[pandas] annotated tag v0.9.0rc1 created (now d0ebbd9)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 15:20:31 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag v0.9.0rc1
in repository pandas.

        at  d0ebbd9   (tag)
   tagging  e1b6e44bed02f47f59bf2d71c836f42f6e130dea (commit)
  replaces  v0.8.1
 tagged by  Wes McKinney
        on  Thu Sep 20 23:16:30 2012 -0400

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.9.0 Release Candidate 1

Chang She (54):
      BUG: try to convert non-unicode non-ascii characters in repr #1620
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pydata/pandas
      Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/pydata/pandas
      ENH: explicit data type specifications for getting table schema from DataFrame
      BUG: plot styling bugs #1666 #1665 #1658
      BUG: reverting conv_unicode but keeping configurable encoding
      BUG: verify inferred B freq #1668 #1669
      BUG: color cycle problems
      BUG: QS and BQ alias #1725
      BUG: dayfirst and yearfirst in DatetimeIndex constructor #1769
      ENH: to_period converts BQS,QS,BQ to Q and similarly for annual
      BUG: add H,T,S as subperiods of H #1732
      BUG: more consistent na_values #1657
      DOC: fixed doc for default value for Series.get #1712
      ENH: format string for to_csv #1525
      ENH: primary key for sqlite schema
      put date parsing after individual column inferencing so integers can be parsed better
      ENH: default value for NaN for contains,startswith,endswith #1689
      BUG: converters and index_col on same column #1835. Also minor refactor of parsers
      BUG: fixed empty case #1835
      BUG: strify fields in custom parsers to deal with date fields that gets parsed into ints, fixes doc build #1866
      DOC: boolean parse_dates only applies to index #1816
      BUG: set_index inplace modifies data even if unique check fails #1831
      BUG: only use Q-OCT Q-NOV Q-DEC in quarterly freq inference #1789
      BUG: unstack fills True for boolean frame #1820
      BUG: DataFrame.shift converts to object for bool #1814
      BUG: mixed float64 float32 merge failure #1849
      BUG: start_time on Period fix #1857
      BUG: use _maybe_upcast and removes dup code. #1814
      BUG: unicode sheet name in to_excel #1828
      DOC: fixed extlinks in sphinx conf
      DOC: minor change to build script to help auto build process
      VB: resolve test name conflict and update make script
      BUG: asof failure with PeriodIndex #1883
      DOC: github issue scraper to generate release notes
      BUG: FixedOffsetTimeZone #1922
      DOC: added note about FixedOffsetTimezone
      BUG: df.set_index fails for MultiIndex columns #1885
      BUG: asof returns different types #1810
      Have PeriodIndex override asof_locs to cleanup series.asof
      ENH: allow pos and neg for skip_footer #1843
      BUG: apply across non-unique indices. Still failing for sparse
      BUG: apply non-uq with tests #1878
      Only call DataFrame.values once in _apply_standard
      BUG: no zone in tzinfo #1838
      BUG: more fixedoffset occurrences #1928
      BUG: allow non-numeric columns in groupby first/last #1809
      cython methods for group bins #1809
      BUG: align input on setting via ix #1630
      BUG: DatetimeIndex localizes twice if input is localized DatetimeIndex #1838
      ENH: allow single str input to na_values #1944
      BUG: DatetimeConverter does not handle datetime64 arrays properly
      TST: adds dateutil to travis-ci install commands
      BUG: missing case for assigning DataFrame via ix

Christopher Whelan (2):
      Add expanding moment functions and related tests.
      Add expanding moment functions to docs.

Daniel Shapiro (1):
      make docstring handling more robust and work with -OO python interpreter option

Dieter Vandenbussche (1):
      Support DataFrame.dot method with Series arg.  Align if needed

Doug Coleman (1):
      BUG: fix rolling_max/min for small inputs and large windows. Add a check that the min_period <= window size. Fixes #1897.

