[shark] 64/79: added matrix-matrix prod() as well as required matrix-expressions matrix_scalar_prod and matrix_addition
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Nov 26 15:41:04 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository shark.
commit d094fb295fe85e9dda771ecf56989755959976c4
Author: Oswin Krause <oswin.krause at di.ku.dk>
Date: Tue Oct 27 16:21:14 2015 +0100
added matrix-matrix prod() as well as required matrix-expressions matrix_scalar_prod and matrix_addition
include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/assignment.hpp | 12 +-
include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix.hpp | 5 +
include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix_expression.hpp | 356 ++++++++++++++++++++++--
include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix_sparse.hpp | 5 +
4 files changed, 344 insertions(+), 34 deletions(-)
diff --git a/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/assignment.hpp b/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/assignment.hpp
index 30ccf97..79175ab 100644
--- a/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/assignment.hpp
+++ b/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/assignment.hpp
@@ -568,11 +568,11 @@ noalias_proxy<C> noalias(temporary_proxy<C> lvalue) {
namespace detail{
template<class E>
- blas::vector_expression<E> const& evaluate_block(
+ E const& evaluate_block(
blas::vector_expression<E> const& e,
- return e;
+ return e();
template<class E>
typename vector_temporary<E>::type evaluate_block(
@@ -582,11 +582,11 @@ namespace detail{
return e();
template<class E>
- blas::matrix_expression<E> const& evaluate_block(
+ E const& evaluate_block(
blas::matrix_expression<E> const& e,
- return e;
+ return e();
template<class E>
typename matrix_temporary<E>::type evaluate_block(
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ typename boost::mpl::if_<
typename vector_temporary<E>::type,
- blas::vector_expression<E> const&
+ E const&
eval_block(blas::vector_expression<E> const& e){
return detail::evaluate_block(e,typename E::evaluation_category());
@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ typename boost::mpl::if_<
typename matrix_temporary<E>::type,
- blas::matrix_expression<E> const&
+ E const&
eval_block(blas::matrix_expression<E> const& e){
return detail::evaluate_block(e,typename E::evaluation_category());
diff --git a/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix.hpp b/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix.hpp
index 1415ad2..0d14f71 100644
--- a/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix.hpp
+++ b/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix.hpp
@@ -305,6 +305,11 @@ struct matrix_temporary_type<T,L,dense_random_access_iterator_tag>{
typedef matrix<T,L> type;
+template<class T>
+struct matrix_temporary_type<T,unknown_orientation,dense_random_access_iterator_tag>{
+ typedef matrix<T,row_major> type;
/** \brief An diagonal matrix with values stored inside a diagonal vector
* the matrix stores a Vector representing the diagonal.
diff --git a/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix_expression.hpp b/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix_expression.hpp
index 5061838..5e98e1c 100644
--- a/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix_expression.hpp
+++ b/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix_expression.hpp
@@ -232,6 +232,92 @@ private:
std::size_t m_rows;
+template<class E>
+class matrix_scalar_multiply:public blas::matrix_expression<matrix_scalar_multiply<E> > {
+ typedef typename E::const_row_iterator const_subrow_iterator_type;
+ typedef typename E::const_column_iterator const_subcolumn_iterator_type;
+ typedef scalar_multiply1<typename E::value_type, typename E::scalar_type> functor_type;
