[libvigraimpex] 02/03: Merge tag 'upstream/1.10.0+dfsg'

Daniel Stender danstender-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Oct 29 23:49:43 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

danstender-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libvigraimpex.

commit 820895a9aeaa47292cc9a108024d62f8cf519cbf
Merge: edf0ad0 281a58f
Author: Daniel Stender <debian at danielstender.com>
Date:   Fri Oct 30 00:28:26 2015 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.10.0+dfsg'
    Upstream version 1.10.0+dfsg

 .gitignore                                 |   35 -
 .travis.yml                                |   15 -
 doc/vigra/LICENSE.txt                      |   25 -
 doc/vigra/dissolved_color.gif              |  Bin 26116 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/documents/bullet.gif             |  Bin 84 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/documents/pfeil.gif              |  Bin 82 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/documents/pfeilGross.gif         |  Bin 640 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/documents/tutorial_reference.pdf |  Bin 107966 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/documents/vigra.gif              |  Bin 10251 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/dynsections.js                   |   97 --
 doc/vigra/formula.repository               |  139 ---
 doc/vigra/jquery.js                        |    8 -
 doc/vigra/lenna_color.gif                  |  Bin 197227 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_color_small.gif            |  Bin 26116 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_composite_color.gif        |  Bin 102075 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_gray.gif                   |  Bin 234921 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_inverted.gif               |  Bin 26116 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_mirror_horizontal.gif      |  Bin 26116 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_mirror_vertical.gif        |  Bin 26116 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_small.gif                  |  Bin 26116 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_smoothed.gif               |  Bin 26116 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_stripes.gif                |  Bin 26116 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_sub.gif                    |  Bin 7253 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_transposed_major.gif       |  Bin 26116 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/lenna_transposed_minor.gif       |  Bin 26116 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/oi_small.jpg                     |  Bin 8596 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/tabs.css                         |   60 -
 doc/vigra/testimage.gif                    |  Bin 29823 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/testimage.jpg                    |  Bin 8522 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/vigra-icon.ico                   |  Bin 15086 -> 0 bytes
 doc/vigra/vigra.css                        |  457 --------
 doc/vigra/vigra_1_8_2.css                  | 1622 ----------------------------
 32 files changed, 2458 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/libvigraimpex.git

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