[scikit-learn] annotated tag debian/0.12.0-1 created (now 9d0df8f)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 13:10:58 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.12.0-1
in repository scikit-learn.

        at  9d0df8f   (tag)
   tagging  b9ed384195df7b8d7824eac42f7b1bee58ef321c (commit)
  replaces  debian/0.11.0-2
 tagged by  Yaroslav Halchenko
        on  Thu Sep 6 21:38:10 2012 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.12.0-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Alex Companioni (1):
      Issue #339: minimizing number of calls in tests.test_hmm.

Alexandre Abraham (4):
      Fix a bug in the ward clustering.
      Add a non-regression test for the bug of connectivity fixing.
      Put conversion after component computation
      Fix test function name.

Alexandre Gramfort (57):
      Merge pull request #851 from duckworthd/master
      TST : tesitng intercept_ between dense and sparse
      adding alexis to authors
      update tip on svm C param
      Merge pull request #872 from jaquesgrobler/master
      FIX : use RandomState rather than global seed
      Merge pull request #881 from amueller/fix_ica_components_rename
      FIX: fix buildbot ICA pb
      Merge pull request #876 from alexis-mignon/master
      FIX : fix a division by zero in LARS #63
      Merge pull request #892 from ibayer/fix_mldata_docstring
      FIX: C range in plot_cv_digits
      Merge pull request #891 from ibayer/merge_cd
      FIX : cleanup classes.rst + pep8 after merge of coordinate descent
      Merge pull request #900 from kernc/neighbors_predict_proba
      FIX : fix predict_proba in KNeighborsClassifier for old numpy
      FIX: fix grid search when X is list #925
      Merge pull request #932 from jaquesgrobler/master
      Merge pull request #938 from ogrisel/svmlight-double-precision
      Merge pull request #969 from jaquesgrobler/master
      missing pl.show() in plot_digits_agglomeration.py
      Merge pull request #983 from GaelVaroquaux/faster_ward
      MISC : update my web site URL in what's new
      ENH : MultiTaskLasso works (still draft)
      FIX : fix docstring in MultiTaskLasso
      ENH : add multi task lasso example
      ENH + DOC : add MultiTaskElasticNet + doc + 1 example
      update what's new
      FIX : support 1d y in MultiTaskFoobar
      rename ylabel in MultiTaskLasso example
      moving MultiTaskLasso doc after E-net
      FIX : remove unnecessary dgemm in cd_fast.pyx
      FIX : catching pb with sparse input in MultiTaskElasticNet
      FIX : make as_float_array keep fortran order on dense array when copy
      ENH: simplify dict learning with gram and reg_param handling
      ENH : add copy arg to array2d and new atleast2d_or_csr usual for sparse coordinate descent
      ENH : add copy param to array2d_or_csx
      ENH : add support for multitarget in sparse enet + simplify input checking
      ENH : use multitarget in dict learning
      FIX : fix tests
      DOC : getting over docstrings
      ENH : avoid a copy in MultiTaskElasticNet
      add note on what's new
      ENH : add support for sparse data in ElasticNetCV/LassoCV (not optimal)
      ENH : use multitarget Lars and LassoLars in dict_learning
      ENH : simplify handle of copy of Gram and X with array2d in OMP
      style + typo
      DOC : better reg_param docstring in dict learning
      ENH : use build_dataset in multi target test
      ENH : update warn for multitarget
      update coef_path_ docstrings
      use assert_true
      API : consistent use alpha_/alphas_ for alpha/alphas estimated by CV in linear models (issue #1041)
      DOC : add useful comment in code
      addressing for round of reviews
      DOC : better docstring for fit_path

Alexis Mignon (30):
      Added positive constraints for the elastic net
      Made the code pep friendly
      Added fit_intercept for sparse ElasticNet as well as corresponding test
      Corrected bad comment and the use of a typedef
      Made code pep compliant
      DOUBLE does'nt stand for a dtype
      Added utility functions for csc sparse matrices
      Modified: uses utility function for sparse csc matrices
      Modified data generation so it can generate data adapted to positiveness constraints
      Removed most python function calls
      Removed duplicate definition of csc_mean_variance_axis0
      Made the code pep8 compliant
      Corrected doctring: CSR -> CSC
      Regenerated with Cython
      Corrected missing import of csc_mean_variance_axis0
      Made code pep compliant
      Modified: in 'center_data' makes a copy only when needed
      Made code pep8 compliant
      Unified access to 'mean_variance_axis0' for CSC and CSR matrices
      Removed undeed functions
      Added warm restart option and completed docstring
      Completed docstrings, factorized some tests and added checks on dimensions
      Added test case for warm_start
      Added size check on coef_init
      Made code pep8 friendly. Used random state with fixed seed.
      Made code pep8 friendly.
      Modified chi2 kernel approximation such that it deals with zero elements
      kernel approximation: simplified mangement of non zero elements
      For the sake of clarity, creates new temporary arrays instead of copying the same one several times.\n Modified error message for negative valued arrays.
      pep8 compatibility

