[clblas] branch master created (now a6b3f9d)

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 29 06:57:14 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository clblas.

        at  a6b3f9d   Merge pull request #98 from clMathLibraries/revert-97-master

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  db35dbd   Initial check-in of open source clBLAS code
       new  b51ca64   Changing version number to 2.0
       new  c005bb5   Adding link to our API documentation on GitHub Pages
       new  ac0cb67   Adding link to our API documentation on GitHub Pages
       new  5f603a8   fixing cmake files to allow for netlib blas reference
       new  14ab8e6   Fixed paths to source doxygen files
       new  baa4c1c   Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/clMathLibraries/clBLAS into develop
       new  a7af65d   Changing ACMLROOT to the more standard cmake name ACML_ROOT
       new  edd8a9e   Adding support for msvc11 compilers.  Changing the output directory of tplgen to generate the .clT files out-of-source.  This way the source directory is not polluted with generated files
       new  b298b43   Removing tplgen configure.bat which is not used anymore.  Fixing linux build problem with path differences between gcc and msvc
       new  cf89e37   Updates to the readme.md file
       new  4bc90b7   Merge pull request #4 from kknox/develop
       new  bc5647a   Fixed a bug wherein the build would fail if a release build were built before debug build Removing /stack from windows builds; adding printscreen support for nmake builds Changing install suffixes based upon user settable cmake cache variables: SUFFIX_BIN/SUFFIX_LIB
       new  d88a36b   Merge pull request #9 from kknox/develop
       new  2b3d7be   Change CMAKE version requirement to 2.8
       new  cfdb867   Merge pull request #11 from pavanky/develop
       new  cbb8d82   Adding basic support for pkg-config based configuration management, for gcc based distributions.
       new  cc25387   Bumped the SOVERSION to 2 to account for ABI changes Fixed several typos in .pc file
       new  ddd1d45   Merge pull request #13 from kknox/add-pkgconfig
       new  d42e68c   Adding CUDA_PATH as an option for OPENCL_ROOT
       new  bffcca7   CUDA uses Win32 to store 32 bit libraries
       new  89d693c   Cleanup of txt not in the spirit of the clMath Apache license
       new  1100fc0   Fix build problems on OS X.
       new  87ef626   Merge pull request #16 from accelereyes/develop
       new  ba54c93   add to travis build. change default device type to cpu. need to enable build-testcorrectness (link to acml) in the build.
       new  10089ce   Update README.md
       new  ca117bc   Merge pull request #17 from TimmyLiu/develop
       new  bb0ce37   Fix compilation warnings:  - assignment used as condition warnings for the error checking  - writeable char constant warning.  - Fix sprintf of size_t values to not (potentially) print garbage.  - Remove extra parentheses around condition in if().  - Replace explicit NULL dereference by a call to abort().
       new  1c13ce2   Merge pull request #18 from abergeron/osx-build
       new  7ba6961   Adding guards around the clBLAS version numbers, to support an external script setting the library version through the command line -D mechanism. Changing the name of AMD_CLBLAS_STORAGE_PATH to CLBLAS_STORAGE_PATH Bugfix for clAmdBlasCgemm() in wrapper legacy header; eliminated the offX parameters which were not present in original header
       new  a9856a6   fix a bug in performance client. Since the performance is calculated by the average of 20 runs, clReleaseMemObject and delete buffer should be done in between runs instead of after all runs in the destructor. In certain device and size of matrix, the client will report a slower performance due to this inapproriate handling of memory. Also updated the travis CI build script. Force the client test to CPU from command line in stead of source code.
       new  a414380   Make GTest work on OS X
       new  6bd1014   OSX: Provide nanosecond resolution timer for tests
       new  8564466   Merge pull request #22 from gicmo/gtest_osx
       new  29d0c28   Kernel cache: Store if we have the source for a kernel
       new  57a1afd   Merge pull request #24 from gicmo/osx_kern_source
       new  3bb2214   Update README.md
       new  5472441   Adding 'staging' directory to make it easier to debug; all binary code is copied together Adding new install logic for debug builds to copy debug runtimes into package Adding new install logic to copy test dependencies into package if tests are built
       new  546bd32   Modified travis build file to make release builds, and to run unit test in package directory
       new  70c45a1   Merge pull request #26 from kknox/develop
       new  4ee2b8f   fix bug in ssyrk, now use only uint for mad24
       new  0e2ddf3   Merge pull request #27 from BenjaminCoquelle/develop
       new  361d574   fix typos in CONTRIBUTING.md
       new  ac3f54c   Merge pull request #28 from nikai3d/patch-1
       new  7e7fa10   add support of hemm, herk, her2k, syrk, syr2k to performance test suite(client)
       new  2a0ed3b   fix the flops calculation formula
       new  5d47c23   fix the flop calculation formula for syr2k
       new  bb8b379   Merge pull request #29 from TimmyLiu/develop
       new  9f7538a   The ACML_ROOT variable was being clobbered even if the user passed in a valid value for ACML_ROOT through the command line.  Removed the overwrite statement and instead added the ACML_ROOT environment variable to the HINTS section of find_library().
       new  85e0803   Modified search path for ACML; if looking in _mp subdir, make sure to search and link _mp libs accordingly
       new  2d5a3ea   Renamed version.h to clBLAS.version.h
       new  7114449   updating documentation
       new  b706e88   Merge pull request #30 from BenjaminCoquelle/develop
       new  d481f72   add memalloc options to client (gemm and trsm)
       new  da0a638   bug fix
