[pandas] annotated tag v0.4.0 created (now 1fbb3c7)
Andreas Tille
tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 15:20:22 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
tille pushed a change to annotated tag v0.4.0
in repository pandas.
at 1fbb3c7 (tag)
tagging 9e406c50b77949433ed8f7fd094fd30b5421a35e (commit)
tagged by Wes McKinney
on Mon Sep 12 16:32:15 2011 -0400
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.4.0
Dieter Vandenbussche (1):
Minor change to CleanCommand so build works with stdeb
Joon Ro (2):
added describe and scoreatpercentile in frame.py
changed _pfixed in common.py to add a leading space to positive numbers
Justin Berka (1):
BUILD: Fixed issue #80, xls/csv file copying
Shane Conway (4):
Added functions to pull data off Yahoo! and FRED
Added function to pull data from Fama/French data
Updated data reader functions
Updated data reader functions
Skipper Seabold (1):
ENH: Add join to Panel
Tim McNamara (1):
README updated for better Github output
Wes McKinney (853):
Initial directory structure.
adding trunk
added svn:ignore
first commit with cleaned up code
minor edit
fixed isinf reference
latest edits, miscellaneous cleanup and bug fixes from development
added stats empty directory
fixed inconsistency with dateCol parameter
moved operator factory methods out of class level
fixed error in groupby, added yahoo finance example
added pandas.stats.linmodel
added pandas.stats.linmodel
adding test directory
added pandas.stats to package list
added regression examples
cleaned up linmodel class and made to work with scikits.statsmodels
improved regression example
improved regression example
removed reference to regress function
couple unfortunate hacks with numpy ascii and unicode string types in groupby
misc fixes
some Series constructor cleanup, made DataFrame.toDataMatrix better
misc cleanup
revamped DataFrame.reindex to better handle mixed-type data, and also be a lot faster
made sum, count, mean functions more robust to mixed-type data
got rid of usages of np.unique
made index attribute a property
added prototype WidePanel, LongPanel
added slice function to LongPanel
fleshing out docstrings, API. added filterItems
using ndarray.take
added sandbox directory and restricted least-squares class
merging latest developments, in particular LongPanel, WidePanel
diff cruft
reorganized cython code. rolling moment implementations
added OLS and PanelOLS functionality
changes for cython 0.12
misc fixed to Cython
import fixes, removed old unit tests
removed linmodel module
set to ignore pyc files
made build script for lib
minor change
modified build script
modified build script
working on min_periods for regular OLS, leaving things in a semi-broken state for now
still mid-refactor on min_periods
finished min_periods implementation, cleanup of shared code between MovingOLS and MovingPanelOLS
fixed ewma problem
added time rule mappings in datetools.py and connected with shift, asfreq methods'
fixed flatiter issue
shift method has timeRule argument
removed old f_stat_raw
fixed numpy.flatiter issue
made Panel objects Picklable
changed Factor class a bit, and made LongPanel.fromRecords mostly functional
DataMatrix will classify booleans as objects, and Series.reindex with boolean arrays will produce object array with NaNs if things are missing. Need some unit tests for these
test suite in broken state for now
DataMatrix.apply will preserve column order
Series.interpolate, LongPanel.getAxisDummies improvements
reverted map_indices from buffer version, for now
fixed rolling_rank corner case
PanelOLS will accept LongPanel arguments
added new test files
fix to DataMatrix constructor
made test case stubs for all Index, Series, DataFrame, DataMatrix methods
deleted miscellaneous unneeded methods, bugfix to DataMatrix.__init__
panel test method stubs
sphinx quickstart
minor fix to DataMatrix constructor
unit tests
unit test coverage for Series and Index, various reorganization in release prep
more unit tests for DataFrame and DataMatrix
moving toward release
fixed problem with Index.__array_finalize__ when calling tolist
working on sphinx docs
hard coding version number for now
misc minor changes
few more unit tests for Series
a little more Series test coverage
fixed up docstrings. changed Series.__new__ back to NOT copy the input data (causes problems in DataMatrix.__getitem__ when you want to modify a column in-place)
few more unit tests
more DataFrame unit test coverage
added lagged_y_predict to PanelOLS
miscellaneous changes, fix to Series.reindex when using fillMethod 'pad' on empty Series
added source directory back
adding back
latest Series docs, installation, front page material
latest Makefile
not weighting untransformed data in PanelOLS. changed DataFrame and DataMatrix.toString to take a buffer instead of a to_stdout flag
DataFrame documentation and other extensive edits
simpler column reindexing in DataFrame and DataMatrix, some cleanup for release
release 0.1
bar chart option in Series.plot
optimized combineFrame, added DataFrame.filter function
increased test coverage of DataFrame / DataMatrix, miscellaneous fixes
more unit test coverage for DataFrame etc.