Andreas Mueller (270):
      ENH normalized_mutual_information
      Added mutual_info_score to the references
      DOC narrative docs for normalized_mutual_info_score
      DOC make formulars for clustering metrics more pleasing to the eye
      ENH fix if entropy is zero in normalized_mutual_info_score
      MISC extended example, fixed doc build warning
      DOC made it more explicit that AMI is better than NMI
      DOC typos (thanks @ogrisel) and some elaboration in docstring.
      DOC added reference to Hila's thesis, added comment about equivalence.
      ENH replaced v_measure_score computation with nmi computation.
      DOC removed NMI from example plot as it is the same as V-measure
      DOC comment on normalized mutual information
      ENH simplified entropy calculation
      Revert "DOC removed NMI from example plot as it is the same as V-measure"
      Revert "Revert "DOC removed NMI from example plot as it is the same as V-measure""
      Revert "ENH replaced v_measure_score computation with nmi computation."
      DOC corrected relation of V-measure to normalized mutual information.
      COSMIT typo in whatsnew
      RELEASE HEAD is now 0.12-git
      COSMIT pep8
      MISC don't use fit parameters in example
      ENH rename unmixing_matrix_ to components_ in FastICA
      DOC document 'labels' argument of confusion_matrix
      DOC fix see also in gmm
      FIX made "unmixing_matrix_" a property as @larsmans suggested.
      COSMIT pep8
      ENH rename 'k' in KMeans and MiniBatchKMeans
      ENH renamed 'k' to n_clusters in SpectralClustering
      ENH rename k in clustering examples and doctests to n_clusters
      ENH fixed ``n_cluster`` to ``n_clusters`` in examples. Thanks @agramfort
      ENH check whether "k" was used in fit, not init, as GaelVaroquaux suggested.
      Merge pull request #874 from temporaer/master
      Merge pull request #858 from amueller/fastica_components_rename
      COSMIT pep8
      FIX typo in example. My bad.
      FIX renamed what was `components_` to `sources_`
      COSMIT rst error
      COSMIT fixing doc building errors.
      COSMIT typo
      Merge pull request #776 from amueller/normalized_mutual_information
      Merge pull request #868 from larsmans/liblinear-1.91
      ENH "fit_pairwise" for spectral clustering.
      ENH Starting on affinity propagation
      DOC typo
      DOC Improving docstring for SpectralClustering
      ENH fixed affinity propagation test. Need more tests.
      ENH fit_pairwise, transform_pairwise for KernelPCA
      ENH base svm has fit_pairwise and predict_pairwise.
      ENH fit_transform_pairwise for KernelPCA
      ENH isomap uses new interface.
      COSMIT get rid of debugging output
      ENH GridSearchCV uses the new API
      COSMIT forgot one print...
      DOC Deprecation warning with removal version 0.13.
      ENH going for a universal property ``_pairwise`` instead of many functions.
      ENH Cleanup
      FIX Fixing rebasing problems...
      COSMIT avoid errors in tests.
      ENH slight improvement to mds speed, modified examples to not run mds that long.
      ENH added old confusion_matrix implementation as alternative for few labels.
      Merge pull request #887 from danohuiginn/master
      BUG fixing bug in entropy that I introduced, adding regression test.
      FIX faces_decomposition example. That this broke only now is a sign of deep magic, better left unexplored.
      Merge pull request #888 from jaquesgrobler/master
      DOC removed irrelephant/confusion reference, added pointer to source (as there is no other possible reference).
      DOC user guide pdf building. Kicked out a formular that rendered neither in html nor latex. Please don't hit me.
      Merge pull request #889 from vene/generate-multitarget
      Merge pull request #875 from AlexandreAbraham/ward_coo_bug
      COSMIT pep8
      MISC raise more helpful error message in GaussianProcess if optimization fails.
      MISC added bigger "tiny" in lars_path. least_squares is float32.
      MISC reduce code duplication, fix "self.gamma" modification
      MISC A bit more cleaning up in BaseLibSVM
      DOC added "fetch_mldata" to references.
      CLEANUP remove linear_model.sparse.setup.py
      COSMIT pep8
      DOC rename lambda to alpha in plot_lasso_model_selection. Closes #903.
      TESTING check that SVC checks the shape of precomputed kernels.
      ENH Check that X is non_zero for MultinomialNB.
      ENH fixed doctests, addressed comments.
      DOC improve kmeans init doc.
      Merge pull request #894 from amueller/svm_sparse_dense
      FIX more doctests that I broke.
      DOC comment in whats_new on changed behavior of ``gamma`` in SVM
      Merge pull request #914 from alexis-mignon/master
      Merge branch 'master' into fit_pairwise
      MISC callable kernel gridsearch fix...
      ENH factorize common tests.
      ENH don't list abstract base classes
      ENH make base classes abstract meta classes
      ENH make all Estimators default constructible (except SparseCoder)
      ENH Add MetaEstimatorMixin, make RFE default constructible
      ENH make GMMs and LLE cloneable.
      COSMIT get rid of warnings (can't get rid of deprecation warnings only :-/)
      ENH make BaseLabelPropagation abstract base class, make OutlierDetectionMixin not inherit from ClassifierMixin
      BUG fix testing for abstract classes
      ENH default score func for univariate feature selection: f_classif
      Make sparse svm base class ABC
      FIX better class selection, more strict testing.
      ENH more tests
      MISC raise NotImplementedError instead of value error in decision_function of sparse SVM
      ENH do zero mean, unit variance on iris, don't test naive Bayes (for the moment)
      ENH change defaults on SGD (works on digits and iris and I just guessed them).
      ENH avoid division by zero in LDA, also avoid reusing variable names.
      MISC don't test SVM for the moment, rest works :)
      ENH make LinearModel and LinearModelCV abstract base classes
      ENH test regressors
      MISC shuffle iris for SGD based methods
      Revert "ENH change defaults on SGD (works on digits and iris and I just guessed them)."
      ENH Fix seed that makes SGDClassifier work.
      ENH create BaseRidge base class
      ENH test more shapes, test non-consecutive classes, test accuracy on test set
      FIX minor rebasing and other problems
      MISC cleanup common testing
      Merge pull request #893 from amueller/common_test
      FIX for filtering of meta estimators in python2.6
      ENH better input validation for prediction in SVC, LinearSVC.
      DOC Also added some notes on my recent merge with tests and stuff to the whatsnew.
      MISC fixed random seeds in LLE tests.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn
      COSMIT pep8
      COSMIT pep8
      ENH in OvR, use constant predictor if one class always present or never.
      MISC address Gael's and Lars's comments, make ECOC tests deterministic.
      FIX trying to fix long-standing linker issue
      COSMIT pep8
      trying out some testing stuff
      ENH put atlas checking in one place and load from there.
      DOC typo / wrong parameter in lle docs
      Improve test-coverage ;)
      COSMIT some RST fixes for the docs
      Remove empty statement
      DOC doctest failed on my box because I had higher precision...
      COSMIT typos in covertype benchmark
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn
      Merge pull request #886 from amueller/multiclass_always_present
      COSMIT, removed scikits.learn things, removed orphan file.
      ENH trying to catch that damn thing.
      ENH better error messaged in multiclass as @mbondel suggested.
