[clfft] branch debian created (now b14eb54)
Jérôme Kieffer
kieffer-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed May 20 07:29:18 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
kieffer-guest pushed a change to branch debian
in repository clfft.
at b14eb54 exclude "eclipse" project files from dpkg-source scan
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 1e4a52d Initial check-in of open source clFFT code
new ca7eedd Changing version number to 2.0
new 88f668a Adding link to our API documentation on GitHub Pages
new e7b02b4 Adding link to our API documentation on GitHub Pages
new 07a668e Fixed project name for doxy file
new 881788e Add pkg-config support
new b379401 First attempt at changing install suffixes based upon cmake cache variables
new 4a22f0b Removing /stack from windows builds; adding printscreen support for nmake builds
new bba631a Merge pull request #12 from kknox/develop
new 5126ea2 Merge branch 'add-pkgconfig-support' of https://github.com/matze/clFFT into matze-add-pkgconfig
new 6d37dba Merging Matzes pull request, with modifications for the new install procedure
new b43d768 Fixed compiler name check on Linux
new 943fae2 Adding mingw32 support as a compilation platform
new 705596c Merge pull request #15 from pavanky/develop
new 0dfdb07 Fixed bug in clFFT.pc.in where lib directory was set relative to bin directory Added SOVERSION 2 to the clFFT library
new e3536fe Merge pull request #17 from kknox/matze-add-pkgconfig
new 242ba47 Adding CUDA_PATH as an option for OPENCL_ROOT
new 2b1227f CUDA uses Win32 to store 32 bit libraries
new 8506ac0 Merge pull request #18 from kknox/mingwSupport
new 137cf48 Cleanup of txt not in the spirit of the clMath Apache license
new d52d676 Merge pull request #19 from accelereyes/develop
new d7b95ef Add configuration file and cmake modifications to automate build on Travis.
new 20b6032 Merge pull request #21 from kknox/develop
new 0def5e1 Adding the ability to specify build numbers through cmake command line parameters
new fd063c2 workaround to make clfft run on NV
new 24ce704 Everything builds with xcode 5.0 except for the googletest executable
new cdb2919 NV workaround. Using the command queue to get the device id
new 4854ff2 Merge pull request #23 from AMD-FirePro/develop
new 60dfdea Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into macosx
new 3a56ebf Everything compiles on MacOSX with the Unix makefile generator
new 3ed0dc3 Merge pull request #24 from kknox/macosx
new 3c94e56 Workaround for 2D FFT failures on NVIDIA GPUs
new 08130dc adding error return to handle mismatched device usgae between BakePlan and EnqueueTransform
new 1927730 Logic added to packaging step to query dependencies for test executables, and package the dependencies in addition to the test executables if they are built. In addition, only for debug builds, debug runtimes, debug symbols and a snapshot of the code is packaged.
new 0b41606 Merge pull request #28 from kknox/develop
new ed38aa4 fix bug when working multiple devices.
new c12b25c Merge pull request #29 from BenjaminCoquelle/develop
new 449d4f2 Merge pull request #30 from accelereyes/develop
new 2bc3b58 Fixes #14 Renamed version.h to clFFT.version.h
new 1572a59 Adding missing '-pthread' to the C/C++ compiler flags, since the library makes use of pthreads
new 1396b7f Changing the behavior of linking to Boost such that system directories are searched on linux. This can still be disabled by setting the flag Boost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS.
new 3c62d97 Added CMake find script. The script searches in /usr/local by default. The user may specify CLFFT_ROOT if clFFT is installed in a non-standard location.
new bf75c1d Merge pull request #38 from bkloppenborg/add_FindclFFT_script
new 62bc9a0 Merge pull request #37 from andreygursky/cmake-fix-1
new b4484e9 fixing documentation
new 4dee2d5 Add an option to control shared vs static library builds.
new aa92ed9 Merge pull request #41 from d-meiser/static-lib
new 0db6e07 Improved detection of the OpenCL dependencies during the 'copy' step A little refactoring of the FindOpenCL & FindFFTW to make it more standard
new 234ca9f Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/clMathLibraries/clFFT into develop
new ee5da40 Update to the cmake script to copy dependencies into packages This should make the logic more robust in windows
new 02f07f4 Travis fix: The DIRECTORY tag on get_filename_component( ) was introduced in cmake, which Travis CI does not have by default. Revert to the old name PATH.
new 2217b68 Updates to the main README.md file to incorporate google group links, and updates to the build dependencies section.
new d0394b1 Merge branch 'develop' Bump version to v2.2
new 87c9f4d Bump /develop version to v2.3 Develop branch will keep odd numbers for the 'minor' version component
new b0d70b3 fixing documentation of top-level page
new b6501db fixing event leak bug that affects gtest unit tests; was identified by OS X team when running on Mac
new 121fefb fixed FindOpenCL.cmake file to find OpenCL on Ubuntu 14.04 with CUDA 6.0
new b60d668 Fixes #47: Removing error log messages to stderr in release builds
new d6dcb18 Merge pull request #48 from sschaetz/develop
new 801830a Merge branch 'develop'
new 3eb0e85 files related to debian packaging
new e3bca0a patch cmake-file
new cef30f9 patch lib64
new 5e4a55d commit patch and install path
new 3d03724 forgotten files
new 7123413 remove lib64
new 6e6dde7 still not multi-arch
new 5685154 enable multiarch
new bebbdad restore CMakeLists
new 8604f5a patch for lib64 removal
new 915df05 update patch serie
new f969e60 add debug package ...
new b50cb49 better dependencies for dbg
new a90faa2 something to build the doc
new 4ba9658 towards documentation package
new 3d7a286 add man page
new cb6f63d Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/debian' into debian
new ce5189b provided unzipped manual
new 8a4f0fa add patch to autogen doc
new ada5a70 update patch .. not yet working
new 58a2fae doc is now generated by cmake (not yet installed)
new 33d7666 install doc
new 1720a1e installs almost docs correctly
new 8ea0e32 intermediate patch
new def20c9 still workig on doc generation
new 9c2ffd7 images installed at right position
new c6bfbbd doc properly installed ?
new 0a8c19e hunt lintian warnings
new 91c18a9 lintian fix
new c5fb6a0 add man page, close ITP, rename exe
new 6057bc6 rename exe
new c71a4b2 rename exe
new 7257b44 lintian clean up
new 75b7a54 improve man page
new cd54aff lintian clean-up
new 3eb2984 bug from lintian
new f6a5f2a use mathjax from debian
new 3eea74b update dependencies: + doxygen
new 07427b5 remove dep
new 9d4aa5e add opencl-header dependeny
new 5361ef5 dependency on libstdc++-dev
new 42e645c dependency on libopencl1
new 6301df1 missing build dep for OpenCL
new 32b43ed add multilib build dep
new 85cabab patch to make it work on i386 as well.
new d730e97 add debian watch to look after github
new 60f84be another dependency still missing
new 1c01d5c correct debian watch
new b14eb54 exclude "eclipse" project files from dpkg-source scan
The 109 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/clfft.git
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