[pandas] annotated tag v0.14.1 created (now d32e035)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 15:20:18 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag v0.14.1
in repository pandas.

        at  d32e035   (tag)
   tagging  d839555f5e080a981ce5faf89b4df7dfe0924541 (commit)
  replaces  v0.14.0
 tagged by  jreback
        on  Thu Jul 10 19:46:19 2014 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.14.1

Andrew Rosenfeld (1):
      BUG: xlim on plots with shared axes (GH2960, GH3490)

Andy Hayden (9):
      Merge pull request #7298 from matthew-brett/fix-dict-complex-failures
      Merge pull request #7296 from clham/CompatScipy
      Update CONTRIBUTING.md
      FIX resample with fill_method and how #2073
      DOC add blanklines to release to reduce merge conflicts
      Merge pull request #7393 from cpcloud/groupby-max-fix-6346
      FIX value_counts should skip NaT #7423
      ENH dropna for value counts, fix tests for NaT
      DOC add value_counts dropna to release notes

Benjamin Adams (2):
      Added properly functioning case insensitive match without regex
      Documentation for str_contains bug in changelog

Benjamin M. Gross (1):
      TST: tests for Index.insert to validate neg/pos indexers (GH7256)

Brian Quistorff (1):
      BUG: add fix for opening zero observation dta files

Brian Wignall (2):
      CLN: Fix typo
      CLN/DEPR: Fix instances of 'U'/'rU' in open(...)

DSM (3):
      BUG: copy certain interpolate arguments to ensure we can write to them;
      Fix indentation: switch to four spaces. (GH6643)
      Switch if to elif in test_frame.test_to_csv_moar._do_test

Daniel Waeber (1):
      BUG StringMethods on empty series (GH7242)

David Bew (6):
      ENH: Add dateutil timezone support GH4688
      TST7337: Try to resolve windows test failures.
      TST7337: Disallow use of dateutil tzfile objects whose filename contains '.tar.gz'.
      TST7337: Fix test failures on windows.
      Add test for conversion between dateutil.tz.tzutc() and dateutil.tz.gettz('UTC')
      Fix cache key collision and add test for cache key distinctness.

David Stephens (10):
      TST: Changed the error raised by no tables in data.io.Options
      ENH: Added method to pandas.data.Options to download all option data for a ticker.
      DOC: Clean up docs for io.data.Options.
      DOC: Fix index error for remote data docs.
      TST: io.data.Options changes to avoid test failures on bad data.
      TST: Remove else after except in tests for io.data.Options.
      TST: Change nose.SkipTest to raise nose.SkipTest for io.data.Options.
      TST/CLN: Refactor io.data.options class to improve testing
      BUG: Test for underlying price before reducing data
      BUG: Fix conditional for underlying price in io.data.options.

Jacob Schaer (1):
      Removing Python2.6 CI dependencies to test import failures

Jan Schulz (1):
      TST: Add TestCase.assert_numpy_array_equivalent(..) and docstrings

