[mlpack] 93/149: HMM regression method

Barak A. Pearlmutter barak+git at pearlmutter.net
Sat May 2 09:11:13 UTC 2015

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commit a10d19b87b0c47b21b307fea0dec92b5de89408c
Author: michaelfox99 <michaelfox99 at 9d5b8971-822b-0410-80eb-d18c1038ef23>
Date:   Sat Nov 15 19:33:59 2014 +0000

    HMM regression method
    git-svn-id: http://svn.cc.gatech.edu/fastlab/mlpack/trunk@17370 9d5b8971-822b-0410-80eb-d18c1038ef23
 src/mlpack/methods/hmm/hmm_regression.hpp | 335 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 335 insertions(+)

diff --git a/src/mlpack/methods/hmm/hmm_regression.hpp b/src/mlpack/methods/hmm/hmm_regression.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ba66ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mlpack/methods/hmm/hmm_regression.hpp
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+ * @file hmm_regression.hpp
+ * @author Michael Fox
+ *
+ * Definition of HMMRegression class.
+ */
+#include <mlpack/core.hpp>
+#include <mlpack/core/dists/regression_distribution.hpp>
+#include "hmm.hpp"
+namespace mlpack {
+namespace hmm /** Hidden Markov Models. */ {
+ * A class that represents a Hidden Markov Model Regression (HMMR). HMMR is an
+ * extension of Hidden Markov Models to regression analysis. The method is
+ * described in (Fridman, 1993)
+ * https://www.ima.umn.edu/preprints/January1994/1195.pdf
+ * An HMMR is a linear regression model whose coefficients are determined by a 
+ * finite-state Markov chain. The error terms are conditionally independently 
+ * normally distributed with zero mean and state-dependent variance. Let Q_t be
+ * a finite-state Markov chain, X_t a vector of predictors and Y_t a response. 
+ * The HMMR is
+ * Y_t = X_t \beta_{Q_t} + \sigma_{Q_t} \epsilon_t
+ *  
+ * This HMMR class supports training (supervised and unsupervised), prediction
+ * of state sequences via the Viterbi algorithm, estimation of state
+ * probabilities, filtering and smoothing of responses, and calculation of the
+ * log-likelihood of a given sequence.
+ *
+ * Usage of the HMMR class generally involves either training an HMMR or loading
+ * an already-known HMMR and using to filter a sequence.
+ * Example code for supervised training of an HMMR is given below.
+ *
+ * @code
+ * // Each column is a vector of predictors for a single observation.
+ * arma::mat predictors(5, 100, arma::fill::randn);
+ * // Responses for each observation
+ * arma::vec responses(100, arma::fill::randn); 
+ * 
+ * // Create an untrained HMMR with 3 hidden states
+ * RegressionDistribution rd(predictors, responses);
+ * arma::mat transition("0.5 0.5;" "0.5 0.5;");
+ * std::vector<RegressionDistribution> emissions(2,rd);
+ * HMMRegression hmmr("0.9 0.1", transition, emissions);
+ *
+ *  // Train the HMM (supply a state sequence to perform supervised training)
+ * std::vector<arma::mat> predictorsSeq(1, predictors); 
+ * std::vector< arma::vec> responsesSeq(1, responses);
+ * hmmr.Train(predictorsSeq, responsesSeq);
+ * hmm.Train(observations, states);
+ * @endcode
+ *
+ * Once initialized, the HMMR can evaluate the probability of a certain sequence
+ * (with LogLikelihood()), predict the most likely sequence of hidden states
+ * (with Predict()), estimate the probabilities of each state for a sequence of
+ * observations (with Estimate()), or perform filtering or smoothing of
+ * observations.
+ *
+ */
+class HMMRegression : public HMM<distribution::RegressionDistribution>
+ public:
+  /**
+   * Create the Hidden Markov Model Regression with the given number of hidden
+   * states and the given default regression emission. The dimensionality of the
+   * observations is taken from the emissions variable, so it is important that
+   * the given default emission distribution is set with the correct
+   * dimensionality. Alternately, set the dimensionality with Dimensionality().
+   * Optionally, the tolerance for convergence of the Baum-Welch algorithm can
+   * be set.
+   *
+   * By default, the transition matrix and initial probability vector are set to
+   * contain equal probability for each state.
+   *
+   * @param states Number of states.
+   * @param emissions Default distribution for emissions.
+   * @param tolerance Tolerance for convergence of training algorithm
+   *      (Baum-Welch).
+   */
+  HMMRegression(const size_t states,
+      const distribution::RegressionDistribution emissions,
+      const double tolerance = 1e-5) :
+      HMM<distribution::RegressionDistribution>(states, emissions, tolerance)
+  { /* nothing to do */ }
+  /**
+   * Create the Hidden Markov Model Regression with the given initial
+   * probability vector, the given transition matrix, and the given regression 
+   * emission distributions. The dimensionality of the observations of the HMMR
+   * are taken from the given emission distributions. Alternately, the
+   * dimensionality can be set with Dimensionality().
+   *
+   * The initial state probability vector should have length equal to the number
+   * of states, and each entry represents the probability of being in the given
