[pandas] annotated tag v0.10.0b1 created (now 4d4d39a)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 15:20:11 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag v0.10.0b1
in repository pandas.

        at  4d4d39a   (tag)
   tagging  78ce0ce8baef9c66bbee77083c0d12a47d5e294f (commit)
  replaces  v0.9.1
 tagged by  Wes McKinney
        on  Tue Dec 11 18:45:40 2012 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.10.0 beta 1

A. Flaxman (1):
      BUG: DataFrame.filter(like=*) should treat non-string values as strings (issue #2464)

Abraham Flaxman (18):
      ENH: add percentile_width to describe method in series and dataframe
      merge, resolve conflicts
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pydata/pandas
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pydata/pandas
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pydata/pandas
      Merge remote branch 'origin/master'
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pydata/pandas
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pydata/pandas
      DOC: update docstring for DataFrame.to_csv
      TST: add test for to_csv/from_csv inf and nan roundtrip
      ENH: allow to_csv to save nans and infs
      BUG: in maybe_convert_numeric, if you've seen an 'inf', you've seen a float
      TST: check for -inf dtype as well as +inf
      BUG: 0/0 and nan/0 should equal nan
      ENH: make None/NaN different from INF/-INF (GH #1919)
      ENH: special option for writing infs in csvs no longer needed
      ENH: add method use_inf_as_null to core.common (GH #1919)
      DOC: update docs about null/missing values

Adam Obeng (4):
      Added test for specifying line terminators in frame
      Another test for DataFrame.to_csv: the default line terminator should remain \n
      In DataFrame.to_csv tests, added leading commas to test cases
      Added line_terminator parameter to DataFrame.to_csv

