[cmor] 19/22: release 3.2.1
Alastair McKinstry
mckinstry at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Dec 20 11:10:51 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
mckinstry pushed a commit to branch debian/master
in repository cmor.
commit 2d61f7429bfdb837c0c67fbcc45b806c2dd335a0
Author: Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry at debian.org>
Date: Tue Dec 20 09:40:04 2016 +0000
release 3.2.1
INSTALL | 4 +-
LibCV/CMIP6Validator.py | 267 -------
LibCV/__init__.py | 2 +-
LibCV/cmor_const.py | 2 +
LibCV/pywrapper.py | 17 +
Makefile.in | 2 +-
README.md | 5 +-
Src/_controlvocabulary.c | 81 ++-
Src/cmor_CV.c | 8 +-
Src/cmor_variables.c | 4 +-
Test/ipcc_test_code.c | 2 +-
Test/test_cmor_grid_alejandro.f90 | 2 +-
Test/test_doc.json | 63 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_3hr.json | 6 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_6hrLev.json | 4 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlev.json | 105 ++-
TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlevpt.json | 23 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_Amon.json | 22 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_CV.json | 637 ++++++++++++----
TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxant.json | 14 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxgre.json | 14 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_LImon.json | 239 +++---
TestTables/CMIP6_LImonant.json | 99 ++-
TestTables/CMIP6_LImongre.json | 99 ++-
TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrant.json | 116 +--
TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrgre.json | 116 +--
TestTables/CMIP6_Lmon.json | 6 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_Oclim.json | 96 +--
TestTables/CMIP6_Oday.json | 21 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_Ofx.json | 66 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_Omon.json | 337 ++++-----
TestTables/CMIP6_Oyr.json | 203 +++---
TestTables/CMIP6_SIday.json | 23 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_SImon.json | 111 +--
TestTables/CMIP6_aerdaily.json | 83 +--
TestTables/CMIP6_aerfixed.json | 21 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_aerhourly.json | 6 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_aermonthly.json | 219 +++---
TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr.json | 24 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_cfDay.json | 25 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_cfMon.json | 719 +-----------------
TestTables/CMIP6_cfOff.json | 4 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_cfSites.json | 14 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_coordinate.json | 48 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_day.json | 21 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_em1hr.json | 6 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_em1hrclimmon.json | 14 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_em3hr.json | 83 ++-
TestTables/CMIP6_em3hrpt.json | 73 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_emDay.json | 155 +++-
TestTables/CMIP6_emDayZ.json | 24 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_emDaypt.json | 4 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_emFx.json | 8 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_emMon.json | 1371 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
TestTables/CMIP6_emMonZ.json | 128 +++-
TestTables/CMIP6_emMonpt.json | 4 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_emSubhr.json | 14 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_emYr.json | 208 ++++--
TestTables/CMIP6_fx.json | 53 +-
TestTables/CMIP6_grids.json | 2 +-
configure | 28 +-
configure.ac | 2 +-
include/cmor.h | 3 +-
scripts/{Pre-PARE.py => PrePARE.py} | 79 +-
scripts/createCMIP6CV.py | 4 +-
setup.py.in | 2 +-
66 files changed, 3307 insertions(+), 2958 deletions(-)
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
index 62448fd..3aa02c3 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-Climate Model Output Rewriter (CMOR) version 3.2.0 installation instructions.
+Climate Model Output Rewriter (CMOR) version 3.2.1 installation instructions.
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ cd CMOR
-CMOR 3.2.0 requires external packages that need to be installed first.
+CMOR 3.2.1 requires external packages that need to be installed first.
It can be compiled/linked against either NetCDF3 or NetCDF4. If you
decide to go with NetCDF4 be sure to build NetCDF4 with the
--enable-netcdf-4 option!
diff --git a/LibCV/CMIP6Validator.py b/LibCV/CMIP6Validator.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 68b2428..0000000
--- a/LibCV/CMIP6Validator.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Please first complete the following steps:
-# 1. Download
-# https://github.com/PCMDI/cmip6-cmor-tables.git
-# Create a soft link cmip6-cmor-tables/Tables to ./Tables in your
-# working directory
-# python CMIP6Validtor ../Tables/CMIP6_Amon.json ../CMIP6/yourfile.nc
-Created on Fri Feb 19 11:33:52 2016
- at author: Denis Nadeau LLNL
-import cmip6_cv
-import cdms2
-import argparse
-import sys
-import os
-import json
-import numpy
-class bcolors:
- HEADER = '\033[95m'
- OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
- OKGREEN = '\033[1;32m'
- WARNING = '\033[1;34;47m'
- FAIL = '\033[1;31;47m'
- ENDC = '\033[0m'
- BOLD = '\033[1m'
- UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
-# =========================
-# JSONAction()
-# =========================
-class JSONAction(argparse.Action):
- '''
- Check if argparse is JSON file
- '''
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- fn = values
- if not os.path.isfile(fn):
- raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('JSONAction:{0} is file not found'.format(fn))
- f = open(fn)
- lines = f.readlines()
- jsonobject = json.loads(" ".join(lines))
- if not jsonobject:
- raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('JSONAction:{0} is file not a valid JSON file'.format(fn))
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, values)
-# =========================
-# CDMSAction()
-# =========================
-class CDMSAction(argparse.Action):
- '''
- Check if argparse is CDMS file
- '''
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- fn = values
- if not os.path.isfile(fn):
- raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('CDMSAction:{0} does not exist'.format(fn))
- f = cdms2.open(fn)
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, f)
-# =========================
-# readable_dir()
-# =========================
-class readable_dir(argparse.Action):
- '''
- Check if argparse is a directory.
- '''
- def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
- prospective_dir = values
- if not os.path.isdir(prospective_dir):
- raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('readable_dir:{0} is not a valid path'.format(prospective_dir))
- if os.access(prospective_dir, os.R_OK):
- setattr(namespace, self.dest, prospective_dir)
- else:
- raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('readable_dir:{0} is not a readable dir'.format(prospective_dir))
-# =========================
-# checkCMIP6()
-# =========================
-class checkCMIP6(object):
- '''
- Validate if a file is CMIP6 compliant and ready for publication.
- Class need to read CMIP6 Table and Controled Vocabulary file.
- As well,the class will load the EXPERIMENT json file
- Input:
- args.cmip6_table: CMIP6 table used to creat this file,
- variable attributes and dimensions will be controled.
- args.CV: Controled Vocabulary "json" file.
- Output:
- outfile: Log file, default is stdout.
- '''
- # *************************
- # __init__()
- # *************************
- def __init__(self, args):
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Initilaze arrays
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- self.cmip6_table = args.cmip6_table
- self.infile = args.infile
- self.attributes = self.infile.listglobal()
- self.variables = self.infile.listvariable()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # find variable that contains a "history" (should only be one)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- self.var = [var for var in self.variables if 'history' in self.infile.listattribute(var)]
- if((self.var == []) or (len(self.var) > 1)):
- raise KeyboardInterrupt
- self.keys = self.infile.listattribute(var)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # call setup() to clean all 'C' internal memory.
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- cmip6_cv.setup(inpath="../Tables", exit_control=cmip6_cv.CMOR_NORMAL)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set Control Vocabulary file to use (default from cmor.h)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- cmip6_cv.set_cur_dataset_attribute(cmip6_cv.GLOBAL_CV_FILENAME, cmip6_cv.TABLE_CONTROL_FILENAME)
- cmip6_cv.set_cur_dataset_attribute(cmip6_cv.FILE_PATH_TEMPLATE, cmip6_cv.CMOR_DEFAULT_PATH_TEMPLATE)
- cmip6_cv.set_cur_dataset_attribute(cmip6_cv.FILE_NAME_TEMPLATE, cmip6_cv.CMOR_DEFAULT_FILE_TEMPLATE)
- cmip6_cv.set_cur_dataset_attribute(cmip6_cv.GLOBAL_ATT_FURTHERINFOURLTMPL, cmip6_cv.CMOR_DEFAULT_FURTHERURL_TEMPLATE)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Create alist of all Global Attributes and set "dataset"
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- self.dictGbl = {key: self.infile.getglobal(key) for key in self.attributes}
- ierr = [cmip6_cv.set_cur_dataset_attribute(key, value) for key, value in self.dictGbl.iteritems()]
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Create a dictionnary of attributes for var
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- self.dictVars = dict((y, x) for y, x in
- [(key, value) for key in self.keys
- if self.infile.getattribute(self.var[0], key) is not None
- for value in [self.infile.getattribute(self.var[0], key)]])
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Load CMIP6 table into memory
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- self.table_id = cmip6_cv.load_table(self.cmip6_table)
- def ControlVocab(self):
- '''
- Check CMIP6 global attributes against Control Vocabulary file.
- 1. Validate required attribute if presents and some values.
- 2. Validate registered institution and institution_id
- 3. Validate registered source and source_id
- 4. Validate experiment, experiment_id and attribute associated with the experiment.
- 5. Validate grid_label and grid_resolution
- 6. Validate creation time in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS)
- 7. Validate furtherinfourl from CV internal template
- 8. Validate variable attributes with CMOR JSON table.
- '''
- cmip6_cv.check_requiredattributes(self.table_id)
- cmip6_cv.check_institution(self.table_id)
- cmip6_cv.check_sourceID(self.table_id)
- cmip6_cv.check_experiment(self.table_id)
- cmip6_cv.check_grids(self.table_id)
- cmip6_cv.check_ISOTime()
- cmip6_cv.check_furtherinfourl(self.table_id)
- varid = cmip6_cv.setup_variable(self.var[0], 'm', 1e20)
- for key in self.dictVars.keys():
- # Is this attritue in the input table?
- if(cmip6_cv.has_variable_attribute(varid, key)):
- # Verify that attribute value is equal to file attribute
- table_value = cmip6_cv.get_variable_attribute(varid, key)
- file_value = self.dictVars[key]
- if isinstance(table_value, numpy.ndarray):
- table_value = table_value[0]
- if isinstance(file_value, numpy.ndarray):
- file_value = file_value[0]
- if isinstance(table_value, float):
- if(table_value / file_value < 1.1):
- table_value = file_value
- file_value = str(file_value)
- table_value = str(table_value)
- if table_value != file_value:
- print "You variable attribute differ from table attribute!"
- print "You file contains " + key + ":" + file_value + " and"
- print "CMIP6 tables requires " + key + ":" + table_value + "."
- if(cmip6_cv.get_CV_Error()):
- raise KeyboardInterrupt
- print bcolors.OKGREEN
- print "*************************************************************************************"
- print "* This file is compliant with the CMIP6 specification and can be published in ESGF. *"
- print "*************************************************************************************"
- print bcolors.ENDC
-# =========================
-# main()
-# =========================
-def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='CMIP6Validator',
- description='Validate CMIP6 file '
- 'for ESGF publication.')
- parser.add_argument('cmip6_table',
- help='CMIP6 CMOR table (JSON file) ex: Tables/CMIP6_Amon.json', action=JSONAction)
- parser.add_argument('infile',
- help='Input CMIP6 netCDF file to Validate ex: clisccp_cfMon_DcppC22_NICAM_gn_200001-200001.nc',
- action=CDMSAction)
- parser.add_argument('outfile',
- nargs='?',
- help='Output file (default stdout)',
- type=argparse.FileType('w'),
- default=sys.stdout)
- try:
- args = parser.parse_args()
- except argparse.ArgumentTypeError as errmsg:
- print >> sys.stderr, str(errmsg)
- return 1
- except SystemExit:
- return 1
- process = checkCMIP6(args)
- process.ControlVocab()
-# process.checkActivities()
- return(0)
-if(__name__ == '__main__'):
- try:
- sys.exit(main())
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print bcolors.FAIL
- print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- print "! Error: The input file is not CMIP6 compliant"
- print "! Check your file or use CMOR 3.1 to achieve compliance for ESGF publication."
- print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
- print bcolors.ENDC
- sys.exit(-1)
diff --git a/LibCV/__init__.py b/LibCV/__init__.py
index f14c202..4254844 100644
--- a/LibCV/__init__.py
+++ b/LibCV/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from cmor_const import *
-from pywrapper import setup, load_table, set_table, close, set_cur_dataset_attribute, get_cur_dataset_attribute, has_cur_dataset_attribute, set_variable_attribute, get_variable_attribute, has_variable_attribute, check_institution, check_sourceID, check_experiment, check_grids, check_requiredattributes, check_ISOTime, check_furtherinfourl, get_CV_Error, setup_variable
+from pywrapper import setup, load_table, set_table, close, set_cur_dataset_attribute, get_cur_dataset_attribute, has_cur_dataset_attribute, set_variable_attribute, list_variable_attributes, get_variable_attribute, has_variable_attribute, check_institution, check_sourceID, check_experiment, check_grids, check_requiredattributes, check_ISOTime, check_furtherinfourl, get_CV_Error, setup_variable, set_CV_Error
diff --git a/LibCV/cmor_const.py b/LibCV/cmor_const.py
index ef67453..1dc5b2a 100644
--- a/LibCV/cmor_const.py
+++ b/LibCV/cmor_const.py
for att in atts.split():
diff --git a/LibCV/pywrapper.py b/LibCV/pywrapper.py
index 5923ab1..9b4ef71 100644
--- a/LibCV/pywrapper.py
+++ b/LibCV/pywrapper.py
@@ -201,6 +201,17 @@ def has_variable_attribute(var_id, name):
return False
+def list_variable_attributes(var_id):
+ """List all attribute from a cmor variable
+ Usage:
+ cmip6_cv.list_variable_attribute(var_id)
+ Where:
+ var_id: is cmor variable id
+ Returns none if the variable as no attribute
+ """
+ var_list = _cmip6_cv.list_variable_attributes(var_id)
+ return var_list
def get_variable_attribute(var_id, name):
"""Gets an attribute from a cmor variable
@@ -324,6 +335,12 @@ def get_CV_Error():
ierr = _cmip6_cv.get_CV_Error()
+def set_CV_Error():
+ '''
+ set CV_ERROR to 1.
+ '''
+ _cmip6_cv.set_CV_Error()
+ return
def check_furtherinfourl(table_id):
diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index 3e84681..01d2777 100644
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ test_fortran: cmor
@env TEST_NAME="test_region" INPUT_FILE="Test/noinput" make test_case
@env TEST_NAME="test_sigma" INPUT_FILE="Test/noinput" make test_case
@env TEST_NAME="test_singleton" INPUT_FILE="Test/noinput" make test_case
- @env TEST_NAME="test_singleton_5D_tas" INPUT_FILE="Test/noinput" make test_case_old_cmor_tables
+ #@env TEST_NAME="test_singleton_5D_tas" INPUT_FILE="Test/noinput" make test_case_old_cmor_tables
@env TEST_NAME="mytest_4d_r_big_array" INPUT_FILE="Test/noinput" make test_case
@env TEST_NAME="mytest_4d_d_big_array_2" INPUT_FILE="Test/noinput" make test_case
@env TEST_NAME="mytest_4d_d_big_array_3" INPUT_FILE="Test/noinput" make test_case
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f979135..da3ea30 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ Climate Model Output Rewriter
CMOR 3.2 documentation can be found here: http://cmor.llnl.gov

diff --git a/Src/_controlvocabulary.c b/Src/_controlvocabulary.c
index 7b9c169..8100b92 100644
--- a/Src/_controlvocabulary.c
+++ b/Src/_controlvocabulary.c
@@ -192,6 +192,16 @@ static PyObject *PyCMOR_set_variable_attribute( PyObject * self,
+/* PyCV_set_Error() */
+static PyObject *PyCV_set_Error( PyObject * self,
+ PyObject * args ) {
+ cmor_is_setup();
+ return( Py_None );
/* PyCV_get_Error() */
static PyObject *PyCV_get_Error( PyObject * self,
@@ -202,7 +212,68 @@ static PyObject *PyCV_get_Error( PyObject * self,
cv_error = get_CV_Error();
return( Py_BuildValue( "i", cv_error ) );
+/* PyCMOR_get_variable_attribute_list() */
+static PyObject* PyCMOR_get_variable_attribute_list(PyObject* self,
+ PyObject* args){
+ int index;
+ int var_id;
+ cmor_is_setup();
+ char attribute_name[CMOR_MAX_STRING];
+ char type;
+ int i;
+ if( !PyArg_ParseTuple( args, "i", &var_id ) )
+ return NULL;
+ index = cmor_vars[var_id].nattributes;
+ if( index == -1 ) return NULL;
+ PyObject* dico = PyDict_New();
+ for(i = 0; i < index; i++) {
+ strcpy(attribute_name, cmor_vars[var_id].attributes[i]);
+ if(attribute_name[0] == '\0') continue;
+ type = cmor_vars[var_id].attributes_type[i];
+ if( type == 'c' ) {
+ PyDict_SetItemString(dico,
+ cmor_vars[var_id].attributes[i],
+ Py_BuildValue("s", cmor_vars[var_id].
+ attributes_values_char[i]));
+ }
+ else if( type == 'f' ) {
+ PyDict_SetItemString(dico,
+ cmor_vars[var_id].attributes[i],
+ Py_BuildValue("f",
+ (float) cmor_vars[var_id].
+ attributes_values_num[i]));
+ }
+ else if( type == 'i' ) {
+ PyDict_SetItemString(dico,
+ cmor_vars[var_id].attributes[i],
+ Py_BuildValue("i",
+ (int) cmor_vars[var_id].
+ attributes_values_num[i]));
+ }
+ else if( type == 'l' ){
+ PyDict_SetItemString(dico,
+ cmor_vars[var_id].attributes[i],
+ Py_BuildValue("l",
+ (long) cmor_vars[var_id].
+ attributes_values_num[i]));
+ }
+ else {
+ PyDict_SetItemString(dico,
+ cmor_vars[var_id].attributes[i],
+ Py_BuildValue("d",
+ (double) cmor_vars[var_id].
+ attributes_values_num[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ cmor_pop_traceback( );
+ return(dico);
/* PyCMOR_get_variable_attribute() */
@@ -391,6 +462,10 @@ static PyObject *PyCMOR_getincvalues( PyObject * self, PyObject * args ) {
return( Py_BuildValue( "s", CV_CHECK_ERROR ));
} else if( strcmp( att_name, "GLOBAL_ATT_FURTHERINFOURLTMPL" ) == 0 ) {
return( Py_BuildValue( "s", GLOBAL_ATT_FURTHERINFOURLTMPL ));
+ } else if( strcmp( att_name, "CMOR_AXIS_ENTRY_FILE" ) == 0 ) {
+ return( Py_BuildValue( "s", CMOR_AXIS_ENTRY_FILE ));
+ } else if( strcmp( att_name, "CMOR_FORMULA_VAR_FILE" ) == 0 ) {
+ return( Py_BuildValue( "s", CMOR_FORMULA_VAR_FILE ));
} else {
/* Return NULL Python Object */
@@ -438,7 +513,6 @@ static PyObject *PyCMOR_set_table( PyObject * self, PyObject * args ) {
static PyMethodDef MyExtractMethods[] = {
{"setup", PyCMOR_setup, METH_VARARGS},
{"load_table", PyCMOR_load_table, METH_VARARGS},
@@ -454,7 +528,9 @@ static PyMethodDef MyExtractMethods[] = {
{"get_variable_attribute", PyCMOR_get_variable_attribute,
{"has_variable_attribute", PyCMOR_has_variable_attribute,
+ {"list_variable_attributes", PyCMOR_get_variable_attribute_list,
{"set_institution", PyCV_setInstitution, METH_VARARGS },
{"check_sourceID", PyCV_checkSourceID, METH_VARARGS },
{"check_grids", PyCV_checkGrids, METH_VARARGS },
@@ -465,6 +541,7 @@ static PyMethodDef MyExtractMethods[] = {
{"getCMOR_defaults_include", PyCMOR_getincvalues, METH_VARARGS},
{"setup_variable", PyCV_setup_variable, METH_VARARGS},
{"get_CV_Error", PyCV_get_Error, METH_VARARGS},
+ {"set_CV_Error", PyCV_set_Error, METH_VARARGS},
{NULL, NULL} /*sentinel */
diff --git a/Src/cmor_CV.c b/Src/cmor_CV.c
index df314df..daba84c 100644
--- a/Src/cmor_CV.c
+++ b/Src/cmor_CV.c
@@ -379,6 +379,8 @@ void cmor_CV_checkFurtherInfoURL(int var_id){
int get_CV_Error(){
/* cmor_CV_checkSourceType() */
@@ -629,6 +631,7 @@ void cmor_CV_checkExperiment( cmor_CV_def_t *CV){
char szExperiment_ID[CMOR_MAX_STRING];
char msg[CMOR_MAX_STRING];
char szValue[CMOR_MAX_STRING];
+ char szExpValue[CMOR_MAX_STRING];
char CV_Filename[CMOR_MAX_STRING];
int rc;
int nObjects;
@@ -636,6 +639,7 @@ void cmor_CV_checkExperiment( cmor_CV_def_t *CV){
int j;
int bWarning;
+ szExpValue[0] = '\0';
cmor_get_cur_dataset_attribute(CV_INPUTFILENAME, CV_Filename);
cmor_get_cur_dataset_attribute(GLOBAL_ATT_EXPERIMENTID, szExperiment_ID);
@@ -695,6 +699,7 @@ void cmor_CV_checkExperiment( cmor_CV_def_t *CV){
if (j == CV_experiment_attr->anElements) {
+ strcpy(szExpValue, CV_experiment_attr->aszValue[0] );
bWarning = TRUE;
} else
@@ -704,6 +709,7 @@ void cmor_CV_checkExperiment( cmor_CV_def_t *CV){
if( CV_experiment_attr->szValue[0] != '\0') {
if (strncmp(CV_experiment_attr->szValue, szValue,
+ strcpy(szExpValue,CV_experiment_attr->szValue);
bWarning = TRUE;
@@ -716,7 +722,7 @@ void cmor_CV_checkExperiment( cmor_CV_def_t *CV){
"as defined for experiment_id \"%s\".\n! \n! "
"See Control Vocabulary JSON file.(%s)\n! ",
CV_experiment_attr->key, szValue,
- CV_experiment_attr->szValue, CV_experiment->key,
+ szExpValue, CV_experiment->key,
cmor_handle_error(msg, CMOR_WARNING);
diff --git a/Src/cmor_variables.c b/Src/cmor_variables.c
index ce663b6..0c6d92b 100644
--- a/Src/cmor_variables.c
+++ b/Src/cmor_variables.c
@@ -1778,7 +1778,7 @@ int cmor_variable( int *var_id, char *name, char *units, int ndims,
cmor_vars[vrid].missing, cmor_vars[vrid].omissing );
cmor_update_history( vrid, msg );
+ }
if( refvar.type == 'd' ) {
cmor_set_variable_attribute_internal( vrid,
@@ -1827,7 +1827,7 @@ int cmor_variable( int *var_id, char *name, char *units, int ndims,
&aint );
- }
cmor_vars[vrid].tolerance = 1.e-4;
diff --git a/Test/ipcc_test_code.c b/Test/ipcc_test_code.c
index b950bc0..36777e5 100644
--- a/Test/ipcc_test_code.c
+++ b/Test/ipcc_test_code.c
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ int main()
myaxes2[3] = myaxes[2];
printf("Test code: defining variables from table 1, %s\n",positive2d[0]);
- ierr = cmor_variable(&myvars[0],entry2d[0],units2d[0],3,myaxes,'d',NULL,&dtmp2,positive2d[0],varin2d[0],"no history","no future");
+ ierr = cmor_variable(&myvars[0],entry2d[0],units2d[0],3,myaxes,'d',&dtmp,&dtmp2,positive2d[0],varin2d[0],"no history","no future");
ierr = cmor_variable(&myvars[1],entry3d[2],units3d[2],4,myaxes2,'d',NULL,&dtmp2,NULL,varin3d[2],"no history","no future");
printf("Test code: definig tas\n");
diff --git a/Test/test_cmor_grid_alejandro.f90 b/Test/test_cmor_grid_alejandro.f90
index 313fa59..9a57648 100644
--- a/Test/test_cmor_grid_alejandro.f90
+++ b/Test/test_cmor_grid_alejandro.f90
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ PROGRAM test_cmor_grid
double precision :: profile_ax(n_points),section_ax(n_sections)
real :: lat(n_points,n_sections),lon(n_points,n_sections)
real :: lat_bounds(4,n_points,n_sections),lon_bounds(4,n_points,n_sections)
- character(len=128) :: table='TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr.json'
+ character(len=128) :: table='TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr_2.json'
character(len=32) :: sec_units='days since 2000-01-01'
integer :: error_flag,height_axid,time_axid,profile_axid,grid_id,section_axid
real :: lat_step,lon_step
diff --git a/Test/test_doc.json b/Test/test_doc.json
index a9dd968..2438f73 100644
--- a/Test/test_doc.json
+++ b/Test/test_doc.json
@@ -1,42 +1,47 @@
- "_control_vocabulary_file": "CMIP6_CV.json",
- "_cmip6_option": "CMIP6",
+ "_control_vocabulary_file": "CMIP6_CV.json",
+ "_cmip6_option": "CMIP6",
- "activity_id": "CMIP",
- "outpath": "CMIP6",
- "experiment_id": "piControl",
- "calendar": "360_day",
- "realization_index": "1",
- "initialization_index": "1",
- "physics_index": "1",
- "forcing_index": "1",
- "source_type": "AOGCM",
- "sub_experiment": "none",
- "sub_experiment_id": "none",
- "contact ": "Python Coder (python at a.b.com) ",
- "branch_time": "0",
- "branch_method": "standard",
+ "tracking_prefix": "hdl:21.14100",
+ "activity_id": "ISMIP6",
- "grid": "native atmosphere T63 gaussian grid (64x128 latxlon)",
- "grid_label": "gn",
- "grid_resolution": "5 km",
+ "outpath": "CMIP6",
- "institution_id": "CSIRO-BOM",
- "institution": "Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia, and Bureau of Meteorology, Australia",
+ "experiment_id": "piControl-withism",
+ "sub_experiment_id": "none",
+ "sub_experiment": "none",
- "references": "Model described by Koder and Tolkien (J. Geophys. Res.,2001, 576 - 591). Also see http://www.GICC.su/giccm/doc/index.html 2XCO2 simulation described in Dorkey et al. '(Clim. Dyn., 2003, 323 - 357.)",
- "run_variant": "forcing: black carbon aerosol only",
- "source_id": "NICAM",
- "source": "NICAM:",
- "output_path_template": "<activity_id><institution_id><source_id><experiment_id><variant_label><table><variable_id><grid_label><version>",
- "output_file_template": "<variable_id><table><experiment_id><source_id><variant_label><grid_label>",
+ "source_type": "AOGCM ISM AER",
+ "mip_era": "CMIP6",
+ "calendar": "360_day",
+ "branch_time": "0",
- "#license": " The 'license' attribute should be an edited version of the sample below (with segments in brackets optional): The [*] indicates that institutions may choose to use the Non-commercial version of this license by inserting the words 'NonCommercial' at this point, but this will significantly limit the use of the data in downstream climate mitigation and adaptation applications. ",
+ "realization_index": "1",
+ "initialization_index": "1",
+ "physics_index": "1",
+ "forcing_index": "1",
+ "contact ": "Python Coder (coder at a.b.c.com)",
+ "history": "Output from archivcl_A1.nce/giccm_03_std_2xCO2_2256.",
+ "comment": "Equilibrium reached after 30-year spin-up after which data were output starting with nominal date of January 2030",
+ "references": "Model described by Koder and Tolkien (J. Geophys. Res., 2001, 576-591). Also see http://www.GICC.su/giccm/doc/index.html 2XCO2 simulation described in Dorkey et al. '(Clim. Dyn., 2003, 323-357.)'",
+ "grid": "native atmosphere T63 gaussian grid (64x128 latxlon)",
+ "grid_label": "gn",
+ "nominal_resolution": "5 km",
+ "institution_id": "PCMDI",
+ "run_variant": "forcing: black carbon aerosol only",
+ "source_id": "PCMDI-test-1-0",
+ "source": "PCMDI-test 1.0",
+ "output_path_template": "<activity_id><institution_id><source_id><experiment_id><variant_label><table><variable_id><grid_label><version>",
+ "output_file_template": "<variable_id><table><experiment_id><source_id><variant_label><grid_label>",
+ "license": "CMIP6 model data produced by PCMDI is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution \"Share Alike\" 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Use of the data should be acknowledged following guidelines found at https://pcmdi.llnl.gov/home/CMIP6/citation.html. [Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://pcmdi.llnl.gov.] Further information about this data, including some limitations, can be [...]
