[pandas] annotated tag debian/0.8.0_rc2+git26-g76c6351-1 created (now ce6858e)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 15:20:07 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.8.0_rc2+git26-g76c6351-1
in repository pandas.

        at  ce6858e   (tag)
   tagging  c91f6d1f62d02a65af78651f61f8db9a62c58b1b (commit)
  replaces  debian/0.8.0_b2+git68-g7240b87-1
 tagged by  Yaroslav Halchenko
        on  Wed Jun 27 14:02:27 2012 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Debian release 0.8.0~rc2+git26-g76c6351-1
Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)


Chang She (20):
      BUG: sub-second plotting was not working
      DOC: example for plotting on secondary y-axis
      ENH: freqstr with offset #1184
      ENH: option to disable empty string conversion to NaN in file readers
      BUG: HDFStore converting all to datetime64 #1520
      TST: use _check_roundtrip
      ENH: retain Series names when constructing DataFrame from list of Series #1494
      BUG/TST: plot irregular and reg freq on same subplot
      BUG: plot mixed frequencies #1517
      ENH: handle weekly resampling via daily
      ENH: column aliases for to_csv/to_excel #921
      overload header keyword instead of extra col_aliases keyword
      BUG: timedelta.total_seconds only in 2.7 and 3.2
      BUG: DataFrame plotting with inferred freq
      BUG: plotting DataFrame with freq with offset
      BUG: workaround vstack/concat bug in numpy 1.6 #1518
      ENH: handle datetime.date in Period constructor
      ENH: register converters with matplotlib for better datetime convesion
      BUG: incorrect tick label positions #1531 (zooming is still wrong)
      BUG/TST: typo caused read_csv to lose index name #1536

Skipper Seabold (1):
      ENH: Add raise on conflict keyword to update

Wes McKinney (19):
      BUG: minimal out of bounds checking on future/past timestamps, gotcha docs, pre-1900 repr
      BUG: nanosecond out-of-bounds checking in array conversions. close #1475
      DOC: finish updating release notes
      RLS: 0.8.0 what's new docs
      BUG: DataFrame constructor regression with dict of tuples close #1491
      BUG: don't accidentally upcast values in DataFrame.itertuples, close #1505
      BUG: revert to circle marker for markers not in matplotlib < 1.1. close #1484
      BUG: clean NAs in DataFrame.boxplot, close #1506
      BUG: fix NumPy 1.7 cast-to-bool failure and buglet
      BUG: preserve index names in MultiIndex.drop, close #1513
      RLS: 0.8.0 release candidate 1
      BUG: fix failure in grouped boxplot causing docs bug. push rc number to 2
      DOC: release notes
      DOC: release notes re: #921
      DOC: release notes
      ENH: experimental lreshape function
      DOC: lreshape docstring, release note
      BUG: repr of pre-1900 datetime64 values in a DataFrame column close #1518
      DOC: small doc for #1450

Wouter Overmeire (3):
      ENH: Add sharex and sharey to DataFrame.hist()
      DOC: Fix typo.
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pydata/pandas

Yaroslav Halchenko (4):
      Merge commit 'v0.8.0rc2-26-g76c6351' into debian-0.8
      updated changelog revision
      updated cythonized version


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/pandas.git

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