Chang She (87):
      BUG: diff breaks for neg periods #2266
      ENH: integrate grouped histogram #2186
      ENH: google analytics integration using oauth2
      Merge pull request #2048 from arsenovic/fix-io.sql.keyword_in_column_names-bug
      TST: test case for Block.repr with unicode items #2256
      DOC: clarify pd.concat docs regarding ignore_index parameter #2003
      ENH: inplace for DataFrame.sortlevel #1873
      DOC: clarification on Series.apply #1910
      BUG: loses nano precision when converting Timestamp objects #2252
      CLN: use is_timestamp instead of isinstance
      ENH: Enable DataFrame to accept scalar constructor values like Series #1856
      ENH: pivot annual hourly #2183
      TST: tweak test case for pivot_annual
      BUG: dtype=object should stop conversion from object in frame constructor #2255
      CLN: put new kwd at the end
      BUG: groupby first/last datetime64 for Series #2133
      ENH: DataFrame.from_records takes iterator #1794
      BUG: remove asserts from core #2288
      BUG: reversed assert condition on a check in frame
      Get rid of newline. Triggering Travis
      BUG: PeriodIndex as DataFrame column should box to Periods #2243 #2281
      VB: set PeriodIndex as DataFrame column
      ENH: tweaks to Series.where #2337
      BUG: Series.where always inplace
      BUG: tz-awareness for DatetimeIndex.normalize #2338
      API: deprecate broadcasting TimeSeries across datetime indexed DataFrame index by default #2304
      TST: better suppress deprecation warnings
      BUG: allow integer dtypes in pivot_annual #2019
      DOC tweaks and better deprecation message for DataFrame #2304 #2337
      ENH: min_periods for corr/cov #2002 and TST tweak to use better sys.stderr idiom 5645be2
      ENH: normalize for asfreq #2137
      ENH: small tweaks to sparse series/frame constructors #2322
      DOC: resolve merge conflicts in RELEASE.rst
      BUG: series comp non-object dtype does not raise error on diff length
      tweak Series comparison so type check doesn't have to be done more than once
      BUG: fix cython bug in windows handling nanoseconds
      BUG: tools.parse_time_string does not parse intraday strings correctly #2306
      ENH: partial date slicing for day, hour, and minute resolutions #2306
      BUG: figsize and title for plotting xy columns #2342
      BUG: intercept NumPy median in groupby #1989. Also some doc fixes
      ENH: density property for SparseSeries #2384
      BUG: DatetimeIndex.to_period buggy with tz #2232
      subsume plib.pyx into datetime.pyx and got rid of _period extension
      BUG: optionally import xlwt
      Excel tweaks to handle PeriodIndex and split test cases #2370 #2294 #2395
      ENH: centered moving window functions #1270
      ENH: centered moving windows for array input
      BUG: problems with qtconsole and _repr_html #2275
      TST: check whether a repr_html is based on max cols/rows faking a qtconsole
      API: fillna method argument should be None by default and raise on both value and method #2027
      API: fillna defaults to no method. Also add ffill and bfill as convenience functions #2027
      TST: add multiprocessing for ga tests and also limit dates requested
      Merge pull request #2283 from changhiskhan/google-analytics
      TST: make httplib2 optional import for google analytics test case
      TST: script for splitting test suite over processes
      BUG: indexing a DataFrame with MultiIndex through .ix[index, col] with unsorted index #2314
      TST: multiprocessing tests
      TST: skip test if no xlwt or openpyxl
      API: change resample to infer correct closed and label value by default #2363
      BUG: failure if to_html gets index formatters
      BUG: specify formatters for the index
      TST: more tests for resample closed and label inference
      Merge pull request #2409 from changhiskhan/index-format
      TST: py3compat for bom parser test case
      ENH: better printing for wide DataFrames
      TST/ENH: tweaks for wide frame repr
      TST: test cases for wide DataFrame repr
      BUG: to_datetime on single string returns today month and day by defaultl
      ENH: value_vars for melt
      ENH: args for strip/lstrip/rstrip #2411
      BUG: Series.tolist override for datetime64 #2447
      BUG: get rid of offending user-access-control specification in setup.py
      BUG: mixed frequency alignment bug due to PeriodIndex.asfreq defaults #2448
      TST/ENH: finish implementing centered moving window functions from scikits.timeseries
      TST: tweak test case to not skip unnecessarily
      TST: add scikits.timeseries to travis
      TST: remove scikits.timeseries from Travis
      More informative error message if no scipy
      BUG: DatetimeIndex.append does not preserve timezone #2260
      BUG: DataFrame.reset_index loses timezone information
      BUG: asobject if appending dti and non-dti or mixed naive and aware dti
      BUG: empty frame.apply with func that fails on empty series #2476
      BUG: Timestamp.to_datetime fails with tzoffset objects #2471
      CMP: backport Counter for Python 2.6 compat
      DOC: add remaining 0.10 issues to RELEASE.rst
      DOC: wide repr example for release notes

Chris Mulligan (1):
      ENH: add encoding/decoding error handling

Dieter Vandenbussche (1):
      Fix issue compiling with MSVC9

Donald Curtis (1):
      ENH: Support conversions on datetime columns

Jay Bourque (1):
      Fix EOF issue

Jeff Reback (17):
      Panel4D is like a Panel object, but provides 4 dimensions: labels, items, major_axis, minor_axis
      fixed file modes
      update 0.9.1 whatsnew to add where/mask commentary
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/pydata/pandas into panelnd
      added tests file for panelnd in pandas/tests/test_panelnd.py
      add where and mask methods to Series. where returns a series evaluated for the cond with a shape like the original
      updated docs for indexing to incorporate where and mask
      changes to HDFStore:
      testing for PyTables 2.3 was incorrect (for allowing indexing support); added test to catch
      Refactor of PyTables support to allow multiple table types.
      doc updates:
      minor doc changes to reflect v4
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/jreback/pandas into pytablesv4
      Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/pydata/pandas into pytablesv4
      update v0.10.0 whatsnew docs for PyTables Table features
      updated whatsnew with list of bugs/enhancements for pytablesv4
      Panel4D is like a Panel object, but provides 4 dimensions: labels, items, major_axis, minor_axis

Keith Hughitt (11):
      Added support for specifying colors to use with parallel_plot
      Clarified input for colors kwarg
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pydata/pandas
      Added test case for parallel plots colors param; added support for specifying colors list as tuple or list
      Added support for specifying colors to use with parallel_plot
      Clarified input for colors kwarg
      Added test case for parallel plots colors param; added support for specifying colors list as tuple or list
      Added use_columns kwargs to parallel_plot to enable use of columns as xticks (allows for non-uniform scaling)
      Added support for passing xticks into parallel_plot()
      Expanded on parallel_plot() docstring
      Added tests for parallel_plot() use_columns and xticks kwargs

Ken Van Haren (1):
      Make sparse frame and series construction more efficient.

