[opengm] branch debian/sid created (now 1aa906c)
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Nov 1 17:14:53 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a change to branch debian/sid
in repository opengm.
at 1aa906c release to unstable
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 95731ce Merge pull request #100 from opengm/master
new d101244 Use correct namespace in inf_def_visitor.hxx
new 81c5f49 Added missing include in test_canonicalview.cxx
new b73e044 Merge pull request #381 from yanlend/patch-1
new e5b53e1 Merge pull request #382 from yanlend/patch-2
new c6307e4 add BUILD_DOCS option for building the API documentation
new 7c67e87 install docs under conventional share/doc directory
new 9057ff8 Added missing include
new 9479a66 Merge pull request #384 from yanlend/patch-1
new d89645c Merge pull request #383 from ghisvail/enh/add-build-docs-option
new 52e485f exclude copy .git and .cmake
new a7e4be1 make Python interpreter a requirement within BUILD_PYTHON_WRAPPER
new 2f84f27 use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX friendly install path
new 430e627 include Python extension modules to list of installed files
new 8324458 fix test
new b3af7d2 ugly hot fix for boost graph max flow - but it should work.
new 80e4f7a Merge pull request #385 from ghisvail/fix/python-module-install-path
new e6d7af1 s/undefine/undef in macro checks
new 74356bc Merge pull request #387 from ghisvail/fix/typo-in-test-graphcut
new c2b0ad8 Prevent collision between the Python modules and docs builds
new 33b95a7 Make sphinx a requirement for building the Python docs
new d51b3d6 Remove redundant sphinxdoc configuration
new 4adc665 Register BUILD_PYTHON_DOCS as a CMake build option
new 730997e Install Python docs under share/doc/python-opengm
new 6d30663 Merge pull request #388 from ghisvail/fix/python-doc-installation
new 10f02f4 Use more selective install target for public OpenGM headers
new 1751dd4 Use more selective install target for the Python interface
new 6fa0352 Cleanup code from old Python interface install rule
new 3d4c18e Merge pull request #390 from ghisvail/fix/install-target-for-headers
new e6a0d9d Merge pull request #391 from ghisvail/fix/install-target-for-python
new 3c16808 add free version of a lena image ;-)
new 7c5750f Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/opengm/opengm
new 2402d99 Remove non-free Lena image from source tree
new 3cac7c5 Add missing "*.hpp" pattern to the OpenGM headers install target
new 205f545 Merge pull request #392 from ghisvail/fix/remove-non-free-lena
new 3a6ef0d Merge pull request #393 from ghisvail/fix/missing-fix-fusion-include-headers
new 0a9d0da add option to add all cycles of length 3 in the beginning
new cdbb9a2 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/joergkappes/opengm
new b5b445e Merge pull request #101 from opengm/master
new 8874dce Merge pull request #394 from joergkappes/master
new 58df179 Update README.md
new 0c42344 Update README.md
new dff9cf9 change assert to OPENGM_TEST in unittests
new 18ea35b Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/opengm/opengm
new 8158475 Make documentation build reproducible
new ad545f1 Merge pull request #396 from ghisvail/enh/doxygen-no-html-timestamp
new 92c9d09 trick to let clang not optimize mem-allocation away :-)
new 0b3e90e add changes since the last release in the changelog
new 50e7ef6 add missing guards for CGC
new 78e44de initial debianization
new 615a9f1 add package build dependencies and rules
new 4ec764e Merge opengm-converters to libopengm-bin package
new 52242ef add patch fixing detection of HDF5 on Debian
new 14bc8c5 add watch file
new 1d47836 add gbp.conf
new 637d788 add upstream metadata
new 1aa906c release to unstable
The 57 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/opengm.git
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