[r-cran-coda] 44/60: Imported Upstream version 0.16-1

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Fri Dec 16 12:11:26 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository r-cran-coda.

commit 26e5cda592b1147a60cecb03ee7c873c59b225a9
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Fri Dec 16 12:10:02 2016 +0100

    Imported Upstream version 0.16-1
 CHANGELOG           |  17 ++++++
 DESCRIPTION         |  21 ++++---
 MD5                 |  20 +++---
 R/geweke.R          |  44 +++++++------
 R/heidel.R          |   4 +-
 R/output.R          | 173 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 R/trellisplots.R    |  17 +++---
 data/line.rda       | Bin 9601 -> 9601 bytes
 man/densplot.Rd     |  11 +++-
 man/traceplot.Rd    |   8 ++-
 man/trellisplots.Rd |   9 +--
 11 files changed, 198 insertions(+), 126 deletions(-)

index d7d2091..2ce6e8f 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+- Fixed main title bug in densplot
+- Substitute spectrum0.ar for spectrum0 internally
+- densplot parameters fixed when drawing multiple plots 
+- Correct x axis labelling in xyplot. Thanks to Pavel Krivitsky.
+- Allow default plotting parameters to be overridden in densplot and traceplot.
+- Stop overplotting of user-supplied title in densplot.
+- Fix xyplot for univariate chains.  Thanks to Pavel Krivitsky.
+- Use Authors at R field in DESCRIPTION 
+- Fixe geweke.diag for long mcmc samples. Thanks to Philip Johnson
 - In gelman.diag, the multivariate potential scale reduction factor
   is now optional and can be turned off with the argument multivariate=FALSE.
index 0edeaa0..d3c479a 100644
@@ -1,13 +1,20 @@
 Package: coda
-Version: 0.14-7
-Date: 2012-04-02
+Version: 0.16-1
+Date: 2012-11-06
 Title: Output analysis and diagnostics for MCMC
-Author: Martyn Plummer, Nicky Best, Kate Cowles, Karen Vines
-Maintainer: Martyn Plummer <plummerM at iarc.fr>
-Depends: R (>= 2.5.0), lattice
+Authors at R: c(person("Martyn", "Plummer", role=c("aut","cre","trl"),
+        email="plummerm at iarc.fr"), person("Nicky", "Best", role="aut"),
+        person("Kate", "Cowles", role="aut"), person("Karen", "Vines",
+        role="aut"), person("Deepayan", "Sarkar", role="aut"),
+        person("Russell", "Almond", role="ctb"))
+Depends: R (>= 2.14.0), lattice
 Description: Output analysis and diagnostics for Markov Chain Monte
         Carlo simulations.
 License: GPL (>= 2)
-Packaged: 2012-04-02 09:19:00 UTC; martyn
+Packaged: 2012-11-06 13:12:03 UTC; martyn
+Author: Martyn Plummer [aut, cre, trl], Nicky Best [aut], Kate Cowles
+        [aut], Karen Vines [aut], Deepayan Sarkar [aut], Russell Almond
+        [ctb]
+Maintainer: Martyn Plummer <plummerm at iarc.fr>
 Repository: CRAN
-Date/Publication: 2012-04-02 17:47:24
+Date/Publication: 2012-11-06 13:24:00
diff --git a/MD5 b/MD5
index c428ea6..5cfb94d 100644
--- a/MD5
+++ b/MD5
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 3ad76246334ca13bb7cba54ce71e48bd *AUTHORS
-b4191ed8eaf048c11836f626b9c2a96e *CHANGELOG