+   * state at time T = 0 (the beginning of a sequence).
+   *
+   * The transition matrix should be such that T(i, j) is the probability of
+   * transition to state i from state j.  The columns of the matrix should sum
+   * to 1.
+   *
+   * Optionally, the tolerance for convergence of the Baum-Welch algorithm can
+   * be set.
+   *
+   * @param initial Initial state probabilities.
+   * @param transition Transition matrix.
+   * @param emission Emission distributions.
+   * @param tolerance Tolerance for convergence of training algorithm
+   *      (Baum-Welch).
+   */      
+  HMMRegression(const arma::vec& initial,
+      const arma::mat& transition,
+      const std::vector<distribution::RegressionDistribution>& emission,
+      const double tolerance = 1e-5) :
+      HMM<distribution::RegressionDistribution>(initial, transition, emission,
+       tolerance)
+  { /* nothing to do */ }
+  /**
+   * Train the model using the Baum-Welch algorithm, with only the given
+   * predictors and responses. Instead of giving a guess transition and emission
+   * here, do that in the constructor.  Each matrix in the vector of predictors
+   * corresponds to an individual data sequence, and likewise for each vec in 
+   * the vector of responses. The number of rows in each matrix of predictors
+   * plus one should be equal to the dimensionality of the HMM (which is set in
+   * the constructor).
+   *
+   * It is preferable to use the other overload of Train(), with labeled data.
+   * That will produce much better results.  However, if labeled data is
+   * unavailable, this will work.  In addition, it is possible to use Train()
+   * with labeled data first, and then continue to train the model using this
+   * overload of Train() with unlabeled data.
+   *
+   * The tolerance of the Baum-Welch algorithm can be set either in the
+   * constructor or with the Tolerance() method.  When the change in
+   * log-likelihood of the model between iterations is less than the tolerance,
+   * the Baum-Welch algorithm terminates.
+   *
+   * @note
+   * Train() can be called multiple times with different sequences; each time it
+   * is called, it uses the current parameters of the HMM as a starting point
+   * for training.
+   * @endnote
+   *
+   * @param predictors Vector of predictor sequences.
+   * @param responses Vector of response sequences.
+   */
+  void Train(const std::vector<arma::mat>& predictors,
+             const std::vector<arma::vec>& responses);
+  /**
+   * Train the model using the given labeled observations; the transition and
+   * regression emissions are directly estimated. Each matrix in the vector of
+   * predictors corresponds to an individual data sequence, and likewise for
+   * each vec in the vector of responses. The number of rows in each matrix of
+   * predictors plus one should be equal to the dimensionality of the HMM
+   * (which is set in the constructor).
+   *
+   * @note
+   * Train() can be called multiple times with different sequences; each time it
+   * is called, it uses the current parameters of the HMMR as a starting point
+   * for training.
+   * @endnote
+   *
+   * @param predictors Vector of predictor sequences.
+   * @param responses Vector of response sequences.
+   * @param stateSeq Vector of state sequences, corresponding to each
+   *     observation.
+   */
+  void Train(const std::vector<arma::mat>& predictors,
+             const std::vector<arma::vec>& responses,
+             const std::vector<arma::Col<size_t> >& stateSeq);
+  /**
+   * Estimate the probabilities of each hidden state at each time step for each
+   * given data observation, using the Forward-Backward algorithm.  Each matrix
+   * which is returned has columns equal to the number of data observations, and
+   * rows equal to the number of hidden states in the model.  The log-likelihood
+   * of the most probable sequence is returned.
+   *
+   * @param predictors Vector of predictor sequences.
+   * @param responses Vector of response sequences.
+   * @param stateProb Matrix in which the probabilities of each state at each
+   *    time interval will be stored.
+   * @param forwardProb Matrix in which the forward probabilities of each state
+   *    at each time interval will be stored.
+   * @param backwardProb Matrix in which the backward probabilities of each
+   *    state at each time interval will be stored.
+   * @param scales Vector in which the scaling factors at each time interval
+   *    will be stored.
+   * @return Log-likelihood of most likely state sequence.
+   */
+  double Estimate(const arma::mat& predictors,
+                  const arma::vec& responses,
+                  arma::mat& stateProb,
+                  arma::mat& forwardProb,
+                  arma::mat& backwardProb,
+                  arma::vec& scales) const;
+  /**
+   * Estimate the probabilities of each hidden state at each time step of each
+   * given data observation, using the Forward-Backward algorithm.  The returned
+   * matrix of state probabilities has columns equal to the number of data
+   * observations, and rows equal to the number of hidden states in the model.
