[yade] branch jessie-backports updated (057cfec -> 3cc2b90)
Anton Gladky
gladk at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 23 21:50:05 UTC 2015
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gladk pushed a change to branch jessie-backports
in repository yade.
from 057cfec Update changelog.
adds dcc15ea Fix compilation against new libqglviewer. (Closes: #790627)
adds 2a34be9 Update d/copyright.
adds a940521 Update changelog.
adds c820752 Drop GUI-option for armel and armhf.
adds 8647594 Update changelog.
adds 170f338 Drop vtk support on armel and armhf.
adds bed9ecf Fix compilation without GUI on armel and armhf.
adds d7a60c5 Update changelog.
adds e147975 Build on all possible platforms.
adds 4296fd1 Drop old Breaks/Replaces.
adds 9507b26 Update changelog.
adds 66b209d Do not install qt on armel and armhf.
adds 767c711 Update changelog.
adds 07a04e8 Imported Upstream version 1.20.0
adds 5158de7 Merge.
adds e1fae74 Migrate to Qt5
adds 12cc97b Enable SPH.
adds d2549f8 Update changelog.
adds fe64fdd Remove patches applied by upstream.
adds 7a2d15e Update changelog.
adds b8178ce Remove python-argparse from build-depends.
adds 4194eeb Update changelog.
adds d741b20 Enable parallel build.
adds d91e127 Update changelog.
adds 9d7b263 Do not require libqglviewer-dev on armel and armhf
adds 7a3407e Update changelog.
new dcdcfed Merge.
new 53792e6 Disable QT5-mode.
new 4cf5ac2 Update changelog.
new 3cc2b90 Fix dependencies.
The 4 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
.gitignore | 4 +-
CMakeLists.txt | 161 +-
ChangeLog | 123 +
RELEASE | 2 +-
cMake/FindQGLVIEWER.cmake | 53 +-
core/Bound.hpp | 4 +-
core/Cell.hpp | 9 +-
core/ForceContainer.hpp | 9 +-
core/InteractionContainer.cpp | 2 +-
core/InteractionContainer.hpp | 6 +-
core/Omega.cpp | 34 +-
core/PartialEngine.hpp | 5 +-
core/main/main.py.in | 23 +-
debian/changelog | 59 +
debian/control | 17 +-
debian/copyright | 6 +-
debian/patches/02_fix_cmake_findvtk.patch | 22 -
debian/patches/series | 1 -
debian/rules | 8 +-
doc/sphinx/installation.rst | 59 +-
doc/sphinx/prog.rst | 8 +-
doc/sphinx/tutorial/01-bouncing-sphere.py | 12 +-
doc/sphinx/tutorial/02-gravity-deposition.py | 11 +-
doc/sphinx/tutorial/03-oedometric-test.py | 19 +-
doc/sphinx/tutorial/04-periodic-simple-shear.py | 8 +-
doc/sphinx/tutorial/05-3d-postprocessing.py | 6 +-
doc/sphinx/tutorial/06-periodic-triaxial-test.py | 4 +-
doc/yade-articles.bib | 21 +
doc/yade-conferences.bib | 29 +
doc/yade-theses.bib | 8 +
examples/2D-Tori.py | 63 +
examples/baraban/hourglass.stl | Bin 16084 -> 0 bytes
examples/hourglass/.gitignore | 1 +
examples/hourglass/hourglass.geo | 31 +
examples/hourglass/hourglass.mesh | 3207 ++++++++++++++++++++
examples/hourglass/hourglass.py | 76 +
extra/floating_point_utilities_v3/README | 7 -
.../boost/math/detail/fp_traits.hpp | 576 ----
.../boost/math/fpclassify.hpp | 229 --
.../boost/math/nonfinite_num_facets.hpp | 475 ---
.../boost/math/signbit.hpp | 86 -
gui/CMakeLists.txt | 116 +-
gui/qt4/GLViewer.cpp | 5 +-
gui/qt4/GLViewer.hpp | 4 +
gui/qt4/GLViewerDisplay.cpp | 10 +-
gui/qt4/SerializableEditor.py | 5 +-
gui/qt4/build | 4 -
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/GLViewer.cpp | 7 +-
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/GLViewer.hpp | 10 +-
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/GLViewerDisplay.cpp | 10 +-
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/GLViewerMouse.cpp | 0
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/Inspector.py | 4 +-
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/OpenGLManager.cpp | 0