Laurent Gautier (1):
      Update doc/source/r_interface.rst

Luke Lee (1):
      Update gotchas.rst with discussion of issue 2388

Wes McKinney (224):
      ENH: getting started on new C file parser engine
      add rows.c
      ENH: preliminary Cython code and test type conversion
      ENH: making some more progress. string factorization conversion
      ENH: int parsing, etc.
      ENH: add basic converter application
      ENH: assigning NA values during type conversions
      REF: reorg/cleanup parser C files
      BLD: add conversions.c file
      ENH: structured array conversion and support code
      BUG: fix memory leak in building structured array
      ENH: hack in thousands support. untabify
      ENH: adding option to skip (and maybe warn about) bad lines
      BLD: add str_to.c
      ENH: fix segfaulting issue in to_boolean, start on header parsing support etc.
      add gitignore for parser
      REF: remove cruft
      Merge branch 'master' into c-parser
      ENH: refactor to high/low mem functions, consume_rows functions
      REF: major parser refactoring to be able to support C and Python parser engines
      TST: refactor parser tests to be able to swap out engine globally
      REF: more refactoring.  checkpoint to debug something
      REF: index_col is always a list
      ENH: a bit more progress for today
      ENH: more extensive refactoring to get new parser engine integrated / working
      TST: disable some more tests. making some progress on the test suite passing
      ENH: more refactoring and sharing of (some still spaghettified) code
      BUG: parser test suite passing, still another couple failers
      BUG: fix build on python 2.x (hopefully) and remaining test failures
      ENH/BUG: filter NAs in single pass. fix out-of-bounds write in to_boolean
      ENH: enable downcasting int64 to int types that fit
      BLD: compiles on python 3 at least
      ENH: buffer trimming / memory cleanup. debug consume_rows functions
      ENH: shell of read_low_memory
      BUG: tokenization error reporting, work on parameter hell simplification
      REF: more argument hell for sanity refactoriing
      ENH: tokenize no more lines than requested; enable stopping mid-chunk. test suite passing
      ENH: use low_memory by default. fixes
      DOC: sublicense parser-tokenizer code
      DOC: sublicense parser-tokenizer cython code
      RLS: remove license language
      Merged master into c-parser
      BUG: hack to disable type conversions for columns to be converted to strings
      BLD: cleanup compiler warnings
      ENH: dtype specification with dict or string/dtype
      ENH: add usecols argument a la loadtxt/genfromtxt
      ENH: unicode decoding support in C parser
      REF: some bytes/unicode refactoring toward python 3
      REF: accept any object with read(size) method in c-parser
      ENH: no buffering
      TST: more unicode stuff. test suite passing on 2 and 3 now
      REF: refactor parser IO to callback structure. tests pass
      ENH: add gzip/bz2 decompression. tweak buffer_lines heuristic
      BLD: c-parser branch fixes for win32 platforms
      MRG: fix merge conflicts and build issues
      BLD: remaining build/merge issues from master into c-parser
      REF: fix c-parser according to api decisions in master
      Merge c-parser branch
      RLS: bump version to 0.9.2dev
      BUG: handle IO callback failure from read(...). close #2071
      BLD: get C parser working with MSVC. cleanup
      BUG: byte string on python 3
      BUG: skip offending test on python 3 altogether
      BUG: fix borked data-copying iteritems performance affecting DataFrame and SparseDataFrame. close #2273
      DOC: release notes
      TST: don't use assertRaises as context manager
      BLD: fix build after renaming files to tokenizer*
      TST: add unit test for skipinitialspace with na values. close #2208
      TST: unit test on boolean parsing to close #2090
      BUG: fix conflict between passed names, usecols, header options. note API breakage from <= 0.9.1. close #2270
      BUG: datetime64 boxing when retrieving DataFrame cross-section. close #2272
      BUG: use more platform-robust fp check. close #2280
      BUG: fix concatenate bug causing #2057, but obscured by omitted asserts. close #2057
      TST: validate #2257 fixed by 19dc284