John David Reaver (1):
      DOC: fix docstring for DataFrame.interpolate

John W. O'Brien (1):
      DOC: Use correct, non-deprecated arg name

Joris Van den Bossche (35):
      Update workflow on documenting changes
      Merge pull request #7305 from bwignall/pandas-cap
      BUG: fix read_sql delegation for queries without select statement (GH7324)
      Merge pull request #7326 from jorisvandenbossche/sql-delegation
      Merge pull request #7417 from clham/7413
      FIX integer column names for older sqlalchemy version GH6340, GH7330
      Merge pull request #7456 from jorisvandenbossche/sql-fix7330
      DOC: fix docstring of value_counts/nunique dropna argument after GH7424
      Merge pull request #7489 from sanguineturtle/master
      Merge pull request #7495 from dstephens99/master
      Merge pull request #7521 from dsm054/fix-startrow-typo
      Merge pull request #7545 from neirbowj/frame_to_excel_docstring
      Merge pull request #7556 from onesandzeroes/expand-grid
      SQL: don't reflect full database GH7396
      Merge pull request #7613 from jd/master
      FIX: don't create 32 bit int type for int64 column (GH7433)
      DOC: small doc build fixes
      Merge pull request #7635 from jorisvandenbossche/doc-fixes1
      Merge pull request #7669 from lexual/docs_use_display_width
      Merge pull request #7634 from jorisvandenbossche/sql-int64
      Merge pull request #7581 from jorisvandenbossche/sql-reflect-database
      Merge pull request #7391 from sinhrks/subplotax
      DOC: better format of option descriptions
      Merge pull request #7578 from clham/6838_set_option_doc
      Merge pull request #7674 from jorisvandenbossche/doc-options-docstringwidth
      Merge pull request #7678 from yelite/sql-bool-bug-fix
      Merge pull request #7483 from jorisvandenbossche/fix-doxstring-valuecounts
      Merge pull request #7698 from mortada/df_table
      DOC: fix non-ascii character (from #7698)
      DOC: fix doc build warnings
      Merge pull request #7713 from jorisvandenbossche/doc-fixes3
      DOC: fix problem with part of code example cut off
      SQL: suppress warning for BIGINT with sqlite and sqlalchemy<0.8.2 (GH7433)
      DOC: clean up 0.14.1 whatsnew file
      Merge pull request #7714 from jorisvandenbossche/doc-release

Julien Danjou (1):
      Fix typo in documentation

K.-Michael Aye (1):
      ENH: Adding a NotImplementedError for simultaneous use of nrows and chunksize.

Kevin Sheppard (2):
      FIX: Enable fixed width strings to be read from Stata 13 (117) files
      FIX: Stata writer no longer ignores encoding when writing strings

Kyle Meyer (1):
      DOC: Fix parameter in reindex_axis docstring

Matt Wittmann (1):
      ENH: look for index columns in row after header

Matthew Brett (1):
      TST: fix intermittent dict_complex test failures

Michael Mueller (1):
      Squashed commit of the following:

Mortada Mehyar (1):
      DOC: table keyword missing in the docstring for Series.plot() and DataFrame.plot()

Phillip Cloud (54):
      BUG: do not remove temporaries from eval/query scope
      Merge pull request #7303 from cpcloud/eval-local-string-fix-7300
      BUG: allow dup indexing with Float64Index
      Merge pull request #7149 from cpcloud/float64index-dup-fix-7143
      TST/ERR: raise a ValueError at runtime for incompatible versions of openpyxl
      Merge pull request #7285 from cpcloud/openpyxl-format-string-fix-7284
      BUG: BoolBlock shouldn't replace truthy values
      ENH/TST: add anonymous reading of s3 for public buckets
      Merge pull request #7304 from cpcloud/fix-replace-bool-yet-again-7140
      BUG/TST: should skip openpyxl before testing version compat
      Merge pull request #7281 from cpcloud/public-s3-7246
      Merge pull request #7311 from cpcloud/openpyxl-format-string-fix-7284
      BUG: single group series should preserve group name
      Merge pull request #7313 from cpcloud/fix-single-group-extract
      BUG: do not check that val != val and not equal inf/-inf since by def val not eq val is nan
      Merge pull request #7315 from cpcloud/fix-dropna-with-inf-7314
      BUG: union should not try to sort inplace because platform impls differ as to when sorting occurs for objects that cannot be compared
      Merge pull request #5266 from cpcloud/index-fix-sort-union-5039
      BUG: already mixed indexes should not sort
      UNI/HTML: add encoding argument to read_html
      Merge pull request #7323 from cpcloud/html-encoding
      Merge pull request #7341 from cpcloud/hayd-gh2073
      Merge pull request #7327 from cpcloud/fix-unorderables-mixed-union
      BUG/REG: fix float64index -> mixed float assignment
      Merge pull request #7368 from cpcloud/fix-float-mixed
      Revert "BUG: DatetimeIndes.insert doesnt preserve name and tz"
      API: Period should return NotImplemented as per the Python doc
      Merge pull request #7379 from cpcloud/replace-no-match-7376
      TST/BUG: use BytesIO for Python 3.4 TestEncoding
      Merge pull request #7388 from cpcloud/master
      CLN/TST/BLD: clean up tox files [ci skip]
      Merge pull request #7389 from cpcloud/update-tox
      BUG/TST: test for groupby max nan subselection bug
      Merge pull request #7392 from dstephens99/OptionTests
      ENH: add nlargest/nsmallest to Series groupby
      Merge pull request #7356 from cpcloud/groupby-nlarg-smal-7053
      BUG: ix should return a Series for duplicate indices (GH7150)
      BUG/OUTPUT: fix repring of MI nat
      Merge pull request #7410 from cpcloud/nat-index-first-take-7406
      BUG/DTYPES: preserve bools in convert_objects
      Merge pull request #7416 from cpcloud/convert-bools-fix-7126
      BUG: astype(float) in Index does the wrong thing
      Merge pull request #7464 from cpcloud/float64index-bad-construction
      Merge pull request #7467 from helger/master
      TST: some yahoo options tests missing network decorator
      Merge pull request #7549 from cpcloud/fix-network-error-yahoo-options
      BUG: bug in float64index assignment with a non scalar indexer
      Merge pull request #7587 from cpcloud/float64index-assign-7586
      WIP: select_dtypes impl
      Merge pull request #7434 from cpcloud/with-types
      TST/REG/BUG: Make PeriodIndex work with Series objects
      Merge pull request #7712 from cpcloud/period-index-constructor
      DOC: docstring for PeriodIndex
      Merge pull request #7721 from cpcloud/period-index-docstring

