[lmfit-py] 02/05: Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.1+dfsg'

Frédéric-Emmanuel Picca picca at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Oct 31 09:09:57 UTC 2015

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

picca pushed a commit to branch master
in repository lmfit-py.

commit 024e0cebddbd19b2b3e8781878be3707a57d4c23
Merge: 260aa15 9e527ea
Author: Picca Frédéric-Emmanuel <picca at debian.org>
Date:   Tue Oct 6 19:20:14 2015 +0200

    Merge tag 'upstream/0.9.1+dfsg'
    Upstream version 0.9.1+dfsg

 .gitattributes                            |   1 -
 .gitignore                                |  10 -
 .travis.yml                               |  23 --
 PKG-INFO                                  |  33 ++
 README.rst                                |  68 ----
 doc/.DS_Store                             | Bin 0 -> 8196 bytes
 doc/_templates/indexsidebar.html          |   5 +-
 doc/builtin_models.rst                    |  41 ++-
 doc/confidence.rst                        |  80 ++---
 doc/contents.rst                          |   1 +
 doc/extensions.pyc                        | Bin 0 -> 398 bytes
 doc/faq.rst                               |  63 +++-
 doc/fitting.rst                           | 501 +++++++++++++++++---------
 doc/index.rst                             |  33 +-
 doc/installation.rst                      |  12 +-
 doc/intro.rst                             |  30 +-
 doc/model.rst                             | 188 ++++++++--
 doc/parameters.rst                        |  54 +--
 doc/sphinx/theme/lmfitdoc/layout.html     |  31 +-
 doc/support.rst                           |   2 +
 doc/whatsnew.rst                          |  97 +++++
 examples/NIST_Gauss2.dat                  | 310 ----------------
 examples/confidence_interval.py           | 112 ------
 examples/confidence_interval2.py          |  90 -----
 examples/doc_basic.py                     |  48 ---
 examples/doc_basic_valuesdict.py          |  45 ---
 examples/doc_confidence1.py               |  24 --
 examples/doc_confidence2.py               |  61 ----
 examples/doc_model1.py                    |  25 --
 examples/doc_model2.py                    |  31 --
 examples/doc_model3.py                    |  59 ----
 examples/doc_model_with_iter_callback.py  |  43 ---
 examples/doc_nistgauss.py                 |  43 ---
 examples/doc_nistgauss2.py                |  40 ---
 examples/doc_peakmodels.py                |  37 --
 examples/doc_stepmodel.py                 |  29 --
 examples/doc_withreport.py                |  50 ---
 examples/example_covar.py                 |  93 -----
 examples/example_derivfunc.py             |  85 -----
 examples/example_lbfgsb.py                |  66 ----
 examples/fit_NIST_leastsq.py              | 148 --------
 examples/fit_NIST_scipy_lmdif.py          | 147 --------
 examples/fit_multi_datasets.py            |  69 ----
 examples/fit_with_algebraic_constraint.py |  85 -----
 examples/fit_with_bounds.py               |  62 ----
 examples/lmfit-model.ipynb                | 567 ------------------------------
 examples/lmfit_and_emcee.py               | 124 -------
 examples/model1d_gauss.dat                | 103 ------
 examples/plot_fit.py                      |  26 --
 examples/plot_fit2.py                     |  25 --
 examples/test_NIST_Strd.py                | 169 ---------
 examples/test_peak.dat                    | 404 ---------------------
 lmfit/__init__.py                         |   1 -
 lmfit/_version.py                         | 194 +---------
 lmfit/asteval.py                          |  10 +
 lmfit/astutils.py                         |   2 +-
 lmfit/confidence.py                       | 118 +++----
 lmfit/lineshapes.py                       |  15 +-
 lmfit/minimizer.py                        | 496 ++++++++++++--------------
 lmfit/model.py                            | 198 +++++++----
 lmfit/models.py                           |  24 +-
 lmfit/parameter.py                        | 139 +++++++-
 lmfit/ui/__init__.py                      |  14 +-
 lmfit/ui/basefitter.py                    |   2 +-
 lmfit/ui/ipy_fitter.py                    |  48 ++-
 lmfit/uncertainties/LICENSE.txt           |  10 -
 lmfit/uncertainties/README                |  14 -
 tests/NISTModels.py                       |   2 +-
 tests/NIST_STRD/Bennett5.dat              | 214 -----------
 tests/NIST_STRD/BoxBOD.dat                |  66 ----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Chwirut1.dat              | 274 ---------------
 tests/NIST_STRD/Chwirut2.dat              | 114 ------
 tests/NIST_STRD/DanWood.dat               |  66 ----
 tests/NIST_STRD/ENSO.dat                  | 228 ------------
 tests/NIST_STRD/Eckerle4.dat              |  95 -----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Gauss1.dat                | 310 ----------------
 tests/NIST_STRD/Gauss2.dat                | 310 ----------------
 tests/NIST_STRD/Gauss3.dat                | 310 ----------------
 tests/NIST_STRD/Hahn1.dat                 | 296 ----------------
 tests/NIST_STRD/Kirby2.dat                | 211 -----------
 tests/NIST_STRD/Lanczos1.dat              |  84 -----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Lanczos2.dat              |  84 -----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Lanczos3.dat              |  84 -----
 tests/NIST_STRD/MGH09.dat                 |  71 ----
 tests/NIST_STRD/MGH10.dat                 |  76 ----
 tests/NIST_STRD/MGH17.dat                 |  93 -----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Misra1a.dat               |  74 ----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Misra1b.dat               |  74 ----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Misra1c.dat               |  74 ----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Misra1d.dat               |  74 ----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Models                    | 215 -----------
 tests/NIST_STRD/Nelson.dat                | 188 ----------
 tests/NIST_STRD/Rat42.dat                 |  69 ----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Rat43.dat                 |  75 ----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Roszman1.dat              |  85 -----
 tests/NIST_STRD/Thurber.dat               |  97 -----
 tests/test_NIST_Strd.py                   |   5 +-
 tests/test_algebraic_constraint.py        |  46 +--
 tests/test_algebraic_constraint2.py       |  23 +-
 tests/test_basicfit.py                    |   4 +-
 tests/test_bounded_jacobian.py            |  43 +++
 tests/test_bounds.py                      |   6 +-
 tests/test_confidence.py                  |  44 +++
 tests/test_default_kws.py                 |   3 +-
 tests/test_itercb.py                      |  29 ++
 tests/test_model.py                       |  39 ++
 tests/test_multidatasets.py               |   2 -
 tests/test_nose.py                        | 108 ++++--
 tests/test_params_set.py                  |  41 +++
 tests/test_stepmodel.py                   |   3 -
 upload_wininst.bat                        |  16 -
 use_py26.bat                              |   2 -
 use_py27.bat                              |   2 -
 use_py32.bat                              |   2 -
 114 files changed, 1764 insertions(+), 8445 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/lmfit-py.git

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