[cmor] branch debian/master updated (43ee286 -> 0752ffd)

Alastair McKinstry mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 20 11:10:29 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

mckinstry pushed a change to branch debian/master
in repository cmor.

      from  43ee286   Merge tag 'upstream/3.1' into debian/master
       new  079bd86   refresh patches
      adds  dade5ad   Upstream 3.1.2
       new  a72bd6a   Merge tag 'upstream/3.1.2' into debian/master
       new  43567d2   Move to 3.1.2
       new  aa841e1   * Add experimental python3 support * Add libsz support via libaec-dev * Add Heimdall-gssapi support
       new  c2333b7   DH_COMPAT=10, with debhelper dependecy = 10
       new  e39d054   refresh patches
       new  95506be   TODO: Check symbols and versioning before release to unstable
       new  db146cc   upstream release 3.1.3
       new  f4c41c5   Merge tag 'upstream/3.1.3' into debian/master
       new  d65060a   New upstream release
       new  40e9913   Upstream 3.2.0 release
       new  af77ef3   Merge tag 'upstream/3.2.0' into debian/master
       new  03384ce   New upstream
       new  739176e   Prep 3.2 release
       new  dc240a4   Add license change and clarification to debian/copyright. Closes: #821148
       new  cf5ad9d   disable broken tests
       new  9250af8   Enable python3
       new  6ed76ba   Update python3 patch
       new  2d61f74   release 3.2.1
       new  5576377   Merge tag 'upstream/3.2.1' into debian/master
       new  ae91f75   Change version number to 3.2.1-1
       new  0752ffd   update tests disabled for 3.2.1

The 22 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 INSTALL                                            |     4 +-
 Lib/CV_experiments.json                            |   974 +-
 Lib/__init__.py                                    |    19 +-
 Lib/convertCSVFile.py                              |    28 +-
 Lib/{CV_experiments.json => experiments_id.json}   |   957 +-
 Lib/pywrapper.py                                   |   120 +-
 LibCV/__init__.py                                  |     4 +
 LibCV/cfchecker/__init__.py                        |    21 +
 LibCV/cfchecker/cfchecks.py                        |  2653 ++++
 {Lib => LibCV}/cmor_const.py                       |    28 +-
 LibCV/pywrapper.py                                 |   359 +
 Makefile.in                                        |     5 +-
 README.md                                          |     9 +-
 RELEASE-NOTES                                      |     6 +-
 Src/_cmormodule.c                                  |   346 +-
 Src/_controlvocabulary.c                           |   553 +
 Src/cmor.c                                         |   969 +-
 Src/cmor_CV.c                                      |   579 +-
 Src/cmor_axes.c                                    |     5 +-
 Src/cmor_cfortran_interface.c                      |   307 +-
 Src/cmor_fortran_interface.f90                     |    18 +
 Src/cmor_grids.c                                   |    11 +-
 Src/cmor_md5.c                                     |     4 +-
 Src/cmor_tables.c                                  |   171 +-
 Src/cmor_variables.c                               |   134 +-
 Tables                                             |     2 +-
 Test/CMIP6schema.py                                |    25 -
 Test/__init__.py                                   |     0
 Test/all_tests.py                                  |    15 +
 ...P6_CV_trackingprefix.json => baddirectory.json} |    41 +-
 Test/climatology_test.c                            |     6 +-
 Test/climatology_test_code.f90                     |    12 +-
 Test/cmor_speed_and_compression.json               |     1 -
 Test/cmor_speed_and_compression.py                 |     5 +-
 Test/cmor_speed_and_compression_01.py              |     5 +-
 Test/cmor_speed_and_compression_03.py              |     5 +-
 ..._trackingprefix.json => common_user_input.json} |    39 +-
 Test/ipcc_test_code.c                              |    10 +-
 Test/ipcc_test_code.f90                            |     8 +-
 Test/ipcc_test_code.json                           |    11 +-
 Test/jamie_hybrid_height.json                      |     1 -
 Test/jamie_hybrid_height.py                        |     2 +-
 Test/jamie_positive.json                           |     1 -
 Test/jamie_positive.py                             |     2 +-
 Test/karls.json                                    |     1 -
 Test/karls_test.f90                                |    10 +-
 Test/main_prog.f90                                 |     8 +-
 Test/mytest.f90                                    |     2 +-
 Test/mytest_3d_i_2.f90                             |     2 +-
 Test/mytest_3d_r.f90                               |     2 +-
 Test/mytest_3d_r_2.f90                             |     2 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_d_big_array_2.f90                   |     4 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_d_big_array_3.f90                   |     4 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_d_big_array_4.f90                   |     4 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_d_big_array_5.f90                   |     4 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_r.f90                               |     4 +-
 Test/mytest_4d_r_big_array.f90                     |     4 +-
 Test/omonxyztst.f90                                |     2 +-
 Test/python_test_table_A                           |    34 +-
 Test/rewrite_harvardf_data.f90                     |     2 +-
 Test/speed_test_table_A                            |    68 +-
 Test/ta_4D_r.asc                                   |     7 +-
 Test/test1.f90                                     |    11 +-
