[scikit-learn] annotated tag debian/0.15.2-1 created (now 09c167f)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 13:11:05 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.15.2-1
in repository scikit-learn.

        at  09c167f   (tag)
   tagging  fdafd8decb511b585a26458e8fedecb53a87f670 (commit)
  replaces  0.15.2
 tagged by  Yaroslav Halchenko
        on  Sat Sep 6 20:12:22 2014 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
scikit-learn Debian release 0.15.2-1
Version: GnuPG v1


Alexandre Gramfort (1):
      DOC : fix rho=1 is L1 penalty #1139

Andreas Mueller (34):
      COSMIT typo
      whatsnew: gave myself some credit
      COSMIT typo in whatsnew
      COSMIT typo, thanks @ogrisel
      MISC changed version number for release, change maintainer to myself
      DOC add people and commits do whatsnew
      DOC added link to 0.11 docs to support page.
      ENH more robust transformer testing.... don't ask why that came up
      ENH address issue 1028: clone estimator in RFE
      ENH issue 1115: grid search support for rfe via ``estimator_params``
      ENH fixed bug in sparse RFECV, fixed bug in RFECV init (step was always 1), added decision_function and predict_proba to RFE and RFECV
      MISC rfe outputs loss, not score
      FIX typo
      WEBSITE updated logo, changed scikits-learn to scikit-learn.
      FIX unicode support in count vectorizer. Closes #1098.
      FIX docstring for count vectorizer. Sorry about that.
      DOC typo in ElasticNet docstring
      DOC escape one more instance of "classes_" in SGD
      REL changed version to 0.13 everywhere.
      website: fix for survey bar
      TST some more tests for multi output lars
      DOC fix typo in LinearSVC error message
      FIX make error message work when return_path=False
      TST fix random states in all dict learning tests, make test independent of test sequence.
      DOC add return values of cross_val_score and train_test_split to docstrings.
      ENH get rid of imports in test_common by checking by names, not classes.
      ENH break ties in OvO using scores
      ENH fix test_estimators_overwrite_params to test regressors and transformers
      TST stronger tests for arbitrary classes. make explicit what works and what doesn't.
      ENH set the random state to avoid heisenfailures
      COSMIT pep8
      DOC some copyediting
      REL increased version number, added whatsnew
      DOC add link to fetch_covertype to covertype narrative docs

Arnaud Joly (4):
      DOC Update what's new
      ENH more explicit name for auc + consistency for scorer, fix #2096
      DOC put the narrative documentation of roc_curve and roc_auc_score in one place
      FIX search and replace misstake

Bastiaan van den Berg (1):
      BUG allow outlier_label=0 in RadiusNeighborClassifier

Diego Molla (1):
      Minor bug fix in metrics.adjusted_rand_score

Fabian Pedregosa (63):
      FIX: scipy 0.9 compatibility fixes
      FIX: second argument in euclidean_distances.
      Cosmetic changes.
      Better version detection for scipy
      FIX: stupid mistake.
      FIX Stupid mistake
      More robust utils.fixes.
      FIX: docstring.
      FIX: np.unique.
      Change version to 0.6-rc
      Add AUTHORS to web page.
      Note on LinearSVC.
      Web page layout.
      FIX: update to latest API.
      Web page update.
      FIX tests when run with scikits.learn.test()
      Update doc.
      Do not support precomputed kernels in sparse matrices.
      Update version information to 0.6.0
      Update Mailmap.
      Update authors list.
      Update README.
      Examples cleanup: remove pl.close, it is now handled by gen_rst.
      Changelog for 0.7
      More doc on 0.7 release.
      More on changelog.
      Minor fixes in changelog.
      Add metrics to the doc.
      More fixes for the changelog.
      Some more changelog stuff.
      FIX: mxf --> Xinfan Meng
      Change release name to 0.7.
      Documentation update.
      Replace latex with simple syntax in docstrings.
      Remain compatible with numpy 1.2
      Do not import scipy.sparse globally.
      Update numpy/scipy requirements.
      Release 0.7.1
      Read README.rst for description in PYPI
      Release 0.8
      Merge branch '0.8.X' of github.com:scikit-learn/scikit-learn into 0.8.X
      Version number.
      FIX: pls docstring.
      Remove failing docstring for release ...
      Test for non-contiguous input for svms
      FIX: fix segfault in cases of infeasible nu (NuSVM)
      0.8.1 release.
      0.9 release
      Some Python 2.5 fixes.
      Comment out non-python2.5 test
      More python2.5 fixes
      FIX: assign NaN to an integer array has no effect on old numpy
      Some more changelog stuff.
      Update MANIFEST.in: scikit-learn --> sklearn
      Revert "Comment out non-python2.5 test"
      Comment out test non compat with python2.5
      Add mldata loader and olivetti dataset to changelog.
      Comment out doctest for fetch_mldata
      change version number to 0.10
      Mailmap alias
      And the winner is ...
      DOC: links for people that have webpage.
      DOC: some documentation fixes.