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/OpenGLManager.hpp | 0
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/SerializableEditor.py | 21 +-
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/XYZ.png | Bin
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/XYZ.xpm | 0
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/YZX.png | Bin
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/YZX.xpm | 0
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/ZXY.png | Bin
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/ZXY.xpm | 0
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/_GLViewer.cpp | 0
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/__init__.py | 22 +-
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/controller.ui | 0
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/img.qrc | 0
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/yade-favicon.png | Bin
gui/{qt4 => qt5}/yade-favicon.xpm | 0
lib/base/Math.hpp | 181 +-
lib/import/STLReader.hpp | 234 --
lib/import/utils.hpp | 19 -
lib/multimethods/DynLibDispatcher.hpp | 16 +-
lib/multimethods/FunctorWrapper.hpp | 3 -
lib/pyutil/doc_opts.hpp | 7 +-
lib/serialization/Serializable.hpp | 112 +-
lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphere.ipp | 4 +-
lib/triangulation/FlowBoundingSphereLinSolv.ipp | 5 +-
lib/triangulation/PeriodicFlowLinSolv.ipp | 4 +-
lib/triangulation/Tesselation.ipp | 2 +-
pkg/common/Collider.cpp | 8 +-
pkg/common/Facet.hpp | 3 +
pkg/common/ForceEngine.cpp | 33 +-
pkg/common/ForceEngine.hpp | 40 +-
pkg/common/Gl1_Primitives.cpp | 32 +-
pkg/common/Gl1_Primitives.hpp | 9 +-
pkg/common/InsertionSortCollider.hpp | 14 +-
pkg/common/NormShearPhys.hpp | 1 +
pkg/common/OpenGLRenderer.hpp | 5 +-
pkg/common/SPHEngine.cpp | 62 +-
pkg/common/SpatialQuickSortCollider.cpp | 30 +-
pkg/common/ZECollider.hpp | 7 +-
pkg/dem/CapillaryPhys.hpp | 5 +-
pkg/dem/{CapillaryPhys.cpp => CapillaryPhys1.cpp} | 37 +-
pkg/dem/CapillaryPhys1.hpp | 99 +
pkg/dem/CohesiveFrictionalContactLaw.cpp | 8 +-
pkg/dem/CohesiveFrictionalContactLaw.hpp | 6 +-
pkg/dem/ConcretePM.hpp | 4 +-
pkg/dem/DelaunayInterpolation.hpp | 150 +
pkg/dem/Disp2DPropLoadEngine.cpp | 2 +-
pkg/dem/DomainLimiter.hpp | 3 +-
pkg/dem/GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper.cpp | 11 +-
pkg/dem/HertzMindlin.hpp | 11 +-
pkg/dem/Integrator.cpp | 2 +-
pkg/dem/KinemSimpleShearBox.cpp | 2 +-
pkg/dem/Law2_ScGeom_CapillaryPhys_Capillarity.cpp | 6 +-
pkg/dem/Law2_ScGeom_CapillaryPhys_Capillarity.hpp | 19 +-
pkg/dem/Law2_ScGeom_CapillaryPhys_Capillarity1.cpp | 606 ++++
pkg/dem/Law2_ScGeom_CapillaryPhys_Capillarity1.hpp | 123 +
pkg/dem/NewtonIntegrator.cpp | 13 +-
pkg/dem/NewtonIntegrator.hpp | 3 +-
pkg/dem/PeriIsoCompressor.hpp | 4 +-
pkg/dem/Polyhedra.hpp | 2 +
pkg/dem/Polyhedra_Ig2.cpp | 15 +-
pkg/dem/Polyhedra_splitter.cpp | 4 +-
pkg/dem/STLImporter.cpp | 1 -
pkg/dem/STLImporter.hpp | 225 ++
pkg/dem/ScGeom.hpp | 4 +-
pkg/dem/Shop.hpp | 6 +-
pkg/dem/Shop_01.cpp | 13 +-
pkg/dem/Shop_02.cpp | 91 +-
pkg/dem/SnapshotEngine.hpp | 6 +-
pkg/dem/TesselationWrapper.cpp | 75 +-
pkg/dem/TesselationWrapper.hpp | 5 +-
pkg/dem/TriaxialStressController.hpp | 8 +-
pkg/dem/VTKRecorder.cpp | 54 +-
pkg/dem/ViscoelasticCapillarPM.cpp | 52 +-
pkg/dem/ViscoelasticCapillarPM.hpp | 2 +
pkg/dem/ViscoelasticPM.cpp | 44 +
pkg/dem/ViscoelasticPM.hpp | 34 +-
pkg/lbm/HydrodynamicsLawLBM.cpp | 3 +-
pkg/pfv/FlowEngine.hpp.in | 4 +-
pkg/pfv/FlowEngine.ipp.in | 4 +-
pkg/pfv/PeriodicFlowEngine.cpp | 4 +-
pkg/pfv/TwoPhaseFlowEngine.cpp | 300 +-
