[normaliz] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/3.0.0+ds'

Jerome Benoit calculus-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Oct 11 05:47:07 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

calculus-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository normaliz.

commit f26e8ad6cf71726ec0a88204a4d484046761ed3f
Merge: fc8b843 82ef8a4
Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
Date:   Sun Oct 11 06:24:57 2015 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/3.0.0+ds'
    Upstream version 3.0.0+ds

 CHANGELOG                                          |     12 +
 Macaulay2/INSTALL                                  |     32 +
 Macaulay2/Normaliz.m2                              |    213 +-
 Singular/INSTALL                                   |     38 +
 Singular/normaliz.lib                              |     60 +-
 doc/NmzIntegrate.tex                               |    126 +-
 doc/Normaliz.tex                                   |   5802 +-
 doc/jNormaliz.jpg                                  |    Bin 0 -> 80470 bytes
 example/2cone.in                                   |      6 +
 example/2cone_ineq.in                              |      5 +
 example/2cone_int.in                               |      5 +
 example/2cone_supp.in                              |      8 +
 example/2equations.in                              |      7 +
 example/2equations_default.in                      |      5 +
 example/3x3magic.in                                |     11 +-
 example/3x3magiceven.cst                           |     28 -
 example/3x3magiceven.dec                           |     18 -
 example/3x3magiceven.egn                           |     16 -
 example/3x3magiceven.esp                           |      6 -
 example/3x3magiceven.ext                           |      6 -
 example/3x3magiceven.gen                           |     11 -
 example/3x3magiceven.ht1                           |      2 -
 example/3x3magiceven.in                            |     16 +-
 example/3x3magiceven.inv                           |     22 -
 example/3x3magiceven.tgn                           |      6 -
 example/3x3magiceven.tri                           |      4 -
 example/3x3magiceven.typ                           |     11 -
 example/3x3magiceven_lat.in                        |      7 +
 example/3x3magiceven_sat.in                        |      7 +
 example/4x4.in                                     |     10 +-
 example/5x5.in                                     |     10 +-
 example/{5x5.in => 5x5dual.in}                     |     11 +-
 example/6x6.in                                     |      5 +-
 example/A443.in                                    |      6 +-
 example/A543.in                                    |      6 +-
 example/A553.in                                    |      6 +-
 example/A643.in                                    |      6 +-
 example/ChineseRemainder.in                        |      6 +-
 example/CondEffPlur.in                             |     18 +-
 example/CondEffPlurHilbBas.in                      |  25197 +++++
 example/CondEffPlurSemi.in                         |     16 +-
 example/CondEffPlurSymm.in                         |     16 +-
 example/CondEffPlurSymm.out                        |    213 -
 example/CondEffPlurSymmSemi.in                     |     16 +-
 example/CondParSymm.dec                            |     91 -
 example/CondParSymm.in                             |     15 -
 example/CondParSymm.intOut                         |     43 -
 example/CondParSymm.inv                            |     13 -
 example/CondParSymm.out                            |     51 -
 example/CondParSymm.tgn                            |     18 -
 example/CondParSymmSemi.CondParSymm.intOut         |     43 -
 example/CondParSymmSemi.out                        |     58 -
 example/Condorcet.in                               |     18 +-
 example/CondorcetInt.in                            |     13 +-
 example/CondorcetInt.out                           |    581 -
 example/{CondParSemi.in => CondorcetSemi.in}       |     16 +-
 example/CondorcetSymm.in                           |      9 +
 example/{CondParSymm.pnm => CondorcetSymm.pnm}     |      0
 example/CondorcetSymmSemi.in                       |      9 +
 example/{CondParSemi.in => Condorcet_one.in}       |     15 +-
 example/FortuneCookie.in                           |      5 +-
 example/InhomCong.in                               |      4 +
 example/InhomCongLat.in                            |      6 +
 example/InhomCongSigns.in                          |      6 +
 example/InhomEq.in                                 |      8 -
 example/InhomEq.out                                |    367 -
 example/InhomIneq.in                               |     15 +-
 example/InhomIneq.out                              |     55 -
 example/InhomIneq_7.in                             |      9 +
 example/InhomIneq_7_8.in                           |     11 +
 example/InhomIneq_gen.in                           |      8 +
 example/IntClMonId.in                              |     16 +
 example/IntClMonIdSupp.in                          |     17 +
 example/MonIdeal.in                                |     12 +
 example/NonCMDiv.in                                |     15 +-
 example/NumSemi.in                                 |      3 +
 example/PluralityVsCutoff.in                       |     17 +-
 example/PluralityVsCutoffSemi.in                   |     17 +-
 example/PluralityVsCutoffSymm.in                   |     17 +-
 example/PluralityVsCutoffSymmSemi.in               |     15 +-
 example/SquareMinusVertex.in                       |     10 +-
 example/SquareMinusVertexInhom.in                  |     22 +-
 example/SquareMinusVertexPolyh.in                  |     17 +-
 example/SquareMinusVertexStrict.in                 |     14 +-
 example/big.in                                     |      6 +-
 example/bo5.in                                     |      6 +-
 example/critical64.in                              |     13 -
 example/critical64.out                             |     54 -
 example/cross2.dec                                 |     17 -
 example/cross2.in                                  |     12 +-
 example/cross2.inv                                 |     21 -
 example/cross2.tgn                                 |      6 -
 example/cross2.tri                                 |      4 -
 example/cut_poly_7.in                              |      5 +-
 example/cut_poly_7_bidual.in                       |   4100 -
 example/cut_poly_7_lex.in                          |   4098 -
 example/cut_poly_7_mysort.in                       |   4099 -
 example/dehomogenization.in                        |     10 +-
 example/hickerson-18.in                            |      9 +-
 example/hickerson-18.out                           |     86 -
 example/huge.in                                    |      6 +-
 example/j462.in                                    |     10 +-
 example/j462.intOut                                |     14 -
 example/j462.j46.intOut                            |     14 -
 example/j462.out                                   |     41 -
 example/j462.pnm                                   |      7 -
 example/j462.tgn                                   |      8 -
 example/lattice_ideal.in                           |      5 +-
 example/lattice_ideal.out                          |     79 -
 example/lo6.in                                     |      6 +-