Gael Varoquaux (55):
      DOC: Fix layout
      DOC: Fix layout
      Merge pull request #164 from yarikoptic/0.8.X
      Merge pull request #168 from yarikoptic/0.8.X
      BUG: Make SVMs work on non contiguous arrays
      COSMIT: Better fix for continuity in SVMs.
      MISC: species distribution example plotted
      BUG: remove n_jobs=-1 from examples
      BUG: parallel computing in MDS
      BUG: deprecated k parameter in MiniBatchKMeans
      BUG: copy and keep ordering
      BUG: remove leftout debug prints
      DOC: protect `classes_` for valid rst
      FIX: doctests under Windows 64bit
      ENH/FIX add a lobpcg solver to spectral embedding
      MISC: decrease verbosity by default
      FIX: numerical stability in spectral
      Update changelog
      DOC: use nosetests rather than sklearn.test()
      ENH: support arbitrary dtype in kNN classifiers
      REL: 0.12.1 Bugfix release
      DOC: typo in warning
      BUG: reassignment_ratio == 0 in MiniBatchKmeans
      BUG: sparse center reassignment MiniBatchKMeans
      DOC: reference for discretise option
      COSMIT :: in rst is easier for syntax highlighters
      BUG: update joblib to 0.7.0d
      BUG: highly-degenerate roc curves
      DOC: add example and ref to lars_path in lasso_path
      REL: 0.14a1 Release candidate for 0.14
      MISC: update whats_new
      MISC: fix reference to example
      DOC: DBSCAN misc doc formatting
      DOC: also point installation menu to stable
      DOC: reduce the number of examples
      MAINT: remove sklearn.test()
      MISC: deprecation notice
      MISC: document sklearn.test deprecation
      ENH: custom distutils clean command
      DOC: layout tweaks
      DOC: bigger menu fonts
      DOC: button layout tweak
      TST: avoid a crash in Windows + Anaconda Py3.3
      MISC: fix wrong timing in example
      TST: avoid nose running sklearn.test as a test
      MAINT: randn on float is deprecated
      MISC: deprection is in 2 releases
      DOC: update documentation for release
      DOC: fix CSS bug
      MAINT Update mailmap
      REL: 0.14 release: update whats_new and version
      DOC: link to documentation, not main page
      MISC: switch line returns back to unix
      BUG: restore setup.py clean functionality
      REL: Release 0.14.1

Gilles Louppe (5):
      FIX: bug in multi-output forest.predict_proba
      DOC: add balance_weights to reference
      FIX: remove dupplicate entry in What's new
      Polishing on "Who's using scikit-learn"
      Website: bottom buttons

Hrishikesh Huilgolkar (2):
      chi2 and additive_chi2 raise error if input are sparse matrices
      TST fit_transform(X)==fit(X).transform(X)

Jake VanderPlas (1):
      @jakevdp's version of pinvh

Jaques Grobler (11):
      DOC: few small doc fixes to layout bugs on new website
      comments added to the changes
      first carousel version added
      firefox fix and more images added, auto-cycling disabled
      arrows switched for dots
      have images link to relevant examples
      slight layout adjust
      small layout changes for firefox, images taken from generated images now
      indentation fixes
      add more examples and cropping to first image
      disable carousel for small displays, small tweaks