got rid of basically pointless asarray flag in DataFrame/Matrix statistical methods
fixed inconsistencies with weighted panel regression, some code cleanup
removed usages of asarray flag in stats package
* Cleaned up and sped up DataMatrix and DataFrame pickling
fixed DataMatrix.copy to make a copy of the objects matrix as well
removed unneeded import
consolidated filter methods, removed DataMatrix.getTS
fleshing out WidePanel functionality. miscellaneous minor changes
fixed unit tests
added note about NumPy 1.3
added more statistical methods to WidePanel and finally grinding out unit tests for Panel classes
added rolling moment interface methods
many more unit tests, expansion of pandas.* namespace. expanded WidePanel functionality
Python 2.4 compatibility and enabling to be used without having SciPy installed
restored dateutil import
accept record arrays
added VAR implementation
miscellaneous fixes and cleanup
import fix
edits to docs. unit tests
adjustments to platform independent make.py
miscellaneous changes to codebase, docs in flux
fixed r-squared calculation when response variable is assumed to be zero-mean (no intercept used)
fixed truncate bug
more unit test coverage
fix for MSVC2008 compatibility
added IndexableSkiplist and first version of a faster rolling median algo
simplified rolling moments
rolling_median using skiplist
loads of cleanup, tests, and DataFrame / DataMatrix API consistency. removed DataFrame.fromDict and fromMatrix methods, incorporated into default constructor
further test coverage (technically 100%) for frame.py and matrix.py
misc edits
fixed ewma function
removed Series.fromDict and integrated with Series.__new__
merged in some minor changes
ported tdates C extension to Cython, removed unneeded include files, etc.
cython 12.1
more unit tests, miscellaneous fixes for tdates.c removal
added testing module
test coverage
fixed typo
more test coverage
renamed dayOfWeek parameter
bugfix + unit tests
test coverage
working a bit on docs
removed ext line from ts conf
moving ols speed enhancements and import optimization
unit test
more unit testing, starting merge function cleanup
bit of getMergeFunc cleanup
grinding unit tests. groupby cleanup. cython code cleanup and testing. reindex function cleanup
test coverage
merge / join function cleanup
removed duplicated code
code rearrangement
array interface to DataFrame classes
test coverage. deleted deprecated filter* methods. working on docs for 0.2 release
rename methods
cap, floor, and unit tests
test coverage
minor edit
unit tests
fixing up setup.py scripts so test directories get included and extension module too
removed unnecessary Python.pxi
cannot safely call ndarray.any on an object array i guess
fixed issue 9; miscellaneous refactorings and unit tests
DateRange enhancements. fixed failing fama-macbeth unit test
unit tests
unit tests
reindex _backfill bugfix (switched to buffer interface), min / max performance enhancements
wrote wirth.c in Cython
no mutation
unit tests
added io.pyx file, first version of HDFStore
display bugfix
bugfix for float-Series + int-Series
benchmark suite
DataMatrix._resultFrame optimization (removed fancy indexing)
working on docs + unit tests
code reorg in Series, miscellaneous groupby refactoring. Changed Series.values() to be a property so the interface is consistent with DataMatrix and WidePanel
expanding docs toward 0.3 release
shortened moments.py
docstring fixed, setup.py versioning help
unit tests
lowered version, spot of code reformatting
renamed parameters in DateRange, promoted isnull and notnull out of Cython code
bugfix for unit test breakage in isnull
fixed reported issue with adding / subtracting Tick objects
renamed cap methods to clip
committing tests and changes in broken state, to be fixed ASAP
fixed plm brokenness. changed boolean reindexing to cast to float
Series.order was failing on object dtype. misc other cleanup
rolling_min and max impl
formatting issues and copy issues
fixed DateRange state pickling issue, turn off rpy unit tests for now
misc documentation, some work on rpy2 interface. near git migration
Added .gitignore file
Updated NumPy sphinxext, Cython 0.13 upgrades, and misc
Bugfix in IndexableSkiplist that was breaking rolling_max
Fixed DateRange.union logic, docs, changed XDateRange class to a generator function
Fixed test cases
Misc cleanup, docs, pylint directives, etc.