 example/max_polytope_cand.in                       |     17 +
 example/medium.in                                  |      6 +-
 example/mixing.in                                  |      9 -
 example/mixing.out                                 |     42 -
 example/poly_ineq.in                               |      9 +
 example/poly_inequ.in                              |     10 -
 example/poly_inequ.out                             |     71 -
 example/polyhedron.in                              |      6 -
 example/polyhedron.out                             |     42 -
 example/{polytop.in => polytope.in}                |      6 +-
 example/polytope_deg1.in                           |      9 +
 example/rafa2416.in                                |      9 +-
 example/rational.in                                |     10 +-
 example/rational.intOut                            |     36 -
 example/rational.out                               |     30 -
 example/rationalES.intOut                          |     36 -
 example/rationalInt.intOut                         |      5 -
 example/rationalLC.intOut                          |      8 -
 example/rees.in                                    |      6 +-
 example/semigraphoid5.in                           |      6 +-
 example/small.in                                   |      6 +-
 example/strict_sign.in                             |      6 +-
 example/strict_sign.out                            |     38 -
 source/CMakeLists.txt                              |     95 +-
 source/INSTALL                                     |    118 +-
 source/Input.cpp                                   |    202 +-
 source/Makefile                                    |      8 +-
 source/Makefile.configuration                      |     22 +-
 source/Normaliz.cpp                                |    372 +-
 source/Normaliz.h                                  |     10 +-
 source/Options.cpp                                 |    383 +
 source/Options.h                                   |    122 +
 source/cmake/Modules/FindMIC_GMP.cmake             |     68 +
 source/cmake/Modules/FindMIC_GMPXX.cmake           |     58 +
 source/cmake/Modules/FindSCIP.cmake                |     53 +
 source/genEhrhart/INSTALL                          |     18 +
 source/genEhrhart/Makefile                         |      7 +-
 source/genEhrhart/cyclRatFunct.C                   |     10 +-
 source/genEhrhart/genEhrhart.C                     |      6 +-
 source/genEhrhart/nmzIntPoly.C                     |     24 +-
 source/genEhrhart/nmzIntegral.C                    |      4 +-
 source/genEhrhart/nmzIntegrate.C                   |      6 +-
 source/jNormaliz/Read me.txt                       |      1 -
 source/jNormaliz/doc/figure-console.jpg            |    Bin 114873 -> 0 bytes
 source/jNormaliz/doc/figure-input-file.jpg         |    Bin 111373 -> 0 bytes
 source/jNormaliz/doc/figure-new-file.jpg           |    Bin 35195 -> 0 bytes
 source/jNormaliz/doc/figure-options.jpg            |    Bin 174369 -> 0 bytes
 source/jNormaliz/doc/figure-out-file.jpg           |    Bin 156595 -> 0 bytes
 source/jNormaliz/doc/jNormaliz.jpg                 |    Bin 128295 -> 0 bytes
 source/jNormaliz/doc/jNormaliz_1.6.tex             |    389 -
 source/jNormaliz/manifest.mf                       |      3 -
 source/jNormaliz/nbproject/build-impl.xml          |   1056 -
 .../jNormaliz/nbproject/configs/Linux.properties   |      0
 source/jNormaliz/nbproject/genfiles.properties     |      8 -
 .../jNormaliz/nbproject/private/config.properties  |      0
 .../nbproject/private/configs/Linux.properties     |      1 -
 .../jNormaliz/nbproject/private/private.properties |      9 -
 source/jNormaliz/nbproject/private/private.xml     |      4 -
 source/jNormaliz/nbproject/project.properties      |     89 -
 source/jNormaliz/nbproject/project.xml             |     20 -
 .../services/org.jdesktop.application.Application  |      1 -
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/AboutBoxDialog.form |    260 -
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/AboutBoxDialog.java |    213 -
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/ElapsedTime.java    |     46 -
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/FileUtils.java      |     41 -
 .../src/jnormaliz/HelpAlgorithmsDialog.form        |     95 -
 .../src/jnormaliz/HelpAlgorithmsDialog.java        |    142 -
 .../src/jnormaliz/JNormalizApplication.java        |     55 -
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/MainView.form       |   1141 -
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/MainView.java       |   1984 -
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/NewFileDialog.form  |    236 -
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/NewFileDialog.java  |    357 -
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/NormalizConfig.java |    127 -
 .../src/jnormaliz/NormalizProcessDestroyer.java    |     42 -
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/NormalizWorker.java |    305 -
 .../jnormaliz/resources/AboutBoxDialog.properties  |     23 -
 .../resources/HelpAlgorithmsDialog.properties      |     12 -
 .../resources/JNormalizApplication.properties      |     16 -
 .../src/jnormaliz/resources/MainView.properties    |     78 -
 .../jnormaliz/resources/NewFileDialog.properties   |     19 -
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon0.png   |    Bin 3588 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon1.png   |    Bin 3585 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon10.png  |    Bin 3568 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon11.png  |    Bin 3581 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon12.png  |    Bin 3589 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon13.png  |    Bin 3586 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon14.png  |    Bin 3586 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon2.png   |    Bin 3585 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon3.png   |    Bin 3572 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon4.png   |    Bin 3576 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon5.png   |    Bin 3580 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon6.png   |    Bin 3581 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon7.png   |    Bin 3598 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon8.png   |    Bin 3594 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/busy-icon9.png   |    Bin 3581 -> 0 bytes
 .../jnormaliz/resources/busyicons/idle-icon.png    |    Bin 3360 -> 0 bytes
 .../src/jnormaliz/resources/documentation.html     |     27 -
 .../src/jnormaliz/resources/jnormaliz-big.png      |    Bin 23992 -> 0 bytes
 .../src/jnormaliz/resources/jnormaliz-small.png    |    Bin 2112 -> 0 bytes
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/resources/play.png  |    Bin 2920 -> 0 bytes
 source/jNormaliz/src/jnormaliz/resources/stop.png  |    Bin 2672 -> 0 bytes
 source/libnormaliz/CMakeLists.txt                  |     19 +-
 source/libnormaliz/HilbertSeries.cpp               |    186 +-
 source/libnormaliz/HilbertSeries.h                 |     32 +-
 source/libnormaliz/HilbertSeriesTest.cpp           |      4 +-
 source/libnormaliz/Makefile                        |     10 +-
 source/libnormaliz/README                          |    104 +-
 source/libnormaliz/add-exception-handling          |     27 +
 source/libnormaliz/bottom.cpp                      |    669 +