      Merge pull request #1 from cournape/linking_arrayfuncs
      ENH corrected errormessages for always present labels. ugh
      FIX doctests for changed dtype
      ENH fixed warning for output code
      FIXed another doctest.
      ENH add verbose warning about too little trees for oob. Should we catch the divison by zero warning for classification?
      DOC made the pls example plots so much prettier
      Merge branch 'master' into fit_pairwise
      Fixed merge problem
      ENH Removed stupid ``_pairwise`` property in BaseEstimator.
      MISC minor cleanup in spectral clustering
      FIX/TST test anc fix grid search with kernel pca and precomputed kernel in pipeline.
      COSMIT comments not docstrings in tests
      Merge branch 'master' into fit_pairwise
      TST precision issue on my windows box :-/
      ENH slight cleanup in LDA, QDA, support for arbitrary class labels.
      ENH use LabelEncoder
      COSMIT typo in pairwise docs
      DOC added LabelEncoder to the References.
      Merge pull request #1001 from serch/master
      Merge pull request #1008 from mrjbq7/doc-fixes
      COSMIT pep8
      ENH just a little more input validation testing
      DOC added default value of shrink_theshold to NearestCentroid docstring.
      DOC added ``lowercase`` to CountVectorizer docstring.
      FIX feature selection dies on non-csr sparse matrices (that are unsubscribable). Regression test should go in common testing.
      DOC added class_weight to LogisticRegression docstring
      ENH auc_score and average_precision_score. Closes issue #158.
      ENH added to ``__init__.py`` and references.
      DOC explained RFE default behavior in docstring.
      MISC Added unconfigured windows box to mailmap. Sorry about that.
      DOC add parameters to TfidfTransformer docstring
      ENH slight cleanup in LDA, QDA, support for arbitrary class labels.
      ENH use LabelEncoder
      FIX Removed code-duplication introduced in rebase.
      FIX Fixed variable names. Thanks @mblondel
      DOC Added wikipedia references to docstrings
      Merge pull request #1013 from amueller/auc_score
      DOC Updated whatsnew
      ENH sparse matrix support in univariate feature selection
      TST Simplified tests, test that sparse and dense versions give the same result, always return arrays, not matrices.
      DOC Polished some docstrings
      ENH Added copy keyword to safe_sqr, added to dev docs.
      COSMIT Fixed commata
      ENH Addressed @mblondel's comments.
      ENH simplify as @mblondel suggests
      ENH sparse matrix support for RFE and RFECV. Closes issue #1018.
      DOC updated whats_new
      ENH going back to not using LabelEncoder.
      Merge branch 'qda_lda_1000' of github.com:amueller/scikit-learn into qda_lda_1000
      Merge pull request #1000 from amueller/qda_lda_1000
      typo in linear_model doc
      ENH add verbosity parameter to cross_validation_score
      MISC catch warnings in covariance tests
      Typo in last commit :-/ sry
      ENH catch expected warning in ward clustering
      ENH renamed ``min_n`` and ``max_n`` parameters in CountVectorizer to enable gridsearch over them together.
      ENH renamed parameter bounds_n to ngram_range, fixed doctests and tests.
      ENH addresses @ogrisel's comments
      ENH fix merge with char_wb_ngram
      ENH check that classifier decision_function and predict_proba validate shape of input.
      Merge pull request #1046 from TimSC/master
      COSMIT pep8
      ENH rename paramter ``p`` of AffinitPropagation to ``preference``, slightly change the meaning of scalar parameter. Scaling the medium seems more intuitive that giving absolute values.
      DOC fixed renaming of ngram_range in feature_extraction narrative
      TST check that transformers fail gracefully on sparse input
      ENH affinity propagation now has an ``affinity`` parameter, instead of a ``precomputed`` parameter, to support other affinities in the future.
      ENH renamed ``gaussian`` affinity to ``rbf`` in spectral clustering for consistency.
      COSMIT renamed n_points to n_samples everywhere, fixed shape docstring that @mblondel pointed out.
      FIX Worst feature in RFECV missing. closes issue #681.
      ENH renamed ``neq_sqr_euclidean`` to ``euclidean`` so we it is easier to parse
      ENH Convert input into float in GMM
      ENH add test, revert affinity propagation to previous parametrization (was a bit over-eager there)
      TST added tests for different spectral clustering affinities
      Merge branch 'fit_pairwise'
      MISC add verbose keyword to AffinityPropagation
      FIX fixed horrible bug in spectral clustering!!!!
      ENH updated whatsnew for bugfix, removed warning box, tightened test.
      TST classifier behavior with only one class present
      ENH also test MultinomialNB
      ENH some cleanup in grid_search.
      Merge pull request #1068 from amueller/grid_search_cleanup
      ENH add test for consistend predict_proba shape also in the two-class case.
      tst add check for isotropic data in spectral clustering
      FIX try to be a bit nicer to arpack - any one with a different setting care to try to make a more stable test?
      FIX doctest corrected (hopefully this is deterministic) + cosmit
      FIX removed isotropic spectral clustering test because of arpack problems.
      FIX use backport of np.unique
      FIX forgot some uniques
      DOC fix minor sphinx errors and stuff
      enh: try to get decision function to work in two class case
      ENH make QDA and LDA decision functions adhere to standard shape [n_samples,] in two class case.
      Fixed tests for RidgeClassifier
      DOC updated whatsnew, moved @pprett's api fix into the api section.
      ENH addressed @agramfort's comment, also removed the special case from testing as @mblondel fixed it :)
      ENH added min_df keyword to CountVectorizer, default=2
      ENH more robust testing for int
      ENH more robust testing if parameter is int or float, as suggested by @larsmans in #1066.
      FIX typo
      COSMIT Typo. Englais svp. Closes #1090.
      COSMIT trying to fix doc issues
      DOC added min_df change to whatsnew, made more estimator names clickable.
      ENH rudimentary testing of tranformer objects
      MISC added comment to explain SelectKBest k in common tests
      COSMIT copy+paste error
      ENH test that regressors can handle integer data.
      ENH add ClassifierMixin with ``fit_predict`` and some tests.
      COSMIT remove commented out score
      DOC CountVectorizerDocstring readability
      DOC Added section on issue tracker tags to development docs
      ENH raise ValueError in r2_score when given only a single sample.
      ENH support custom kernels on sparse matrices
      ENH added low-level bail out in sparse svm
      MISC use assert instead of value error.
      FIX add exception, check exception, if sparse.SVC is called with kernel='precomputed'
      ENH fix error by removing unnecessary test.
      DOC added some comments to the sparse precomputed kernel tests.
      DOC updated whatsnew with ProbabilisticPCA fix by @kuantkid
      Merge pull request #1109 from buma/predict_proba_doc
      FIX affinity propagation typo
      DOC fixed some sphinx errors, issues in docs....
      COSMIT pep8
      DOC fixed reference in whatsnew
      DOC added some more API changes to whatsnew
      FIX removed sparse_encode_parallel
      COSMIT pep8
      COSMIT typo, thanks @ogrisel
      MISC changed version number for release, change maintainer to myself
      DOC add people and commits do whatsnew
      DOC added link to 0.11 docs to support page.
      ENH more robust transformer testing.... don't ask why that came up