-923c73a9b3ff49dab50f1184608efa0c *DESCRIPTION
+ef6d30b24d7eea214c1b28a9569ccd7c *CHANGELOG
+534ec685ff13552a027bf2a9312cae9b *DESCRIPTION
 ff890b50eaa074ed668c6f2fac1b4141 *INDEX
 5096b7ad0e6c457ab9fbde263755c84f *NAMESPACE
 45f88adec7bcfab586a4deebba1cc02d *R/HPDinterval.R
@@ -9,20 +9,20 @@ ff890b50eaa074ed668c6f2fac1b4141 *INDEX
 a22da830a261cd0f28da6052c560d5df *R/codamenu.R
 df4c85619867ba81878499f5059e875d *R/cumuplot.R
 7403a684ac51932afbbb617d1f606a9a *R/gelman.R
-4799c5ceaaa6416d03bc22c31d2196f7 *R/geweke.R
-f63f255e6c07f67631e78d427bd40edc *R/heidel.R
+a97024cb207bcef6fd4bc7c00283c1ed *R/geweke.R
+6fb74d6977e5e3b5190eda35829cdc23 *R/heidel.R
 ae77a3ec34f086bd7ec8ea787baeeb1e *R/jags.R
 f3b382582d73aad54d77c4c655513c58 *R/mcextractor.R
 154e68d755b5c0317257351c3364d4de *R/mcmc.R
 699f3e94ff1f124a5b514e11320136fd *R/mcmclist.R
-29fbc4c9526791d48768136d0c2f059c *R/output.R
+bd120c9296e4467265ee10409799e61f *R/output.R
 389758882050a375ac4b5298a42ae35f *R/raftery.R
 4caafbeb9941605b240d3ae9f6c8d5ff *R/rejectionRate.R
 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e *R/thin.R
-b95af999515a96aec97f3d54487eda47 *R/trellisplots.R
+8b8caa812439b27b6cc63e9f9fe8edab *R/trellisplots.R
 eb953d257fed9708d6848e4976b2b223 *R/util.R
 4d7d828d6d2b4fee5357d3a4dd108458 *README
-11dbe265fe46b9d1471466dbdc692fcc *data/line.rda
+bd3d2db1b8c3e7b281e1103d8f620e7a *data/line.rda
 81c1ae300d47f9a787eb871fbaafeb9f *inst/CITATION
 868ded8f4d10a67c7b31854bce6f3d63 *man/Cramer.Rd
 7bfe602ce737efac910300e5be5a8552 *man/HPDinterval.Rd
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ e704de229cf312aa584094b126529e1a *man/coda.options.Rd
 d3b21ba8f4c82fd92adfb1d4380d4cc8 *man/crosscorr.Rd
 80c2893a13683e442443b36764810498 *man/crosscorr.plot.Rd
 2cc5efe9b602aae1ad07e0f7266142b6 *man/cumuplot.Rd
-3551dd04cb13f4b22a221d7de9fa1699 *man/densplot.Rd
+14365306d891deafd1ca602f59e4520f *man/densplot.Rd
 4009d8e9105a4e23590a07623c752627 *man/effectiveSize.Rd
 c78c35ac982bcd74befe51f98ba641e4 *man/gelman.diag.Rd
 394ae6df9b067ecb6120067aba37728c *man/gelman.plot.Rd
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ ebcd8ee89d1f3af805963f1e1333a2be *man/spectrum0.Rd
 1e1eca44b09a15921da4416e9e891047 *man/summary.mcmc.Rd
 54f2dfd12079753baa57a248db815ce8 *man/thin.Rd
 21dfd4f22d65bdea5153a83b4dd16840 *man/time.mcmc.Rd
-5790bf954071478cd9a23fd543338b27 *man/traceplot.Rd
-b44246e6c656a238c32b144a97f64482 *man/trellisplots.Rd
+70b102ac597896ee4dd2db87daca8fa5 *man/traceplot.Rd
+697c427c1b220f52444f66e05a895579 *man/trellisplots.Rd
 4b44de8c8b54df57e83be296d9c75ed7 *man/varnames.Rd
 18042191cfa6ac3659b1be6a7460bfdb *man/window.mcmc.Rd
 1791a98bb716209178215a857193df65 *misc/change.tfoption.Rd
diff --git a/R/geweke.R b/R/geweke.R
index 8bd1a41..2571f54 100644
--- a/R/geweke.R
+++ b/R/geweke.R
@@ -1,22 +1,30 @@
-"geweke.diag" <-
-  function (x, frac1 = 0.1, frac2 = 0.5) 
-  ## 
+"geweke.diag" <-  function (x, frac1 = 0.1, frac2 = 0.5) 
-  if (is.mcmc.list(x)) 
-    return(lapply(x, geweke.diag, frac1, frac2))
