[python-escript] 04/04: Removing option files which should not be there

Joel Fenwick jfenwick-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Apr 5 02:58:02 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jfenwick-guest pushed a commit to branch debian
in repository python-escript.

commit 30f4c78008ba5859c322f9b710be07349923f4f9
Author: Joel Fenwick <joelfenwick at uq.edu.au>
Date:   Tue Apr 5 10:00:09 2016 +1000

    Removing option files which should not be there
 scons/badger_options.py                |  26 ----
 scons/badger_py3_options.py            |  22 ---
 scons/cgisrv3_options.py               | 251 --------------------------------
 scons/cgisrv6_options.py               | 254 ---------------------------------
 scons/copper_options.py                |  35 -----
 scons/epicuser_options.py              | 237 ------------------------------
 scons/ferret_options.py                |  80 -----------
 scons/gerbil_options.py                |  38 -----
 scons/guineapig_intel_noomp_options.py |  24 ----
 scons/guineapig_intel_options.py       |  37 -----
 scons/guineapig_options.py             |  38 -----
 scons/guineapig_py3_options.py         |  28 ----
 scons/hamster_options.py               |  29 ----
 scons/magnus_options.py                | 249 --------------------------------
 scons/mara_options.py                  |  83 -----------
 scons/mole_clang_options.py            | 243 -------------------------------
 scons/porcupine_options.py             |  22 ---
 scons/raijin_options.py                | 229 -----------------------------
 scons/sage_options.py                  |  28 ----
 scons/sage_py3_options.py              |  22 ---
 scons/savanna_ice_noomp_options.py     |  23 ---
 scons/savanna_ice_options.py           |  24 ----
 scons/savanna_noomp_options.py         |  23 ---
 scons/savanna_options.py               | 247 --------------------------------
 scons/squirrel_options.py              |  24 ----
 scons/standalone_options.py            | 250 --------------------------------
 scons/vayu_options.py                  | 225 -----------------------------
 scons/vm_options.py                    | 222 ----------------------------
 scons/vmw_options.py                   | 246 -------------------------------
 29 files changed, 3259 deletions(-)

diff --git a/scons/badger_options.py b/scons/badger_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 55354e1..0000000
--- a/scons/badger_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from templates.jessie_options import *
-debug = True
-boost_libs = ['boost_python-py27']
-lapack = 'clapack'
-umfpack = True
-silo = True
diff --git a/scons/badger_py3_options.py b/scons/badger_py3_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9136941..0000000
--- a/scons/badger_py3_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from templates.jessie_py3_options import *
-debug = False
-lapack = 'clapack'
-silo = True
diff --git a/scons/cgisrv3_options.py b/scons/cgisrv3_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f0fe90..0000000
--- a/scons/cgisrv3_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-import os
-# There are two ways to specify where to find dependent headers and libraries
-# (via the <dependency>_prefix):
-# 1) If your installation follows the general scheme where headers are located
-#    in <prefix>/include[32,64], and libraries in <prefix>/lib[32,64] then
-#    it is sufficient to specify this prefix, e.g. boost_prefix='C:/python'
-# 2) Otherwise provide a list with two elements, where the first one is the
-#    include path, and the second the library path, e.g.
-#    boost_prefix=['C:/boost/include/boost1_44', 'C:/boost/lib']
-# All <dependency>_prefix settings default to '/usr' so have to be set
-# manually on Windows.
-# The options file version. SCons will refuse to build if there have been
-# changes to the set of variables and your file has not been updated.
-# This setting is mandatory.
-escript_opts_version = 201
-# Installation prefix. Files will be installed in subdirectories underneath.
-# DEFAULT: '.' (current directory)
-#prefix = 'C:/escript'
-# Top-level directory for intermediate build and test files.
-# DEFAULT: 'build'
-#build_dir = 'build'
-# C compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-#cc = 'cl'
-# C++ compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-#cxx = 'cl'
-# Flags to use with both C and C++ compilers. Do not set unless you know
-# what you are doing - use cc_extra to specify additional flags!
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_flags = ''
-# Additional compiler (optimization) flags for non-debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_optim = '/O2 /Op /W3'
-# Additional compiler flags for debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_debug = '/Od /RTCcsu /ZI /DBOUNDS_CHECK'
-# Additional flags to add to the C compiler only
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-#cc_extra = ''
-# Additional flags to add to the C++ compiler only
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-#cxx_extra = ''
-# Additional flags to add to the linker
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-#ld_extra = ''
-# Whether to treat compiler warnings as errors
-# DEFAULT: True
-werror = False
-# Whether to build a debug version
-# DEFAULT: False
-#debug = True
-# Set to True to print the full compiler/linker command line
-# DEFAULT: False
-verbose = True
-# Set to True to add flags that enable OpenMP parallelization
-# DEFAULT: False
-#openmp = True
-# Additional compiler flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_flags = '/Qopenmp /Qparallel'
-# Additional linker flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_ldflags = '/Qopenmp /Qparallel'
-# Flavour of MPI implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'MPT', 'MPICH', 'MPICH2', 'OPENMPI', 'INTELMPI'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (disable MPI)
-mpi = 'MPICH2'
-# Prefix or paths to MPI headers and libraries. See note above about prefixes.
-mpi_prefix = 'C:/Program Files/MPICH2'
-# MPI libraries to link against
-mpi_libs = ['mpi']
-dotdot = os.path.realpath('..')
-system_builddeps = os.path.join('c:',os.sep, 'buildlibs')
-# Prefix or paths to python headers and libraries. See note above.
-# By default, this is determined using the running python executable.
-#python_prefix = 'C:/Python26'
-# Prefix or paths to boost-python headers and libraries. See note above.
-boost_prefix = [os.path.join(system_builddeps, 'boost_1_41_0'), os.path.join(system_builddeps, 'boost_1_41_0','windows_binary','lib')]
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['boost_python-vc71-mt-1_41']
-# Prefix or paths to CppUnit headers and libraries. See note above.
-# C:\buildlibs\cppunit-1.12.1\src\cppunit\Release
-cppunit_prefix = os.path.join(system_builddeps, 'cppunit-1.12.1')
-# CppUnit library/libraries to link against
-cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-# Whether to use the netCDF library for dump file support
-# DEFAULT: False
-netcdf = True
-# Prefix or paths to netCDF headers and libraries. See note above.
-netcdf_prefix = [os.path.join(system_builddeps, 'netcdf', 'src', 'include'), os.path.join(system_builddeps, 'netcdf', 'lib')]
-# netCDF library/libraries to link against
-netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_cpp', 'netcdf']
-# Whether to use the parMETIS library (only in conjunction with MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#parmetis = True
-# Prefix or paths to parMETIS headers and libraries. See note above.
-#parmetis_prefix = 'C:/parmetis'
-# parMETIS library/libraries to link against
-#parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-# Whether to use the Intel PAPI (Performance API) library
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi = True
-# Prefix or paths to PAPI headers and libraries. See note above.
-#papi_prefix = 'C:/papi'
-# PAPI library/libraries to link against
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-# Whether to use PAPI to instrument solver iterations
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-# Whether to use Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#mkl = True
-# Prefix or paths to MKL headers and libraries. See note above.
-#mkl_prefix = 'C:/mkl'
-# MKL library/libraries to link against
-#mkl_libs = ['mkl_solver', 'mkl_em64t', 'mkl_core', 'guide']
-# Whether to use UMFPACK (requires AMD and BLAS)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#umfpack = True
-# Prefix or paths to UMFPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#umfpack_prefix = 'C:/umfpack'
-# UMFPACK library/libraries to link against
-#umfpack_libs = ['umfpack']
-# Whether to use BoomerAMG (requires MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#boomeramg = True
-# Prefix or paths to BoomerAMG headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boomeramg_prefix = 'C:/boomeramg'
-# BoomerAMG library/libraries to link against
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-# Flavour of LAPACK implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'clapack', 'mkl'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (do not use LAPACK)
-#lapack = 'clapack'
-# Prefix or paths to LAPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#lapack_prefix = 'C:/lapack'
-# LAPACK library/libraries to link against
-#lapack_libs = ['lapack_atlas']
-# Whether to use LLNL's SILO library for Silo output file support in weipa
-# DEFAULT: False
-#silo = True
-# Prefix or paths to SILO headers and libraries. See note above.
-#silo_prefix = 'C:/silo'
-# SILO library/libraries to link against
-#silo_libs = ['siloh5', 'hdf5']
-# Whether to use LLNL's VisIt simulation interface (only version 2 supported)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#visit = True
-# Prefix or paths to VisIt's sim2 headers and libraries. See note above.
-#visit_prefix = 'C:/visit/2.1.0/linux-intel/libsim/V2'
-# Sim2 library/libraries to link against
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-# Build dynamic libraries only
-#DEFAULT: False
-#build_shared = True
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-# Use intel's VSL library for random data
-# DEFAULT: False
-#vsl_random = True
-# Extra libraries to link with
-sys_libs = ['C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/PlatformSDK/Lib/Ws2_32']
-# Additional environmental variables to export to the tools
-#env_export = []
-#tools_names = ['msvc']
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
diff --git a/scons/cgisrv6_options.py b/scons/cgisrv6_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 187198d..0000000
--- a/scons/cgisrv6_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-import os
-# There are two ways to specify where to find dependent headers and libraries
-# (via the <dependency>_prefix):
-# 1) If your installation follows the general scheme where headers are located
-#    in <prefix>/include[32,64], and libraries in <prefix>/lib[32,64] then
-#    it is sufficient to specify this prefix, e.g. boost_prefix='C:/python'
-# 2) Otherwise provide a list with two elements, where the first one is the
-#    include path, and the second the library path, e.g.
-#    boost_prefix=['C:/boost/include/boost1_44', 'C:/boost/lib']
-# All <dependency>_prefix settings default to '/usr' so have to be set
-# manually on Windows.
-# The options file version. SCons will refuse to build if there have been
-# changes to the set of variables and your file has not been updated.
-# This setting is mandatory.
-escript_opts_version = 200
-# Installation prefix. Files will be installed in subdirectories underneath.
-# DEFAULT: '.' (current directory)
-#prefix = 'C:/escript'
-# Top-level directory for intermediate build and test files.
-# DEFAULT: 'build'
-#build_dir = 'build'
-# C compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-#cc = 'gcc'
-# C++ compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-#cxx = 'g++'
-# Flags to use with both C and C++ compilers. Do not set unless you know
-# what you are doing - use cc_extra to specify additional flags!