Brandyn A. White (1):
      Faster confusion_matrix implementation

Brian Holt (3):
      added multi-ouput tree example
      updated documentation to reflect multi-output DT regression
      added link

Bussonnier Matthias (1):
      [Docstring Typo] making there -> making their

Charles-Pierre Astolfi (1):
      Typo fix

Dan O'Huiginn (1):
      Fix a few spelling/grammar errors in the docs

Daniel Duckworth (9):
      Merged svm parameter selection visualization
      split plot_rbf_parameters.py's plot into two
      Added plot_rbf_parameters example to SVM doc
      Fixed bug in plot_rbf_parameters.py causing only one figure to show
      Fixed location of ".. _svm_mathematical_formulation:" in svm.rst
      Convert input dtype to float in pairwise_distances
      Convert input dtype to float in pairwise_distances
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
      Python 2.6 bugfix for plot_rbf_parameters.py

David Cournapeau (1):
      REF: hack to be able to share distutils utilities.

Edouard DUCHESNAY (3):
      Some more non regression test on PLS
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn
      Merge pull request #869 from pprett/pls-scale-by-zero

Fabian Pedregosa (9):
      WEB: update the designer's URL
      FIX: latex underscore
      Explitit cmap for background.
      Some doc for the example "Lasso path using LARS"
      Some documentation for example plot_ridge_path
      BUILD: add gemv cblas routine
      BUILD: add dger cblas function
      Update README.rst
      Merge pull request #1078 from buguen/docs

Florian Hoenig (3):
      added test that fails because Scaler.fit changes a sparse input vector when Scaler is initialized with copy=False
      removed bug in Scaler.fit
      improved test_scaler_without_copy

Francois Savard (2):
      Fixed docstring for C param in BaseLibLinear/SVM subclasses.
      Added version info to deprecation warning

Gael Varoquaux (89):
      BUG: remove n_jobs=-1 from examples
      Merge branch 'install-windows' of https://github.com/vene/scikit-learn
      FIX: control RNG seeds in ICA tests
      DOC: fix rst layout
      MISC: clean up top-level namespace
      P3K: more Py3k compat changes
      BUG: multiple jobs in dict_learning
      BUG: fix install bug for _check_build
      BUG: casting error with recent numpys
      DOC: note on heat kernel for spectral clustering
      BUG: reassigning cluster centers with X sparse
      BUG: k_means k -> n_clusters
      COSMIT: k -> n_clusters
      COSMIT: avoid deprecation warnings
      MISC: os.name -> platform.system()
      FIX: unique in old numpy
      COSMIT in plot_mds.py example
      DOC: misc improvements in MDS docs
      DOC: minor MDS doc/example changes
      MISC: update whats_new with MDS
      BUG: address ill-conditionned designs in Lars
      Cosmit: PEP8 :P
      Cosmit: PEP8
      COSMIT: intermediate variable
      Merge pull request #953 from jaquesgrobler/nature_css_addons
      ENH: backport gen_rst changes from NISL
      ENH: minor speedup in Ward
      ENH: factor 2 speedup in Ward
      ENH: minor speed up in ward
      ENH: minor speed up in Ward
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn
      MISC: avoid unprotected np.random
      TST: testing without hard-coding the values
      TST: test on diabetes rather than iris
      BUG: example now needs 'assume_centered'
      ENH: using slices rather than indice masks
      ENH: avoid unecessary steps (covariance)
      Cosmit: more explicit names
      FIX: remove leftover print
      Note on control of the RNG seed during testing
      DOC: cosmit performance instructions
      TST: test check_build
      ENH: remove setuptools
      ENH: restore 'develop' mode install
      FIX: remove executable bit on joblib files
      BUG: fix setup.py for develop
      TST: test the setup.py using the configure step
      MISC cleanup old coverage info in Makefile
      ENH: Faster ward for large n_clusters
      BUG: fix ward tests
      DOC: ward docstring and testing
      TEST: improve test coverage in hierarchical
      FIX: make ward_tree work on 1D data
      MISC: very minor speedup
      COSMIT: remove left over profiling
      TST: More testing in hierarchical
      TST: test TypeError in Ward
      TST: more tests for hierarchical
      DOC: notes on improving code coverage
      COSMIT: explainations of the partial import
      MISC: build_utils: module rather than a subpackages
      ENH: use sklearn.__version__ in setup.py
      Merge branch 'linking_arrayfuncs'
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn
      Cosmit: comment
      TST: fix doctest
      Update whats_new
      Clean: remove debug print
      BUG: keep same shape for y in MultiTaskLasso
      DOC: explicit MultiTaskLasso.coef_ dimensions
      DOC: formatting and rephrasing in MultiTaskLasso
      Merge pull request #1005 from NelleV/MDS
      ENH: understandable error message for X sparse
      BUG: casting rule with recent numpy
      BUG: do not use diag_indices
      BUG: choose seed to get affinity test working
      BUG: fix my fix for affinity :(
      DOC: link to Randomized sparsity in Lasso section
      Merge branch 'master' into mixins
      Revert "Rename Y to y in PLS"
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn
      BUG: sparse matrices in ElasticNetCV
      MISC rest
      DOC: improve scale_c_example