 Test/test1.json                                    |    21 +-
 Test/test2.f90                                     |     8 +-
 Test/test2.json                                    |    16 +-
 Test/test3.f90                                     |     8 +-
 Test/test4.f90                                     |     8 +-
 Test/test_3h.f90                                   |     2 +-
 Test/test_any_from_asc.f90                         |     2 +-
 Test/test_any_from_asc.json                        |     1 -
 Test/test_any_from_asc_d.f90                       |     2 +-
 Test/test_any_from_asc_d.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_any_from_asc_i.f90                       |     2 +-
 Test/test_cmor_grid_alejandro.f90                  |     8 +-
 Test/test_cmor_grid_time_varying.f90               |    10 +-
 ...ables.json => test_cmor_grid_time_varying.json} |     0
 Test/test_compression.json                         |     1 -
 Test/test_compression.py                           |     2 +-
 Test/test_dimensionless.f90                        |   107 +-
 Test/test_doc.json                                 |    76 +-
 Test/test_doc.py                                   |     2 +-
 Test/test_fortran_example_00.f90                   |     8 +-
 Test/test_fortran_example_01.f90                   |     2 +-
 Test/test_grid.c                                   |     2 +-
 Test/test_grid.json                                |     1 -
 Test/test_lon_gt_360.json                          |     1 -
 Test/test_lon_gt_360.py                            |     2 +-
 Test/test_lon_thro_360.json                        |     1 -
 Test/test_lon_thro_360.py                          |     2 +-
 Test/test_lots_of_variables.c                      |     2 +-
 Test/test_lots_of_variables.f90                    |     2 +-
 Test/test_lots_of_variables.json                   |     1 -
 Test/test_python_1D_var.json                       |     1 -
 Test/test_python_1D_var.py                         |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_2Gb_file.json                     |     1 -
 Test/test_python_2Gb_file.py                       |     6 +-
 Test/test_python_2Gb_slice.json                    |     1 -
 Test/test_python_2Gb_slice.py                      |     8 +-
 Test/test_python_3hr.json                          |     1 -
 Test/test_python_3hr.py                            |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_HISTORY.json             |     3 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_HISTORY.py               |   133 +-
 ...json => test_python_CMIP6_CV_baddirectory.json} |     7 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_baddirectory.py          |    75 +
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridgr.json           |     3 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridgr.py             |   154 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridlabel.json        |     3 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridlabel.py          |   164 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridresolution.json   |     3 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridresolution.py     |   152 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridresolution2.json  |     3 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badgridresolution2.py    |   152 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitution.json      |     5 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitution.py        |    83 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitutionID.json    |     5 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitutionID.py      |   145 +-
 ...est_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitutionIDNotSet.json |     5 +-
 .../test_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitutionIDNotSet.py |   148 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsource.json           |     3 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsource.py             |    82 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourceid.json         |     1 -
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourceid.py           |   149 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetype.json       |     5 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetype.py         |   152 +-
 .../test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetypeCHEMAER.json |     5 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetypeCHEMAER.py  |   154 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetypeCHMAER.json |     5 +-
 ...test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetypeRequired.json |     8 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badsourcetypeRequired.py |   156 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badvariant.json          |     3 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_badvariant.py            |   153 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_externalvariables.json   |     4 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_externalvariables.py     |   100 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_furtherinfourl.json      |     5 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_furtherinfourl.py        |   163 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_fxtable.json             |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_fxtable.py               |   134 +-