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_3hr.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_3hr.json
index a7e8bc0..d5da7d0 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_3hr.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_3hr.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table 3hr",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "3hr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.125000",
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "sea_surface_temperature",
"units": "K",
- "cell_methods": "",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Sea Surface Temperature",
"comment": "temperature of surface of open ocean, sampled synoptically.",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrLev.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrLev.json
index 845707f..8d0e105 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrLev.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrLev.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table 6hrLev",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "6hr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.250000",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlev.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlev.json
index 29eae2a..4e2f71c 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlev.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlev.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table 6hrPlev",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "6hr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.250000",
@@ -14,6 +14,40 @@
"Conventions": "CF-1.6 CMIP-6.0"
"variable_entry": {
+ "bldep": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness",
+ "units": "m",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "boundary_layer_depth",
+ "comment": "Boundary layer depth",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "bldep",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "hurs": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "relative_humidity",
+ "units": "%",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Near-Surface Relative Humidity",
+ "comment": "The relative humidity with respect to liquid water for T> 0 C, and with respect to ice for T<0 C.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "hurs",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"hus4": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "specific_humidity",
@@ -60,8 +94,8 @@
"out_name": "psl",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "92500.0",
- "valid_max": "113000.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -94,8 +128,8 @@
"out_name": "ta",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "144.0",
- "valid_max": "330.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -128,8 +162,25 @@
"out_name": "ua",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "-90.0",
- "valid_max": "145.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "ua100m": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "eastward_wind",
+ "units": "m s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Eastward Wind at 100 hPa",
+ "comment": "Zonal wind on the 100m",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude height100 time",
+ "out_name": "ua100m",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -196,8 +247,25 @@
"out_name": "va",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "-80.0",
- "valid_max": "80.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "va100m": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "northward_wind",
+ "units": "m s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Northward Wind at 100m",
+ "comment": "Meridional wind at 100m above the surface.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude height100 time",
+ "out_name": "va100m",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -286,6 +354,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "wsgmax100m": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "wind_speed_of_gust",
+ "units": "m s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Maximum Wind Speed of Gust at 100m",
+ "comment": "Wind speed gust maximum at 100m above surface",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude height100 time",
+ "out_name": "wsgmax100m",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"zg1000": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
"standard_name": "geopotential_height",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlevpt.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlevpt.json
index 11d093c..90eb2d9 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlevpt.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_6hrPlevpt.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table 6hrPlevpt",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "6hr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.250000",
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "graupel_mixing_ratio",
+ "long_name": "Graupel Mixing Ratio",
"comment": "Graupel mixing ratio",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude plev27 time1",
"out_name": "grplmxrat27",
@@ -235,6 +235,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "prhmax": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "precipitation_flux",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "time: point",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Daily Maximum Hourly Precipitation Rate",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
+ "out_name": "prhmax",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"prmax": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "precipitation_flux",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_Amon.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_Amon.json
index 20517da..d663356 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_Amon.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_Amon.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table Amon",
"realm": "atmos atmosChem",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "30.00000",
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "atmos atmosChem",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_methane_in_air",
"units": "mol mol-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Mole Fraction of CH4",
"comment": "",
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "atmos atmosChem",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_methane_in_air",
"units": "1e-09",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH4",
"comment": "Global Mean Mole Fraction of CH4",
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_carbon_dioxide_in_air",
"units": "mol mol-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Mole Fraction of CO2",
"comment": "",
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "atmosphere_mass_of_carbon_dioxide",
"units": "kg",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Total Atmospheric Mass of CO2",
"comment": "Total atmospheric mass of Carbon Dioxide",
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "atmos atmosChem",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_nitrous_oxide_in_air",
"units": "mol mol-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Mole Fraction of N2O",
"comment": "",
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "atmos atmosChem",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_nitrous_oxide_in_air",
"units": "1e-09",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Global Mean Mole Fraction of N2O",
"comment": "Global mean Nitrous Oxide (N2O)",
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "air_pressure",
"units": "Pa",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Pressure on Model Levels",
"comment": "Air pressure on model levels",
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "air_pressure",
"units": "Pa",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Pressure on Model Half-Levels",
"comment": "Air pressure on model half-levels",
@@ -1157,7 +1157,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "atmos atmosChem",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air",
"units": "1e-09",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Mole Fraction of O3",
"comment": "Mole fraction of ozone (O3)",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_CV.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_CV.json
index de5d436..8f5357f 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_CV.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_CV.json
@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
- "nominal_resolution",
+ "nominal_resolution",
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
- "note":"Fix invalid source_type syntax - rogue ,",
- "previous_commit":"bfa08761c90b97caa5f8a64ee2548b7a49e2f4ee",
+ "note":"Add GISS-E2-1 variants",
+ "previous_commit":"c401abb0f2616dec58a20d62a5b781d05595b4cf",
"author":"Paul J. Durack <durack1 at llnl.gov>",
- "creation_date":"Thu Nov 3 07:19:34 2016 -0700",
+ "creation_date":"Wed Dec 14 15:49:55 2016 -0800",
- "latest_tag_point":"None"
+ "latest_tag_point":"3.2.0 (44; gb2f427b)"
@@ -65,10 +65,11 @@
"CSIR-CSIRO":"CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industrial Research - Natural Resources and the Environment, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa), CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Victoria 3208, Australia)",
"CCCma":"Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Victoria, BC V8P 5C2, Canada",
+ "MESSy-Consortium":"The Modular Earth Submodel System (MESSy) Consortium, represented by the Institute for Physics of the Atmosphere, Deutsches Zentrum fur Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR), Wessling, Bavaria 82234, Germany",
"MIROC":"JAMSTEC (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Kanagawa 236-0001, Japan), AORI (Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Chiba 277-8564, Japan), NIES (National Institute for Environmental Studies, Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan), and AICS (RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science, Hyogo 650-0047, Japan)",
"MOHC":"Met Office Hadley Centre, Fitzroy Road, Exeter, Devon, EX1 3PB, UK",
"IPSL":"Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris 75252, France",
- "EC-Earth-Consortium":"KNMI, The Netherlands; SMHI, Sweden; DMI, Denmark; AEMET, Spain; Met \u00c9ireann, Ireland; CNR-ISAC, Italy; Instituto de Meteorologia, Portugal; FMI, Finland; BSC, Spain; Centro de Geofisica, University of Lisbon, Portugal; ENEA, Italy; Geomar, Germany; Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Norway; ICHEC, Ireland; ICTP, Italy; IMAU, The Netherlands; IRV, Sweden; Lund University, Sweden; Meteorologiska Institutionen, Stockholms University, Swede [...]
+ "EC-Earth-Consortium":"KNMI, The Netherlands; SMHI, Sweden; DMI, Denmark; AEMET, Spain; Met Eireann, Ireland; CNR-ISAC, Italy; Instituto de Meteorologia, Portugal; FMI, Finland; BSC, Spain; Centro de Geofisica, University of Lisbon, Portugal; ENEA, Italy; Geomar, Germany; Geophysical Institute, University of Bergen, Norway; ICHEC, Ireland; ICTP, Italy; IMAU, The Netherlands; IRV, Sweden; Lund University, Sweden; Meteorologiska Institutionen, Stockholms University, Sweden; Ni [...]
"CMCC":"Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici, Bologna 40127, Italy",
"CSIRO-BOM":"Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and Bureau of Meteorology, Melbourne, Victoria 3208, Australia",
"COLA-CFS":"Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA",
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@
"CCCR-IITM":"Centre for Climate Change Research, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology Pune, Maharashtra 411 008, India",
"BNU":"Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China",
"NOAA-NCEP":"National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Camp Springs, MD 20746, USA",
+ "CNRM-CERFACS":"CNRM (Centre National de Recherches Meteorologiques, Toulouse 31057, France), CERFACS (Centre Europeen de Recherche et de Formation Avancee en Calcul Scientifique, Toulouse 31100, France)",
"MRI":"Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0052, Japan",
"NASA-GISS":"Goddard Institute for Space Studies, New York, NY 10025, USA",
"PCMDI":"Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550, USA",
@@ -85,10 +87,130 @@
"NOAA-GFDL":"National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA",
"LASG-IAP":"Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China",
"INM":"Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Moscow 119991, Russia",
- "NCC":"UNI Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Norwegian Climate Centre, Bergen 5007, Norway",
+ "NCC":"NorESM Climate modeling Consortium consisting of CICERO (Center for International Climate and Environmental Research, Oslo 0349),MET-Norway (Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo 0313),NERSC (Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Bergen 5006),NILU (Norwegian Institute for Air Research, Kjeller 2027),UiB (University of Bergen, Bergen 5007),UiO (University of Oslo, Oslo 0313) and UNI (Uni Research, Bergen 5008), Norway",
"NUIST":"Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, 210044, China"
+ "GISS-E2-1G":{
+ "label_extended":"GISS-E2.1G",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"varies with physics-version (p==1 Non-interactive, p>1 GPUCCINI)",
+ "atmosphere":"GISS-E2.1 (90 x 144 2x2.5; 40 levels; top level 0.1hPa)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"None",
+ "release_year":"2016",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"GISS SI",
+ "label":"GISS-E2.1G",
+ "institution_id":[
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"GISS LSM",
+ "aerosol":"varies with physics-version (p==1 None, p==3 OMA, p==4 TOMAS, p==5 MATRIX) ",
+ "source_id":"GISS-E2-1G",
+ "ocean":"GISS Ocean (1 deg latitude/longitude; 32 levels; top grid cell 0-10m)",
+ "land_ice":"Fixed"
+ },
+ "EC-Earth-3":{
+ "label_extended":"EC-Earth v3.2.x",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"None",
+ "atmosphere":"IFS cy36r4 (TL255, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 512 x 256; 91 levels; top level 1 Pa)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"None",
+ "release_year":"2017",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"LIM3 (same version as ocean)",
+ "label":"EC-Earth 3",
+ "institution_id":[
+ "EC-Earth-Consortium"
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"H-TESSEL (same version as atmosphere)",
+ "aerosol":"None",
+ "source_id":"EC-Earth-3",
+ "ocean":"NEMO3.6 (ORCA1: tripolar, 360x200; 75 levels; top grid cell 5m)",
+ "land_ice":"None"
+ },
+ "GISS-E2-1H":{
+ "label_extended":"GISS-E2.1H",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"varies with physics-version (p==1 Non-interactive, p>1 GPUCCINI)",
+ "atmosphere":"GISS-E2.1 (90 x 144 2x2.5; 40 levels; top level 0.1hPa)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"None",
+ "release_year":"2016",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"GISS SI",
+ "label":"GISS-E2.1H",
+ "institution_id":[
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"GISS LSM",
+ "aerosol":"varies with physics-version (p==1 None, p==3 OMA, p==4 TOMAS, p==5 MATRIX) ",
+ "source_id":"GISS-E2-1H",
+ "ocean":"HYCOM Ocean (tripolar grid; ~1 deg latitude/longitude; 26 levels; top grid cell 0-10m)",
+ "land_ice":"Fixed"
+ },
+ "BNU-ESM-1-1":{
+ "label_extended":"BNU-ESM 1.1",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"None",
+ "atmosphere":"CAM4 (FV, 144 x 96; 26 levels; top level 2.194 mb)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"Dynamic ecosystem-carbon model version 1",
+ "release_year":"2016",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"CICE4.1",
+ "label":"BNU-ESM 1.1",
+ "institution_id":[
+ "BNU"
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"CoLM version 2014 with carbon-nitrogen interactions",
+ "aerosol":"CAM-chem; semi-interactive",
+ "source_id":"BNU-ESM-1-1",
+ "ocean":"MOM4p1 (tripolar, 360x200, primarily 1deg latitude/longitude, down to 1/3deg within 30deg of the equatorial tropics; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10m)",
+ "land_ice":"None"
+ },
+ "PCMDI-test-1-0":{
+ "label_extended":"PCMDI-test 1.0 (This entry is free text for users to contribute verbose information)",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"None",
+ "atmosphere":"Earth1.0-gettingHotter (360x180; 50 levels; top level 0.1 mb)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"None",
+ "release_year":"1989",
+ "cohort":[
+ "CMIP6"
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"Declining1.0-warming",
+ "label":"PCMDI-test 1.0",
+ "institution_id":[
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"Earth1.0",
+ "aerosol":"None",
+ "source_id":"PCMDI-test-1-0",
+ "ocean":"BlueMarble1.0-warming (360x180; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10m)",
+ "land_ice":"None"
+ },
+ "NorESM2-LMEC":{
+ "label_extended":"NorESM2-LMEC (low atmosphere-medium ocean resolution, GHG emission driven, complex atmospheric chemistry)",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"OsloChemComp",
+ "atmosphere":"CAM-OSLO (2 degree resolution; 144 x 96; 32 levels; top level 3 mb)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"HAMOCC",
+ "release_year":"2017",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"CICE",
+ "label":"NorESM2-LMEC",
+ "institution_id":[
+ "NCC"
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"CLM",
+ "aerosol":"OsloAero",
+ "source_id":"NorESM2-LMEC",
+ "ocean":"MICOM (1 degree resolution; 360 x 384; 70 levels; top grid cell minimum 0-2.5 m [native model uses hybrid density and generic upper-layer coordinate interpolated to z-level for contributed data])",
+ "land_ice":"CISM"
+ },
"label_extended":"ACCESS 1.0 (This entry is free text for users to contribute verbose information)",
@@ -109,9 +231,29 @@
"ocean":"ACCESS-OM (MOM4p1; tripolar primarily 1deg latitude/longitude; 50 levels; top grid cell 0-10m)",
+ "EC-Earth-3-HR":{
+ "label_extended":"EC-Earth v3.2.x at high resolution",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"None",
+ "atmosphere":"IFS cy36r4 (TL511, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 1024 x 512; 91 levels; top level 1 Pa)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"None",
+ "release_year":"2017",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"LIM3 (same version as ocean)",
+ "label":"EC-Earth 3-HR",
+ "institution_id":[
+ "EC-Earth-Consortium"
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"H-TESSEL (same version as atmosphere)",
+ "aerosol":"None",
+ "source_id":"EC-Earth-3-HR",
+ "ocean":"NEMO3.6 (tripolar, 1442x1921; 75 levels; top grid cell 5m)",
+ "land_ice":"None"
+ },
- "atmospheric_chemistry":"",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"None",
"atmosphere":"GFS (192 x 94 T62; 64 levels; top level 0.2 mb)",
@@ -123,30 +265,150 @@
- "land_surface":"Earth1.0",
+ "land_surface":"NOAH LSM",
"aerosol":"unnamed (prescribed MAC-v2)",
"ocean":"MOM4p1 (tripolar, 360x200; 50 levels; top grid cell 5m)",
- "land_ice":"Noah LSM"
+ "land_ice":"None"
- "PCMDI-test-1-0":{
- "label_extended":"PCMDI-test 1.0 (This entry is free text for users to contribute verbose information)",
+ "VRESM-1-0":{
+ "label_extended":"VRESM 1.0 (Variable-resolution Earth System Model 1.0)",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"None",
+ "atmosphere":"VCAM-1.0 (192 x 192 x 6 C192; 35 levels; top level 35km)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"PISCES v3.4socco",
+ "release_year":"2016",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"CSIR-ICE (visco-plastic)",
+ "label":"VRESM 1.0",
+ "institution_id":[
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"CABLE v2.2.3",
+ "aerosol":"Rotstayn-1.0",
+ "source_id":"VRESM-1-0",
+ "ocean":"VCOM-1.0 (192 x 192 x 6 C192; 35 levels; top grid cell 0-10m)",
+ "land_ice":"None"
+ },
+ "NorESM2-HH":{
+ "label_extended":"NorESM2-HH (high atmosphere-high ocean resolution, GHG concentration driven)",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"OsloChemSimp",
+ "atmosphere":"CAM-OSLO (0.25 degree resolution; 1152 x 768; 32 levels; top level 3 mb)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"HAMOCC",
+ "release_year":"2018",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"CICE",
+ "label":"NorESM2-HH",
+ "institution_id":[
+ "NCC"
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"CLM",
+ "aerosol":"OsloAero",
+ "source_id":"NorESM2-HH",
+ "ocean":"MICOM (0.25 degree resolution; 1440 x 1152; 70 levels; top grid cell minimum 0-2.5 m [native model uses hybrid density and generic upper-layer coordinate interpolated to z-level for contributed data])",
+ "land_ice":"CISM"
+ },
+ "NorESM2-LM":{
+ "label_extended":"NorESM2-LM (low atmosphere-medium ocean resolution, GHG concentration driven)",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"OsloChemSimp",
+ "atmosphere":"CAM-OSLO (2 degree resolution; 144 x 96; 32 levels; top level 3 mb)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"HAMOCC",
+ "release_year":"2017",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"CICE",
+ "label":"NorESM2-LM",
+ "institution_id":[
+ "NCC"
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"CLM",
+ "aerosol":"OsloAero",
+ "source_id":"NorESM2-LM",
+ "ocean":"MICOM (1 degree resolution; 360 x 384; 70 levels; top grid cell minimum 0-2.5 m [native model uses hybrid density and generic upper-layer coordinate interpolated to z-level for contributed data])",
+ "land_ice":"CISM"
+ },
+ "NorESM2-MH":{
+ "label_extended":"NorESM2-MH",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"OsloChemSimp",
+ "atmosphere":"CAM-OSLO (1 degree resolution; 288 x 192; 32 levels; top level 3 mb)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"HAMOCC",
+ "release_year":"2017",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"CICE",
+ "label":"NorESM2-MH",
+ "institution_id":[
+ "NCC"
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"CLM",
+ "aerosol":"OsloAero",
+ "source_id":"NorESM2-MH",
+ "ocean":"MICOM (0.25 degree resolution; 1440 x 1152; 70 levels; top grid cell minimum 0-2.5 m [native model uses hybrid density and generic upper-layer coordinate interpolated to z-level for contributed data])",
+ "land_ice":"CISM"
+ },
+ "NorESM2-MM":{
+ "label_extended":"NorESM2-MM (medium atmosphere-medium ocean resolution, GHG concentration driven)",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"OsloChemSimp",
+ "atmosphere":"CAM-OSLO (1 degree resolution; 288 x 192; 32 levels; top level 3 mb)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"HAMOCC",
+ "release_year":"2017",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"CICE",
+ "label":"NorESM2-MM",
+ "institution_id":[
+ "NCC"
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"CLM",
+ "aerosol":"OsloAero",
+ "source_id":"NorESM2-MM",
+ "ocean":"MICOM (1 degree resolution; 360 x 384; 70 levels; top grid cell minimum 0-2.5 m [native model uses hybrid density and generic upper-layer coordinate interpolated to z-level for contributed data])",
+ "land_ice":"CISM"
+ },
+ "NorESM2-LME":{
+ "label_extended":"NorESM2-LME (low atmosphere-medium ocean resolution, GHG emission driven)",
+ "atmospheric_chemistry":"OsloChemSimp",
+ "atmosphere":"CAM-OSLO (2 degree resolution; 144 x 96; 32 levels; top level 3 mb)",
+ "ocean_biogeochemistry":"HAMOCC",
+ "release_year":"2017",
+ "cohort":[
+ ""
+ ],
+ "sea_ice":"CICE",
+ "label":"NorESM2-LME",
+ "institution_id":[
+ "NCC"
+ ],
+ "land_surface":"CLM",
+ "aerosol":"OsloAero",
+ "source_id":"NorESM2-LME",
+ "ocean":"MICOM (1 degree resolution; 360 x 384; 70 levels; top grid cell minimum 0-2.5 m [native model uses hybrid density and generic upper-layer coordinate interpolated to z-level for contributed data])",
+ "land_ice":"CISM"
+ },
+ "EC-Earth-3-LR":{
+ "label_extended":"EC-Earth v3.2.x at low resolution",
- "atmosphere":"Earth1.0-gettingHotter",
+ "atmosphere":"IFS cy36r4 (TL159, linearly reduced Gaussian grid equivalent to 320 x 160; 62 levels; top level 5 Pa)",
- "release_year":"1989",
+ "release_year":"2017",
- "CMIP6"
+ ""
- "sea_ice":"Declining",
- "label":"PCMDI-test 1.0",
+ "sea_ice":"LIM3 (same version as ocean)",
+ "label":"EC-Earth 3-LR",
+ "EC-Earth-Consortium"
- "land_surface":"Earth1.0",
+ "land_surface":"H-TESSEL (same version as atmosphere)",
- "source_id":"PCMDI-test-1-0",
- "ocean":"BlueMarble1.0-warming",
+ "source_id":"EC-Earth-3-LR",
+ "ocean":"NEMO3.6 (ORCA1: tripolar, 360x200; 75 levels; top grid cell 5m)",
@@ -176,34 +438,59 @@
+ "gna",
+ "gng",
+ "gr1a",
+ "gr1g",
+ "gr2a",
+ "gr2g",
+ "gr3a",
+ "gr3g",
+ "gr4a",
+ "gr4g",
+ "gr5a",
+ "gr5g",
+ "gr6a",
+ "gr6g",
+ "gr7a",
+ "gr7g",
+ "gr8a",
+ "gr8g",
+ "gr9a",
+ "gr9g",
+ "gra",
+ "grg",
+ "0.5 km",
+ "1 km",
"10 km",
"100 km",
"1000 km",
"10000 km",
"1x1 degree",
+ "2.5 km",
"25 km",
"250 km",
"2500 km",
@@ -227,7 +514,7 @@
- "day",
+ "Aday",
@@ -239,7 +526,6 @@
- "cfMon",
@@ -270,7 +556,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -298,7 +584,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -324,7 +610,7 @@
"experiment":"SSP3-7.0, with low NTCF emissions",
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -416,7 +702,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -550,7 +836,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -660,7 +946,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -709,7 +995,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -736,7 +1022,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -765,7 +1051,8 @@
- "ESM"
+ "AOGCM",
+ "BGC"
@@ -810,7 +1097,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -833,7 +1120,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -878,7 +1165,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -946,7 +1233,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -995,7 +1282,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1018,7 +1305,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1066,7 +1353,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1089,7 +1376,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1116,7 +1403,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1139,7 +1426,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1166,7 +1453,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1218,7 +1505,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1274,7 +1561,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1294,7 +1581,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1317,7 +1604,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1388,7 +1675,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1415,7 +1702,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1495,7 +1782,8 @@
- "ESM"
+ "AOGCM",
+ "BGC"
@@ -1520,7 +1808,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1587,7 +1875,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1672,7 +1960,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1826,7 +2114,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1853,7 +2141,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1928,7 +2216,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1955,7 +2243,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -1983,7 +2271,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2010,7 +2298,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2033,7 +2321,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2059,7 +2347,7 @@
"experiment":"historical forcing, but with pre-industrial aerosol emissions",
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2130,7 +2418,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2176,7 +2464,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2203,7 +2491,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2248,7 +2536,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2275,7 +2563,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2324,7 +2612,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2411,12 +2699,12 @@
"experiment":"historical forcing, but with pre-industrial NTCF emissions",
- "BGCM"
+ "CHEM",
+ "BGC"
- "AER",
- "CHEM"
+ "AER"
@@ -2440,7 +2728,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2486,7 +2774,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2513,7 +2801,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2536,7 +2824,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2559,7 +2847,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2624,7 +2912,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2654,7 +2942,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2678,7 +2966,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2705,7 +2993,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2799,7 +3087,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2822,7 +3110,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2845,7 +3133,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2894,7 +3182,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2947,7 +3235,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -2997,7 +3285,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3037,7 +3325,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3064,7 +3352,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3109,7 +3397,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3136,7 +3424,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3165,7 +3453,8 @@
- "ESM"
+ "AOGCM",
+ "BGC"
@@ -3182,11 +3471,13 @@
"experiment":"pre-industrial climatological SSTs and forcing, but with 2014 NTCF emissions",
- "additional_allowed_model_components":"",
+ "additional_allowed_model_components":[
+ "CHEM",
+ "BGC"
+ ],
- "AER",
- "CHEM"
+ "AER"
@@ -3229,7 +3520,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3256,7 +3547,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3284,7 +3575,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3421,7 +3712,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3470,7 +3761,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3557,7 +3848,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3648,7 +3939,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3675,7 +3966,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3720,7 +4011,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3747,7 +4038,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3846,7 +4137,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3896,7 +4187,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -3938,7 +4229,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4009,7 +4300,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4099,7 +4390,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4126,7 +4417,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4137,8 +4428,8 @@
- "AerChemMIP",
- "ScenarioMIP"
+ "ScenarioMIP",
+ "AerChemMIP"
"description":"Future scenario with high radiative forcing by the end of century. Reaches about 7.0 W/m2 by 2100; fills gap in RCP forcing pathways between 6.0 and 8.5 W/m2. Concentration-driven",
@@ -4154,7 +4445,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4219,7 +4510,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4271,7 +4562,8 @@
- "ESM"
+ "AOGCM",
+ "BGC"
@@ -4297,7 +4589,8 @@
- "ESM"
+ "AOGCM",
+ "BGC"
@@ -4317,7 +4610,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4360,11 +4653,13 @@
"experiment":"SSP3-7.0, prescribed SSTs, with low NTCF emissions",
- "additional_allowed_model_components":"",
+ "additional_allowed_model_components":[
+ "CHEM",
+ "BGC"
+ ],
- "AER",
- "CHEM"
+ "AER"
@@ -4388,7 +4683,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4416,7 +4711,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4444,7 +4739,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4470,12 +4765,11 @@
"experiment":"1 percent per year increasing CO2 experiment with increasing N-deposition",
- "CHEM",
- "BGCM"
+ "CHEM"
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4493,7 +4787,7 @@
"experiment":"historical SSTs and historical forcings, but with pre-industrial N2O concentrations",
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4518,7 +4812,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4568,7 +4862,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4595,7 +4889,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4622,7 +4916,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4649,7 +4943,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4790,7 +5084,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4858,7 +5152,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4885,7 +5179,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4954,7 +5248,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -4999,7 +5293,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5026,7 +5320,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5081,7 +5375,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5104,7 +5398,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5131,7 +5425,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5199,7 +5493,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5248,7 +5542,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5338,7 +5632,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5384,7 +5678,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5414,7 +5708,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5539,7 +5833,8 @@
- "ESM"
+ "AOGCM",
+ "BGC"
@@ -5586,7 +5881,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5613,7 +5908,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5714,7 +6009,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5755,11 +6050,13 @@
"experiment":"historical SSTs and historical forcing, but with pre-industrial NTCF emissions",
- "additional_allowed_model_components":"",
+ "additional_allowed_model_components":[
+ "CHEM",
+ "BGC"
+ ],
- "AER",
- "CHEM"
+ "AER"
@@ -5841,7 +6138,7 @@
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5951,7 +6248,7 @@
"experiment":"historical forcing, but with1950s halocarbon concentrations; initialized in 1950",
- "BGCM"
+ "BGC"
@@ -5962,6 +6259,33 @@
+ "1pctCO2-4xext":{
+ "activity_id":[
+ "ISMIP6"
+ ],
+ "description":"branched from 1pctCO2 run at year 140 and run with CO2 fixed at 4x pre-industrial concentration",
+ "start_year":"",
+ "end_year":"",
+ "sub_experiment":"none",
+ "parent_experiment_id":[
+ "1pctCO2"
+ ],
+ "parent_activity_id":[
+ "CMIP"
+ ],
+ "experiment":"extension from year 140 of 1pctCO2 with 4xCO2",
+ "additional_allowed_model_components":[
+ "AER",
+ "CHEM",
+ "BGC"
+ ],
+ "required_model_components":[
+ ],
+ "tier":"1",
+ "min_number_yrs_per_sim":"210",
+ "sub_experiment_id":"none"
+ },
@@ -6010,6 +6334,9 @@
+ "tracking_id":[
+ "hdl:21.14100/.*"
+ ],
@@ -6021,4 +6348,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxant.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxant.json
index fd10860..eec8237 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxant.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxant.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table LIfxant",
- "realm": "",
+ "realm": "landIce",
"frequency": "fx",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "",
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"variable_entry": {
"areacellg": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "cell_area",
"units": "m2",
"cell_methods": "",
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"hfgeoubed": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "upward_geothermal_heat_flux_at_ground_level",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"lithk": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_thickness",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"topg": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "bedrock_altitude",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxgre.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxgre.json
index 1f2ee7b..3635849 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxgre.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_LIfxgre.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table LIfxgre",
- "realm": "",
+ "realm": "landIce",
"frequency": "fx",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "",
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"variable_entry": {
"areacellg": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "cell_area",
"units": "m2",
"cell_methods": "",
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"hfgeoubed": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "upward_geothermal_heat_flux_at_ground_level",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"lithk": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_thickness",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"topg": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "bedrock_altitude",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_LImon.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_LImon.json
index 7e456eb..a126be6 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_LImon.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_LImon.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table LImon",
"realm": "landIce land",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "30.00000",
@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@
"Conventions": "CF-1.6 CMIP-6.0"
"variable_entry": {
- "acabfLi": {
+ "acabfIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Surface Mass Balance flux",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Mass Balance flux",
"comment": "Specific mass balance means the net rate at which ice is added per unit area at the land ice surface. Computed as the total surface mass balance on the land ice portion of the grid cell divided by land ice area in the grid cell. A negative value means loss of ice",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "acabfLi",
+ "out_name": "acabfIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -65,16 +65,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "hflsLi": {
+ "hflsIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux",
- "comment": "",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Upward Latent Heat Flux",
+ "comment": "Upward latent heat flux from the ice sheet surface",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "hflsLi",
+ "out_name": "hflsIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -82,16 +82,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "hfssLi": {
+ "hfssIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux",
- "comment": "",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Upward Sensible Heat Flux",
+ "comment": "Upward sensible heat flux from the ice sheet surface",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "hfssLi",
+ "out_name": "hfssIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -99,16 +99,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "icemLi": {
+ "icemIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_melt_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Surface ice melt flux",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Ice Melt Flux",
"comment": "Loss of ice mass resulting from surface melting. Computed as the total surface melt water on the land ice portion of the grid cell divided by land ice area in the grid cell.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "icemLi",
+ "out_name": "icemIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -116,16 +116,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "lialbLi": {
+ "lialbIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_albedo",
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Land ice or snow albedo",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Ice or Snow Albedo",
"comment": "Mean surface albedo of entire land ice covered part of the grid cell",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "lialbLi",
+ "out_name": "lialbIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -133,16 +133,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "litempsnicLi": {
+ "litemptopIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
- "standard_name": "snow_land_ice_interface_temperature",
+ "standard_name": "temperature_at_top_of_ice_sheet_model",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Temperature at snow-ice interface over land ice",
- "comment": "Surface Temperature that is used to force ice sheet models. It is the temperature at the base of the snowpack models, and does not vary with seasons. Report surface temperature of ice sheet where snow thickness is zero",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Temperature at top of ice sheet model",
+ "comment": "Upper boundary temperature that is used to force ice sheet models. It is the temperature at the base of the snowpack models, and does not vary with seasons. Report surface temperature of ice sheet where snow thickness is zero",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "litempsnicLi",
+ "out_name": "litemptopIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -167,16 +167,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "mrroLi": {
+ "mrroIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
- "standard_name": "land_ice_runoff_flux",
+ "standard_name": "runoff_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Land Ice Runoff Flux",
- "comment": "Runoff flux over land ice is the difference between any available liquid water in the snowpack less any refreezing. Computed as the sum of rainfall and melt of snow or ice less any refreezing or water retained in the snowpack",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Total Run-off",
+ "comment": "The total run-off (including drainage through the base of the soil model) per unit area leaving the land portion of the grid cell.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "mrroLi",
+ "out_name": "mrroIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -184,16 +184,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "orogLi": {
+ "orogIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_altitude",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "surface altitude",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Altitude",
"comment": "The surface called 'surface' means the lower boundary of the atmosphere. Altitude is the (geometric) height above the geoid, which is the reference geopotential surface. The geoid is similar to mean sea level.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "orogLi",
+ "out_name": "orogIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -218,33 +218,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "prLi": {
- "modeling_realm": "landIce",
- "standard_name": "precipitation_flux",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Precipitation",
- "comment": "includes both liquid and solid phases",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "prLi",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "prraLi": {
+ "prraIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "rainfall_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Rainfall rate",
- "comment": "",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Rainfall rate",
+ "comment": "Rainfall rate over the ice sheet",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "prraLi",
+ "out_name": "prraIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -252,16 +235,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "prsnLi": {
+ "prsnIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "snowfall_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Snowfall Flux",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Snowfall Flux",
"comment": "at surface; includes precipitation of all forms of water in the solid phase",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "prsnLi",
+ "out_name": "prsnIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -269,16 +252,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "rldsLi": {
+ "rldsIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "surface downwelling longwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "rldsLi",
+ "out_name": "rldsIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -286,16 +269,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "rlusLi": {
+ "rlusIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "surface upwelling longwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "rlusLi",
+ "out_name": "rlusIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -303,16 +286,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "rsdsLi": {
+ "rsdsIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation",
- "comment": "surface solar irradiance for UV calculations",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation",
+ "comment": "Surface solar irradiance for UV calculations",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "rsdsLi",
+ "out_name": "rsdsIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -320,16 +303,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "rsusLi": {
+ "rsusIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "surface upwelling shortwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "rsusLi",
+ "out_name": "rsusIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -337,7 +320,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "sblLi": {
+ "sbl": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce land",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_and_ice_sublimation_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
@@ -346,7 +329,7 @@
"long_name": "Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux",
"comment": "The snow and ice sublimation flux is the loss of snow and ice mass per unit area from the surface resulting from their direct conversion to water vapor that enters the atmosphere.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "sblLi",
+ "out_name": "sbl",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -354,11 +337,28 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "sblIs": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
+ "standard_name": "surface_snow_and_ice_sublimation_flux",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Snow and Ice Sublimation Flux",
+ "comment": "The snow and ice sublimation flux is the loss of snow and ice mass per unit area from the surface resulting from their direct conversion to water vapor that enters the atmosphere.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "sblIs",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"sftflf": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "floating_ice_shelf_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