API changes, cleanup, unit testing
statsmodels dataset API change
added matplotlib plot_directive extension to config, few moment plots etc.
corr_with stub, replaced remove_na usage with valid()
notes nearing 0.3 release
temporary version.py post git migration
fixed brokenness with version.py
fixed brokenness with version.py
fixed version.py template
fixed version.py template
misc cleanup in rolling moments, work on var.py
added sql module, still in prototype stage
fixed IPython debugger usage
adding reindex_like functions
DataFrame.corrwith and unit test coverage
changed fillMethod argument name and added DeprecationWarning
unit test to raise DeprecationWarning so I don't forget
removed cap/floor functions from DataMatrix, replaced by clip*. Unit test coverage
misc code reorg
added release notes
refactoring EW moments to have uniform interface, unit test coverage
Rolling moment plots in docs, API consistency, etc.
fixed docs for rolling_{cov,corr]
fixed GH issue 7
fixed GH issue 4
'fixed' GH issue 15
working toward consistent column ordering in DataFrame vs. DataMatrix
consistent column ordering fixes
added python 2.5 build file
python 2.7 builder
beta for now
catch dateutil import error and print message
updated docstring
python 2.7 test script
Ran nose with Python 2.7 and fixed warnings issues, patched up missing import errors in unit tests (e.g. SciPy, statsmodels) so users without them can run the tests without having a bunch of stuff print to the screen
recompiled Cython with 0.14, and added reindex_like to WidePanel
reverted to Cython 0.13 due to bug
bumped to beta2
updated NumPy version in PyPI info
Fixed median issue GH #26
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/wesm/pandas
added WeekOfMonth date offset
unpickling compatibility with old pickle files
cols() returns list type
maintain sortedness of columns on insertion again (when possible)
fixed object insertion into float matrix of same column name
changed arg name
fix DataMatrix.combineFirst issues + unit tests
cast to float in Series.map when have missing values in int array
fixed NaN casting issue in int arrays for _join_on
fix bug in Index.__add__
fixed issue GH #19
refactoring, module needs more work
refactoring DataFrame arith methods, working on comparison methods
unit tests for WeekOfMonth
random edits
add axis argument to Series.plot
unit tests
unit tests, coverage
trying to fixed mixed-type ambiguity in DataFrame.sum
made ols interface function easier to use, fixed up docs a touch
fixed integer indexing bug
fixed int64 indexing problem
misc enhancements to rpy, DataFrame.toRecords
fixed DateRange buglet with DateOffset caching-- added CacheableOffset class to make it easier to differentiate
fixed statsmodels api in ols/unit tests. misc test coverage
fillna function and warnings in fill(), misc unit tests and things
whoohoo! 100% line coverage for pandas.core
unit tests, getXS deprecation warning
added ability to boolean index DataFrame objects
0.3.0 release notes
more 0.3.0 release notes
fixed NumPy 1.4.0 NaN-handling issue in DataFrame.combine
changed repo loc in docs
deprecated Series.fromValue, moved logic into constructor
can build latex. misc edits
fixed up Series.fromValue deprecation changes
fixed GH #27
fixed paths for include files
version 0.3.0
added hist functions to DataFrame and Series, added use_index option to {DataFrame, Series}.plot
fixed truediv issue in DataFrame with importing division from __future__
speed optimization in DataMatrix.__getitem__
deprecation warnings in panel.py
refactoring groupby a bit, some speed optimizations, unit tests. transform can propagate things like np.mean now
updated groupby docs
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:wesm/pandas
fixed NumPy 1.6 broadcasting bug, groupby bugfix
fixed DataFrame.toCSV bug, test coverage
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/joonpy/pandas into joonpy-master
tweaked describe and renamed scoreatpercentile to quantile
unit tests
added quantile and describe to Series
tweaked toString output for DataFrame and DataMatrix
starting on sparse data structures
starting on sparse data structures
work on arith operators. need to test
operators appear to work, and relatively fast
sparse progress
more sparse work
about to move test_sparse
moved test_sparse
broke something. sigh
fixed issue
shell of SparseSeries subclass working
refactored to remove SparseVector class
SparseSeries and SparseDataFrame work, piecing things together
further sparse work, testing, etc.
block union routine finally working
operators with fill values appear to be working
fixed bug in arith ops for SparseSeries
misc refactorings and work related to sparse data structures
mini fix to plot function
further sparse unit testing
skeleton of sparse WidePanel, unit tests and stubs, more necessary functionality
lookup bugfixes and tests
moved test_sparse to test_libsparse
SparseSeries getitem working correctly now
unit tests
unit tests, identified weird NumPy issue with r* operators and sort of worked around
SparseDataFrame reindex unit tests
more sparse unit tests. barebones panel stacking routine written and decently optimized
little refactoring
sparse_reindex, homogenize and tests
working on SparseWidePanel. reduced some code dup in core classes
more SparseWidePanel work
correct pickling of sparse frame/panel. setitem/delitem for sparse panel
working on sparse panel reindexing and other things
sparse panel reindex unit test
addressed panel constructor case
reindex test
most efficient SparseWidePanel.to_long that I can think of
more to_long unit tests, minor bugfix
major/minor xs
some plm optimizations. sparse wide panel *may* be working in it now
added sparse extension to setup
ExcelFile class, enhanced excel date handling, per GH#9
removed trycall function
unit test coverage right about 100% for sparse data structures, yes \!