 .../test_python_CMIP6_CV_longrealizationindex.json |     3 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_longrealizationindex.py  |   153 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_nomipera.json            |     3 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_nomipera.py              |   155 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_trackingNoprefix.json    |     4 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_trackingNoprefix.py      |   159 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_trackingprefix.json      |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_trackingprefix.py        |   143 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_driving.json                |     1 -
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_driving.py                  |    91 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_experimentID.json           |    20 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_experimentID.py             |    92 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_no_driving.json             |    95 -
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_no_driving.py               |    15 -
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_wrong_activity.json         |    21 +-
 Test/test_python_CMIP6_wrong_activity.py           |    96 +-
 Test/test_python_YYYMMDDHH_exp_fmt.json            |     1 -
 Test/test_python_YYYMMDDHH_exp_fmt.py              |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_alastair_1.json                   |     1 -
 Test/test_python_alastair_1.py                     |     9 +-
 Test/test_python_appending.json                    |     1 -
 Test/test_python_appending.py                      |     8 +-
 Test/test_python_bounds_request.json               |     1 -
 Test/test_python_bounds_request.py                 |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_cfmip_site_axis_test.json         |     1 -
 Test/test_python_cfmip_site_axis_test.py           |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_common.py                         |     4 +-
 Test/test_python_direct_calls.json                 |    21 +-
 Test/test_python_direct_calls.py                   |     9 +-
 Test/test_python_free_wrapping_issue.json          |     1 -
 Test/test_python_free_wrapping_issue.py            |    10 +-
 Test/test_python_grid_and_ocn_sigma.json           |     1 -
 Test/test_python_grid_and_ocn_sigma.py             |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_has_cur_dataset_attribute.py      |    34 +
 Test/test_python_has_variable_attribute.py         |    60 +
 Test/test_python_jamie.json                        |     1 -
 Test/test_python_jamie.py                          |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_10.json                     |     1 -
 Test/test_python_jamie_10.py                       |     8 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_11.json                     |     1 -
 Test/test_python_jamie_12.json                     |     1 -
 Test/test_python_jamie_12.py                       |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_2.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_jamie_2.py                        |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_3.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_jamie_3.py                        |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_4.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_jamie_4.py                        |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_6.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_jamie_6.py                        |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_7.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_jamie_7.py                        |     6 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_8.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_jamie_8.py                        |     6 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_9.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_jamie_9.py                        |     6 +-
 Test/test_python_jamie_site_surface.json           |     1 -
 Test/test_python_joerg_1.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_joerg_1.py                        |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_10.json                     |    17 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_10.py                       |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_11.json                     |     1 -
 Test/test_python_joerg_11.py                       |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_12.json                     |     1 -
 Test/test_python_joerg_12.py                       |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_2.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_joerg_2.py                        |     8 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_3.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_joerg_3.py                        |     4 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_4.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_joerg_4.py                        |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_5.py                        |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_6.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_joerg_6.py                        |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_7.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_joerg_7.py                        |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_8.json                      |     1 -
 Test/test_python_joerg_8.py                        |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_joerg_tim2_clim_02.json           |     1 -
 Test/test_python_joerg_tim2_clim_02.py             |     4 +-
 Test/test_python_max_variables.json                |     1 -
 Test/test_python_max_variables.py                  |     6 +-
 Test/test_python_max_variables_2.py                |     6 +-
 Test/test_python_memory_check.json                 |     1 -