-  x <- as.mcmc(x)
-  xstart <- c(start(x), end(x) - frac2 * (end(x) - start(x)))
-  xend <- c(start(x) + frac1 * (end(x) - start(x)), end(x))
-  y.variance <- y.mean <- vector("list", 2)
-  for (i in 1:2) {
-    y <- window(x, start = xstart[i], end = xend[i])
-    y.mean[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(y), 2, mean)
-    y.variance[[i]] <- spectrum0(y)$spec/niter(y)
-  }
-  z <- (y.mean[[1]] - y.mean[[2]])/sqrt(y.variance[[1]] + y.variance[[2]])
-  out <- list(z = z, frac = c(frac1, frac2))
-  class(out) <- "geweke.diag"
-  return(out)
+    if (frac1 < 0 || frac1 > 1) {
+        stop("frac1 invalid")
+    }
+    if (frac2 < 0 || frac2 > 1) {
+        stop("frac2 invalid")
+    }
+    if (frac1 + frac2 > 1) {
+        stop("start and end sequences are overlapping")
+    }
+    if (is.mcmc.list(x)) {
+        return(lapply(x, geweke.diag, frac1, frac2))
+    }
+    x <- as.mcmc(x)
+    xstart <- c(start(x), floor(end(x) - frac2 * (end(x) - start(x))))
+    xend <- c(ceiling(start(x) + frac1 * (end(x) - start(x))), end(x))
+    y.variance <- y.mean <- vector("list", 2)
+    for (i in 1:2) {
+        y <- window(x, start = xstart[i], end = xend[i])
+        y.mean[[i]] <- apply(as.matrix(y), 2, mean)
+        y.variance[[i]] <- spectrum0.ar(y)$spec/niter(y)
+    }
+    z <- (y.mean[[1]] - y.mean[[2]])/sqrt(y.variance[[1]] + y.variance[[2]])
+    out <- list(z = z, frac = c(frac1, frac2))
+    class(out) <- "geweke.diag"
+    return(out)
 "geweke.plot" <-
diff --git a/R/heidel.R b/R/heidel.R
index 10486ce..c6ce7b9 100644
--- a/R/heidel.R
+++ b/R/heidel.R
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
     n1 <- length(Y)
     ## Schruben's test for convergence, applied sequentially
-    S0 <- spectrum0(window(Y, start=end(Y)/2))$spec
+    S0 <- spectrum0.ar(window(Y, start=end(Y)/2))$spec
     converged <- FALSE
     for (i in seq(along = start.vec)) {
       Y <- window(Y, start = start.vec[i])
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     ## Recalculate S0 using section of chain that passed convergence test
-    S0ci <- spectrum0(Y)$spec
+    S0ci <- spectrum0.ar(Y)$spec
     halfwidth <- 1.96 * sqrt(S0ci/n)
     passed.hw <- !is.na(halfwidth) & (abs(halfwidth/ybar) <= eps)
     if (!converged || is.na(I) || is.na(halfwidth)) {
diff --git a/R/output.R b/R/output.R
index e5195ea..d44c5eb 100644
--- a/R/output.R
+++ b/R/output.R
@@ -105,63 +105,92 @@ function (x, col = topo.colors(10), ...)
 "densplot" <-
-function (x, show.obs = TRUE, bwf, main = "", ylim, ...) 
+function (x, show.obs = TRUE, bwf, ylim, xlab, ylab = "", type = "l", main,
+          ...) 
-  xx <- as.matrix(x)
-  for (i in 1:nvar(x)) {
-    y <- xx[, i, drop = TRUE]
-    if (missing(bwf)) 
-      bwf <- function(x) {
-        x <- x[!is.na(as.vector(x))]
-        return(1.06 * min(sd(x), IQR(x)/1.34) * length(x)^-0.2)
-      }
-    bw <- bwf(y)
-    width <- 4 * bw
-    if (max(abs(y - floor(y))) == 0 || bw == 0) 
-      hist(y, prob = TRUE, main = main, ...)