Rob Levy (1):
      _sanitize_column now reports proper duplicate error

Schaer, Jacob C (1):
      Redesigned pandas.io.gbq to remove bq.py as a dependency for everything except unit testing. Minor API changes were also introduced.

Stephan Hoyer (2):
      DOC: Add how to calculate month-start to cookbook
      ENH: Cast ndarray-like datetime64 arrays to Index properly

Thomas Kluyver (2):
      Remove unused variable assignment
      Add notes deprecating in_ipnb and in_qtconsole

Todd Jennings (12):
      implement additional tests for groupby apply methods
      simplify groupby's std method
      add sem to nanops and pandas object apply methods
      add tests for nanops
      make nanops._maybe_null_out work with complex numbers ( issue #7353 )
      make nanops work when ndim==1 and axis==0 ( issue #7354 )
      support axis=None for nanmedian ( issue #7352 )
      Make nanops._has_infs work for additional dtypes and multidimensional arrays ( issue #7357 )
      nanops pep8 fixes
      should fix issue #7520, test_nanargmin fails with datetime64 objects
      additional common.is_*_dtype tests in core.common
      make better use of dtype tests in nanops

Tom Augspurger (1):
      Merge pull request #7159 from sinhrks/boxtest

TomAugspurger (1):
      BUG: quantile ignores axis kwarg

bwignall (2):
      CLN/DOC: Remove trailing whitespace from .rst files in doc folder
      CLN/DOC: Change instances of "Pandas" to "pandas" in documentation

clham (3):
      CLN/TST Remove compat.scipy
      DOC: update DF.as_matrix and DF.values.  Closes gh7413
      DOC: squash gh6838. Separate set_options from basics.rst

dsm054 (3):
      DOC: fix startrow typo in docstrings
      ENH: allow read_excel to accept URLs (GH6809)
      Remove executable flag from frame.py

helger (1):
      DOC: Add missing column header in 'baseball.csv'.