 .../libnormaliz/{libnormaliz-all.cpp => bottom.h}  |     34 +-
 source/libnormaliz/bottom_gen.in                   |     11 +
 source/libnormaliz/cone.cpp                        |   1996 +-
 source/libnormaliz/cone.h                          |    239 +-
 source/libnormaliz/cone_dual_mode.cpp              |    254 +-
 source/libnormaliz/cone_dual_mode.h                |     10 +-
 source/libnormaliz/cone_property.cpp               |    111 +-
 source/libnormaliz/cone_property.h                 |     25 +-
 source/libnormaliz/{map_operations.h => convert.h} |     59 +-
 source/libnormaliz/full_cone.cpp                   |   2156 +-
 source/libnormaliz/full_cone.h                     |    105 +-
 source/libnormaliz/general.h                       |     13 +-
 source/libnormaliz/integer.cpp                     |    164 +-
 source/libnormaliz/integer.h                       |    116 +-
 source/libnormaliz/libnormaliz-all.cpp             |     29 +-
 source/libnormaliz/libnormaliz-impl.cpp            |     14 +-
 source/libnormaliz/libnormaliz-templated.cpp       |     56 +-
 source/libnormaliz/libnormaliz.cpp                 |     73 +-
 source/libnormaliz/libnormaliz.h                   |     45 +-
 source/libnormaliz/lineare_transformation.cpp      |    233 -
 source/libnormaliz/lineare_transformation.h        |    132 -
 source/libnormaliz/list_operations.cpp             |     10 +-
 source/libnormaliz/list_operations.h               |      6 +-
 source/libnormaliz/map_operations.h                |     11 +-
 source/libnormaliz/matrix.cpp                      |   1852 +-
 source/libnormaliz/matrix.h                        |    366 +-
 source/libnormaliz/normaliz_exception.h            |     14 +-
 source/libnormaliz/offload_handler.cpp             |    791 +
 source/libnormaliz/offload_handler.h               |     92 +
 source/libnormaliz/reduction.cpp                   |    101 +-
 source/libnormaliz/reduction.h                     |     17 +-
 source/libnormaliz/simplex.cpp                     |    760 +-
 source/libnormaliz/simplex.h                       |     71 +-
 source/libnormaliz/sublattice_representation.cpp   |    313 +-
 source/libnormaliz/sublattice_representation.h     |     75 +-
 source/libnormaliz/vector_operations.cpp           |    221 +-
 source/libnormaliz/vector_operations.h             |     45 +-
 source/libnormaliz/version.h.in                    |     18 +
 source/output.cpp                                  |    340 +-
 source/output.h                                    |     10 +
 test/Makefile                                      |     97 +
 test/sortdiff                                      |      2 +
 test/test-/23.in                                   |      6 +
 test/test-/23.ref                                  |     60 +
 example/3x3magic.in => test/test-/3x3_sign.in      |      4 +-
 example/3x3magic.out => test/test-/3x3_sign.ref    |     56 +-
 example/3x3magic.in => test/test-/3x3_sign2.in     |      4 +-
 test/test-/3x3_sign2.ref                           |     75 +
 {example => test/test-}/3x3magiceven.in            |      2 +-
 .../test-/3x3magiceven.ref                         |     56 +-
 {example => test/test-}/4x4.in                     |      1 +
 example/4x4.out => test/test-/4x4.ref              |    128 +-
 test/test-/4x4gen.in                               |     26 +
 example/4x4.out => test/test-/4x4gen.ref           |    131 +-
 {example => test/test-}/ChineseRemainder.in        |      0
 .../test-/ChineseRemainder.ref                     |     14 +-
 {example => test/test-}/CondParSymmSemi.in         |      0
 test/test-/CondParSymmSemi.ref                     |    105 +
 test/test-/Fact_wrt_dual_error.in                  |      4 +
 test/test-/Fact_wrt_dual_error.ref                 |     40 +
 {example => test/test-}/NonCMDiv.in                |      0
 example/NonCMDiv.out => test/test-/NonCMDiv.ref    |     24 +-
 {example => test/test-}/SquareMinusVertexPolyh.in  |      0
 .../test-/SquareMinusVertexPolyh.ref               |     25 +-
 test/test-/binom.in                                |      9 +
 test/test-/binom.ref                               |     70 +
 {example => test/test-}/cross2.in                  |      2 +-
 example/cross2.out => test/test-/cross2.ref        |     52 +-
 test/test-/cut.in                                  |     28 +
 test/test-/cut.ref                                 |   4552 +
 {example => test/test-}/dehomogenization.in        |      4 +-
 .../test-/dehomogenization.ref                     |     12 +-
 {example => test/test-}/dual.in                    |      0
 example/rproj2.out => test/test-/dual.ref          |     84 +-
 test/test-/dual_not_full_dim.in                    |      6 +
 test/test-/dual_not_full_dim.ref                   |     55 +
 test/test-/dupl_remove.in                          |      8 +
 test/test-/dupl_remove.ref                         |     60 +
 test/test-/empty_polyhedron.in                     |      7 +
 .../test-/empty_polyhedron.ref                     |     36 +-
 test/test-/empty_polyhedron2.in                    |      6 +
 test/test-/empty_polyhedron2.ref                   |     55 +
 test/test-/hickerson-16.in                         |     15 +
 test/test-/hickerson-16.ref                        |   5814 +
 test/test-/inhom_eq.in                             |      8 +
 test/test-/inhom_eq.ref                            |     68 +
 test/test-/inhom_quasi.in                          |     17 +
 .../test-/inhom_quasi.ref                          |     62 +-
 test/test-/inhom_triangle.in                       |      8 +
 test/test-/inhom_triangle.ref                      |     54 +
 test/test-/intcl1.in                               |      5 +
 test/test-/intcl1.ref                              |     51 +
 test/test-/knapsack_11_60_test2.in                 |     15 +
 test/test-/knapsack_11_60_test2.ref                |     84 +
 test/test-/lattice_ideal.in                        |      8 +
 test/test-/lattice_ideal.ref                       |     71 +
 test/test-/lowrank.in                              |     19 +
 test/test-/lowrank.ref                             |    118 +
 {example => test/test-}/medium.in                  |      0
 test/test-/medium.ref                              |   4058 +
 test/test-/mode456.in                              |     21 +
 test/test-/mode456.ref                             |     83 +
 test/test-/notpointed.in                           |      7 +
 test/test-/notpointed.ref                          |     14 +
 test/test-/polyhedron.in                           |     17 +
 test/test-/polyhedron.ref                          |     69 +
 {example => test/test-}/polytop.in                 |      0
 example/polytop.out => test/test-/polytop.ref      |     47 +-
 test/test-/rafa1409.in                             |     17 +
 test/test-/rafa1409.ref                            |     88 +
 test/test-/rafa2310.in                             |     26 +
 test/test-/rafa2310.ref                            |    116 +
 {example => test/test-}/rafa2416.in                |      0
 example/rafa2416.out => test/test-/rafa2416.ref    |   1050 +-
 {example => test/test-}/rees.in                    |      0
 example/rees.out => test/test-/rees.ref            |     84 +-
 example/rees.in => test/test-/rees_grading.in      |      3 +
 example/rees.out => test/test-/rees_grading.ref    |    119 +-
 test/test-/rees_mini.in                            |      7 +