-    else {
-      scale <- "open"
-      if (max(y) <= 1 && 1 - max(y) < 2 * bw) {
-        if (min(y) >= 0 && min(y) < 2 * bw) {
-          scale <- "proportion"
-          y <- c(y, -y, 2 - y)
+    xx <- as.matrix(x)
+    for (i in 1:nvar(x)) {
+        y <- xx[, i, drop = TRUE]
+        if (missing(bwf)) 
+            bwf <- function(x) {
+                x <- x[!is.na(as.vector(x))]
+                return(1.06 * min(sd(x), IQR(x)/1.34) * length(x)^-0.2)
+            }
+        bw <- bwf(y)
+        width <- 4 * bw
+        ## Override the default main titles generated by histogram and
+        ## plot.density
+        main.par <- if (missing(main)) {
+            ## Suppress default title given by plot.density
+            if (is.null(varnames(x))) "" 
+            else paste("Density of", varnames(x)[i])
-      }
-      else if (min(y) >= 0 && min(y) < 2 * bw) {
-        scale <- "positive"
-        y <- c(y, -y)
-      }
-      else scale <- "open"
-      dens <- density(y, width = width)
-      if (scale == "proportion") {
-        dens$y <- 3 * dens$y[dens$x >= 0 & dens$x <= 
-                             1]
-        dens$x <- dens$x[dens$x >= 0 & dens$x <= 1]
-      }
-      else if (scale == "positive") {
-        dens$y <- 2 * dens$y[dens$x >= 0]
-        dens$x <- dens$x[dens$x >= 0]
-      }
-      if(missing(ylim))
-        ylim <- c(0, max(dens$y))
+        else main
+        if (max(abs(y - floor(y))) == 0 || bw == 0) {
+            ## Draw histogram
-      if (is.R()){
-	      plot(dens, ylab = "", main = main, type = "l", 
-	           xlab = paste("N =", niter(x), "  Bandwidth =", formatC(dens$bw)),
-	           ylim = ylim, ...)
-	    } else { #In S-PLUS the bandwidth is not returned by the "density" function
-	      plot(dens, ylab = "", main = main, type = "l", 
-	           xlab = paste("N =", niter(x), "  Bandwidth =", formatC(bw)),
-	           ylim = ylim, ...)
-	    }
-      if (show.obs) 
-        lines(y[1:niter(x)], rep(max(dens$y)/100, niter(x)), 
-              type = "h")
+            ## Set default values for graphical parameters
+            if (missing(xlab)) {
+                xlab <- ""
+            }
+            if (missing(ylim)) {
+                ylim.par <- NULL 
+            }
+            hist(y, prob = TRUE, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
+                 ylim=ylim.par, main=main.par, ...)
+        }
+        else {
+            ## Draw density plot
+            ## Reflect data at boundary, if necessary
+            scale <- "open"
+            if (max(y) <= 1 && 1 - max(y) < 2 * bw) {
+                if (min(y) >= 0 && min(y) < 2 * bw) {
+                    scale <- "proportion"
+                    y <- c(y, -y, 2 - y)
+                }
+            }
+            else if (min(y) >= 0 && min(y) < 2 * bw) {
+                scale <- "positive"
+                y <- c(y, -y)
+            }
+            else scale <- "open"
+            dens <- density(y, width = width)
+            if (scale == "proportion") {
+                dens$y <- 3 * dens$y[dens$x >= 0 & dens$x <= 1]
+                dens$x <- dens$x[dens$x >= 0 & dens$x <= 1]
+            }
+            else if (scale == "positive") {
+                dens$y <- 2 * dens$y[dens$x >= 0]
+                dens$x <- dens$x[dens$x >= 0]
+            }
+            ## Set default graphics parameters
+            ylim.par <- if (missing(ylim)) NULL else ylim
+            xlab.par <- if (missing(xlab)) {
+                if (is.R()) {
+                    paste("N =", niter(x), "  Bandwidth =", formatC(dens$bw))
+                }
+                else {
+                    ##In S-PLUS the bandwidth is not returned by the
+                    ##"density" function
+                    paste("N =", niter(x), "  Bandwidth =", formatC(bw))
+                }
+            }
+            else xlab
+            plot(dens, xlab=xlab.par, ylab = ylab, type = type, 
+                 ylim = ylim.par, main = main.par, ...)
+            if (show.obs) {
+                lines(y[1:niter(x)], rep(max(dens$y)/100, niter(x)), 
+                      type = "h")
+            }
+        }
-    if (!is.null(varnames(x)) && is.null(list(...)$main)) 
-      title(paste("Density of", varnames(x)[i]))
-  }
-  return(invisible(x))
+    return(invisible(x))
 if (!is.R()){
@@ -327,26 +356,26 @@ function (stem = "", start, end, thin, quiet = FALSE)
 "traceplot" <-
-function (x, smooth = FALSE, col = 1:6, type = "l", ylab = "", ...) 
