[pandas] annotated tag v0.18.1 created (now 3651e74)
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 15:20:21 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a change to annotated tag v0.18.1
in repository pandas.
at 3651e74 (tag)
tagging 87b0f4dc1e91571cc4dd933b7cb181b99606ad20 (commit)
replaces v0.18.0
tagged by Jeff Reback
on Tue May 3 09:51:08 2016 -0400
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.18.1
Andrew Fiore-Gartland (1):
Updated docstring for copy() method
Bastiaan (1):
ENH: GH11128 add weekday_name to DatetimeIndex and .dt
Benoît Vinot (1):
ENH: add .resample(..).interpolate() #12925
Brandon Rhodes (1):
Add defaults to swaplevel() parameters i and j
DaCoEx (1):
DOC: Hdf warning about using attribute access on hierarchical keys
Drew Fustin (1):
BUG: Allow dtype='category' for Series with Categorical
Ernesto Freitas (1):
DOC: Fix typos
Filip Ter (1):
ENH: xz compression in to_csv()
Gregory Livschitz (1):
BUG:fixed inconsistent behavior of last_valid_index
Gábor Lipták (5):
TST: Omit tests folders from coverage
Refactor test __tmp_* file cleanup
Implement Akima1DInterpolator
TST: Add test to validate resampling GH9915
BUG: Correct out-of-bounds error with large indeces
Hassan Kibirige (1):
Fix pandas.Timedelta range
Iblis Lin (1):
DOC: Fix xarray broken link in install.rst
Israel Saeta Pérez (1):
DOC: Clarify when csv separator is being parsed as regex. Resolves #10208
Jason Wolosonovich (1):
BUG: COMPAT:0.18 added scipy version check
Jeff Reback (79):
BLD: edit release script
DOC: make v0.18.1 whatsnew visible
BLD: add .pypirc to .gitignore
COMPAT: test with latest dateutil via pip
CI: add in support for coverage via Codecov
DOC: add in coverage to README.md
CI: show tag info
TST: remove some warnings in test_timeseries.py
TST: compat of tests xref #12615 on windows
TST: packers not finding blosc/zlib should be an ImportError
TST: correction w.r.t #12530
TST: addtl correction w.r.t. #12530
DOC: fix compression docs in io.rst
BUG: concatenation with a coercable dtype was too aggressive
BUG: Bug in groupby.transform(..) when axis=1 is specified with a non-monotonic ordered index
TST: add previous version pickles
COMPAT: compat for dateutil 2.5.0 and differing dayfirst=True & yearfirst=True
BLD: rename _move.c -> move.c; add to clean exclude
DOC: formatting typos in categorical.rst
CLN: make .quantile more datetimelike friendly
TST: sparse display repr on windows, xref #12779
TST: skip np.take comparisons on numpy < 1.8
PEP: fix tseries/test_timeseries.py
TST: test_quantile.py test comparison on windows
DOC: force update of README.md
COMPAT: compat with released numpy 1.11 for IndexError -> TypeError
API: correctly provide __name__ for cum functions
CLN: cleaning core/common.py
BLD: update setup.py for formats/types
TST: correctly setup test data for .formats
DOC: fix pandas.core.style -> pandas.formats.style
DOC: update README.md with new logo
DOC: edits in whatsnew
BUG: ensure coercing scalars to when setting as numpy
COMPAT: .query/.eval should work w/o numexpr being installed if possible
DOC: add windows building blog to contributing.rst
DOC: v0.18.1 corrections
TST: revert some testing additions in #12874, xref #12886
TST: remove ResourceWarnings from stat by auto-closing iterator
update README.md for correct logo placement
BUG: .astype() of a Float64Index to a Int64Index
TST: validation tests for resample segfault
BUG: .asfreq on resample on PeriodIndex/TimedeltaIndex are not
BUG: provide SparseArray creation in a platform independent manner
TST: skip python-dateutil version sensitive tests until #12944 can resolve
BUG: passing an invalid fill method to resample(..).fillna() causes an odd error message
COMPAT: remove NaT comparison warnings with numpy >= 1.11
DOC: minor whatsnew fixes
DOC: doc-fixes for #12803
ENH: allow .rolling / .expanding as groupby methods
ENH: allow construction of datetimes from columns in a DataFrame
PEP: use triple-double-quotes rather than triple-single-quotes around doc-strings in cython
DOC: minor whatsnew edits
BUG/DOC: restrict possibilities for assembly of dates using a DataFrame
Revert "TST: skip python-dateutil version sensitive tests until #12944 can resolve"
TST: fix up python-dateutil compat for 2.5.3
BUG/ERR: better validation for .rolling parameters
PERF: don't create the skiprows set if using the c-parser
DOC: more pd.to_datetime examples