modest pytz handling in DateRange. starting on AxisIndexer in frame.py
custom NA values, allow skiprows in ExcelFile
changed / fixed inconsistency / minor optimization in Index.union when one contained in the other, fixed resulting failing unit tests. forced SparseSeries fill_value to always be float64 type
added sparse.c for now
added fancy indexing 'ix' property to DataFrame, unit tests. TODO: update docs for ix property
spelling fail
csv parser improvements, universal newlines
consistent column ordering in simpleParser, select function in DataFrame, boolean indexing fix in Series
fixed breaking unit test due to slicing int labels
fixed DataFrameIndexer bug, wrote unit tests, select unit tests
get view when calling xs in DataMatrix
finished select implementation, refactored _get_axis* methods, unit tests
fixed inference of window_type='rolling' in ols when passing window
code coverage, corner case when modifying sparse fill_value
boolean indexing with Series must match index labels
some refactoring, starting work on fast time series reductions
broken, but want to commit new branch
working on pytz support in DateRange
moving around unit tests, working on fancy get/setitem for objects. fixed buglet in parseCSV
Series fancy setitem implementation, unit tests, etc.
more DateRange tzinfo work
DateRange unit test coverage, tz_validate impl
Merge branch 'master' into datamatrix-refactor
boolean indexing work, needs to be part of larger refactor
added to release notes, removed some deprecated methods, continued work on DataMatrix refactor
i like where this is going
this is becoming epic. deep breaths
refactoring, refactoring. trying not to make a huge mess
trim trim trim. DataFrame unit tests still run. basic block structure prototype looking good, much implementation work remains...
renamed proto to internals
added refactor notes file
time to start playing whack-a-mole with the test suite
starting toward reindex methods in new prototype
continuing with the refactor, eliminating unnecessary code
DataFrame unit tests pass. lots of work to do to deal with the type hierarchy
whack-a-mole with the test suite. we're getting there
brought back dtype casting. making progress
picklability, column reordering issues, more refactoring
more bug fixes. more work needed on the mixed-type front
test suite passes, yay
entire unit test suite passes
WidePanel.to_sparse, bugfix, unit tests
putting SparseWidePanel through more unit tests
more unit test generalization for sparse structure
fixed merge conflicts
switched statsmodels t() usage to tvalues
a few stats unit tests
Merge branch 'master' into datamatrix-refactor
faster count method for SparseDataframe
Merge branch 'master' into datamatrix-refactor
unit test for filter with objects, fix
SparseSeries.shift efficient impl
handle non-NA fill_value case in SparseSeries.shift. complete test line coverage
fixed merge conflict
rename buglet
rolling moments will return SparseDataFrame now
fix merge conflict'
bit the bullet and did the big merge. now time to investigate lots of potential problems
DataMatrix is no more. test suite passes. lots of missing test coverage / things to look into now
more cleanup, moved some things to internals. removing references to DataMatrix
need some changes to block internals, getting started there. misc other impl
intermediate state atm
hmm, this probably isn't going to work. need to think on it a bit
unit tests pass...winning!
hammering out block internals issues
more unit tests
removed VAR impl
as_matrix will return right type in exceptional cases. more tests. calling it a day
finished test coverage for internals. more testing still needed
line coverage for frame.py complete
consolidated DataFrame unit tests
removed test_matrix.py
DataFrame.join optimization. unit tests for consol
sparse unit tests post refactor, getting closer
100% test coverage, but perhaps deceptive
removed pandas/core/matrix.py
renaming DataMatrix to DataFrame, misc cleanup
more renaming
some consolidation, deprecations, cleanup
once over of DataFrame. looks good to me. more review of SparseDataFrame needed
append works with SparseDataFrame
more sparse testing: rename, fillna, apply
more tests. basically satisfied with SparseDataFrame at the moment
merged datamatrix-refactor branch, fixed conflicts
CRLF fix, optimization
fix CRLF
hasty in removing matrix.py, need for legacy pickles
read_csv and read_table renamings in parsers.py. updated release notes
release notes
added var impl back for now
WeekOfMonth enhancement w/ unit tests
fixed API change in examples/finance.py
