[clblas] 86/125: fix correctness bug of csyr2k and zsyr2k when beta == (0,0); also fix bug in complex + for calculating reference results in ktest

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri May 29 06:57:25 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository clblas.

commit 42284c0641a2d94ee0193e452e3ee66818575ffa
Author: Timmy <timmy.liu at amd.com>
Date:   Fri Jun 20 09:30:05 2014 -0500

    fix correctness bug of csyr2k and zsyr2k when beta == (0,0); also fix bug in complex + for calculating reference results in ktest
 src/library/blas/gens/blas_kgen.h            | 15 +++++
 src/library/blas/gens/syrxk.c                | 16 ++++--
 src/library/blas/gens/tilemul.c              | 85 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/library/tools/ktest/naive/naive_blas.cpp |  4 +-
 4 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/library/blas/gens/blas_kgen.h b/src/library/blas/gens/blas_kgen.h
index 694bafd..6fb1410 100644
--- a/src/library/blas/gens/blas_kgen.h
+++ b/src/library/blas/gens/blas_kgen.h
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 #include "tile.h"
 #include "fetch.h"
 #define genInternalLoopEnd(ctx) kgenEndBranch(ctx, NULL)
@@ -539,6 +540,18 @@ sprintfComplexMulUpdate(
     bool conjB,
     TileMulCore core);
+    Kstring *expr,
+    const Kstring *dst,
+    const Kstring *a,
+    const Kstring *b,
+    const Kstring *c,
+    bool isDouble,
+    bool conjA,
+    bool conjB,
+    TileMulCore core);
  * @brief Sprintf expression of fast scalar mad
@@ -892,4 +905,6 @@ checkGenRestoreTailCoords(
 tailStatusToUpresFlags(TailStatus status);
 #endif /* BLAS_KGEN_H_ */
diff --git a/src/library/blas/gens/syrxk.c b/src/library/blas/gens/syrxk.c
index 54574ed..816f9a2 100644
--- a/src/library/blas/gens/syrxk.c
+++ b/src/library/blas/gens/syrxk.c
@@ -876,11 +876,19 @@ genUpdateSingleOptimized(
             sprintfComplexMulUpdate(&expr, k3, tempC, &betaStr, NULL,
                                     isDouble, false, false, core);
             kgenAddStmtToBatch(batch, MAD_STMT_PRIO, expr.buf);
+			sprintfComplexMulUpdate(&expr, tempC, result, &alphaStr, k3,
+									isDouble, false, false, core);
+			kgenAddStmtToBatch(batch, MAD_STMT_PRIO, expr.buf);
+		else
+		{
+			//fix correctness bug for c/z syr2k when beta = (0,0)
+			sprintfComplexMulUpdate_syr2k_beta0(&expr, tempC, result, &alphaStr, NULL,
+									isDouble, false, false, core);
+			kgenAddStmtToBatch(batch, MAD_STMT_PRIO, expr.buf);
+		}
-        sprintfComplexMulUpdate(&expr, tempC, result, &alphaStr, k3,
-                                isDouble, false, false, core);
-        kgenAddStmtToBatch(batch, MAD_STMT_PRIO, expr.buf);
     else {
         if (betaName != NULL) {
@@ -1171,7 +1179,6 @@ genUpdateIsoscelesDiagTile(
         if (nrStored) {
             sprintfTileElement(&tempElem, &tileTempC, iter.row % tempRows,
                                iter.col % tempCols, nrStored);
             kgenBatchPrintf(batch, STORE_STMT_PRIO,
                             "*(__global %s*)(&%s[%s]) = %s;\n",
                             glbType, dstPtr, offExpr.buf, tempElem.buf);
@@ -1720,7 +1727,6 @@ genUpdateResult(
         // the function above put a respective code into a conditional path
         kgenBeginBranch(ctx, "else");
     ret = genResultUpdateWithFlags( ctx,
diff --git a/src/library/blas/gens/tilemul.c b/src/library/blas/gens/tilemul.c
index 1ff00b7..3baaac5 100644
--- a/src/library/blas/gens/tilemul.c
+++ b/src/library/blas/gens/tilemul.c
