[gringo] 11/20: drop already applied upstream patches

Thomas Krennwallner tkren-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sun Dec 11 21:06:57 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tkren-guest pushed a commit to branch devel
in repository gringo.

commit 4515c88e1deb66113bed16c60f8d76ecbc158af1
Author: Thomas Krennwallner <tkren at kr.tuwien.ac.at>
Date:   Sat Dec 10 09:48:24 2016 +0100

    drop already applied upstream patches
 debian/patches/gringo-include-math.patch     |  24 --
 debian/patches/gringo-solve-multi.patch      | 369 ---------------------------
 debian/patches/gringo-translate-minmax.patch |  36 ---
 debian/patches/series                        |   3 -
 4 files changed, 432 deletions(-)

diff --git a/debian/patches/gringo-include-math.patch b/debian/patches/gringo-include-math.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a32205..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/gringo-include-math.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-From: Roland Kaminski <kaminski at cs.uni-potsdam.de>
-Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2016 07:50:31 +0100
-Subject: fixes FTBFS: error: 'pow' is not a member of 'std'
-Bug-Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=822383
-Bug: https://sourceforge.net/p/potassco/bugs/118/
-Forwarded: not-needed
- libgringo/src/term.cc | 1 +
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git a/libgringo/src/term.cc b/libgringo/src/term.cc
-index 65c03c1..01ba0b9 100644
---- a/libgringo/src/term.cc
-+++ b/libgringo/src/term.cc
-@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
- #include "gringo/term.hh"
- #include "gringo/logger.hh"
- #include "gringo/graph.hh"
-+#include <cmath>
- namespace Gringo {
diff --git a/debian/patches/gringo-solve-multi.patch b/debian/patches/gringo-solve-multi.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 785667e..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/gringo-solve-multi.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,369 +0,0 @@
-From: Roland Kaminski <kaminski at cs.uni-potsdam.de>
-Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2016 07:50:31 +0100
-Subject: fixes random multithreading segfaults with the python module
-Bug: https://sourceforge.net/p/potassco/bugs/117/
- app/example/main.cc               |  6 +++--
- app/gringo/main.cc                | 11 ++++++---
- libclingo/clingo/clingocontrol.hh | 11 ++++++---
- libclingo/src/clingocontrol.cc    | 52 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
- libgringo/gringo/control.hh       |  7 +++---
- libgringo/src/lua.cc              | 11 ++++++---
- libgringo/src/python.cc           | 19 ++++++++------
- 7 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/app/example/main.cc b/app/example/main.cc
-index 3de2457..5aa08ee 100644
---- a/app/example/main.cc
-+++ b/app/example/main.cc
-@@ -24,16 +24,18 @@
- void example1() { 
-     std::vector<char const *> args{"clingo", "-e", "brave", nullptr};
-     DefaultGringoModule module;
--    ClingoLib lib(module, args.size() - 2, args.data());
-+    Gringo::Scripts scripts(module);
-+    ClingoLib lib(scripts, args.size() - 2, args.data());
-     lib.add("base", {}, "a :- not b. b :- not a.");
-     lib.ground({{"base", {}}}, nullptr);
-+    lib.prepareSolve({});
-     lib.solve([](Gringo::Model const &m) {
-         for (auto &atom : m.atoms(Gringo::Model::SHOWN)) {
-             std::cout << atom << " "; 
-         }
-         std::cout << std::endl;
-         return true; 
--    }, {});
-+    });
- }
- int main() {
-diff --git a/app/gringo/main.cc b/app/gringo/main.cc
-index 9b18a33..cad0ac0 100644
---- a/app/gringo/main.cc
