[pandas] annotated tag v0.15.2 created (now d428b76)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 15:20:19 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag v0.15.2
in repository pandas.

        at  d428b76   (tag)
   tagging  18ea1d856d45c87fe18a41d1a267ede46e10880e (commit)
  replaces  v0.15.1
 tagged by  Jeff Reback
        on  Thu Dec 11 08:59:56 2014 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.15.2

Aaron Staple (1):
      ENH: Move any/all to NDFrame, support additional arguments for Series. GH8302

Angelos Evripiotis (3):
      CLN: move import to top of file
      CLN: Add 'is_hashable' predicate to core/common
      BUG: allow numpy.array as c values to scatterplot

Artemy Kolchinsky (2):
      BUG: sql_schema does not generate dialect-specific DDL
      ENH: Infer dtype from non-nulls when pushing to SQL

Benoit Pointet (1):
      DOC GH3508 (bis) added basic documentation of google analytics  in remote_data

Brian Jacobowski (1):
      Added boolean option axvlines to parallel_coordinates function, default true

Charalampos Papaloizou (2):
      BUG: Fixed font size (set it on both x and y axis). #8765
      BUG: Prevent index header column from being added on MultiIndex when index=False. #8452

Chris Warth (1):
      add boolean array as option for indexing with .iloc

David Stephens (7):
      BUG: Fix groupby methods to include *args and **kwds if applicable.
      TST: Raise remote data error if no expiry dates are found (io.data.Options)
      TST: Add additional RemoteDataError check to io.data.Options
      TST: Add test for get_data_google dtypes
      BUG: fontsize parameter of plot only affects one axis.
      BUG: Fix Datareader dtypes if there are missing values from Google.
      BUG: Fix plots showing 2 sets of axis labels when the index is a timeseries.

Fabio Zanini (2):
      BUG: "converters" in read_excel with missing data
      docs fix (?)

Francesc Via (3):
      BUG: moving the utf encoding line to the first line (before from __future ..)
      CLN: adding encoding lines to all files in test
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'

Henry Kleynhans (2):
      BUG: Option context applies on __enter__
      BUG: Resample across multiple days

Jake VanderPlas (1):
      API: update NDFrame __setattr__ to match behavior of __getattr__ (GH8994)

Jan Schulz (2):
      Categorical: let unique only return used categories
      DOC: equality comparisons with categorical data are now allowed