 Test/test_python_memory_check.py                   |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_new_tables.json                   |     1 -
 Test/test_python_new_tables.py                     |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_obs4MIPs.json                     |     1 -
 Test/test_python_obs4MIPs.py                       |     4 +-
 Test/test_python_open_close_cmor_multiple.json     |     1 -
 Test/test_python_open_close_cmor_multiple.py       |     6 +-
 ...test_doc.json => test_python_polar_stereo.json} |    32 +-
 Test/test_python_polar_stereo.py                   |    84 +
 Test/test_python_region.json                       |     1 -
 Test/test_python_region.py                         |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_reverted_lats.json                |     1 -
 Test/test_python_reverted_lats.py                  |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_singleton_string.py               |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_user_interface_00.json            |     1 -
 Test/test_python_user_interface_00.py              |     5 +-
 Test/test_python_user_interface_01.json            |     1 -
 Test/test_python_user_interface_01.py              |     2 +-
 Test/test_python_user_interface_03.json            |     1 -
 Test/test_python_user_interface_03.py              |     5 +-
 Test/test_region.f90                               |     2 +-
 Test/test_shrt_exp_nm_set_att_initi.f90            |     2 +-
 Test/test_sigma.f90                                |    16 +-
 Test/test_singleton.f90                            |     8 +-
 Test/test_singleton_5D_tas.f90                     |     2 +-
 Test/test_site_ts.json                             |     1 -
 Test/test_site_ts.py                               |     2 +-
 Test/test_sophie.f90                               |    10 +-
 Test/test_station_data.f90                         |     8 +-
 TestTables/CMIP6_3hr.json                          |  2687 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_6hrLev.json                       |  2302 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlev.json                      |  2446 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlevpt.json                    |  2552 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_Amon.json                         |  4006 ++----
 TestTables/CMIP6_AmonAdj.json                      |  2219 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_Amon_json_hfls                    |  2722 ++--
 TestTables/CMIP6_CCMI1_hourly.json                 |  2380 ----
 TestTables/CMIP6_CCMI1_monthly.json                |  2341 ----
 TestTables/CMIP6_CORDEX_day.json                   |  2155 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_CV.json                           |  8736 +++++++++----
 TestTables/CMIP6_CV_minimal.json                   |     8 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxant.json                      |    86 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxgre.json                      |    86 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_LImon.json                        |  3105 +----
 TestTables/CMIP6_LImonant.json                     |   494 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_LImongre.json                     |   494 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrant.json                      |   579 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrgre.json                      |   579 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_Lmon.json                         |  3550 ++----
 TestTables/CMIP6_Oclim.json                        |  2893 +----
 TestTables/CMIP6_Oday.json                         |  2204 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_Ofx.json                          |   123 +-
 TestTables/CMIP6_Omon.json                         |  7486 ++++-------
 TestTables/{CMIP6_Omon.json => CMIP6_Omonbad.json} |  8752 ++++++-------
 TestTables/CMIP6_Oyr.json                          |  4634 ++-----
 TestTables/CMIP6_SIday.json                        |    53 +-
 TestTables/CMIP6_SImon.json                        |  4520 ++-----
 TestTables/CMIP6_aerannual.json                    |  2274 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_aerdaily.json                     |  2485 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_aerfixed.json                     |  2191 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_aerhourly.json                    |  2227 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_aermonthly.json                   |  5626 +++------
 TestTables/CMIP6_aero.json                         |  3536 ------
 TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr.json                        |  2728 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr_0.json                      |   141 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr_1.json                      |   142 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr_2.json                      |   205 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_cfDay.json                        |  3077 +----
 TestTables/CMIP6_cfMon.json                        |  4136 +-----
 TestTables/CMIP6_cfOff.json                        |   172 +-
 TestTables/CMIP6_cfSites.json                      |  3492 +-----
 TestTables/CMIP6_cfsites.json                      |  3487 ------
 ...{CMIP6_aerannual.json => CMIP6_coordinate.json} |  3588 +++---
 TestTables/CMIP6_day.json                          |  3093 +----
 TestTables/CMIP6_em.json                           |     1 -
 TestTables/CMIP6_em1hr.json                        |   291 +-
 TestTables/CMIP6_em1hrclimmon.json                 |   104 +-