- "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where floating_ice_shelf",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Floating Ice Shelf Area Fraction",
"comment": "Fraction of grid cell covered by floating ice shelf, the component of the ice sheet that is flowing over seawater",
@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@
"out_name": "sftgif",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "100.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "sncLi": {
+ "snc": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce land",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
"long_name": "Snow Area Fraction",
"comment": "Fraction of each grid cell that is occupied by snow that rests on land portion of cell.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "sncLi",
+ "out_name": "snc",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -422,6 +422,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "sncIs": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
+ "standard_name": "surface_snow_area_fraction",
+ "units": "%",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Snow Area Fraction",
+ "comment": "Fraction of each grid cell that is occupied by snow that rests on land portion of cell.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "sncIs",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"snd": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce land",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_thickness",
@@ -439,16 +456,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "snicefreezLi": {
+ "snicefreezIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_and_ice_refreezing_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Surface snow and ice refreeze flux",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Snow and Ice Refreeze Flux",
"comment": "Mass flux of surface meltwater which refreezes within the snowpack. Computed as the total refreezing on the land ice portion of the grid cell divided by land ice area in the grid cell.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "snicefreezLi",
+ "out_name": "snicefreezIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -456,16 +473,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "snicemLi": {
+ "snicemIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_and_ice_melt_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Surface snow and ice melt flux",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Snow and Ice Melt Flux",
"comment": "Loss of snow and ice mass resulting from surface melting. Computed as the total surface melt on the land ice portion of the grid cell divided by land ice area in the grid cell.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "snicemLi",
+ "out_name": "snicemIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -473,7 +490,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "snmLi": {
+ "snm": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce land",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_melt_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
@@ -482,7 +499,7 @@
"long_name": "Surface Snow Melt",
"comment": "The total surface snow melt rate on the land portion of the grid cell divided by the land area in the grid cell; report as zero for snow-free land regions and missing where there is no land.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "snmLi",
+ "out_name": "snm",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -490,6 +507,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "snmIs": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
+ "standard_name": "surface_snow_melt_flux",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Snow Melt",
+ "comment": "The total surface snow melt rate on the land portion of the grid cell divided by the land area in the grid cell; report as zero for snow-free land regions and missing where there is no land.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "snmIs",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"snw": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce land",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_amount",
@@ -524,16 +558,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "tasLi": {
+ "tasIs": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "air_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Near-Surface Air Temperature",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Near-Surface Air Temperature",
"comment": "near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "tasLi",
+ "out_name": "tasIs",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -558,24 +592,24 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "tsLi": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "tsIs": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Surface Temperature",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Surface Temperature",
"comment": "Temperature of the lower boundary of the atmosphere",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "tsLi",
- "type": "real",
+ "out_name": "tsIs",
+ "type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "tsnLi": {
+ "tsn": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce land",
"standard_name": "temperature_in_surface_snow",
"units": "K",
@@ -584,13 +618,30 @@
"long_name": "Snow Internal Temperature",
"comment": "This temperature is averaged over all the snow in the grid cell that rests on land or land ice. When computing the time-mean here, the time samples, weighted by the mass of snow on the land portion of the grid cell, are accumulated and then divided by the sum of the weights. Reported as missing in regions free of snow on land.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "tsnLi",
+ "out_name": "tsn",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "tsnIs": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
+ "standard_name": "temperature_in_surface_snow",
+ "units": "K",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Ice Sheet Snow Internal Temperature",
+ "comment": "This temperature is averaged over all the snow in the grid cell that rests on land or land ice. When computing the time-mean here, the time samples, weighted by the mass of snow on the land portion of the grid cell, are accumulated and then divided by the sum of the weights. Reported as missing in regions free of snow on land.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "tsnIs",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_LImonant.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_LImonant.json
index 7701c79..3c510ba 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_LImonant.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_LImonant.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table LImonant",
- "realm": "",
+ "realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "",
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"variable_entry": {
"acabf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"hfls": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "hfls",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"hfss": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -59,14 +59,14 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "hfss",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"icem": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_melt_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"lialb": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_albedo",
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"libmassbffl": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where floating_ice_shelf",
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"libmassbfgr": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where grounded_ice_shelf",
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"licalvf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_to_calving",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"lifmassbf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_to_calving_and_ice_front_melting",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"litempbotfl": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where floating_ice_shelf",
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"litempbotgr": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where grounded_ice_shelf",
@@ -201,16 +201,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "litempsnic": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
- "standard_name": "snow_land_ice_interface_temperature",
+ "litemptop": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
+ "standard_name": "temperature_at_top_of_ice_sheet_model",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "Temperature at snow-ice interface over land ice",
- "comment": "Surface Temperature that is used to force ice sheet models. It is the temperature at the base of the snowpack models, and does not vary with seasons. Report surface temperature of ice sheet where snow thickness is zero",
+ "long_name": "Temperature at top of ice sheet model",
+ "comment": "Upper boundary temperature that is used to force ice sheet models. It is the temperature at the base of the snowpack models, and does not vary with seasons. Report surface temperature of ice sheet where snow thickness is zero",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "litempsnic",
+ "out_name": "litemptop",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"orog": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_altitude",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -252,25 +252,8 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "pr": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
- "standard_name": "precipitation_flux",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "Precipitation over Land Ice",
- "comment": "includes both liquid and solid phases",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "pr",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"prra": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "rainfall_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -287,7 +270,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"prsn": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "snowfall_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -304,41 +287,41 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"rlds": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "surface downwelling longwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rlds",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "down",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"rlus": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "surface upwelling longwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rlus",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"rsds": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -348,31 +331,31 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rsds",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "down",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"rsus": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "surface upwelling shortwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rsus",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"sbl": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_and_ice_sublimation_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -389,7 +372,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"snc": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce land",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -406,7 +389,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"snicefreez": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_and_ice_refreezing_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -423,7 +406,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"snicem": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_and_ice_melt_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -457,7 +440,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"tas": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "air_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_LImongre.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_LImongre.json
index a6fe88e..ea7a5ed 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_LImongre.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_LImongre.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table LImongre",
- "realm": "",
+ "realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "",
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"variable_entry": {
"acabf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"hfls": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "hfls",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"hfss": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -59,14 +59,14 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "hfss",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"icem": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_melt_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"lialb": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_albedo",
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"libmassbffl": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where floating_ice_shelf",
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"libmassbfgr": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where grounded_ice_shelf",
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"licalvf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_to_calving",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"lifmassbf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_to_calving_and_ice_front_melting",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"litempbotfl": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where floating_ice_shelf",
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"litempbotgr": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where grounded_ice_shelf",
@@ -201,16 +201,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "litempsnic": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
- "standard_name": "snow_land_ice_interface_temperature",
+ "litemptop": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
+ "standard_name": "temperature_at_top_of_ice_sheet_model",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "Temperature at snow-ice interface over land ice",
- "comment": "Surface Temperature that is used to force ice sheet models. It is the temperature at the base of the snowpack models, and does not vary with seasons. Report surface temperature of ice sheet where snow thickness is zero",
+ "long_name": "Temperature at top of ice sheet model",
+ "comment": "Upper boundary temperature that is used to force ice sheet models. It is the temperature at the base of the snowpack models, and does not vary with seasons. Report surface temperature of ice sheet where snow thickness is zero",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "litempsnic",
+ "out_name": "litemptop",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"orog": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_altitude",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -252,25 +252,8 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "pr": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
- "standard_name": "precipitation_flux",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "Precipitation over Land Ice",
- "comment": "includes both liquid and solid phases",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "pr",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"prra": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "rainfall_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -287,7 +270,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"prsn": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "snowfall_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -304,41 +287,41 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"rlds": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "surface downwelling longwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiation",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rlds",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "down",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"rlus": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "surface upwelling longwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiation",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rlus",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"rsds": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -348,31 +331,31 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rsds",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "down",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"rsus": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "surface upwelling shortwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiation",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rsus",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"sbl": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_and_ice_sublimation_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -389,7 +372,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"snc": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce land",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -406,7 +389,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"snicefreez": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_and_ice_refreezing_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -423,7 +406,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"snicem": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_and_ice_melt_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -457,7 +440,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"tas": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "air_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrant.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrant.json
index 98d9a47..35eb0bd 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrant.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrant.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table LIyrant",
- "realm": "",
+ "realm": "landIce",
"frequency": "yr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "",
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"variable_entry": {
"acabf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"areacelli": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "cell_area",
"units": "m2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"hfgeoubed": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "upward_geothermal_heat_flux_at_ground_level",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"libmassbffl": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where floating_ice_shelf",
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"libmassbfgr": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where grounded_ice_shelf",
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"licalvf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_to_calving",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"lifmassbf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_to_calving_and_ice_front_melting",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
"units": "kg",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "",
- "long_name": "ice sheet mass",
+ "long_name": "Ice sheet mass",
"comment": "The ice sheet mass is computed as the volume times density",
"dimensions": "time",
"out_name": "lim",
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"litempbotfl": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where floating_ice_shelf",
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"litempbotgr": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where grounded_ice_shelf",
@@ -235,16 +235,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "litempsnic": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
- "standard_name": "snow_land_ice_interface_temperature",
+ "litemptop": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
+ "standard_name": "temperature_at_top_of_ice_sheet_model",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "Temperature at snow-ice interface over land ice",
- "comment": "Surface Temperature that is used to force ice sheet models. It is the temperature at the base of the snowpack models, and does not vary with seasons. Report surface temperature of ice sheet where snow thickness is zero",
+ "long_name": "Temperature at top of ice sheet model",
+ "comment": "Upper boundary temperature that is used to force ice sheet models. It is the temperature at the base of the snowpack models, and does not vary with seasons. Report surface temperature of ice sheet where snow thickness is zero",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "litempsnic",
+ "out_name": "litemptop",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"lithk": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_thickness",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"orog": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_altitude",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"sftflf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "floating_ice_shelf_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -315,13 +315,13 @@
"out_name": "sftgif",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "100.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"sftgrf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "grounded_ice_sheet_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"snc": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce land",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"strbasemag": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "magnitude_of_basal_drag_at_land_ice_base",
"units": "Pa",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"topg": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "bedrock_altitude",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -439,16 +439,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "uvelbase": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "xvelbase": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_x_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "X-component of land ice basal velocity",
- "comment": "u-velocity at land ice base",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'x' indicates a vector component along the grid x-axis, positive with increasing x. 'Land ice' means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock and also includes ice-shelves. 'basal' means the lower boundary of the land ice.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "uvelbase",
+ "out_name": "xvelbase",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -456,8 +456,8 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "uvelmean": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "xvelmean": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
"long_name": "X-component of land ice vertical mean velocity",
"comment": "The vertical mean land ice velocity is the average from the bedrock to the surface of the ice",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "uvelmean",
+ "out_name": "xvelmean",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -473,16 +473,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "uvelsurf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "xvelsurf": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_x_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "X-component of land ice surface velocity",
- "comment": "u-velocity at land ice surface",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'x' indicates a vector component along the grid x-axis, positive with increasing x. 'Land ice' means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock and also includes ice-shelves. The surface called 'surface' means the lower boundary of the atmosphere.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "uvelsurf",
+ "out_name": "xvelsurf",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -490,16 +490,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "vvelbase": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "yvelbase": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_y_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "Y-component of land ice basal velocity",
- "comment": "v-velocity at land ice base",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'y' indicates a vector component along the grid y-axis, positive with increasing y. 'Land ice' means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock and also includes ice-shelves. 'basal' means the lower boundary of the land ice.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "vvelbase",
+ "out_name": "yvelbase",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -507,8 +507,8 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "vvelmean": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "yvelmean": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
"long_name": "Y-component of land ice vertical mean velocity",
"comment": "The vertical mean land ice velocity is the average from the bedrock to the surface of the ice",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "vvelmean",
+ "out_name": "yvelmean",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -524,16 +524,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "vvelsurf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "yvelsurf": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_y_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "Y-component of land ice surface velocity",
- "comment": "v-velocity at land ice surface",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'y' indicates a vector component along the grid y-axis, positive with increasing y. 'Land ice' means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock and also includes ice-shelves. The surface called 'surface' means the lower boundary of the atmosphere.'",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "vvelsurf",
+ "out_name": "yvelsurf",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -541,16 +541,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "wvelbase": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "zvelbase": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_upward_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "Upward-component of land ice basal velocity",
- "comment": "w-velocity at land ice base",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'Upward' indicates a vector component which is positive when directed upward (negative downward). 'basal' means the lower boundary of the atmosphere",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "wvelbase",
+ "out_name": "zvelbase",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -558,16 +558,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "wvelsurf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "zvelsurf": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_upward_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "Upward component of land ice surface velocity",
- "comment": "w-velocity at land ice surface",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'Upward' indicates a vector component which is positive when directed upward (negative downward). The surface called 'surface' means the lower boundary of the atmosphere",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "wvelsurf",
+ "out_name": "zvelsurf",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrgre.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrgre.json
index 2a08d2f..60ba285 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrgre.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_LIyrgre.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table LIyrgre",
- "realm": "",
+ "realm": "landIce",
"frequency": "yr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "",
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"variable_entry": {
"acabf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"areacelli": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "cell_area",
"units": "m2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"hfgeoubed": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "upward_geothermal_heat_flux_at_ground_level",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"libmassbffl": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where floating_ice_shelf",
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"libmassbfgr": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_specific_mass_balance_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where grounded_ice_shelf",
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"licalvf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_to_calving",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"lifmassbf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_specific_mass_flux_due_to_calving_and_ice_front_melting",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
"units": "kg",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "",
- "long_name": "ice sheet mass",
+ "long_name": "Ice sheet mass",
"comment": "The ice sheet mass is computed as the volume times density",
"dimensions": "time",
"out_name": "lim",
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"litempbotfl": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where floating_ice_shelf",
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"litempbotgr": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where grounded_ice_shelf",
@@ -235,16 +235,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "litempsnic": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
- "standard_name": "snow_land_ice_interface_temperature",
+ "litemptop": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
+ "standard_name": "temperature_at_top_of_ice_sheet_model",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
- "long_name": "Temperature at snow-ice interface over land ice",
- "comment": "Surface Temperature that is used to force ice sheet models. It is the temperature at the base of the snowpack models, and does not vary with seasons. Report surface temperature of ice sheet where snow thickness is zero",
+ "long_name": "Temperature at top of ice sheet model",
+ "comment": "Upper boundary temperature that is used to force ice sheet models. It is the temperature at the base of the snowpack models, and does not vary with seasons. Report surface temperature of ice sheet where snow thickness is zero",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "litempsnic",
+ "out_name": "litemptop",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"lithk": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_thickness",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"orog": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_altitude",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"sftflf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "floating_ice_shelf_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -315,13 +315,13 @@
"out_name": "sftgif",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "100.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"sftgrf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "grounded_ice_sheet_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"snc": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce land",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"strbasemag": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "magnitude_of_basal_drag_at_land_ice_base",
"units": "Pa",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"topg": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "bedrock_altitude",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -439,16 +439,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "uvelbase": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "xvelbase": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_x_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "X-component of land ice basal velocity",
- "comment": "u-velocity at land ice base",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'x' indicates a vector component along the grid x-axis, positive with increasing x. 'Land ice' means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock and also includes ice-shelves. 'basal' means the lower boundary of the land ice.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "uvelbase",
+ "out_name": "xvelbase",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -456,8 +456,8 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "uvelmean": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "xvelmean": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_vertical_mean_x_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@
"long_name": "X-component of land ice vertical mean velocity",
"comment": "The vertical mean land ice velocity is the average from the bedrock to the surface of the ice",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "uvelmean",
+ "out_name": "xvelmean",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -473,16 +473,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "uvelsurf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "xvelsurf": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_x_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "X-component of land ice surface velocity",
- "comment": "u-velocity at land ice surface",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'x' indicates a vector component along the grid x-axis, positive with increasing x. 'Land ice' means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock and also includes ice-shelves. The surface called 'surface' means the lower boundary of the atmosphere.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "uvelsurf",
+ "out_name": "xvelsurf",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -490,16 +490,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "vvelbase": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "yvelbase": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_y_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "Y-component of land ice basal velocity",
- "comment": "v-velocity at land ice base",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'y' indicates a vector component along the grid y-axis, positive with increasing y. 'Land ice' means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock and also includes ice-shelves. 'basal' means the lower boundary of the land ice.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "vvelbase",
+ "out_name": "yvelbase",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -507,8 +507,8 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "vvelmean": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "yvelmean": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_vertical_mean_y_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
@@ -516,7 +516,7 @@
"long_name": "Y-component of land ice vertical mean velocity",
"comment": "The vertical mean land ice velocity is the average from the bedrock to the surface of the ice",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "vvelmean",
+ "out_name": "yvelmean",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -524,16 +524,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "vvelsurf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "yvelsurf": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_y_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "Y-component of land ice surface velocity",
- "comment": "v-velocity at land ice surface",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'y' indicates a vector component along the grid y-axis, positive with increasing y. 'Land ice' means glaciers, ice-caps and ice-sheets resting on bedrock and also includes ice-shelves. The surface called 'surface' means the lower boundary of the atmosphere.'",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "vvelsurf",
+ "out_name": "yvelsurf",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -541,16 +541,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "wvelbase": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "zvelbase": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_basal_upward_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "Upward-component of land ice basal velocity",
- "comment": "w-velocity at land ice base",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'Upward' indicates a vector component which is positive when directed upward (negative downward). 'basal' means the lower boundary of the atmosphere",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "wvelbase",
+ "out_name": "zvelbase",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -558,16 +558,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "wvelsurf": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "zvelsurf": {
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "land_ice_surface_upward_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where ice_shelf",
"cell_measures": "area: areacellg",
"long_name": "Upward component of land ice surface velocity",
- "comment": "w-velocity at land ice surface",
+ "comment": "A velocity is a vector quantity. 'Upward' indicates a vector component which is positive when directed upward (negative downward). The surface called 'surface' means the lower boundary of the atmosphere",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "wvelsurf",
+ "out_name": "zvelsurf",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_Lmon.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_Lmon.json
index 0bc3845..8193740 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_Lmon.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_Lmon.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table Lmon",
"realm": "land",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "30.00000",
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Total C4 PFT Cover Fraction",
- "comment": "Fraction of entire grid cell that is covered by C4 PFTs (including grass and crops).",
+ "comment": "Percentage of entire grid cell that is covered by C4 PFTs (including grass and crops).",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time typec4pft",
"out_name": "c4PftFrac",
"type": "real",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_Oclim.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_Oclim.json
index 6337d3c..a6cc156 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_Oclim.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_Oclim.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table Oclim",
"realm": "ocean",
"frequency": "monClim",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "30.00000",
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_momentum_xy_biharmonic_diffusivity",
"units": "m4 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Momentum XY Biharmonic Diffusivity",
"comment": "Lateral biharmonic viscosity applied to the momentum equitions.",
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_momentum_xy_biharmonic_diffusivity",
"units": "m4 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Ocean Momentum XY Biharmonic Diffusivity",
"comment": "Lateral biharmonic viscosity applied to the momentum equitions.",
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_momentum_xy_laplacian_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Momentum XY Laplacian Diffusivity",
"comment": "Lateral Laplacian viscosity applied to the momentum equitions.",
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_momentum_xy_laplacian_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Ocean Momentum XY Laplacian Diffusivity",
"comment": "Lateral Laplacian viscosity applied to the momentum equitions.",
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_tracer_bolus_biharmonic_diffusivity",
"units": "m4 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer Bolus Biharmonic Diffusivity",
"comment": "",
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_tracer_bolus_biharmonic_diffusivity",
"units": "m4 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer Bolus Biharmonic Diffusivity",
"comment": "",
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@
"diftrblo": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "ocean_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_parameterized_mesoscale_advection",
+ "standard_name": "ocean_tracer_bolus_laplacian_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer Bolus Laplacian Diffusivity",
"comment": "Ocean tracer diffusivity associated with parameterized eddy-induced advective transport. Sometimes this diffusivity is called the 'thickness' diffusivity. For CMIP5, this diagnostic was called 'ocean tracer bolus laplacian diffusivity'. The CMIP6 name is physically more relevant.",
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@
"diftrblo2d": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "ocean_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_parameterized_mesoscale_advection",
+ "standard_name": "ocean_tracer_bolus_laplacian_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer Bolus Laplacian Diffusivity",
"comment": "Ocean tracer diffusivity associated with parameterized eddy-induced advective transport. Sometimes this diffusivity is called the 'thickness' diffusivity. For CMIP5, this diagnostic was called 'ocean tracer bolus laplacian diffusivity'. The CMIP6 name is physically more relevant.",
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_tracer_epineutral_biharmonic_diffusivity",
"units": "m4 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer Epineutral Biharmonic Diffusivity",
"comment": "",
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_tracer_epineutral_biharmonic_diffusivity",
"units": "m4 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer Epineutral Biharmonic Diffusivity",
"comment": "",
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_tracer_epineutral_laplacian_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer Epineutral Laplacian Diffusivity",
"comment": "Ocean tracer diffusivity associated with parameterized eddy-induced diffusive transport oriented along neutral or isopycnal directions. Sometimes this diffusivity is called the neutral diffusivity or isopycnal diffusivity or Redi diffusivity.",
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_tracer_epineutral_laplacian_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer Epineutral Laplacian Diffusivity",
"comment": "Ocean tracer diffusivity associated with parameterized eddy-induced diffusive transport oriented along neutral or isopycnal directions. Sometimes this diffusivity is called the neutral diffusivity or isopycnal diffusivity or Redi diffusivity.",
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_tracer_xy_biharmonic_diffusivity",
"units": "m4 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer XY Biharmonic Diffusivity",
"comment": "",
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_tracer_xy_biharmonic_diffusivity",
"units": "m4 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer XY Biharmonic Diffusivity",
"comment": "",
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_tracer_xy_laplacian_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer XY Laplacian Diffusivity",
"comment": "",
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_tracer_xy_laplacian_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Ocean Tracer XY Laplacian Diffusivity",
"comment": "",
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_vertical_heat_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Vertical Heat Diffusivity",
"comment": "Vertical/dianeutral diffusivity applied to prognostic temperature field.",
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity_due_to_background",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity due to Background",
"comment": "",
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity_due_to_form_drag",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity due to Form Drag",
"comment": "",
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity",
"comment": "",
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_vertical_momentum_diffusivity_due_to_tides",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Vertical Momentum Diffusivity due to Tides",
"comment": "",
@@ -373,9 +373,9 @@
"difvso": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "ocean_verticalt_salt_diffusivity",
+ "standard_name": "ocean_vertical_salt_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Vertical Salt Diffusivity",
"comment": "Vertical/dianeutral diffusivity applied to prognostic salinity field.",
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_vertical_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_background",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Vertical Tracer Diffusivity due to Background",
"comment": "",
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_vertical_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_tides",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Vertical Tracer Diffusivity due to Tides",
"comment": "",
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_kinetic_energy_dissipation_per_unit_area_due_to_vertical_friction",
"units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to Vertical Friction",
"comment": "",
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_kinetic_energy_dissipation_per_unit_area_due_to_xy_friction",
"units": "W m-2 ",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to XY Friction",
"comment": "Depth integrated impacts on kinetic energy arising from lateral frictional dissipation associated with Laplacian and/or biharmonic viscosity. For CMIP5, this diagnostic was 3d, whereas the CMIP6 depth integrated diagnostic is sufficient for many purposes and reduces archive requirements.",
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_kinetic_energy_dissipation_per_unit_area_due_to_xy_friction",
"units": "W m-2 ",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Ocean Kinetic Energy Dissipation Per Unit Area due to XY Friction",
"comment": "Depth integrated impacts on kinetic energy arising from lateral frictional dissipation associated with Laplacian and/or biharmonic viscosity. For CMIP5, this diagnostic was 3d, whereas the CMIP6 depth integrated diagnostic is sufficient for many purposes and reduces archive requirements.",
@@ -475,9 +475,9 @@
"tnkebto": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_eddy_kinetic_energy_content_due_to_parameterized_eddy_advection",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_eddy_kinetic_energy_content_due_to_bolus_transport",