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-cc_flags = '/EHsc /GR /MD /I"C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE 2011 SP1/compiler/include/" /DCPPUNIT_BUILD_DLL'
-# Additional compiler (optimization) flags for non-debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-cc_optim = '/fast /Oi /W3 /Qinline-factor- /Qinline-min-size=0 /Qunroll'
-cc_optim = '/fast /Oi /Qunroll'
-# Additional compiler flags for debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_debug = '/Od /RTCcsu /Zi /Y- /debug:all /Qtrapuv'
-# Additional flags to add to the C compiler only
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-#cc_extra = ''
-# Additional flags to add to the C++ compiler only
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-#cxx_extra = ''
-# Additional flags to add to the linker
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-ld_extra = '/libpath:"C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE 2011 SP1/compiler/lib/ia32"'
-# Whether to treat compiler warnings as errors
-# DEFAULT: True
-werror = False
-# Whether to build a debug version
-# DEFAULT: False
-#debug = True
-# Set to True to print the full compiler/linker command line
-# DEFAULT: False
-verbose = False
-# Set to True to add flags that enable OpenMP parallelization
-# DEFAULT: False
-openmp = True
-# Additional compiler flags for OpenMP builds
-# /Qvec-report0 - Vectorise quietly - http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/composerxe/en-us/cpp/lin/copts/common_options/option_vec_report.htm
-# /Qopenmp-report0 - OpenMP quietly (No diagnostics report generated.) - http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/composerxe/en-us/cpp/lin/optaps/common/optaps_perf_openmprep.htm
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-omp_flags = '/Qvec-report0 /Qopenmp /Qopenmp-report0 /Qparallel'
-# Additional linker flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-omp_ldflags = ''
-# Flavour of MPI implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'MPT', 'MPICH', 'MPICH2', 'OPENMPI', 'INTELMPI'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (disable MPI)
-mpi = 'MPICH2' #'MPICH2'
-# Prefix or paths to MPI headers and libraries. See note above about prefixes.
-mpi_prefix = "C:/Program Files (x86)/MPICH2"
-# MPI libraries to link against
-mpi_libs = ['mpi']
-dotdot = os.path.realpath('..')
-# Prefix or paths to boost-python headers and libraries. See note above.
-boost_prefix = ['C:/projects/boost_1_47_0', 'C:/projects/boost_1_47_0/stage/lib']
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['boost_python-iw-mt-1_47']
-# Prefix or paths to CppUnit headers and libraries. See note above.
-#cppunit_prefix = 'C:/CppUnit'
-# CppUnit library/libraries to link against
-#cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-# Whether to use the netCDF library for dump file support
-# DEFAULT: False
-netcdf = False
-# Prefix or paths to netCDF headers and libraries. See note above.
-netcdf_prefix = [os.path.join(dotdot, 'netcdf', 'src', 'include'), os.path.join(dotdot, 'netcdf', 'lib')]
-# netCDF library/libraries to link against
-netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_cpp', 'netcdf']
-# Whether to use the parMETIS library (only in conjunction with MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#parmetis = True
-# Prefix or paths to parMETIS headers and libraries. See note above.
-#parmetis_prefix = 'C:/parmetis'
-# parMETIS library/libraries to link against
-#parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-# Whether to use the Intel PAPI (Performance API) library
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi = True
-# Prefix or paths to PAPI headers and libraries. See note above.
-#papi_prefix = 'C:/papi'
-# PAPI library/libraries to link against
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-# Whether to use PAPI to instrument solver iterations
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-# Whether to use Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
-# DEFAULT: False
-mkl = True
-# Prefix or paths to MKL headers and libraries. See note above.
-mkl_base_dir = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE 2011 SP1/mkl'
-mkl_prefix = [os.path.join(mkl_base_dir, 'include'), os.path.join(mkl_base_dir, 'lib/ia32')]
-# MKL library/libraries to link against
-mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_c_dll', 'mkl_intel_thread_dll', 'mkl_core_dll', 'libiomp5md', 'mkl_solver', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core']
-# Whether to use UMFPACK (requires AMD and BLAS)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#umfpack = True
-# Prefix or paths to UMFPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#umfpack_prefix = 'C:/umfpack'
-# UMFPACK library/libraries to link against
-#umfpack_libs = ['umfpack']
-# Whether to use BoomerAMG (requires MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#boomeramg = True
-# Prefix or paths to BoomerAMG headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boomeramg_prefix = 'C:/boomeramg'
-# BoomerAMG library/libraries to link against
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-# Flavour of LAPACK implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'clapack', 'mkl'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (do not use LAPACK)
-#lapack = 'clapack'
-lapack = 'mkl'
-# Prefix or paths to LAPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#lapack_prefix = 'C:/lapack'
-lapack_prefix = mkl_prefix
-# LAPACK library/libraries to link against
-lapack_libs = ['mkl_lapack95']
-# Whether to use LLNL's SILO library for Silo output file support in weipa
-# DEFAULT: False
-#silo = True
-# Prefix or paths to SILO headers and libraries. See note above.
-#silo_prefix = 'C:/silo'
-# SILO library/libraries to link against
-#silo_libs = ['siloh5', 'hdf5']
-# Whether to use LLNL's VisIt simulation interface (only version 2 supported)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#visit = True
-# Prefix or paths to VisIt's sim2 headers and libraries. See note above.
-#visit_prefix = 'C:/visit/2.1.0/linux-intel/libsim/V2'
-# Sim2 library/libraries to link against
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-# Build dynamic libraries only
-#DEFAULT: False
-build_shared = True
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-# Use intel's VSL library for random data
-# DEFAULT: False
-#vsl_random = True
-# Extra libraries to link with
-# sys_libs = ['C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/PlatformSDK/Lib/Ws2_32', 'C:\Program Files\Intel\Compiler\C++\9.1\IA32\Lib\libguide40']
-sys_libs = ['']
-# Additional environmental variables to export to the tools
-#env_export = []
-# overloading - [('intelc',{'topdir':'/sw/sdev/intel/cc/x86_64/10.1.025'})]
-tools_names = [('intelc',{'topdir':'C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE 2011 SP1'})]
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
diff --git a/scons/copper_options.py b/scons/copper_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d33c67a..0000000
--- a/scons/copper_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from templates.wheezy_options import *
-verbose = True
-#openmp = True 
-#mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-boost_libs = ['boost_python']
-parmetis = True
-umfpack = True
-lapack = 'clapack'
-silo = True
-build_shared = False
diff --git a/scons/epicuser_options.py b/scons/epicuser_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 212e186..0000000
--- a/scons/epicuser_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-#   On epic.ivec.org: link this file to epicuser1_options.py and
-#                     epicuser2_options.py 
-# The options file version. SCons will refuse to build if there have been
-# changes to the set of variables and your file has not been updated.
-# This setting is mandatory.
-escript_opts_version = 201
-# Installation prefix. Files will be installed in subdirectories underneath.
-# DEFAULT: '.' (current directory)
-#prefix = '/opt/escript/3.2.1'
-# Top-level directory for intermediate build and test files.
-# DEFAULT: 'build'
-build_dir = 'build'
-# C++ compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-cxx = 'icpc'
-#cxx = 'g++'
-# Flags to use with the C++ compiler. Do not set unless you know
-# what you are doing - use cxx_extra to specify additional flags!
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_flags = ''
-# Additional compiler (optimization) flags for non-debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_optim = '-O3 -mmmx -msse'
-# Additional compiler flags for debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-cc_debug = '-g'
-# Additional flags to add to the C++ compiler only
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-cxx_extra = '-sox -I/opt/python-numpy/1.6.1-python-2.6/lib/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/core/include'
-#cxx_extra = '-fopenmp'
-# Additional flags to add to the linker
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-ld_extra = '-shared-intel -L/opt/hdf5/1.8.6/lib'
-# Whether to treat compiler warnings as errors
-# DEFAULT: True
-werror = False
-# Whether to build a debug version
-# DEFAULT: False
-#debug = True
-# Set to True to print the full compiler/linker command line
-# DEFAULT: False
-verbose = True
-# Set to True to add flags that enable OpenMP parallelization
-# DEFAULT: False
-openmp = True
-# Additional compiler flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-omp_flags = '-openmp -openmp-report2'
-# Additional linker flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_ldflags = '-openmp'
-# Flavour of MPI implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'MPT', 'MPICH', 'MPICH2', 'OPENMPI', 'INTELMPI'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (disable MPI)
-mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-# Prefix or paths to MPI headers and libraries. See note above about prefixes.
-#mpi_prefix = '/opt/mpi/intel/openmpi/1.4.3-11.1'
-mpi_prefix = '/opt/mpi/gcc/openmpi/1.4.3'
-# MPI libraries to link against
-#mpi_libs = ['mpi_cxx', 'mpi', 'open-rte', 'open-pal']
-# Prefix or paths to python headers and libraries. See note above.
-# By default, this is determined using the running python executable.
-#python_prefix = '/opt/python/2.6.7'
-# Prefix or paths to boost-python headers and libraries. See note above.
-boost_prefix = '/opt/boost/1.46.1-python-2.6'
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['boost_python']
-# Prefix or paths to CppUnit headers and libraries. See note above.
-cppunit_prefix = '/opt/cppunit/1.12.1'
-# CppUnit library/libraries to link against
-#cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-# Whether to use the netCDF library for dump file support
-# DEFAULT: False
-netcdf = True
-# Prefix or paths to netCDF headers and libraries. See note above.
-netcdf_prefix = '/opt/netcdf/4.0.1'
-# netCDF library/libraries to link against
-netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_c++', 'netcdf']
-# Whether to use the parMETIS library (only in conjunction with MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-parmetis = True
-# Prefix or paths to parMETIS headers and libraries. See note above.
-parmetis_prefix = '/opt/parmetis/3.1.1'
-# parMETIS library/libraries to link against
-parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-# Whether to use the Intel PAPI (Performance API) library
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi = True
-# Prefix or paths to PAPI headers and libraries. See note above.
-#papi_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# PAPI library/libraries to link against
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-# Whether to use PAPI to instrument solver iterations
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-# Whether to use Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
-# DEFAULT: False
-mkl = True
-# Prefix or paths to MKL headers and libraries. See note above.
