[r-cran-semtools] branch master updated (76fd7d1 -> 76d8d71)
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Sun Dec 4 21:52:16 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a change to branch master
in repository r-cran-semtools.
from 76fd7d1 Use UNRELEASED rather as "distribution" than as changelog information
new b3475a0 Fix changelog paragraphs since 0.4.12-3 was never uploaded
adds a939cbf New upstream version 0.4.14
new 43440cc Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.14'
new 895df9a cme fix dpkg-control
new 5dc16b1 Convert to dh-r
new b611b1c Canonical homepage for CRAN
new 1c89cc0 debhelper 10
new 3ec837b d/watch: version=4
new d390fc2 use dh-r
new 76d8d71 Upload to unstable
The 9 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
MD5 | 232 ++-
R/NET.R | 368 ++--
R/PAVranking.R | 1941 +++++++++++----------
R/TSML.R | 383 +++++
R/auxiliary.R | 1043 ++++++------
R/ci.reliability.R | 1117 -------------
R/clipboard.R | 443 ++---
R/compareFit.R | 322 ++--
R/dataDiagnosis.R | 264 +--
R/efa.R | 624 ++++---
R/fitIndices.R | 319 ++--
R/fitOpenMx.R | 2314 ++++++++++++-------------
R/fmi.R | 287 ++--
R/impliedStat.R | 65 -
R/imposeStart.R | 46 +-
R/indProd.R | 334 ++--
R/kd.R | 124 +-
R/lavSpatialCorrect.R | 111 --
R/lisrel2lavaan.R | 3246 ++++++++++++++++++------------------
R/loadingFromAlpha.R | 16 +-
R/longInvariance.R | 904 +++++-----
R/measurementInvariance.R | 316 ++--
R/measurementInvarianceCat.R | 448 ++---
R/miPowerFit.R | 380 ++---
R/missingBootstrap.R | 1242 +++++++-------
R/monteCarloMed.R | 126 +-
R/mvrnonnorm.R | 246 +--
R/parcelAllocation.R | 662 ++++----
R/partialInvariance.R | 1452 ++++++++--------
R/partialInvarianceCat.R | 1471 ++++++++--------
R/permuteMeasEq.R | 1806 ++++++++++----------
R/poolMAlloc.R | 2177 ++++++++++++------------
R/powerAnalysis.R | 298 ++--
R/powerAnalysisNested.R | 264 +--
R/powerAnalysisSS.R | 202 +--
R/probeInteraction.R | 1344 +++++++--------
R/quark.R | 768 ++++-----
R/reliability.R | 691 ++++----
R/residualCovariate.R | 28 +-
R/runMI.R | 1149 +++++++------
R/singleParamTest.R | 276 +--
R/splitSample.R | 144 +-
R/tukeySEM.R | 56 +-
R/wald.R | 154 +-
R/zzz.R | 18 +-
build/vignette.rds | Bin 212 -> 210 bytes
data/boreal.rda | Bin 13374 -> 0 bytes
debian/changelog | 17 +-
debian/compat | 2 +-
debian/control | 16 +-
debian/copyright | 6 +-
debian/rules | 6 +-
debian/watch | 2 +-
inst/CITATION | 4 +-
man/BootMiss-class.Rd | 82 +-
man/Net-class.Rd | 68 +-
man/PAVranking.Rd | 288 ++--
man/SSpower.Rd | 174 +-
man/auxiliary.Rd | 240 +--
man/boreal.Rd | 29 -
man/bsBootMiss.Rd | 242 +--
man/chisqSmallN.Rd | 49 +
man/ci.reliability.Rd | 140 --
man/clipboard.Rd | 166 +-
man/combinequark.Rd | 70 +-
man/compareFit.Rd | 94 +-
man/dat2way.Rd | 60 +-
man/dat3way.Rd | 68 +-
man/datCat.Rd | 60 +-
man/efaUnrotate.Rd | 96 +-
man/exLong.Rd | 62 +-
man/findRMSEApower.Rd | 74 +-
man/findRMSEApowernested.Rd | 76 +-
man/findRMSEAsamplesize.Rd | 74 +-
man/findRMSEAsamplesizenested.Rd | 74 +-
man/fitMeasuresMx.Rd | 104 +-
man/fmi.Rd | 172 +-
man/htmt.Rd | 78 +-
man/impliedFactorStat.Rd | 49 -
man/imposeStart.Rd | 290 ++--
man/indProd.Rd | 178 +-
man/kd.Rd | 150 +-
man/kurtosis.Rd | 114 +-
man/lavaanStar-class.Rd | 1 +
man/lisrel2lavaan.Rd | 166 +-
man/loadingFromAlpha.Rd | 44 +-
man/longInvariance.Rd | 200 +--
man/mardiaKurtosis.Rd | 92 +-
man/mardiaSkew.Rd | 92 +-
man/maximalRelia.Rd | 132 +-
man/measurementInvariance.Rd | 164 +-
man/measurementInvarianceCat.Rd | 144 +-
man/miPowerFit.Rd | 194 +--
man/monteCarloMed.Rd | 162 +-
man/moreFitIndices.Rd | 206 +--
man/mvrnonnorm.Rd | 64 +-
man/net.Rd | 112 +-
man/nullMx.Rd | 70 +-
man/{nullRMSEA.Rd => nullRmsea.Rd} | 100 +-
man/parcelAllocation.Rd | 114 +-
man/partialInvariance.Rd | 340 ++--
man/permuteMeasEq-class.Rd | 102 +-
man/permuteMeasEq.Rd | 598 +++----
man/plotProbe.Rd | 236 +--
man/plotRMSEAdist.Rd | 94 +-
man/plotRMSEApower.Rd | 116 +-
man/plotRMSEApowernested.Rd | 80 +-
man/poolMAlloc.Rd | 270 +--
man/probe2WayMC.Rd | 216 +--
man/probe2WayRC.Rd | 166 +-
man/probe3WayMC.Rd | 256 +--
man/probe3WayRC.Rd | 216 +--
man/reliability.Rd | 170 +-
man/reliabilityL2.Rd | 122 +-
man/residualCovariate.Rd | 74 +-
man/rotate.Rd | 136 +-
man/runMI.Rd | 322 ++--
man/saturateMx.Rd | 70 +-
man/simParcel.Rd | 78 +-
man/singleParamTest.Rd | 140 +-
man/skew.Rd | 114 +-
man/spatialCorrect.Rd | 39 -
man/splitSample.rd | 102 +-
man/standardizeMx.Rd | 176 +-
man/tukeySEM.rd | 108 +-
man/twostage-class.Rd | 53 +
man/twostage.Rd | 92 +
129 files changed, 19757 insertions(+), 20596 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 R/TSML.R
delete mode 100644 R/ci.reliability.R
delete mode 100644 R/impliedStat.R
delete mode 100644 R/lavSpatialCorrect.R
delete mode 100644 data/boreal.rda
delete mode 100644 man/boreal.Rd
create mode 100644 man/chisqSmallN.Rd
delete mode 100644 man/ci.reliability.Rd
delete mode 100644 man/impliedFactorStat.Rd
rename man/{nullRMSEA.Rd => nullRmsea.Rd} (82%)
delete mode 100644 man/spatialCorrect.Rd
create mode 100644 man/twostage-class.Rd
create mode 100644 man/twostage.Rd
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/r-cran-semtools.git
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