[scikit-learn] annotated tag 0.15.0 created (now c99e145)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 13:10:49 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag 0.15.0
in repository scikit-learn.

        at  c99e145   (tag)
   tagging  518002955b0d6539f8f5e2710b9cefb178cc8ee2 (commit)
  replaces  0.15.0b2
 tagged by  Olivier Grisel
        on  Tue Jul 15 09:31:18 2014 +0200

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
REL: Release 0.15.0

Andreas Mueller (18):
      TST add test for minibatch k-means reassigns.
      FIX bug where random state was reset in each call to partial_fit, such that reassignment either occured never or always.
      FIX bug where distances were of illegal shape
      FIX crash when to_reassign.sum() > X.shape[0]
      TST split test for partial_fit and fit
      TST add additional test for batch_size > n_samples in fit.
      MISC rename random.pyx to _random.pyx
      ENH backport np.random.choice.
      FIX broken tests for minibatch k-means
      FIX use choice in minibatch_kmeans
      FIX another (two?) bugs: the default code path didn't ever compute distances.
      skip doctests
      simplify tests
      remove redundant code
      FIX up the rest of the stuff. Introduce .5 as a magic number. Hurray for magic numbers?
      DOC more / better documentation
      FIX reset counts of reassigned clusters.
      ENH never reassign everything, more meaningful tests.

Fabian Pedregosa (2):
      FIX: check with tolerance on lars_path
      Cosmetic np.abs -> abs

Gael Varoquaux (10):
      MAINT: more explicit glob pattern in doc generation
      TEST: fix test failing due to numeric instability
      COSMIT: address misc comments
      Minibach k-means: change reassignment to uniform
      MISC: avoid deprecation warning
      MISC: minor changes in MBKmeans
      DOC: spelling and phrasing
      MISC: better formulation
      BUG: fix windows pointer size problem
      FIX: try to get windows working

Kyle Kastner (4):
      Added utility to skip tests if running on Travis
      Changed solver from 'dense_cholesky' to 'cholesky' to eliminate deprecation warning.
      Added additional skip checking for train and pickle tests
      Additional skipping for omp_cv

Lars Buitinck (2):
      DOC run optipng before uploading website
      DOC: typo, envelop → envelope

Laurent Direr (2):
      Corrected two typos in docstring.
      #3356 - Added an exception raising when np.nan is passed into a HashingVectorizer.

Nelle Varoquaux (1):
      DOC updated installation documentation

Olivier Grisel (20):
      TST fix precision failure on windows
      MAINT skip joblib multiprocessing tests on travis
      FIX assert_array_almost_equal for windows tests
      FIX multilabel deprecation warning in RidgeClassifierCV
      FIX #3372: unstable input check test for RANSACRegressor
      MAINT ensure that examples figures are displayed in the correct order
      MAINT: skip some unstable transformers test under Win 32
      MAINT configure Windows CI with appveyor.com
      MAINT manual backport of whats_new.rst reorg
      DOC whats_new.rst format fix
      DOC Refreshed the documentation to install scikit-learn
      DOC various typos and fixes for the installation doc
      DOC phrasing
      MAINT whats_new: contributors for 0.15
      MAIN fix version in doc
      DOC Copy and paste error, thanks @larsmans.
      DOC update news on the homepage
      DOC broken formating for the People list of 0.15
      MAINT preparing the 0.15.0 release
      MAINT update doc version navigation


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/scikit-learn.git

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