+ typedef typename E::const_closure_type expression_closure_type;
+ typedef typename functor_type::result_type value_type;
+ typedef typename E::scalar_type scalar_type;
+ typedef value_type const_reference;
+ typedef const_reference reference;
+ typedef value_type const *const_pointer;
+ typedef value_type *pointer;
+ typedef typename E::size_type size_type;
+ typedef typename E::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef typename E::index_type index_type;
+ typedef typename E::const_index_pointer const_index_pointer;
+ typedef typename index_pointer<E>::type index_pointer;
+ typedef matrix_scalar_multiply const_closure_type;
+ typedef const_closure_type closure_type;
+ typedef typename E::orientation orientation;
+ typedef blas::unknown_storage_tag storage_category;
+ typedef typename E::evaluation_category evaluation_category;
+ // Construction and destruction
+ matrix_scalar_multiply(blas::matrix_expression<E> const &e, scalar_type scalar):
+ m_expression(e()), m_scalar(scalar){}
+ // Accessors
+ size_type size1() const {
+ return m_expression.size1();
+ }
+ size_type size2() const {
+ return m_expression.size2();
+ }
+ // Element access
+ const_reference operator()(index_type i, index_type j) const {
+ return m_scalar * m_expression(i, j);
+ }
+ //computation kernels
+ template<class MatX>
+ void assign_to(matrix_expression<MatX>& X, scalar_type alpha = scalar_type(1) )const{
+ m_expression.assign_to(X,alpha*m_scalar);
+ }
+ template<class MatX>
+ void plus_assign_to(matrix_expression<MatX>& X, scalar_type alpha = scalar_type(1) )const{
+ m_expression.plus_assign_to(X,alpha*m_scalar);
+ }
+ template<class MatX>
+ void minus_assign_to(matrix_expression<MatX>& X, scalar_type alpha = scalar_type(1) )const{
+ m_expression.minus_assign_to(X,alpha*m_scalar);
+ }
+ // Iterator types
+ typedef transform_iterator<typename E::const_row_iterator, functor_type> const_row_iterator;
+ typedef transform_iterator<typename E::const_column_iterator, functor_type> const_column_iterator;
+ typedef const_row_iterator row_iterator;
+ typedef const_column_iterator column_iterator;
+ const_row_iterator row_begin(index_type i) const {
+ return const_row_iterator(m_expression.row_begin(i),functor_type(m_scalar));
+ }
+ const_row_iterator row_end(index_type i) const {
+ return const_row_iterator(m_expression.row_end(i),functor_type(m_scalar));
+ }
+ const_column_iterator column_begin(index_type i) const {
+ return const_row_iterator(m_expression.column_begin(i),functor_type(m_scalar));
+ }
+ const_column_iterator column_end(index_type i) const {
+ return const_row_iterator(m_expression.column_end(i),functor_type(m_scalar));
+ }
+ expression_closure_type m_expression;
+ scalar_type m_scalar;
///\brief class which allows for matrix transformations
///transforms a matrix expression e of type E using a Functiof f of type F as an elementwise transformation f(e(i,j))
@@ -313,6 +399,29 @@ private:
functor_type m_functor;
+template<class E, class T>
+typename boost::enable_if<
+ boost::is_convertible<T, typename E::scalar_type >,
+ matrix_scalar_multiply<E>
+operator* (matrix_expression<E> const& e, T scalar){
+ return matrix_scalar_multiply<E>(e(), typename E::scalar_type(scalar));
+template<class T, class E>
+typename boost::enable_if<
+ boost::is_convertible<T, typename E::scalar_type >,
+ matrix_scalar_multiply<E>
+operator* (T scalar, matrix_expression<E> const& e){
+ return matrix_scalar_multiply<E>(e(), typename E::scalar_type(scalar));
+template<class E>
+matrix_scalar_multiply<E> operator-(matrix_expression<E> const& e){
+ return matrix_scalar_multiply<E>(e(), typename E::scalar_type(-1));
template<class E>\
matrix_unary<E,F<typename E::value_type> >\
@@ -320,7 +429,6 @@ name(matrix_expression<E> const& e){\
typedef F<typename E::value_type> functor_type;\
return matrix_unary<E, functor_type>(e, functor_type());\