Jeff Reback (52):
      DOC: v0.15.2 whatsnew
      BUG: concat of series of dtype category converting to object dtype (GH8641)
      BLD: remove network tests from 3.2 build
      BLD: fix 3.2 build
      BLD: add html5lib to 3.2 build
      Merge branch 'GH8302' of https://github.com/staple/pandas into staple-GH8302
      COMPAT: remove Index warnings from io/ga.py
      Merge branch 'issue3995' of https://github.com/dstephens99/pandas into dstephens99-issue3995
      Merge branch 'infer_freq' of https://github.com/rockg/pandas into rockg-infer_freq
      Merge branch 'fix-z-designator' of https://github.com/broessli/pandas into broessli-fix-z-designator
      Revert "Fix unrecognized 'Z' UTC designator"
      ENH: serialization of categorical to HDF5 (GH7621)
      BLD: fix odd usage of cython imports, xref (GH8602)
      DOC: v0.15.2 edits
      DOC: v0.15.2 typos
      BUG: Bug in csv parsing when passing dtype and names and the parsed data is a different data type (GH8833)
      BUG: Defined .size attribute across NDFrame objects to provide compat with numpy >= 1.9.1; buggy with np.array_split (GH8846)
      DOC: api updates for .size
      Merge branch 'mi-key-loc' of https://github.com/behzadnouri/pandas into behzadnouri-mi-key-loc
      TST: provide a clear argument to assert_produces_warning to guarantee that we are clearing
      DOC: v0.15.2.txt fixups
      BLD: run slow tests on new optional build 2.7_SLOW using current versions of everything
      TST: skip on < mpl 1.3.1 (GH8947)
      API: Allow equality comparisons of Series with a categorical dtype and object dtype are allowed (previously would raise TypeError) (GH8938)
      COMPAT: infer_dtype not handling categoricals (GH8974)
      TST: tests for lib.max_len_string_array
      Merge branch 'cummin-NaT' of https://github.com/unutbu/pandas into unutbu-cummin-NaT
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/fvia/pandas into fvia-master
      Merge branch 'fix/8852' of https://github.com/aevri/pandas into aevri-fix/8852
      Merge branch 'fix_to_csv_issue_chunksize_8621' of https://github.com/papaloizouc/pandas into papaloizouc-fix_to_csv_issue_chunksize_8621
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/mcsalgado/pandas into mcsalgado-master
      Merge branch 'mcsalgado-master'
      BUG: Bug in Timestamp-Timestamp not returning a Timedelta type and datelike-datelike ops with timezones (GH8865)
      REGR: Regression in DatetimeIndex iteration with a Fixed/Local offset timezone (GH8890)
      TST: skip test for test_precise_conversion GH8646
      DOC: categorical sort doc updates
      BLD: add 3.4 slow tester
      DOC: typos in categorical.rst
      Merge branch '8791' of https://github.com/vikram/pandas into vikram-8791
      BUG: Bug in using a pd.Grouper(key=...) with no level/axis or level only (GH8795, GH8866)
      PERF: add exact kw to to_datetime to enable faster regex format parsing for datetimes (GH8904)
      BUG: fix GH8989 to parse nanoseconds with %f format
      TST: skip plotting warn testing on py3 (GH8647)
      TST: additional network failure detection
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pydata/pandas
      Merge branch 'add-footer-to-read-html' of https://github.com/mjsu/pandas into mjsu-add-footer-to-read-html
      Merge branch 'timestamp-now' of https://github.com/rockg/pandas into rockg-timestamp-now
      TST: dateutil fixes (GH8639)
      TST: period-like test for GH9012
      DOC: v0.15.2 editiing, removing several duplicated issues
      DOC: update release notes
      RLS: 0.15.2 final

Jeff Tratner (4):
      ENH: Timestamp: Support addl datetime classmethods
      BUG: Implement step in slice StringMethod
      Add test for __getitem__ syntax on str
      Make step None (same as 1) for consistency

Joris Van den Bossche (36):
      DOC: remove unused matplotlib directives from conf.py
      DOC: clean-up v0.15.1 whatsnew file
      Merge pull request #8755 from jorisvandenbossche/doc-fixes2
      Merge pull request #8759 from wavedatalab/patch-1
      DOC: update sphinx version requirements
      Merge pull request #8800 from gepcel/patch-1
      Merge pull request #8756 from jorisvandenbossche/mpl-directives
      DOC: escape asterisks
      Merge pull request #8811 from MatthewGilbert/master
      Merge pull request #8548 from iosonofabio/excel_dtype
      Merge pull request #8827 from artemyk/get_schema_fix_8697
      TST: add tests for index.groupby (GH5620)
      Merge pull request #8809 from onesandzeroes/stackfix
      Merge pull request #8843 from jtratner/support-step-in-str-slice
      Merge pull request #8840 from jorisvandenbossche/gh5620
      Merge pull request #8858 from bashtage/stata-doc-fixup
      DOC: specify return type in to_datetime
      Merge pull request #8922 from aevri/refactor/move_import
      Merge pull request #8921 from jorisvandenbossche/docstring-to_datetime
      Merge pull request #8925 from hkleynhans/fix/8514_option_context_with
      Merge pull request #8931 from rupertthompson/fix/core_common_doctests
      Merge pull request #8941 from hkleynhans/fix/8683_resample_value_error
      Merge pull request #8940 from papaloizouc/8765_bug_fontsize_only_on_x_axis
      Merge pull request #8926 from tiagoantao/master
      FIX: use decorator to append read_frame/frame_query docstring (GH8315)
      Merge pull request #8988 from jorisvandenbossche/sql-8315
      DOC: small doc fixes
      DOC: fix categorical comparison example (GH8946)
      Merge pull request #9035 from jorisvandenbossche/doc-cat
      Merge pull request #8973 from artemyk/notnulldtype_sql
      DOC: expand docs on sql type conversion
      Merge pull request #9038 from jorisvandenbossche/sql-doc-dtype
      Merge pull request #8766 from dstephens99/issue8765
      BUG: fix PeriodConverter issue when given a list of integers (GH9012)
      DOC: fix-up docs for 0.15.2 release
      Merge pull request #9058 from jorisvandenbossche/doc-fixup-0152