-+++ b/app/gringo/main.cc
-@@ -168,8 +168,10 @@ struct IncrementalControl : Gringo::Control, Gringo::GringoModule {
-     }
-     virtual void onModel(Gringo::Model const &) { }
-     virtual bool blocked() { return false; }
--    virtual Gringo::SolveResult solve(ModelHandler, Assumptions &&ass) {
-+    virtual void prepareSolve(Assumptions &&ass) {
-         if (!ass.empty()) { std::cerr << "warning: the lparse format does not support assumptions" << std::endl; }
-+    }
-+    virtual Gringo::SolveResult solve(ModelHandler) {
-         if (!grounded) {
-             if (incremental) { out.incremental(); }
-         }
-@@ -177,10 +179,10 @@ struct IncrementalControl : Gringo::Control, Gringo::GringoModule {
-         out.finish();
-         return Gringo::SolveResult::UNKNOWN;
-     }
--    virtual Gringo::SolveIter *solveIter(Assumptions &&) { 
-+    virtual Gringo::SolveIter *solveIter() {
-         throw std::runtime_error("solving not supported in gringo");
-     }
--    virtual Gringo::SolveFuture *solveAsync(ModelHandler, FinishHandler, Assumptions &&) { throw std::runtime_error("solving not supported in gringo"); }
-+    virtual Gringo::SolveFuture *solveAsync(ModelHandler, FinishHandler) { throw std::runtime_error("solving not supported in gringo"); }
-     virtual Gringo::Statistics *getStats() { throw std::runtime_error("statistics not supported in gringo (yet)"); }
-     virtual void assignExternal(Gringo::Value ext, Gringo::TruthValue val) { 
-         Gringo::PredicateDomain::element_type *atm = out.find2(ext);
-@@ -323,7 +325,8 @@ protected:
-             Gringo::Control::GroundVec parts;
-             parts.emplace_back("base", FWValVec{});
-             inc.ground(parts, Gringo::Any());
--            inc.solve(nullptr, {});
-+            inc.prepareSolve({});
-+            inc.solve(nullptr);
-         }
-     }
-diff --git a/libclingo/clingo/clingocontrol.hh b/libclingo/clingo/clingocontrol.hh
-index 43249f2..2d359a9 100644
---- a/libclingo/clingo/clingocontrol.hh
-+++ b/libclingo/clingo/clingocontrol.hh
-@@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ public:
-     void onFinish(Clasp::ClaspFacade::Result ret);
-     bool update();
--    Clasp::LitVec toClaspAssumptions(Gringo::Control::Assumptions &&ass) const;
-+    Clasp::LitVec toClaspAssumptions(std::vector<int> &&ass) const;
-+    std::vector<int> toLparseAssumptions(Gringo::Control::Assumptions &&ass) const;
-     // {{{2 DomainProxy interface
-@@ -257,7 +258,8 @@ public:
-     virtual void ground(Gringo::Control::GroundVec const &vec, Gringo::Any &&context);
-     virtual void add(std::string const &name, Gringo::FWStringVec const &params, std::string const &part);
-     virtual void load(std::string const &filename);
--    virtual Gringo::SolveResult solve(ModelHandler h, Assumptions &&ass);
-+    virtual void prepareSolve(Assumptions &&ass);
-+    virtual Gringo::SolveResult solve(ModelHandler h);
-     virtual bool blocked();
-     virtual std::string str();
-     virtual void assignExternal(Gringo::Value ext, Gringo::TruthValue);
-@@ -267,8 +269,8 @@ public:
-     virtual void useEnumAssumption(bool enable);
-     virtual bool useEnumAssumption();
-     virtual void cleanupDomains();
--    virtual Gringo::SolveIter *solveIter(Assumptions &&ass);
--    virtual Gringo::SolveFuture *solveAsync(ModelHandler mh, FinishHandler fh, Assumptions &&ass);
-+    virtual Gringo::SolveIter *solveIter();
-+    virtual Gringo::SolveFuture *solveAsync(ModelHandler mh, FinishHandler fh);
-     // }}}2
-@@ -286,6 +288,7 @@ public:
-     Clasp::Cli::ClaspCliConfig                             &claspConfig_;