 TestTables/CMIP6_em3hr.json                        |  2737 ++--
 TestTables/CMIP6_em3hrpt.json                      |  2354 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_emDay.json                        |  5628 +++------
 TestTables/CMIP6_emDayZ.json                       |  2336 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_emDaypt.json                      |    53 +-
 TestTables/CMIP6_emFx.json                         |  2317 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_emMon.json                        | 12468 +++++++++----------
 TestTables/CMIP6_emMonZ.json                       |  2607 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_emMonclim.json                    |     1 -
 TestTables/CMIP6_emMonpt.json                      |    36 +-
 TestTables/CMIP6_emSubhr.json                      |  2630 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_emYr.json                         |  3145 +----
 TestTables/CMIP6_expt_list_062116.csv              |     1 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_formula_terms.json                |   142 +
 TestTables/CMIP6_fx.json                           |  2400 +---
 TestTables/CMIP6_grids.json                        |     4 +-
 configure                                          |    50 +-
 configure.ac                                       |     9 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |    16 +-
 debian/compat                                      |     2 +-
 debian/control                                     |     4 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |    96 +-
 debian/patches/cmor_ver.patch                      |    12 +-
 debian/patches/debug-test.patch                    |     5 -
 debian/patches/destdir.patch                       |    27 +-
 debian/patches/disable_tests.patch                 |    45 +
 debian/patches/ld-no-add-needed.patch              |     7 -
 debian/patches/makefile-fix.patch                  |    19 +-
 debian/patches/pkgconfig.patch                     |    14 +-
 debian/patches/python3.patch                       |  2100 ++--
 debian/patches/series                              |     5 +-
 debian/patches/shlib-link.patch                    |    93 +-
 debian/rules                                       |    11 +-
 include/cmor.h                                     |    45 +-
 include/cmor_func_def.h                            |    25 +-
 include/cmor_locale.h                              |     2 +-
 run_tests.py                                       |     6 +
 scripts/PrePARE.py                                 |   324 +
 scripts/createCMIP6CV.py                           |    69 +
 setup.py.in                                        |    38 +-
 339 files changed, 51384 insertions(+), 120742 deletions(-)
 copy Lib/{CV_experiments.json => experiments_id.json} (74%)
 create mode 100644 LibCV/__init__.py
 create mode 100644 LibCV/cfchecker/__init__.py
 create mode 100644 LibCV/cfchecker/cfchecks.py
 copy {Lib => LibCV}/cmor_const.py (55%)
 create mode 100644 LibCV/pywrapper.py
 create mode 100644 Src/_controlvocabulary.c
 delete mode 100644 Test/CMIP6schema.py
 create mode 100644 Test/__init__.py
 create mode 100644 Test/all_tests.py
 copy Test/{test_python_CMIP6_CV_trackingprefix.json => baddirectory.json} (55%)
 copy Test/{test_python_CMIP6_CV_trackingprefix.json => common_user_input.json} (56%)
 copy Test/{test_lots_of_variables.json => test_cmor_grid_time_varying.json} (100%)
 copy Test/{test_python_CMIP6_CV_badinstitutionID.json => test_python_CMIP6_CV_baddirectory.json} (94%)
 create mode 100644 Test/test_python_CMIP6_CV_baddirectory.py
 delete mode 100644 Test/test_python_CMIP6_no_driving.json
 delete mode 100644 Test/test_python_CMIP6_no_driving.py
 create mode 100644 Test/test_python_has_cur_dataset_attribute.py
 create mode 100644 Test/test_python_has_variable_attribute.py
 copy Test/{test_doc.json => test_python_polar_stereo.json} (59%)
 create mode 100644 Test/test_python_polar_stereo.py
 delete mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_CCMI1_hourly.json
 delete mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_CCMI1_monthly.json
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_CV_minimal.json
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxant.json
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxgre.json
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_LImonant.json
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_LImongre.json
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrant.json
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrgre.json
 copy TestTables/{CMIP6_Omon.json => CMIP6_Omonbad.json} (93%)
 delete mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_aero.json
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr_0.json
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr_1.json
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr_2.json
 delete mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_cfsites.json
 copy TestTables/{CMIP6_aerannual.json => CMIP6_coordinate.json} (75%)
 delete mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_em.json
 delete mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_emMonclim.json
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_expt_list_062116.csv
 create mode 100644 TestTables/CMIP6_formula_terms.json
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/debug-test.patch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/disable_tests.patch
 delete mode 100644 debian/patches/ld-no-add-needed.patch
 create mode 100644 run_tests.py
 create mode 100644 scripts/PrePARE.py
 create mode 100644 scripts/createCMIP6CV.py

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cmor.git

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