+function (x, smooth = FALSE, col = 1:6, type = "l", xlab = "Iterations",
+          ylab = "", ...) 
-  x <- mcmc.list(x)
-  args <- list(...)
-  for (j in 1:nvar(x)) {
-    xp <- as.vector(time(x))
-    yp <- if (nvar(x) > 1) 
-      x[, j, drop = TRUE]
-    else x
-    yp <- do.call("cbind", yp)
-    matplot(xp, yp, xlab = "Iterations", ylab = ylab, type = type, 
-            col = col, ...)
-    if (!is.null(varnames(x)) && is.null(list(...)$main)) 
-      title(paste("Trace of", varnames(x)[j]))
-    if (smooth) {
-      scol <- rep(col, length = nchain(x))
-      for (k in 1:nchain(x)) lines(lowess(xp, yp[, k]), 
-                                   col = scol[k])
+    x <- mcmc.list(x)
+    args <- list(...)
+    for (j in 1:nvar(x)) {
+        xp <- as.vector(time(x))
+        yp <- if (nvar(x) > 1) 
+            x[, j, drop = TRUE]
+        else x
+        yp <- do.call("cbind", yp)
+        matplot(xp, yp, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = type, col = col, ...)
+        if (!is.null(varnames(x)) && is.null(list(...)$main)) 
+            title(paste("Trace of", varnames(x)[j]))
+        if (smooth) {
+            scol <- rep(col, length = nchain(x))
+            for (k in 1:nchain(x)) lines(lowess(xp, yp[, k]), 
+                                         col = scol[k])
+        }
-  }
 "plot.mcmc" <- function (x, trace = TRUE, density = TRUE, smooth = FALSE, bwf, 
@@ -382,7 +411,7 @@ function (x, smooth = FALSE, col = 1:6, type = "l", ylab = "", ...)
 ### there was bug in my MCMC algorithm.
 "safespec0" <-
   function (x) {
-  result <- try(spectrum0(x)$spec)
+  result <- try(spectrum0.ar(x)$spec)
   ## R
   if (class(result) == "try-error") result <- NA
   ## S-Plus
diff --git a/R/trellisplots.R b/R/trellisplots.R
index 0949cb2..6510d45 100644
--- a/R/trellisplots.R
+++ b/R/trellisplots.R
@@ -339,12 +339,12 @@ qqmath.mcmc.list <-
 xyplot.mcmc <-
     function(x, data = NULL,
-             outer, layout = c(1, ncol(x)),
+             outer, layout = c(1, nvar(x)),
              default.scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")),
              type = 'l',
              start = 1, thin = 1,
-             ylab = "", 
              xlab = "Iteration number",
+             ylab = "", 
              main = attr(x, "title"),
              subset = thinned.indices(x, start = start, thin = thin))
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ xyplot.mcmc <-
     data <- as.data.frame(x)
     form <- eval(parse(text = paste(paste(lapply(names(data), as.name),
                        collapse = "+"), "~.index")))
-    data[[".index"]] <- seq(length = nrow(data))
+    data[[".index"]] <- time(x)
     xyplot(form, data = data[subset, ],
            outer = TRUE,
            layout = layout,
@@ -373,12 +373,13 @@ xyplot.mcmc <-
 xyplot.mcmc.list <-
     function(x, data = NULL,
              outer = FALSE, groups = !outer,
-             aspect = "xy", layout = c(1, ncol(x[[1]])),
+             aspect = "xy", layout = c(1, nvar(x)),
              default.scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")),
              type = 'l',
              start = 1, thin = 1,
-             main = attr(x, "title"),
+             xlab = "Iteration number",
              ylab = "",
+             main = attr(x, "title"),
              subset = thinned.indices(x[[1]], start = start, thin = thin))
@@ -386,7 +387,7 @@ xyplot.mcmc.list <-
       stop("This function is not yet available in S-PLUS")
     if (groups && outer) warning("'groups=TRUE' ignored when 'outer=TRUE'")
-    datalist <- lapply(x, function(x) as.data.frame(x)[subset, ])
+    datalist <- lapply(x, function(x) as.data.frame(x)[subset,,drop=FALSE])
     data <- do.call("rbind", datalist)
     form <-
         if (outer)
@@ -404,7 +405,7 @@ xyplot.mcmc.list <-