-     PostGroundFunc                                          pgf_;
-     PreSolveFunc                                            psf_;
-+    std::vector<int>                                        ass_;
-     std::unique_ptr<ClingoSolveFuture> solveFuture_;
-     std::unique_ptr<ClingoSolveIter>   solveIter_;
-diff --git a/libclingo/src/clingocontrol.cc b/libclingo/src/clingocontrol.cc
-index 364d60d..7202a43 100644
---- a/libclingo/src/clingocontrol.cc
-+++ b/libclingo/src/clingocontrol.cc
-@@ -203,7 +203,8 @@ void ClingoControl::main() {
-         Gringo::Control::GroundVec parts;
-         parts.emplace_back("base", Gringo::FWValVec{});
-         ground(parts, Gringo::Any());
--        solve(nullptr, {});
-+        prepareSolve({});
-+        solve(nullptr);
-     }
- }
- bool ClingoControl::onModel(Clasp::Model const &m) {
-@@ -284,29 +285,33 @@ unsigned ClingoControl::getRootKey() {
- Gringo::ConfigProxy &ClingoControl::getConf() {
-     return *this;
- }
--Gringo::SolveIter *ClingoControl::solveIter(Assumptions &&ass) {
-+void ClingoControl::prepareSolve(Assumptions &&ass) {
-+    if (!grounded) {
-+        if (incremental) { out->incremental(); }
-+    }
-+    grounded = false;
-+    if (update()) { out->finish(); }
-+    ass_ = toLparseAssumptions(std::move(ass));
-+Gringo::SolveIter *ClingoControl::solveIter() {
-     if (!clingoMode_) { throw std::runtime_error("solveIter is not supported in gringo gringo mode"); }
-     prepare_(nullptr, nullptr);
--    clasp->assume(toClaspAssumptions(std::move(ass)));
-     solveIter_ = Gringo::gringo_make_unique<ClingoSolveIter>(clasp->startSolveAsync(), static_cast<Clasp::Asp::LogicProgram&>(*clasp->program()), *out, clasp->ctx);
-     return solveIter_.get();
- #else
--    (void)ass;
-     throw std::runtime_error("solveIter requires clingo to be build with thread support");
- #endif
- }
--Gringo::SolveFuture *ClingoControl::solveAsync(ModelHandler mh, FinishHandler fh, Assumptions &&ass) {
-+Gringo::SolveFuture *ClingoControl::solveAsync(ModelHandler mh, FinishHandler fh) {
-     if (!clingoMode_) { throw std::runtime_error("solveAsync is not supported in gringo gringo mode"); }
-     prepare_(mh, fh);
--    clasp->assume(toClaspAssumptions(std::move(ass)));
-     solveFuture_ = Gringo::gringo_make_unique<ClingoSolveFuture>(clasp->solveAsync(nullptr));
-     return solveFuture_.get();
- #else
-     (void)mh;
-     (void)fh;
--    (void)ass;
-     throw std::runtime_error("solveAsync requires clingo to be build with thread support");
- #endif
- }
-@@ -314,11 +319,6 @@ bool ClingoControl::blocked() {
-     return clasp->solving();
- }
- void ClingoControl::prepare_(Gringo::Control::ModelHandler mh, Gringo::Control::FinishHandler fh) {
--    if (!grounded) {
--        if (incremental) { out->incremental(); }
--    }
--    grounded = false;
--    if (update()) { out->finish(); }
-     if (clingoMode_) {
-         solveIter_    = nullptr;
-@@ -331,35 +331,45 @@ void ClingoControl::prepare_(Gringo::Control::ModelHandler mh, Gringo::Control::
-         if (pgf_) { pgf_(*prg); }
-         clasp->prepare(enableEnumAssupmption_ ? Clasp::ClaspFacade::enum_volatile : Clasp::ClaspFacade::enum_static);
-         if (psf_) {  psf_(*clasp);}
-+        clasp->assume(toClaspAssumptions(std::move(ass_)));
-     }
- }
--Clasp::LitVec ClingoControl::toClaspAssumptions(Gringo::Control::Assumptions &&ass) const {
--    Clasp::LitVec outAss;
-+std::vector<int> ClingoControl::toLparseAssumptions(Gringo::Control::Assumptions &&ass) const {
-+    std::vector<int> outAss;
- 	if (!clingoMode_ || !clasp->program()) { return outAss; }
--	const Clasp::Asp::LogicProgram* prg = static_cast<const Clasp::Asp::LogicProgram*>(clasp->program());