-mkl_prefix = ['/opt/intel-mkl/', '/opt/intel-mkl/']
-# MKL library/libraries to link against
-mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'pthread']
-#mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_sequential', 'mkl_core', 'pthread']
-# Whether to use UMFPACK (requires AMD and BLAS)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#umfpack = True
-# Prefix or paths to UMFPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#umfpack_prefix = ['/usr/include/suitesparse', '/usr/lib']
-# UMFPACK library/libraries to link against
-#umfpack_libs = ['umfpack']
-# Flavour of LAPACK implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'clapack', 'mkl'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (do not use LAPACK)
-lapack = 'mkl'
-# Prefix or paths to LAPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-lapack_prefix = mkl_prefix
-# LAPACK library/libraries to link against
-#lapack_libs = ['mkl_rt']
-lapack_libs = ['mkl_core']
-# Whether to use LLNL's SILO library for Silo output file support in weipa
-# DEFAULT: False
-silo = True
-# Prefix or paths to SILO headers and libraries. See note above.
-silo_prefix = '/opt/silo/4.7.2'
-# SILO library/libraries to link against
-silo_libs = ['siloh5', 'hdf5']
-# Whether to use LLNL's VisIt simulation interface (only version 2 supported)
-# DEFAULT: False
-visit = True
-# Prefix or paths to VisIt's sim2 headers and libraries. See note above.
-visit_prefix = '/opt/visit/2.3.1/2.3.1/linux-x86_64/libsim/V2'
-# Sim2 library/libraries to link against
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-# Whether to use BoomerAMG (requires MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#boomeramg = True
-# Prefix or paths to BoomerAMG headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boomeramg_prefix = '/opt/hypre/2.0.0'
-# BoomerAMG library/libraries to link against
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE_IJ_mv', 'HYPRE_krylov', 'HYPRE_parcsr_ls']
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-# Extra libraries to link with
-#sys_libs = []
-# Additional environmental variables to export to the tools
-#env_export = []
-# Build a shared esysUtils library
-#share_esysutils = True
-# Build a shared paso library
-#share_paso = True
-#tools_names = ['default']
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
diff --git a/scons/ferret_options.py b/scons/ferret_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ce191d1..0000000
--- a/scons/ferret_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-escript_opts_version = 201
-#prefix = '/usr/local'
-#build_dir = 'build'
-#cxx = 'g++-4.8'
-#cc_flags = ''
-cc_optim = '-O3 -march=native'
-#cc_debug = '-g'
-cxx_extra = '-Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -g'
-#ld_extra = ''
-#werror = False
-#debug = True
-verbose = True
-openmp = True
-#omp_flags = '-fopenmp'
-#omp_ldflags = '-fopenmp'
-mpi = 'none'
-#mpi_prefix = '/usr/lib/openmpi'
-#mpi_libs = ['mpi_cxx', 'mpi', 'open-rte', 'open-pal']
-#boost_prefix = '/usr/local'
-boost_libs = ['libboost_python-py27']
-#cppunit_prefix = '/usr/local'
-#cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-netcdf = True
-#netcdf_prefix = '/usr/local'
-#netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_c++', 'netcdf']
-parmetis = True
-#parmetis_prefix = '/usr/local'
-#parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-#papi = True
-#papi_prefix = '/usr/local'
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-#mkl = True
-#mkl_prefix = '/usr'
-#mkl_libs = ['mkl_solver', 'mkl_em64t', 'mkl_core', 'guide', 'pthread']
-umfpack = True
-umfpack_prefix = ['/usr/include/suitesparse', '/usr/lib']
-umfpack_libs = ['umfpack', 'blas', 'amd']
-#boomeramg = True
-#boomeramg_prefix = '/usr/local'
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-lapack = 'clapack'
-lapack_prefix = ['/usr/include/atlas', '/usr/lib/atlas-base']
-lapack_libs = ['lapack_atlas']
-silo = True
-#silo_prefix = '/usr/local'
-silo_libs = ['siloh5']
-visit = False
-visit_prefix = '/opt/visit/2.7.0b/linux-x86_64/libsim/V2'
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-#build_shared = True
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-#vsl_random = True
-#sys_libs = []
-#env_export = []
-#tools_names = ['default']
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
diff --git a/scons/gerbil_options.py b/scons/gerbil_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 12230d4..0000000
--- a/scons/gerbil_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from templates.wheezy_options import *
-cc_optim = '-O3 -march=native'
-cxx_extra = '-Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -g'
-cuda = True
-nvccflags = "-ccbin=g++ -arch=sm_30 -DBOOST_NOINLINE='__attribute__((noinline))'"
-debug = False
-#debug = True
-if debug:
-    cxx_extra += ' -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=address'
-    ld_extra = '-fsanitize=address'
-verbose = True
-boost_libs = ['libboost_python-py27']
-mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-parmetis = True
-umfpack = True
-lapack = 'clapack'
-silo = True
-#domains = 'ripley,speckley'
-#longindices = True
diff --git a/scons/guineapig_intel_noomp_options.py b/scons/guineapig_intel_noomp_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cb85d3..0000000
--- a/scons/guineapig_intel_noomp_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-# Replace threaded mkl library by sequential one but don't touch other options
-from guineapig_intel_options import *
-openmp = False
-mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_sequential', 'mkl_core', 'pthread']
-# prevent icpc from complaining about unrecognized omp pragmas
-cxx_extra += ' -diag-disable=3180'
diff --git a/scons/guineapig_intel_options.py b/scons/guineapig_intel_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 06ed734..0000000
--- a/scons/guineapig_intel_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from templates.wheezy_options import *
-cxx_extra = '-sox'
-ld_extra = '-ipo-separate -shared-intel -diag-disable=10397,11021'
-werror = False
-boost_libs = ['boost_python-py27']
-mkl = True
-mkl_prefix = ['/opt/intel/composer_xe_2015/mkl/include', '/opt/intel/composer_xe_2015/mkl/lib/intel64']
-mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'pthread']
-lapack = 'mkl'
-lapack_prefix = mkl_prefix
-lapack_libs = ['mkl_core']
-silo = True
-silo_libs = ['siloh5', 'hdf5_openmpi']
-tools_names = [('intelc', {'topdir':'/opt/intel/composer_xe_2015'})]
diff --git a/scons/guineapig_options.py b/scons/guineapig_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ee88a2..0000000
--- a/scons/guineapig_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from templates.jessie_options import *
-cuda = True
-nvccflags = "-ccbin=g++-4.8 -arch=sm_30 -DBOOST_NOINLINE='__attribute__((noinline))'"
-mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-boost_libs = ['boost_python-py27']
-parmetis = True
-umfpack = True
-lapack = 'clapack'
-silo = True
-silo_libs = ['siloh5', 'hdf5_openmpi']
-build_shared = False
-launcher = "mpirun --gmca mpi_warn_on_fork 0 ${EE} -np %N %b"
diff --git a/scons/guineapig_py3_options.py b/scons/guineapig_py3_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 301f7a3..0000000
--- a/scons/guineapig_py3_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from guineapig_options import *
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['boost_python-py34']
-# This seemed as good a place as any to test this
-cxx_extra = '-Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -DEXWRITECHK'
diff --git a/scons/hamster_options.py b/scons/hamster_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c6d6bce..0000000
--- a/scons/hamster_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from templates.wheezy_options import *
-cc_optim = '-O3 -march=native'
-#cc_debug = "-g3 -O0 -DDOASSERT -DDOPROF -DBOUNDS_CHECK -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=address --param=max-vartrack-size=90000000"
-cxx_extra = '-Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter'
-verbose = False
-mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-#ld_extra = '-fsanitize=address'
-boost_libs = ['boost_python-py27']
-parmetis = True
-umfpack = True
-lapack = 'clapack'
-silo = True
diff --git a/scons/magnus_options.py b/scons/magnus_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 9155989..0000000
--- a/scons/magnus_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-# The options file version. SCons will refuse to build if there have been
-# changes to the set of variables and your file has not been updated.
-# This setting is mandatory.
-escript_opts_version = 202
-# Installation prefix. Files will be installed in subdirectories underneath.
-# DEFAULT: '.' (current directory)
-#prefix = '/usr/local'
-#prefix = '/group/geosciences953/escript_directory/escript'
-# Top-level directory for intermediate build and test files.
-# DEFAULT: 'build'
-#build_dir = 'build'
-# C++ compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-cxx = 'CC'
-# Flags to use with the C++ compiler. Do not set unless you know
-# what you are doing - use cc_extra to specify additional flags!
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_flags = ''
-# Additional compiler (optimization) flags for non-debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_optim = '-O3 -mmmx -msse'
-# Additional compiler flags for debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_debug = '-g'
-# Additional flags to add to the C++ compiler
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-#cxx_extra = '-shared -fPIC -h gnu -h nomessage=47:1199:1794:1836:11709'
-cxx_extra = '-fPIC -I/group/geosciences953/escript_directory/escript/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/core/include'
-# Additional flags to add to the linker
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-#ld_extra = '-shared-intel -L/opt/cray/hdf5/1.8.11/cray/81/lib -ipo-jobs4'
-#ld_extra = '-dynamic -L/ivec/cle50/devel/PrgEnv-gnu/5.0.41/hdf5/1.8.12/lib'
-ld_extra = '-dynamic'
-# launcher, prelaunch, postlaunch: for MPI builds/batch system runs
-# the following substitutions are applied to all three:
-# %b = executable, %n = number of nodes, %p = number of processes,
-# %N = total number of processes, # %t = number of threads,
-# %f = name of hostfile, %h = comma-separated list of hosts,
-# %e = comma-separated list of environment variables to export
-#prelaunch = "EE=$(echo -x %e|sed -e 's/,/ -x /g')"
-prelaunch = ""
-launcher = "aprun -B %b"
-postlaunch = ""
-# Whether to treat compiler warnings as errors
-# DEFAULT: True
-werror = False
-# Whether to build a debug version
-# DEFAULT: False
-# debug = True
-# Set to True to print the full compiler/linker command line
-# DEFAULT: False
-verbose = True
-# Set to True to add flags that enable OpenMP parallelization
-# DEFAULT: False
-openmp = True
-# Additional compiler flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_flags = '-homp'
-omp_flags = '-fopenmp'
-# Additional linker flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-omp_ldflags = '-fopenmp'
-# Flavour of MPI implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'MPT', 'MPICH', 'MPICH2', 'OPENMPI', 'INTELMPI'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (disable MPI)
-mpi = 'MPICH2'
-# Prefix or paths to MPI headers and libraries. See note above about prefixes.