Gilles Louppe (94):
      ENH: MultiOutputTree (wip)
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn into tree-mo
      ENH: Multi-output decision trees
      ENH: Regenerate .c file
      FIX: graphviz test
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn into tree-mo
      FIX: test_classification_toy
      TEST: test_multioutput (1)
      TEST: test_multioutput
      ENH: make forests support multi-output
      TEST: test_multioutput
      ENH: Patch GradientBoosting
      ENH: Patch GradientBoosting (2)
      FIX: log_proba + DOC
      DOC: What's new
      ENH: graphviz
      DOC: narrative documentation
      DOC: typo
      DOC: Scikit-Learn -> scikit-learn
      ENH: Cython improved code
      ENH: Cython improved code (2)
      DOC: narrative documentation
      FIX: use and modify own y
      FIX: segfault
      DOC: Example
      DOC: typo
      DOC: example
      DOC: typo
      DOC: narrative documentation
      DOC: docstrings for criteria
      DOC: docstrings
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn into tree-mo
      Merge pull request #3 from bdholt1/glouppe-tree-mo
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn into tree-mo
      DOC: format
      Merge pull request #923 from glouppe/tree-mo
      Fix broken bot (sorry for that!)
      Fix broken bot (again ;))
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn into tree-speedup
      DOC: What's new > Missing links
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn into tree-speedup
      Tree refactoring (1)
      Tree refactoring (2)
      Tree refactoring (3)
      Tree refactoring (4)
      Tree refactoring (5)
      Tree refactoring (6)
      Tree refactoring (7)
      Tree refactoring (8)
      Tree refactoring (9)
      Tree refactoring (10)
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn into tree-speedup
      Merge pull request #948 from mrjbq7/trees
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn into tree-speedup
      Merge pull request #950 from mrjbq7/trees
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn into tree-speedup
      ENH: Tree properties
      Tree refactoring (11)
      ENH: make Tree picklable
      Tree refactoring (12)
      Tree refactoring (13)
      FIX: avoid useless data conversion
      FIX: avoid useless data conversion (2)
      Tree refactoring (14)
      Tree refactoring (15)
      Tree refactoring (16)
      FIX: @mrjbq7 comments
      Tree refactoring (17)
      Tree refactoring (18)
      FIX: sample_mask
      Merge branch 'tree-speedup' of github.com:glouppe/scikit-learn into tree-speedup
      FIX: init/del => cinit/dealloc
      Added _tree.pxd
      FIX: gradient boosting (1)
      Tree refactoring (19)
      FIX: PyArray_ZEROS -> np.zeros?
      FIX: gradient boosting (2)
      Tree refactoring (20)
      What's new
      Merge pull request #956 from Carreau/patch-1
      Turn off warnings
      FIX: test_feature_importances
      FIX: test_feature_importances?
      TEST: disable test_feature_importances for now
      Merge pull request #946 from glouppe/tree-speedup
      FIX: dtype conversion of y
      EXAMPLE: plot importances with bars
      FIX: forest / check_random_state in fit
      FIX: tree / check_random_state in fit

Hannes Schulz (2):
      MISC privatize/deprecate internal function of gaussian process

Immanuel Bayer (33):
      add dense attribute and dummy for sparse fit
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn into merge_cd
      add dense attribute and dummy for sparse fit
      Merge branch 'merge_cd' of https://github.com/ibayer/scikit-learn into merge_cd
      support of sparse input data added
      tests of sparse coordinate_descent applied to the modified dense
      -remove sparse option
      remove sparse_coef_
      Test is redundant since _set_coef function as been removed.
      add property for sparse_coef_
      add test for sparse_coef_ property
      docstrings updated
      merge cd_fast and cd_fast_sparse
      remove redundant tests
      remove redundant files, functionality has been moved to cd_fast.pyx
      code removed and deprecated message added
      fix docstring example
      add test to check normalize option in sparse enet
      Revert "remove redundant files, functionality has been moved to cd_fast.pyx"
      Revert "remove redundant tests"
      add sparse_std that has been wrongly removed in commit 48ba97f1 from the
      update sparse_std call
      some tests didn't use the numpy sparse matrix as input data and
      make sure X is of dtype float64 in _sparse_fit
      change input to inplace_csc_column_scale
      modify test_normalize_option
      test data changed for test_normalize_option
      remove redundant folders in linear_model/sparse
      remove unused imports
      fix pip8
      move sparse_center_data to linear_model.base
      avoid copy if X has proper type, modify docstring
      fix warning: add underscore to: grid_search.best_estimator_ and

Jake VanderPlas (5):
      DOC: add tutorial links
      TST: change LLE test to stable seed
      DOC: fix documentation of arpack
      Merge pull request #991 from jakevdp/doc-update
      @jakevdp's version of pinvh

Jaques Grobler (37):
      Added `note` to tutorial index for `doctest_mode` in `ipython`
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn
      changes to `fit` and `__init__`
      decision logic removed from __init__
      API update for HMM types with docstrings
      tests updated to match API
      fixed example`s fit(..) to new API
      made `diag` explicit in example
      Fixed typos, spacing errors & updated `Whats New`
      fixed broken GaussianHMM documentation generation
      correct some wrong fixes
      reversed the order of the thresholds array
      test added for this
      fixed typos,updated `whats new`
      typo fixed in what`s new
      added alternating columns for tables in documentation and a tighter layout in pre
      docstring fixes
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn
      Fixed broken links on Support page
      Fixed broken links on Support page
      Merge pull request #974 from jaquesgrobler/master
      fixed long-name-references madness + removed some whitespace
      trainling whitespace removed
      blank line removed
      slight adjustment to header size
      Merge pull request #1075 from jaquesgrobler/master
      Merge pull request #1077 from ludwigschwardt/minor-fixes
      Added scale_c fiasco example
      gael`s suggestions/tweaks
      docstring change
      docstring fixes
      changed includes back - change broke JENKINS build
      not the problem afterall - switch back
      docstring changes
      typos and alex`s review changes
      small tweaks

John Benediktsson (8):
      tree: check length of sample_mask and X_argsorted.
      DOC: fix typos in tree docstrings.
      DOC: fix value error text in Tree.compute_feature_importances.
      COSMIT: Use np.array.fill for scalar values.
      COSMIT: doc fixes to sklearn.feature_selection.univariate_selection.
      COSMIT: fix typo of homoscedasticity.
      COSMIT: fix reference to scipy.stats.kruskal.
      COSMIT: fix more typos.