John-Colvin (2):
      fixed row/col orientation for 2D arrays
      added tranposed attribute, used in _read_array

Johnny (1):
      bugfix in tools.scatter_plot

Lars Buitinck (4):
      ISO C function prototype
      don't declare static array in header
      rm unused function and variables
      ENH better error message for mixed series/nonseries DataFrame construction

Mark O'Leary (1):
      ENH: add more possible bool values to read_csv #1295

Martin Blais (5):
      Formatting: Added classes argument to DataFrame.to_html().
      DataFormatter: Added support for formatting the index in to_html() via a special '__index__' key to the formatters dict.
      DataFormatter: Refactored to_string() in order to let the future to_latex() take advantage of it.
      DataFrameFormatter: Implemented really basic (but working) LaTeX serialization support in DataFrame.to_latex().
      BUG: Converted more unsafe characters for LaTeX.

MinRK (1):
      undo dumb setuptools bug clobbering .pyx sources back to .c

Paul Ivanov (4):
      ENH: inplace keyword argument for df.reset_index
      ENH: inplace keyword arg for Series.reset_index
      DOC: fixed some minor typos
      DOC: skipna not an argument of drop_duplicates

Skipper Seabold (4):
      TST: Failing test for to_string with non-ascii string
      BUG: Safely decode strings to unicode
      DOC: Add statsmodels intersphinx for see also referencing
      DOC: Drop scikits namespace. Update statsmodels info

Spencer Lyon (5):
      Added options data functionality
      Cleaned up docstrings
      Final cleansing of docstrings
      Found error in get_near_stock_price(). It was getting the stock price only for aapl instead of self.symbol
      Made BeautifulSoup import local and made Options class inherit from object.

Taavi Burns (1):
      Avoid extra calls to calendar.monthrange.