-mpi_prefix = '/opt/cray/mpt/7.0.0/gni/mpich2-cray/83'
-# MPI libraries to link against. Compiler wrapper takes care of this
-#mpi_libs = ['mpich', 'mpichcxx']
-mpi_libs = []
-# Prefix or paths to boost-python headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boost_prefix = '/ivec/cle50/devel/PrgEnv-intel/boost/1.55.0'
-#boost_prefix = '/ivec/cle50/devel/PrgEnv-gnu/5.0.41/boost/1.49.0'
-#boost_prefix = ['/home/caltinay/boost_1_55_0','/home/caltinay/boost_1_55_0/stage/lib']
-boost_prefix = '/group/geosciences953/escript_directory/escript'
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['boost_python']
-# Prefix or paths to CppUnit headers and libraries. See note above.
-#cppunit_prefix = ''
-# CppUnit library/libraries to link against
-#cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-# Whether to use the netCDF library for dump file support
-# DEFAULT: False
-netcdf = True
-# Prefix or paths to netCDF headers and libraries. See note above.
-#netcdf_prefix = '/opt/cray/netcdf-hdf5parallel/4.3.0/CRAY/81'
-#netcdf_prefix = '/ivec/cle50/devel/PrgEnv-gnu/5.0.41/netcdf/4.1.3'
-netcdf_prefix = '/group/geosciences953/escript_directory/escript'
-# netCDF library/libraries to link against
-netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_c++', 'netcdf']
-# Whether to use the parMETIS library (only in conjunction with MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#parmetis = True
-# Prefix or paths to parMETIS headers and libraries. See note above.
-#parmetis_prefix = '/sw/libs/parmetis/x86_64/icc-13/parmetis-4.0.2'
-# parMETIS library/libraries to link against
-#parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-# Whether to use the Intel PAPI (Performance API) library
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi = True
-# Prefix or paths to PAPI headers and libraries. See note above.
-#papi_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# PAPI library/libraries to link against
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-# Whether to use PAPI to instrument solver iterations
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-# Whether to use Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#mkl = True
-# Prefix or paths to MKL headers and libraries. See note above.
-#mkl_prefix = ['/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.5.192/mkl/include', '/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.5.192/mkl/lib/intel64']
-# MKL library/libraries to link against
-#mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'pthread']
-# Whether to use UMFPACK (requires AMD and BLAS)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#umfpack = True
-# Prefix or paths to UMFPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#umfpack_prefix = '/sw/libs/umfpack/x86_64/icc-13/umfpack-5.6.1'
-# UMFPACK library/libraries to link against
-#umfpack_libs = ['umfpack', 'amd', 'suitesparseconfig']
-# Whether to use BoomerAMG (requires MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#boomeramg = True
-# Prefix or paths to BoomerAMG headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boomeramg_prefix = '/sw/libs/hypre/x86_64/gcc-4.3.2/hypre-2.0.0'
-# BoomerAMG library/libraries to link against
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE_IJ_mv', 'HYPRE_krylov', 'HYPRE_parcsr_ls']
-# Flavour of LAPACK implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'clapack', 'mkl'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (do not use LAPACK)
-#lapack = 'mkl'
-# Prefix or paths to LAPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#lapack_prefix = mkl_prefix
-# LAPACK library/libraries to link against
-#lapack_libs = ['mkl_core']
-# Whether to use LLNL's SILO library for Silo output file support in weipa
-# DEFAULT: False
-silo = True
-# Prefix or paths to SILO headers and libraries. See note above.
-silo_prefix = '/group/geosciences953/escript_directory/escript'
-# SILO library/libraries to link against
-silo_libs = ['silo']
-# Whether to use LLNL's VisIt simulation interface (only version 2 supported)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#visit = True
-# Prefix or paths to VisIt's sim2 headers and libraries. See note above.
-#visit_prefix = ''
-# Sim2 library/libraries to link against
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-# Build dynamic libraries only
-#DEFAULT: False
-#build_shared = True
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-# Use intel's VSL library for random data
-# DEFAULT: False
-#vsl_random = True
-# Extra libraries to link with
-#sys_libs = []
-# Additional environmental variables to export to the tools
-# On Cray the compiler wrapper depends on a lot of environment vars
-# so we simply export everything
-import os
-env_export = os.environ.keys()
-#tools_names = [('intelc',{'topdir':'/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.5.192'})]
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
diff --git a/scons/mara_options.py b/scons/mara_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index efc07a0..0000000
--- a/scons/mara_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-escript_opts_version = 202
-cuda = True
-#prefix = '/usr/local'
-#build_dir = 'build'
-#cxx = 'g++-4.8'
-#cc_flags = ''
-cc_optim = '-O3 -march=native'
-cc_debug = "-g3 -O0 -DDOASSERT -DDOPROF -DBOUNDS_CHECK -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fsanitize=address --param=max-vartrack-size=90000000"
-cxx_extra = '-Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -g'
-nvccflags = "-ccbin=g++-4.8 -arch=sm_30 -DBOOST_NOINLINE='__attribute__((noinline))'"
-#ld_extra = ''
-#werror = False
-#debug = True
-#ld_extra = '-fsanitize=address'
-verbose = True
-openmp = True
-#omp_flags = '-fopenmp'
-#omp_ldflags = '-fopenmp'
-mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-mpi_prefix = '/usr/lib/openmpi'
-mpi_libs = ['mpi_cxx', 'mpi', 'open-rte', 'open-pal']
-#boost_prefix = '/usr/local'
-boost_libs = ['libboost_python-py27']
-#cppunit_prefix = '/usr/local'
-#cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-netcdf = True
-#netcdf_prefix = '/usr/local'
-#netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_c++', 'netcdf']
-parmetis = True
-#parmetis_prefix = '/usr/local'
-#parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-#papi = True
-#papi_prefix = '/usr/local'
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-#mkl = True
-#mkl_prefix = '/usr'
-#mkl_libs = ['mkl_solver', 'mkl_em64t', 'mkl_core', 'guide', 'pthread']
-umfpack = True
-umfpack_prefix = ['/usr/include/suitesparse', '/usr/lib']
-umfpack_libs = ['umfpack', 'blas', 'amd']
-#boomeramg = True
-#boomeramg_prefix = '/usr/local'
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-lapack = 'clapack'
-lapack_prefix = ['/usr/include/atlas', '/usr/lib/atlas-base']
-lapack_libs = ['lapack_atlas']
-silo = True
-#silo_prefix = '/usr/local'
-silo_libs = ['siloh5']
-visit = False
-visit_prefix = '/opt/visit/2.7.0b/linux-x86_64/libsim/V2'
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-#build_shared = True
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-#vsl_random = True
-#sys_libs = []
-#env_export = []
-#tools_names = ['default']
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
diff --git a/scons/mole_clang_options.py b/scons/mole_clang_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e8ac917..0000000
--- a/scons/mole_clang_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2010 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-# This is a template configuration file for escript/finley on Linux.
-# Copy this file to <hostname>_options.py, where <hostname> is your machine's
-# short hostname, then customize to your needs.
-# There are two ways to specify where to find dependent headers and libraries
-# (via the <dependency>_prefix):
-# 1) If your installation follows the general scheme where headers are located
-#    in <prefix>/include[32,64], and libraries in <prefix>/lib[32,64] then
-#    it is sufficient to specify this prefix, e.g. boost_prefix='/usr'
-# 2) Otherwise provide a list with two elements, where the first one is the
-#    include path, and the second the library path, e.g.
-#    boost_prefix=['/usr/include/boost1_44', '/usr/lib']
-# All <dependency>_prefix settings default to '/usr'
-# The options file version. SCons will refuse to build if there have been
-# changes to the set of variables and your file has not been updated.
-# This setting is mandatory.
-escript_opts_version = 202
-# Installation prefix. Files will be installed in subdirectories underneath.
-# DEFAULT: '.' (current directory)
-#prefix = '/usr/local'
-# Top-level directory for intermediate build and test files.
-# DEFAULT: 'build'
-#build_dir = 'build'
-# C++ compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-#cxx = 'g++'
-# Flags to use with the C++ compiler. Do not set unless you know
-# what you are doing - use cxx_extra to specify additional flags!
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_flags = ''
-# Additional compiler (optimization) flags for non-debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_optim = '-O3 -mmmx -msse'
-# Additional compiler flags for debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_debug = '-g'
-# Additional flags to add to the C++ compiler
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-#cxx_extra = ''
-# Additional flags to add to the linker
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-#ld_extra = ''
-# Whether to treat compiler warnings as errors
-# DEFAULT: True
-#werror = False
-# Whether to build a debug version
-# DEFAULT: False
-#debug = True
-# Set to True to print the full compiler/linker command line
-# DEFAULT: False
-#verbose = True
-# Set to True to add flags that enable OpenMP parallelization
-# DEFAULT: False
-#openmp = True
-# Additional compiler flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_flags = '-fopenmp'
-# Additional linker flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_ldflags = '-fopenmp'
-# Flavour of MPI implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'MPT', 'MPICH', 'MPICH2', 'OPENMPI', 'INTELMPI'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (disable MPI)
-#mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-# Prefix or paths to MPI headers and libraries. See note above about prefixes.
-#mpi_prefix = '/usr/lib/openmpi'
-# MPI libraries to link against
-#mpi_libs = ['mpi_cxx', 'mpi', 'open-rte', 'open-pal']
-# Prefix or paths to boost-python headers and libraries. See note above.
-boost_prefix = '/opt/local'
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['boost_python-mt']
-# Prefix or paths to CppUnit headers and libraries. See note above.
-cppunit_prefix = '/opt/local'
-# CppUnit library/libraries to link against
-cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-# Whether to use the netCDF library for dump file support
-# DEFAULT: False
-netcdf = True
-# Prefix or paths to netCDF headers and libraries. See note above.
-netcdf_prefix = '/opt/local'
-# netCDF library/libraries to link against
-netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_c++', 'netcdf']
-# Whether to use the parMETIS library (only in conjunction with MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#parmetis = True
-# Prefix or paths to parMETIS headers and libraries. See note above.
-#parmetis_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# parMETIS library/libraries to link against
-#parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-# Whether to use the Intel PAPI (Performance API) library
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi = True
-# Prefix or paths to PAPI headers and libraries. See note above.
-#papi_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# PAPI library/libraries to link against
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-# Whether to use PAPI to instrument solver iterations
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-# Whether to use Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#mkl = True
-# Prefix or paths to MKL headers and libraries. See note above.