Keith Goodman (1):
      BUG: price accidentally used instead of volume

Kernc (12):
      KNeighborsClassifier now has a predict_proba() method
      reversed changes to KNeighborsClassifier.predict()
      an simple test case for KNeighborsClassifier.predict_proba()
      feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer analyzer 'char_nospace'
      Oneliner docstring
      words for n-grams padded with one space on each side
      missing unicode modifier
      replaced str.format() with string concatenation as it's 3 times faster
      char_nspace -> char_nospace, thanks Lars
      changed 'char_nospace' keyword to shorter and meaningful 'char_wb'
      some narrative documentation...
      mentioned 'char' vs 'char_wb' in the narrative

Lars Buitinck (45):
      DOC clarify __check_build messages
      DOC instruct new devs to *always* work in branches
      COSMIT pyflakes + pep8 linear_model/base.py
      ENH generalize LabelBinarizer to arbitrary Sequence types
      BUG remove debugging statements from multiclass
      BUG in LabelBinarizer (forgot to run the full testsuite)
      DOC fixed sentence that was missing a verb
      rm deprecated euclidian_distances synonym
      ENH fix and test LabelBinarizer's handling of string labels
      ENH import liblinear 1.91
      COSMIT make a liblinear C private helper function static
      BUG set new p parameter in liblinear helper
      ENH support opening compressed files in SVMlight reader
      ENH always support file descriptors in SVMlight loader
      DOC typo in docstring
      BUG do not close fd passed by user in SVMlight loader
      FIX NearestCentroid.fit could not handle sparse formats other than CSR
      DOC typo
      DOC fix dead link
      DOC + COSMIT additive chi² sampler
      ENH scipy.sparse support in additive chi² sampler
      DOC output from additive chi² sampler
      COSMIT refactor input validation code and tests
      COSMIT + DOC input handling and docstrings in RandomizedPCA
      ENH classes_ on OvR classifier
      DOC typos
      COSMIT remove some dead code
      BUG remove predict{_log,}_proba from SVR
      COSMIT cleanup tests with pyflakes
      ENH better input validation for dump_svmlight_file
      ENH make generated SVMlight files self-describing in a comment
      COSMIT don't call magic methods directly
      ENH allow user-specified comment in SVMlight dumper
      rm the long-deprecated scikits.learn package
      TST: improve coverage of feature_selection.SelectorMixin
      COSMIT suppress warning from qr_economic + docstring on Counter
      TST absolute imports in spectral clustering tests
      ENH more specific warning filter for qr_economic
      TST upgrade trivial (single-class) k-NN problems to binary ones
      DOC + TST vocabulary arg in CountVect docstring
      COSMIT move BaseSGD to its only place of usage
      COSMIT minor refactoring of SGD
      DOC tutorial: explain what an estimator is
      DOC rewrote logistic regression docs
      DOC yet another AKA

Ludwig Schwardt (1):
      FIX removed ancient templates from manifest to make sklearn pip-installable.

Marko Burjek (7):
      DOC Added SGDCLassifier support only binary prediction probabilites.
      DOC Fixed a return in predict_proba in SGDClassifier
      DOC add support for sparse arrays to SGDCLassifer
      DOC forgot dot in SGDCLassifier documentation
      DOC Fixed a return in predict_proba in SGDClassifier
      DOC add support for sparse arrays to SGDCLassifer
      DOC forgot dot in SGDCLassifier documentation

Mathieu Blondel (60):
      Rename "p" to "espilon".
      Allow regression losses for classification.
      Add epsilon-insensitive loss.
      predict_proba with loss="modified_huber".
      Update doc.
      Doc: predict_proba.
      What's new.
      Document API change.
      Easier to understand formula.
      DOC LabelBinarizer
      BUG: now build works.
      Add LabelNormalizer.
      Documentation for LabelBinarizer and LabelNormalizer.
      Cosmit: LabelBinarizer and LabelNormalizer are not classifiers.
      More useful error message.
      Doc cosmit.
      Add test for non-numerical labels.
      LabelNormalizer -> LabelEncoder.
      Add documentation for non-numerical label case.
      What's new.
      Cosmit: be more explicit why LabelEncoder is useful.
      Address @larsmans' comments.
      Merge branch 'sgd_losses' of github.com:mblondel/scikit-learn into sgd_losses
      Address @ogrisel and @pprett's comments.
      Fix remaining merge conflict.
      Fix doctest.
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn
      What's new.
      Fix typo.
      Note regarding multilabel example.
      Note on one-vs-all classification in SGD module.
      Unused import.
      Fix warning.
      Merge pull request #877 from duckworthd/master
      Fix #904.
      Removed needless method redefinition.
      Fix: RidgeClassifier must not inherit from RegressorMixin.
      Clean up unused code.
      Test default input.
      Credits and license.
      Update doc/whats_new.rst
      Update doc/whats_new.rst
      Check that feature indices are sorted.
      Add missing test file.
      Optim in LabelEncoder.
      Remove needless loop in inverse_transform.
      Simplify LabelEncoder.fit_transform.
      Fix warnings in multiclass module tests.
      Remove duplicated line.
      Add all_categories option.
      Normalize training and test times.
      Simplify LabelEncoder.transform.
      Test LabelEncoder.fit_transform with arbitrary labels.
      Ignore joblib folder.
      Fix #1080.
      Decision threshold is now 0 in RidgeClassifier.
      Optim + cosmit in StratifiedShuffleSplit.