 test/test-/rees_mini.ref                           |     72 +
 test/test-/rees_prim.in                            |      6 +
 test/test-/rees_prim.ref                           |     56 +
 {example => test/test-}/rp2poly.in                 |      0
 example/rp2poly.out => test/test-/rp2poly.ref      |     88 +-
 {example => test/test-}/rproj2.in                  |      0
 example/rproj2.out => test/test-/rproj2.ref        |     84 +-
 test/test-/simple_grading.in                       |      9 +
 test/test-/simple_grading.ref                      |     61 +
 test/test-/simple_grading2.in                      |     11 +
 test/test-/simple_grading2.ref                     |     64 +
 test/test-/small-sh.in                             |     35 +
 test/test-/small-sh.ref                            |  34859 ++++++
 {example => test/test-}/small.in                   |      0
 test/test-/small.ref                               |  34861 ++++++
 test/test-/squaref0.in                             |     26 +
 test/test-/squaref0.ref                            |    362 +
 test/test-/squaref1.in                             |     22 +
 test/test-/squaref1.ref                            |    249 +
 test/test-/test22dual.in                           |     73 +
 test/test-/test22dual.ref                          |    243 +
 test/test-/zero3.in                                |      7 +
 test/test-/zero3.ref                               |     53 +
 test/test-/zero4.in                                |     12 +
 test/test-/zero4.ref                               |     54 +
 test/test-/zero_polyhedron.in                      |     12 +
 test/test-/zero_polyhedron.ref                     |     55 +
 {example => test/test-1}/3x3magic.in               |      0
 test/test-1/3x3magic.ref                           |     52 +
 test/test-1/Fact_wrt_dual_error_hom.in             |      4 +
 test/test-1/Fact_wrt_dual_error_hom.ref            |     40 +
 {example => test/test-1}/cross2.in                 |      2 +-
 test/test-1/cross2.ref                             |     39 +
 test/test-1/cut.in                                 |     28 +
 test/test-1/cut.ref                                |   4531 +
 {example => test/test-1}/dual.in                   |      0
 test/test-1/dual.ref                               |     81 +
 test/test-1/dual_not_full_dim.in                   |      6 +
 test/test-1/dual_not_full_dim.ref                  |     34 +
 test/test-1/dupl_remove.in                         |      8 +
 test/test-1/dupl_remove.ref                        |     37 +
 test/test-1/hickerson-16.in                        |     15 +
 test/test-1/hickerson-16.ref                       |     97 +
 test/test-1/lattice_ideal.in                       |      8 +
 test/test-1/lattice_ideal.ref                      |     48 +
 test/test-1/lowrank.in                             |     19 +
 test/test-1/lowrank.ref                            |     96 +
 {example => test/test-1}/medium.in                 |      0
 test/test-1/medium.ref                             |   3859 +
 test/test-1/mode45.in                              |     15 +
 test/test-1/mode45.ref                             |     36 +
 test/test-1/mode456.in                             |     21 +
 test/test-1/mode456.ref                            |     39 +
 test/test-1/notpointed.in                          |      7 +
 test/test-1/notpointed.ref                         |     14 +
 {example => test/test-1}/polytop.in                |      0
 example/polytop.out => test/test-1/polytop.ref     |     53 +-
 {example => test/test-1}/rafa2416.in               |      0
 example/rafad.in => test/test-1/rafa2416.ref       |    947 +-
 {example => test/test-1}/rees.in                   |      0
 test/test-1/rees.ref                               |     84 +
 test/test-1/rees_mini.in                           |      7 +
 test/test-1/rees_mini.ref                          |     43 +
 {example => test/test-1}/rp2poly.in                |      0
 example/rp2poly.out => test/test-1/rp2poly.ref     |     99 +-
 {example => test/test-1}/rproj2.in                 |      0
 test/test-1/rproj2.ref                             |     82 +
 {example => test/test-1}/small.in                  |      0
 test/test-1/small.ref                              |  34839 ++++++
 test/test-1/squaref0.in                            |     26 +
 test/test-1/squaref0.ref                           |    179 +
 test/test-1/squaref1.in                            |     22 +
 test/test-1/squaref1.ref                           |    213 +
 test/test-1/zero4.in                               |     12 +
 test/test-1/zero4.ref                              |     54 +
 {example => test/test-d}/3x3magic.in               |      0
 test/test-d/3x3magic.ref                           |     54 +
 {example => test/test-d}/4x4.in                    |      0
 test/test-d/4x4.ref                                |    101 +
 {example => test/test-d}/5x5.in                    |      0
 test/test-d/5x5.ref                                |   6847 ++
 {example => test/test-d}/ChineseRemainder.in       |      0
 .../test-d/ChineseRemainder.ref                    |     17 +-
 test/test-d/Fact_wrt_dual_error.in                 |      4 +
 test/test-d/Fact_wrt_dual_error.ref                |     40 +
 {example => test/test-d}/cross2.in                 |      2 +-
 test/test-d/cross2.ref                             |     42 +
 test/test-d/dual_index.in                          |      6 +
 test/test-d/dual_index.ref                         |     36 +
 test/test-d/dual_not_full_dim.in                   |      6 +
 test/test-d/dual_not_full_dim.ref                  |     36 +
 test/test-d/dupl_remove.in                         |      8 +
 test/test-d/dupl_remove.ref                        |     40 +
 test/test-d/election1dual.in                       |    241 +
 .../Condorcet.out => test/test-d/election1dual.ref |    751 +-
 test/test-d/empty_polyhedron.in                    |      7 +
 .../test-d/empty_polyhedron.ref                    |     35 +-
 test/test-d/hyperplanes-not-pointed.in             |     14 +
 test/test-d/hyperplanes-not-pointed.ref            |     42 +
 test/test-d/inhom_eq.in                            |      8 +
 test/test-d/inhom_eq.ref                           |     65 +
 test/test-d/mode45.in                              |     10 +
 test/test-d/mode45.ref                             |     34 +
 test/test-d/mode456.in                             |     16 +
 test/test-d/mode456.ref                            |     37 +
 test/test-d/rees_mini.in                           |      7 +
 test/test-d/rees_mini.ref                          |     53 +
 test/test-d/zero4.in                               |     12 +
 test/test-d/zero4.ref                              |     54 +
 {example => test/test-d1}/3x3magic.in              |      0
 test/test-d1/3x3magic.ref                          |     49 +
 {example => test/test-d1}/4x4.in                   |      1 +
 test/test-d1/4x4.ref                               |     86 +
 {example => test/test-d1}/5x5.in                   |      0
 test/test-d1/5x5.ref                               |   2036 +
 test/test-d1/Fact_wrt_dual_error_hom.in            |      4 +
 test/test-d1/Fact_wrt_dual_error_hom.ref           |     37 +
 {example => test/test-d1}/cross2.in                |      2 +-
 test/test-d1/cross2.ref                            |     36 +
