameter.
Barak A. Pearlmutter
barak+git at pearlmutter.net
Sat May 2 09:11:05 UTC 2015
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commit 4af0264c274566c007e4d9242a23cc1d130bf05b
Author: rcurtin <rcurtin at 9d5b8971-822b-0410-80eb-d18c1038ef23>
Date: Thu Oct 9 20:38:55 2014 +0000
Refactor test to remove overclustering parameter.
git-svn-id: http://svn.cc.gatech.edu/fastlab/mlpack/trunk@17225 9d5b8971-822b-0410-80eb-d18c1038ef23
src/mlpack/tests/kmeans_test.cpp | 69 ++++++++++++++++++----------------------
1 file changed, 31 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/mlpack/tests/kmeans_test.cpp b/src/mlpack/tests/kmeans_test.cpp
index 0853a0d..d41bb1a 100644
--- a/src/mlpack/tests/kmeans_test.cpp
+++ b/src/mlpack/tests/kmeans_test.cpp
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <mlpack/methods/kmeans/kmeans.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/kmeans/allow_empty_clusters.hpp>
#include <mlpack/methods/kmeans/refined_start.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/methods/kmeans/elkan_kmeans.hpp>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include "old_boost_test_definitions.hpp"
@@ -49,46 +50,11 @@ arma::mat kMeansData(" 0.0 0.0;" // Class 1.
" -9.8 5.1;");
- * 30-point 3-class test case for K-Means, with no overclustering.
+ * 30-point 3-class test case for K-Means.
- KMeans<> kmeans; // No overclustering.
- arma::Col<size_t> assignments;
- kmeans.Cluster((arma::mat) trans(kMeansData), 3, assignments);
- // Now make sure we got it all right. There is no restriction on how the
- // clusters are ordered, so we have to be careful about that.
- size_t firstClass = assignments(0);
- for (size_t i = 1; i < 13; i++)
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(assignments(i), firstClass);
- size_t secondClass = assignments(13);
- // To ensure that class 1 != class 2.
- BOOST_REQUIRE_NE(firstClass, secondClass);
- for (size_t i = 13; i < 20; i++)
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(assignments(i), secondClass);
- size_t thirdClass = assignments(20);
- // To ensure that this is the third class which we haven't seen yet.
- BOOST_REQUIRE_NE(firstClass, thirdClass);
- BOOST_REQUIRE_NE(secondClass, thirdClass);
- for (size_t i = 20; i < 30; i++)
- BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(assignments(i), thirdClass);
- * 30-point 3-class test case for K-Means, with overclustering.
- */
- KMeans<> kmeans(1000, 4.0); // Overclustering factor of 4.0.
+ KMeans<> kmeans;
arma::Col<size_t> assignments;
kmeans.Cluster((arma::mat) trans(kMeansData), 3, assignments);
@@ -519,4 +485,31 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(SparseKMeansTest)
#endif // Exclude Armadillo 3.4.
#endif // ARMA_HAS_SPMAT
+ arma::mat dataset(10, 1000);
+ dataset.randu();
+ arma::mat centroids(10, 20);
+ centroids.randu();
+ // Make sure Elkan's algorithm and the naive method return the same clusters.
+ arma::mat naiveCentroids(centroids);
+ KMeans<> km;
+ arma::Col<size_t> assignments;
+ km.Cluster(dataset, 20, assignments, naiveCentroids, false, true);
+ KMeans<metric::EuclideanDistance, RandomPartition, MaxVarianceNewCluster,
+ ElkanKMeans> elkan;
+ arma::Col<size_t> elkanAssignments;
+ arma::mat elkanCentroids(centroids);
+ elkan.Cluster(dataset, 20, elkanAssignments, elkanCentroids, false, true);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < dataset.n_cols; ++i)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(assignments[i], elkanAssignments[i]);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < centroids.n_elem; ++i)
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_CLOSE(naiveCentroids[i], elkanCentroids[i], 1e-5);
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