"units": "W m-2 ",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Tendency of Ocean Eddy Kinetic Energy Content due to Bolus Transport",
"comment": "Depth integrated impacts on kinetic energy arising from parameterized eddy-induced advection. For CMIP5, this diagnostic was 3d, whereas the CMIP6 depth integrated diagnostic is sufficient for many purposes and reduces archive requirements.",
@@ -492,9 +492,9 @@
"tnkebto2d": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_eddy_kinetic_energy_content_due_to_parameterized_eddy_advection",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_eddy_kinetic_energy_content_due_to_bolus_transport",
"units": "W m-2 ",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Tendency of Ocean Eddy Kinetic Energy Content due to Bolus Transport",
"comment": "Depth integrated impacts on kinetic energy arising from parameterized eddy-induced advection. For CMIP5, this diagnostic was 3d, whereas the CMIP6 depth integrated diagnostic is sufficient for many purposes and reduces archive requirements.",
@@ -509,9 +509,9 @@
"tnpeo": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "endency_of_ocean_potential_energy_content",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_potential_energy_content",
"units": "W m-2 ",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content",
"comment": "Rate that work is done against vertical stratification, as measured by the vertical heat and salt diffusivity. Report here as depth integrated two-dimensional field.",
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_potential_energy_content_due_to_tides",
"units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content due to Tides",
"comment": "",
@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_potential_energy_content_due_to_background",
"units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Tendency of Ocean Potential Energy Content due to Background",
"comment": "",
@@ -558,16 +558,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "zfull": {
+ "zfullo": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "depth_below_geoid",
"units": "m",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Depth Below Geoid of Ocean Layer",
"comment": "Depth below geoid",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time2",
- "out_name": "zfull",
+ "out_name": "zfullo",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -575,16 +575,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "zhalf": {
+ "zhalfo": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "depth_below_geoid",
"units": "m",
- "cell_methods": "within years time: mean over years time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean within years time: mean over years",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Depth Below Geoid of Interfaces Between Ocean Layers",
"comment": "Depth below geoid",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time2",
- "out_name": "zhalf",
+ "out_name": "zhalfo",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_Oday.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_Oday.json
index 60fc0be..3d673a8 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_Oday.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_Oday.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table Oday",
"realm": "ocean",
"frequency": "day",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "1.00000",
@@ -65,6 +65,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "sossq": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "square_of_sea_surface_salinity",
+ "units": "1e-06",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "long_name": "Square of Sea Surface Salinity",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "sossq",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"tos": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "sea_surface_temperature",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_Ofx.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_Ofx.json
index 4b17bc7..dbe1868 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_Ofx.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_Ofx.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table Ofx",
"realm": "ocean",
"frequency": "fx",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "",
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
"out_name": "areacello",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "1e+12",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "0.0",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": "1e+12"
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"basin": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
@@ -43,13 +43,30 @@
"out_name": "basin",
"type": "integer",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "10.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"flag_values": "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10",
"flag_meanings": "global_land southern_ocean atlantic_ocean pacific_ocean arctic_ocean indian_ocean mediterranean_sea black_sea hudson_bay baltic_sea red_sea",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "cpocean": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "specific_heat_capacity_of_seawater",
+ "units": "J kg-1 K-1",
+ "cell_methods": "",
+ "cell_measures": "",
+ "long_name": "Sea water specific heat capacity",
+ "comment": "A global constant used to convert between temperature flux and heat flux, and to compute heat content of sea water.",
+ "dimensions": "",
+ "out_name": "cpocean",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"deptho": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "sea_floor_depth_below_geoid",
@@ -62,10 +79,10 @@
"out_name": "deptho",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "10000.0",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "2000.0",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": "5000.0"
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"masscello": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
@@ -79,10 +96,27 @@
"out_name": "masscello",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "1e+15",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "0.0",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": "1e+15"
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "rhozero": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "reference_sea_water_density_for_Boussinesq_approximation",
+ "units": "kg m-3",
+ "cell_methods": "",
+ "cell_measures": "",
+ "long_name": "Boussinesq reference density",
+ "comment": "Relevant only for Boussinesq ocean models",
+ "dimensions": "",
+ "out_name": "rhozero",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_Omon.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_Omon.json
index 411126c..fda0808 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_Omon.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_Omon.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table Omon",
"realm": "ocnBgchem",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "30.00000",
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
"units": "mol kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-11 in Sea Water",
+ "long_name": "Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-11 in sea water",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "cfc11",
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@
"units": "mol kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-12 in Sea Water",
+ "long_name": "Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-12 in sea water",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "cfc12",
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"co3": {
"modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_carbonate_ion_in_seawater",
+ "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_carbonate_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water",
"units": "mol m-3",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@
"co3satarag": {
"modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_carbonate_ion_for_seawater_in_equilibrium_with_pure_aragonite",
+ "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation",
"units": "mol m-3",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@
"co3satcalc": {
"modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_carbonate_ion_for_seawater_in_equilibrium_with_pure_calcite",
+ "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation",
"units": "mol m-3",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
@@ -662,7 +662,7 @@
"expsi100": {
"modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "3cbe53c2-12cc-11e6-b2bc-ac72891c3257",
+ "standard_name": "sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_silicon_in_sea_water",
"units": "mol m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where sea time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
@@ -1039,28 +1039,11 @@
"standard_name": "water_flux_into_sea_water_from_icebergs",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Water Flux into Sea Water From Icebergs",
- "comment": "computed as the iceberg melt water flux into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "ficeberg",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "ficeberg2d": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "water_flux_into_sea_water_from_icebergs",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Water Flux into Sea Water From Icebergs",
"comment": "computed as the iceberg melt water flux into the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "ficeberg2d",
+ "out_name": "ficeberg",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1379,28 +1362,11 @@
"standard_name": "heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_iceberg_thermodynamics",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Iceberg Thermodynamics",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "hfibthermds",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "hfibthermds2d": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_iceberg_thermodynamics",
- "units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Iceberg Thermodynamics",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "hfibthermds2d",
+ "out_name": "hfibthermds",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1408,16 +1374,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "hfls": {
+ "hflso": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux",
+ "standard_name": "surface_downward_latent_heat_flux",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Surface Downward Latent Heat Flux",
- "comment": "",
+ "comment": "'This is defined as ''where ice_free_sea over sea'''",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "hfls",
+ "out_name": "hflso",
"type": "real",
"positive": "down",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1447,28 +1413,11 @@
"standard_name": "temperature_flux_due_to_runoff_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Temperature Flux due to Runoff Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "hfrunoffds",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "hfrunoffds2d": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "temperature_flux_due_to_runoff_expressed_as_heat_flux_into_sea_water",
- "units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Temperature Flux due to Runoff Expressed as Heat Flux into Sea Water",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "hfrunoffds2d",
+ "out_name": "hfrunoffds",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1481,62 +1430,11 @@
"standard_name": "heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_freezing_of_frazil_ice",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Frazil Ice Formation",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "hfsifrazil",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "hfsifrazil2d": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean seaIce",
- "standard_name": "heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_freezing_of_frazil_ice",
- "units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Frazil Ice Formation",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "hfsifrazil2d",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "hfsithermds": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean seaIce",
- "standard_name": "heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics",
- "units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "hfsithermds",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "hfsithermds2d": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean seaIce",
- "standard_name": "heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_sea_ice_thermodynamics",
- "units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Sea Ice Thermodynamics",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "hfsithermds2d",
+ "out_name": "hfsifrazil",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1549,28 +1447,11 @@
"standard_name": "heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_snow_thermodynamics",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Snow Thermodynamics",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "hfsnthermds",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "hfsnthermds2d": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "heat_flux_into_sea_water_due_to_snow_thermodynamics",
- "units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Heat Flux into Sea Water due to Snow Thermodynamics",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "hfsnthermds2d",
+ "out_name": "hfsnthermds",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1578,16 +1459,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "hfss": {
+ "hfsso": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux",
+ "standard_name": "surface_downward_sensible_heat_flux",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Surface Downward Sensible Heat Flux",
- "comment": "",
+ "comment": "This is defined as 'where ice_free_sea over sea'",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "hfss",
+ "out_name": "hfsso",
"type": "real",
"positive": "down",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1600,7 +1481,7 @@
"standard_name": "ocean_heat_x_transport",
"units": "W",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "--OPT",
+ "cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Ocean Heat X Transport",
"comment": "Contains all contributions to 'x-ward' heat transport from resolved and parameterized processes. Use Celsius for temperature scale.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
@@ -1617,7 +1498,7 @@
"standard_name": "ocean_heat_y_transport",
"units": "W",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "--OPT",
+ "cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Ocean Heat Y Transport",
"comment": "Contains all contributions to 'y-ward' heat transport from resolved and parameterized processes. Use Celsius for temperature scale.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
@@ -2292,6 +2173,40 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "mlotstmax": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "",
+ "units": "m",
+ "cell_methods": "time: max",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "long_name": "Maximum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T",
+ "comment": "Sigma T is potential density referenced to ocean surface.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "mlotstmax",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "mlotstmin": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "",
+ "units": "m",
+ "cell_methods": "time: min",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "long_name": "Minimum Ocean Mixed Layer Thickness Defined by Sigma T",
+ "comment": "Sigma T is potential density referenced to ocean surface.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "mlotstmin",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"mlotstsq": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "square_of_ocean_mixed_layer_thickness_defined_by_sigma_t",
@@ -2581,6 +2496,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "obvfsq": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "square_of_brunt_vaisala_frequency_in_sea_water",
+ "units": "s-2",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
+ "long_name": "Square of Brunt Vaisala Frequency in Sea Water",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
+ "out_name": "obvfsq",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"ocfriver": {
"modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_organic_carbon_due_to_runoff_and_sediment_dissolution",
@@ -2887,16 +2819,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "pr": {
+ "prlq": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "precipitation_flux",
+ "standard_name": "rainfall_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Rainfall Flux where Ice Free Ocean over Sea",
- "comment": "includes both liquid and solid phases",
+ "comment": "computed as the total mass of liquid water falling as liquid rain into the ice-free portion of the ocean divided by the area of the ocean portion of the grid cell.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "pr",
+ "out_name": "prlq",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -2938,16 +2870,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "rlds": {
+ "rlntds": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "surface_net_downward_longwave_flux",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where ice_free_sea over sea time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Surface Net Downward Longwave Radiation",
- "comment": "",
+ "comment": "This is defined as 'where ice_free_sea over sea'",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "rlds",
+ "out_name": "rlntds",
"type": "real",
"positive": "down",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -2995,7 +2927,7 @@
"units": "mol kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Moles Per Unit Mass of SF6 in Sea Water",
+ "long_name": "Moles Per Unit Mass of SF6 in sea water",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "sf6",
@@ -3142,16 +3074,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "somint": {
+ "sos": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_prognostic_salinity",
- "units": "1e-3 kg m-2",
+ "standard_name": "sea_surface_salinity",
+ "units": "0.001",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic salinity",
- "comment": "Full column sum of density*cell thickness*prognostic salinity. If the model is Boussinesq, then use Boussinesq reference density for the density factor.",
+ "long_name": "Sea Surface Salinity",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "somint",
+ "out_name": "sos",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -3159,16 +3091,33 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "sos": {
+ "sosga": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "sea_surface_salinity",
"units": "0.001",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "",
+ "long_name": "Global Average Sea Surface Salinity",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "time",
+ "out_name": "sosga",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "sossq": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "square_of_sea_surface_salinity",
+ "units": "1e-06",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "Sea Surface Salinity",
+ "long_name": "Square of Sea Surface Salinity",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "sos",
+ "out_name": "sossq",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -3231,8 +3180,8 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "surface_downward_x_stress_correction",
"units": "N m-2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "--OPT",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Surface Downward X Stress Correction",
"comment": "This is the stress on the liquid ocean from overlying atmosphere, sea ice, ice shelf, etc.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
@@ -3248,8 +3197,8 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "surface_downward_x_stress",
"units": "N m-2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "--OPT",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Surface Downward X Stress",
"comment": "This is the stress on the liquid ocean from overlying atmosphere, sea ice, ice shelf, etc.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
@@ -3265,8 +3214,8 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "surface_downward_y_stress_correction",
"units": "N m-2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "--OPT",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Surface Downward Y Stress Correction",
"comment": "This is the stress on the liquid ocean from overlying atmosphere, sea ice, ice shelf, etc.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
@@ -3282,8 +3231,8 @@
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "surface_downward_y_stress",
"units": "N m-2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "--OPT",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Surface Downward Y Stress",
"comment": "This is the stress on the liquid ocean from overlying atmosphere, sea ice, ice shelf, etc.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
@@ -3349,7 +3298,7 @@
"tob": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "sea_water_potential_temperature_at_sea_floor",
- "units": "C",
+ "units": "degC",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Sea Water Potential Temperature at Sea Floor",
@@ -3363,23 +3312,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "tomint": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_prognostic_temperature",
- "units": "1e-3 kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic temperature",
- "comment": "Full column sum of density*cell thickness*prognostic temperature. If the model is Boussinesq, then use Boussinesq reference density for the density factor.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "tomint",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"tos": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "sea_surface_temperature",
@@ -3436,7 +3368,7 @@
"standard_name": "ocean_mass_x_transport",
"units": "kg s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "--OPT",
+ "cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Ocean Mass X Transport",
"comment": "X-ward mass transport from resolved and parameterized advective transport.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
@@ -3453,7 +3385,7 @@
"standard_name": "sea_water_x_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "--OPT",
+ "cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Sea Water X Velocity",
"comment": "Prognostic x-ward velocity component resolved by the model.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
@@ -3470,7 +3402,7 @@
"standard_name": "ocean_mass_y_transport",
"units": "kg s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "--OPT",
+ "cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Ocean Mass Y Transport",
"comment": "Y-ward mass transport from resolved and parameterized advective transport.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
@@ -3487,7 +3419,7 @@
"standard_name": "sea_water_y_velocity",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "--OPT",
+ "cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Sea Water Y Velocity",
"comment": "Prognostic x-ward velocity component resolved by the model.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
@@ -3686,14 +3618,31 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "wo": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "upward_sea_water_velocity",
+ "units": "m s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "",
+ "long_name": "Sea Water Z Velocity",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
+ "out_name": "wo",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"zfull": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "depth_below_geoid",
+ "standard_name": "height_above_reference_ellipsoid",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Depth Below Geoid of Ocean Layer",
- "comment": "Depth below geoid",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "zfull",
"type": "real",
@@ -3705,12 +3654,12 @@
"zhalf": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "depth_below_geoid",
+ "standard_name": "height_above_reference_ellipsoid",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "Depth Below Geoid of Interfaces Between Ocean Layers",
- "comment": "Depth below geoid",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "zhalf",
"type": "real",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_Oyr.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_Oyr.json
index 3ace9e9..9f55dc0 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_Oyr.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_Oyr.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table Oyr",
"realm": "ocnBgchem",
"frequency": "yr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "365.00000",
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
"units": "mol kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-11 in Sea Water",
+ "long_name": "Mole Concentration of CFC-11 in sea water",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "cfc11",
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
"units": "mol kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Moles Per Unit Mass of CFC-12 in Sea Water",
+ "long_name": "Mole Concentration of CFC-12 in sea water",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "cfc12",
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
"co3": {
"modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_carbonate_ion_in_seawater",
+ "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_carbonate_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water",
"units": "mol m-3",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@
"co3satarag": {
"modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_carbonate_ion_for_seawater_in_equilibrium_with_pure_aragonite",
+ "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation",
"units": "mol m-3",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@
"co3satcalc": {
"modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_carbonate_ion_for_seawater_in_equilibrium_with_pure_calcite",
+ "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation",
"units": "mol m-3",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@
"diftrblo": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "ocean_tracer_diffusivity_due_to_parameterized_mesoscale_advection",
+ "standard_name": "ocean_tracer_bolus_laplacian_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
"difvso": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "ocean_verticalt_salt_diffusivity",
+ "standard_name": "ocean_vertical_salt_diffusivity",
"units": "m2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
@@ -915,23 +915,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "ocontempadvect": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_conservative_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_advection",
- "units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to advection",
- "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from resolved advection. Reported only for models that use conservative temperature as prognostic field.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "ocontempadvect",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"ocontempdiff": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_conservative_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_parameterized_dianeutral_mixing",
@@ -949,16 +932,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "ocontemppadvect": {
+ "ocontempmint": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_conservative_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_parameterized_eddy_advection",
- "units": "W m-2",
+ "standard_name": "integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_conservative_temperature",
+ "units": "degC kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized eddy advection",
- "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from parameterized eddy advection (any form of eddy advection). Reported only for models that use conservative temperature as prognostic field.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "ocontemppadvect",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "long_name": "integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and conservative temperature",
+ "comment": "Full column sum of density*cell thickness*conservative temperature. If the model is Boussinesq, then use Boussinesq reference density for the density factor.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "ocontempmint",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -966,16 +949,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "ocontemppmadvect": {
+ "ocontemppadvect": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_conservative_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_parameterized_mesoscale_advection",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_conservative_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_parameterized_eddy_advection",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized mesoscale advection",
- "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from parameterized mesoscale eddy advection. Reported only for models that use conservative temperature as prognostic field.",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized eddy advection",
+ "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from parameterized eddy advection (any form of eddy advection). Reported only for models that use conservative temperature as prognostic field.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "ocontemppmadvect",
+ "out_name": "ocontemppadvect",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1017,16 +1000,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "ocontemptend": {
+ "ocontemprmadvect": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_conservative_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_conservative_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_residual_mean_advection",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content",
- "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from all processes. Reported only for models that use conservative temperature as prognostic field.",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to residual mean (sum of Eulerian + parameterized) advection",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "ocontemptend",
+ "out_name": "ocontemprmadvect",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1034,16 +1017,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "opottempadvect": {
+ "ocontemptend": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_advection",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_conservative_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to advection",
- "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from resolved advection. Reported only for models that use potential temperature as prognostic field.",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content",
+ "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from all processes. Reported only for models that use conservative temperature as prognostic field.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "opottempadvect",
+ "out_name": "ocontemptend",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1068,16 +1051,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "opottemppadvect": {
+ "opottempmint": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_parameterized_eddy_advection",
- "units": "W m-2",
+ "standard_name": "integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_potential_temperature",
+ "units": "degC kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized eddy advection",
- "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from parameterized eddy advection (any form of eddy advection). Reported only for models that use potential temperature as prognostic field.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "opottemppadvect",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "long_name": "integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and potential temperature",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "opottempmint",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1085,16 +1068,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "opottemppmadvect": {
+ "opottemppadvect": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_parameterized_mesoscale_advection",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_parameterized_eddy_advection",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized mesoscale advection",
- "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from parameterized mesoscale eddy advection. Reported only for models that use potential temperature as prognostic field.",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to parameterized eddy advection",
+ "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from parameterized eddy advection (any form of eddy advection). Reported only for models that use potential temperature as prognostic field.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "opottemppmadvect",
+ "out_name": "opottemppadvect",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1136,16 +1119,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "opottemptend": {
+ "opottemprmadvect": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_residual_mean_advection",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content",
- "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from all processes. Reported only for models that use potential temperature as prognostic field.",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to residual mean advection",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "opottemptend",
+ "out_name": "opottemprmadvect",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1153,16 +1136,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "osaltadvect": {
+ "opottemptend": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_expressed_as_salt_content_due_to_advection",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content",
+ "units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to advection",
- "comment": "Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from resolved advection.",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content",
+ "comment": "Tendency of heat content for a grid cell from all processes. Reported only for models that use potential temperature as prognostic field.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "osaltadvect",
+ "out_name": "opottemptend",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1204,16 +1187,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "osaltpmadvect": {
+ "osaltpmdiff": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_expressed_as_salt_content_due_to_parameterized_mesoscale_advection",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_expressed_as_salt_content_due_to_parameterized_mesoscale_diffusion",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized mesoscale advection",
- "comment": "Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized mesoscale eddy advection.",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion",
+ "comment": "Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized mesoscale eddy diffusion.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "osaltpmadvect",
+ "out_name": "osaltpmdiff",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1221,16 +1204,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "osaltpmdiff": {
+ "osaltpsmadvect": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_expressed_as_salt_content_due_to_parameterized_mesoscale_diffusion",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_expressed_as_salt_content_due_to_parameterized_submesoscale_advection",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized mesoscale diffusion",
- "comment": "Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized mesoscale eddy diffusion.",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized submesoscale advection",
+ "comment": "Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized submesoscale eddy advection.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "osaltpmdiff",
+ "out_name": "osaltpsmadvect",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1238,16 +1221,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "osaltpsmadvect": {
+ "osaltrmadvect": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_expressed_as_salt_content_due_to_parameterized_submesoscale_advection",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_expressed_as_salt_content_due_to_residual_mean_advection",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to parameterized submesoscale advection",
- "comment": "Tendency of salt content for a grid cell from parameterized submesoscale eddy advection.",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to residual mean advection",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "osaltpsmadvect",
+ "out_name": "osaltrmadvect",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1714,13 +1697,30 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "rsdoabsorb": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "net_rate_of_absorption_of_shortwave_energy_in_ocean_layer",
+ "units": "W m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "long_name": "net rate of absorption of shortwave energy in ocean layer",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "rsdoabsorb",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"sf6": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "moles_of_sf6_per_unit_mass_in_sea_water",
"units": "mol kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Moles Per Unit Mass of SF6 in Sea Water",
+ "long_name": "Mole Concentration of SF6 in sea water",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "sf6",
@@ -1748,6 +1748,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "somint": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_prognostic_salinity",
+ "units": "1e-3 kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "long_name": "integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and salinity",
+ "comment": "Full column sum of density*cell thickness*prognostic salinity. If the model is Boussinesq, then use Boussinesq reference density for the density factor.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "somint",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"talk": {
"modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
"standard_name": "sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent",
@@ -1784,7 +1801,7 @@
"tnkebto": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_eddy_kinetic_energy_content_due_to_parameterized_eddy_advection",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_eddy_kinetic_energy_content_due_to_bolus_transport",
"units": "W m-2 ",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
@@ -1801,10 +1818,10 @@
"tnpeo": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "endency_of_ocean_potential_energy_content",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_potential_energy_content",
"units": "W m-2 ",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
"long_name": "tendency of ocean potential energy content",
"comment": "Rate that work is done against vertical stratification, as measured by the vertical heat and salt diffusivity. Report here as depth integrated two-dimensional field.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_SIday.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_SIday.json
index f7fba76..e6e240c 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_SIday.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_SIday.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table SIday",
"realm": "seaIce",
"frequency": "day",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "1.00000",
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_thickness",
"units": "m",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where sea_ice",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Sea-ice thickness",
"comment": "Actual (floe) thickness of sea ice (NOT volume divided by grid area as was done in CMIP5)",
@@ -47,23 +47,6 @@
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "siu": {
- "modeling_realm": "seaIce",
- "standard_name": "sea_ice_x_velocity",
- "units": "m s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where sea_ice",
- "cell_measures": "--MODEL",
- "long_name": "X-component of sea ice velocity",
- "comment": "The x-velocity of ice on native model grid",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "siu",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_SImon.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_SImon.json
index d78c500..fdaa47e 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_SImon.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_SImon.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table SImon",
"realm": "seaIce",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "30.00000",
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_area_transport_across_line",
"units": "m2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Sea ice area flux through straits",
"comment": "net (sum of transport in all directions) sea ice area transport through the following four passages, positive into the Arctic Ocean 1. Fram Strait = (11.5W,81.3N to (10.5E,79.6N) 2. Canadian Archipelego = (128.2W,70.6N) to (59.3W,82.1N) 3. Barents opening = (16.8E,76.5N) to (19.2E,70.2N) 4. Bering Strait = (171W,66.2N) to (166W,65N)",
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_area",
"units": "1e6 km2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Sea ice area North",
"comment": "total area of sea ice in the Northern hemisphere",
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_area",
"units": "1e6 km2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Sea ice area South",
"comment": "total area of sea ice in the Southern hemisphere",
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_area_fraction",
"units": "1.0",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Sea-ice area fraction",
"comment": "Area fraction of grid cell covered by sea ice",
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_ice_area_fraction_due_to_dynamics",
"units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "sea-ice area fraction change from dynamics",
"comment": "Total change in sea-ice area fraction through dynamics-related processes (advection, divergence...)",
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_ice_area_fraction_due_to_thermodynamics",
"units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "sea-ice area fraction change from thermodynamics",
"comment": "Total change in sea-ice area fraction through thermodynamic processes",
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
"standard_name": "divergence_of_sea_ice_velocity",
"units": "s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: point",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Divergence of the sea-ice velocity field",
"comment": "Divergence of sea-ice velocity field (first shear strain invariant)",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_dynamics",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "sea-ice mass change from dynamics",
"comment": "Total change in sea-ice mass through dynamics-related processes (advection,...) divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "water_evaporation_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation",
"comment": "The rate of change of sea-ice mass change through evaporation and sublimation divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_congelation_ice_accumulation",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "sea-ice mass change through basal growth",
"comment": "The rate of change of sea ice mass due to vertical growth of existing sea ice at its base divided by grid-cell area. ",
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_freezing_in_open_water",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "sea-ice mass change through growth in supercooled open water (aka frazil)",
"comment": "The rate of change of sea ice mass due to sea ice formation in supercooled water (often through frazil formation) divided by grid-cell area. Together, sidmassgrowthwat and sidmassgrowthbot should give total ice growth ",
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_lateral_melting",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Lateral sea ice melt rate",
"comment": "The rate of change of sea ice mass through lateral melting divided by grid-cell area (report 0 if not explicitly calculated thermodynamically)",
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_basal_melting",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "sea-ice mass change through bottom melting",
"comment": "The rate of change of sea ice mass through melting at the ice bottom divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_surface_melting",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "sea-ice mass change through surface melting",
"comment": "The rate of change of sea ice mass through melting at the ice surface divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_snow_conversion",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "sea-ice mass change through snow-to-ice conversion",
"comment": "The rate of change of sea ice mass due to transformation of snow to sea ice divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_thermodynamics",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "sea-ice mass change from thermodynamics",
"comment": "Total change in sea-ice mass from thermodynamic processes divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_x_transport",
"units": "kg s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "X-component of sea-ice mass transport",
"comment": "Includes transport of both sea ice and snow by advection",
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_y_transport",
"units": "kg s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Y-component of sea-ice mass transport",
"comment": "Includes transport of both sea ice and snow by advection",
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_extent",
"units": "1e6 km2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Sea ice extent North",