 test/test-d1/dual_not_full_dim.in                  |      6 +
 test/test-d1/dual_not_full_dim.ref                 |     31 +
 test/test-d1/dupl_remove.in                        |      8 +
 test/test-d1/dupl_remove.ref                       |     34 +
 test/test-d1/election1dual.in                      |    241 +
 test/test-d1/election1dual.ref                     |    290 +
 test/test-d1/hyperplanes-not-pointed.in            |     14 +
 test/test-d1/hyperplanes-not-pointed.ref           |     37 +
 test/test-d1/mode45.in                             |     15 +
 test/test-d1/mode45.ref                            |     33 +
 test/test-d1/mode456.in                            |     21 +
 test/test-d1/mode456.ref                           |     36 +
 test/test-d1/rees_mini.in                          |      7 +
 test/test-d1/rees_mini.ref                         |     40 +
 test/test-d1/zero4.in                              |     12 +
 test/test-d1/zero4.ref                             |     54 +
 example/3x3magic.in => test/test-h/3x3_sign.in     |      4 +-
 example/3x3magic.out => test/test-h/3x3_sign.ref   |     52 +-
 example/3x3magic.in => test/test-h/3x3_sign2.in    |      4 +-
 test/test-h/3x3_sign2.ref                          |     72 +
 {example => test/test-h}/3x3magiceven.in           |      2 +-
 .../test-h/3x3magiceven.ref                        |     52 +-
 {example => test/test-h}/4x4.in                    |      1 +
 example/4x4.out => test/test-h/4x4.ref             |    125 +-
 test/test-h/4x4gen.in                              |     26 +
 example/4x4.out => test/test-h/4x4gen.ref          |    128 +-
 {example => test/test-h}/NonCMDiv.in               |      0
 .../test-h/NonCMDiv.ref                            |     46 +-
 test/test-h/binom.in                               |      9 +
 test/test-h/binom.ref                              |     66 +
 {example => test/test-h}/cross2.in                 |      2 +-
 example/cross2.out => test/test-h/cross2.ref       |     48 +-
 test/test-h/cut.in                                 |     28 +
 test/test-h/cut.ref                                |   4549 +
 {example => test/test-h}/dual.in                   |      0
 example/rproj2.out => test/test-h/dual.ref         |     81 +-
 test/test-h/dual_not_full_dim.in                   |      6 +
 test/test-h/dual_not_full_dim.ref                  |     52 +
 test/test-h/dupl_remove.in                         |      8 +
 test/test-h/dupl_remove.ref                        |     56 +
 test/test-h/hickerson-16.in                        |     15 +
 test/test-h/hickerson-16.ref                       |   5810 +
 test/test-h/inhom_triangle.in                      |      8 +
 test/test-h/inhom_triangle.ref                     |     54 +
 test/test-h/lattice_ideal.in                       |      8 +
 test/test-h/lattice_ideal.ref                      |     67 +
 test/test-h/lowrank.in                             |     19 +
 test/test-h/lowrank.ref                            |    115 +
 {example => test/test-h}/medium.in                 |      0
 test/test-h/medium.ref                             |   4055 +
 test/test-h/mode456.in                             |     21 +
 test/test-h/mode456.ref                            |     79 +
 test/test-h/notpointed.in                          |      7 +
 test/test-h/notpointed.ref                         |     14 +
 {example => test/test-h}/polytop.in                |      0
 example/polytop.out => test/test-h/polytop.ref     |     43 +-
 {example => test/test-h}/rafa2416.in               |      0
 example/rafad.out => test/test-h/rafa2416.ref      |   1015 +-
 {example => test/test-h}/rees.in                   |      0
 example/rees.out => test/test-h/rees.ref           |     81 +-
 example/rees.in => test/test-h/rees_grading.in     |      3 +
 example/rees.out => test/test-h/rees_grading.ref   |    116 +-
 test/test-h/rees_mini.in                           |      7 +
 test/test-h/rees_mini.ref                          |     69 +
 {example => test/test-h}/rp2poly.in                |      0
 example/rp2poly.out => test/test-h/rp2poly.ref     |     85 +-
 {example => test/test-h}/rproj2.in                 |      0
 example/rproj2.out => test/test-h/rproj2.ref       |     81 +-
 test/test-h/simple_grading.in                      |      9 +
 test/test-h/simple_grading.ref                     |     57 +
 test/test-h/simple_grading2.in                     |     11 +
 test/test-h/simple_grading2.ref                    |     60 +
 {example => test/test-h}/small.in                  |      0
 test/test-h/small.ref                              |  34858 ++++++
 test/test-h/squaref0.in                            |     26 +
 test/test-h/squaref0.ref                           |    359 +
 test/test-h/squaref1.in                            |     22 +
 test/test-h/squaref1.ref                           |    246 +
 test/test-h/test22dual.in                          |     73 +
 test/test-h/test22dual.ref                         |    240 +
 test/test-h/zero4.in                               |     12 +
 test/test-h/zero4.ref                              |     54 +
 test/test-mm/4x4gen.in                             |     26 +
 test/test-mm/4x4gen.ref                            |    111 +
 test/test-mm/binom.in                              |      9 +
 test/test-mm/binom.ref                             |     57 +
 {example => test/test-mm}/cross2.in                |      2 +-
 test/test-mm/cross2.ref                            |     50 +
 test/test-mm/dupl_remove.in                        |      8 +
 test/test-mm/dupl_remove.ref                       |     49 +
 .../test-mm/future}/SquareMinusVertexPolyh.in      |      0
 .../test-mm/future/SquareMinusVertexPolyh.ref      |     31 +-
 test/test-mm/future/inhom_quasi.in                 |     17 +
 .../test-mm/future/inhom_quasi.ref                 |     62 +-
 test/test-mm/intcl1.in                             |      5 +
 test/test-mm/intcl1.ref                            |     40 +
 test/test-mm/knapsack_11_60_test2.in               |     15 +
 test/test-mm/knapsack_11_60_test2.ref              |     66 +
 test/test-mm/lattice_ideal.in                      |      8 +
 test/test-mm/lattice_ideal.ref                     |     59 +
 test/test-mm/lowrank.in                            |     19 +
 test/test-mm/lowrank.ref                           |    106 +
 {example => test/test-mm}/medium.in                |      0
 test/test-mm/medium.ref                            |   4232 +
 test/test-mm/notpointed.in                         |      7 +
 test/test-mm/notpointed.ref                        |     14 +
 {example => test/test-mm}/polytop.in               |      0
 example/polytop.out => test/test-mm/polytop.ref    |     59 +-
 test/test-mm/rafa1409.in                           |     17 +
 test/test-mm/rafa1409.ref                          |     89 +
 test/test-mm/rafa2310.in                           |     26 +
 test/test-mm/rafa2310.ref                          |    118 +
 {example => test/test-mm}/rafa2416.in              |      0
 example/rafa2416.out => test/test-mm/rafa2416.ref  |   1126 +-
 {example => test/test-mm}/rees.in                  |      0
 example/rees.out => test/test-mm/rees.ref          |     97 +-
 example/rees.in => test/test-mm/rees_grading.in    |      3 +
 test/test-mm/rees_grading.ref                      |    107 +
 test/test-mm/rees_mini.in                          |      7 +
 test/test-mm/rees_mini.ref                         |     60 +