      BUG: fix issues with \r-delimited files in C tokenization code. close #2296
      BUG: fix python3 issues
      BLD: make xstrtod not inline
      BUG: resolve memory use problems in unstack for potentially very large key spaces. close #2278
      TST: modify vbench test so it won't run out of memory
      Merge remote branch 'y-p/cln_25'
      TST: unit test for #2329
      ENH: micro perf tweaks to speed up DataFrame constructor, unit testing
      BUG: raise exception when calling Series.reset_index with inplace=True. close #2277
      ENH: accelerate label compression. accept >= 10 micros in test_perf
      ENH/BUG: setting multiple columns via hierarchical idnexing. close #2295
      Merge remote branch 'chang/frame-dtype'
      BUG: DatetimeIndex.join tz-aware issue with how='outer'. close #2317
      BUG: support duplicate columns in DataFrame.from_records. close #2179
      BUG: fix segfault in boolean parsing. consistent upcasting in C/Python parser. close #2348
      TST: reduce memory usage of vbenchmarks
      BUG: Series footer formatting when name field is not 'True'
      BLD: make more tokenizer functions static
      BUG: fix pernicious memory usage problem in SparseDataFrame constructor. close #2350
      BLD: remove offending overflowing constants. close #2341
      BUG: default_index creates int64 even in i32-native platforms
      Merge remote branch 'y-p/fix_pop_with_dupe_columns'
      ENH: vectorize lib.date_normalize re: #2338
      ENH: use Vector classes in hash tables. attempt to fix clang build issues #2188
      RLS: bump dev version to 0.10.0
      BUG: fix #2299?
      ENH: return DataFrame if Series.apply function returns Series. close #2316
      ENH: micro optimizations in Index.__new__
      TST: vbench for Index.__new__
      ENH: streamline factorization, don't compute counts array. speed up groupby
      BUG: route warning messages from tokenizer to sys.stderr. close #2361
      TST: make travis run all 'not slow' unit tests
      BLD: remove static declaration
      BUG: don't use kvec because numpy may use private heap
      BUG: 32-bit index array issue
      Merge y-p/unicode__ #2224
      TST: test for #2225
      PERF: performance regression in unioning multiple DatetimeIndex objects. #2336
      Merge remote branch 'y-p/config_module'
      ENH: be more careful about performance in list conversion when passed to _ensure_index. per #2336
      TST: convert to array first before vbench
      PERF: fix iteritems performance regression in unique case. #2336
      ENH: more flexibility in parser dtype specification. close #1858
      BUG: don't let dateutil do weird stuff with empty strings. close #2263
      ENH: handle comments in C tokenizer. add synthetic vbenchmark. close #1204
      BUG: prevent uint64->int64 casting overflows. close #2355
      BUG: enable joins to work between multiindex and non-multi. close #2024
      ENH: add duplicated/drop_duplicates functions to Series. close #1923
      BUG: fix time zone handling in union between non-overlapping DatetimeIndex. close #2367
      BUG: raise OverflowError on integer values exceeding int64 precision in parsers. close #2247
      TST: make sort default to False in merge
      ENH: configurability of boolean value indicators. true_values/false_values arguments to read_csv/table. close #2360
      BUG: fix python 3.2 bytes issue
      Merge PR #2371
      BUG: fix pre-PyTables 2.3.1 issues
      Merge remote branch 'locojay/excelfancy'
      ENH: rename index_labels to index_names. #2370
      STY: pep8 line lengths
      Merge remote branch 'y-p/fix_col_space'
      RLS: release notes
      BUG: fix some usecols use cases. better error handling
      REF: reorganizing cython code. sharing ext types still not working
      BLD: pandas imports. lot of stuff still broken though
      TST: test suite passes\!
      BLD: fix group_median
      REF: more consolidation, cleanup
      TST: improve DataFrame.to_string perf. add vbenchmark. close #2399
      DOC: release notes
      BLD: trim now missing pyx files from dependencies
      ENH: handle fractional seconds when parsing multiple datetime components. close #2209
      TST: move excel tests to one test module. speed up unit tests
      TST: don't parallelize hdfstore tests
      BLD: fix setup.py on py3 and py3-compatible relative imports