minor doc edits for DataFrame/DataMatrix consolidation, bumped version in version.py
mixed-type fixes in DataFrame statistical methods
test coverage
hacking on HDFStore, incorporating submitted patches and optimizing
unit tests pass
sped up write_table
optimized WidePanel read / write method + tests
remove unit tests, enable to remove full node. docs
100% test for HDFStore as it now stands
provide legacy HDFStore file support
mixed type storage support for DataFrame in HDFStore
lazy import of PyTables
updated docs
updated docs
error message disabling storing mixed-type DataFrame in table format
more unit tests, handle all types of Series
DataFrame fancy indexing gives view
added missing Series.ix case for completeness, optimized DataFrame.ix[...] to reduce unnecessary computation in some cases
removed usage of common.get_indexer
eager evaluation of GroupBy groups
updated release notes
starting flexible arith methods on Series
BUG: Index.__ne__ was not implemented
BUG: Index.__hash__ should raise an exception
BUG: DataFrame.ix[0] should return view
unit testing for flexible Series addition operators
avoiding code dup in fancy_index
Pre-emptive unit tests for fancy setitem on DataFrame
updated readme about github
little bit of fancy indexing refactoring
created indexing.py to organize fancy indexing code
fixed import error
unit tests for fancy setitem pass
mostly feature complete for homogeneous fancy DataFrame setitem
fancy indexing test coverage
more deprecations, release notes, parsers docs and added new functions to pandas namespace
pivot multiple columns at once, need tests etc. still
generalized pivot function to be able to pivot multiple columns into a WidePanel
updated bsd license
Cython code reorg and co-opted pyzmq build framework so do not have to check in cythonized .c code into git
removed stats/setup.py
updated release notes
BUG: fillna bug in Series GH#54
groupby now excludes NA values just like R does. avoids NA-handling issues
updated release notes about groupby
release notes
added set_printoptions function to common module, similar to NumPy print options
release notes and added set_printoptions to pandas namespace
changed float_format to precision
printoptions docstring
implemented rolling_quantile and unit tests
updated release notes
added generic rolling_apply function
release notes'
BUG: summing boolean DataFrame
release notes
tinkering with more general block structure
BUG: boolean DataFrame comparison had been broken after internals refactoring
starting unit tests for parsing functions, way overdue
added test csv files
oops, added test_parsers file, unit test coverage
Merge pull request #55 from dieterv77/CleanCommand
parsers won't NA out inf values by default. unit tests
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:wesm/pandas
test coverage, more still needed
unit test for specifying custom date parser
starting in on the mixed-type panel redesign
removed usages of indexMap, misc panel stuff
biting the bullet, working to make generic n-dimensional structure to back DataFrame and WidePanel and friends
added ascending argument to Series.order
testing IO roundtripping with HDFStore
Merge branch 'master' into widepanel-refactor
more nd generalization
BUG: fixed join_on regression from refactor
Merge branch 'master' into widepanel-refactor
BUG: support legacy legacy DataFrame pickle
Merge branch 'master' into widepanel-refactor
continuing changing blockmanager to be n-dimensional
amazingly all the unit tests pass post redesign. much cleanup still needed
panel tests pass. but others fail still
internals unit tests pass now
fixed failing sparse panel and ols unit tests
unit tests all pass!!
made BlockManager.xs more generic to support nd
generic slice with BlockManager for panel
removed core/setup.py and test coverage for internals
more panel test coverage'
test coverage
always copy data when inserting into DataFrame. failing reverse op dtype=object unit test
BUG: in as_matrix with subset of columns with single-block
BUG: fixed GH #56
Merge branch 'master' into widepanel-refactor
enhanced xs functionality returns lower dim BlockManager
test coverage
SparseDataFrame + DataFrame -> SparseDataFrame, simplified arith methods
removed collection.py
enable boolean indexing with object-dtyped array
some generification
added fill_value option to DataFrame.{add, mul, sub, div}
FIX: broke sparse unit tests in the last couple days
ENH: console formatting enhancements
contributed patches
casting to uint8 for numpy < 1.5.1 compat
add check about numpy version...