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 #include "blas_kgen.h"
 #define MAX_LENGTH 4096
 #define BITS_INT (sizeof(int) * 8)
@@ -693,6 +694,90 @@ sprintfComplexMulUpdate(
+    Kstring *expr,
+    const Kstring *dst,
+    const Kstring *a,
+    const Kstring *b,
+    const Kstring *c,
+    bool isDouble,
+    bool conjA,
+    bool conjB,
+    TileMulCore core)
+    Kstring swSrc1;      // swapped element of the first source
+    // real and imaginary part of the second source
+    Kstring reSrc2, imSrc2;
+    const Kstring *src11, *src12, *src21, *src22;
+    const char *sign1 = "", *sign2 = "", *sign3 = "";
+    const char *baseType;
+    baseType = (isDouble) ? "double2" : "float2";
+    /*
+     * Prepare components for multiplying. We should get the following
+     * vectorized operations:
+     *
+     * c = b * a1 + bsw * (-a2, a2)       if both 'a' and 'b' are not conjugated
+     * c = b * a1 + bsw * (a2, -a2)       if 'b' is conjugated and 'a' is not
+     * c = a * b1 + asw * (-b2, b2)       if 'a' is conjugated and 'b' is not
+     * c = asw * (-b2) + a * (b1, -b1)    if both 'a' and 'b' are conjugated
+     *
+     * Where (a1, a2) and (b1, b2) are complex components of 'a' and 'b',
+     * and asw and bsw - swapped elements of 'a' and 'b' respectively.
+     */
+    src11 = (conjB) ? a : b;
+    src21 = (conjB) ? b : a;
+    kstrcpy(&swSrc1, src11->buf);
+    swapComplexComponents(&swSrc1, 1);
+    takeComplexApart(&reSrc2, &imSrc2, src21);
+    if (conjA && conjB) {
+        src12 = src11;
+        src11 = &swSrc1;
+        src21 = &imSrc2;
+        src22 = &reSrc2;
+        sign1 = sign3 = "-";
+    }
+    else {
+        src12 = &swSrc1;
+        src21 = &reSrc2;
+        src22 = &imSrc2;
+        if (conjA || conjB) {
+            sign3 = "-";
+        }
+        else {
+            sign2 = "-";
+        }
+    }
+    if (core == TILEMUL_MAD) {
+        const char *strC = (c == NULL) ? "0" : c->buf;
+        ksprintf(expr, "%s = mad(%s, %s%s, %s);\n"
+                       "%s = mad(%s, (%s)(%s%s, %s%s), %s);\n",
+                 "sctmp", src11->buf, sign1, src21->buf, strC,
+                 dst->buf, src12->buf, baseType, sign2, src22->buf,
+                 sign3, src22->buf, "sctmp");
+    }
+    else {
+        const char *op = (dst == c) ? "+=" : "=";
+        ksprintf(expr, "%s %s %s * %s%s + %s * (%s)(%s%s, %s%s)",
+                 dst->buf, op, src11->buf, sign1,
+                 src21->buf, src12->buf, baseType, sign2, src22->buf,
+                 sign3, src22->buf);
+        if (!((c == NULL) || (c == dst))) {
+            kstrcatf(expr, " + %s", c->buf);
+        }
+        kstrcatf(expr, "%s", ";\n");
+    }
     struct KgenContext *ctx,
diff --git a/src/library/tools/ktest/naive/naive_blas.cpp b/src/library/tools/ktest/naive/naive_blas.cpp
index 5c2c608..afd7887 100644
--- a/src/library/tools/ktest/naive/naive_blas.cpp
+++ b/src/library/tools/ktest/naive/naive_blas.cpp
@@ -350,13 +350,13 @@ operator/(FloatComplex a, cl_float b)
 static __inline DoubleComplex
 operator+(DoubleComplex a, DoubleComplex b)
-    return doubleComplex(CREAL(a) + CREAL(b), CIMAG(b) + CIMAG(b));
+    return doubleComplex(CREAL(a) + CREAL(b), CIMAG(a) + CIMAG(b));
 static __inline DoubleComplex
 operator-(DoubleComplex a, DoubleComplex b)
-    return doubleComplex(CREAL(a) - CREAL(b), CIMAG(b) - CIMAG(b));
+    return doubleComplex(CREAL(a) - CREAL(b), CIMAG(a) - CIMAG(b));
 static __inline DoubleComplex

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