      TST: fix python3.3 build issues (on linux at least) #2331
      Merge remote branch 'y-p/deprec_print'
      DOC: release notes
      DOC: release notes
      BUG: assigning multiple columns in a hierarchically indexed DataFrame. close #1803
      BUG: fix failing vbenchmarks #2404
      Merge PR #2050
      ENH: move cython code from PR #2050 to pandas/lib.pyx
      BUG: fix other vbench failures #2404
      BLD: add user-access-control option to setup.py. close #2345
      Merge PR #2369
      BUG: use tslib instead of lib
      ENH: some cython type checking tweaks and a vbench
      TST: unit test to try to replicate #2298
      TST: test tabs, too
      BUG: pass StringIO to private dateutil method to satisfy dateutil 2.1
      TST: fix file modes
      BUG: skip scipy-depending test if not installed
      ENH: start working toward refactor for fast apply
      ENH: more refactoring. add consolidation checks to speed up concatenation
      BLD: remove breaking user-access-control
      ENH: reduce groupby.apply overhead by internal DataFrame manipulation. close #535
      BUG: handle non-existent files in parser. close #2428
      BUG: fix utf-16 handling re: #2418, #2298
      BUG: move utf8 recoding elsewhere, add test case to deal with #2298
      BLD: add .txt data files in pandas.io.tests
      BLD: user-access-control again in bdist_wininst
      Merge remote branch 'chang/resample-interval'
      DOC: release notes
      Merge PR #2407
      TST: remove some unused imports. add vbench for dataframe column insertion
      BUG: dateutil.tz.tzoffset tzname formatting fails with dateutil 2.1. close #2443
      DOC: update dependency lists. close #2406
      BUG: fix python3 test failures
      BUG: make GroupBy.apply work properly with TimeGrouper. close #2300
      BUG: get_level_values should return Index to avoid boxing issues. close #2449
      BUG: don't convert object->datetime64 when calling DataFrame.apply. close #2374
      ENH: missing trailing fields become NA, and tested to verify that's the case. close #2430
      BUG: don't allow to_panel to succeed if index is not unique. close #2441
      Merge PR #2436, wide DataFrame repr
      ENH: make expand_frame_repr true by default, change max cols/rows default options per #2436
      BUG: user-access-control should be user_options and not options
      TST: unit test to close #2453
      REF: Series inplace methods return None. #1893
      REF: DataFrame inplace methods return None also. #1893
      DOC: release note re: #1893
      REF: remove unnecessary int cast
      Merge remote branch 'y-p/2455'
      BUG: don't put backslash in DataFrame repr when only 1 group of columns
      DOC: release notes for C parser. close #2462
      ENH: expose decimal option in new parser in read_* functions. close #2466
      DOC: update parser docstrings and io.rst about  api change. close #2459
      TST: unit test to verify #2396 fixed
      API: add prefix option to parsers for default column names. make default column names consistent with range(n) DataFrame constructor behavior. close #2034
      ENH: add tokenizer that can handle custom length-1 line terminators. close #2457
      TST: python 3 fixes
      BUG: fix usecols case when passing names and usecols relative to passed names. close #2465
      ENH: convert to TimeSeries when setting a DatetimeIndex. close #2139
      TST: skip compression tests if either gzip/bz2 not built with user's python. close #2424
      DOC: release notes
      Merge PR #2398
      DOC: release notes
      TST: unicode columns in filter(like=...) #2467
      BUG: don't segfault in tokenizer cleanup if initializing file reader failed. close #2474
      ENH: index_col=False disables first column -> index. fixes FEC parsing problem. close #2442
      BLD: include licenses directory
      ENH: improve value_counts performance on non-integer data. close #2480
      DOC: work on api changes in what's new page
      DOC: parser improvements
      BUG: fix long column wide repr formatting bug (final columns omitted)
      DOC: escape character / more parser docs
      DOC: document frame - timeseries API change
      Merge remote branch 'y-p/pprint_escaping'
      BUG: fix mixed-type concatenation panel4d test
      Merge PR #2287
      BUG: more helpful error when sorting by duplicate column. close #2488
      RLS: 0.10.0 beta 1