-#mkl_prefix = '/usr'
-# MKL library/libraries to link against
-#mkl_libs = ['mkl_solver', 'mkl_em64t', 'mkl_core', 'guide', 'pthread']
-# Whether to use UMFPACK (requires AMD and BLAS)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#umfpack = True
-# Prefix or paths to UMFPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#umfpack_prefix = ['/usr/include/suitesparse', '/usr/lib']
-# UMFPACK library/libraries to link against
-#umfpack_libs = ['umfpack']
-# Whether to use BoomerAMG (requires MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#boomeramg = True
-# Prefix or paths to BoomerAMG headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boomeramg_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# BoomerAMG library/libraries to link against
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-# Flavour of LAPACK implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'clapack', 'mkl'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (do not use LAPACK)
-#lapack = 'clapack'
-# Prefix or paths to LAPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#lapack_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# LAPACK library/libraries to link against
-#lapack_libs = ['lapack_atlas']
-# Whether to use LLNL's SILO library for Silo output file support in weipa
-# DEFAULT: False
-#silo = True
-# Prefix or paths to SILO headers and libraries. See note above.
-#silo_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# SILO library/libraries to link against
-#silo_libs = ['siloh5', 'hdf5']
-# Whether to use LLNL's VisIt simulation interface (only version 2 supported)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#visit = True
-# Prefix or paths to VisIt's sim2 headers and libraries. See note above.
-#visit_prefix = '/opt/visit/2.1.0/linux-intel/libsim/V2'
-# Sim2 library/libraries to link against
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-# Build dynamic libraries only
-#DEFAULT: False
-#build_shared = True
-# work around for Python2.7 on OSX/BSD
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-# Use intel's VSL library for random data
-# DEFAULT: False
-#vsl_random = True
-# Extra libraries to link with
-#sys_libs = []
-# Additional environmental variables to export to the tools
-#env_export = []
-#tools_names = ['default']
-tools_names = ['clang']
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
diff --git a/scons/porcupine_options.py b/scons/porcupine_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d3e2b99..0000000
--- a/scons/porcupine_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from templates.wheezy_options import *
-mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-#lapack = 'clapack'
-silo = True
diff --git a/scons/raijin_options.py b/scons/raijin_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 69bc380..0000000
--- a/scons/raijin_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-# The options file version. SCons will refuse to build if there have been
-# changes to the set of variables and your file has not been updated.
-# This setting is mandatory.
-escript_opts_version = 202
-# Installation prefix. Files will be installed in subdirectories underneath.
-# DEFAULT: '.' (current directory)
-#prefix = '/usr/local'
-# Top-level directory for intermediate build and test files.
-# DEFAULT: 'build'
-build_dir = '/short/r17/cha564/escript_build'
-# C++ compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-#cxx = 'g++'
-# Flags to use with the C++ compiler. Do not set unless you know
-# what you are doing - use cxx_extra to specify additional flags!
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_flags = ''
-# Additional compiler (optimization) flags for non-debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_optim = '-O3 -mmmx -msse'
-# Additional compiler flags for debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_debug = '-g'
-# Additional flags to add to the C++ compiler
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-cxx_extra = '-sox -I/apps/python/2.7.3/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -I/apps/metis/5.0.2/include -wd981 -pthread'
-# Additional flags to add to the linker
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-ld_extra = '-shared-intel -pthread -L/apps/metis/5.0.2/lib'
-# Whether to treat compiler warnings as errors
-# DEFAULT: True
-werror = False
-# Whether to build a debug version
-# DEFAULT: False
-# debug = True
-# Set to True to print the full compiler/linker command line
-# DEFAULT: False
-verbose = True
-# Set to True to add flags that enable OpenMP parallelization
-# DEFAULT: False
-openmp = True
-# Additional compiler flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_flags = '-openmp -openmp-report=1'
-# Additional linker flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_ldflags = '-fopenmp'
-# Flavour of MPI implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'MPT', 'MPICH', 'MPICH2', 'OPENMPI', 'INTELMPI'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (disable MPI)
-mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-#mpi = 'INTELMPI'
-#icpc -I/apps/openmpi/1.6.5/include -pthread -L/apps/openmpi/1.6.5/lib -lmpi_cxx -lmpi -ldl -lm -lnuma -Wl,--export-dynamic -lrt -lnsl -lutil -lm -ldl
-# Prefix or paths to MPI headers and libraries. See note above about prefixes.
-mpi_prefix = '/apps/openmpi/1.6.5'
-#mpi_prefix = ['/apps/intel-mpi/', '/apps/intel-mpi/']
-# MPI libraries to link against
-mpi_libs = ['mpi_cxx', 'mpi', 'dl', 'm', 'numa', 'rt', 'nsl', 'util']
-# Prefix or paths to boost-python headers and libraries. See note above.
-boost_prefix = ['/apps/boost/1.54.0-python27/include', '/apps/boost/1.54.0-python27/lib/Intel']
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['boost_python']
-# Prefix or paths to CppUnit headers and libraries. See note above.
-cppunit_prefix = '/apps/cppunit/1.12.1'
-# CppUnit library/libraries to link against
-#cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-# Whether to use the netCDF library for dump file support
-# DEFAULT: False
-netcdf = True
-# Prefix or paths to netCDF headers and libraries. See note above.
-netcdf_prefix = '/apps/netcdf/4.1.3'
-# netCDF library/libraries to link against
-#netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_c++', 'netcdf']
-# Whether to use the parMETIS library (only in conjunction with MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-parmetis = True
-# Prefix or paths to parMETIS headers and libraries. See note above.
-parmetis_prefix = '/apps/parmetis/4.0.2'
-# parMETIS library/libraries to link against
-#parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-# Whether to use the Intel PAPI (Performance API) library
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi = True
-# Prefix or paths to PAPI headers and libraries. See note above.
-#papi_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# PAPI library/libraries to link against
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-# Whether to use PAPI to instrument solver iterations
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-# Whether to use Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
-# DEFAULT: False
-mkl = True
-# Prefix or paths to MKL headers and libraries. See note above.
-mkl_prefix = ['/apps/intel-ct/13.4.183/mkl/include', '/apps/intel-ct/13.4.183/mkl/lib/intel64']
-# MKL library/libraries to link against
-mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'pthread']
-# Whether to use UMFPACK (requires AMD and BLAS)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#umfpack = True
-# Prefix or paths to UMFPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#umfpack_prefix = '/sw/libs/umfpack/x86_64/icc-13/umfpack-5.6.1'
-# UMFPACK library/libraries to link against
-#umfpack_libs = ['umfpack', 'amd', 'suitesparseconfig']
-# Whether to use BoomerAMG (requires MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#boomeramg = True
-# Prefix or paths to BoomerAMG headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boomeramg_prefix = '/sw/libs/hypre/x86_64/gcc-4.3.2/hypre-2.0.0'
-# BoomerAMG library/libraries to link against
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE_IJ_mv', 'HYPRE_krylov', 'HYPRE_parcsr_ls']
-# Flavour of LAPACK implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'clapack', 'mkl'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (do not use LAPACK)
-lapack = 'mkl'
-#lapack = 'none'
-# Prefix or paths to LAPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-lapack_prefix = mkl_prefix
-# LAPACK library/libraries to link against
-lapack_libs = ['mkl_core']
-# Whether to use LLNL's SILO library for Silo output file support in weipa
-# DEFAULT: False
-silo = True
-# Prefix or paths to SILO headers and libraries. See note above.
-silo_prefix = '/apps/silo/4.9.1'
-# SILO library/libraries to link against
-silo_libs = ['silo']
-# Whether to use LLNL's VisIt simulation interface (only version 2 supported)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#visit = False
-# Prefix or paths to VisIt's sim2 headers and libraries. See note above.
-#visit_prefix = '/sw/apps/visit/x86_64/gcc-4.3.2/visit-2.6.0/2.6.0/linux-x86_64/libsim/V2'
-# Sim2 library/libraries to link against
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-# Build dynamic libraries only
-#DEFAULT: False
-#build_shared = True
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-# Use intel's VSL library for random data
-# DEFAULT: False
-#vsl_random = True
-# Extra libraries to link with
-#sys_libs = []
-# Additional environmental variables to export to the tools
-env_export = ['INTEL_LICENSE_FILE']
-tools_names = [('intelc',{'topdir':'/apps/intel-ct/13.4.183'})]
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
diff --git a/scons/sage_options.py b/scons/sage_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e6595c..0000000
--- a/scons/sage_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from templates.jessie_options import *
-debug = True
-boost_libs = ['boost_python-py27']
-#lapack = 'clapack'
-#silo = True
-#cxx_extra = '-Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter -DEXWRITECHK'
-cxx_extra = '-Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scons/sage_py3_options.py b/scons/sage_py3_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fb9caf..0000000
--- a/scons/sage_py3_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from templates.jessie_py3_options import *
-debug = False
-lapack = 'none'
-silo = False
diff --git a/scons/savanna_ice_noomp_options.py b/scons/savanna_ice_noomp_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 154b09f..0000000
--- a/scons/savanna_ice_noomp_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-# Replace threaded mkl library by sequential one but don't touch other options
-from savanna_ice_options import *
-openmp = False
-mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_sequential', 'mkl_core', 'pthread']
-cxx_extra += ' -wd3180 '  #prevent icpc from complaining about OMP
diff --git a/scons/savanna_ice_options.py b/scons/savanna_ice_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b6280dd..0000000
--- a/scons/savanna_ice_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-from savanna_options import *
-build_dir = 'buildice'
-cxx_extra = '-ipo -sox -I/sw/pymodules/2.7/scipy-0.15.1-ice/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include'
-cuda = False
-werror = True
diff --git a/scons/savanna_noomp_options.py b/scons/savanna_noomp_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f6155d..0000000
--- a/scons/savanna_noomp_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-# Replace threaded mkl library by sequential one but don't touch other options
-from savanna_options import *
-openmp = False
-mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_sequential', 'mkl_core', 'pthread']
-cxx_extra += ' -wd3180 '  #prevent icpc from complaining about OMP
diff --git a/scons/savanna_options.py b/scons/savanna_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a5a40a..0000000
--- a/scons/savanna_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-    import os
-    if not 'escript/dev-deps' in os.environ['LOADEDMODULES'].split(':'):
-        print("WARNING: The escript/dev-deps module does not appear to be loaded!")
-    pass
-# The options file version. SCons will refuse to build if there have been
-# changes to the set of variables and your file has not been updated.
-# This setting is mandatory.
-escript_opts_version = 202
-# Installation prefix. Files will be installed in subdirectories underneath.
-# DEFAULT: '.' (current directory)
-#prefix = '/usr/local'
-# Top-level directory for intermediate build and test files.
-# DEFAULT: 'build'
-#build_dir = 'build'
-# C++ compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-#cxx = 'g++'
-# Flags to use with the C++ compiler. Do not set unless you know
-# what you are doing - use cc_extra to specify additional flags!