Nelle Varoquaux (44):
      Updated mailmap
      Updated mailmap (bis)
      Added Pool Adjancent Violator
      SMACOF algorithm for MDS
      Added tests and documentation to the smacof algorithm
      PAV now uses Kruskal's first approach to ties
      Added a new dataset: traveling distances between 17 cities in france
      MDS now computes the SMACOF algorithm several times, and returns the results with the lowest stress
      Added documentation on MDS
      MDS can now run several jobs in parallel thanks to joblib - when initial array passed, MDS will also only run once. If n_init is not set to 1, it will raise a warning
      FIX mds tests where failing because of an interface change
      Added docstrings to MDS
      Cleaned up MDS's documentation
      Added more documentation on the cities dataset
      Fix errors due to previous refactoring on MDS
      Changed dataset from france's mileage to knuth's USA mileage dataset
      Replaced MDS US mileage distance example by a generated, more representative one
      Added paragraphs on metric and nonmetric MDS, explaining the difference
      MDS: out_dim → n_components
      MDS: added documentation for n_jobs parameter
      MDS - fixed some latex error in the documentation
      Added a fit_transform method to the MDS class
      Pool Adjacent Violators now does a max_iter number of iteration
      DOC: added references to papers and licence - fixed the MDS example
      a += a.T is different from a = a + a.T
      Small explanation on the plot_mds example
      np.diag raised a red flag - used broadcasting instead
      Set the seed of the random_state generators to have nicely aligned results
      Knuth load_cities dataset isn't used anymore
      MDS: renamed positions_ to embedding_
      Added MDS to manifold comparison methods
      MDS: documentation fixes
      FIX: load_cities doesn't exist anymore
      Added test to sklearn.utils.bench's total_seconds method
      FIX - the eps option of the MDS was overwritten
      FIX in the makefile - we should delete pyc and so only from the source code, and not from everything in the root folder
      Deprecated sparse classes from the SVM module - refs #1093
      FIX sparse OneClassSVM was using the wrong parameter
      FIX the AP was using a deprecated parameter
      Decrease the number of convit in the AP
      Renamed parameter convit to convergence_iteration and deprecated the old API
      FIX typo in deprecation warning in the AP module
      DOC better documentation on the AP
      FIX The new parameter of the AP is called convergence_iter and not convergence_iteration anymore

Nicolas Pinto (5):
      ENH: add store_loo_values attribute to _RidgeGCV see Issue #957
      FIX: expose loo_values_ in RidgeCV instead of the private _RidgeGCV
      COSMIT: rename M matrix to loo_values
      COSMIT: -loo_values +cv_values
      FIX: use rng with fixed seed

Olivier Grisel (27):
      trailing space
      add missing attribute estimators_ to the docstring of forest models
      FIX #898: narrative documentation for feature importances in forest models
      Merge pull request #921 from fhoeni/scaler_bugfix
      FIX: heisentest for robust covariance: seed MinCovDet
      Merge pull request #926 from agramfort/fix_X_list_grid_search
      Merge pull request #928 from yarikoptic/master
      FIX #937: preserve double precision values in svmlight serializer
      add a what's new entry
      work on smmlight serualizaer to preserve double precision values
      track master
      Merge pull request #945 from cpa/master
      Merge pull request #971 from acompa/master
      Update doc/support.rst
      Merge pull request #955 from vene/mem_prof
      Merge pull request #995 from kernc/CountVectorizer_analyzer_char_nospace
      fix broken doctests for the new char_wb text analyzer
      DOC: better narrative for char_wb text analyzer + add a whats_new entry
      Merge pull request #1043 from jaquesgrobler/master
      Merge pull request #1039 from jakevdp/lle-test-fix
      Merge pull request #1045 from agramfort/fix/as_float_array
      Merge pull request #1049 from fsav/c-docstring-patch
      Merge pull request #1063 from welinder/peter-dev
      Merge pull request #1009 from amueller/one_class_check
      Merge pull request #1094 from ibayer/warnings
      Merge pull request #1100 from NelleV/makefile
      Merge pull request #1110 from buma/predict_proba_doc

Olivier Hervieu (1):
      FIX inconsistent coef_.shape in LinearRegression

Peter Prettenhofer (79):
      fix: gradient boosting regressor does not check if X is c-continous
      Merge remote branch 'upstream/master'
      started work on Huber loss function for robust regression
      ensure that std is not zero
      add test case for scale div through zero
      Merge branch 'master' into gbrt-huber
      add huber loss to test
      implemented huber loss for robust regression
      fix errors in huber loss
      add alpha parameter for huber robust regression loss
      fix: ensure X is c-continuous
      fix: make sure X is c-continuous
      Merge branch 'master' into gbrt-huber
      added feature subsampling to GBRT (via max_features)
      fix: forgot comma
      added test for max_features
      fix: alpha needs to be scaled by 100
      wip: added quantile regression loss; this allows for prediction intervals; adopted the GP regression example to show-case prediction intervals
      added title to example
      performance improvement for random split (ctyped two variables).
      import random split
      test for quantile loss function
      Use BaseEstimator for constant predictors
      huber and quantile loss for gbrt
      better docs for quantile reg
      Merge branch 'master' into gbrt-huber
      Merge remote branch 'upstream/master' into gbrt-huber
      ctyped variables in ``find_random_split`` and use for loop over index range instead of array elements
      Merge branch 'master' into gbrt-huber
      fix: np.arange dtype issue; fix dtype to be np.int32
      use np.int32_t instead of Py_ssize_t
      Merge branch 'master' into gbrt-huber
      Merge remote branch 'upstream/master' into gbrt-huber
      use dtype float32
      proper pylab import
      Merge branch 'master' into gbrt-huber
      Merge remote branch 'upstream/master' into gbrt-huber
      added test case for symbol labels
      y must be one dimensional
      more tests
      removed quantile regression example
      added max_features to gbrt regularization example
      fix: section label for gbrt was wrong
      add quantile example again
      added new features to whatsnew
      Merge branch 'gbrt-huber'
      change dtype of y to float64 (aka DOUBLE_t)
      cosmit: better docstrings
      forest uses DOUBLE for y
      Merge branch 'master' into tree-y-float64
      changed shape of predict_proba
      adopted tests because of changed shape of predict_proba
      adopted tests because of changed shape of predict_proba
      cosmit in sgd docs
      added change to ``whats_new``
      add quantile regression example to gbm doc
      Merge branch 'master' into sgd-predict-proba
      Merge branch 'sgd-predict-proba'
      added failing test for 2d y
      rm redundant input check (we check in _partial_fit)
      ravel y; use atleast2d_or_csr for input validation
      _tocsr not needed because of atleast2d_or_csr
      inline comment
      cosmit: constants for penalty types and learning rate types; inline comments;
      Merge branch 'master' into sgd-yshape-fix
      fix typo
      make smoke tests explicit; check ValueError on 2d inputs
      work on BaseGradientBoostingCV
      refactored prediction and decision_function (rm duplicate code)
      ENH: use gini for feature importance
      GradientBoosting classes with built in cross-validation; implemented via Decorator pattern
      wip: aggregate fold via groupby
      wip: fixing some set attr errors but still buggy if params not lists
      remove *CV classes - only pick decision_function and staged predict refactoring
      rm CV class tests
      rm CV class legacy
      remove CV class legacy
      add API changes and feature_importance fix to whatsnew

Peter Welinder (2):
      add support for non-ndarray lists
      Merge branch 'master' into peter-dev

Robert Layton (9):
      This test repeats issues 960, with the silhouette coefficient returning nan
      nan values are converted to zeros
      k-means now no longer needed in test.
      Distance matrix doesn't matter, and was therefore removed
      Test for "amg" mode for spectral clustering added.
      docfix: spectral_cluster doesn't return n_centers
      Spectral will raise an error if the mode is set to amg and pyamg is not available
      Test that an unknown mode raises the appropritate error

Sergio Medina (1):
      Fixed small typo, even though the message is kind of the same and the one with the typo is waaay funnier.