pkg/pfv/TwoPhaseFlowEngine.hpp | 32 +-
pkg/pfv/UnsaturatedEngine.cpp | 124 +-
py/__init__.py.in | 14 +-
py/_utils.cpp | 16 +-
py/_utils.hpp | 4 -
py/bodiesHandling.py | 5 +-
py/geom.py | 5 +-
py/mathWrap/miniEigen.cpp | 474 ---
py/pack/_packObb.cpp | 2 +-
py/pack/_packPredicates.cpp | 18 -
py/pack/pack.py | 18 +-
py/plot.py | 5 +-
py/polyhedra_utils.py | 1 -
py/post2d.py | 12 +-
py/remote.py | 35 +-
py/tests/clump.py | 6 +-
py/tests/cohesive-chain.py | 6 +-
py/tests/core.py | 6 +-
py/tests/engines.py | 6 +-
py/tests/pbc.py | 6 +-
py/tests/wrapper.py | 6 +-
py/timing.py | 2 +-
py/utils.py | 14 +-
py/wrapper/yadeWrapper.cpp | 30 +-
py/ymport.py | 5 +-
scripts/checks-and-tests/checks/checkViscElPM2.py | 78 +
159 files changed, 6370 insertions(+), 3163 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 debian/patches/02_fix_cmake_findvtk.patch
create mode 100644 examples/2D-Tori.py
delete mode 100644 examples/baraban/hourglass.stl
create mode 100644 examples/hourglass/.gitignore
create mode 100644 examples/hourglass/hourglass.geo
create mode 100644 examples/hourglass/hourglass.mesh
create mode 100644 examples/hourglass/hourglass.py
delete mode 100644 extra/floating_point_utilities_v3/README
delete mode 100644 extra/floating_point_utilities_v3/boost/math/detail/fp_traits.hpp
delete mode 100644 extra/floating_point_utilities_v3/boost/math/fpclassify.hpp
delete mode 100644 extra/floating_point_utilities_v3/boost/math/nonfinite_num_facets.hpp
delete mode 100644 extra/floating_point_utilities_v3/boost/math/signbit.hpp
delete mode 100755 gui/qt4/build
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/GLViewer.cpp (99%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/GLViewer.hpp (96%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/GLViewerDisplay.cpp (98%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/GLViewerMouse.cpp (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/Inspector.py (99%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/OpenGLManager.cpp (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/OpenGLManager.hpp (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/SerializableEditor.py (98%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/XYZ.png (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/XYZ.xpm (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/YZX.png (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/YZX.xpm (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/ZXY.png (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/ZXY.xpm (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/_GLViewer.cpp (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/__init__.py (97%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/controller.ui (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/img.qrc (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/yade-favicon.png (100%)
copy gui/{qt4 => qt5}/yade-favicon.xpm (100%)
delete mode 100644 lib/import/STLReader.hpp
delete mode 100644 lib/import/utils.hpp
copy pkg/dem/{CapillaryPhys.cpp => CapillaryPhys1.cpp} (58%)
create mode 100644 pkg/dem/CapillaryPhys1.hpp
create mode 100644 pkg/dem/DelaunayInterpolation.hpp
create mode 100644 pkg/dem/Law2_ScGeom_CapillaryPhys_Capillarity1.cpp
create mode 100644 pkg/dem/Law2_ScGeom_CapillaryPhys_Capillarity1.hpp
delete mode 100644 py/mathWrap/miniEigen.cpp
create mode 100644 scripts/checks-and-tests/checks/checkViscElPM2.py
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/yade.git
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