raise skiptest for < python 2.7
work in python 2.6
pickle with highest protocol, doesn't work in python 2.6 without
highest protocol pickle
ENH: read_table can infer integers. changed DataFrame.fromcsv to use it
setuptools resulting in unhappiness
int32/int64 issues
FIX: numpy.distutils thinks we're using Pyrex
ENH: rkern patch to debug
FIX: critical bug fix in block formation
FIX: unit test for bug
more unit tests
ENH: block integrity check (ensure consistent ordering)
REF: removed pytools and test_pytools
ENH: make DataFrame a bit more amenable to subclassing
ENH: cumsum/cumprod refactor, consistency
ENH: made things more generic, reduced code dup
fix merge conflict
FIX: DataFrame.__ne__ was not implemented
ENH: added BlockManager.insert function
ENH: use _constructor properties to get factory function instead of type(self), for easier subclassing
TST: modify DataFrame.values in place
ENH: DataFrame.insert method implementation
DOC: noted DataFrame.insert in release notes
ENH: DataFrame.__init__ will accept structured arrays. general performance tweak in constructor too
ENH: significant performance optimization in DataFrame constructor with ndarrays
BUG: reindexing length-0 DataFrame contributed fix
ENH: contrib perf optimization in panel homogenization routine
BUG: ndim not handled correctly in BlockManager pickling
FIX: legacy pickle format
starting to make a mess of GroupBy but should be interesting
starting on fast cythonized multi-groupby
some progress
ENH: got multi-groupby working in Cython. Lot more work needed
TST: tests pass except for multi-column. renamed self.klass to DataFrame in test_frame.py
ENH: refactoring of groupby. NA handling in new Cython methods
ENH: got DataFrameGroupBy column selection working, clean up constructors
ENH: some refactoring plus mystery bugfix in LongPanel.sort. need to investigate
ENH: working on generic python multi-groupby generator
ENH: Index can store tuples now
groupby test module
Merge branch 'multi-groupby' of github.com:wesm/pandas into multi-groupby
ENH: groupby delegation wrapper working
ENH: pure python multi-grouping working, UI needs work. as does cython integration
ENH: perf opt in Index. lazy enforcement of uniqueness, prevent unnecessary calls to map_indices
ENH: generic drop method for pandas objects
ENH: multi-groupby prototype working with DataFrame. nice
TST: type inference bugfix and test coverage
DOC: release notes
DOC: more thanks
BUG: explicit dtype in otherwise all-NA DataFrame
TST: raise exception when try to create empty int columns
BUG: typo caused regression
TST: for groupby regression bugfix
ENH: integrated cython aggregators
TST: multi-column groupby test passes now
TST: test on single column too
ENH: Series can be created without passing an explicit Index
ENH: multi-group flat iteration works
TST: do roundtrip in try: finally:
TST: unit tests for groupby
BUG: unnecessary line
TST: unit testing for groupby
FIX: numpy 1.4.0 bug in unit test
BUF: missing parens in catching multiple exception types
ENH: proper masking using counts in groupby. unit test and release notes
ENH: multi-grouping using functions works too
STY: small simplification
BUG: apparently True == 1 and False == 0
BUILD: changing to distutils setup instead of numpy.distutils setup
ENH: DataFrame.dropna method and deprecated dropIncompleteRows and dropEmptyRows
DOC: release notes about dropna
BUG: calling select on empty DataFrame generates Exception
DOC: illustrative example for DataFrame.pivot
STY: switched everyone to use generic select function
TST: unit test on indexing single column
TST: failing unit test for mixed-type LongPanel
ENH: working on multi-level index object
ENH: test_panel passes, but a lot of other stuff is failing
TST: unit test suite passes with refactored LongPanel
ENH: added Index.format functions and improved datetime formatting when no time information
ENH: removed LongPanelIndex in favor of the generic multilevel, patched up code and unit tests
ENH: renamed MultiLevelIndex to MultiIndex. implemented slicing, cleanup
ENH: sortlevel function, refactoring for hierarchical indexing
ENH: sortlevel refactoring
ENH: multilevel index in groupby. tests do not pass yet
ENH: stack and unstack methods
ENH: stack/unstack working. need to fix to_long_mixed test still
ENH: mixed-type WidePanel can make roundtrip to LongPanel without losing proper mixed-typeness
ENH: added delevel method, not certain about name
BUG: need to mask out aggregated levels
TST: failing unit test for groupby
BUG: fixed groupby bug with missing labels
ENH: multi-level index from_arrays method, reindexing-related methods, and Series changes so alignment will work. need to write a lot of tests
ENH: start enabling proper fancy indexing with multi-level index
ENH: indexing defer to _constructor
ENH: example of rolling_apply_frame
BUG: prevent NumPy upcasting float to string, regression from prior version
TST: Index/MultiIndex testing and minor refactoring
ENH: partial indexing with multi-level index, and various related tests
TST: MultiIndex unit tests
BUG: fix NumPy type upcasting to string, regression from 0.3.0
BUG: index needs to be casted to ndarray in Series.plot
TST: MultiIndex test coverage
TST: unit tests coverage for MultiIndex
BUG: fix GH #98
ENH: sparse formatting of multi-level indexes, and will print out columns, too
BUG: rewrote sparse formatting to fix buglet. created test_multilevel.py
ENH: working on hierarchical __getitem__ in DataFrame
ENH: hierarch xs working
BUG: unstacking with more than 2 levels was not correct
ENH: unstacking refactor, DataFrame can have a level expanded now, but needs work
ENH: missing unstacked levels will be omitted
ENH: handle FactorVector in rpy2 DataFrame conversion
MSC: don't assert Index.ndim == 1 because matplotlib sometimes adds axes
BUG: need to select unique groups from level when unstacking into regular index
ENH: implemented DataFrame._count_level to replace LongPanel.count
BUG: int block for intercept causing slow ols perf
ENH: some NA handling when converting from rpy2 DataFrame
ENH: drop levels when selecting higher level from Series or DataFrame. refactoring needed
BUG: multi-level column formatting
BUG: unicode handling in DataFrame.toString/info
STY: removed random code
ENH: AmbiguousIndexError not raised anymore, prefer label-based indexing, other multi-lev compat
ENH: added a cache of DataFrame columns to improve perf with many calls to __getitem__
ENH: some integration of multi-level indexing with .ix fancy indexing
ENH: support picklability of Index subclasses
TST: unit tests, and custom delete for Index objects
ENH: Index.reindex refactoring and getting drop to work with MultiIndex. address GH #101
ENH: enable group by level of MultiIndex
TST: test coverage in DataFrame and _count_level
BUG: error message in Series.__getitem__ with KeyError was made uninformative
ENH: accept arbitrary iterables in fancy indexing
ENH: switch to Cython agg for sum/mean for 1 group.