Kevin Sheppard (5):
      ENH: Add categorical support for Stata export
      BUG: Correct importing behavior for Categoricals in StataReader
      DOC: Clean up Stata documentation
      BUG: StataWriter uses incorrect string length
      FIX: Workaround for integer hashing

Matt Suggit (1):
      Added ability to read footer to read_html, and a test

Matthew Brett (1):
      BUG: missing nose import for skip test

Phillip Cloud (5):
      Fix timedeltas to work with to_json
      Clean up style a bit
      Merge pull request #9028 from cpcloud/timedelta-json
      Fix timedelta json on windows
      Merge pull request #9044 from cpcloud/timedelta-json

Rupert Thompson (1):
      BUG: fix doctests in pandas.core.common

Scott E Lasley (2):
      BUG CSV: fix problem with trailing whitespace in skipped rows, issues 8661, 8679
      BUG in read_csv when skipping rows after a row with trailing spaces, #8983

Stephan Hoyer (1):
      BUG/ENH: cleanup for Timedelta arithmetic

Stephen Simmons (2):
      Fix groupby().transform() example in cookbook.rst
      ENH: Implement Categorical.searchsorted(v, side, sorter) GH8420

Sylvain Corlay (1):
      Allowing empty slice in multi-indices.

Thomas Grainger (1):
      Clarify encoding kwarg on to_csv

Tiago Antao (1):
      dtype costumization on sql read_table (#8926)

Tom Augspurger (2):
      Merge pull request #8812 from onesandzeroes/plotlabel
      Merge pull request #8513 from bjacobowski/parallel_coordinates-axvlines

Trent Hauck (1):
      ENH: adds ability to generate bq schema from df

Victor Chaves (1):
      Doc change for Issue #8805

Victor Salgado (1):
      ENH: make Series work with map objects the same way as generators

Vikram Bhandoh (2):
      Fixes #8933 simple renaming
      Fixed #8791 add contextmanager to HDFStore

WANG Aiyong (1):
      Removing typo as Renaming

Will Holmgren (1):
      BUG: pd.Timedelta np.int, np.float. fixes #8757

behzad nouri (5):
      BUG: type change breaks BlockManager integrity
      index into multi-index past the lexsort depth
      BUG: DatetimeIndex with time as key
      preserve left frame order in left merge
      reindex multi-index at level with reordered labels

broessli (2):
      Fix unrecognized 'Z' UTC designator
      Fix unrecognized 'Z' UTC designator

charalampos papaloizou (2):
      BUG: fixed chunksize guessed to 0 (py3 only). #8621
      TST: Moved test functions to module level. #8023