-     for (auto &x : ass) {
-         auto atm = out->find2(x.first);
-         if (atm && atm->second.hasUid()) {
--            Clasp::Literal lit = prg->getLiteral(atm->second.uid());
--            outAss.push_back(x.second ? lit : ~lit);
-+            int uid = atm->second.uid();
-+            outAss.push_back(x.second ? uid : -uid);
-         }
-         else if (x.second) {
--            Clasp::Literal lit = prg->getLiteral(1);
--            outAss.push_back(lit);
-+            outAss.push_back(1);
-             break;
-         }
-     }
-     return outAss;
-+Clasp::LitVec ClingoControl::toClaspAssumptions(std::vector<int> &&ass) const {
-+    Clasp::LitVec outAss;
-+	const Clasp::Asp::LogicProgram* prg = static_cast<const Clasp::Asp::LogicProgram*>(clasp->program());
-+    for (auto &x : ass) {
-+        Clasp::Literal lit = prg->getLiteral(std::abs(x));
-+        outAss.push_back(x > 0 ? lit : ~lit);
-+    }
-+    ass.clear();
-+    return outAss;
- }
--Gringo::SolveResult ClingoControl::solve(ModelHandler h, Assumptions &&ass) {
-+Gringo::SolveResult ClingoControl::solve(ModelHandler h) {
-     prepare_(h, nullptr);
--    clasp->assume(toClaspAssumptions(std::move(ass)));
-     return clingoMode_ ? convert(clasp->solve(nullptr)) : Gringo::SolveResult::UNKNOWN;
- }
- void ClingoControl::cleanupDomains() {
-+    prepareSolve({});
-     prepare_(nullptr, nullptr);
-     if (clingoMode_) {
-         Clasp::Asp::LogicProgram &prg = static_cast<Clasp::Asp::LogicProgram&>(*clasp->program());
-diff --git a/libgringo/gringo/control.hh b/libgringo/gringo/control.hh
-index 6a2c261..cde9a48 100644
---- a/libgringo/gringo/control.hh
-+++ b/libgringo/gringo/control.hh
-@@ -173,9 +173,10 @@ struct Control {
-     virtual DomainProxy &getDomain() = 0;
-     virtual void ground(GroundVec const &vec, Any &&context) = 0;
--    virtual SolveResult solve(ModelHandler h, Assumptions &&assumptions) = 0;
--    virtual SolveFuture *solveAsync(ModelHandler mh, FinishHandler fh, Assumptions &&assumptions) = 0;
--    virtual SolveIter *solveIter(Assumptions &&assumptions) = 0;
-+    virtual void prepareSolve(Assumptions &&assumptions) = 0;
-+    virtual SolveResult solve(ModelHandler h) = 0;
-+    virtual SolveFuture *solveAsync(ModelHandler mh, FinishHandler fh) = 0;
-+    virtual SolveIter *solveIter() = 0;
-     virtual void add(std::string const &name, FWStringVec const &params, std::string const &part) = 0;
-     virtual void load(std::string const &filename) = 0;
-     virtual Value getConst(std::string const &name) = 0;
-diff --git a/libgringo/src/lua.cc b/libgringo/src/lua.cc
-index 510d4c2..50c31f3 100644
---- a/libgringo/src/lua.cc
-+++ b/libgringo/src/lua.cc
-@@ -1046,6 +1046,7 @@ struct ControlWrap {
-             mIndex = lua_gettop(L);
-         }
-         Control::Assumptions *ass = getAssumptions(L, assIdx);
-+        protect<void>(L, [&ctl, ass]() { ctl.prepareSolve(std::move(*ass)); });
-         lua_pushinteger(L, protect<int>(L, [L, &ctl, model, ass, mhIndex, mIndex]() {
-             return (int)ctl.solve(!model ? Control::ModelHandler(nullptr) : [L, model, mhIndex, mIndex](Gringo::Model const &m) -> bool {
-                 LuaClear lc(L);
-@@ -1057,7 +1058,7 @@ struct ControlWrap {
-                 Location loc("<on_model>", 1, 1, "<on_model>", 1, 1);
-                 handleError(L, loc, code, "error in model callback");
-                 return lua_type(L, -1) == LUA_TNIL || lua_toboolean(L, -1);
--            }, std::move(*ass));
-+            });
-         }));
-         return 1;
-     }
-@@ -1075,6 +1076,7 @@ struct ControlWrap {