immerrr (2):
      ENH: change BlockManager pickle format to work with dup items
      PERF: optimize MultiIndex.from_product for large iterables

jaimefrio (1):
      BUG: Error in rolling_var if window is larger than array, fixes #7297

jreback (203):
      DOC: add whatsnew / release for 0.14.1
      Merge pull request #7279 from sinhrks/minmax
      Merge branch 'resampleex' of https://github.com/sinhrks/pandas into sinhrks-resampleex
      DOC: windows binaries are built against numpy 1.8.1
      Merge pull request #7290 from sinhrks/gh7289
      TST: missing import of nose in test_tseries.py
      Merge pull request #7302 from sinhrks/delete
      Merge pull request #7317 from bwignall/doc-trailingws
      DOC: cookbook addition
      Merge pull request #7318 from sinhrks/infer
      Merge pull request #7195 from sinhrks/easter
      BUG: Bug in broadcasting with .div, integer dtypes and divide-by-zero (GH7325)
      Merge pull request #7328 from jreback/div_error
      Merge branch 'custombd' of https://github.com/sinhrks/pandas into sinhrks-custombd
      Merge branch 'concattz' of https://github.com/sinhrks/pandas into sinhrks-concattz
      Merge pull request #6968 from ahlmss/AHLMSS_0.13.1_ahl1
      PERF: add dtype inference vbenches (GH7332)
      COMPAT: tests compat with current timezones (pytz) (GH7339)
      Merge pull request #7343 from jreback/tz
      TST: windows 32-bit test comparisons fixed
      Merge pull request #7342 from jreback/infer
      TST: windows 32-bit test comparisons fixed part 2
      Merge pull request #7133 from toddrjen/sem
      BUG: Bug in .loc with a list of indexers on a single-multi index level (that is not nested) (GH7349)
      Merge pull request #7350 from jreback/mi_index
      DOC: minor v0.14.1 editing
      Merge pull request #7320 from sinhrks/delete
      Merge branch 'tuple-fix' of https://github.com/onesandzeroes/pandas into onesandzeroes-tuple-fix
      Merge pull request #7299 from sinhrks/insert
      Merge pull request #7371 from sinhrks/infer_test
      CI: move 3.4 build to mainstream / move 3.2 to experimental
      Merge pull request #7402 from jreback/ix_series
      BUG: Bug in multi-index slicing with incomplete indexers (GH7399)
      BUG: Bug in multi-index slicing with a step in a sliced level (GH7400)
      Merge pull request #7404 from jreback/mi_indexing
      Merge pull request #7362 from ahlmss/windows_tests
      Merge pull request #7414 from ahlmss/tst7337_again
      Merge pull request #7427 from toddrjen/nantest
      Merge pull request #7386 from sinhrks/insert_fix
      PERF: Series.transform speedups (GH6496)
      TST: skip tests in test_nanops.py on older scipy (related GH7427)
      BUG: Bug in multi-index slicing with datetimelike ranges (strings and Timestamps), (GH7429)
      Merge pull request #7421 from jreback/transform_speed
      Merge pull request #7375 from sinhrks/offsets
      Merge pull request #7430 from jreback/mi_slicers
      Merge branch 'quantile-axis' of https://github.com/TomAugspurger/pandas into TomAugspurger-quantile-axis
      Merge pull request #7428 from toddrjen/nancomplex
      API: Improved inference of datetime/timedelta with mixed null objects. Regression from 0.13.1 in interpretation of an object Index with all null elements (GH7431)
      PERF: fastpath for iget from 2dim->1dim
      Merge pull request #7440 from toddrjen/nannone
      CI: use nose 1.3.3 for all testing
      Merge pull request #7435 from jreback/inference
      Merge pull request #7448 from toddrjen/naninf
      CLN: use np.array(arr,copy=False) where possible
      Merge branch 'issue_7432_resolve' of https://github.com/roblevy/pandas into roblevy-issue_7432_resolve
      ERR: fixup exception reports for duplicate axis reindexing, related (GH7432)
      Merge branch 'fix_empty_open' of https://github.com/bquistorff/pandas into bquistorff-fix_empty_open
      BLD: use sqlalchemy 0.7.1 in 2.6 build (GH6340)
      Merge pull request #7455 from shoyer/month-start-cookbook
      Merge pull request #7022 from jreback/sqlalchemy
      Merge pull request #7373 from sinhrks/resamplenat