Wes McKinney (155):
      DOC: doc ref fixes
      ENH: add flags option for re.compile in findall, match, contains, close #1659
      DOC: fix qcut docs
      BUG: fix MM-YYYY string parsing case for time series indexing, close #1672
      BUG: fix groupby.apply index name bug, close #1701
      DOC: doc typo fix close #1722
      REF: remove deprecated day_of_year api from PeriodIndex close #1723
      BUG: critical DatetimeIndex.union bug with different frequency indexes close #1730
      BUG: handle Ellipsis in Series indexing close #1721
      BUG: note that 5382985 closed #1719
      TST: unit test for #1719
      BUG: handle various 1.6/1.7 bugs with datetime64 scalar handling close #1717
      BUG: work around another NumPy 1.6 concatenate bug with datetime64, close #1745
      BUG: groupby DatetimeIndex asof/map issues close #1677
      BUG: fix handling of NAs in Factors in pandas.rpy, close #1615
      BUG: fix import in stats.var close #1734
      BUG: DatetimeIndex.intersection issue with equal unanchored offsets close #1708
      BUG: fix DataFrame.info with non-unique columns close #1700
      ENH: handling of dateutil-generated UTC datetime objects in to_datetime close #1693
      BUG: Series.iget_value with non-unique indexes close #1694
      BUG: don't lose tzinfo in DataFrame constructor, close #1682
      BUG: handling of time zones where all timestamps past last transition, close #1673
      BUG: don't assume sortedness when performing tz_convert, close #1756
      BUG: isnull handling of array-like inputs (list) close #1755
      BUG: reindex when passing Series to Series constructor, close #1671
      BUG: fix another numpy 1.6 datetime64 concat bug close #1681
      BUG: handle min_periods correctly at array start in new rolling min/max close #1695
      BUG: SeriesBinGrouper bugs with how='median' or generic numpy function in some cases close #1688, #1648
      BUG: exclude unobserved levels when grouping by level, close #1697
      BUG: don't lose tzinfo when shifting by different frequency close #1683
      BUG: hack to enable zero-length data to be stored in HDFStore, close #1707
      ENH: add str.decode to Series for unicode decoding close #1706
      BUG: fix tz-aware daterange generation issue close #1674
      ENH: handle generators in Series constructor close #1679
      BUG: method='time' interpolation incorrect for intraday data close #1698
      TST: unit test, close #1680
      BUG: close #1681 for real
      ENH: add na_action='ignore' option to Series.map close #1661
      BUG: fix line plot color assignment issues from 0.8.0 close #1711
      BUG: don't plot empty columns as an array of zeros close #1696
      DOC: release notes
      BUG: fix performance problem in infer_freq for non-unique indexes (short circuit immediately) close #1686
      BUG: support PeriodIndex more infrastructurally when creating MultiIndex close #1705
      BUG: handle unicode level names when formatting MultiIndex close #1736
      BUG: properly convert PeriodIndex in to_datetime close #1703
      BUG: support StaticTzInfo in DatetimeIndex close #1692
      BUG: allow MultiIndex setops with all length-0 indexes close #1727
      BUG: np.rec.fromarrays doesn't know what to do with M8[ns] close #1720
      DOC: default of left_index/right_index is False close #1758
      BUG: fix isnull handling of objects on which bool fails e.g. DataFrame close #1749
      BUG: resampling logic error with daily -> higher when closed='left', close #1726
      BUG: fix indexing ambiguity with MultiIndex close #1678
      BUG: .ix setting logic error with non-unique MultiIndex close #1750
      BUG: MultiIndex indexing with >= 1000000 elements close #1757
      Merge remote branch 'blais/master' into to-latex
      BUG: corr/cov dtype issue close #1761
      BUG: fix DatetimeIndex.isin close #1763
      BUG: conversion of array of tz-aware datetime.datetime to correct DatetimeIndex close #1777
      BUG: fix date_range generation issues with DST transitions and anchored offsets close #1778
      BUG: fix lingering date_range over DST transition issue described in #1778
      BUG: array/list of tz-aware of datetime.datetime -> DatetimeIndex getting over-localized. close #1790
      BUG: fix issue calling sort on result of Series.unique, close #1807
      BUG: fix sqrt(negative number) issue in rolling_std close #1840
      DOC: remove scikits from statsmodels and indicate >= 0.4.0 for optional features
      RLS: bump dev version to 0.9.0
      BUG: Let Series.str.split accept no arguments (like str.split) close #1859
      BLD: allow latest version (2.1) of python-dateutil in setup.py close #1851
      BLD: narrower check into pandas.lib ImportError, close #1845
      BUG: Fix error when window size > array size in rolling_apply. close #1850
      DOC: note about time_rule legacy argument to moving window functions close #1841
      TST: test for #1837
      TST: buglet
      BLD: print exception (if any) in pandas/__init__.py #1832
      ENH: add args/kwds options to Series.apply like DataFrame.apply close #1829
      TST: add dateutil.parser name back to datetools
      BLD: dateutil 1.5 on python 2.5 only
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'ivanov/inplace_in_more_places'
      BUG: fix Series(self, ...) issue, rls note for #1797
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'qwhelan/expanding_moments'
      DOC: release notes for #1785
      DOC: rls note for #1792
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'spencerlyon2/options'
      DOC: release notes
      BUG: don't modify numpy suppress printoption
      DOC: fix sphinx conf bug
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'JohnColvin/patch-1'
      BUG: fixes for test suite re: #1834
      STY: pep8 cleanup, release notes
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'jseabold/fix-tostring-unicode'
      BUG: remove deprecated import close #1861
      BUG: bugs in DataFrame.duplicated with datetime64 columns close #1833
      BUG: correct lib.ismember 32-bit data access issue
      BUG: fix error after Panel truncate copy close #1823
      BUG: prevent segfault since MultiIndex not supported in HDF5 table format. close #1848
      API: use ISO8601 format for Period repr, close #1776
      BUG: no unboundlocalerror in Panel.__setitem__ close #1826
      BUG: handling of array-like DataFrame elements in to_csv, make isnull work on lists of strings. close #1791
      TST: unit test for #1808, don't fail console_encode test on platforms that can't encode unicode character
      BUG: more fun unicode fixes
      TST: skip console_encode test on Python 3
      BUG: Timestamp comparisons with out-of-range datetime values, e.g. datetime.min
      BUG: normalize_date revert handling of datetime.date
      BUG: fix broken interaction between Series.any/all and np.nansum
      BUG: fix #1866 and DatetimeIndex union with Int64Index bug
      TST: revert extra str
      DOC: release notes
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'chang/conv-index-col'
      BUG: fix Series.__repr__ issue with NumPy scalars introduced in last few days close #1887
      TST: unit test to verify #1825 fixed
      BUG: fix concat failure with PeriodIndex, close #1815
      BUG: avoid out-of-bounds access in pad_2d/backfill_2d causing segfault
      BUG: fix downsampling bug with intraday data when end.time() < start.time(). close #1772
      BUG: fix mixed-integer .ix indexing bugs. close#1799
      BUG: don't clobber color keyword in Series.plot, close #1890
      ENH: clean up #1691 changes, rls note
      TST: unit test for #1902 and default to csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL
      TST: skip test_console_encode if sys.stdin.encoding is None
      TST: oops import in wrong place
      TST: skip to_file test if URLError occurs on some systems
      BUG: treat nobs=1 >= min_periods case in rolling_std/variance as 0 trivially. close #1884
      BUG: DataFrame mixed-type arithmetic column-wise, fix DataFrame.diff upcasting->object bug close #1896
      BUG: override min/max in DatetimeIndex to function as expected close #1895
      BUG: DataFrame column formatting issue in length-truncated column close #1906
      BUG: fix metadata copying to derived Index instances with view(...) inside NumPy
      BUG: try to work around mingw32 segfault in #1898
      BUG: support datetime.date in rollback/rollforward
      BUG: fix regression in drop_duplicates when passing single string column close #1917
      RLS: update LICENSE to include bottleneck license, scipy/numpydoc as well. remove unnecessary NP_LICENSE.txt
      DOC: license typo
      BUG: TypeError when passing set to Series ctor, close #1913
      BUG: raise TypeError when appending to HDFStore table with different index_kind, close #1881
      BUG: handling of 0-length arrays in ewm* functions close #1900
      BUG: fix regression in negative integer indexing from 0.7.x close #1888
      BUG: don't truncate small FP numbers to zero in DataFrame formatting close #1911
      BUG: handling datetime.date in more places in DateOffset classes close #1395
      ENH: index_label=False -> no leading comma in header in DataFrame.to_csv. close #1583
      ENH: DataFrame.dropna can take a tuple/list of axes. close #924
      TST: verify that #1676 has been fixed
      API: default empty DataFrame to dtype=object to prevent certain class of TypeError, e.g. out of empty SQL query. closes #1783
      ENH: improved DataFrame.to_html for hierachical indexes close #1929
      BUG: fix pandas.unique handling of Index subclasses. add Series.from_array alternate constructor, close #1759
      BUG: set index name/names in DataFrame.from_records. close #1744
      TST: fix unit test on platforms with different default libc float formatting
      BUG: fix indexing issue with duplicate dates, close #1821
      BUG: handle lists too in DataFrame.xs when partially selecting data from DataFrame. close #1796
      TST: skip unicode filename test if system requires encoding to ascii
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'chang/fixedoffset'
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'chang/groupby-last'
      BUG: fix formatting of Timestamps in to_html/IPython notebook. refactor to_html code. close #1940
      BUG: reindex with axis=1 when setting Series to scalar location, close #1942
      BUG: let selecting multiple columns in DataFrame.__getitem__ work when there are duplicates. close #1943
      BUG: python 3 tzoffset is not hashable
      BUG: python 3.1 timedelta compat issue
      BLD: add lib depends #1945
      RLS: Version 0.9.0 Release Candidate 1