-         int mhIndex = !lua_isnone(L, 3) && !lua_isnil(L, 3) ? 3 : 0;
-         int fhIndex = !lua_isnone(L, 4) && !lua_isnil(L, 4) ? 4 : 0;
-         Control::Assumptions *ass = getAssumptions(L, assIdx);
-+        protect<void>(L, [&ctl, ass]() { ctl.prepareSolve(std::move(*ass)); });
-         auto &future = *(Gringo::SolveFuture **)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(Gringo::SolveFuture*));
-         lua_State *M = nullptr;
-         if (mhIndex || fhIndex) {
-@@ -1097,7 +1099,7 @@ struct ControlWrap {
-             lua_xmove(L, M, 1);
-             fhIndex = lua_gettop(M);
-         }
--        future = protect<Gringo::SolveFuture*>(L, [&ctl, model, mhIndex, fhIndex, ass, M]() {
-+        future = protect<Gringo::SolveFuture*>(L, [&ctl, model, mhIndex, fhIndex, M]() {
-             auto mh = !mhIndex ? Control::ModelHandler(nullptr) : [M, mhIndex, model](Gringo::Model const &m) -> bool {
-                 LuaClear lc(M);
-                 lua_pushcfunction(M, luaTraceback);
-@@ -1119,7 +1121,7 @@ struct ControlWrap {
-                 Location loc("<on_finish>", 1, 1, "<on_finish>", 1, 1);
-                 handleError(M, loc, code, "error in model callback");
-             };
--            return ctl.solveAsync(mh, fh, std::move(*ass));
-+            return ctl.solveAsync(mh, fh);
-         });
-         luaL_getmetatable(L, "gringo.SolveFuture");
-         lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
-@@ -1131,8 +1133,9 @@ struct ControlWrap {
-         lua_unsetuservaluefield(L, 1, "stats");
-         int assIdx  = !lua_isnone(L, 2) && !lua_isnil(L, 2) ? 2 : 0;
-         Control::Assumptions *ass = getAssumptions(L, assIdx);
-+        protect<void>(L, [&ctl, ass]() { ctl.prepareSolve(std::move(*ass)); });
-         auto &iter = *(Gringo::SolveIter **)lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(Gringo::SolveIter*));
--        iter = protect<Gringo::SolveIter*>(L, [&ctl, ass]() { return ctl.solveIter(std::move(*ass)); });
-+        iter = protect<Gringo::SolveIter*>(L, [&ctl]() { return ctl.solveIter(); });
-         luaL_getmetatable(L, "gringo.SolveIter");
-         lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
-         return 1;
-diff --git a/libgringo/src/python.cc b/libgringo/src/python.cc
-index 874287d..20ca24e 100644
---- a/libgringo/src/python.cc
-+++ b/libgringo/src/python.cc
-@@ -2069,11 +2069,12 @@ struct ControlWrap {
-         Gringo::SolveFuture *future;
-         Object omh(mh, true);
-         Object ofh(fh, true);
--        if (!protect([self, omh, ofh, &future, &ass]() {
-+        if (!protect([self, &ass]() { self->ctl->prepareSolve(std::move(ass)); })) { return nullptr; }
-+        if (!protect([self, omh, ofh, &future]() {
-+            PyUnblock unblock;
-             future = (self->ctl->solveAsync(
-                 omh == Py_None ? Control::ModelHandler(nullptr) : [omh](Gringo::Model const &m) -> bool { PyBlock b; (void)b; return on_model(m, omh); },
--                ofh == Py_None ? Control::FinishHandler(nullptr) : [ofh](Gringo::SolveResult ret, bool canceled) -> void { PyBlock b; (void)b; on_finish(ret, canceled, ofh); },
--                std::move(ass)
-+                ofh == Py_None ? Control::FinishHandler(nullptr) : [ofh](Gringo::SolveResult ret, bool canceled) -> void { PyBlock b; (void)b; on_finish(ret, canceled, ofh); }
-             ));
-         })) { return nullptr; }
-         PyObject *ret = SolveFuture::new_(*future);
-@@ -2088,8 +2089,12 @@ struct ControlWrap {
-         if (!PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "|O", const_cast<char **>(kwlist), &pyAss)) { return nullptr; }
-         Gringo::Control::Assumptions ass;