"comment": "Total area of all Northern-Hemisphere grid cells that are covered by at least 15 % areal fraction of sea ice",
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_extent",
"units": "1e6 km2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Sea ice extent South",
"comment": "Total area of all Southern-Hemisphere grid cells that are covered by at least 15 % areal fraction of sea ice",
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "freshwater_flux_from_ice_surface",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where sea_ice",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Freshwater flux from sea-ice surface",
"comment": "Total flux of fresh water from sea-ice surface into underlying ocean. This combines both surface melt water that drains directly into the ocean and the drainage of surface melt pond. By definition, this flux is always positive.",
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "integral_of_sea_ice_temperature_wrt_depth_expressed_as_heat_content",
"units": "J m-2",
- "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where sea_ice",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Sea-ice heat content per unit area",
"comment": "Heat content of all ice in grid cell divided by total grid-cell area. Water at 0 Celsius is assumed to have a heat content of 0 J. Does not include heat content of snow, but does include heat content of brine. Heat content is always negative, since both the sensible and the latent heat content of ice are less than that of water",
@@ -798,7 +798,7 @@
"siitdconc": {
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
- "standard_name": "surface_snow_thickness",
+ "standard_name": "sea_ice_area_fraction_over_categories",
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where sea_ice",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_amount",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Sea-ice mass per area",
"comment": "Total mass of sea ice divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_mass_transport_across_line",
"units": "kg s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Sea mass area flux through straits",
"comment": "net (sum of transport in all directions) sea ice area transport through the following four passages, positive into the Arctic Ocean 1. Fram Strait = (11.5W,81.3N to (10.5E,79.6N) 2. Canadian Archipelego = (128.2W,70.6N) to (59.3W,82.1N) 3. Barents opening = (16.8E,76.5N) to (19.2E,70.2N) 4. Bering Strait = (171W,66.2N) to (166W,65N)",
@@ -902,10 +902,10 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "area_fraction",
"units": "1.0",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where sea_ice",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Meltpond area fraction",
- "comment": "Area fraction of grid cell that is covered by melt ponds",
+ "comment": "Fraction of sea ice, by area, which is covered by melt ponds, giving equal weight to every square metre of sea ice .",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "simpconc",
"type": "",
@@ -970,10 +970,10 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "fraction_of_ridged_sea_ice",
"units": "1.0",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where sea_ice",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Ridged ice area fraction",
- "comment": "Area fraction of grid cell covered by ridged sea ice",
+ "long_name": "Ridged Ice Area Fraction",
+ "comment": "Fraction of sea ice, by area, which is covered by sea ice ridges, giving equal weight to every square metre of sea ice .",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "sirdgconc",
"type": "",
@@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_salt_mass",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Mass of salt in sea ice per area",
"comment": "Total mass of all salt in sea ice divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where sea_ice",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Snow area fraction",
- "comment": "Area fraction of grid cell covered by snow that lies on sea ice; exclude snow that lies on land or land ice.",
+ "comment": "Fraction of sea ice, by area, which is covered by snow, giving equal weight to every square metre of sea ice . Exclude snow that lies on land or land ice.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "sisnconc",
"type": "",
@@ -1087,7 +1087,7 @@
"sisnmass": {
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
- "standard_name": "surface_snow_amount",
+ "standard_name": "liquid_water_content_of_surface_snow",
"units": "kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where sea_ice",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@
"sitemptop": {
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
- "standard_name": "surface_temperature",
+ "standard_name": "sea_ice_surface_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "area: time: mean where sea_ice",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_time_fraction",
"units": "1.0",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Fraction of time steps with sea ice",
"comment": "Fraction of time steps of the averaging period during which sea ice is present (siconc >0 ) in a grid cell ",
@@ -1289,6 +1289,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "siu": {
+ "modeling_realm": "seaIce",
+ "standard_name": "sea_ice_x_velocity",
+ "units": "m s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where sea_ice",
+ "cell_measures": "--MODEL",
+ "long_name": "X-component of sea ice velocity",
+ "comment": "The x-velocity of ice on native model grid",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "siu",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"siv": {
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_y_velocity",
@@ -1310,7 +1327,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_thickness",
"units": "m",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "Sea-ice volume per area",
"comment": "Total volume of sea ice divided by grid-cell area (this used to be called ice thickness in CMIP5)",
@@ -1327,7 +1344,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_volume",
"units": "1e3 km3",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Sea ice volume North",
"comment": "total volume of sea ice in the Northern hemisphere",
@@ -1344,7 +1361,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_volume",
"units": "1e3 km3",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Sea ice volume South",
"comment": "total volume of sea ice in the Southern hemisphere",
@@ -1361,7 +1378,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_snow_mass_due_to_sea_ice_dynamics",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "snow mass change through advection by sea-ice dynamics",
"comment": "the rate of change of snow mass through advection with sea ice divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -1378,7 +1395,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_melt_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "snow mass change through melt",
"comment": "the rate of change of snow mass through melt divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -1395,7 +1412,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_snow_mass_due_to_snow_to_ice_conversion",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "snow mass change through snow-to-ice conversion",
"comment": "the rate of change of snow mass due to transformation of snow to sea ice divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -1412,7 +1429,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "snowfall_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
"long_name": "snow mass change through snow fall",
"comment": "mass of solid precipitation falling onto sea ice divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -1429,7 +1446,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_sublimation_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "snow mass change through evaporation or sublimation",
"comment": "the rate of change of snow mass through sublimation and evaporation divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -1446,7 +1463,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_snow_mass_due_to_drifting_snow",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "snow mass change through wind drift of snow",
"comment": "the rate of change of snow mass through wind drift of snow divided by grid-cell area",
@@ -1463,7 +1480,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "seaIce",
"standard_name": "snow_mass_transport_across_line",
"units": "kg s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea_ice time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Snow mass flux through straits",
"comment": "net (sum of transport in all directions) snow mass transport through the following four passages, positive into the Arctic Ocean 1. Fram Strait = (11.5W,81.3N to (10.5E,79.6N) 2. Canadian Archipelego = (128.2W,70.6N) to (59.3W,82.1N) 3. Barents opening = (16.8E,76.5N) to (19.2E,70.2N) 4. Bering Strait = (171W,66.2N) to (166W,65N)",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_aerdaily.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_aerdaily.json
index c648605..477b190 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_aerdaily.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_aerdaily.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table aerdaily",
"realm": "aerosol",
"frequency": "day",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "1.00000",
@@ -14,9 +14,26 @@
"Conventions": "CF-1.6 CMIP-6.0"
"variable_entry": {
+ "cod": {
+ "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_cloud",
+ "units": "1.0",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "cloud optical depth",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cod",
+ "type": "float",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"maxpblz": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: maximum",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -33,7 +50,7 @@
"minpblz": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: minimum",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -50,7 +67,7 @@
"od550aer": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles",
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -65,33 +82,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "tas": {
- "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "air_temperature",
- "units": "K",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Surface Air Temperature",
- "comment": "near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "tas",
- "type": "float",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tasmax": {
+ "sfo3max": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "air_temperature",
- "units": "K",
+ "standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air",
+ "units": "mol mol-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature",
- "comment": "maximum near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature (add cell_method attribute 'time: max')",
+ "long_name": "daily maximum O3 volume mixing ratio in lowest model layer",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "tasmax",
+ "out_name": "sfo3max",
"type": "float",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -99,33 +99,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "tasmin": {
+ "tas": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
"standard_name": "air_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature",
- "comment": "minimum near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature (add cell_method attribute 'time: min')",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "tasmin",
- "type": "float",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tau": {
- "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "surface_downward_stress",
- "units": "N m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "cloud optical depth",
- "comment": "module of the momentum lost by the atmosphere to the surface.",
+ "long_name": "Surface Air Temperature",
+ "comment": "near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "tau",
+ "out_name": "tas",
"type": "float",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -152,7 +135,7 @@
"tpp": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "",
+ "standard_name": "tropopause_air_pressure",
"units": "Pa",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_aerfixed.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_aerfixed.json
index 0b2add6..76fa096 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_aerfixed.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_aerfixed.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table aerfixed",
"realm": "aerosol",
"frequency": "fx",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.00000",
@@ -31,6 +31,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "landf": {
+ "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "land_area_fraction",
+ "units": "1.0",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "fraction of the grid cell occupied by land",
+ "comment": "Please express 'X_area_fraction' as the fraction of horizontal area occupied by X.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "landf",
+ "type": "float",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"orog": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
"standard_name": "surface_altitude",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_aerhourly.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_aerhourly.json
index ee9a876..f2fb486 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_aerhourly.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_aerhourly.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table aerhourly",
"realm": "aerosol",
"frequency": "hr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.017361",
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
"sfpm25": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_pm2p5_ambient_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_pm2p5_ambient_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_aermonthly.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_aermonthly.json
index 9837ae4..68c9178 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_aermonthly.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_aermonthly.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table aermonthly",
"realm": "aerosol",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "30.00000",
@@ -82,6 +82,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "aoanh": {
+ "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "tracer_lifetime",
+ "units": "yr",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "aoa_nh",
+ "comment": "Fixed surface layer mixing ratio over 30o-50oN (0 ppbv), uniform fixed source (at all levels) everywhere else (source is unspecified but must be constant in space and time and documented). Note that the source could be 1yr/yr, so the tracer concentration provides mean age in years. For method using linearly increasing tracer include a method attribute: 'linearly increasing tracer'For method using uniform source (1yr/yr) include a method attribute: 'uniform source'",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
+ "out_name": "aoanh",
+ "type": "float",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"c2h2": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_ethyne_in_air",
@@ -152,7 +169,7 @@
"ccn": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "number_concentration_of_ambient_aerosol_in_air_at_liquid_water_cloud_top",
+ "standard_name": "number_concentration_of_cloud_condensation_nuclei_at_stp_in_air",
"units": "m-3",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -220,7 +237,7 @@
"cheaqpso4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_due_to_aqueous_phase_net_chemical_production",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_aqueous_phase_net_chemical_production",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -237,7 +254,7 @@
"chegpso4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_due_to_gas_phase_net_chemical_production",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_gaseous_phase_net_chemical_production",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -254,7 +271,7 @@
"chepasoa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "unset",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_secondary_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_net_chemical_production",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -271,7 +288,7 @@
"chepsoa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_secondary_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_due_to_net_chemical_production",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_secondary_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_net_chemical_production",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -407,7 +424,7 @@
"drybc": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_black_carbon_dry_aerosol_due_to_dry_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_elemental_carbon_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_dry_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -424,7 +441,7 @@
"drydust": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_dust_dry_aerosol_due_to_dry_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_dust_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_dry_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -458,7 +475,7 @@
"drynh4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_ammonium_dry_aerosol_due_to_dry_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_ammonium_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_dry_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -475,7 +492,7 @@
"drynoy": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_all_nitrogen_oxides_due_to_dry_deposition.",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_noy_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_dry_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -509,7 +526,7 @@
"dryoa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_due_to_dry_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_dry_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -543,7 +560,7 @@
"dryso4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_due_to_dry_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_dry_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -560,7 +577,7 @@
"dryss": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_seasalt_dry_aerosol_due_to_dry_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_seasalt_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_dry_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -577,7 +594,7 @@
"emiaco": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_anthropogenic_carbon_monoxide_due_to_emission",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_carbon_monoxide_due_to_emission",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -594,7 +611,7 @@
"emianox": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_anthropogenic_nox_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_emission",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_nox_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_emission",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -611,7 +628,7 @@
"emiaoa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "unset",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_net_chemical_production_and_emission",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -628,7 +645,7 @@
"emibc": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_black_carbon_dry_aerosol_due_to_emission",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_elemental_carbon_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_emission",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -645,7 +662,7 @@
"emibvoc": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_non_methane_volatile_organic_compounds_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_emission_from_vegetation",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_biogenic_nmvoc_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_emission",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -696,7 +713,7 @@
"emidust": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_dust_dry_aerosol_due_to_emission",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_dust_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_emission",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -730,8 +747,8 @@
"emilnox": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_nox_from_lightning",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_moles_of_nox_expressed_as_nitrogen",
+ "units": "mol s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "layer-integrated lightning production of NOx",
@@ -781,7 +798,7 @@
"emioa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_due_to_net_chemical_production_and_emission",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_net_chemical_production_and_emission",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -815,7 +832,7 @@
"emiso4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_due_to_emission",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_emission",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -832,7 +849,7 @@
"emiss": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_seasalt_dry_aerosol_due_to_emission",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_seasalt_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_emission",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -849,7 +866,7 @@
"emivoc": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_non_methane_volatile_organic_compounds_as_carbon_due_to_emission",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_nmvoc_due_to_emission",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -951,7 +968,7 @@
"iwp": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "atmosphere_cloud_ice_content",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_mass_content_of_cloud_ice",
"units": "kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -985,8 +1002,8 @@
"lossch4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_methane_due_to_chemical_gross_destruction",
- "units": "mol m-3 s-1",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_moles_of_methane",
+ "units": "mol s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Annual Loss of atmospheric Methane",
@@ -1002,8 +1019,8 @@
"lossco": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_carbon_monoxide_due_to_chemical_gross_destruction",
- "units": "mol m-3 s-1",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_moles_of_carbon_monoxide",
+ "units": "mol s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Annual Loss of atmospheric Carbon Monoxide",
@@ -1019,7 +1036,7 @@
"lossn2o": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_moles_of_nitrous_oxide",
"units": "mol yr-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1036,7 +1053,7 @@
"lwp": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "atmosphere_cloud_liquid_water_content",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_mass_content_of_cloud_liquid_water",
"units": "kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1053,7 +1070,7 @@
"lwtoaasaer": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_longwave_forcing_due_to_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_longwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1070,7 +1087,7 @@
"lwtoaasdust": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_longwave_forcing_due_to_dust_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_longwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1087,7 +1104,7 @@
"lwtoacsaer": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_longwave_forcing_due_to_ambient_aerosol_assuming_clear_sky",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_longwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1113,7 +1130,7 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
"out_name": "mcu",
"type": "float",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -1121,7 +1138,7 @@
"mmraerh2o": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_water_in_ambient_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_water_in_ambient_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1138,7 +1155,7 @@
"mmrbc": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_black_carbon_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_elemental_carbon_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1155,7 +1172,7 @@
"mmrdust": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_dust_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_dust_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1172,7 +1189,7 @@
"mmrnh4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_ammonium_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_ammonium_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1189,7 +1206,7 @@
"mmrno3": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_nitrate_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_nitrate_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1206,7 +1223,7 @@
"mmroa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1223,7 +1240,7 @@
"mmrpm1": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_pm1_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_pm1_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1240,7 +1257,7 @@
"mmrpm10": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_pm10_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_pm10_ambient_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1257,7 +1274,7 @@
"mmrpm2p5": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_pm2p5_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_pm2p5_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1274,7 +1291,7 @@
"mmrso4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1291,7 +1308,7 @@
"mmrsoa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_secondary_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_secondary_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1308,7 +1325,7 @@
"mmrss": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_seasalt_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_seasalt_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1340,6 +1357,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "nh50": {
+ "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_artificial_tracer_with_fixed_lifetime_in_air",
+ "units": "mol mol-1",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "nh_50",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
+ "out_name": "nh50",
+ "type": "float",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"no": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_nitrogen_monoxide_in_air",
@@ -1393,8 +1427,8 @@
"o3loss": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_ozone_due_to_chemical_loss",
- "units": "kg m-3 s-1",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mole_concentration_of_ozone_due_to_chemical_destruction",
+ "units": "mol m-3 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "O3 destruction rate",
@@ -1410,8 +1444,8 @@
"o3prod": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_ozone_due_to_chemical_production",
- "units": "kg m-3 s-1",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mole_concentration_of_ozone_due_to_chemical_production",
+ "units": "mol m-3 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "O3 production rate",
@@ -1427,8 +1461,8 @@
"o3ste": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air",
+ "units": "mol mol-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Ozone volume mixing ratio",
@@ -1444,7 +1478,7 @@
"od440aer": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles",
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1461,7 +1495,7 @@
"od550aer": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles",
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1495,7 +1529,7 @@
"od550bb": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_biomass_burning_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_particulate_organic_matter_ambient_aerosol",
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1631,7 +1665,7 @@
"od870aer": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles",
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1682,7 +1716,7 @@
"photo1d": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "photolysis_rate_of_ozone_to_O1D",
+ "standard_name": "photolysis_rate_of_ozone_to_1D_oxygen_atom",
"units": "s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1699,7 +1733,7 @@
"pilev": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "",
+ "standard_name": "air_pressure",
"units": "Pa",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1818,7 +1852,7 @@
"swtoaasaer": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1835,7 +1869,7 @@
"swtoaasbb": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_biomass_burning_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1852,7 +1886,7 @@
"swtoaasbcff": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_black_carbon_ambient_aerosol_from_fossil_fuels",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1869,7 +1903,7 @@
"swtoaasdust": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_dust_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1886,7 +1920,7 @@
"swtoaasno3": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_nitrate_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1903,7 +1937,7 @@
"swtoaasoaff": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_particulate_organic_matter_ambient_aerosol_from_fossil_fuels",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1920,7 +1954,7 @@
"swtoaasso4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_sulfate_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1937,7 +1971,7 @@
"swtoaassoa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_secondary_particulate_organic_matter_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1954,7 +1988,7 @@
"swtoaasss": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_seasalt_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1971,7 +2005,7 @@
"swtoacsaer": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_ambient_aerosol_assuming_clear_sky",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -1988,7 +2022,7 @@
"swtoacsbb": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_biomass_burning_ambient_aerosol_assuming_clear_sky",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -2005,7 +2039,7 @@
"swtoacsbcff": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_black_carbon_ambient_aerosol_from_fossil_fuels_assuming_clear_sky",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -2022,7 +2056,7 @@
"swtoacsdust": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_dust_ambient_aerosol_assuming_clear_sky",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -2039,7 +2073,7 @@
"swtoacsoaff": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing_due_to_particulate_organic_matter_ambient_aerosol_from_fossil_fuels_assuming_clear_sky",
+ "standard_name": "toa_instantaneous_shortwave_forcing",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -2105,23 +2139,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "tos": {
- "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "sea_surface_temperature",
- "units": "K",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Sea Surface Temperature",
- "comment": "this may differ from 'surface temperature' in regions of sea ice.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "tos",
- "type": "float",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"toz": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
"standard_name": "equivalent_thickness_at_stp_of_atmosphere_ozone_content",
@@ -2141,8 +2158,8 @@
"tropoz": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "",
- "units": "DU",
+ "standard_name": "equivalent_thickness_at_stp_of_atmosphere_ozone_content",
+ "units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "tropospheric ozone column",
@@ -2226,7 +2243,7 @@
"wetbc": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_black_carbon_dry_aerosol_due_to_wet_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_elemental_carbon_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_wet_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -2243,7 +2260,7 @@
"wetdust": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_dust_dry_aerosol_due_to_wet_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_dust_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_wet_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -2277,7 +2294,7 @@
"wetnh4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_ammonium_dry_aerosol_due_to_wet_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_ammonium_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_wet_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -2294,7 +2311,7 @@
"wetnoy": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_all_nitrogen_oxides_due_to_wet_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_noy_expressed_as_nitrogen_due_to_wet_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -2311,7 +2328,7 @@
"wetoa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_due_to_wet_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_wet_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -2345,7 +2362,7 @@
"wetso4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_due_to_wet_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_wet_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -2362,7 +2379,7 @@
"wetss": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_seasalt_dry_aerosol_due_to_wet_deposition",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmosphere_mass_content_of_seasalt_dry_aerosol_particles_due_to_wet_deposition",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr.json
index cf7eb0b..b22fe4f 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_cf3hr.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table cf3hr",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "3hr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.125000",
@@ -213,8 +213,8 @@
"out_name": "cltc",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "100.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@
"out_name": "latitude",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "-90.0",
- "valid_max": "90.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -400,8 +400,8 @@
"out_name": "longitude",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "360.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -713,12 +713,12 @@
"zfull": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "depth_below_geoid",
+ "standard_name": "height_above_reference_ellipsoid",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Altitude of Model Full-Levels",
- "comment": "Depth below geoid",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time1",
"out_name": "zfull",
"type": "real",
@@ -730,12 +730,12 @@
"zhalf": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "depth_below_geoid",
+ "standard_name": "height_above_reference_ellipsoid",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Altitude of Model Half-Levels",
- "comment": "Depth below geoid",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude alevhalf time1",
"out_name": "zhalf",
"type": "real",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_cfDay.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_cfDay.json
index 8003053..76db2bd 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_cfDay.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_cfDay.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table cfDay",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "day",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "1.00000",
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "clisccp7c": {
+ "clisccp": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "isccp_cloud_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
"long_name": "ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover in optical depth categories.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7c tau time",
- "out_name": "clisccp7c",
+ "out_name": "clisccp",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -320,23 +320,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "parasolRefl": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "toa_bidirectional_reflectance",
- "units": "1.0",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "PARASOL Reflectance",
- "comment": "Simulated reflectance from PARASOL as seen at the top of the atmosphere for 5 solar zenith angles. Valid only over ocean and for one viewing direction (viewing zenith angle of 30 degrees and relative azimuth angle 320 degrees).",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude sza5 time",
- "out_name": "parasolRefl",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"pctisccp": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "air_pressure_at_cloud_top",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_cfMon.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_cfMon.json
index 2d249d3..ff8cfc1 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_cfMon.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_cfMon.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table cfMon",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "30.00000",
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage Cloud Cover",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover at CALIPSO standard heights.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude alt40 time",
"out_name": "clcalipso",
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO High Level Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage High Level Cloud",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover in layer centred on 220hPa",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time p220",
"out_name": "clhcalipso",
@@ -116,16 +116,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "clisccp7c": {
+ "clisccp": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "isccp_cloud_area_fraction",
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction",
+ "long_name": "ISCCP Percentage Cloud Area",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover in optical depth categories.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7c tau time",
- "out_name": "clisccp7c",
+ "out_name": "clisccp",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO Low Level Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage Low Level Cloud",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover in layer centred on 840hPa",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time p840",
"out_name": "cllcalipso",
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage Mid Level Cloud",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover in layer centred on 560hPa",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time p560",
"out_name": "clmcalipso",
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO Total Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage Total Cloud",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "cltcalipso",
@@ -371,23 +371,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "parasolRefl": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "toa_bidirectional_reflectance",
- "units": "1.0",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "PARASOL Reflectance",
- "comment": "Simulated reflectance from PARASOL as seen at the top of the atmosphere for 5 solar zenith angles. Valid only over ocean and for one viewing direction (viewing zenith angle of 30 degrees and relative azimuth angle 320 degrees).",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude sza5 time",
- "out_name": "parasolRefl",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"pctisccp": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "air_pressure_at_cloud_top",
@@ -514,7 +497,7 @@
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Upwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation",
- "comment": "Upwelling clear-sky rongwave radiation (includes the fluxes at the surface and TOA)",
+ "comment": "Upwelling clear-sky longwave radiation (includes the fluxes at the surface and TOA)",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude alevhalf time",
"out_name": "rlucs",
"type": "real",
@@ -881,686 +864,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "tnsccw": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_condensed_water_in_air",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsccw",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsccwa": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_condensed_water_in_air_due_to_advection",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Advection",
- "comment": "condensed water includes both liquid and ice.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsccwa",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsccwacr": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_condensed_water_in_air_due_to_autoconversion_to_rain",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Autoconversion to Rain",
- "comment": "condensed water includes both liquid and ice.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsccwacr",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsccwacs": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_condensed_water_in_air_due_to_autoconversion_to_snow",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Autoconversion to Snow",
- "comment": "condensed water includes both liquid and ice.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsccwacs",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsccwbl": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_condensed_water_in_air_due_to_boundary_layer_mixing",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air Due To Boundary Layer Mixing",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsccwbl",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsccwce": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_condensed_water_in_air_due_to_condensation_and_evaporation",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Condensation and Evaporation",
- "comment": "condensed water includes both liquid and ice.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsccwce",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsccwcm": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_condensed_water_in_air_due_to_cloud_microphysics",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsccwcm",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsccwif": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_condensed_water_in_air_due_to_icefall",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Condensed Water due to Icefall",