-SHARK_UNARY_MATRIX_TRANSFORMATION(operator-, scalar_negate)
@@ -351,7 +459,6 @@ name (matrix_expression<E> const& e, T scalar){ \
SHARK_MATRIX_SCALAR_TRANSFORMATION(operator-, scalar_subtract2)
-SHARK_MATRIX_SCALAR_TRANSFORMATION(operator*, scalar_multiply2)
SHARK_MATRIX_SCALAR_TRANSFORMATION(operator<, scalar_less_than)
SHARK_MATRIX_SCALAR_TRANSFORMATION(operator<=, scalar_less_equal_than)
@@ -377,11 +484,145 @@ name (T scalar, matrix_expression<E> const& e){ \
SHARK_MATRIX_SCALAR_TRANSFORMATION_2(operator-, scalar_subtract1)
-SHARK_MATRIX_SCALAR_TRANSFORMATION_2(operator*, scalar_multiply1)
+template<class E1, class E2>
+class matrix_addition: public blas::matrix_expression<matrix_addition<E1, E2> > {
+ typedef scalar_binary_plus<
+ typename E1::value_type,
+ typename E2::value_type
+ > functor_type;
+ typedef typename E1::const_closure_type expression1_closure_type;
+ typedef typename E2::const_closure_type expression2_closure_type;
+ typedef typename E1::size_type size_type;
+ typedef typename E1::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef typename functor_type::result_type value_type;
+ typedef value_type scalar_type;
+ typedef value_type const_reference;
+ typedef const_reference reference;
+ typedef value_type const* const_pointer;
+ typedef const_pointer pointer;
+ typedef typename E1::index_type index_type;
+ typedef typename E1::const_index_pointer const_index_pointer;
+ typedef typename index_pointer<E1>::type index_pointer;
+ typedef const matrix_addition<E1, E2> const_closure_type;
+ typedef const_closure_type closure_type;
+ typedef typename E1::orientation orientation;
+ typedef blas::unknown_storage_tag storage_category;
+ typedef typename evaluation_restrict_traits<E1,E2>::type evaluation_category;
+ // Construction
+ matrix_addition(
+ expression1_closure_type const& e1,
+ expression2_closure_type const& e2
+ ): m_expression1 (e1), m_expression2 (e2){}
+ // Accessors
+ size_type size1 () const {
+ return m_expression1.size1 ();
+ }
+ size_type size2 () const {
+ return m_expression1.size2 ();
+ }
+ const_reference operator () (index_type i, index_type j) const {
+ return m_expression1(i, j) + m_expression2(i,j);
+ }
+ //computation kernels
+ template<class MatX>
+ void assign_to(matrix_expression<MatX>& X, scalar_type alpha = scalar_type(1) )const{
+ assign(X,alpha * m_expression1);
+ plus_assign(X,alpha * m_expression2);
+ }
+ template<class MatX>
+ void plus_assign_to(matrix_expression<MatX>& X, scalar_type alpha = scalar_type(1) )const{
+ plus_assign(X,alpha * m_expression1);
+ plus_assign(X,alpha * m_expression2);
+ }
+ template<class MatX>
+ void minus_assign_to(matrix_expression<MatX>& X, scalar_type alpha = scalar_type(1) )const{
+ minus_assign(X,alpha * m_expression1);
+ minus_assign(X,alpha * m_expression2);
+ }
+ // Iterator types
+ typedef typename E1::const_row_iterator const_row_iterator1_type;
+ typedef typename E1::const_column_iterator const_row_column_iterator_type;
+ typedef typename E2::const_row_iterator const_column_iterator1_type;
+ typedef typename E2::const_column_iterator const_column_iterator2_type;
+ typedef binary_transform_iterator<
+ typename E1::const_row_iterator,
+ typename E2::const_row_iterator,
+ functor_type
+ > const_row_iterator;
+ typedef binary_transform_iterator<
+ typename E1::const_column_iterator,
+ typename E2::const_column_iterator,
+ functor_type
+ > const_column_iterator;
+ typedef const_row_iterator row_iterator;
+ typedef const_column_iterator column_iterator;
+ const_row_iterator row_begin(std::size_t i) const {
+ return const_row_iterator (functor_type(),
+ m_expression1.row_begin(i),m_expression1.row_end(i),
+ m_expression2.row_begin(i),m_expression2.row_end(i)
+ );
+ }
+ const_row_iterator row_end(std::size_t i) const {
+ return const_row_iterator (functor_type(),