-         if (!getAssumptions(pyAss, ass)) { return nullptr; }
-+        if (!protect([self, &ass]() { self->ctl->prepareSolve(std::move(ass)); })) { return nullptr; }
-         Gringo::SolveIter *iter;
--        if (!protect([self, &iter, &ass]() { iter = (self->ctl->solveIter(std::move(ass))); })) { return nullptr; }
-+        if (!protect([self, &iter]() {
-+            PyUnblock unblock;
-+            iter = self->ctl->solveIter();
-+        })) { return nullptr; }
-         PyObject *ret = SolveIter::new_(*iter);
-         return ret;
-     }
-@@ -2104,11 +2109,11 @@ struct ControlWrap {
-         Gringo::SolveResult ret;
-         Gringo::Control::Assumptions ass;
-         if (!getAssumptions(pyAss, ass)) { return nullptr; }
--        if (!protect([self, mh, &ret, &ass]() {
-+        if (!protect([self, &ass]() { self->ctl->prepareSolve(std::move(ass)); })) { return nullptr; }
-+        if (!protect([self, mh, &ret]() {
-             PyUnblock unblock;
-             ret = (self->ctl->solve(
--                mh == Py_None ? Control::ModelHandler(nullptr) : [mh](Gringo::Model const &m) { PyBlock block; return on_model(m, Object(mh, true)); },
--                std::move(ass)
-+                mh == Py_None ? Control::ModelHandler(nullptr) : [mh](Gringo::Model const &m) { PyBlock block; return on_model(m, Object(mh, true)); }
-             ));
-         })) { return nullptr; }
-         return SolveResult::get(ret);
diff --git a/debian/patches/gringo-translate-minmax.patch b/debian/patches/gringo-translate-minmax.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 140c239..0000000
--- a/debian/patches/gringo-translate-minmax.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-From: Roland Kaminski <kaminski at cs.uni-potsdam.de>
-Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2016 07:50:31 +0100
-Subject: fixes translation bug of #min/#max aggregates
-Bug: https://sourceforge.net/p/potassco/bugs/119/
- libgringo/src/output/aggregates.cc | 14 ++++++++------
- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/libgringo/src/output/aggregates.cc b/libgringo/src/output/aggregates.cc
-index 93c1a01..82b07c1 100644
---- a/libgringo/src/output/aggregates.cc
-+++ b/libgringo/src/output/aggregates.cc
-@@ -192,13 +192,15 @@ ULit MinMaxTranslator::translate(LparseTranslator &x, AggregateAnalyzer &res, bo
-         ULitVec antecedent;
-         ULitVec consequent;
-         for (auto &elem : elems) {
--            if (bound.first.contains(elem.second)) {
--                if (isMin) { consequent.emplace_back(get_clone(elem.first)); }
--            }
--            else if (bound.second.contains(elem.second)) {
--                if (!isMin) { consequent.emplace_back(get_clone(elem.first)); }
-+            if (res.range.contains(elem.second)) {
-+                if (bound.first.contains(elem.second)) {
-+                    if (isMin) { consequent.emplace_back(get_clone(elem.first)); }
-+                }
-+                else if (bound.second.contains(elem.second)) {
-+                    if (!isMin) { consequent.emplace_back(get_clone(elem.first)); }
-+                }
-+                else if (hasAntecedent) { antecedent.emplace_back(get_clone(elem.first)); }
-             }
--            else if (hasAntecedent) { antecedent.emplace_back(get_clone(elem.first)); }
-         }
-         if (hasAntecedent) {
-             assert(!antecedent.empty());
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index bb3fef4..8b5f395 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -1,5 +1,2 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/gringo.git

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