Shiqiao Du (1):
      Merge pull request #847 from kwgoodman/master

Subhodeep Moitra (16):
      P3K: 'type' has been renamed 'class' in python3
      P3K: Fixed dtype doctests for Python3
      P3K: Fixed print related Python3 errors
      P3K : Fixed range iterator to be list
      PK3: __len__ returned float instead of int. Typecasted.
      P3K : Convert int type checking to np.integer
      P3K : Typecasted float to int
      P3K : Changed / to // to typecast float to int
      P3K: Modified RuntimeError message args
      P3K : Replaced / by //
      P3K : Refactored test cases to use setUp
      P3K: print back compatible with python2.6-7 with  __future__ import
      P3K: Fixed None < Float Python 3 error
      P3K: Fixed unicode pickling error by changing to BytesIO
      P3K: Fixing prints and dtypes
      P3K: Fixed RuntimeError.message

Tim Sheerman-Chase (1):
      Enable graphvis export function to export trees as well as regressors

Virgile Fritsch (12):
      rename mahalanobis_values to raw_values in covariance decision method.
      ENH: make LedoitWolf estimation scale (memory usage) with n_features.
      The LedoitWolf object has to return a covariance estimate or breaks.
      Put Ledoit-Wolf shrinkage coefficient estimation in a separate function.
      Avoid extra computations + clean `assume_centered` argument use.
      Remove forgotten line related to previous commit.
      Catch non-invertibility errors within MinCovDet computation.
      Improve covariance module test coverage.
      More tests for the covariance module.
      BF: adapt a svm test to recent numpy versions.
      BF: Make MinCovDet work with n_samples >> n_features.
      Add comments on optimized precision computations.

Vlad Niculae (57):
      DOC: updated testing instructions
      Remove a warning from kmeans tests
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn
      Remove deprecation warning in sparse_encode
      Merge pull request #873 from vene/remove_sc_warning
      ENH: make_regression supports multiple targets
      Update make_regression return shapes in docstring
      FIX: sparse ElasticNet tests that were not testing much at all
      fix typo
      ENH: faster design in FastICA
      Begin updating the developers performance documentation
      Update and fix errors in memory profiling documentation
      DOC: better phrasing about memory profiling
      Begin updating the developers performance documentation
      Update and fix errors in memory profiling documentation
      DOC: better phrasing about memory profiling
      Remove deprecated _set_params and the call in grid_search
      Remove chunk_size from k_means
      Removed load_filenames and load_20newsgroups
      Remove sparse_encode_parallel
      Removed deprecated parameters in GridSearchCV
      Remove LARS and LassoLARS
      Remove fast_svd.
      Remove _get_params
      Corrected deprecation schedule in cross_validation
      Remove deprecated properties in naive_bayes
      Add or fix deprecation schedule in warnings.
      Fix example using deprecated API, output was misleading.
      Remove deprecated load_20newsgroups from classes.rst
      FIX: randomly failing CountVectorizer test
      MDS is not a transformer, fix the test to skip PLS
      Merge branch 'master' into mixins
      Improve the common tests, make fast_ica pipelinable
      Support y-dependent transform as in PLS
      fit_transform in PLS to support y
      Make PLS degrade gracefully on sparse data
      Rename Y to y in PLS
      Check for sparse input in isomap and lle
      Check for sparse data in MDS despite not being tested
      Skip CCA in test_regressors_int
      First effort in multitarget lassolars
      ENH: move Gram precomputation outside of the loop
      TEST: precomputed lasso and lars
      Unnecessary copying
      FIX: add test, fix memory initialization bug
      ENH: multidimensional y in ElasticNet (WIP)
      return_path option in lars_path
      Add possibility to ignore the path in Lars objects
      Fix doctests
      Add __all__ for half of the scikit
      Add __all__ for the second half of the scikit
      We already have the inverse at that step
      Compute pseudoinverse using eigendecomposition
      Vectorize singular value inversion
      Cloned @jakevdp's pinvh tests
      Use pinvh wherever it helps in the codebase.

Wei Li (2):
      FIX: this fixes issues #746 ProbabilisticPCA minor things
      FIX: this further fixes issues #746 with API compatibility warning and integer division fix

Yannick Schwartz (13):
      New stratified shuffle split version that only return indices arrays
      stratified shuffle split can return masks
      Fixed StratifiedShuffleSplit issue for unbalanced classes
      Fixed n_test issue in StratifiedShuffleSplit
      pep8 fix
      Added new tests for StratifiedShuffleSplit
      Fixed SSS test
      Removed redefinition of variable i in SSS
      Permute the train and test sets in SSS to avoid class-sorted folds
      Added validation for some corner cases in SSS
      Updated tests for SSS
      Added tests for the StratifiedShuffleSplit to check the sizes of the training and testing sets, and that they don't overlap
      Minor cleanup of StratifiedShuffleSplit

Yaroslav Halchenko (11):
      ENH do not fail the test reslying on numpy div 0 warnings if those are not spit out by numpy in general
      ENH: sklearn.setup_module to preseed RNGs to reproduce failures
      Merge tag '0.12' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      changelog for fresh upstrem release: all debian/up_ patches removed, deb_ patched updated
      Boosted policy to 3.9.3 (should be ok without changes)
      patches/deb_disable_test_spectral_old_scipy - disable unittest on older scipy's due to failure
      updated copyright years and added owner for borrowed ATL_* code
      fixed typo
      removed obsolete (and not used any longer) python-psyco from Recommends

buguen (1):
      correcting typos in the doc


No new revisions were added by this update.

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