Joel Nothman (1):
      DOC fix comment on svm probability param

Joshua Vredevoogd (1):
      DBSCAN BallTree implementation

Kyle Kelley (1):
      Converted Markdown style link to restructured text

Lars Buitinck (27):
      refactor linear models to call as_float_array only from _center_data
      unconditionally call as_float_array in LinearModel._center_data
      DOC: fix typos
      BUG rm RidgeClassifier from 20newsgroups
      BUG allow array-like y in RFE
      COSMIT clarify L1/L2 LR sparsity demo
      DOC RFE docstring + link RFECV in narrative docs
      BUG make GridSearchCV work with non-CSR sparse matrix
      WEB rm survey bar
      BUG move label_ from BaseLibSVM to BaseSVC
      COSMIT decouple regression and classification in SVMs
      COSMIT translate lgamma replacement to C and clean it up
      DOC update SMART notation in TfidfTransformer docs
      ENH refactor univariate feature selection
      DOC copyedit FeatureHasher narrative
      ENH move covtype loading to sklearn.datasets
      DOC pretty math in kernel docstrings
      BUG MinMaxScaler missing from preprocessing.__all__
      BUG fix broken grid search example
      BUG in KernelPCA: wrong default value for gamma
      ENH speed up RBFSampler by ~10%
      COSMIT update mailmap
      BUG in RadiusNeighborClassifier outlier handling
      ENH rewrite radius-NN classifier's outlier handling
      DOC credit to @ephes and myself for log loss in metrics
      DOC copyedit SGDClassifier docstring
      FIX integer types in Ward clustering

Mathieu Blondel (4):
      Giving due credit (last minute ChangeLog item).
      Release manager change + fix Satra's URL.
      DOC: make distinction between evaluation and pairwise metrics.

Nelle Varoquaux (15):
      DOC: small fix in the regression's score method documentation
      DOC added link from banner to example.
      DOC now building to html/stable
      DOC home always points to stable
      ENH added an orange cite us button on the front page
      FIX cite us buttong made blue bar span too much
      DOC added testimonials
      FIX forgot evernote's logo
      ENH added telecom to the testimonials
      DOC updated evernote's testimonials
      ENH added AWeber's testimonial
      ENH added carousel back on front page for testimonials
      ENH better spacing on the first page
      ENH testimonials img are now centered.
      FIX typo in testimonials

Nico Golde (1):
      Accepting Nico's patch to account for NumPy transition

Olivier Grisel (5):
      Fixed a typo in a contributor's name
      Re-align the what's new file with the new ordering of items from master
      partial_fit for naive Bayes was done for 0.14-rc, not 0.11...
      Ignore the generated MANIFEST file
      Also clean the dist folder when calling make

Peter Prettenhofer (17):
      added test to expose the predict_proba w/ sparse matrix regression
      fix the predict_proba w/ sparse matrix regression by using shape instead of len
      followed @larsmans tip to get rid of _decision_function
      fix docstring of predict_proba
      add predict_log_proba and test; better docstrings
      added failing test for clone
      rm instance variables learing_rate_type, loss_function, and penalty_type; create them before plain_fit
      move get_loss_function to _partial_fit
      add test for proper loss instantiation
      n_iter must not be 0
      refactored input validation; special loss function factory for huber and epsilon insensitive loss
      use DEFAULT_EPSILON consistently
      rename get_loss_function to _get_loss_function
      fix: map labels to {0, 1}
      fix: deviance computation in BinomialDeviance was wrong (ignored cases where y == 0) - thanks to ChrisBeaumont for reporting this issue
      raise ValueError if division through zero in LogOddsEstimator

Rafael Cunha de Almeida (1):
      BUG MBKmeans only reassign centers if to_reassign.sum() > 1

Robert Marchman (5):
      raise ValueError for unfitted idf vector
      FIX docstring deletions
      ADD test coverage for _check_stop_list
      FIX comment typo
      TST improve feature_extraction.text coverage

Rolando Espinoza La fuente (1):
      DOC typo: Pereptron -> Perceptron.

Virgile Fritsch (4):
      Add comments on optimized precision computations.
      BF: Address issue #1059 in GMM by adding a supplementary check.
      BF: Fix broken tests: change a check for compatibility with HMM.
      BF: fix issue #1127 about MinCovDet breaking with X.shape = (3, 1)

Vlad Niculae (8):
      ENHanced the multilabel example aspect
      DOC: updated testing instructions
      We already have the inverse at that step
      Compute pseudoinverse using eigendecomposition
      Vectorize singular value inversion
      Cloned @jakevdp's pinvh tests
      Use pinvh wherever it helps in the codebase.
      FIX: variable naming inconsistency in NMF