alex arsenovic (1):
      fix sql keywords in columns name bug

jreback (20):
      update RELEAST.rst for v0.10.0 for HDFStore changes
      added a min_itemsize example to the docs
      support hierarchial path-name like keys in stores (e.g. foo/bar/bah)
      store.keys() now returns the ABSOLUTE path-name of the sub-stores (e.g always has a leading '/')
      support a non-none where that is empty in removals (e.g. where = [])
      added test for trying to write to legacy_tables (which now fails correctly)
      added docs for Panel4D/panelnd
      minor refactor of panel4d to use factory methods from panelnd
      added back unicode printing in __str__ for panel
      added boolean comparison methods to panel
      add tests for align in comparison ops (we don't have align yet, so raise!)
      failing on __neg__ and __invert__ (only for a sparse panel); was wrapping array, now -1 * self
      added p4d comparison tests
      whitespace errors in docs fixed
      typos in io.rst
      BUG: create correctly named indexables in HDFStore Tables
      not cdefing an index variable!
      ENH: pytables support for Panel4D Tables (AppendableNDimTable)
      merge tests for panel_4d - mixed_type is failing (others ok)
      ENH: minor code refactoring to support sub-classes better

locojaydev (14):
      excel format
      excel format
      excel format
      adding na_repl, cols argument to excel formatter
      adding float_format to ExcelFormatter
      Merge branch 'master' into excelfancy
      excelformatter handles multiindex, aliases
      hadling all attributes
      reader bug fix (colnames was None.1,....), datetime hadling, period
      adding styling test
      adding argument has index_labels  to excel reader to handle index_labels not in the same row as columnnames
      write index labels in same row as columns
      large files
      test fix