TST: unit test for Cython group mean and added similar NA fix
BUG: agg methods should return NaN when all NaN
BUG: NAs were not being properly excluded in multi-key groupby
BUG: tuples could not be inserted as new column keys in DataFrame
ENH: perf enhancement in Index.insert
ENH: multi-grouping with axis > 0
ENH: string names of functions can be passed to groupby
BUG: fixed mysterious major memory leak with method wrappers in groupby
BUG: fix major memory leak in Series caused by caching view as array
STY: refactored to prior state
ENH: perf enhancement in Series.groupby
ENH: groupby refactoring, testing, and perf opt. Series, DataFrame take functions
ENH: refactoring, generic GroupBy.apply with inference
BUG: tests pass now
TST: added memory leak script
ENH: added groups attribute back and implemented GroupBy.__len__, addressing GH #99 and GH #95
ENH: application resulting in hierarchical index working in some cases
ENH: axis=1 working mostly with hierarch groupby output
BUG: cast to ndarray
ENH: revert to old GroupBy.get_group for DataFrame due to perf
ENH: more groupby tests, tweaking apply result output inference
TST: completed groupby test (line) coverage
TST: Index/MultiIndex tests, other misc coverage
BUG: fix groupby regression with differently-indexed Series. test coverage
ENH: proper item slicing in internals and tests
ENH: copy option in reindex methods. cython fast_unique
ENH: huge perf enhancement in homogenization speed
ENH: more perf tweaking with homogenization
ENH: don't copy in panel homogenization step
ENH: use new fast_unique in Index.union
ENH: no boundscheck / wraparound in map_indices
ENH: WidePanel constructor can handle dict
BUG: groupby aggregate regression
ENH: Panel.pivot testing and performance enhancement
TST: Series test coverage
TST: sparse test coverage
TST: misc test coverage. moved some code to sandbox
TST: round out test coverage in pandas.core
TST: HDFStore with compression test coverage
BUG: address GH #106, and various ols unit tests
TST: more ols test coverage
TST: finished line coverage for ols.py
TST: BAM! plm test coverage. comparisons with R still needed
STY: ran pep8
ENH: return tuple in multi-iteration
DOC: Series docstring cleanup, reorg, deprecations
DOC: DataFrame docs, sort unit tests, other cleanup. deprecated tgroupby
DOC: DataFrame docstring edits and misc tweaks
DOC: some Index docstring cleanup
ENH: asof return nan so play nice with groupby
TST: fixed index unit test
ENH: Factor refactoring (heh) and docs
DOC: index.py docstrings etc.
DOC: panel docs
DOC: documentation pass on groupby and rest of pandas.core
BUG: removed __new__ tinker from last night
DOC: docstring edits and misc test coverage
ENH: implemented MultiIndex.insert function + tests
DOC: removed var.rst, fewer warnings now
TST: don't have time to figure out how to make pandas.test() work so removing it
DOC: starting work on overhauling the sphinx docs. switched to agogo theme
DOC: ipython directive from skipper's repo
DOC: hack so pure_python only executed once for now
ENH: convert multi-line pure python to continuation lines using the ast
DOC: small amount of cleanup in ipython_directive
BUG: Series from dict buglet
DOC: skeleton of reorg'd docs and starting new tutorial
DOC: reformatted release notes, deprecated DataFrame.tapply
DOC: release notes reformat. note about hierarchical indexing
DOC: release notes
DOC: adding API file, filling things out
DOC: more docs work on tutorial
DOC: more docs, tutorial
DOC: a bit more docs, Series valid->dropna
DOC: more docs, org
ENH: isnull/notnull return Series now. doc edits
DOC: missing data docs, Series API
DOC: more missing data docs
DOC: more missing data docs
DOC: chopping up old tutorial
DOC: readme edits to be more like the docs, mostly finished missing data section
DOC: more on basics
ENH: more flexible renaming. corrwith bugfix
DOC: more hacking on the basics
DOC: even more work on tut. reindexing how-to getting there
ENH: implemented sort for WidePanel
DOC: yet more basics docs and reorg
ENH: sort_index impl and consistency across classes
DOC: finished basic sorting docs.