+ m_expression1.row_end(i),m_expression1.row_end(i),
+ m_expression2.row_end(i),m_expression2.row_end(i)
+ );
+ }
+ const_column_iterator column_begin(std::size_t j) const {
+ return const_column_iterator (functor_type(),
+ m_expression1.column_begin(j),m_expression1.column_end(j),
+ m_expression2.column_begin(j),m_expression2.column_end(j)
+ );
+ }
+ const_column_iterator column_end(std::size_t j) const {
+ return const_column_iterator (functor_type(),
+ m_expression1.column_begin(j),m_expression1.column_end(j),
+ m_expression2.column_begin(j),m_expression2.column_end(j)
+ );
+ }
+ expression1_closure_type m_expression1;
+ expression2_closure_type m_expression2;
+ functor_type m_functor;
+template<class E1, class E2>
+matrix_addition<E1, E2 > operator+ (
+ matrix_expression<E1> const& e1,
+ matrix_expression<E2> const& e2
+ return matrix_addition<E1, E2>(e1(),e2());
+template<class E1, class E2>
+matrix_addition<E1, matrix_scalar_multiply<E2> > operator- (
+ matrix_expression<E1> const& e1,
+ matrix_expression<E2> const& e2
+ return matrix_addition<E1, matrix_scalar_multiply<E2> >(e1(),-e2());
template<class E1, class E2, class F>
class matrix_binary:
public blas::matrix_expression<matrix_binary<E1, E2, F> > {
@@ -488,8 +729,6 @@ name(matrix_expression<E1> const& e1, matrix_expression<E2> const& e2){\
typedef F<typename E1::value_type, typename E2::value_type> functor_type;\
return matrix_binary<E1, E2, functor_type>(e1,e2, functor_type());\
-SHARK_BINARY_MATRIX_EXPRESSION(operator+, scalar_binary_plus)
-SHARK_BINARY_MATRIX_EXPRESSION(operator-, scalar_binary_minus)
SHARK_BINARY_MATRIX_EXPRESSION(operator*, scalar_binary_multiply)
SHARK_BINARY_MATRIX_EXPRESSION(element_prod, scalar_binary_multiply)
SHARK_BINARY_MATRIX_EXPRESSION(operator/, scalar_binary_divide)
@@ -595,24 +834,85 @@ matrix_vector_prod<matrix_transpose<MatA>,VecV> prod(vector_expression<VecV> con
//matrix-matrix prod
+template<class MatA, class MatB>
+class matrix_matrix_prod: public matrix_expression<matrix_matrix_prod<MatA, MatB> > {
+ typedef typename MatA::const_closure_type matrix_closure_typeA;
+ typedef typename MatB::const_closure_type matrix_closure_typeB;
+ typedef typename promote_traits<
+ typename MatA::scalar_type,
+ typename MatB::scalar_type
+ >::promote_type scalar_type;
+ typedef scalar_type value_type;
+ typedef typename MatA::size_type size_type;
+ typedef typename MatA::difference_type difference_type;
+ typedef typename MatA::index_type index_type;
+ typedef typename MatA::index_pointer index_pointer;
+ typedef typename MatA::const_index_pointer const_index_pointer;
-//FIXME: return type is not optimally chosen. We need to take both arguments into account
-// especially take into account that the type is correct.
-//FIXME: better make this a block expression so that we know the result type and don't need
-// a temporary
-template<class Result, class E1, class E2>
-Result prod(matrix_expression<E1> const& e1,matrix_expression<E2> const& e2) {
- Result result(e1().size1(),e2().size2(),typename Result::value_type());
- axpy_prod(e1,e2,result,false);
- return result;
+ typedef matrix_matrix_prod<MatA, MatB> const_closure_type;
+ typedef const_closure_type closure_type;
+ typedef unknown_storage_tag storage_category;
+ typedef blockwise_tag evaluation_category;
+ typedef unknown_orientation orientation;
-template<class E1, class E2>
-typename matrix_temporary<E1>::type
-prod(matrix_expression<E1> const& e1,matrix_expression<E2> const& e2) {
- typename matrix_temporary<E1>::type result(e1().size1(),e2().size2(),typename E1::value_type());
- axpy_prod(e1,e2,result,false);
- return result;
+ //FIXME: This workaround is required to be able to generate
+ // temporary matrices
+ typedef typename MatA::const_row_iterator const_row_iterator;
+ typedef typename MatA::const_column_iterator const_column_iterator;