 test/test-mm/rees_prim.in                          |      6 +
 test/test-mm/rees_prim.ref                         |     59 +
 {example => test/test-mm}/rp2poly.in               |      0
 example/rp2poly.out => test/test-mm/rp2poly.ref    |    103 +-
 {example => test/test-mm}/rproj2.in                |      0
 example/dual.out => test/test-mm/rproj2.ref        |    121 +-
 test/test-mm/simple_grading.in                     |      9 +
 test/test-mm/simple_grading.ref                    |     41 +
 test/test-mm/simple_grading2.in                    |     11 +
 test/test-mm/simple_grading2.ref                   |     43 +
 {example => test/test-mm}/small.in                 |      0
 test/test-mm/small.ref                             | 102696 ++++++++++++++++++
 test/test-mm/squaref0.in                           |     26 +
 test/test-mm/squaref0.ref                          |    485 +
 test/test-mm/squaref1.in                           |     22 +
 test/test-mm/squaref1.ref                          |    251 +
 test/test-mm/test22dual.in                         |     73 +
 test/test-mm/test22dual.ref                        |    225 +
 test/test-mm/zero_polyhedron.in                    |     12 +
 test/test-mm/zero_polyhedron.ref                   |     55 +
 {example => test/test-n}/cross2.in                 |      2 +-
 example/cross2.out => test/test-n/cross2.ref       |     54 +-
 test/test-n/dupl_remove.in                         |      8 +
 test/test-n/dupl_remove.ref                        |     45 +
 test/test-n/hickerson-16.in                        |     15 +
 test/test-n/hickerson-16.ref                       |   5790 +
 test/test-n/inhom_quasi.in                         |     17 +
 .../test-n/inhom_quasi.ref                         |     51 +-
 test/test-n/inhom_triangle.in                      |      8 +
 test/test-n/inhom_triangle.ref                     |     54 +
 test/test-n/knapsack_11_60_test2.in                |     15 +
 test/test-n/knapsack_11_60_test2.ref               |     59 +
 test/test-n/lattice_ideal.in                       |      8 +
 test/test-n/lattice_ideal.ref                      |     56 +
 test/test-n/rees_mini.in                           |      7 +
 test/test-n/rees_mini.ref                          |     58 +
 {example => test/test-nn}/ChineseRemainder.in      |      0
 .../test-nn/ChineseRemainder.ref                   |     14 +-
 test/test-nn/Fact_wrt_dual_error.in                |      4 +
 test/test-nn/Fact_wrt_dual_error.ref               |     40 +
 {example => test/test-nn}/NonCMDiv.in              |      0
 example/NonCMDiv.out => test/test-nn/NonCMDiv.ref  |     34 +-
 test/test-nn/binom.in                              |      9 +
 test/test-nn/binom.ref                             |     53 +
 {example => test/test-nn}/cross2.in                |      2 +-
 test/test-nn/cross2.ref                            |     45 +
 test/test-nn/cut.in                                |     28 +
 test/test-nn/cut.ref                               |   4536 +
 {example => test/test-nn}/dual.in                  |      0
 example/dual.out => test/test-nn/dual.ref          |    116 +-
 test/test-nn/dual_not_full_dim.in                  |      6 +
 test/test-nn/dual_not_full_dim.ref                 |     39 +
 test/test-nn/dupl_remove.in                        |      8 +
 test/test-nn/dupl_remove.ref                       |     43 +
 test/test-nn/hickerson-16.in                       |     15 +
 test/test-nn/hickerson-16.ref                      |   5788 +
 test/test-nn/hyperplanes-not-pointed.in            |     14 +
 test/test-nn/hyperplanes-not-pointed.ref           |     45 +
 test/test-nn/icmi.in                               |      7 +
 test/test-nn/icmi.ref                              |     58 +
 test/test-nn/icml.in                               |      7 +
 test/test-nn/icml.ref                              |     53 +
 test/test-nn/inhom_quasi.in                        |     17 +
 .../test-nn/inhom_quasi.ref                        |     52 +-
 test/test-nn/lattice_ideal.in                      |      8 +
 test/test-nn/lattice_ideal.ref                     |     54 +
 test/test-nn/lowrank.in                            |     19 +
 test/test-nn/lowrank.ref                           |    102 +
 {example => test/test-nn}/medium.in                |      0
 test/test-nn/medium.ref                            |   4042 +
 test/test-nn/mode45.in                             |     10 +
 test/test-nn/mode45.ref                            |     37 +
 test/test-nn/mode456.in                            |     16 +
 test/test-nn/mode456.ref                           |     40 +
 test/test-nn/notpointed.in                         |      7 +
 test/test-nn/notpointed.ref                        |     14 +
 {example => test/test-nn}/polytop.in               |      0
 example/polytop.out => test/test-nn/polytop.ref    |     52 +-
 test/test-nn/rafa1409.in                           |     17 +
 test/test-nn/rafa1409.ref                          |     85 +
 test/test-nn/rafa2310.in                           |     26 +
 test/test-nn/rafa2310.ref                          |    113 +
 {example => test/test-nn}/rafa2416.in              |      0
 example/rafa2416.out => test/test-nn/rafa2416.ref  |   1056 +-
 {example => test/test-nn}/rees.in                  |      0
 example/rees.out => test/test-nn/rees.ref          |     92 +-
 test/test-nn/rees_mini.in                          |      7 +
 test/test-nn/rees_mini.ref                         |     56 +
 test/test-nn/rees_prim.in                          |      6 +
 test/test-nn/rees_prim.ref                         |     53 +
 {example => test/test-nn}/rp2poly.in               |      0
 example/rp2poly.out => test/test-nn/rp2poly.ref    |     98 +-
 {example => test/test-nn}/rproj2.in                |      0
 example/dual.out => test/test-nn/rproj2.ref        |    116 +-
 test/test-nn/small-sh.in                           |     35 +
 test/test-nn/small-sh.ref                          |  34843 ++++++
 {example => test/test-nn}/small.in                 |      0
 test/test-nn/small.ref                             |  34845 ++++++
 test/test-nn/smallerror.in                         |      9 +
 test/test-nn/smallerror.ref                        |     72 +
 test/test-nn/squaref0.in                           |     26 +
 test/test-nn/squaref0.ref                          |    338 +
 test/test-nn/squaref1.in                           |     22 +
 test/test-nn/squaref1.ref                          |    233 +
 test/test-nn/zero4.in                              |     12 +
 test/test-nn/zero4.ref                             |     54 +
 test/test-p/binom.in                               |      9 +
 test/test-p/binom.ref                              |     60 +
 test/test-p/bugHpoly.in                            |     81 +
 test/test-p/bugHpoly.ref                           |    224 +
 {example => test/test-p}/cross2.in                 |      2 +-
 .../test-p/cross2.ref                              |     56 +-
 test/test-p/cut.in                                 |     28 +
 test/test-p/cut.ref                                |   4544 +
 {example => test/test-p}/dual.in                   |      0
 example/rproj2.out => test/test-p/dual.ref         |     83 +-
 test/test-p/dual_not_full_dim.in                   |      6 +
 test/test-p/dual_not_full_dim.ref                  |     47 +
 test/test-p/hickerson-16.in                        |     15 +