- "comment": "condensed water includes both liquid and ice.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsccwif",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnscli": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnscli",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclia": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_advection",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Advection",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclia",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnscliag": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_aggregation",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Aggregation",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnscliag",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclias": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_accretion_to_snow",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Accretion to Snow",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclias",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclibfpcl": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_bergeron_findeisen_process_from_cloud_liquid",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Bergeron Findeisen Process from Cloud Liquid",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclibfpcl",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclibl": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_boundary_layer_mixing",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Boundary Layer Mixing",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclibl",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclicd": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_convective_detrainment",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice Due Convective Detrainment",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclicd",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclicm": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_cloud_microphysics",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclicm",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclids": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_deposition_and_sublimation",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Deposition and Sublimation",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclids",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnscliemi": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_evaporation_of_melting_ice",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Evaporation of Melting Ice",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnscliemi",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclihencl": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_heterogeneous_nucleation_from_cloud_liquid_water",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Heterogeneous Nucleation From Cloud Liquid",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclihencl",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclihenv": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_heterogeneous_nucleation_from_water_vapor",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Heterogeneous Nucleation From Water Vapor",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclihenv",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclihon": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_homogeneous_nucleation",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Homogeneous Nucleation",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclihon",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnscliif": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_icefall",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Icefall",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnscliif",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclimcl": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_melting_to_cloud_liquid_water",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Melting to Cloud Liquid",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclimcl",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclimr": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_melting_to_rain",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Melting to Rain",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclimr",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnscliricl": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_riming_from_cloud_liquid_water",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Riming From Cloud Liquid",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnscliricl",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclirir": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_in_air_due_to_riming_from_rain",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Ice due to Riming From Rain",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclirir",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclw": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclw",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwa": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_advection",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Advection",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwa",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwac": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_autoconversion",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Autoconversion",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwac",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwar": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_accretion_to_rain",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Accretion to Rain",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwar",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwas": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_accretion_to_snow",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Accretion to Snow",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwas",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwbfpcli": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_bergeron_findeisen_process_to_cloud_ice",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air Due To Bergeron Findeisen Process To Cloud Ice",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwbfpcli",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwbl": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_boundary_layer_mixing",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air Due To Boundary Layer Mixing",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwbl",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwcd": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_convective_detrainment",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water Due to Convective Detrainment",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwcd",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwce": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_condensation_and_evaporation",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Condensation and Evaporation",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwce",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwcm": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_cloud_microphysics",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water In Air Due To Cloud Microphysics",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwcm",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwhen": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_heterogeneous_nucleation",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Heterogeneous Nucleation",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwhen",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwhon": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_homogeneous_nucleation",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Homogeneous Nucleation",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwhon",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwmi": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_melting_from_cloud_ice",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Melting From Cloud Ice",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwmi",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "tnsclwri": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_mass_fraction_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_in_air_due_to_riming",
- "units": "s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Mass Fraction of Stratiform Cloud Liquid Water due to Riming",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tnsclwri",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"tnt": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_air_temperature",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_cfOff.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_cfOff.json
index f2916ef..9814a65 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_cfOff.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_cfOff.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table cfOff",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "subhr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_cfSites.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_cfSites.json
index 7397a57..6dc4f32 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_cfSites.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_cfSites.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table cfSites",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "subhr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "",
@@ -145,8 +145,8 @@
"out_name": "latitude",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "-90.0",
- "valid_max": "90.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
"out_name": "longitude",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "360.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "",
"long_name": "Upwelling Clear-Sky Longwave Radiation",
- "comment": "Upwelling clear-sky rongwave radiation (includes the fluxes at the surface and TOA)",
+ "comment": "Upwelling clear-sky longwave radiation (includes the fluxes at the surface and TOA)",
"dimensions": "alevhalf site time1",
"out_name": "rlucs",
"type": "real",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_coordinate.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_coordinate.json
index e1ff34d..937c099 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_coordinate.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_coordinate.json
@@ -531,6 +531,28 @@
"z_factors": "",
"bounds_values": ""
+ "height100m": {
+ "standard_name": "height",
+ "units": "m",
+ "axis": "Z",
+ "long_name": "height",
+ "climatology": "",
+ "formula": "",
+ "must_have_bounds": "no",
+ "out_name": "height",
+ "positive": "up",
+ "requested": "",
+ "requested_bounds": "",
+ "stored_direction": "increasing",
+ "tolerance": "",
+ "type": "double",
+ "valid_max": "120.0",
+ "valid_min": "80.0",
+ "value": "100.",
+ "z_bounds_factors": "",
+ "z_factors": "",
+ "bounds_values": ""
+ },
"height10m": {
"standard_name": "height",
"units": "m",
@@ -644,7 +666,7 @@
"z_factors": "",
"bounds_values": ""
- "landuse": {
+ "landUse": {
"standard_name": "area_type",
"units": "",
"axis": "",
@@ -1401,7 +1423,7 @@
"out_name": "plev",
"positive": "down",
"requested": [
- "925000.",
+ "92500.",
@@ -1800,6 +1822,28 @@
"z_factors": "",
"bounds_values": ""
+ "snowdepth": {
+ "standard_name": "depth",
+ "units": "m",
+ "axis": "Z",
+ "long_name": "depth",
+ "climatology": "",
+ "formula": "",
+ "must_have_bounds": "yes",
+ "out_name": "depth",
+ "positive": "down",
+ "requested": "",
+ "requested_bounds": "",
+ "stored_direction": "increasing",
+ "tolerance": "",
+ "type": "double",
+ "valid_max": "200.0",
+ "valid_min": "0.0",
+ "value": "",
+ "z_bounds_factors": "",
+ "z_factors": "",
+ "bounds_values": ""
+ },
"spectband": {
"standard_name": "wave_frequency",
"units": "s-1",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_day.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_day.json
index 6a34bfd..7c522f3 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_day.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_day.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table day",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "day",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "1.00000",
@@ -133,6 +133,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "mrso": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "soil_moisture_content",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Total Soil Moisture Content",
+ "comment": "the mass per unit area (summed over all soil layers) of water in all phases.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "mrso",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"mrsos": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "moisture_content_of_soil_layer",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_em1hr.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_em1hr.json
index 83c86bc..51e4129 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_em1hr.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_em1hr.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table em1hr",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "1hr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.017361",
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
"out_name": "rlut",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_em1hrclimmon.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_em1hrclimmon.json
index af1eb69..5784577 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_em1hrclimmon.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_em1hrclimmon.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table em1hrclimmon",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "1hrClimMon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.017361",
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time3",
"out_name": "rlut",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time3",
"out_name": "rlutcs",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: mean time: mean within days time: mean over days",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "toa outgoing shortwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Top-of-Atmosphere Outgoing Shortwave Radiation",
"comment": "at the top of the atmosphere",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time3",
"out_name": "rsut",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time3",
"out_name": "rsutcs",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_em3hr.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_em3hr.json
index a590a02..b691e16 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_em3hr.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_em3hr.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table em3hr",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "3hr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.125000",
@@ -116,23 +116,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "clisccp7c": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "isccp_cloud_area_fraction",
- "units": "%",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction",
- "comment": "Percentage cloud cover in optical depth categories.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7c tau time",
- "out_name": "clisccp7c",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"clivi": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "atmosphere_mass_content_of_cloud_ice",
@@ -218,6 +201,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "huss": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "specific_humidity",
+ "units": "1.0",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Near-Surface Specific Humidity",
+ "comment": "Near-surface (usually, 2 meter) specific humidity.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "huss",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"n2o": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_nitrous_oxide_in_air",
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"prra": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "rainfall_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -304,7 +304,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"prrc": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "convective_rainfall_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -355,7 +355,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"ps": {
- "modeling_realm": "",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_air_pressure",
"units": "Pa",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rlut",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rlutcs",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -700,12 +700,12 @@
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "toa outgoing shortwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Top-of-Atmosphere Outgoing Shortwave Radiation",
"comment": "at the top of the atmosphere",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rsut",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "rsutcs",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -847,6 +847,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "tas": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "air_temperature",
+ "units": "K",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Near-Surface Air Temperature",
+ "comment": "near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "tas",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"tro3": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos atmosChem",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air",
@@ -917,12 +934,12 @@
"zfull": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "depth_below_geoid",
+ "standard_name": "height_above_reference_ellipsoid",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Depth Below Geoid of Ocean Layer",
- "comment": "Depth below geoid",
+ "long_name": "Altitude of Model Full-Levels",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
"out_name": "zfull",
"type": "",
@@ -934,12 +951,12 @@
"zhalf": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "depth_below_geoid",
+ "standard_name": "height_above_reference_ellipsoid",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Depth Below Geoid of Interfaces Between Ocean Layers",
- "comment": "Depth below geoid",
+ "long_name": "Altitude of Model Half-Levels",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
"out_name": "zhalf",
"type": "",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_em3hrpt.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_em3hrpt.json
index a1fd6bb..dedf41b 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_em3hrpt.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_em3hrpt.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table em3hrpt",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "3hr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.125000",
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage Cloud Cover",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover at CALIPSO standard heights.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude alt40 time1",
"out_name": "clcalipso",
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO High Level Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage High Level Cloud",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover in layer centred on 220hPa",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
"out_name": "clhcalipso",
@@ -99,13 +99,30 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "clisccp": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "isccp_cloud_area_fraction",
+ "units": "%",
+ "cell_methods": "time: point",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "ISCCP Cloud Area Fraction",
+ "comment": "Percentage cloud cover in optical depth categories.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7c tau time1",
+ "out_name": "clisccp",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"cllcalipso": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer",
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO Low Level Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage Low Level Cloud",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover in layer centred on 840hPa",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
"out_name": "cllcalipso",
@@ -122,7 +139,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage Mid Level Cloud",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover in layer centred on 560hPa",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
"out_name": "clmcalipso",
@@ -139,7 +156,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Cloud Fraction as Calculated by the MISR Simulator",
+ "long_name": "Percentage Cloud Cover as Calculated by the MISR Simulator",
"comment": "Cloud percentage in spectral bands and layers as observed by the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude alt16 misrBands time1",
"out_name": "clmisr",
@@ -184,24 +201,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "huss": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "specific_humidity",
- "units": "1.0",
- "cell_methods": "time: point",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Near-Surface Specific Humidity",
- "comment": "Near-surface (usually, 2 meter) specific humidity.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
- "out_name": "huss",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "jpdftaureicemodis7c": {
+ "jpdftaureicemodis": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer",
"units": "%",
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@
"long_name": "MODIS Optical Thickness-Particle Size joint distribution, ice",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7c effectRadIc|tau time1",
- "out_name": "jpdftaureicemodis7c",
+ "out_name": "jpdftaureicemodis",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "jpdftaureliqmodis7c": {
+ "jpdftaureliqmodis": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer",
"units": "%",
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@
"long_name": "MODIS Optical Thickness-Particle Size joint distribution, liquid",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7c effectRadLi|tau time1",
- "out_name": "jpdftaureliqmodis7c",
+ "out_name": "jpdftaureliqmodis",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -286,23 +286,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "tas": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "air_temperature",
- "units": "K",
- "cell_methods": "time: point",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Near-Surface Air Temperature",
- "comment": "near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
- "out_name": "tas",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"ua7h": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "eastward_wind",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_emDay.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_emDay.json
index 3cf15c7..cc2e5fa 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_emDay.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_emDay.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table emDay",
"realm": "aerosol",
"frequency": "day",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "1.00000",
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
"units": "kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Total canopy water storage",
+ "long_name": "Total Canopy Water Storage",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "cw",
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
"units": "kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Change in interception storage",
+ "long_name": "Change in Interception Storage",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "dcw",
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Frozen soil depth",
+ "long_name": "Frozen Soil Depth",
"comment": "Depth from surface to the first zero degree isotherm. Above this isotherm T < 0o, and below this line T > 0o.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "dfr",
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
"units": "kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Change in groundwater",
+ "long_name": "Change in Groundwater",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "dgw",
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
"units": "kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Change in river storage",
+ "long_name": "Change in River Storage",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "drivw",
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Open water evaporation",
+ "long_name": "Open Water Evaporation",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "eow",
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
"standard_name": "surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Downward Heat Flux at Sea Water Surface",
"comment": "This is the net flux of heat entering the liquid water column through its upper surface (excluding any 'flux adjustment') .",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "jpdftaureicemodis7c": {
+ "jpdftaureicemodis": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer",
"units": "%",
@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@
"long_name": "MODIS Optical Thickness-Particle Size joint distribution, ice",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7c tau time",
- "out_name": "jpdftaureicemodis7c",
+ "out_name": "jpdftaureicemodis",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "jpdftaureliqmodis7c": {
+ "jpdftaureliqmodis": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer",
"units": "%",
@@ -703,7 +703,7 @@
"long_name": "MODIS Optical Thickness-Particle Size joint distribution, liquid",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7c tau time",
- "out_name": "jpdftaureliqmodis7c",
+ "out_name": "jpdftaureliqmodis",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -1136,6 +1136,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "parasolRefl": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "toa_bidirectional_reflectance",
+ "units": "1.0",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "PARASOL Reflectance",
+ "comment": "Simulated reflectance from PARASOL as seen at the top of the atmosphere for 5 solar zenith angles. Valid only over ocean and for one viewing direction (viewing zenith angle of 30 degrees and relative azimuth angle 320 degrees).",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude sza5 time",
+ "out_name": "parasolRefl",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"pflw": {
"modeling_realm": "landIce land",
"standard_name": "liquid_water_content_of_permafrost_layer",
@@ -1170,6 +1187,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "prCrop": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "precipitation_flux",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Precipitation over Crop Tile",
+ "comment": "includes both liquid and solid phases",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "prCrop",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"prra": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "rainfall_flux",
@@ -1207,7 +1241,7 @@
"prrsn": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_rainfall_onto_snow",
- "units": "-",
+ "units": "1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Fraction of rainfall on snow.",
@@ -1241,7 +1275,7 @@
"prsnsn": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_snowfall_onto_snow",
- "units": "-",
+ "units": "1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Fraction of snowfall on snow.",
@@ -1426,7 +1460,7 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"sbl": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "modeling_realm": "landIce",
"standard_name": "surface_snow_and_ice_sublimation_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
@@ -1476,6 +1510,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "sfcWindmax": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "wind_speed",
+ "units": "m s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Daily Maximum Near-Surface Wind Speed",
+ "comment": "Daily maximum near-surface (usually, 10 meters) wind speed.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "sfcWindmax",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"sic": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "sea_ice_area_fraction",
@@ -1765,6 +1816,57 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "tasmaxCrop": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "air_temperature",
+ "units": "K",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperature over Crop Tile",
+ "comment": "maximum near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature (add cell_method attribute 'time: max')",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "tasmaxCrop",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "tasminCrop": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "air_temperature",
+ "units": "K",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperature over Crop Tile",
+ "comment": "minimum near-surface (usually, 2 meter) air temperature (add cell_method attribute 'time: min')",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "tasminCrop",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "tau": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "surface_downward_stress",
+ "units": "N m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Momentum flux",
+ "comment": "module of the momentum lost by the atmosphere to the surface.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "tau",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"tauu": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "surface_downward_eastward_stress",
@@ -1960,7 +2062,7 @@
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Temperature of Soil",
"comment": "Temperature of each soil layer. Reported as missing for grid cells with no land.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude sdepth time",
"out_name": "tsl",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
@@ -1977,7 +2079,7 @@
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Temperature profile in the snow",
"comment": "Temperature in the snow pack present in the grid-cell. 3D variable for multi-layer snow schemes.",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude snowdepth time",
"out_name": "tsnl",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
@@ -2258,23 +2360,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "zg": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "geopotential_height",
- "units": "m",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Geopotential Height",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude plev8 time",
- "out_name": "zg",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"zg10": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "geopotential_height",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_emDayZ.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_emDayZ.json
index a5c020a..daa6470 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_emDayZ.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_emDayZ.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table emDayZ",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "day",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "1.00000",
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
"units": "m3 s-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Northward component of the Eliassen-Palm Flux",
+ "long_name": "Northward Component of the Eliassen-Palm Flux",
"comment": "Transformed Eulerian Mean Diagnostics Meridional component Fy of Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux (Fy, Fz) derived from 6hr or higher frequency fields (use daily fields or 12 hr fields if the 6 hr are not available). Please use the definitions given by equation 3.5.3a of Andrews, Holton and Leovy text book, but scaled by density to have units m3 s-2.",
"dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
"out_name": "epfy",
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
"units": "m3 s-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Upward component of the Eliassen-Palm Flux",
+ "long_name": "Upward Component of the Eliassen-Palm Flux",
"comment": "Transformed Eulerian Mean Diagnostics Meridional component Fz of the Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux (Fy, Fz) derived from 6hr or higher frequency fields (use daily fields or 12 hr fields if the 6 hr are not available). Please use the definitions given by equation 3.5.3b of Andrews, Holton and Leovy text book, but scaled by density to have units m3 s-2.",
"dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
"out_name": "epfz",
@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@
"standard_name": "specific_humidity",
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Specific Humidity",
"comment": "",
- "dimensions": "latitude plev19 time",
+ "dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
"out_name": "hus",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
@@ -87,10 +87,10 @@
"standard_name": "air_temperature",
"units": "K",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Air Temperature",
"comment": "Air Temperature",
- "dimensions": "latitude plev19 time",
+ "dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
"out_name": "ta",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
@@ -104,10 +104,10 @@
"standard_name": "eastward_wind",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Eastward Wind",
"comment": "",
- "dimensions": "latitude plev19 time",
+ "dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
"out_name": "ua",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
@@ -206,10 +206,10 @@
"standard_name": "northward_wind",
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Northward Wind",
"comment": "",
- "dimensions": "latitude plev19 time",
+ "dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
"out_name": "va",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_emDaypt.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_emDaypt.json
index af608a3..41533b9 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_emDaypt.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_emDaypt.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table emDaypt",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "day",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "1.00000",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_emFx.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_emFx.json
index 13fcb44..11edacd 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_emFx.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_emFx.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table emFx",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "fx",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.00000",
@@ -111,8 +111,8 @@
"out_name": "sftgif",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "100.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_emMon.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_emMon.json
index 4a6a84c..21d3f02 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_emMon.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_emMon.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table emMon",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "30.00000",
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "soil_c13_content",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Mass of 13C in Soil Pool",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "vegetation_c13_content",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Mass of 13C in Vegetation",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "vegetation_c14_content",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Mass of 14C in Vegetation",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "total_land_carbon",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Total Carbon in All Terrestrial Carbon Pools",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -439,6 +439,40 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "cLitterGrass": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "litter_carbon_content_for_grass",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in litter on grass tiles",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cLitterGrass",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "cLitterShrub": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "litter_carbon_content_for_shrubs",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in litter on shrub tiles",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cLitterShrub",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"cLitterSubSurf": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "subsurface_litter_carbon_content",
@@ -473,6 +507,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "cLitterTree": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "litter_carbon_content_for_trees",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in litter on tree tiles",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cLitterTree",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"cMisc": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "miscellaneous_living_matter_carbon_content",
@@ -496,7 +547,7 @@
"units": "kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Carbon Mass in Vegetation Momponents other than Leaves, Stems and Roots",
+ "long_name": "Carbon Mass in Vegetation Components other than Leaves, Stems and Roots",
"comment": "E.g. fruits, seeds, etc.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "cOther",
@@ -524,6 +575,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "cSoilAbove1m": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "soil_carbon_content_above_1m_depth",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in soil pool above 1m depth",
+ "comment": "Report missing data over ocean grid cells. For fractional land report value averaged over the land fraction.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cSoilAbove1m",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"cSoilBelow1m": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "soil_carbon_content_below_1m_depth",
@@ -541,6 +609,91 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "cSoilGrass": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "soil_carbon_content_for_grass",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in soil on grass tiles",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cSoilGrass",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "cSoilLevels": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "soil_carbon_content_on_model_levels",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in each model soil level (summed over all soil carbon pools in that level)",
+ "comment": "for models with vertically discretised soil carbon, report total soil carbon for each level",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cSoilLevels",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "cSoilPools": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "soil_carbon_content_by_pool",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in each model soil pool (summed over vertical levels)",
+ "comment": "for models with multiple soil carbon pools, report each pool here. If models also have vertical discretaisation these should be aggregated ",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cSoilPools",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "cSoilShrub": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "soil_carbon_content_for_shrubs",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in soil on shrub tiles",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cSoilShrub",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "cSoilTree": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "soil_carbon_content_for_trees",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in soil on tree tiles",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cSoilTree",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"cStem": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "stem_carbon_content",
@@ -562,9 +715,9 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "total carbon loss from natural and managed fire on land use tile, including deforestation fires",
+ "long_name": "Total carbon loss from natural and managed fire on land use tile, including deforestation fires",
"comment": "Different from LMON this flux should include all fires occurring on the land use tile, including natural, man-made and deforestation fires",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
"out_name": "cTotFireLut",
@@ -575,17 +728,51 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "cVeg": {
+ "cVegGrass": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "vegetation_carbon_content",
+ "standard_name": "vegetation_carbon_content_for_grass",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Carbon Mass in Vegetation",
- "comment": "Carbon mass per unit area in vegetation.",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in vegetation on grass tiles",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "cVeg",
- "type": "real",
+ "out_name": "cVegGrass",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "cVegShrub": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "vegetation_carbon_content_for_shrubs",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in vegetation on shrub tiles",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cVegShrub",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "cVegTree": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "vegetation_carbon_content_for_trees",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Carbon mass in vegetation on tree tiles",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cVegTree",
+ "type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
@@ -643,30 +830,13 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "chlos": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "mass_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water",
- "units": "kg m-3",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Sea Surface Total Chlorophyll Mass Concentration",
- "comment": "Sum of chlorophyll from all phytoplankton group concentrations at the sea surface. In most models this is equal to chldiat+chlmisc, that is the sum of 'Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration' plus 'Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration'",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "chlos",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"clcalipso": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer",
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage Cloud Cover",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover at CALIPSO standard heights.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "clcalipso",
@@ -802,7 +972,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO High Level Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage High Level Cloud",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover in layer centred on 220hPa",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "clhcalipso",
@@ -853,7 +1023,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO Low Level Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage Low Level Cloud",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover in layer centred on 840hPa",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "cllcalipso",
@@ -870,7 +1040,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "CALIPSO Mid Level Cloud Fraction",
+ "long_name": "CALIPSO Percentage Mid Level Cloud",
"comment": "Percentage cloud cover in layer centred on 560hPa",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "clmcalipso",
@@ -887,7 +1057,7 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Cloud Fraction as Calculated by the MISR Simulator",
+ "long_name": "Percentage Cloud Cover as Calculated by the MISR Simulator",
"comment": "Cloud percentage in spectral bands and layers as observed by the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR) instrument.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude alt16 misrBands time",
"out_name": "clmisr",
@@ -1055,10 +1225,10 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "crop_fraction_c3",
"units": "%",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "C3 crop fraction",
- "comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
+ "long_name": "Percentage Cover by C3 Crops ",
+ "comment": "Percentage of entire grid cell covered by C3 crops",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "cropFracC3",
"type": "",
@@ -1074,8 +1244,8 @@
"units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "C4 crop fraction",
- "comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
+ "long_name": "Percentage Cover by C4 Crops ",
+ "comment": "Percentage of entire grid cell covered by C4 crops",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "cropFracC4",
"type": "",
@@ -1120,14 +1290,14 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"dissi13c": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_c13_in_sea_water",
"units": "mol m-3",
- "cell_methods": "",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Concentration of DI13C",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
"out_name": "dissi13c",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
@@ -1391,23 +1561,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "fAntAtmLut": {
- "modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "If a model has separate anthropogenic pools by land use tile, flux from anthropogenic pools on land use tile into atmosphere",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
- "out_name": "fAntAtmLut",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"fAnthDisturb": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_upward_mass_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_anthrogpogenic_emission",
@@ -1493,57 +1646,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "fClAntLut": {
- "modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "carbon from land clearing for land use tile that enters anthropogenic pools",
- "comment": "If a model has explicit anthropogenic pools, clearance should not include fire",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
- "out_name": "fClAntLut",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "fClAtmLut": {
- "modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "carbon from land clearance for land use tile that enters atmosphere",
- "comment": "If a model allows cleared carbon to enter directly into atmosphere (not via anthropogenic pools), should not include fire",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
- "out_name": "fClAtmLut",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "fClResLut": {
- "modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "carbon left as residue into litter or soil after clearance for land use tile",
- "comment": "should not include fire emissions into atmosphere",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
- "out_name": "fClResLut",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"fDeforest": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "deforested_biomass_due_to_anthorpogenic_land_use_change",
@@ -1629,57 +1731,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "fHarvAntLut": {
- "modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "carbon harvested on land use tile that enters anthropogenic pools",
- "comment": "If a model has explicit anthropogenic pools",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
- "out_name": "fHarvAntLut",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "fHarvAtmLut": {
- "modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "carbon harvested on land use tile that enters atmosphere",
- "comment": "If a model puts some or all harvested carbon directly into atmosphere (not via anthropogenic pools); for pastureland, harvesting includes only livestock grazing",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
- "out_name": "fHarvAtmLut",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "fHarvResLut": {
- "modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "carbon after land use tile harvesting that left as residue into litter or soil",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
- "out_name": "fHarvResLut",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"fHarvestToAtmos": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_upward_mass_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_emission_from_crop_harvesting",
@@ -1748,6 +1799,57 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "fLulccAtmLut": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "surface_upward_mass_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_direct_to_atmosphere_due_to_anthropogenic_land_use_land_cover_change",
+ "units": "kg s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "carbon transferred directly to atmosphere due to any land-use or land-cover change activities including deforestation or agricultural fire",
+ "comment": " This annual mean flux refers to the transfer of carbon directly to the atmosphere due to any land-use or land-cover change activities. Include carbon transferred due to deforestation or agricultural directly into atsmophere, and emissions form anthropogenic pools into atmosphere",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
+ "out_name": "fLulccAtmLut",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "fLulccProductLut": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "carbon_mass_flux_into_wood_and_agricultural_product_pools_due_to_anthropogenic_land_use_or_land_cover_change",
+ "units": "kg s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "carbon harvested due to land-use or land-cover change process that enters anthropogenic product pools on tile",
+ "comment": " This annual mean flux refers to the transfer of carbon primarily through harvesting land use into anthropogenic product pools, e.g.,deforestation or wood harvestingfrom primary or secondary lands, food harvesting on croplands, harvesting (grazing) by animals on pastures.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