 ##             as.formula(paste(paste(names(data),
 ##                                    collapse = "+"),
 ##                              "~ index"))
-    data[[".index"]] <- seq(length = nrow(datalist[[1]])) ## repeated
+    data[[".index"]] <- time(x)
     .run <- gl(length(datalist), nrow(datalist[[1]]))
     if (groups && !outer)
         xyplot(form, data = data,
@@ -414,6 +415,7 @@ xyplot.mcmc.list <-
                default.scales = default.scales,
                type = type,
                main = main,
+               xlab = xlab,
                ylab = ylab,
@@ -423,6 +425,7 @@ xyplot.mcmc.list <-
                default.scales = default.scales,
                type = type,
                main = main,
+               xlab = xlab,
                ylab = ylab,
diff --git a/data/line.rda b/data/line.rda
index a98ca81..bf0a14f 100644
Binary files a/data/line.rda and b/data/line.rda differ
diff --git a/man/densplot.Rd b/man/densplot.Rd
index c69efa6..7d7fee1 100644
--- a/man/densplot.Rd
+++ b/man/densplot.Rd
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 \title{Probability density function estimate from MCMC output}
-\usage{densplot(x, show.obs=TRUE, bwf, main, ylim, \dots)}
+\usage{densplot(x, show.obs = TRUE, bwf, 
+                ylim, xlab, ylab = "", type="l", main, \ldots)}
   \item{x}{An \code{mcmc} or \code{mcmc.list} object}
@@ -11,8 +12,12 @@
     the bandwidth is calculate by 1.06 times the minimum of the standard
     deviation and the interquartile range divided by 1.34 times the sample
     size to the negative one fifth power}
-  \item{main}{Title. See \code{par()}}
-  \item{ylim}{Limits on y axis.  See \code{par()}}
+  \item{ylim}{Limits on y axis.  See \code{plot.window}}
+  \item{xlab}{X-axis label. By default this will show the sample size
+    and the bandwidth used for smoothing. See \code{plot}}
+  \item{ylab}{Y-axis label. By default, this is blank. See \code{plot}}
+  \item{type}{Plot type. See \code{plot}}
+  \item{main}{An overall title for the plot. See \code{title}}
   \item{\dots}{Further graphical parameters}
diff --git a/man/traceplot.Rd b/man/traceplot.Rd
index 2b2501e..435f8cf 100644
--- a/man/traceplot.Rd
+++ b/man/traceplot.Rd
@@ -2,14 +2,16 @@
 \title{Trace plot of MCMC output}
-\usage{traceplot(x, smooth = FALSE, col = 1:6, type = "l", ylab = "", \dots)}
+\usage{traceplot(x, smooth = FALSE,
+       col = 1:6, type = "l", xlab = "Iterations", ylab = "", \dots)}
   \item{x}{An \code{mcmc} or \code{mcmc.list} object}
   \item{smooth}{draw smooth line through trace plot}
   \item{col}{graphical parameter (see \code{par})}
-  \item{type}{graphical parameter (see \code{par})}
-  \item{ylab}{graphical parameter (see \code{par})}
+  \item{type}{graphical parameter (see \code{plot})}
+  \item{xlab}{graphical parameter (see \code{plot})}
+  \item{ylab}{graphical parameter (see \code{plot})}
   \item{\dots}{further graphical parameters}
diff --git a/man/trellisplots.Rd b/man/trellisplots.Rd
index 4ad1000..7cbd39e 100644
--- a/man/trellisplots.Rd
+++ b/man/trellisplots.Rd
@@ -58,22 +58,23 @@
 \method{xyplot}{mcmc}(x, data,
-             outer, layout = c(1, ncol(x)),
+             outer, layout = c(1, nvar(x)),
              default.scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")),
              type = 'l',
              start = 1, thin = 1,
-             ylab = "", 
              xlab = "Iteration number",
+             ylab = "", 
              main = attr(x, "title"),
 \method{xyplot}{mcmc.list}(x, data, outer = FALSE, groups = !outer,
-             aspect = "xy", layout = c(1, ncol(x[[1]])),
+             aspect = "xy", layout = c(1, nvar(x)),
              default.scales = list(y = list(relation = "free")),
              type = 'l',
              start = 1, thin = 1,
-             main = attr(x, "title"),
+             xlab = "Iteration number",
              ylab = "",
+             main = attr(x, "title"),
 acfplot(x, data, \dots)

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