Wouter Overmeire (15):
      BUG: fix to_html justify and index args, close #1728
      BUG: fix plot unicode+MultiIndex, close #1685
      ENH: Allow df plotting with style by some columns.
      ENH: speed up MultiIndex.format, close #1746
      DOC: fix typo, close #1793
      TST: when xlwt is not installed skip test needing it.
      BUG: fix fillna on series with integers, close #1788
      DOC: fix plot in missing data section, close #1827
      BUG: use np.iterable to check for iterable, close #1773
      DOC: update DataFrame.xs docstring and add examples
      ENH: api change to use label or position for x/y plotting, close #1842
      Merge branch 'master' of github.com:pydata/pandas
      DOC: add intersphinx mapping for python library, close #1556
      ENH: indicate DataFrame repr truncation, close #1854
      TST: when xlrd is not installed skip tests needing it, close #1941

Yaroslav Halchenko (1):
      Mention Ubuntu for NeuroDebian repository

lenolib (1):
      Update pandas/stats/ols.py

y-p (3):
      console_encode() will default to utf-8 when sys.stdin.encoding is None (ipnb)
      BUG: UnicodeDecodeError in SeriesFormatter when series name is unicode
      Make sequences of unicode strings print nicely in SeriesFormatter

Øystein S. Haaland (1):
      Make it possible to set quoting for to_csv


No new revisions were added by this update.

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