      Merge pull request #7458 from sinhrks/intersection
      PERF: addtl transform vbenches
      Merge pull request #7452 from sinhrks/offsets_dt64
      WPI: fast tranform on DataFrame
      Merge pull request #7468 from shoyer/ndarray-like-to-index
      Merge pull request #7450 from bashtage/stata-13-strings
      Merge pull request #7463 from jreback/merge_transform
      BUG: Bug in Panel.apply with a multi-index as an axis (GH7469)
      Merge pull request #7474 from jreback/mi_array
      DOC: v0.14.1.txt fixes
      Merge pull request #7478 from ahlmss/TST7420
      Merge pull request #7479 from dsm054/add-interp-copies
      Merge pull request #7465 from sinhrks/inittz
      Merge pull request #7424 from hayd/value_counts_NaT
      CI: 3.4 updates
      Merge pull request #7461 from toddrjen/pep8
      Merge pull request #7351 from sinhrks/boxcln
      Merge pull request #5602 from dstephens99/master
      Merge pull request #7484 from dstephens99/master
      Merge pull request #6646 from dsm054/fix_indentation_errors
      Merge pull request #7488 from dsm054/fix_test_moar_elif
      BUG: Bug in timeops with non-aligned Series (GH7500)
      Merge pull request #7503 from jreback/dt
      BUG: Bug in DataFrame.where with a symmetric shaped frame and a passed other of a DataFrame (GH7506)
      BUG: Bug in .loc performing fallback integer indexing with object dtype indices (GH7496)
      Merge pull request #7497 from jreback/loc
      Merge pull request #7506 from jreback/where
      Merge pull request #7485 from sinhrks/periodnat
      BUG: Bug in Panel indexing with a multi-index axis (GH 7516)
      Merge pull request #7519 from jreback/mi2
      REGR: Regression in datetimelike slice indexing with a duplicated index and non-exact end-points (GH7523)
      Merge pull request #7525 from jreback/slice
      Merge pull request #7529 from sinhrks/dtibool
      CI: use cython 0.20.2 on py3.4
      Merge pull request #7535 from toddrjen/nandatetime
      Merge pull request #7534 from sinhrks/nanotz
      Merge pull request #7530 from dstephens99/master
      Merge pull request #7537 from dsm054/fix-frame-permissions
      Merge pull request #7538 from sinhrks/nanotz_correct
      DOC: v0.14.1 corrections
      Merge pull request #7533 from sinhrks/resetindex
      Merge pull request #7451 from sinhrks/skiptest
      Merge pull request #7502 from sinhrks/offsetret
      TST: dtype test fixes for GH7533
      Merge pull request #7550 from sinhrks/rn_fix
      Merge pull request #7531 from dsm054/excel-via-url
      BUG: Bug in setitem with list-of-lists and single vs mixed types (GH7551)
      Merge pull request #7552 from jreback/iloc
      Merge pull request #7544 from sinhrks/dtmixin
      PERF: vbench for mixed groupby with datetime (GH7555)
      Merge pull request #7085 from michaelaye/add_notimp_error
      Merge pull request #7560 from jreback/groupby_first_perf
      API: add/clarify numpy ufunc prepare/wrap
      Merge pull request #7499 from takluyver/ipy-no-detect-frontend
      BUG/PERF: perf issues in object groupby aggregations (GH7555)
      Merge pull request #7568 from jreback/perf2
      Merge pull request #7564 from dstephens99/master
      Merge pull request #7547 from toddrjen/nanopsclean
      BUG: Bug in timedelta inference when assigning an incomplete Series (GH7592)
      Merge pull request #7593 from jreback/timedelta_nat
      BUG/TST: fix tests for groupby nth on Series (GH7559)
      TST: tests for GH7594, ensure conversion on tz-aware datetimes in the constructors
      Merge pull request #7595 from jreback/tz_aware
      COMPAT: comparisons vs numpy nat not working on windows
      Merge pull request #7597 from pydata/nat
      Merge pull request #7598 from dstephens99/master
      Merge pull request #7606 from sinhrks/freqstr
      Merge pull request #7609 from sinhrks/pminmax
      Merge pull request #7602 from sinhrks/periodrepr
      Merge pull request #7580 from jreback/groupby_nth
      Merge pull request #7600 from sinhrks/bingrouper
      Merge pull request #7610 from sinhrks/nanots
      BUG: Bug in to_timedelta that accepted invalid units and misinterpreted m/h (GH7611, GH6423)
