[qflow] branch master updated (15105b0 -> fdee28d)
Ruben Undheim
rubund-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat May 30 10:45:03 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rubund-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository qflow.
from 15105b0 Added patch for correcting tclsh path
adds 5dc409d Initial commit at Sun May 17 21:16:12 EDT 2015 by tim on stravinsky
adds 2d35fec Added a comment, mostly just to jog the system into updating all the files on the server side.
adds a6affad Corrected code so that it does not segfault on a diagnostic print statement when path starts at an input pin instead of a flop output.
adds eb639bb Update at Tue May 26 12:16:13 EDT 2015 by tim
adds dd6efc8 Merge branch 'master' into work
adds 759d890 Corrected an error in back-annotation of permuted buffer tree nets.
adds 0ed64a8 Update at Fri May 29 09:36:47 EDT 2015 by tim
adds b60e41e Merge branch 'master' into work
adds 5a69403 Finally got around to updating the yosys script to use the default "synth -top <rootname>" command, for yosys versions 0.5 and up.
adds 8b22c1d Added a new option to "project_vars.sh" called "yosys_nodebug". If set to 1, the yosys script uses "clean -purge" after the standard cell mapping. This removes all the buffers that are used to maintain internal signal names, resulting in a smaller but less easily debugged layout.
adds 5b53077 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into upstream
new 1865ce5 Merge branch 'upstream'
new 2229d25 Updated changelog
new d6d9ad5 Refreshed patches
new fdee28d Updated copyright
The 4 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitignore | 20 +-
README | 7 +-
VERSION | 2 +-
config.log | 252 ++-
config.status | 6 +-
configure | 439 +-----
configure.in | 101 +-
debian/changelog | 4 +-
debian/copyright | 2 +-
debian/patches/01_fix_install_dir.patch | 40 +-
debian/patches/03_fix_path_of_tclsh.patch | 134 +-
scripts/Makefile | 15 +-
scripts/Makefile.in | 13 +-
scripts/bdnet2cel.tcl | 418 -----
scripts/bdnet2sim.tcl | 211 ---
scripts/blif2cel.tcl | 18 +-
scripts/blifanno.tcl | 205 +++
scripts/clocktree.tcl | 706 ---------
scripts/outpreporig.tcl | 78 -
scripts/outputprep.tcl | 98 --
scripts/place2def.tcl | 5 +
scripts/placement.sh | 74 +
scripts/postproc.tcl | 340 ----
scripts/qflow.sh.in | 52 +-
scripts/resynthesize.sh | 263 ----
scripts/rtl2bdnet.tcl | 176 ---
scripts/setreset.tcl | 210 ---
scripts/{synthesize_yosys.sh => synthesize.sh} | 41 +-
scripts/synthesize_odin.sh | 534 -------
scripts/vispreproc.tcl | 50 -
scripts/vmunge.tcl | 186 ---
src/Makefile | 29 +-
src/Makefile.in | 19 +-
src/blifFanout.c | 1120 +++++++------
src/dcombine.c | 517 ------
src/hash.c | 401 +++++
src/hash.h | 53 +
src/hash.o | Bin 0 -> 14952 bytes
src/{liberty2tech.c => readliberty.c} | 382 ++---
src/readliberty.h | 84 +
src/readliberty.o | Bin 0 -> 43464 bytes
src/verilogpp.c | 2014 ------------------------
src/vesta.c | 18 +-
tech/Makefile | 2 +-
tech/osu035/Makefile | 8 +-
tech/osu035/Makefile.in | 6 +-
tech/osu035/gate.cfg | 52 -
tech/osu035/osu035.genlib | 72 -
tech/osu035/osu035.super | 48 -
tech/osu050/Makefile | 8 +-
tech/osu050/Makefile.in | 6 +-
tech/osu050/gate.cfg | 52 -
tech/osu050/osu050.genlib | 72 -
tech/osu050/osu050.super | 48 -
54 files changed, 1896 insertions(+), 7815 deletions(-)
delete mode 100755 scripts/bdnet2cel.tcl
delete mode 100755 scripts/bdnet2sim.tcl
create mode 100755 scripts/blifanno.tcl
delete mode 100755 scripts/clocktree.tcl
delete mode 100755 scripts/outpreporig.tcl
delete mode 100755 scripts/outputprep.tcl
delete mode 100755 scripts/postproc.tcl
delete mode 100755 scripts/resynthesize.sh
delete mode 100755 scripts/rtl2bdnet.tcl
delete mode 100755 scripts/setreset.tcl
rename scripts/{synthesize_yosys.sh => synthesize.sh} (97%)
delete mode 100755 scripts/synthesize_odin.sh
delete mode 100755 scripts/vispreproc.tcl
delete mode 100755 scripts/vmunge.tcl
delete mode 100644 src/dcombine.c
create mode 100644 src/hash.c
create mode 100644 src/hash.h
create mode 100644 src/hash.o
rename src/{liberty2tech.c => readliberty.c} (77%)
create mode 100644 src/readliberty.h
create mode 100644 src/readliberty.o
delete mode 100644 src/verilogpp.c
delete mode 100644 tech/osu035/gate.cfg
delete mode 100644 tech/osu035/osu035.genlib
delete mode 100644 tech/osu035/osu035.super
delete mode 100644 tech/osu050/gate.cfg
delete mode 100755 tech/osu050/osu050.genlib
delete mode 100644 tech/osu050/osu050.super
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/qflow.git
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