Yaroslav Halchenko (254):
      NF: initial Debian packaging skeleton
      BF: little fixes around
      more thorow cleaning, excluding manifold from unittest, unittest before moving libraries
      various fixes thanks to lintian
      First ever package by me to adhere to dkg-source 3.0 (quilt) format.
      ENH: remove scikits/__init__.py upon installation
      BF: adding build-dep on python-setuptools
      BF: remove generated datasets/__config__.py upon clean:
      BF: jquery link is relevant for -doc
      BF: adding copyright on sphinxext
      working on dh version of packaging
      adding documentation to be installed
      might to be complete dh setup
      adjustments to debian/control -- cython, descriptions
      BF: avoiding nested examples directory
      BF: add scipy to build-dep due to unittests
      updating changelog for the release
      BF: pruning forgotten cdbs build-dep
      NF: adding a patch to site.cfg to use system libraries
      additional build-depends
      build docs after modules
      changelog entry
      depend on unversioned libboost-dev
      minor changes in descriptions
      Setting both HOME and MPLCONFIGDIR while building documentation (slipped through fingers somehow) (Close: #580727).
      Merge branch 'debian' into debian-release0.3
      Set HOME and MPLCONFIGDIR while unittesting as well (Closes: #580727)
      Merge branch 'debian' into debian-release0.3
      Disabling test_gmm_em unittests while building (Closes: #580879). Actual reason for failing tests lies within NumPy -- see #581043, which should be fixed there, but should not prevent building of this package atm.
      Merge branch 'debian' into debian-release0.3
      Merge commit '0.4' into debian-release
      changelog: Fresh upstream release + under ND umbrella
      adjusted patches/deb_use_system_libraries
      no boost library used any longer (removed from Build-Depends)
      oops - fixing up patch for site.cfg
      accounting for rename of README to README.rst
      Merge branch 'debian' into debian-release
      Added deb_cython_0.12.1 to use code cythoned with up-to-date cython 0.12.1
      Build-Depend on python-numpy providing numpy-ext (Closes: #589590) + policy 3.9.0
      make nosetesting not suppressing output from code
      adding a workaround to allow BFS (Closes: #588595)
      Changelog for all previous commits
      actually doing arith operation and printing to avoid failed comparison
      Merge branch 'debian' into debian-release
      adjusting copyright file to actually address 3.9.0 policy + moving packaging under BSD
      adjusting changelog
      Merge branch 'debian' into debian-release
      Restrict to python >= 2.5 to avoid dealing with --install-layout absent in 2.4
      changelog entry for -3
      Merge commit 'debian/0.4-3' into debian-release
      pruning joblib external
      Merge commit '8b26c79e7ba67dd614e84c3333ce845ee2edb049' into dfsg
      Merge 0.5.rc into DFSG (pruning externals: joblib)
      Merge 0.5.rc3 into DFSG (pruning externals: joblib)
      changelog for 0.5~rc3-1
      adjusted gbp.conf since we now build off debian
      * Deprecated patches: - up_workaround_numpy_cython_issue589652 - deb_cython_0.12.1
      force distutils build system + to run tests against "installed" version + run doctests
      boost build-dep on sphinx >= 1.0~ and cython >= 0.12~
      doc extensions fix + tentative dfsg rule
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      pruning joblib in favor of external package
      adjusting gbp.conf
      added patch deb_use_system_joblib
      tentative patch for runtime verbosity control of libsvm
      removing carried version of libsvm in favor to use systemwide (otherwise svm.h inclusion conflict)
      prune copy of libsvm sources from dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      finalizing libsvm verbosity control patch
      pruning stale patch deb_cython_0.12.1
      adding in TODO to take care about external liblinear
      trying to modularize rules a bit, move of .so away happens only at dh_pysupport time now
      splitting svm control into 2 patches (cythoned changes separate)
      renaming libsvm verbosity patch -- will forward upstream
      up_system_libsvm_no_svmhdepends -- do not use shipped svm.h
      use installed version (not build/) + python-test% separate rule
      still need to install dummy joblib subpackage
      tune up testing against installed version
      Adding author and description for the patches
      filled up patches headers according to DEP3
      debian/rules -- tests -- run in the same environment to preserve set PYTHONPATH
      move doc building into installdocs, order rules in the order of their invocation, install changelogs
      Merge 0.5 into DFSG (pruning externals: joblib)