      Merge pull request #7616 from jreback/td
      COMPAT: make numpy NaT comparison use a view to avoid implicit conversions
      Merge pull request #7617 from jreback/nat2
      Merge pull request #7582 from amras1/ignore-comment-lines
      Merge pull request #7591 from mcwitt/parse-index-cols-c
      Merge pull request #6937 from jacobschaer/gbqv2
      Merge branch 'fix_string_contains_case_insensitive_with_no_regex' of https://github.com/benjwadams/pandas into benjwadams-fix_string_contains_case_insensitive_with_no_regex
      TST: fix groupby test on windows (related GH7580)
      Merge pull request #7370 from immerrr/blockmanager-new-pickle-format
      Merge pull request #7604 from seth-p/moments_diff_index_sets
      Merge pull request #7624 from bwignall/quickfix_depr
      Merge pull request #7627 from immerrr/perf-multiindex-fromproduct
      BUG: doc example in groupby.rst (GH7559 / GH7628)
      Merge pull request #7631 from jreback/groupby_nth_fix
      DOC: v0.14.1 edits
      DOC: add v0.15.0.txt template
      Merge pull request #7457 from sinhrks/axlayout
      Merge pull request #7394 from sinhrks/figsize
      Merge pull request #7532 from sinhrks/baralign
      BUG: Bug in Series.get with a boolean accessor (GH7407)
      REGR: Add back #N/A N/A as a default NA value (regresion from 0.12) (GH5521)
      Merge pull request #7638 from jreback/series_get
      Merge pull request #7639 from jreback/na_values
      Merge pull request #7625 from bwignall/depr_ru
      Merge pull request #7322 from rosnfeld/xlim_issues
      Merge pull request #7572 from jaimefrio/rolling_var_bug
      TST: fixes for 2.6 comparisons
      Revert "Merge pull request #7591 from mcwitt/parse-index-cols-c"
      PERF: allow dst transition computations to be handled much faster
      PERF: allow slice indexers to be computed faster
      Merge pull request #7652 from jreback/dst_transitions
      API: disallow inplace setting with where and a non-np.nan value (GH7656)
      Merge pull request #7657 from jreback/where
      Merge pull request #7608 from sinhrks/delete2
      BUG: Bug in multi-index slice setting, related GH3738
      Merge pull request #7667 from jreback/mi_slicing
      BUG: windows failure on GH7667
      Merge pull request #7668 from pydata/mi_slicing2
      Merge pull request #7515 from sinhrks/areabug
      CI: update sqlalchemy to 0.9.6 in 3.4 build
      Merge pull request #7607 from sinhrks/millireso
      CI: change 2.7 build for sqlalchemy to 0.9.6
      Merge pull request #7672 from rockg/holiday-doc
      DOC: v0.14.1 doc updates
      Merge pull request #7566 from kyleam/reindex_axis-docstring
      Merge pull request #7553 from jdreaver/master
      Merge pull request #7665 from dstephens99/master
      Merge pull request #7673 from sinhrks/minmax_perf
      TST/COMPAT: numpy master compat with timedelta type coercion
      Merge pull request #7681 from jreback/numpy_issue
      TST: skip buggy test on numpy < 1.7, 3.2, on 32-bits (GH6270)
      TST: skip buggy test if can't form test comparison (GH7664)
      Merge pull request #7459 from sinhrks/secondary_y
      Merge pull request #7675 from jreback/skip_test
      DOC: add pointer to options.rst in v0.14.1
      DOC: minor corrections in v0.14.1
      PERF: better perf on min/max/resample when on indices not containing NaT for DatetimeIndex/PeriodIndex (GH7633)
      Merge pull request #7684 from jreback/perf
      Merge branch 'histbug' of https://github.com/sinhrks/pandas into sinhrks-histbug
      TST:  fix dtypes in select_dtypes (GH7434) on windows
      TST/CLN: centralize numpy < 1.7 skips
      Merge pull request #7696 from jreback/skips
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dstephens99/pandas into dstephens99-master
      DOC: add release thanks note
      Merge pull request #7705 from sinhrks/normalize_bug
      TST: additional network error catching (test_html/test_spam_html)
      CI: remove sql from 3.3 build entirely
      Merge pull request #7719 from jorisvandenbossche/sql-bigint-sqlite-warning
      RLS: v0.14.1 final