       new  fae4a1b   A fix for an uninitialized variable in the tune tool.  The problem would manifest itself when the --store-kernels flag was used on the command line. Comments were added to clarify a few sections of code.
       new  d5e6169   Merge pull request #32 from TimmyLiu/develop
       new  10f17c7   Merge pull request #33 from kknox/tuneCrash
       new  15c03be   enable rect read/write for gemm
       new  e9dc0f1   undate
       new  7e239b6   bug fix
       new  f607ed6   Improved detection of the OpenCL dependencies during the 'copy' step A little refactoring of the FindOpenCL to make it more standard
       new  cefbe8d   Merge branch 'develop' of https://github.com/clMathLibraries/clBLAS into develop
       new  d910be6   Update to the cmake script to copy dependencies into packages This should make the logic more robust in windows
       new  d71bb2f   Travis fix: The DIRECTORY tag on get_filename_component( ) was introduced in cmake, which Travis CI does not have by default.  Revert to the old name PATH.
       new  44234c7   A proof-of-concept python wrapper for clBLAS.  Only sgemm and the init functions are callable from python.
       new  eb01ea2   Update README.txt
       new  a731a5c   Updated setup.py file to add appropriate paths for 64-bit and Linux
       new  b5bbbc2   Converting int types to intptr_t types for pyopencl integration
       new  900b211   Changes to compile for vs2013/vs12
       new  d8ca587   bug fix of hemm and symm hanging with tuning KDB file and ssyr2k crashes on Kaveri with tuning KDB file
       new  342cc8f   use snprintf instead of itoa to support linux system
       new  7471dcb   Merge pull request #36 from TimmyLiu/develop
       new  23db183   Add addBuildOpt helper function for building option string
       new  8c01bc3   Replace 'strcat (buildOptStr,...' with 'addBuildOpt(buildOptStr,...'
       new  9624ccc   addBuildOpt: use strncat instead of strlcat
       new  dbe7741   OSX: don't try to call *nrm2 blas calls if incx < 1 or N < 1
       new  4e2c14c   OSX: Use cblas interface for *dot blas functions
       new  1eb79e7   OSX: Use cblas interface for *asum blas functions
       new  e75d11d   Fix c&p bug in rotmg gen introduced by addBuildOpt change
       new  68cbd37   Merge pull request #38 from gicmo/addBuildOpt
       new  c87d8c6   Add an comment to explain the nrm2 workaround on OSX
       new  f2de5e7   Merge pull request #39 from gicmo/nrm2osx
       new  54e949e   Merge branch 'develop' into master Bump version to v2.2
       new  d2cf285   Bump /develop version to v2.3 Develop branch will keep odd numbers for the 'minor' version component
       new  42284c0   fix correctness bug of csyr2k and zsyr2k when beta == (0,0); also fix bug in complex + for calculating reference results in ktest
       new  85ec423   Fix code block Markdown in README
       new  7723845   Merge pull request #41 from TimmyLiu/develop
       new  7cdf31b   Merge pull request #44 from MaxBareiss/patch-1
       new  56370c0   enable the tune tool to test all the workgroup sizes that are multiples of wavefront but no bigger than the max workgroup size, instead of only testing the workgroup size = wavefront size
       new  c390b5c   increase the tuning converage for one dimension of the workgroup size bigger than 32
       new  fe307b2   s/CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR/ in library/CMakeLists.txt.
       new  5106457   Merge pull request #46 from robertsdionne/develop
       new  5ae0977   Merge pull request #47 from TimmyLiu/develop
       new  0a079a9   Minor fix for the autogenerated kernels to work on intel CPUs
       new  d2a2963   Merge pull request #51 from arrayfire/intelfix
       new  ddd5980   Modified the logic to copy opencl dependencies on windows to look in the /bin/ directory instead of /lib/
       new  6ab7fa9   Added a platform vendor gaurd around the '-g' compiler flag passed to clBuildProgram()
       new  37aeff5   enable sgemm column major TN case to take advantage of faster sgemm NN kernel by doing transpose separately
       new  045ec55   Merge pull request #54 from TimmyLiu/develop
       new  61e6acf   OpenCL paths on CUDA sytem
       new  884c8da   Merge pull request #63 from sschaetz/develop
       new  1b5b60a   Always cast get_*_* to uints before casting to vectors.
       new  fc692eb   Merge pull request #65 from pavanky/kernel_fixes
       new  d43fd10   let the user build the libraries statically
       new  554d61e   install clBLAS cmake configuration and version file
       new  d9fcbe4   don't install in lib64 on mac
       new  9f58b47   use the default install prefix on unixes
       new  ead3e15   Merge pull request #67 from glehmann/static
       new  1e5043f   Merge pull request #70 from glehmann/do-not-install-in-lib64-on-mac
       new  914f88a   Merge pull request #71 from glehmann/use-default-install-prefix-on-unixes
       new  47662a6   Merge pull request #68 from glehmann/cmake-config
       new  26a8097   add clBLAS- prefix to the client and tune executable
       new  14fbe24   build gtest with an external project
       new  d033019   Merge pull request #72 from glehmann/exe-names
       new  cf44e8a   Merge pull request #73 from glehmann/gtest-external
       new  9542e1e   build gtest only when BUILD_TEST is on
       new  43a29df   Merge pull request #77 from glehmann/gtest
       new  5a4782e   merged develop branch into master branch
       new  03d7e7e   Merge pull request #80 from TimmyLiu/master
       new  dc304d8   refactored CMakeLists.txt in BUILD_TEST block, added test for OSX detection to turn off CORR_TEST_WITH_ACML
       new  7a9e3df   changed indentation of BUILD_TEST block to increase readability
       new  3107f8a   Merge pull request #97 from lzamparo/master
       new  15b46fe   Revert "Fix to enable successful build on MacOSX "
       new  a6b3f9d   Merge pull request #98 from clMathLibraries/revert-97-master

The 125 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/clblas.git

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