PERF: some more perf/clean in saslib.pyx
COMPAT: some compatibility fixes with new numpies
TST: add codecov.yml
COMPAT: remove some stat backup files from repo
DOC: update rpy2 doc link
TST: windows compat on to_numeric tests
CLN: fix up parser setup structure
TST: move salar.table to correct url location
TST: more salary.table location issues
BUG: to_datetime when called with a unit and coerce is buggy
TST: properly handle unit='ns' and object/int arrays
DOC: whatsnew fixes
COMPAT: ensure platform it on 32-bit
TST: fixup codecov.yml
BUG: introduced in #13033
CLN: move interpolation tests from test_generic to test_missing
TST: add nose import for skipped scipy tests
BUG: More followups on to_datetime exceptions, xref #13033
DOC: update release notes
RLS: v0.18.1
Joe Jevnik (1):
ENH: always make ndarrays from msgpack writable
Joris Van den Bossche (2):
DOC: fix code-block ipython highlighting
DOC: fix whatsnew
Joshua Storck (1):
Implementing rolling min/max functions that can retain the original type:
Ka Wo Chen (2):
BUG: GH12558 where nulls contributed to normalized value_counts
BUG: GH12622 where pprint of Timestamp in nested structure fails
Kerby Shedden (1):
Modest performance, address #12647
Kieran O'Mahony (2):
BUG: fix json segfaults
BUG: json invoke default handler for unsupported numpy dtypes
Leif Walsh (1):
DOC: expanding comparison with R section
Mahmoud Lababidi (1):
ENH: Add ZIP file decompression and TestCompression.
Maoyuan Liu (1):
BUG: .isin(...) now coerces sets to lists
Mark Roth (1):
ENH: Partial string matching for timestamps with multiindex
Matt Wittmann (1):
BUG: TypeError in index coercion
MaxU (1):
DOC: Added more examples to comparison_with_sql documentation
Maximilian Roos (2):
BUG: Retain name in PeriodIndex resample
BUG: PeriodIndex count & resample-on-same-freq fix
Michael Droettboom (1):
Add pandas logo to repo
Nick Eubank (1):
ENH: add normalization to crosstab
Nicolas Bonnotte (1):
ERR automatic broadcast for merging different levels
BUG: Crosstab with margins=True ignoring dropna=True
BUG: add names parameter to read_excel
BUG: fix margin/dropna issues
Pauli Virtanen (1):
Update asv config + fix some broken benchmarks
Peter Waller (1):
ENH: allow categoricals in msgpack
Pietro Battiston (1):
DOC: strings longer than min_itemsize are not truncated
Prabhjot Singh (1):
DOC: Added the note for display.max_colwidth in dsintro.rst
Robin Wilson (1):
Improved docs for infer_datetime_format
Roger Thomas (1):
PERF: Only do case sensitive check when not lower case
Sebastian Bank (1):
API: deprecate Index.sym_diff in favor of symmetric_difference
Stephen Hoover (1):
ENH BinGrouper use BaseGrouper's apply
Tim Hopper (1):
BUG: Validate float_format setting as callable or None
Tom Augspurger (2):
BUG: .rename* not treating Series as mapping
DOC: Add tutorial link
WANG Aiyong (1):
DOC: Update groupby.rst
Wes Turner (1):
DOC: ecosystem.rst: pandas-datareader
Winand (1):
PERF: Improved performance for .str.encode/decode
Xbar (1):
BUG: #12624 where Panel.fillna() ignores inplace=True
Yan Facai (2):
BUG: Categorical equality check with a DataFrame
BUG: Unexpected behavior with behavior with binary operators and fill_value
adneu (1):
BUG: GH12902 fixed coercion of complex values to float when using gro…
ajenkins-cargometrics (1):
BUG: Preserve timezone in unaligned assignments
behzad nouri (1):
PERF: improves performance in GroupBy.cumcount
chinskiy (1):
BUG: ensure Series.name is hashable
gfyoung (15):
MAINT: PEP8 + spelling fixes in testing.py
BUG: Make round signature compatible with numpy's
BUG: Matched searchsorted signature with numpy's
BUG: Respect 'usecols' parameter even when CSV rows are uneven
BUG: Fix parse_dates processing with usecols and C engine
BUG: Respect usecols even with empty data
BUG, DEP, DOC: Patch and Align Categorical's Sorting API
BUG: sniffing a csv raises with only a header
BUG: Enforce parse_dates as bool when scalar
BUG, DOC: Allow custom line terminator with delim_whitespace=True
Allow parsing in skipped row for C engine
ENH: Python parser now accepts delim_whitespace=True
API, DOC: Clarify and Enforce Array to be 1-D during SparseArray Init Construction
TST: Refactor test_parsers.py
COMPAT: Expand compatibility with fromnumeric.py
jeps-journal (1):
DOC: syntax error in comparion_with_r
jonaslb (2):
BUG: Filtering a groupby object with dropnan=False and no groups fulfilling req.