lexual (1):
      Update docs to use display.width instead of deprecated line_width.

onesandzeroes (2):
      BUG: Series.map fails when mapping a dict with tuple keys
      DOC: Add cookbook recipe like R's `expand.grid()`

rockg (1):
      Add some documentation on gotchas related to timezone library updates.

sanguineturtle (1):
      [doc fix] minor update to fix latex usepackage syntax

seth-p (1):
      BUG: {expanding,rolling}_{cov,corr} don't handle arguments with different index sets properly

sinhrks (46):
      BUG: Index.min and max doesnt handle nan and NaT properly
      BUG: TimeGrouper doesnt exclude the column specified by key
      BUG: bar plot can now handle bottom and left kw
      BUG: hist raises TypeError when df contains non numeric column
      TST: Use ISO8601 format for DTI partial slicing
      BUG: tzinfo lost when concatenating multiindex arrays
      BUG: Index.delete doesnt preserve name and other attrs
      TST: Add layout tests for boxplot
      BUG: inferred_freq results in None for eastern hemispheres timezones
      BUG: Easter works incorrectly in negative offsets
      BUG: CustomBusinessDay apply raises NameError when np.datetime64 is passed
      BUG: Revisit Index.delete preserves freq
      BUG: infer_freq results in None with hourly timezone
      BUG: DatetimeIndes.insert doesnt preserve name and tz
      BUG: DatetimeIndex.insert doesnt preserve name and tz
      BUG: Offset.apply dont preserve time
      BUG: resample raises ValueError when NaT is included
      BUG: DTI.intersection doesnt preserve tz
      ENH/API: offsets now accepts datetime64
      BUG: Some offsets.apply cannot handle tz properly
      CLN: Simplify boxplot and modify its test
      ENH: Period supports NaT
      BUG: DatetimeIndex comparison handles NaT incorrectly
      BUG: Timestamp.tz_convert resets nanosecond
      DOC: Release note correction for GH7534
      TST/CLN: centralize module check funcs
      BUG: df.reset_index loses tz
      BUG: offsets.apply may return datetime
      BUG: grouped hist and scatter use old figsize default
      BUG: single column bar plot is misaligned
      BUG: Better xaxis handling for partial layout
      DOC: correct relase note
      BUG: DatetimeIndex.asobject raises ValueError when contains NaT
      BUG: DTI.freqstr raises AttributeError when freq is None
      BUG: PeriodIndex.min/max returns int
      API: DatetimeIndex and PeriodIndex have same representation
      BUG: GroupBy.size created by TimeGrouper raises AttributeError
      BUG: Timestamp.__new__ doesnt preserve nanosecond
      BUG: DatetimeIndex.delete with tz raises ValueError
      BUG: consistent subplot ax handling
      BUG: area plot raises ValueError with tz-aware data
      BUG/CLN: LinePlot uses incorrect xlim when secondary_y=True
      CLN: Simplify Period construction / Resolution
      PERF: improve resample perf
      BUG: grouped hist raises error with single group
      BUG: offset normalize option may not work in addition/subtraction

unknown (1):
      TST7337: Fix more tests in windows

yelite (1):
      FIX: to_sql takes the boolean column as text column


No new revisions were added by this update.

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