+ "out_name": "fLulccProductLut",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "fLulccResidueLut": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "carbon_mass_flux_into_soil_and_litter_due_to_anthropogenic_land_use_or_land_cover_change",
+ "units": "kg s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "carbon transferred to soil or litter pools due to land-use or land-cover change processes on tile",
+ "comment": " This annual mean flux refers to the transfer of carbon into soil or litter pools due to any land use or land-cover change activities",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
+ "out_name": "fLulccResidueLut",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"fN2O": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "land_net_n2o_flux",
@@ -1765,6 +1867,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "fNAnthDisturb": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "nitrogen_flux_into_atmos_due_to_direct_human_disturbance",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "nitrogen mass flux out of land due to any human activity",
+ "comment": "will require some careful definition to make sure we capture everything - any human activity that releases nitrogen from land instead of into product pool goes here. E.g. Deforestation fire, harvest assumed to decompose straight away, grazing...",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "fNAnthDisturb",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"fNLandToOcean": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "nitrogen_mass_flux_into_ocean_from_rivers",
@@ -1873,7 +1992,7 @@
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "dry and wet deposition of reactive nitrogen onto land",
+ "long_name": "Dry and Wet Deposition of Reactive Nitrogen onto Land",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "fNdep",
@@ -1890,7 +2009,7 @@
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "dry and wet deposition of oxidised reactive nitrogen onto land",
+ "long_name": "Dry and Wet Deposition of Oxidised Reactive Nitrogen onto Land",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "fNdepox",
@@ -1907,7 +2026,7 @@
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "dry and wet deposition of reduced reactive nitrogen onto land",
+ "long_name": "Dry and Wet Deposition of Reduced Reactive Nitrogen onto Land",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "fNdepred",
@@ -1918,13 +2037,30 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "fNfert": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "fertiliser_of_nitrogen_onto_land",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "total N added for cropland fertilisation (artificial and manure)",
+ "comment": "relative to total land area of a grid cell, not relative to agricultural area",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "fNfert",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"fNgas": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "land_nitrogen_lost_to_atmosphere",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Total N lost to the atmosphere (sum of NHx, NOx, N2O, N2)",
+ "long_name": "Total Nitrogen lost to the atmosphere (sum of NHx, NOx, N2O, N2)",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "fNgas",
@@ -2054,6 +2190,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "fProductDecompLut": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_atmospheric_mass_content_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_emission_from_wood_and_agricultural_product_pool",
+ "units": "kg s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "flux from wood and agricultural product pools on land use tile into atmosphere",
+ "comment": "If a model has explicit anthropogenic product pools by land use tile",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
+ "out_name": "fProductDecompLut",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"fVegFire": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "fire_CO2_emissions_from_vegetation_carbon",
@@ -2077,7 +2230,7 @@
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter as a result of mortality",
+ "long_name": "Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter as a Result of Mortality",
"comment": "needed to separate changing vegetation C turnover times resulting from changing allocation versus changing mortality",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "fVegLitterMortality",
@@ -2094,7 +2247,7 @@
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter as a result of leaf, branch, and root senescence",
+ "long_name": "Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Litter as a Result of Leaf, Branch, and Root Senescence",
"comment": "needed to separate changing vegetation C turnover times resulting from changing allocation versus changing mortality",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "fVegLitterSenescence",
@@ -2105,16 +2258,50 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "fahUrb": {
+ "fVegSoilMortality": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
+ "standard_name": "mortality_vegtosoil_carbon_flux",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Soil as a result of mortality",
+ "comment": "needed to separate changing vegetation C turnover times resulting from changing allocation versus changing mortality",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "fVegSoilMortality",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "fVegSoilSenescence": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "senescence_vegtosoil_carbon_flux",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Total Carbon Mass Flux from Vegetation to Soil as a result of leaf, branch, and root senescence",
+ "comment": "needed to separate changing vegetation C turnover times resulting from changing allocation versus changing mortality",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "fVegSoilSenescence",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "fahLut": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "surface_upward_heat_flux_due_to_anthropogenic_energy_consumption",
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Anthropogenic heat flux ",
- "comment": "Anthropogenic heat flux due to human activities such as space heating and cooling or traffic or other energy consumption",
+ "long_name": "Anthropogenic heat flux generated from non-renewable human primary energy consumption, including energy use by vehicles, commercial and residential buildings, industry, and power plants. Primary energy refers to energy in natural resources, fossil and nonfossil, before conversion into other forms, such as electricity.",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "fahUrb",
+ "out_name": "fahLut",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -2445,16 +2632,67 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "flashrate": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "lightning_flash_rate",
- "units": "km-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "flashrate": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "lightning_flash_rate",
+ "units": "km-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Lightning Flash Rate",
+ "comment": "proposed name: lightning_flash_rate (units to be interpreted as 'counts km-2 s-1)",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "flashrate",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "gppGrass": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "gross_primary_production_of_grass",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "gross primary production on grass tiles",
+ "comment": "Total GPP of grass in the gridcell",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "gppGrass",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "gppLut": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "gross_primary_land_productivity_of_carbon",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Gross Primary Productivity on Land Use Tile",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
+ "out_name": "gppLut",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "gppShrub": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "gross_primary_production_of_shrubs",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "lightning flash rate",
- "comment": "proposed name: lightning_flash_rate (units to be interpreted as 'counts km-2 s-1)",
+ "long_name": "gross primary production on Shrub tiles",
+ "comment": "Total GPP of shrubs in the gridcell",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "flashrate",
+ "out_name": "gppShrub",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -2462,16 +2700,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "gppLut": {
+ "gppTree": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "gross_primary_land_productivity_of_carbon",
+ "standard_name": "gross_primary_production_of_trees",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "gross primary productivity on land use tile",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
- "out_name": "gppLut",
+ "long_name": "gross primary production on tree tiles",
+ "comment": "Total GPP of trees in the gridcell",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "gppTree",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -2483,7 +2721,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "gross_primary_productivity_of_c13",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Mass Flux of 13C out of Atmosphere due to Gross Primary Production on Land",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -2500,7 +2738,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "gross_primary_productivity_of_c14",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Mass Flux of 14C out of Atmosphere due to Gross Primary Production on Land",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -2551,7 +2789,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "grass_fraction_c4",
"units": "%",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "C4 grass fraction",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -2570,7 +2808,7 @@
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "graupel_mixing_ratio",
+ "long_name": "Graupel Mixing Ratio",
"comment": "Graupel mixing ratio",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude plev27 time",
"out_name": "grplmxrat27",
@@ -2602,7 +2840,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_upward_latent_heat_flux",
"units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "latent heat flux on land use tile",
"comment": "",
@@ -2619,7 +2857,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux",
"units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "sensible heat flux on land use tile",
"comment": "",
@@ -2632,7 +2870,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "hus27": {
+ "hus": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "specific_humidity",
"units": "1.0",
@@ -2640,8 +2878,8 @@
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Specific Humidity",
"comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude plev27 time",
- "out_name": "hus27",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7c time",
+ "out_name": "hus",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -2649,7 +2887,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "hus7h": {
+ "hus27": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "specific_humidity",
"units": "1.0",
@@ -2657,8 +2895,8 @@
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Specific Humidity",
"comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7h time",
- "out_name": "hus7h",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude plev27 time",
+ "out_name": "hus27",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -2670,7 +2908,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "specific_humidity",
"units": "1.0",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "near-surface specific humidity on land use tile",
"comment": "Normally, the specific humidity should be reported at the 2 meter height",
@@ -2700,91 +2938,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "intppcalc": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_calcareous_phytoplankton",
- "units": "mol m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Calcareous Phytoplankton",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "intppcalc",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "intppdiat": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_diatoms",
- "units": "mol m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "Primary Organic Carbon Production by Diatoms",
- "comment": "Vertically integrated primary (organic carbon) production by the diatom phytoplankton component alone",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "intppdiat",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "intppdiaz": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_diazotrophs",
- "units": "mol m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Diazotrophs",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "intppdiaz",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "intppmisc": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_miscellaneous_phytoplankton",
- "units": "mol m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "Primary Organic Carbon Production by Other Phytoplankton",
- "comment": "Vertically integrated total primary (organic carbon) production by other phytoplankton components alone",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "intppmisc",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "intpppico": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_picophytoplankton",
- "units": "mol m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Picophytoplankton",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "intpppico",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"intuadse": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "vertical_integral_eastward_wind_by_dry_static_energy",
@@ -2853,16 +3006,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "irrCrp": {
+ "irrLut": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "standard_name": "surface_downward_water_flux_due_to_irrigation",
+ "units": "kg s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "cropland irrigation flux",
+ "long_name": "Irrigation flux including any irrigation for crops, trees, pasture, or urban lawns",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "irrCrp",
+ "out_name": "irrLut",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -2870,7 +3023,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "jpdftaureicemodis7c": {
+ "jpdftaureicemodis": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer",
"units": "%",
@@ -2879,7 +3032,7 @@
"long_name": "MODIS Optical Thickness-Particle Size joint distribution, ice",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7c effectRadIc|tau time",
- "out_name": "jpdftaureicemodis7c",
+ "out_name": "jpdftaureicemodis",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -2887,7 +3040,7 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "jpdftaureliqmodis7c": {
+ "jpdftaureliqmodis": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "cloud_area_fraction_in_atmosphere_layer",
"units": "%",
@@ -2896,7 +3049,7 @@
"long_name": "MODIS Optical Thickness-Particle Size joint distribution, liquid",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7c effectRadLi|tau time",
- "out_name": "jpdftaureliqmodis7c",
+ "out_name": "jpdftaureliqmodis",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -2908,7 +3061,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "",
"units": "1.0",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "leaf area index on land use tile",
"comment": "Note that if tile does not model lai, for example, on the urban tile, then should be reported as missing value",
@@ -3093,7 +3246,7 @@
"mmraerh2o": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_water_in_ambient_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_water_in_ambient_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -3127,7 +3280,7 @@
"mmrbc": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_black_carbon_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_elemental_carbon_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -3144,7 +3297,7 @@
"mmrdust": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_dust_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_dust_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -3161,7 +3314,7 @@
"mmrno3": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_nitrate_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_nitrate_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -3178,7 +3331,7 @@
"mmroa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -3195,7 +3348,7 @@
"mmrso4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_sulfate_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -3212,7 +3365,7 @@
"mmrsoa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_secondary_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_secondary_particulate_organic_matter_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -3229,7 +3382,7 @@
"mmrss": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_seasalt_dry_aerosol_in_air",
+ "standard_name": "mass_fraction_of_seasalt_dry_aerosol_particles_in_air",
"units": "kg kg-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -3248,7 +3401,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "soil_liquid_water_content",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Soil Liquid Water Content ",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -3265,7 +3418,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "runoff_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Total runoff from land use tile ",
"comment": "the total runoff (including 'drainage' through the base of the soil model) leaving the land use tile portion of the grid cell",
@@ -3278,32 +3431,15 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "mrs1mLut": {
- "modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
- "units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Moisture in top 1 meter of land use tile soil column",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
- "out_name": "mrs1mLut",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"mrsfl": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "frozen_moisture_content_of_soil_layer",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Frozen water content of soil layer",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude sdepth time",
"out_name": "mrsfl",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
@@ -3333,7 +3469,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "soil_moisture_content",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Total soil moisture",
"comment": "",
@@ -3347,10 +3483,10 @@
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"mrsol": {
- "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "total_moisture_content_of_soil_layer",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Total water content of soil layer",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -3384,7 +3520,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "moisture_content_of_soil_layer",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Column of land use tile",
"comment": "the mass of water in all phases in a thin surface layer; integrate over uppermost 10cm",
@@ -3418,7 +3554,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "total_land_nitrogen",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Total nitrogen in all terrestrial nitrogen pools",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -3452,7 +3588,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "litter_nitrogen_content",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Nitrogen Mass in Litter Pool",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -3482,6 +3618,40 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "nLitterSubSurf": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "subsurface_litter_nitrogen_content",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Nitrogen Mass in below ground litter (non CWD)",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "nLitterSubSurf",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "nLitterSurf": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "surface_litter_nitrogen_content",
+ "units": "kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Nitrogen Mass in above ground litter (non CWD)",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "nLitterSurf",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"nMineral": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "mineral_soil_nitrogen_content",
@@ -3639,9 +3809,9 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": " net rate of C accumulation (or loss) on land use tile",
+ "long_name": "Net Rate of Carbon Accumulation (or loss) on Land Use Tile",
"comment": "Computed as npp minus heterotrophic respiration minus fire minus C leaching minus harvesting/clearing. Positive rate is into the land, negative rate is from the land. Do not include fluxes from anthropogenic pools to atmosphere",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
"out_name": "necbLut",
@@ -3690,7 +3860,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "net_atmos_to_land_C14_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Net Mass Flux of 14C between atmosphere and land (positive into land) as a result of all processes.",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -3707,7 +3877,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_net_downward_mass_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_all_land_processes",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Net flux of CO2 between atmosphere and land (positive into land) as a result of all processes.",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -3720,18 +3890,18 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "nppLeaf": {
+ "nppGrass": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "net_primary_productivity_of_carbon_accumulated_in_leaves",
+ "standard_name": "net_primary_production_of_grass",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Leaf",
- "comment": "This is the rate of carbon uptake by leaves due to NPP",
+ "long_name": "net primary production on grass tiles",
+ "comment": "Total NPP of grass in the gridcell",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "nppLeaf",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "down",
+ "out_name": "nppGrass",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -3741,7 +3911,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "net_primary_land_productivity_of_carbon",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "net primary productivity on land use tile",
"comment": "",
@@ -3754,18 +3924,69 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "nppRoot": {
+ "nppOther": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "net_primary_productivity_of_carbon_accumulated_in_roots",
+ "standard_name": "net_primary_production_allocated_to_other",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Carbon Mass Flux due to NPP Allocation to Roots",
- "comment": "This is the rate of carbon uptake by roots due to NPP",
+ "long_name": "net primary production allcoated to other pools (not leaves stem or roots)",
+ "comment": "added for completeness with npp_root",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "nppRoot",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "down",
+ "out_name": "nppOther",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "nppShrub": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "net_primary_production_of_shrubs",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "net primary production on Shrub tiles",
+ "comment": "Total NPP of shrubs in the gridcell",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "nppShrub",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "nppStem": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "net_primary_production_allocated_to_stem",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "net primary production allcoated to stem",
+ "comment": "added for completeness with npp_root",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "nppStem",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "nppTree": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "net_primary_production_of_trees",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "net primary production on tree tiles",
+ "comment": "Total NPP of trees in the gridcell",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "nppTree",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -3775,7 +3996,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "",
"units": "fraction",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "fraction of land use tile tile that is non-woody vegetation ( e.g. herbaceous crops)",
"comment": "",
@@ -3845,11 +4066,11 @@
"units": "degC kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "",
- "comment": "",
+ "long_name": "integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and conservative temperature",
+ "comment": "Full column sum of density*cell thickness*conservative temperature. If the model is Boussinesq, then use Boussinesq reference density for the density factor.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "ocontempmint",
- "type": "",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
@@ -3913,11 +4134,11 @@
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Sea Water Conservative Temperature Expressed as Heat Content due to Residual Mean Advection",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water conservative temperature expressed as heat content due to residual mean (sum of Eulerian + parameterized) advection",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "ocontemprmadvect",
- "type": "",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
@@ -4011,7 +4232,7 @@
"od550soa": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
- "standard_name": "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_secondary_particulate_organic_matter_ambient_aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_particulate_organic_matter_ambient_aerosol",
"units": "1.0",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
@@ -4066,11 +4287,11 @@
"units": "degC kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "",
+ "long_name": "integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and potential temperature",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "opottempmint",
- "type": "",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
@@ -4134,11 +4355,11 @@
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Sea Eater Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content due to Residual Mean Advection",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water potential temperature expressed as heat content due to residual mean advection",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "opottemprmadvect",
- "type": "",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
@@ -4236,11 +4457,11 @@
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content due to Residual Mean Advection",
+ "long_name": "tendency of sea water salinity expressed as salt content due to residual mean advection",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "osaltrmadvect",
- "type": "",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
@@ -4264,16 +4485,67 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "pabigthetao": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "sea_water_added_conservative_temperature",
- "units": "degC",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Sea Water Added Conservative Temperature",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "pabigthetao",
+ "pabigthetao": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "sea_water_added_conservative_temperature",
+ "units": "degC",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
+ "long_name": "Sea Water Added Conservative Temperature",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
+ "out_name": "pabigthetao",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "parasolRefl": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "toa_bidirectional_reflectance",
+ "units": "1.0",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where sea time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "PARASOL Reflectance",
+ "comment": "Simulated reflectance from PARASOL as seen at the top of the atmosphere for 5 solar zenith angles. Valid only over ocean and for one viewing direction (viewing zenith angle of 30 degrees and relative azimuth angle 320 degrees).",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude sza5 time",
+ "out_name": "parasolRefl",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "pastureFracC3": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "pasture_fraction_c3",
+ "units": "1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "C3 pasture fraction",
+ "comment": "Fraction of entire grid cell covered by C3 pasture",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "pastureFracC3",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "pastureFracC4": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "pasture_fraction_c4",
+ "units": "1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "C4 pasture fraction",
+ "comment": "Fraction of entire grid cell covered by C4 pasture",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "pastureFracC4",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -4366,23 +4638,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "phycos": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water",
- "units": "mol m-3",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Sea Surface Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration",
- "comment": "sum of phytoplankton organic carbon component concentrations at the sea surface",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
- "out_name": "phycos",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"ppcalc": {
"modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_due_to_net_primary_production_by_calcareous_phytoplankton",
@@ -4519,6 +4774,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "raGrass": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "autotrophic_respiration_of_grass",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "autotrophic respiration on grass tiles",
+ "comment": "Total RA of grass in the gridcell",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "raGrass",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"raLeaf": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "autotrophic_respiration_from_leaves",
@@ -4540,7 +4812,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "plant_respiration_carbon_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "plant respiration on land use tile",
"comment": "",
@@ -4553,13 +4825,30 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "raOther": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "autotrophic_respiration_from_other",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Total respiration from other pools (not leaves stem or roots)",
+ "comment": "added for completeness with Ra_root",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "raOther",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"raRoot": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "autotrophic_respiration_from_roots",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Total respiration from roots",
+ "long_name": "Total Respiration from Roots",
"comment": "Total autotrophic respiration from all belowground plant parts. This has benchmarking value because the sum of Rh and root respiration can be compared to observations of total soil respiration.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "raRoot",
@@ -4570,13 +4859,30 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "raShrub": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "autotrophic_respiration_of_shrubs",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "autotrophic respiration on Shrub tiles",
+ "comment": "Total RA of shrubs in the gridcell",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "raShrub",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"raStem": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "autotrophic_respiration_from_stem",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
"cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Total respiration from stem",
+ "long_name": "Total Respiration from Stem",
"comment": "added for completeness with Ra_root",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
"out_name": "raStem",
@@ -4587,6 +4893,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "raTree": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "autotrophic_respiration_of_trees",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "autotrophic respiration on tree tiles",
+ "comment": "Total RA of trees in the gridcell",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "raTree",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"rac13": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "plant_respiration_c13_flux",
@@ -4706,6 +5029,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "rhGrass": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "heterotrophic_respiration_of_grass",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "heterotrophic respiration on grass tiles",
+ "comment": "Total RH of grass in the gridcell",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "rhGrass",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"rhLitter": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "heterotrophic_respiration_carbon_flux_from_litter",
@@ -4727,7 +5067,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "heterotrophic_respiration_carbon_flux",
"units": "kg m-2 s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "soil heterotrophic respiration on land use tile",
"comment": "",
@@ -4740,6 +5080,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "rhShrub": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "heterotrophic_respiration_of_shrubs",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "heterotrophic respiration on Shrub tiles",
+ "comment": "Total RH of shrubs in the gridcell",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "rhShrub",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"rhSoil": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "heterotrophic_respiration_carbon_flux_from_soil",
@@ -4757,6 +5114,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "rhTree": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "heterotrophic_respiration_of_trees",
+ "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "heterotrophic respiration on tree tiles",
+ "comment": "Total RH of trees in the gridcell",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "rhTree",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"rhc13": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "heterotrophic_respiration_c13_flux",
@@ -4812,9 +5186,9 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "surface upwelling longwave on land use tile",
+ "long_name": "Surface Upwelling Longwave on Land Use Tile",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
"out_name": "rlusLut",
@@ -4831,11 +5205,11 @@
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Net Rate of Absorption of Shortwave Energy in Ocean Layer",
+ "long_name": "net rate of absorption of shortwave energy in ocean layer",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "rsdoabsorb",
- "type": "",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
@@ -4897,9 +5271,9 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air",
"units": "W m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "surface upwelling shortwave on land use tile",
+ "long_name": "Surface Upwelling Shortwave on Land Use Tile",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time",
"out_name": "rsusLut",
@@ -5046,11 +5420,28 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "somint": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_prognostic_salinity",
+ "units": "1e-3 kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "long_name": "integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and salinity",
+ "comment": "Full column sum of density*cell thickness*prognostic salinity. If the model is Boussinesq, then use Boussinesq reference density for the density factor.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "somint",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"sweLut": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "",
"units": "m",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "snow water equivalent on land use tile",
"comment": "",
@@ -5131,6 +5522,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "tSoilPools": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "soil_carbon_turnover_rate_by_pool",
+ "units": "s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "turnover rate of each model soil carbon pool",
+ "comment": "defined as 1/(turnover time) for each soil pool. Use the same pools reported under cSoilPools",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "tSoilPools",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"ta27": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "air_temperature",
@@ -5152,7 +5560,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "air_temperature",
"units": "K",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "near-surface air temperature (2m above displacement height, i.e. t_ref) on land use tile",
"comment": "",
@@ -5437,23 +5845,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "tntrscs": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky",
- "units": "K s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Air Temperature due to Clear Sky Shortwave Radiative Heating",
- "comment": "Tendency of Air Temperature due to Clear Sky Shortwave Radiative Heating",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "tntrscs",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"tntscp": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_stratiform_clouds_and_precipitation",
@@ -5488,6 +5879,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "tomint": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "integral_wrt_depth_of_product_of_sea_water_density_and_prognostic_temperature",
+ "units": "1e-3 kg m-2",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacello",
+ "long_name": "integral wrt depth of product of sea water density and prognostic temperature",
+ "comment": "Full column sum of density*cell thickness*prognostic temperature. If the model is Boussinesq, then use Boussinesq reference density for the density factor.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "tomint",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"treeFrac": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "area_fraction",
@@ -5560,7 +5968,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "tree_fraction_needleleaf_evergreen",
"units": "%",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Needleleaf evergreen tree fraction",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -5577,7 +5985,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "surface_temperature",
"units": "K",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: time: mean where landuse",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "surface skin temperature on land use tile",
"comment": "temperature at which long-wave radiation emitted",
@@ -5641,23 +6049,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "ua7h": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "eastward_wind",
- "units": "m s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Eastward Wind",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7h time",
- "out_name": "ua7h",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"uqint": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "",
@@ -5845,23 +6236,6 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "va": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "northward_wind",
- "units": "m s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Northward Wind",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude alevel time",
- "out_name": "va",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"va27": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "northward_wind",
@@ -5879,28 +6253,11 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "va7h": {
- "modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "northward_wind",
- "units": "m s-1",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Northward Wind",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude plev7h time",
- "out_name": "va7h",
- "type": "",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
"vegFrac": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "total_vegetated_fraction",
"units": "%",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Total vegetated fraction",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -5934,7 +6291,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "canopy_height",
"units": "m",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Vegetation height averaged over the crop fraction of a grid cell.",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -5951,7 +6308,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "canopy_height",
"units": "m",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Vegetation height averaged over the grass fraction of a grid cell.",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -5964,6 +6321,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "vegHeightPasture": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "pasture_vegetation_height",
+ "units": "m",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Vegetation height averaged over the pasture fraction of a grid cell.",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "vegHeightPasture",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"vegHeightShrub": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "canopy_height",
@@ -6223,7 +6597,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "wetland_fraction",
"units": "%",
- "cell_methods": "area: mean where land time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Fraction of a grid cell covered by wetland.",
"comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
@@ -6242,11 +6616,11 @@
"units": "m s-1",
"cell_methods": "",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
- "long_name": "W",
+ "long_name": "Sea Water Z Velocity",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "wo",
- "type": "",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
@@ -6304,34 +6678,17 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "zoomeso": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_mesozooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water",
- "units": "mol m-3",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water",
- "comment": "carbon concentration from mesozooplankton (20-200 um) component alone",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "zoomeso",
- "type": "real",
- "positive": "",
- "valid_min": "",
- "valid_max": "",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- },
- "zoomicro": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocnBgchem",
- "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_microzooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water",
+ "zoomisc": {
+ "modeling_realm": "ocean",
+ "standard_name": "mole_concentration_of_miscellaneous_zooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water",
"units": "mol m-3",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water",
- "comment": "carbon concentration from the microzooplankton (<20 um) component alone",
+ "long_name": "Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration",
+ "comment": "carbon from additional zooplankton component concentrations alone (e.g. Micro, meso). Since the models all have different numbers of components, this variable has been included to provide a check for intercomparison between models since some phytoplankton groups are supersets.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "zoomicro",
- "type": "real",
+ "out_name": "zoomisc",
+ "type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_emMonZ.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_emMonZ.json
index 7e4a11d..f87420c 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_emMonZ.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_emMonZ.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table emMonZ",
- "realm": "atmos",
+ "realm": "aerosol",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "30.00000",
@@ -14,6 +14,23 @@
"Conventions": "CF-1.6 CMIP-6.0"
"variable_entry": {
+ "bry": {
+ "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_inorganic_bromine_in_air",
+ "units": "mol mol-1",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Total inorganic bromine volume mixing ratio",
+ "comment": "Total family (the sum of all appropriate species in the model) ; list the species in the netCDF header, e.g. Bry = Br + BrO + HOBr + HBr + BrONO2 + BrCl Definition: Total inorganic bromine (e.g., HBr and inorganic bromine oxides and radicals (e.g., BrO, atomic bromine (Br), bromine nitrate (BrONO2)) resulting from degradation of bromine-containing organicsource gases (halons, methyl bromide, VSLS), and natural inorganic bromine sources (e.g., volcanoes, sea salt, [...]
+ "dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
+ "out_name": "bry",
+ "type": "float",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"ch4": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_methane_in_air",
@@ -31,13 +48,30 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "cly": {
+ "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_inorganic_chlorine_in_air",
+ "units": "mol mol-1",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Total inorganic chlorine volume mixing ratio",
+ "comment": "Total family (the sum of all appropriate species in the model) ; list the species in the netCDF header, e.g. Cly = HCl + ClONO2 + HOCl + ClO + Cl + 2*Cl2O2 +2Cl2 + OClO + BrCl Definition: Total inorganic stratospheric chlorine (e.g., HCl, ClO) resulting from degradation of chlorine-containing source gases (CFCs, HCFCs, VSLS), and natural inorganic chlorine sources (e.g., sea salt and other aerosols) add comment attribute with detailed description about how the mod [...]