+   * The log-likelihood of the most probable sequence is returned.
+   *
+   * @param predictors Vector of predictor sequences.
+   * @param responses Vector of response sequences.
+   * @param stateProb Probabilities of each state at each time interval.
+   * @return Log-likelihood of most likely state sequence.
+   */
+  double Estimate(const arma::mat& predictors,
+                  const arma::vec& responses,
+                  arma::mat& stateProb) const;
+  /**
+   * Compute the most probable hidden state sequence for the given predictors
+   * and responses, using the Viterbi algorithm, returning the log-likelihood of
+   * the most likely state sequence.
+   *
+   * @param predictors Vector of predictor sequences.
+   * @param responses Vector of response sequences.
+   * @param stateSeq Vector in which the most probable state sequence will be
+   *    stored.
+   * @return Log-likelihood of most probable state sequence.
+   */
+  double Predict(const arma::mat& predictors,
+                 const arma::vec& responses,
+                 arma::Col<size_t>& stateSeq) const;
+  /**
+   * Compute the log-likelihood of the given predictors and responses.
+   *
+   * @param predictors Vector of predictor sequences.
+   * @param responses Vector of response sequences.
+   * @return Log-likelihood of the given sequence.
+   */
+  double LogLikelihood(const arma::mat& predictors,
+                       const arma::vec& responses) const;
+  /**
+   * HMMR filtering. Computes the k-step-ahead expected response at each time
+   * conditioned only on prior observations. That is
+   * E{ Y[t+k] | Y[0], ..., Y[t] }.
+   * The returned matrix has columns equal to the number of observations. Note
+   * that the expectation may not be meaningful for discrete emissions.
+   * 
+   * @param predictors Vector of predictor sequences.
+   * @param responses Vector of response sequences.
+   * @param initial Distribution of initial state.
+   * @param ahead Number of steps ahead (k) for expectations.
+   * @param filterSeq Vector in which the expected emission sequence will be
+   *    stored.
+   */
+  void Filter(const arma::mat& predictors,
+              const arma::vec& responses,
+              arma::vec& filterSeq,
+              size_t ahead = 0) const;
+  /**
+   * HMM smoothing. Computes expected emission at each time conditioned on all
+   * observations. That is
+   * E{ Y[t] | Y[0], ..., Y[T] }.
+   * The returned matrix has columns equal to the number of observations. Note
+   * that the expectation may not be meaningful for discrete emissions.
+   *  
+   * @param predictors Vector of predictor sequences.
+   * @param responses Vector of response sequences..
+   * @param initial Distribution of initial state.
+   * @param smoothSeq Vector in which the expected emission sequence will be
+   *    stored.
+   */
+  void Smooth(const arma::mat& predictors,
+              const arma::vec& responses,
+              arma::vec& smoothSeq) const;
+ private:
+  /**
+   * Utility functions to facilitate the use of the HMM class for HMMR. 
+   */   
+   void StackData(const std::vector<arma::mat>& predictors,
+                  const std::vector<arma::vec>& responses,
+                  std::vector<arma::mat>& dataSeq) const;
+   void StackData(const arma::mat& predictors,
+                  const arma::vec& responses,
+                  arma::mat& dataSeq) const;
+  /**
+   * The Forward algorithm (part of the Forward-Backward algorithm).  Computes
+   * forward probabilities for each state for each observation in the given data
+   * sequence.  The returned matrix has rows equal to the number of hidden
+   * states and columns equal to the number of observations.
+   *
+   * @param predictors Vector of predictor sequences.
+   * @param responses Vector of response sequences.
+   * @param scales Vector in which scaling factors will be saved.
+   * @param forwardProb Matrix in which forward probabilities will be saved.
+   */
+  void Forward(const arma::mat& predictors,
+               const arma::vec& responses,
+               arma::vec& scales,
+               arma::mat& forwardProb) const;
+  /**
+   * The Backward algorithm (part of the Forward-Backward algorithm).  Computes
+   * backward probabilities for each state for each observation in the given
+   * data sequence, using the scaling factors found (presumably) by Forward().
+   * The returned matrix has rows equal to the number of hidden states and
+   * columns equal to the number of observations.
+   *
+   * @param predictors Vector of predictor sequences.
+   * @param responses Vector of response sequences.
+   * @param scales Vector of scaling factors.
+   * @param backwardProb Matrix in which backward probabilities will be saved.
+   */
+  void Backward(const arma::mat& predictors,
+                const arma::vec& responses,
+                const arma::vec& scales,
+                arma::mat& backwardProb) const;
+}; // namespace hmm
+}; // namespace mlpack
+// Include implementation.
+#include "hmm_regression_impl.hpp"

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