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_flags = ''
-# Additional compiler (optimization) flags for non-debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_optim = '-O3 -mmmx -msse'
-# Additional compiler flags for debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_debug = '-g'
-# Additional flags to add to the C++ compiler
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-cxx_extra = '-ipo -sox -I/sw/pymodules/2.7/scipy-0.15.1-haswell/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include'
-# Additional flags to add to the linker
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-ld_extra = '-ipo-separate -shared-intel -L/sw/libs/hdf5/1.8.14/lib'
-ld_extra += ' -wd11021 '  #silence icpc warnings about symbols ipo can't see
-# Whether to treat compiler warnings as errors
-# DEFAULT: True
-werror = False
-# Whether to build a debug version
-# DEFAULT: False
-# debug = True
-# Set to True to print the full compiler/linker command line
-# DEFAULT: False
-verbose = True
-# Set to True to add flags that enable OpenMP parallelization
-# DEFAULT: False
-openmp = True
-# Additional compiler flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_flags = '-openmp -openmp-report=1'
-# Additional linker flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_ldflags = '-fopenmp'
-# Flavour of MPI implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'MPT', 'MPICH', 'MPICH2', 'OPENMPI', 'INTELMPI'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (disable MPI)
-mpi = 'INTELMPI'
-# Prefix or paths to MPI headers and libraries. See note above about prefixes.
-mpi_prefix = '/sw/intel/impi/'
-# MPI libraries to link against
-#mpi_libs = ['mpi']
-cuda = True
-nvccflags = "-arch=sm_35 -ccbin=icpc -DBOOST_NOINLINE='__attribute__((noinline))'"
-# Prefix or paths to NVidia CUDA installation. See note above. [new in 202]
-cuda_prefix = ['/sw/libs/cuda/6.5/include', '/sw/libs/cuda/6.5/lib64']
-# Prefix or paths to boost-python headers and libraries. See note above.
-boost_prefix = '/sw/libs/boost/1.57.0'
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['boost_python']
-# Prefix or paths to CppUnit headers and libraries. See note above.
-cppunit_prefix = '/sw/libs/cppunit/1.13.2'
-# CppUnit library/libraries to link against
-#cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-# Whether to use the netCDF library for dump file support
-# DEFAULT: False
-netcdf = True
-# Prefix or paths to netCDF headers and libraries. See note above.
-netcdf_prefix = '/sw/libs/netcdf/4.1.3'
-# netCDF library/libraries to link against
-netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_c++', 'netcdf', 'hdf5']
-# Whether to use the parMETIS library (only in conjunction with MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-parmetis = True
-# Prefix or paths to parMETIS headers and libraries. See note above.
-parmetis_prefix = '/sw/libs/parmetis/4.0.3-impi'
-# parMETIS library/libraries to link against
-parmetis_libs = ['parmetis']
-# Whether to use the Intel PAPI (Performance API) library
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi = True
-# Prefix or paths to PAPI headers and libraries. See note above.
-#papi_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# PAPI library/libraries to link against
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-# Whether to use PAPI to instrument solver iterations
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-# Whether to use Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
-# DEFAULT: False
-mkl = True
-# Prefix or paths to MKL headers and libraries. See note above.
-mkl_prefix = ['/sw/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/mkl/include', '/sw/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/mkl/lib/intel64']
-# MKL library/libraries to link against
-mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'pthread']
-# Whether to use UMFPACK (requires AMD and BLAS)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#umfpack = True
-# Prefix or paths to UMFPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#umfpack_prefix = '/sw/libs/umfpack/x86_64/icc-13/umfpack-5.6.1'
-# UMFPACK library/libraries to link against
-#umfpack_libs = ['umfpack', 'amd', 'suitesparseconfig']
-# Whether to use BoomerAMG (requires MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#boomeramg = True
-# Prefix or paths to BoomerAMG headers and libraries. See note above.
-boomeramg_prefix = '/sw/libs/hypre/2.0.0'
-# BoomerAMG library/libraries to link against
-boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE_IJ_mv', 'HYPRE_krylov', 'HYPRE_parcsr_ls']
-# Flavour of LAPACK implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'clapack', 'mkl'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (do not use LAPACK)
-lapack = 'mkl'
-# Prefix or paths to LAPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-lapack_prefix = mkl_prefix
-# LAPACK library/libraries to link against
-lapack_libs = ['mkl_core']
-# Whether to use LLNL's SILO library for Silo output file support in weipa
-# DEFAULT: False
-silo = True
-# Prefix or paths to SILO headers and libraries. See note above.
-silo_prefix = '/sw/libs/silo/4.10.2'
-# SILO library/libraries to link against
-silo_libs = ['siloh5', 'hdf5']
-# Whether to use LLNL's VisIt simulation interface (only version 2 supported)
-# DEFAULT: False
-visit = False
-# Prefix or paths to VisIt's sim2 headers and libraries. See note above.
-visit_prefix = '/sw/apps/visit/2.7.0/linux-x86_64/libsim/V2'
-# Sim2 library/libraries to link against
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-# Build dynamic libraries only
-#DEFAULT: False
-build_shared = True
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-prelaunch = ""
-launcher = "srun --nodes=%n --ntasks=%N --ntasks-per-node=%p --cpus-per-task=%t --cpu_bind=quiet %b"
-postlaunch = ""
-# Use intel's VSL library for random data
-# DEFAULT: False
-#vsl_random = True
-# Extra libraries to link with
-#sys_libs = []
-# Additional environmental variables to export to the tools
-env_export = ['INTEL_LICENSE_FILE']
-tools_names = [('intelc',{'topdir':'/sw/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133'})]
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
-# uncomment the following four options to build with mpt (check modules!)
-#build_dir = 'buildmpt'
-#mpi = 'MPT'
-#mpi_prefix = '/opt/sgi/mpt/mpt-2.10'
-#parmetis_prefix = '/sw/libs/parmetis/4.0.3-mpt'
diff --git a/scons/squirrel_options.py b/scons/squirrel_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e2f96c0..0000000
--- a/scons/squirrel_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2013 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development since 2012 by School of Earth Sciences
-from templates.wheezy_options import *
-# mpi = 'none'
-mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-boost_libs = ['boost_python-py27']
-umfpack = True
-#lapack = 'clapack'
-silo = True
diff --git a/scons/standalone_options.py b/scons/standalone_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 518b989..0000000
--- a/scons/standalone_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-# This is a template configuration file for escript/finley on Linux.
-# Copy this file to <hostname>_options.py, where <hostname> is your machine's
-# short hostname, then customize to your needs.
-# There are two ways to specify where to find dependent headers and libraries
-# (via the <dependency>_prefix):
-# 1) If your installation follows the general scheme where headers are located
-#    in <prefix>/include[32,64], and libraries in <prefix>/lib[32,64] then
-#    it is sufficient to specify this prefix, e.g. boost_prefix='/usr'
-# 2) Otherwise provide a list with two elements, where the first one is the
-#    include path, and the second the library path, e.g.
-#    boost_prefix=['/usr/include/boost1_44', '/usr/lib']
-# All <dependency>_prefix settings default to '/usr'
-# The options file version. SCons will refuse to build if there have been
-# changes to the set of variables and your file has not been updated.
-# This setting is mandatory.
-escript_opts_version = 201
-# Installation prefix. Files will be installed in subdirectories underneath.
-# DEFAULT: '.' (current directory)
-#prefix = '/usr/local'
-# Top-level directory for intermediate build and test files.
-# DEFAULT: 'build'
-#build_dir = 'build'
-# C++ compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-#cxx = 'g++'
-# Flags to use with the C++ compiler. Do not set unless you know
-# what you are doing - use cxx_extra to specify additional flags!
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_flags = ''
-# Additional compiler (optimization) flags for non-debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_optim = '-O3 -mmmx -msse'
-# Additional compiler flags for debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_debug = '-g'
-# Additional flags to add to the C++ compiler
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-cxx_extra = '-I../pkg/netcdf/include/'
-# Additional flags to add to the linker
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-ld_extra = '-L../pkg/boost/lib/ -L../pkg/netcdf/lib/ -L../pkg/python/lib'
-# Whether to treat compiler warnings as errors
-# DEFAULT: True
-#werror = False
-# Whether to build a debug version
-# DEFAULT: False
-#debug = True
-# Set to True to print the full compiler/linker command line
-# DEFAULT: False
-#verbose = True
-# Set to True to add flags that enable OpenMP parallelization
-# DEFAULT: False
-#openmp = True
-# Additional compiler flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_flags = '-fopenmp'
-# Additional linker flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_ldflags = '-fopenmp'
-# Flavour of MPI implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'MPT', 'MPICH', 'MPICH2', 'OPENMPI', 'INTELMPI'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (disable MPI)
-#mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-# Prefix or paths to MPI headers and libraries. See note above about prefixes.
-#mpi_prefix = '/usr/lib/openmpi'
-# MPI libraries to link against
-#mpi_libs = ['mpi_cxx', 'mpi', 'open-rte', 'open-pal']
-# Prefix or paths to boost-python headers and libraries. See note above.
-boost_prefix = ['../pkg/boost/include/boost-1_39/', '../pkg/boost/lib/']
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['boost_python']
-#if this is not 'python' the command will be used instead of the python
-#version scons is running on
-#Set to true to build with python3 [You will need to set pythoncmd as well]
-#name of the python library to link against.  For Python2 you should not need
-#to set this
-# Prefix or paths to CppUnit headers and libraries. See note above.
-#cppunit_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# CppUnit library/libraries to link against
-#cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-# Whether to use the netCDF library for dump file support
-# DEFAULT: False
-netcdf = True
-# Prefix or paths to netCDF headers and libraries. See note above.
-netcdf_prefix = ['../pkg/netcdf/include/', '../pkg/netcdf/lib/']
-# netCDF library/libraries to link against
-#netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_c++', 'netcdf']
-# Whether to use the parMETIS library (only in conjunction with MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#parmetis = True
-# Prefix or paths to parMETIS headers and libraries. See note above.
-#parmetis_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# parMETIS library/libraries to link against
-#parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-# Whether to use the Intel PAPI (Performance API) library
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi = True
-# Prefix or paths to PAPI headers and libraries. See note above.
-#papi_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# PAPI library/libraries to link against
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-# Whether to use PAPI to instrument solver iterations
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-# Whether to use Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#mkl = True
-# Prefix or paths to MKL headers and libraries. See note above.