 test/test-p/hickerson-16.ref                       |    119 +
 test/test-p/knapsack_11_60_test2.in                |     15 +
 test/test-p/knapsack_11_60_test2.ref               |     70 +
 test/test-p/lattice_ideal.in                       |      8 +
 test/test-p/lattice_ideal.ref                      |     61 +
 test/test-p/lowrank.in                             |     19 +
 test/test-p/lowrank.ref                            |    109 +
 {example => test/test-p}/medium.in                 |      0
 test/test-p/medium.ref                             |   3872 +
 test/test-p/notpointed.in                          |      7 +
 test/test-p/notpointed.ref                         |     14 +
 {example => test/test-p}/polytop.in                |      0
 example/polytop.out => test/test-p/polytop.ref     |     44 +-
 {example => test/test-p}/rafa2416.in               |      0
 example/rafa2416.out => test/test-p/rafa2416.ref   |   1020 +-
 {example => test/test-p}/rees.in                   |      0
 example/rproj2.out => test/test-p/rees.ref         |     86 +-
 test/test-p/rees_mini.in                           |      7 +
 test/test-p/rees_mini.ref                          |     56 +
 {example => test/test-p}/rp2poly.in                |      0
 example/rp2poly.out => test/test-p/rp2poly.ref     |     86 +-
 {example => test/test-p}/rproj2.in                 |      0
 example/rproj2.out => test/test-p/rproj2.ref       |     84 +-
 {example => test/test-p}/small.in                  |      0
 test/test-p/small.ref                              |  34852 ++++++
 test/test-p/squaref0.in                            |     26 +
 test/test-p/squaref0.ref                           |    200 +
 test/test-p/squaref1.in                            |     22 +
 test/test-p/squaref1.ref                           |    226 +
 test/test-p/zero4.in                               |     12 +
 test/test-p/zero4.ref                              |     54 +
 {example => test/test-q}/NonCMDiv.in               |      0
 example/NonCMDiv.out => test/test-q/NonCMDiv.ref   |     31 +-
 test/test-q/bugHpoly.in                            |     81 +
 test/test-q/bugHpoly.ref                           |    219 +
 {example => test/test-q}/cross2.in                 |      2 +-
 example/cross2.out => test/test-q/cross2.ref       |     46 +-
 test/test-q/cut.in                                 |     28 +
 test/test-q/cut.ref                                |    143 +
 {example => test/test-q}/dual.in                   |      0
 test/test-q/dual.ref                               |     75 +
 test/test-q/dual_not_full_dim.in                   |      6 +
 test/test-q/dual_not_full_dim.ref                  |     43 +
 test/test-q/hickerson-16.in                        |     15 +
 test/test-q/hickerson-16.ref                       |     62 +
 test/test-q/inhom_quasi.in                         |     17 +
 test/test-q/inhom_quasi.ref                        |     64 +
 test/test-q/inhom_triangle.in                      |      8 +
 test/test-q/inhom_triangle.ref                     |     54 +
 test/test-q/knapsack_11_60_test2.in                |     15 +
 test/test-q/knapsack_11_60_test2.ref               |     61 +
 test/test-q/lattice_ideal.in                       |      8 +
 test/test-q/lattice_ideal.ref                      |     55 +
 test/test-q/lowrank.in                             |     19 +
 test/test-q/lowrank.ref                            |     90 +
 {example => test/test-q}/medium.in                 |      0
 test/test-q/medium.ref                             |   3829 +
 test/test-q/notpointed.in                          |      7 +
 test/test-q/notpointed.ref                         |     14 +
 {example => test/test-q}/polytop.in                |      0
 test/test-q/polytop.ref                            |     44 +
 {example => test/test-q}/rafa2416.in               |      0
 example/rafad.in => test/test-q/rafa2416.ref       |    933 +-
 {example => test/test-q}/rees.in                   |      0
 test/test-q/rees.ref                               |     78 +
 test/test-q/rees_mini.in                           |      7 +
 test/test-q/rees_mini.ref                          |     47 +
 {example => test/test-q}/rp2poly.in                |      0
 example/rp2poly.out => test/test-q/rp2poly.ref     |     79 +-
 {example => test/test-q}/rproj2.in                 |      0
 test/test-q/rproj2.ref                             |     76 +
 {example => test/test-q}/small.in                  |      0
 test/test-q/small.ref                              |    258 +
 test/test-q/squaref0.in                            |     26 +
 test/test-q/squaref0.ref                           |    197 +
 test/test-q/squaref1.in                            |     22 +
 test/test-q/squaref1.ref                           |    204 +
 test/test-q/zero4.in                               |     12 +
 test/test-q/zero4.ref                              |     54 +
 {example => test/test-r1}/3x3magic.in              |      0
 test/test-r1/3x3magic.ref                          |     52 +
 {example => test/test-r1}/4x4.in                   |      0
 test/test-r1/4x4.ref                               |     86 +
 {example => test/test-r1}/cross2.in                |      2 +-
 test/test-r1/cross2.ref                            |     39 +
 test/test-r1/cut.in                                |     28 +
 test/test-r1/cut.ref                               |   4531 +
 {example => test/test-r1}/dual.in                  |      0
 test/test-r1/dual.ref                              |     81 +
 test/test-r1/dual_not_full_dim.in                  |      6 +
 test/test-r1/dual_not_full_dim.ref                 |     34 +
 test/test-r1/dupl_remove.in                        |      8 +
 test/test-r1/dupl_remove.ref                       |     37 +
 test/test-r1/hickerson-16.in                       |     15 +
 test/test-r1/hickerson-16.ref                      |     94 +
 test/test-r1/hyperplanes-not-pointed.in            |     14 +
 test/test-r1/hyperplanes-not-pointed.ref           |     40 +
 test/test-r1/lowrank.in                            |     19 +
 test/test-r1/lowrank.ref                           |     96 +
 {example => test/test-r1}/medium.in                |      0
 test/test-r1/medium.ref                            |   3859 +
 test/test-r1/mode45.in                             |     15 +
 test/test-r1/mode45.ref                            |     33 +
 test/test-r1/mode456.in                            |     21 +
 test/test-r1/mode456.ref                           |     36 +
 test/test-r1/notpointed.in                         |      7 +
 test/test-r1/notpointed.ref                        |     14 +
 {example => test/test-r1}/polytop.in               |      0
 example/polytop.out => test/test-r1/polytop.ref    |     53 +-
 {example => test/test-r1}/rafa2416.in              |      0
 example/rafad.in => test/test-r1/rafa2416.ref      |    947 +-
 {example => test/test-r1}/rees.in                  |      0
 test/test-r1/rees.ref                              |     84 +
 test/test-r1/rees_mini.in                          |      7 +
 test/test-r1/rees_mini.ref                         |     43 +
 {example => test/test-r1}/rp2poly.in               |      0
 example/rp2poly.out => test/test-r1/rp2poly.ref    |     99 +-
 {example => test/test-r1}/rproj2.in                |      0
 test/test-r1/rproj2.ref                            |     82 +
 {example => test/test-r1}/small.in                 |      0