+ "dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
+ "out_name": "cly",
+ "type": "float",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"epfluxdiv": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "",
+ "standard_name": "eliassen_palm_flux_divergence",
"units": "kg m-1 s-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "eliassen_palm_flux_divergence",
+ "long_name": "Divergence of Eliassen-Palm flux (zonal mean)",
"comment": "Divergence of Eliassen-Palm flux (zonal mean)",
"dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
"out_name": "epfluxdiv",
@@ -54,7 +88,7 @@
"units": "m3 s-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Northward component of the Eliassen-Palm Flux",
+ "long_name": "Northward Component of the Eliassen-Palm Flux",
"comment": "Transformed Eulerian Mean Diagnostics Meridional component Fy of Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux (Fy, Fz) derived from 6hr or higher frequency fields (use daily fields or 12 hr fields if the 6 hr are not available). Please use the definitions given by equation 3.5.3a of Andrews, Holton and Leovy text book, but scaled by density to have units m3 s-2.",
"dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
"out_name": "epfy",
@@ -71,7 +105,7 @@
"units": "m3 s-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Upward component of the Eliassen-Palm Flux",
+ "long_name": "Upward Component of the Eliassen-Palm Flux",
"comment": "Transformed Eulerian Mean Diagnostics Meridional component Fz of the Eliassen-Palm (EP) flux (Fy, Fz) derived from 6hr or higher frequency fields (use daily fields or 12 hr fields if the 6 hr are not available). Please use the definitions given by equation 3.5.3b of Andrews, Holton and Leovy text book, but scaled by density to have units m3 s-2.",
"dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
"out_name": "epfz",
@@ -133,6 +167,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "ho2": {
+ "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_hydroperoxyl_radical_in_air",
+ "units": "mol mol-1",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "HO2 volume mixing ratio",
+ "comment": "",
+ "dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
+ "out_name": "ho2",
+ "type": "float",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"jo2": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
"standard_name": "photolysis_rate_of_molecular_oxygen",
@@ -167,6 +218,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "meanage": {
+ "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "age_of_stratospheric_air",
+ "units": "yr",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Mean Age of Stratospheric Air",
+ "comment": "The mean age of air is defined as the mean time that a stratospheric air mass has been out of contact with the well-mixed troposphere.",
+ "dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
+ "out_name": "meanage",
+ "type": "float",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"n2o": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_nitrous_oxide_in_air",
@@ -184,6 +252,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "noy": {
+ "modeling_realm": "aerosol",
+ "standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_noy_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_air",
+ "units": "mol mol-1",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Total reactive nitrogen volume mixing ratio",
+ "comment": "Total family (the sum of all appropriate species in the model); list the species in the netCDF header, e.g. NOy = N + NO + NO2 + NO3 + HNO3 + 2N2O5 + HNO4 + ClONO2 + BrONO2 Definition: Total reactive nitrogen; usually includes atomic nitrogen (N), nitric oxide (NO), NO2, nitrogen trioxide (NO3), dinitrogen radical (N2O5), nitric acid (HNO3), peroxynitric acid (HNO4), BrONO2, ClONO2 add comment attribute with detailed description about how the model calculates thes [...]
+ "dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
+ "out_name": "noy",
+ "type": "float",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"o3": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
"standard_name": "mole_fraction_of_ozone_in_air",
@@ -320,17 +405,17 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "tntnogw": {
+ "tntmp": {
"modeling_realm": "atmos",
- "standard_name": "temperature_tendency_due_to_dissipation_nonorographic_gravity_wave_drag",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics",
"units": "K s-1",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "temperature tendency nonorographic gravity wave dissipation",
- "comment": "Temperature tendency due to dissipation of parameterized nonorographic gravity waves.",
+ "long_name": "Tendency of Air Temperature due to Model Physics",
+ "comment": "Tendency of air temperature due to model physics. This includes sources and sinks from parametrized physics (e.g. radiation, convection, boundary layer, stratiform condensation/evaporation, etc.). It excludes sources and sinks from resolved dynamics and numerical diffusion not associated with parametrized physics. For example, any vertical diffusion which is part of the boundary layer mixing scheme should be included, while numerical diffusion applied in addition [...]
"dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
- "out_name": "tntnogw",
- "type": "",
+ "out_name": "tntmp",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
@@ -354,6 +439,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "tntrscs": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky",
+ "units": "K s-1",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Tendency of Air Temperature due to Clear Sky Shortwave Radiative Heating",
+ "comment": "Tendency of Air Temperature due to Clear Sky Shortwave Radiative Heating",
+ "dimensions": "latitude plev39 time",
+ "out_name": "tntrscs",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"ua": {
"modeling_realm": "aerosol",
"standard_name": "eastward_wind",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_emMonpt.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_emMonpt.json
index 9fa0238..836138f 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_emMonpt.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_emMonpt.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table emMonpt",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "mon",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "30.00000",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_emSubhr.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_emSubhr.json
index f7ba911..9a00493 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_emSubhr.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_emSubhr.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table emSubhr",
"realm": "atmos",
"frequency": "subhr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "",
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
"out_name": "hfls",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
"out_name": "hfss",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
"out_name": "rlut",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
@@ -275,12 +275,12 @@
"units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "toa outgoing shortwave radiation",
+ "long_name": "Top-of-Atmosphere Outgoing Shortwave Radiation",
"comment": "at the top of the atmosphere",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
"out_name": "rsut",
"type": "",
- "positive": "",
+ "positive": "up",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_emYr.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_emYr.json
index 302d732..c7b1ac6 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_emYr.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_emYr.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table emYr",
"realm": "land",
"frequency": "yr",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "",
@@ -14,33 +14,50 @@
"Conventions": "CF-1.6 CMIP-6.0"
"variable_entry": {
- "cAnt": {
+ "baresoilFrac": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
+ "standard_name": "area_fraction",
+ "units": "%",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Bare Soil Fraction",
+ "comment": "Percentage of entire grid cell that is covered by bare soil.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "baresoilFrac",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "cLitter": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "litter_carbon_content",
"units": "kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Carbon in Anthropogenic Pools",
- "comment": "grid cell mean carbon in anthropogenic pools into which harvests and cleared carbon are deposited before release into atmosphere PLUS any remaining anthropogenic pools that may be associated with lands which were converted into land use tiles during reported period . Does NOT include residue which is deposited into soil or litter; end of year values (not annual mean)",
+ "long_name": "Carbon Mass in Litter Pool",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
- "out_name": "cAnt",
- "type": "",
+ "out_name": "cLitter",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "cAntLut": {
+ "cLitterLut": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: point",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where landUse time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Carbon in Anthropogenic Pools Associated with Landuse Tiles",
- "comment": "anthropogenic pools associated with land use tiles into which harvests and cleared carbon are deposited before release into atmosphere PLUS any remaining anthropogenic pools that may be associated with lands which were converted into land use tiles during reported period . Does NOT include residue which is deposited into soil or litter; end of year values (not annual mean)",
+ "long_name": "Carbon in Above and Below Ground Litter Pools on Landuse Tiles",
+ "comment": "end of year values (not annual mean)",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time1",
- "out_name": "cAntLut",
+ "out_name": "cLitterLut",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -48,16 +65,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "cLitter": {
+ "cProduct": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "litter_carbon_content",
+ "standard_name": "carbon_content_of_products_of_anthropogenic_land_use_change",
"units": "kg m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Carbon Mass in Litter Pool",
- "comment": "",
+ "long_name": "Carbon Mass in Products of Land Use Change",
+ "comment": "Carbon mass per unit area in that has been removed from the environment through landuse change.",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude time1",
- "out_name": "cLitter",
+ "out_name": "cProduct",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -65,16 +82,16 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "cLitterLut": {
+ "cProductLut": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "",
+ "standard_name": "carbon_content_in_wood_and_agricultural_products",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: point",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where landUse time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "Carbon in Above and Below Ground Litter Pools on Landuse Tiles",
- "comment": "end of year values (not annual mean)",
+ "long_name": "wood and agricultural product pool carbon associated with land use tiles; examples of products include paper, cardboard, timber for construction, and crop harvest for food or fuel.",
+ "comment": "anthropogenic pools associated with land use tiles into which harvests and cleared carbon are deposited before release into atmosphere PLUS any remaining anthropogenic pools that may be associated with lands which were converted into land use tiles during reported period . Does NOT include residue which is deposited into soil or litter; end of year values (not annual mean)",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time1",
- "out_name": "cLitterLut",
+ "out_name": "cProductLut",
"type": "",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
@@ -103,7 +120,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: point",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where landUse time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "Carbon in Soil Pool on Landuse Tiles",
"comment": "end of year values (not annual mean)",
@@ -137,9 +154,9 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "",
"units": "kg m-2",
- "cell_methods": "time: point",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where landUse time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
- "long_name": "carbon in vegetation on land use tiles",
+ "long_name": "Carbon in Vegetation on Land Use Tiles",
"comment": "end of year values (not annual mean)",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude landUse time1",
"out_name": "cVegLut",
@@ -150,6 +167,23 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "cropFrac": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "area_fraction",
+ "units": "%",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Crop Fraction",
+ "comment": "Percentage of entire grid cell that is covered by crop.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "cropFrac",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"dispkexyfo": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
"standard_name": "ocean_kinetic_energy_dissipation_per_unit_area_due_to_xy_friction",
@@ -171,7 +205,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "",
"units": "fraction",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean time: sum",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "annual gross fraction that was transferred into this tile from other land use tiles",
"comment": "cumulative fractional transitions over the year; note that fraction should be reported as fraction of atmospheric grid cell",
@@ -188,7 +222,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "",
"units": "fraction",
- "cell_methods": "time: point",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean where landUse time: point",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "fraction of grid cell for each land use tile",
"comment": "end of year values (not annual mean); note that fraction should be reported as fraction of atmospheric grid cell (example: frac_lnd = 0.5, frac_ocn = 0.5, frac_crop_lnd = 0.2 (of land portion of grid cell), then frac_lut(crp) = 0.5*0.2 = 0.1)",
@@ -205,7 +239,7 @@
"modeling_realm": "land",
"standard_name": "",
"units": "fraction",
- "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean time: sum",
"cell_measures": "area: areacella",
"long_name": "annual gross fraction of land use tile that was transferred into other land use tiles",
"comment": "cumulative fractional transitions over the year; note that fraction should be reported as fraction of atmospheric grid cell",
@@ -218,68 +252,68 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "ocontemprmadvect": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_conservative_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_residual_mean_advection",
- "units": "W m-2",
+ "grassFrac": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "area_fraction",
+ "units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Sea Water Conservative Temperature Expressed as Heat Content due to Residual Mean Advection",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "ocontemprmadvect",
- "type": "",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Natural Grass Fraction",
+ "comment": "Percentage of entire grid cell that is covered by natural grass.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "grassFrac",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "opottemprmadvect": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_potential_temperature_expressed_as_heat_content_due_to_residual_mean_advection",
- "units": "W m-2",
+ "residualFrac": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "area_fraction",
+ "units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Sea Eater Potential Temperature Expressed as Heat Content due to Residual Mean Advection",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "opottemprmadvect",
- "type": "",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Fraction of Grid Cell that is Land but Neither Vegetation-Covered nor Bare Soil",
+ "comment": "Percentage of entire grid cell that is land and is covered by neither vegetation nor bare-soil (e.g., urban, ice, lakes, etc.)",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "residualFrac",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "osaltrmadvect": {
+ "rsdoabsorb": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_sea_water_salinity_expressed_as_salt_content_due_to_residual_mean_advection",
- "units": "kg m-2 s-1",
+ "standard_name": "net_rate_of_absorption_of_shortwave_energy_in_ocean_layer",
+ "units": "W m-2",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Tendency of Sea Water Salinity Expressed as Salt Content due to Residual Mean Advection",
+ "long_name": "net rate of absorption of shortwave energy in ocean layer",
"comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "osaltrmadvect",
- "type": "",
+ "out_name": "rsdoabsorb",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
- "rsdoabsorb": {
- "modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "net_rate_of_absorption_of_shortwave_energy_in_ocean_layer",
- "units": "W m-2",
+ "shrubFrac": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "area_fraction",
+ "units": "%",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
- "cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Net Rate of Absorption of Shortwave Energy in Ocean Layer",
- "comment": "",
- "dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
- "out_name": "rsdoabsorb",
- "type": "",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Shrub Fraction",
+ "comment": "Percentage of entire grid cell that is covered by shrub.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "shrubFrac",
+ "type": "real",
"positive": "",
"valid_min": "",
"valid_max": "",
@@ -288,7 +322,7 @@
"tnkebto": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
- "standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_eddy_kinetic_energy_content_due_to_parameterized_eddy_advection",
+ "standard_name": "tendency_of_ocean_eddy_kinetic_energy_content_due_to_bolus_transport",
"units": "W m-2 ",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello",
@@ -303,14 +337,48 @@
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ "treeFrac": {
+ "modeling_realm": "land",
+ "standard_name": "area_fraction",
+ "units": "%",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Tree Cover Fraction",
+ "comment": "Percentage of entire grid cell that is covered by trees.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "treeFrac",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "vegFrac": {
+ "modeling_realm": "",
+ "standard_name": "total_vegetated_fraction",
+ "units": "%",
+ "cell_methods": "time: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Total vegetated fraction",
+ "comment": "as specified by C4MIP",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude time",
+ "out_name": "vegFrac",
+ "type": "",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
"zfull": {
"modeling_realm": "land",
- "standard_name": "depth_below_geoid",
+ "standard_name": "height_above_reference_ellipsoid",
"units": "m",
"cell_methods": "time: mean",
"cell_measures": "area: areacello volume: volcello",
- "long_name": "Depth Below Geoid of Ocean Layer",
- "comment": "Depth below geoid",
+ "long_name": "Altitude of Model Full-Levels",
+ "comment": "",
"dimensions": "longitude latitude olevel time",
"out_name": "zfull",
"type": "",
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_fx.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_fx.json
index 076ff7a..37e7cbc 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_fx.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_fx.json
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
"Header": {
- "data_specs_version": "01.beta.42.01",
+ "data_specs_version": "01.beta.45",
"table_id": "Table fx",
"realm": "land",
"frequency": "fx",
"cmor_version": "3.2",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016",
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016",
"missing_value": "1e20",
"product": "output",
"approx_interval": "0.00000",
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
"out_name": "areacella",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "100000.0",
- "valid_max": "1e+12",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "100000.0",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": "1e+12"
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
"hfgeou": {
"modeling_realm": "ocean",
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
"out_name": "orog",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "-700.0",
- "valid_max": "10000.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -94,8 +94,8 @@
"out_name": "rootd",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "30.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -111,8 +111,25 @@
"out_name": "sftgif",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "100.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
+ },
+ "sftlf": {
+ "modeling_realm": "atmos",
+ "standard_name": "land_area_fraction",
+ "units": "1",
+ "cell_methods": "area: mean",
+ "cell_measures": "area: areacella",
+ "long_name": "Land Area Fraction",
+ "comment": "Please express 'X_area_fraction' as the fraction of horizontal area occupied by X.",
+ "dimensions": "longitude latitude",
+ "out_name": "sftlf",
+ "type": "real",
+ "positive": "",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -128,8 +145,8 @@
"out_name": "sftof",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "100.0",
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
"ok_min_mean_abs": "",
"ok_max_mean_abs": ""
@@ -162,10 +179,10 @@
"out_name": "volcello",
"type": "real",
"positive": "",
- "valid_min": "0.0",
- "valid_max": "1e+15",
- "ok_min_mean_abs": "0.0",
- "ok_max_mean_abs": "1e+15"
+ "valid_min": "",
+ "valid_max": "",
+ "ok_min_mean_abs": "",
+ "ok_max_mean_abs": ""
diff --git a/TestTables/CMIP6_grids.json b/TestTables/CMIP6_grids.json
index ac23233..f28f081 100644
--- a/TestTables/CMIP6_grids.json
+++ b/TestTables/CMIP6_grids.json
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"table_id": "Table grids",
"data_specs_version": "<data_specs_version>",
"missing_value": "1e20",
- "table_date": "23 November 2016"
+ "table_date": "19 December 2016"
"mapping_entry": {
"sample_user_mapping": {
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 7e31b52..8a6cfb7 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#! /bin/sh
# Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
-# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for cmor 3.2.0.
+# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69 for cmor 3.2.1.
-# Report bugs to <nadeau11 at llnl.gov>.
+# Report bugs to <nadeau1 at llnl.gov>.
# Copyright (C) 1992-1996, 1998-2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ fi
$as_echo "$0: In particular, zsh $ZSH_VERSION has bugs and should"
$as_echo "$0: be upgraded to zsh 4.3.4 or later."
- $as_echo "$0: Please tell bug-autoconf at gnu.org and nadeau11 at llnl.gov
+ $as_echo "$0: Please tell bug-autoconf at gnu.org and nadeau1 at llnl.gov
$0: about your system, including any error possibly output
$0: before this message. Then install a modern shell, or
$0: manually run the script under such a shell if you do
@@ -580,9 +580,9 @@ MAKEFLAGS=
# Identity of this package.
-PACKAGE_STRING='cmor 3.2.0'
-PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='nadeau11 at llnl.gov'
+PACKAGE_STRING='cmor 3.2.1'
+PACKAGE_BUGREPORT='nadeau1 at llnl.gov'
@@ -1261,7 +1261,7 @@ if test "$ac_init_help" = "long"; then
# Omit some internal or obsolete options to make the list less imposing.
# This message is too long to be a string in the A/UX 3.1 sh.
cat <<_ACEOF
-\`configure' configures cmor 3.2.0 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
+\`configure' configures cmor 3.2.1 to adapt to many kinds of systems.
Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [VAR=VALUE]...
@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ fi
if test -n "$ac_init_help"; then
case $ac_init_help in
- short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of cmor 3.2.0:";;
+ short | recursive ) echo "Configuration of cmor 3.2.1:";;
cat <<\_ACEOF
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ Some influential environment variables:
Use these variables to override the choices made by `configure' or to help
it to find libraries and programs with nonstandard names/locations.
-Report bugs to <nadeau11 at llnl.gov>.
+Report bugs to <nadeau1 at llnl.gov>.
@@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@ fi
test -n "$ac_init_help" && exit $ac_status
if $ac_init_version; then
cat <<\_ACEOF
-cmor configure 3.2.0
+cmor configure 3.2.1
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69
Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@ cat >config.log <<_ACEOF
This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.
-It was created by cmor $as_me 3.2.0, which was
+It was created by cmor $as_me 3.2.1, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
$ $0 $@
@@ -4982,7 +4982,7 @@ cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<\_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
# report actual input values of CONFIG_FILES etc. instead of their
# values after options handling.
-This file was extended by cmor $as_me 3.2.0, which was
+This file was extended by cmor $as_me 3.2.1, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69. Invocation command line was
@@ -5029,13 +5029,13 @@ Usage: $0 [OPTION]... [TAG]...
Configuration files:
-Report bugs to <nadeau11 at llnl.gov>."
+Report bugs to <nadeau1 at llnl.gov>."
cat >>$CONFIG_STATUS <<_ACEOF || ac_write_fail=1
ac_cs_config="`$as_echo "$ac_configure_args" | sed 's/^ //; s/[\\""\`\$]/\\\\&/g'`"
-cmor config.status 3.2.0
+cmor config.status 3.2.1
configured by $0, generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69,
with options \\"\$ac_cs_config\\"
diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index b1a2890..b1584b8 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ dnl
dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
dnl AC_PREREQ(2.59)
-AC_INIT(cmor, 3.2.0, nadeau11 at llnl.gov)
+AC_INIT(cmor, 3.2.1, nadeau1 at llnl.gov)
diff --git a/include/cmor.h b/include/cmor.h
index 0aea305..8429a72 100644
--- a/include/cmor.h
+++ b/include/cmor.h
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
#define GLOBAL_CV_FILENAME GLOBAL_INTERNAL"control_vocabulary_file"
#define GLOBAL_IS_CMIP6 GLOBAL_INTERNAL"cmip6_option"
#define JSON_KEY_HEADER "Header"
#define JSON_KEY_EXPERIMENT "experiments"
#define JSON_KEY_AXIS_ENTRY "axis_entry"
diff --git a/scripts/Pre-PARE.py b/scripts/PrePARE.py
similarity index 75%
rename from scripts/Pre-PARE.py
rename to scripts/PrePARE.py
index 5a6f479..944f597 100644
--- a/scripts/Pre-PARE.py
+++ b/scripts/PrePARE.py
@@ -123,23 +123,37 @@ class checkCMIP6(object):
self.infile = args.infile
self.attributes = self.infile.listglobal()
self.variables = self.infile.listvariable()
+ if args.variable is not None:
+ self.var = [args.variable]
+ else:
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # find variable that contains a "history" (should only be one)
+ # -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ self.var = [var for var in self.variables if 'history' in self.infile.listattribute(var)]
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # find variable that contains a "history" (should only be one)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- self.var = [var for var in self.variables if 'history' in self.infile.listattribute(var)]
- self.var =["ts"]
if((self.var == []) or (len(self.var) > 1)):
print bcolors.FAIL
print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
print "! Error: The input file does not have an history attribute and the CMIP6 variable could not be found"
+ print "! Please use the --variable option to specify your CMIP6 variable"
print "! Check your file or use CMOR 3.x to achieve compliance for ESGF publication."
print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
print bcolors.ENDC
raise KeyboardInterrupt
- self.keys = self.infile.listattribute(var)
+ try:
+ self.keys = self.infile.listattribute(self.var[0])
+ except:
+ print bcolors.FAIL
+ print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
+ print "! Error: The variable " + self.var[0] + " could not be found"
+ print "! Check your file variables "
+ print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
+ print bcolors.ENDC
+ raise
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# call setup() to clean all 'C' internal memory.
@@ -153,6 +167,9 @@ class checkCMIP6(object):
cmip6_cv.set_cur_dataset_attribute(cmip6_cv.FILE_PATH_TEMPLATE, cmip6_cv.CMOR_DEFAULT_PATH_TEMPLATE)
cmip6_cv.set_cur_dataset_attribute(cmip6_cv.FILE_NAME_TEMPLATE, cmip6_cv.CMOR_DEFAULT_FILE_TEMPLATE)
cmip6_cv.set_cur_dataset_attribute(cmip6_cv.GLOBAL_ATT_FURTHERINFOURLTMPL, cmip6_cv.CMOR_DEFAULT_FURTHERURL_TEMPLATE)
+ cmip6_cv.set_cur_dataset_attribute(cmip6_cv.CMOR_AXIS_ENTRY_FILE, "CMIP6_coordinate.json")
+ cmip6_cv.set_cur_dataset_attribute(cmip6_cv.CMOR_FORMULA_VAR_FILE, "CMIP6_formula_terms.json")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create alist of all Global Attributes and set "dataset"
@@ -194,11 +211,14 @@ class checkCMIP6(object):
varid = cmip6_cv.setup_variable(self.var[0], 'm', 1e20)
- for key in self.dictVars.keys():
- # Is this attritue in the input table?
- if(cmip6_cv.has_variable_attribute(varid, key)):
+ prepLIST = cmip6_cv.list_variable_attributes(varid)
+ for key in prepLIST:
+ if(key == "comment"):
+ continue
+ # Is this attritue in file?
+ if(key in self.dictVars.keys()):
# Verify that attribute value is equal to file attribute
- table_value = cmip6_cv.get_variable_attribute(varid, key)
+ table_value = prepLIST[key]
file_value = self.dictVars[key]
if isinstance(table_value, numpy.ndarray):
table_value = table_value[0]
@@ -209,12 +229,35 @@ class checkCMIP6(object):
if(table_value / file_value < 1.1):
table_value = file_value
+ if key == "cell_methods":
+ idx = file_value.find(" (interval:")
+ file_value = file_value[:idx]
+ table_value = table_value[:idx]
file_value = str(file_value)
table_value = str(table_value)
if table_value != file_value:
- print "You variable attribute differ from table attribute!"
- print "You file contains " + key + ":" + file_value + " and"
- print "CMIP6 tables requires " + key + ":" + table_value + "."
+ print bcolors.FAIL
+ print "====================================================================================="
+ print "You file contains \"" + key + "\":\"" + str(file_value) + "\" and"
+ print "CMIP6 tables requires \"" + key + "\":\"" + str(table_value) + "\"."
+ print "====================================================================================="
+ print bcolors.ENDC
+ cmip6_cv.set_CV_Error()
+ else:
+ # That attribute is not in the file
+ table_value = prepLIST[key]
+ if isinstance(table_value, numpy.ndarray):
+ table_value = table_value[0]
+ if isinstance(table_value, float):
+ table_value = "{0:.2g}".format(table_value)
+ print bcolors.FAIL
+ print "====================================================================================="
+ print "CMIP6 variable " + self.var[0] + " requires \"" + key + "\":\"" + str(table_value) + "\"."
+ print "====================================================================================="
+ print bcolors.ENDC
+ cmip6_cv.set_CV_Error()
raise KeyboardInterrupt
@@ -229,12 +272,16 @@ class checkCMIP6(object):
# main()
# =========================
def main():
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='CMIP6Validator',
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PrePARE',
description='Validate CMIP6 file '
'for ESGF publication.')
+ parser.add_argument('--variable',
+ help='specify geophysical variable name')
- help='CMIP6 CMOR table (JSON file) ex: Tables/CMIP6_Amon.json', action=JSONAction)
+ help='CMIP6 CMOR table (JSON file) ex: Tables/CMIP6_Amon.json',
+ action=JSONAction)
help='Input CMIP6 netCDF file to Validate ex: clisccp_cfMon_DcppC22_NICAM_gn_200001-200001.nc',
@@ -273,3 +320,5 @@ if(__name__ == '__main__'):
print "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
print bcolors.ENDC
+ except:
+ sys.exit(-1)
diff --git a/scripts/createCMIP6CV.py b/scripts/createCMIP6CV.py
index 00f960c..65a8d87 100644
--- a/scripts/createCMIP6CV.py
+++ b/scripts/createCMIP6CV.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ filelist = [
- "CMIP6_grid_resolution.json",
+ "CMIP6_nominal_resolution.json",
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class readWCRP():
for file in filelist:
url = githubRepo + file
response = urllib.urlopen(url)
+ print url
myjson = json.loads(response.read())
Dico = OrderedDict(Dico.items() + myjson.items())
@@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ def run():
regexp = {}
regexp["variant_label"] = [ "^r[[:digit:]]\\{1,\\}i[[:digit:]]\\{1,\\}p[[:digit:]]\\{1,\\}f[[:digit:]]\\{1,\\}$" ]
regexp["sub_experiment_id"] = [ "^s[[:digit:]]\\{4,4\\}$", "none" ]
+ regexp["tracking_id"] = [ "hdl:21.14100/.*" ]
regexp["product"] = [ "output" ]
regexp["mip_era"] = [ "CMIP6" ]
regexp["frequency"] = [ "3hr", "6hr", "day", "fx", "mon", "monClim", "subhr", "yr" ]
diff --git a/setup.py.in b/setup.py.in
index 158b1d3..24186c4 100755
--- a/setup.py.in
+++ b/setup.py.in
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ setup (name = "CMOR",
url = "http://cmor.llnl.gov/",
packages = ['cmor', 'cmip6_cv', 'cmor.Test' ],
package_dir = {'cmor': 'Lib', 'cmip6_cv': 'LibCV', 'cmor.Test':'Test'},
- scripts=['scripts/Pre-PARE.py' ],
+ scripts=['scripts/PrePARE.py' ],
ext_modules = [
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/cmor.git
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