-#mkl_prefix = '/usr'
-# MKL library/libraries to link against
-#mkl_libs = ['mkl_solver', 'mkl_em64t', 'mkl_core', 'guide', 'pthread']
-# Whether to use UMFPACK (requires AMD and BLAS)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#umfpack = True
-# Prefix or paths to UMFPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#umfpack_prefix = ['/usr/include/suitesparse', '/usr/lib']
-# UMFPACK library/libraries to link against
-#umfpack_libs = ['umfpack']
-# Whether to use BoomerAMG (requires MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#boomeramg = True
-# Prefix or paths to BoomerAMG headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boomeramg_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# BoomerAMG library/libraries to link against
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-# Flavour of LAPACK implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'clapack', 'mkl'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (do not use LAPACK)
-#lapack = 'clapack'
-# Prefix or paths to LAPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#lapack_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# LAPACK library/libraries to link against
-#lapack_libs = ['lapack_atlas']
-# Whether to use LLNL's SILO library for Silo output file support in weipa
-# DEFAULT: False
-#silo = True
-# Prefix or paths to SILO headers and libraries. See note above.
-#silo_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# SILO library/libraries to link against
-#silo_libs = ['siloh5', 'hdf5']
-# Whether to use LLNL's VisIt simulation interface (only version 2 supported)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#visit = True
-# Prefix or paths to VisIt's sim2 headers and libraries. See note above.
-#visit_prefix = '/opt/visit/2.1.0/linux-intel/libsim/V2'
-# Sim2 library/libraries to link against
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-# Build dynamic libraries only
-#DEFAULT: False
-#build_shared = True
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-# Use intel's VSL library for random data
-# DEFAULT: False
-#vsl_random = True
-# Extra libraries to link with
-#sys_libs = []
-# Additional environmental variables to export to the tools
-#env_export = []
-#tools_names = ['default']
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
diff --git a/scons/vayu_options.py b/scons/vayu_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dbc4ff..0000000
--- a/scons/vayu_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-# The options file version. SCons will refuse to build if there have been
-# changes to the set of variables and your file has not been updated.
-# This setting is mandatory.
-escript_opts_version = 201
-# Installation prefix. Files will be installed in subdirectories underneath.
-# DEFAULT: '.' (current directory)
-#prefix = '/usr/local'
-# Top-level directory for intermediate build and test files.
-# DEFAULT: 'build'
-#build_dir = '/short/r17/cha564/escript_build'
-# C++ compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-#cxx = 'g++'
-# Flags to use with the C++ compiler. Do not set unless you know
-# what you are doing - use cxx_extra to specify additional flags!
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_flags = ''
-# Additional compiler (optimization) flags for non-debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_optim = '-O3 -mmmx -msse'
-# Additional compiler flags for debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_debug = '-g'
-# Additional flags to add to the C++ compiler
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-cxx_extra = '-sox -I/apps/python/2.7.1/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/core/include -wd981'
-# Additional flags to add to the linker
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-ld_extra = '-shared-intel -L/apps/hdf5/1.8.7/lib'
-# Whether to treat compiler warnings as errors
-# DEFAULT: True
-werror = False
-# Whether to build a debug version
-# DEFAULT: False
-# debug = True
-# Set to True to print the full compiler/linker command line
-# DEFAULT: False
-verbose = True
-# Set to True to add flags that enable OpenMP parallelization
-# DEFAULT: False
-openmp = True
-# Additional compiler flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_flags = '-openmp -openmp-report=1'
-# Additional linker flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_ldflags = '-fopenmp'
-# Flavour of MPI implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'MPT', 'MPICH', 'MPICH2', 'OPENMPI', 'INTELMPI'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (disable MPI)
-mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-#mpi = 'none'
-# Prefix or paths to MPI headers and libraries. See note above about prefixes.
-mpi_prefix = '/apps/openmpi/1.4.3'
-# MPI libraries to link against
-mpi_libs = ['mpi']
-# Prefix or paths to boost-python headers and libraries. See note above.
-boost_prefix = '/apps/boost/1.48'
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['boost_python']
-# Prefix or paths to CppUnit headers and libraries. See note above.
-cppunit_prefix = '/apps/cppunit/1.12.1'
-# CppUnit library/libraries to link against
-#cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-# Whether to use the netCDF library for dump file support
-# DEFAULT: False
-netcdf = True
-# Prefix or paths to netCDF headers and libraries. See note above.
-netcdf_prefix = '/apps/netcdf/4.1.3'
-# netCDF library/libraries to link against
-#netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_c++', 'netcdf']
-# Whether to use the parMETIS library (only in conjunction with MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-parmetis = True
-# Prefix or paths to parMETIS headers and libraries. See note above.
-parmetis_prefix = '/apps/parmetis/3.1.1'
-# parMETIS library/libraries to link against
-#parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-# Whether to use the Intel PAPI (Performance API) library
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi = True
-# Prefix or paths to PAPI headers and libraries. See note above.
-#papi_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# PAPI library/libraries to link against
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-# Whether to use PAPI to instrument solver iterations
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-# Whether to use Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
-# DEFAULT: False
-mkl = True
-# Prefix or paths to MKL headers and libraries. See note above.
-mkl_prefix = ['/apps/intel-ct/', '/apps/intel-ct/']
-# MKL library/libraries to link against
-mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_lp64', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core', 'pthread']
-# Whether to use UMFPACK (requires AMD and BLAS)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#umfpack = True
-# Prefix or paths to UMFPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#umfpack_prefix = '/sw/libs/umfpack/x86_64/icc-13/umfpack-5.6.1'
-# UMFPACK library/libraries to link against
-#umfpack_libs = ['umfpack', 'amd', 'suitesparseconfig']
-# Whether to use BoomerAMG (requires MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#boomeramg = True
-# Prefix or paths to BoomerAMG headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boomeramg_prefix = '/sw/libs/hypre/x86_64/gcc-4.3.2/hypre-2.0.0'
-# BoomerAMG library/libraries to link against
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE_IJ_mv', 'HYPRE_krylov', 'HYPRE_parcsr_ls']
-# Flavour of LAPACK implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'clapack', 'mkl'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (do not use LAPACK)
-lapack = 'mkl'
-#lapack = 'none'
-# Prefix or paths to LAPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-lapack_prefix = mkl_prefix
-# LAPACK library/libraries to link against
-lapack_libs = ['mkl_core']
-# Whether to use LLNL's SILO library for Silo output file support in weipa
-# DEFAULT: False
-silo = True
-# Prefix or paths to SILO headers and libraries. See note above.
-silo_prefix = '/short/r17/cha564/silo-4.9.1-bsd/install'
-# SILO library/libraries to link against
-silo_libs = ['siloh5', 'hdf5']
-# Whether to use LLNL's VisIt simulation interface (only version 2 supported)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#visit = False
-# Prefix or paths to VisIt's sim2 headers and libraries. See note above.
-#visit_prefix = '/sw/apps/visit/x86_64/gcc-4.3.2/visit-2.6.0/2.6.0/linux-x86_64/libsim/V2'
-# Sim2 library/libraries to link against
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-# Build dynamic libraries only
-#DEFAULT: False
-#build_shared = True
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-# Use intel's VSL library for random data
-# DEFAULT: False
-#vsl_random = True
-# Extra libraries to link with
-#sys_libs = []
-# Additional environmental variables to export to the tools
-env_export = ['INTEL_LICENSE_FILE']
-tools_names = [('intelc',{'topdir':'/apps/intel-ct/'})]
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
diff --git a/scons/vm_options.py b/scons/vm_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3130e2d..0000000
--- a/scons/vm_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-# The options file version. SCons will refuse to build if there have been
-# changes to the set of variables and your file has not been updated.
-# This setting is mandatory.
-escript_opts_version = 201
-# Installation prefix. Files will be installed in subdirectories underneath.
-# DEFAULT: '.' (current directory)
-prefix = '/opt/escript'
-# Top-level directory for intermediate build and test files.
-# DEFAULT: 'build'
-#build_dir = 'build'
-# C++ compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-#cxx = 'g++-4.6'
-# Flags to use with the C++ compiler. Do not set unless you know
-# what you are doing - use cxx_extra to specify additional flags!
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_flags = ''
-# Additional compiler (optimization) flags for non-debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_optim = '-O3'
-# Additional compiler flags for debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_debug = '-g'
-# Additional flags to add to the C++ compiler only
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-cxx_extra = '-I/usr/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/numpy/core/include -DNO_IMPORT_ARRAY'
-# Additional flags to add to the linker
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-#ld_extra = ''
-# Whether to treat compiler warnings as errors
-# DEFAULT: True
-#werror = False
-# Whether to build a debug version
-# DEFAULT: False
-#debug = True
-# Set to True to print the full compiler/linker command line
-# DEFAULT: False
-verbose = True
-# Set to True to add flags that enable OpenMP parallelization
-# DEFAULT: False
-openmp = True
-# Additional compiler flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_flags = '-fopenmp'
-# Additional linker flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#omp_ldflags = '-fopenmp'
-# Flavour of MPI implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'MPT', 'MPICH', 'MPICH2', 'OPENMPI', 'INTELMPI'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (disable MPI)
-mpi = 'OPENMPI'
-# Prefix or paths to MPI headers and libraries. See note above about prefixes.
-mpi_prefix = ['/usr/include/openmpi-x86_64', '/usr/lib64/openmpi/lib']
-# MPI libraries to link against
-mpi_libs = ['mpi_cxx', 'mpi', 'dl']
-# Prefix or paths to boost-python headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boost_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['libboost_python-mt']
-# Prefix or paths to CppUnit headers and libraries. See note above.
-#cppunit_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# CppUnit library/libraries to link against
-#cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-# Whether to use the netCDF library for dump file support
-# DEFAULT: False
-netcdf = True
-# Prefix or paths to netCDF headers and libraries. See note above.
-#netcdf_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# netCDF library/libraries to link against
-#netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_c++', 'netcdf']
-# Whether to use the parMETIS library (only in conjunction with MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#parmetis = True
-# Prefix or paths to parMETIS headers and libraries. See note above.
-#parmetis_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# parMETIS library/libraries to link against
-#parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-# Whether to use the Intel PAPI (Performance API) library
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi = True
-# Prefix or paths to PAPI headers and libraries. See note above.
-#papi_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# PAPI library/libraries to link against
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-# Whether to use PAPI to instrument solver iterations
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-# Whether to use Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#mkl = True
-# Prefix or paths to MKL headers and libraries. See note above.