 test/test-r1/small.ref                             |  34839 ++++++
 test/test-r1/squaref0.in                           |     26 +
 test/test-r1/squaref0.ref                          |    176 +
 test/test-r1/squaref1.in                           |     22 +
 test/test-r1/squaref1.ref                          |    213 +
 test/test-r1/zero4.in                              |     12 +
 test/test-r1/zero4.ref                             |     54 +
 example/3x3magic.in => test/test-s/3x3_sign.in     |      4 +-
 test/test-s/3x3_sign.ref                           |     35 +
 {example => test/test-s}/ChineseRemainder.in       |      0
 .../test-s/ChineseRemainder.ref                    |     14 +-
 {example => test/test-s}/cross2.in                 |      2 +-
 test/test-s/cross2.ref                             |     32 +
 test/test-s/cut.in                                 |     28 +
 test/test-s/cut.ref                                |    127 +
 {example => test/test-s}/dual.in                   |      0
 example/dual.out => test/test-s/dual.ref           |     84 +-
 test/test-s/dual_not_full_dim.in                   |      6 +
 test/test-s/dual_not_full_dim.ref                  |     24 +
 test/test-s/dupl_remove.in                         |      8 +
 test/test-s/dupl_remove.ref                        |     23 +
 test/test-s/hickerson-16.in                        |     15 +
 test/test-s/hickerson-16.ref                       |     40 +
 {example => test/test-s}/huge.in                   |      2 +-
 test/test-s/huge.ref                               |   9940 ++
 test/test-s/hyperplanes-not-pointed.in             |     14 +
 test/test-s/hyperplanes-not-pointed.ref            |     28 +
 test/test-s/icmi.in                                |      7 +
 test/test-s/icmi.ref                               |     31 +
 test/test-s/icml.in                                |      7 +
 test/test-s/icml.ref                               |     29 +
 test/test-s/lowrank.in                             |     19 +
 test/test-s/lowrank.ref                            |     55 +
 {example => test/test-s}/medium.in                 |      0
 test/test-s/medium.ref                             |   3812 +
 test/test-s/mode45.in                              |     10 +
 test/test-s/mode45.ref                             |     26 +
 test/test-s/mode456.in                             |     16 +
 test/test-s/mode456.ref                            |     29 +
 test/test-s/notpointed.in                          |      7 +
 test/test-s/notpointed.ref                         |     13 +
 {example => test/test-s}/polytop.in                |      0
 test/test-s/polytop.ref                            |     27 +
 test/test-s/rafa1409.in                            |     17 +
 test/test-s/rafa1409.ref                           |     63 +
 test/test-s/rafa2310.in                            |     26 +
 test/test-s/rafa2310.ref                           |     81 +
 {example => test/test-s}/rafa2416.in               |      0
 example/rafad.in => test/test-s/rafa2416.ref       |     82 +-
 {example => test/test-s}/rees.in                   |      0
 example/dual.out => test/test-s/rees.ref           |     78 +-
 test/test-s/rees_mini.in                           |      7 +
 test/test-s/rees_mini.ref                          |     69 +
 test/test-s/rees_prim.in                           |      6 +
 test/test-s/rees_prim.ref                          |     25 +
 {example => test/test-s}/rp2poly.in                |      0
 example/rp2poly.out => test/test-s/rp2poly.ref     |     44 -
 {example => test/test-s}/rproj2.in                 |      0
 example/dual.out => test/test-s/rproj2.ref         |     78 +-
 test/test-s/small-sh.in                            |     35 +
 test/test-s/small-sh.ref                           |    241 +
 {example => test/test-s}/small.in                  |      0
 test/test-s/small.ref                              |    241 +
 test/test-s/smallerror.in                          |      9 +
 test/test-s/smallerror.ref                         |     35 +
 test/test-s/squaref0.in                            |     26 +
 test/test-s/squaref0.ref                           |    172 +
 test/test-s/squaref1.in                            |     22 +
 test/test-s/squaref1.ref                           |    176 +
 test/test-s/zero4.in                               |     12 +
 test/test-s/zero4.ref                              |     47 +
 test/test-v/binom.in                               |      9 +
 test/test-v/binom.ref                              |     43 +
 {example => test/test-v}/cross2.in                 |      2 +-
 test/test-v/cross2.ref                             |     33 +
 test/test-v/cut.in                                 |     28 +
 test/test-v/cut.ref                                |    132 +
 {example => test/test-v}/dual.in                   |      0
 test/test-v/dual.ref                               |     64 +
 test/test-v/dual_not_full_dim.in                   |      6 +
 test/test-v/dual_not_full_dim.ref                  |     32 +
 test/test-v/hickerson-16.in                        |     15 +
 test/test-v/hickerson-16.ref                       |     42 +
 test/test-v/inhom_triangle.in                      |      8 +
 test/test-v/inhom_triangle.ref                     |     35 +
 test/test-v/knapsack_11_60_test2.in                |     15 +
 test/test-v/knapsack_11_60_test2.ref               |     40 +
 test/test-v/lattice_ideal.in                       |      8 +
 test/test-v/lattice_ideal.ref                      |     44 +
 test/test-v/lowrank.in                             |     19 +
 test/test-v/lowrank.ref                            |     79 +
 {example => test/test-v}/medium.in                 |      0
 test/test-v/medium.ref                             |   3818 +
 test/test-v/mode45.in                              |     15 +
 test/test-v/mode45.ref                             |     35 +
 test/test-v/notpointed.in                          |      7 +
 test/test-v/notpointed.ref                         |     14 +
 {example => test/test-v}/polytop.in                |      0
 test/test-v/polytop.ref                            |     33 +
 {example => test/test-v}/rafa2416.in               |      0
 example/rafad.in => test/test-v/rafa2416.ref       |    922 +-
 {example => test/test-v}/rees.in                   |      0
 test/test-v/rees.ref                               |     67 +
 test/test-v/rees_mini.in                           |      7 +
 test/test-v/rees_mini.ref                          |     36 +
 {example => test/test-v}/rp2poly.in                |      0
 example/rp2poly.out => test/test-v/rp2poly.ref     |     86 +-
 {example => test/test-v}/rproj2.in                 |      0
 test/test-v/rproj2.ref                             |     65 +
 {example => test/test-v}/small.in                  |      0
 test/test-v/small.ref                              |    247 +
 test/test-v/squaref0.in                            |     26 +
 test/test-v/squaref0.ref                           |    178 +
 test/test-v/squaref1.in                            |     22 +
 test/test-v/squaref1.ref                           |    193 +
 test/test-v/zero4.in                               |     12 +
 test/test-v/zero4.ref                              |     54 +
 933 files changed, 558029 insertions(+), 36065 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/normaliz.git

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