BUG: rolling_cov bias correction did not take into account changing number of observations
DOC: release notes
DOC: release notes reformat
DOC: release notes reformat
DOC: minor readme reorg
DOC: more reorg, deleted old series and dataframe rst files. starting on indexing docs
DOC: boolean indexing with DataFrame
DOC: fancy indexing -> advanced indexing to disambiguate
DOCS: more indexing docs
DOC: finished fancy indexing. starting on hierarch indexing
DOC: more multiindex
DOC: a bit more, and noticed a bug :(
ENH: implemented lexsort_depth and is_lexsorted
TST: more unit tests for lexsort_depth check
DOC: mostly finished indexing chapter
DOC: starting to rewrite the groupby docs. slowly
DOC: making some progress on groupby docs
DOC: first cut on new groupby docs done
ENH: can do as_index=False in groupby. removed dummy 'index' column from DataFrame.to_csv output and added index_label option
DOC: groupby doc about as_index=False. some joining/merging docs
ENH: DataFrame.pivot now returns MultiIndex columns with multiple fields. Return view when indexing homogeneous hierarhical columns. various related unit tests
ENH: indexing object with MultiIndex works if indexing the top level. address GH #120
DOC: starting on pivot docs. some indexing additions given new functionality
DOC: release notes. and rewrote _make_long_index
REF: removed make_long_index method and switched things to directly create MultiIndex
ENH: stacking starting with MultiIndex implemented, more unit testing needed
ENH: swaplevel methods
ENH: stack/unstack bug fixes and unit tests
ENH: stack/unstack seem to be working. unit tests pass
BUG: buglet in to_csv I introduced earlier today
REF: moved stack/unstack/pivot code into new reshape module
TST: test coverage
DOC: reshape docs. man that is cool
BUG: groupby bug with flex aggregate functions. and hierarchical columns weren't being passed on
TST: test coverage
DOC: note about swaplevels
DOC: time series docs, timeRule->time_rule renaming
REF: removed timeRule argument altogether
DOC: more time series docs and release notes
DOC: time series docs. bit of LongPanel refactoring
REF: LongPanel is now no longer a 'Panel'. added level option to Series.count. fixed up OLS classes now that LongPanel works a bit differently. more testing / spot checking of results needed
BUG: let downstream code convert list to ndarray, asarray not tuplesafe
REF: renamed WidePanel -> Panel. legacy pickle support remains and a reference to WidePanel in the pandas namespace
DOC: plotting function enhancements and plotting / stats docs
ENH: more flexible boolean setting with DataFrame
BUG: r2 needs to use transformed data
DOC: stats docs
BUG: change to _trans to fix unit test
DOC: start IO docs
ENH: enable storage of hierarchical index objects in HDFStore. addresses GH #128
TST: ensure that MultIIndex names are stored correctly
ENH: added add_prefix / add_suffix methods to DataFrame
ENH: enable joining with overlap and lsuffix/rsuffix options
BUG: self->this, need unit tests
ENH: extensive indexing.py refactoring and implemented fancy/advanced indexing
BUG: multi-key groupby now works with multiple functions. starting to add *args, **kwargs. address GH #133
BUG: address groupby bug described in GH #131
TST: unit testing for *args/**kwargs in groupby. address GH #132
ENH: Panel.join. some cleanup, testing needed
ENH: add omitna option to Series stat methods and fix up unit tests
ENH: skipna in DataFrame stat functions
ENH: skipna in Panel methods. need to unit test
BUG: PanelOLS couldn't cope with object DataFrame input
ENH: skipna and unit testing for Panel
DOC: docs about skipna
DOC: sparse docs. getting closer to release
TST: DataFrame test coverage
TST: Panel.join unit tests and misc panel test coverage
TST: add_prefix/suffix to sparse. test coverage
BUG: win64 buglet in pytables IO
BUG: git code churn typo
DOC: release notes, setup.py updating
BUG: to_wide was returning incorrect results with inconsistent long panel index. added HDFStore handling for duplicates in table format
DOC: doc warning fixes
BUG: Python 2.5 compat in fillna
BUG: commented out block of cython code causing compiler warning
BLD: windows test batch files
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:wesm/pandas
BLD: include sandbox subpackage. set released to True
Version 0.4.0
BLD: edit MANIFEST.in to include docs
RLS: Version 0.4.0, fixed version.py
No new revisions were added by this update.
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