BUG: DataFrame.drop() does nothing for non-unique MultiIndex
kotrfa (1):
BUG: fix for read_html with bs4 failing on table with header and one column
nileracecrew (1):
DOC: examples of label-based slicing of monotonic and non-monotonic indexes
onesandzeroes (2):
BUG: loffset argument not applied for resample().count() on timeseries
COMPAT: make read_excel accept path objects as filepath
rs2 (1):
PERF: Fix performance issues when creating multiple instances of Period
sinhrks (45):
BUG: CategoricalIndex.get_loc returns array even if it is unique
BUG: Can't get period code with frequency alias 'minute' or 'Minute'
BUG: Concat with tz-aware and timedelta raises AttributeError
BUG: Mixed period cannot be displayed with ValueError
BUG: .describe lost CategoricalIndex info
BUG: SparseSeries.shape ignores fill_value
ENH: show_versions to include pandas_datareader
API: Index.take inconsistently handle fill_value
TST: Add period and other dtype related tests
BUG: Sparse misc fixes
BUG: to_dense does not preserve dtype in SparseArray
CLN: Move boxing logic to BlockManager
TST: Make sparse test more strict
PEP8: pandas/indexes
BUG: SparseDataFrame indexing may return normal Series
TST: Split sparse tests
ENH/PERF SparseArray.take indexing
BUG: SparseSeries.reindex with fill_value
BUG: SparseSeries.to_frame results in dense
BUG: GroupBy with TimeGrouper sorts unstably
BUG: empty Series concat has no effect
BUG: .str methods with expand=True may raise ValueError if input has name
TST: Add numeric coercion tests
BUG: SparseSeries slicing with Ellipsis raises KeyError
ENH: Support CustomBusinessHour
TST: Add more Sparse indexing tests
ENH: Add Index.str.get_dummies
BUG: Subclassed DataFrame slicing may return normal Series
BUG: SparseArray numeric ops misc fixes
BUG: Series.map may raise TypeError in Categorical or DatetimeTz
BUG: Sparse concat results in dense
BUG: SparseSeries.shift may raise NameError or TypeError
TST: Add sparse arithmetic ops test
BUG: Sparse concat may fill fill_value with NaN
ENH/BUG: Sparse now supports comparison op
BUG/TST: TimeGrouper has erroneous groups if key length is too short
BUG/TST: Calling shift on a DatetimeIndex of length 0 returns an Index in…
BUG:plot.bar misalignment when width=1
ENH: Allow where/mask/Indexers to accept callable
BUG: SparseSeries.value_counts ignores fill_value
PERF: to_numeric for numeric dtypes
TST/BUG: Categorical dtypes cause error when attempting stacked bar plot
TST/BUG: DataFrame truncated repr with DatetimeTz and NaT column
BUG: subclassed .align returns normal DataFrame
PERF: Sparse IntIndex.make_union / Numeric ops
tsdlovell (1):
BUG: fix issue with concat of localized timestamps
No new revisions were added by this update.
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