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      removing patches aborbed upstream
      changelog for 0.5-1
      Boost policy compliance to 3.9.1 -- no changes
      Merge 0.6.0 into DFSG (reincarnating libsvm's svm.* -- effectively forked)
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      Disabled use of system libsvm - scikits.learn has its own fork
      Updated copyright: DEP5 rev153, entries for cblas/ and lib{linear/svm}
      Extended TODO (in emacs-org mode): consider system's liblinear (need 1.7 with a fix)
      changelog entry for 0.6.dfsg-1
      Added README.source to describe reason(s) for .dfsg
      debian/watch: mangle debian version - remove .dfsg for comparisons
      Fixed upstream release number -- 0.6.0, not 0.6
      adjusting dfsg rule -- do not prune libsvm
      Extending changelog
      Theirs Merge commit '0.7' into releases
      Merge commit '0.7.1' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      changelog for 0.7.1.dfsg-1
      oops -- forgot that we are still doomed to experimental due to sphinx
      Upload to unstable of -2 + fix of objects.inv and numpy dependency only for -lib
      Do not build documentation in -a mode, to prevent timeouts on buildd servers
      Use JOBLIB_MULTIPROCESSING=0 to suppress use of multiprocessing by joblib while running tests to prevent failures in chroots without /dev/shm mounted
      Merge (theirs) branch '0.8.X' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' (from 0.8.X) into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      just a placeholder changelog for upcoming release
      Boost policy compliance to 3.9.2 -- no changes
      RF: use joblib.logger submodule itself while accessing its function in grid_search
      Merge (theirs) commit '0.8' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' (0.8) into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' (0.8.dfsg) into debian
      changelog for 0.8.0.dfsg-1
      FIX: reflect SVC API change (eps -> tol) in doc/tutorial.rst
      Merge branch '0.8.X' into debian
      disable failing hmm test + changelog entry
      FIX: strings are not necessarily singletones + catch mistakes earlier
      DOC: minor spellings fixes in pls.py
      FIX: lars_path -- assure that at least some features get added if necessary
      test case for previous commit
      minor -- pass verbose into LARS in the test case
      Merge commit '0.8.1' (theirs) into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      changelog for 0.8.1-1
      Merge commit '0.9' (theirs) into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      removed deprecated up_workaround_numpy_cython_issue589652
      Refreshed deb_use_system_joblib patch to reflect renaming of the module
      added patch up_release_sv_coef_memory to "cherry-pick" 59006f248f24b22f7a8a21ada85c8558b5a1d1b6 (release sv_coef memory)
      First wave of changes for scikits.learn -> sklearn transition
      Initial changelog for 0.9.0-1
      updating deb_use_system_joblib again
      more on scikits.learn -> sklearn -- running tests
      Enabled all unittests and ignore failures on doctests: https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/401
      to please recent gbp -- we are building from the branch, not tags
      BF: fixing movement of scikits.learn into compat package
      added Enhances field to reference upcoming mvpa2 and mdp
      Adjusted debian/copyright to be fresh DEP5-compliant (+minor reformatting of changelog)
      Removed ipython from build-depends and suggested it for the binary
      fixing bashism in custom 'move around' loop
      pacify lintian and add ${python:Depends} for python-scikits-learn
      Merge branch '0.10.X' into releases
      ENH: we are packaging releases so dfsg rules works on releases branch
      fresh changelog for upcoming 0.10.0
      Adjusted dfsg and other rules to operate on sklearn directory
      Merge releases into DFSG (pruning externals: joblib)
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      Dropping cherry-picked fix up_release_sv_coef_memory
      refreshed the joblib patch
      Python 2.5 compatibility dropped
      Operate on 'requested' not all supported Python versions
      Merge branch '0.10.X' into releases
      Merge releases into DFSG (pruning externals: joblib)
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      Added 'set -e' to composite cmdline constructs in debian/rules to prevent swallowing errors. Thanks to Jakub Wilk for citing me the relevant exerpt from Debian policy ;-)
      Merge tag '0.11' (theirs) into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      Initial changelog for 0.11.0-1
      ENH: adjusted Format in debian/copyright
      Adjusted patches/deb_use_system_joblib to avoid submodule import
      Made running unittests verbose