immerrr (1):
      BUG: fix negative step support for label-based slices

jnmclarty (1):
      TST: Change a failing test #8768

jreback (57):
      Merge pull request #8758 from dstephens99/issue8733
      Merge pull request #8763 from dstephens99/issue8761
      Merge pull request #8714 from jreback/series_concat
      Merge pull request #8781 from SylvainCorlay/empty_slice
      Merge pull request #8783 from dstephens99/optionskiptest
      Merge pull request #8787 from wholmgren/master
      Merge pull request #8767 from bashtage/stata-categorical
      Merge pull request #8810 from onesandzeroes/mplskip
      Merge pull request #8793 from jreback/cat_hdf
      Merge pull request #8837 from jtratner/addl-timestamp-classmethods
      Merge pull request #8834 from jreback/parser
      Merge pull request #8785 from jreback/ga_warn
      Merge pull request #8847 from jreback/size
      Merge pull request #8836 from bashtage/stata-monotonic-categoricals
      Merge pull request #8753 from immerrr/refactor-slice-locs
      Merge pull request #8857 from graingert/patch-1
      Merge pull request #8853 from behzadnouri/blk-mgr
      Merge pull request #8867 from matthew-brett/missing-nose-import
      Merge pull request #8879 from sinhrks/nanodoc_2
      Merge pull request #8876 from sinhrks/doc_where
      COMPAT: windows compat for tests for dtype inference in parser xref (GH8833)
      Merge pull request #8896 from pydata/winfix4
      Merge pull request #8884 from shoyer/fix-timedelta-math
      Merge pull request #8752 from selasley/trailing_spaces_fix
      Merge pull request #8832 from broessli/z-utc
      Merge pull request #8912 from vvbchaves/master
      Merge pull request #8907 from behzadnouri/time-slice
      TST: 32-bit construction fix re GH8907
      Merge pull request #8937 from JanSchulz/cat_unique2
      Merge pull request #8949 from jreback/graphics
      Merge pull request #8948 from behzadnouri/left-merge
      Merge pull request #8959 from vikram/8933
      Merge pull request #8855 from seth-p/multiindex_stacking
      Merge pull request #8975 from jreback/infer
      Merge pull request #8978 from jreback/unicode
      Merge pull request #8977 from bashtage/stata-writer-string-length
      Merge pull request #8984 from selasley/trailing_spaces_fix
      Merge pull request #8915 from tshauck/generate_bq_schema
      Merge pull request #8990 from jreback/iterate
      Merge pull request #8981 from jreback/timestamp
      Merge pull request #8946 from jreback/cat_equal
      Merge pull request #9007 from SteveSimmons/fix-8944-cookbook-transform
      Merge pull request #9008 from jreback/grouper
      Merge pull request #8904 from jreback/timere
      Merge pull request #8982 from bashtage/stata-large-int-missing-value
      TST: windows testing fixes
      TST: test_box_plot on win > 3 fixed up
      Merge pull request #9025 from dstephens99/issue8980
      Merge pull request #9019 from behzadnouri/mi-reidx
      COMPAT: dateutil fixups for 2.3 (GH9021, GH8639)
      COMPAT: windows dtype compat w.r.t. GH9019
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pydata/pandas
      Merge pull request #9036 from jreback/dateutil_fix
      Merge pull request #9018 from papaloizouc/fix_multiindex_offset_bug_#8452
      Merge pull request #9040 from ahjulstad/rework-fix-9011
      Merge pull request #9047 from jreback/dateutil2
      TST: fix related to dateutil test failure in test_series.py

mgilbert (1):
      DOC: Added get_group subsection

onesandzeroes (3):
      TST: Skip hist testing for matplotlib <= 1.2
      VIS: plot with `use_index=False` shouldn't plot the index name
      BUG: Stacking with multiple mixed int/str levels

peadarcoyle (1):
      Updating tests file Cleaning up

rockg (2):
      Do not convert series when looking at sub-daily frequencies.
      Make Timestamp('now') equivalent to Timestamp.now() and Timestamp('today') equivalent to Timestamp.today() and pass tz to today().

seth-p (1):
      BUG: DataFrame.stack(..., dropna=False) with partial MultiIndex.

sinhrks (2):
      DOC: Add where and mask to API doc
      DOC: Add Nano to offsets table

unutbu (1):
      BUG: Fixed ValueError raised by cummin/cummax when datetime64 Series contains NaT. (:issue:`8965`)

wavedatalab (1):
      Update tutorials.rst

Åsmund Hjulstad (1):
      Return from to_timedelta is forced to dtype timedelta64[ns]. (Fixes pydata/pandas #9011)


No new revisions were added by this update.

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