-#mkl_prefix = '/usr'
-# MKL library/libraries to link against
-#mkl_libs = ['mkl_solver', 'mkl_em64t', 'mkl_core', 'guide', 'pthread']
-# Whether to use UMFPACK (requires AMD and BLAS)
-# DEFAULT: False
-umfpack = True
-# Prefix or paths to UMFPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-umfpack_prefix = ['/usr/include/suitesparse', '/usr/lib64']
-# UMFPACK library/libraries to link against
-umfpack_libs = ['umfpack', 'blas']
-# Whether to use BoomerAMG (requires MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#boomeramg = True
-# Prefix or paths to BoomerAMG headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boomeramg_prefix = '/usr/local'
-# BoomerAMG library/libraries to link against
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-# Flavour of LAPACK implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'clapack', 'mkl'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (do not use LAPACK)
-lapack = 'clapack'
-# Prefix or paths to LAPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-lapack_prefix = ['/usr/include', '/usr/lib64/atlas']
-# LAPACK library/libraries to link against
-lapack_libs = ['clapack']
-# Whether to use LLNL's SILO library for Silo output file support in weipa
-# DEFAULT: False
-silo = True
-# Prefix or paths to SILO headers and libraries. See note above.
-silo_prefix = ['/usr/local/include', '/usr/local/lib64']
-# SILO library/libraries to link against
-silo_libs = ['silo']
-# Whether to use LLNL's VisIt simulation interface (only version 2 supported)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#visit = True
-# Prefix or paths to VisIt's sim2 headers and libraries. See note above.
-#visit_prefix = '/opt/visit/2.4.0/linux-intel/libsim/V2'
-# Sim2 library/libraries to link against
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-# Build dynamic libraries only
-#DEFAULT: False
-#build_shared = True
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-# Use intel's VSL library for random data
-# DEFAULT: False
-#vsl_random = True
-# Extra libraries to link with
-#sys_libs = []
-# Additional environmental variables to export to the tools
-#env_export = []
-#tools_names = ['default']
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'
diff --git a/scons/vmw_options.py b/scons/vmw_options.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a02cf63..0000000
--- a/scons/vmw_options.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2003-2015 by The University of Queensland
-# http://www.uq.edu.au
-# Primary Business: Queensland, Australia
-# Licensed under the Open Software License version 3.0
-# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
-# Development until 2012 by Earth Systems Science Computational Center (ESSCC)
-# Development 2012-2013 by School of Earth Sciences
-# Development from 2014 by Centre for Geoscience Computing (GeoComp)
-import os
-# There are two ways to specify where to find dependent headers and libraries
-# (via the <dependency>_prefix):
-# 1) If your installation follows the general scheme where headers are located
-#    in <prefix>/include[32,64], and libraries in <prefix>/lib[32,64] then
-#    it is sufficient to specify this prefix, e.g. boost_prefix='C:/python'
-# 2) Otherwise provide a list with two elements, where the first one is the
-#    include path, and the second the library path, e.g.
-#    boost_prefix=['C:/boost/include/boost1_44', 'C:/boost/lib']
-# All <dependency>_prefix settings default to '/usr' so have to be set
-# manually on Windows.
-# The options file version. SCons will refuse to build if there have been
-# changes to the set of variables and your file has not been updated.
-# This setting is mandatory.
-escript_opts_version = 200
-# Installation prefix. Files will be installed in subdirectories underneath.
-# DEFAULT: '.' (current directory)
-#prefix = 'C:/escript'
-# Top-level directory for intermediate build and test files.
-# DEFAULT: 'build'
-#build_dir = 'build'
-# C++ compiler command name or full path.
-# DEFAULT: auto-detected
-#cxx = 'g++'
-# Flags to use with the C++ compiler. Do not set unless you know
-# what you are doing - use cxx_extra to specify additional flags!
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-cc_flags = '/EHsc /GR /MD /I"C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE 2011 SP1/compiler/include/"'
-# Additional compiler (optimization) flags for non-debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_optim = '/fast /Oi /W3 /Qinline-factor- /Qinline-min-size=0 /Qunroll'
-cc_optim = '/fast /Oi /Qunroll'
-# Additional compiler flags for debug builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-#cc_debug = '/Od /RTCcsu /Zi /Y- /debug:all /Qtrapuv'
-# Additional flags to add to the C++ compiler
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-#cxx_extra = ''
-# Additional flags to add to the linker
-# DEFAULT: '' (empty)
-ld_extra = '/libpath:"C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE 2011 SP1/compiler/lib/ia32"'
-# Whether to treat compiler warnings as errors
-# DEFAULT: True
-werror = False
-# Whether to build a debug version
-# DEFAULT: False
-#debug = True
-# Set to True to print the full compiler/linker command line
-# DEFAULT: False
-verbose = False
-# Set to True to add flags that enable OpenMP parallelization
-# DEFAULT: False
-openmp = True
-# Additional compiler flags for OpenMP builds
-# /Qvec-report0 - Vectorise quietly - http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/composerxe/en-us/cpp/lin/copts/common_options/option_vec_report.htm
-# /Qopenmp-report0 - OpenMP quietly (No diagnostics report generated.) - http://software.intel.com/sites/products/documentation/hpc/composerxe/en-us/cpp/lin/optaps/common/optaps_perf_openmprep.htm
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-omp_flags = '/Qvec-report0 /Qopenmp /Qopenmp-report0 /Qparallel'
-# Additional linker flags for OpenMP builds
-# DEFAULT: compiler-dependent
-omp_ldflags = ''
-# Flavour of MPI implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'MPT', 'MPICH', 'MPICH2', 'OPENMPI', 'INTELMPI'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (disable MPI)
-mpi = 'MPICH2' #'MPICH2'
-# Prefix or paths to MPI headers and libraries. See note above about prefixes.
-mpi_prefix = "C:/Program Files (x86)/MPICH2"
-# MPI libraries to link against
-mpi_libs = ['mpi']
-dotdot = os.path.realpath('..')
-# Prefix or paths to boost-python headers and libraries. See note above.
-boost_prefix = ['C:/projects/boost_1_47_0', 'C:/projects/boost_1_47_0/stage/lib']
-# boost-python library/libraries to link against
-boost_libs = ['boost_python-iw-mt-1_47']
-# Prefix or paths to CppUnit headers and libraries. See note above.
-#cppunit_prefix = 'C:/CppUnit'
-# CppUnit library/libraries to link against
-#cppunit_libs = ['cppunit']
-# Whether to use the netCDF library for dump file support
-# DEFAULT: False
-netcdf = False
-# Prefix or paths to netCDF headers and libraries. See note above.
-netcdf_prefix = [os.path.join(dotdot, 'netcdf', 'src', 'include'), os.path.join(dotdot, 'netcdf', 'lib')]
-# netCDF library/libraries to link against
-netcdf_libs = ['netcdf_cpp', 'netcdf']
-# Whether to use the parMETIS library (only in conjunction with MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#parmetis = True
-# Prefix or paths to parMETIS headers and libraries. See note above.
-#parmetis_prefix = 'C:/parmetis'
-# parMETIS library/libraries to link against
-#parmetis_libs = ['parmetis', 'metis']
-# Whether to use the Intel PAPI (Performance API) library
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi = True
-# Prefix or paths to PAPI headers and libraries. See note above.
-#papi_prefix = 'C:/papi'
-# PAPI library/libraries to link against
-#papi_libs = ['papi']
-# Whether to use PAPI to instrument solver iterations
-# DEFAULT: False
-#papi_instrument_solver = True
-# Whether to use Intel MKL (Math Kernel Library)
-# DEFAULT: False
-mkl = True
-# Prefix or paths to MKL headers and libraries. See note above.
-mkl_base_dir = 'C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE 2011 SP1/mkl'
-mkl_prefix = [os.path.join(mkl_base_dir, 'include'), os.path.join(mkl_base_dir, 'lib/ia32')]
-# MKL library/libraries to link against
-mkl_libs = ['mkl_intel_c_dll', 'mkl_intel_thread_dll', 'mkl_core_dll', 'libiomp5md', 'mkl_solver', 'mkl_intel_thread', 'mkl_core']
-# Whether to use UMFPACK (requires AMD and BLAS)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#umfpack = True
-# Prefix or paths to UMFPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#umfpack_prefix = 'C:/umfpack'
-# UMFPACK library/libraries to link against
-#umfpack_libs = ['umfpack']
-# Whether to use BoomerAMG (requires MPI)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#boomeramg = True
-# Prefix or paths to BoomerAMG headers and libraries. See note above.
-#boomeramg_prefix = 'C:/boomeramg'
-# BoomerAMG library/libraries to link against
-#boomeramg_libs = ['HYPRE']
-# Flavour of LAPACK implementation
-# Recognized values: 'none', 'clapack', 'mkl'
-# DEFAULT: 'none' (do not use LAPACK)
-#lapack = 'clapack'
-lapack = 'mkl'
-# Prefix or paths to LAPACK headers and libraries. See note above.
-#lapack_prefix = 'C:/lapack'
-lapack_prefix = mkl_prefix
-# LAPACK library/libraries to link against
-lapack_libs = ['mkl_lapack95']
-# Whether to use LLNL's SILO library for Silo output file support in weipa
-# DEFAULT: False
-#silo = True
-# Prefix or paths to SILO headers and libraries. See note above.
-#silo_prefix = 'C:/silo'
-# SILO library/libraries to link against
-#silo_libs = ['siloh5', 'hdf5']
-# Whether to use LLNL's VisIt simulation interface (only version 2 supported)
-# DEFAULT: False
-#visit = True
-# Prefix or paths to VisIt's sim2 headers and libraries. See note above.
-#visit_prefix = 'C:/visit/2.1.0/linux-intel/libsim/V2'
-# Sim2 library/libraries to link against
-#visit_libs = ['simV2']
-# Build dynamic libraries only
-#DEFAULT: False
-build_shared = True
-# Do not change the following options unless you know what they do
-# Use intel's VSL library for random data
-# DEFAULT: False
-#vsl_random = True
-# Extra libraries to link with
-# sys_libs = ['C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003/Vc7/PlatformSDK/Lib/Ws2_32', 'C:\Program Files\Intel\Compiler\C++\9.1\IA32\Lib\libguide40']
-sys_libs = ['']
-# Additional environmental variables to export to the tools
-#env_export = []
-# overloading - [('intelc',{'topdir':'/sw/sdev/intel/cc/x86_64/10.1.025'})]
-tools_names = [('intelc',{'topdir':'C:/Program Files (x86)/Intel/Composer XE 2011 SP1'})]
-#iknowwhatimdoing = False
-#forcelazy = 'leave_alone'
-#forcecollres = 'leave_alone'

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/python-escript.git

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