+ typedef const_row_iterator row_iterator;
+ typedef const_column_iterator column_iterator;
+ // Construction and destruction
+ matrix_matrix_prod(
+ matrix_closure_typeA const& matrixA,
+ matrix_closure_typeB const& matrixB
+ ):m_matrixA(matrixA), m_matrixB(matrixB) {}
+ size_type size1() const {
+ return m_matrixA.size1();
+ }
+ size_type size2() const {
+ return m_matrixB.size2();
+ }
+ matrix_closure_typeA const& matrixA() const {
+ return m_matrixA;
+ }
+ matrix_closure_typeB const& matrixB() const {
+ return m_matrixB;
+ }
+ //computation kernels
+ template<class MatX>
+ void assign_to(matrix_expression<MatX>& X, scalar_type alpha = scalar_type(1) )const{
+ X().clear();
+ plus_assign_to(X,alpha);
+ }
+ template<class MatX>
+ void plus_assign_to(matrix_expression<MatX>& X, scalar_type alpha = scalar_type(1) )const{
+ kernels::gemm(eval_block(m_matrixA), eval_block(m_matrixB), X, alpha);
+ }
+ template<class MatX>
+ void minus_assign_to(matrix_expression<MatX>& X, scalar_type alpha = scalar_type(1) )const{
+ kernels::gemm(eval_block(m_matrixA), eval_block(m_matrixB), X, -alpha);
+ }
+ matrix_closure_typeA m_matrixA;
+ matrix_closure_typeB m_matrixB;
+/// \brief computes the matrix-matrix product X+=AB
+template<class MatA, class MatB>
+matrix_matrix_prod<MatA,MatB> prod(
+ matrix_expression<MatA> const& A,
+ matrix_expression<MatB> const& B
+) {
+ return matrix_matrix_prod<MatA,MatB>(A(),B());
namespace detail{
@@ -744,17 +1044,17 @@ sum_columns(matrix_expression<MatA> const& A){
template<class MatA>
typename MatA::value_type sum(matrix_expression<MatA> const& A){
- return detail::sum_impl(A(),typename MatA::orientation());
+ return detail::sum_impl(eval_block(A),typename matrix_temporary<MatA>::type::orientation());
template<class MatA>
typename MatA::value_type max(matrix_expression<MatA> const& A){
- return detail::max_impl(A(),typename MatA::orientation());
+ return detail::max_impl(eval_block(A),typename matrix_temporary<MatA>::type::orientation());
template<class MatA>
typename MatA::value_type min(matrix_expression<MatA> const& A){
- return detail::min_impl(A(),typename MatA::orientation());
+ return detail::min_impl(eval_block(A),typename matrix_temporary<MatA>::type::orientation());
/// \brief Returns the frobenius inner-product between matrices exprssions 1 and e2.
@@ -767,27 +1067,27 @@ frobenius_prod(
matrix_expression<E1> const& e1,
matrix_expression<E2> const& e2
) {
- return sum(e1*e2);
+ return sum(eval_block(e1)*eval_block(e2));
template<class E>
typename matrix_norm_1<E>::result_type
norm_1(const matrix_expression<E> &e) {
- return matrix_norm_1<E>::apply(e());
+ return matrix_norm_1<E>::apply(eval_block(e));
template<class E>
typename real_traits<typename E::value_type>::type
norm_frobenius(const matrix_expression<E> &e) {
using std::sqrt;
- return sqrt(sum(abs_sqr(e)));
+ return sqrt(sum(abs_sqr(eval_block(e))));
template<class E>
typename matrix_norm_inf<E>::result_type
norm_inf(const matrix_expression<E> &e) {
- return matrix_norm_inf<E>::apply(e());
+ return matrix_norm_inf<E>::apply(eval_block(e));
diff --git a/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix_sparse.hpp b/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix_sparse.hpp
index adff645..24d818d 100644
--- a/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix_sparse.hpp
+++ b/include/shark/LinAlg/BLAS/matrix_sparse.hpp
@@ -451,6 +451,11 @@ struct matrix_temporary_type<T,row_major,sparse_bidirectional_iterator_tag> {
typedef compressed_matrix<T> type;
+template<class T>
+struct matrix_temporary_type<T,unknown_orientation,sparse_bidirectional_iterator_tag> {
+ typedef compressed_matrix<T> type;
template<class T, class I>
struct const_expression<compressed_matrix<T,I> >{
typedef compressed_matrix<T,I> const type;
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