      added patch up_ICA_test_seeding to "cherry-pick" f6d7f45a45d21a779d1a2d59a6f7ff30de83b76e (FIX: control RNG seeds in ICA tests)
      exclude test_sparse_svc_clone_with_callable_kernel from tests
      DOC: TODO items
      Patch up_inconsistent_numpy_warnings
      Patch up_MinCovDet_test_seeding
      Changelog entry for 0.11.0-2
      Merge tag '0.12' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      changelog for fresh upstrem release: all debian/up_ patches removed, deb_ patched updated
      Boosted policy to 3.9.3 (should be ok without changes)
      patches/deb_disable_test_spectral_old_scipy - disable unittest on older scipy's due to failure
      updated copyright years and added owner for borrowed ATL_* code
      fixed typo
      removed obsolete (and not used any longer) python-psyco from Recommends
      Merge tag '0.12.1' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      changelog for 0.12.1-1
      for now excluded some labile tests from testing
      added patch changeset_5528334660d8901263b4157038f41a0f4028a5f3.diff to "cherry-pick" 5528334660d8901263b4157038f41a0f4028a5f3 (Robustify LARS. Fixes issue #487)
      changelog for prev commit
      Merge tag '0.13' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      changelog + refreshing patchset
      debian/rules - removing exclusion of tests previously failed
      added patch changeset_567460a602b4e2fc6029b2d063988408061b7974.diff to "cherry-pick" 567460a602b4e2fc6029b2d063988408061b7974 (BF: explicitly mark train_test_split as not the one for nosetesting)
      added patch changeset_0edc94b528b630eae63f3409c4c4d95a2e6184a4.diff to "cherry-pick" 0edc94b528b630eae63f3409c4c4d95a2e6184a4 (BUG: highly-degenerate roc curves)
      added patch changeset_d821417ebf7570397a344a8d670045cd2d2e590a.diff to "cherry-pick" d821417ebf7570397a344a8d670045cd2d2e590a (BUG: fix change of behavior in last commit)
      changelog for 0.13-2
      BF: explicitly mark train_test_split as not the one for nosetesting
      Upload to unstable, move joblib to Depends from Recommends (Closes: #709056)
      Merge tag '0.13.1' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge commit '0.13.1-178-g9ad265e' into debian
      "Fresh" bugfix release: dropping all cherry picked changesets
      Merge commit '0.14a1-20-gc9ba2c3' into releases
      Merge commit '0.14a1-239-g0872592' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      changelog entry
      debian/control - python-imaing to build-depends (for documentation) and removed not needed XS-DM-Upload-Allowed
      Let's upload to experimental for testing
      Merge tag '0.14' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      fresh changelog
      refreshed joblib patch
      debian/rules - overload dh_auto_clean to call "clean" without -a (see https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/2351)
      debian/control - require sphinx 1.1.3 due to problems with unicode in earlier present on older Debian/Ubuntu's versions
      multilined Build-Depends
      dropping swig from build-depends
      ENH: Move sphinx&Co to build-depends-indep
      boost policy to 3.9.4
      dropping use of python-support
      RF: simply do not build sphinx documentation on systems with older sphinx
      Merge tag '0.14.1' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      The freshiest upstream release - addressed 'clean -a' issue, thus removing the dh_auto_clean override
      if available cython >= 0.19 -- re-build Cythonized sources while monitoring for changes using dh_autoreconf
      Disable reporting to google analytics -- we haven't got any permission from the users allowing to report back to 3rd party services (thanks Ambrose Andrews, Closes: #730259)
      added patch changeset_36ba287b29f3d039b8ecb5194dae1c47cf24641a.diff to "cherry-pick" 36ba287b29f3d039b8ecb5194dae1c47cf24641a (TST: fix test on scipy dev version)
      Merge tag '0.15.0b1' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      changelog, refreshed patches
      Build-depend on libatlas3-base
      Merge commit '0.15.0b2-14-g720d450' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge commit '0.15.0b2-332-g9b47a2d' (dfsg) into debian
      updated changelog entry
      Merge tag '0.15.0' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into debian
      updated changelog
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      Merge tag '0.15.1' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian
      Merge tag '0.15.2' into releases
      Merge branch 'releases' into dfsg
      Merge branch 'dfsg' into debian

unknown (1):
      changed wording in linear model docs about Normalized. It was frustrating me haha


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/scikit-learn.git

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