y-p (108):
      TST: pprint_thing should escape embedded tabs
      ENH: pprint_thing will escape embedded tabs in returned string #2038
      ENH: unicode tweaks to Block.repr
      DOC: update docstring of get_indexer
      CLN: frame._convert_object_array now uses com._default_index for uniformity
      CLN: remove next() shim for python 2.5
      CLN: remove with_statment import for python 2.5
      CLN: drop py25 from tox ini files
      TST: df.to_string() should respect self.col_space
      BUG: df.to_string() should respect self.col_space, #1000
      TST: df.to_html() should respect col_space argument
      BUG: df.to_html() should respect col_space argument. #1000
      DOC: change definition of col_space.
      TST: series tidy_repr with unicode data values
      ENH: Series tidy_repr should use pprint_thing and console_encode #2225
      ENH: to_string() and to_str_columns() should return unicode, deprecate force_unicode #2225
      ENH: convert more internal string processing to unicode, SeriesFormatter, Index.format, etc'
      DOC: add note about formatters needing to return unicode (if returning strings)
      TST: str(x)/unicode(x),bytes(x)/str(x) should always work if x is a df/series containing unicode
      ENH: py2/py3 support for str(x)/unicode(x) and bytes(x)/str(x) for series,df,panel
      TST: str(x)/unicode(x),bytes(x)/str(x) should always work for Index,MultiIndex
      ENH: py2/py3 support for str(x)/unicode(x) and bytes(x)/str(x) for Index,MultiIndex
      TST: Repr of large Index should print a summarized version
      BUG: Repr of large Index should print a summarized version #2319
      BUG: remove duplicate vbench test `series_align_int64_index_binop`
      ENH: Add test_perf.sh, make vbench dead easy.
      VB: add test for iteritems performance
      TST: combining frame with empty frame still unions index
      BUG: combining frame with empty frame still unions index. #2307
      TST: df.pop() of non-unique column
      ENH: add com.split_ranges util function
      TST: add tests for com.split_ranges()
      BUG: deletion of non-unique column. closes #2347
      TST: split_block_at() after changes
      DOC: docstring of Index.get_loc, clarify return type
      ENH: add command line arguments to test_perf
      ENH: test_perf fixes to repo parsing
      ENH: Make `pprint_nest_depth` settable via print_setoptions, update docstring.
      ENH: Add core.config module for managing package-wide configurables
      ENH: Add new core.config API functions to the pandas top level module
      ENH: Migrate print_config usage to use core.config, register options on pkg load
      TST: Add tests/test_config.py for new core.config module
      CLN: remove endianess specifier in test_from_M8_structured. #2318
      BUG: fix array endianess in test_fperr_robustness if needed. #2318
      CLN: more test_perf cleanups
      ENH: add py2.6 compatible OrderedDict shim in utilcompat
      BUG: hash random. in 3.3 exposed reliance on dict traversal order. #2331
      BLD: temporary workaround for travis numpy/py3 woes
      Merge pull request #2365 from y-p/travis-fix
      DOC: mention new options API in whatsnew 0.10.0
      Merge pull request #2372 from y-p/doc_fix
      BLD: add travis 3.3 environment, allow fail for now
      VB: add tool to measure per benchmark memory consumption (experimental)
      BLD: add vbench based util for benchmarking the current head into a gist
      BLD: add a 2.7 vbench build to the travis build matrix
      BLD: fix travis.yml, print is a function in 3.x
      Merge pull request #2375 from y-p/fix1
      BLD: modify travis to install numpy 1.6.2+fixes on py3
      Merge pull request #2378 from y-p/fix1
      DOC: pytables what's new tweaks.
      Merge pull request #2389 from y-p/doc_fix
      ENH: enhance useability of options API
      TST: "x in ix" fails for dupe keys in DatetimeIndex
      BUG: "x in ix" fails for dupe keys in DatetimeIndex
      CLN: remove random.seed() call
      BLD: add xlrd, openpyxl installation to travis build
      CLN: add deprecation warning to set_printoptions, reset_printoptions
      BUG: py3.3 returns False, not TypeError datetime==datetime+tz #2331
      ENH: dynamic docstrings for options API
      DOC: document change of to_string() to return unicode
      DOC: add openpyxl, xlrd/xlwt as optional dependencies to README
      CLN: rename "print_config.X" to "print.X"
      TST: ignore FutureWarning in core.format
      TST: use unique filenames in tests for (test_multi)
      TST: clear more FutureWarnings from test suite
      BUG: specify 'strict' parsing in csv.reader #2331
      DOC: cleanup ipython fragment in 0.10.0.txt
      DOC: Improve error message for pd.reset_option
      DOC: document new 'options API' functions.
      DOC: update descriptions of print.X options
      DOC: update RELEASE.rst
      DOC: update RELEASE.rst
      DOC: update RELEASE.rst
      TST: use integer division operator for 3.3
      TST: fix bytes/text issue in py3 failing test
      TST: really fix bytes/text issue in py3 failing test
      TST: init df attributes ._is_consolidated, ._known_consolidated after un-pickle #2431
      BUG: init df attributes ._is_consolidated, ._known_consolidated after un-pickle #2431
      BLD: New build matrix for Travis
      CLN: remove "digits" option, introduced by mistake in move to core.config #2422
      DOC: remove note about future addition of DatetimeIndex
      ENH: Add batteries-included index and DataFrame generators to tm
      BLD: update setup.py numpy version deps for python3
      BLD: allow numpy 1.7.0b2 for py3.3
      TST: DataFrame ctor should respect col order when given OrderedDict
      BUG: DataFrame ctor should respect col order when given OrderedDict #2455
      DOC: update RELEASE.rst
      BUG: further hash randomization fixes in test_groupby
      BUG: fix 1D index in tm.makeCustomIndex
      ENH: try to detect encoding via sys.stdout first, then sys.stdin
      DOC: update RELEASE.rst
      hemstring Excel functionality until sorted out
      DOC: fix ipython examples after  changes
      TST: more escaping in com.pprint_thing()
      TST: eliminate more random.seed calls
      BLD: add statsmodels to travis FULL_DEPS build
      CLN: make sure test_excel cleans up files after test
      ENH: more escaping in com.pprint_thing()

zach powers (1):
      added an example of boolean selection using OR


No new revisions were added by this update.

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