[pandas] annotated tag v0.9.1rc1 created (now e02099b)

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 28 15:20:32 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a change to annotated tag v0.9.1rc1
in repository pandas.

        at  e02099b   (tag)
   tagging  2d576ee9b9337210a8c85f11e48177db42ecd57f (commit)
  replaces  v0.9.0
 tagged by  Wes McKinney
        on  Fri Nov 9 18:58:51 2012 -0500

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Version 0.9.1 Release Candidate 1

Brenda Moon (4):
      fixed color keyword in time series plot - issue #1890
      refactor plotting.py to only have _maybe_add_color defined once
      remove comment
      remove call to self._get_colors() from inside _maybe_add_color() - not efficient

Chang She (53):
      BUG: fix bad ISO8601 datetime parsing #2018
      BUG: DateTimeConverter typo calls np._asarray_tuplesafe. TST: a few more test cases for DateTimeConverter.convert
      DOC: fixed parameter name and adjusted wording for TimeGrouper constructor
      ENH: intersection on DatetimeIndex with empty fails for monotonic with anchored offset
      ENH: ~ for DataFrame #2110
      BUG: setitem with Timestamp #2155
      BUG: get_indexer for MultiIndex does not raise Exception for non-unique #2101
      BUG: Tick isAnchored inconsistencies #2150
      BUG: Timestamp.astimezone returns datetime.datetime #2060
      ENH: rank na_options top and bottom #1508
      ENH: error msg for inserting list into empty frame #2147
      ENH: DataFrame where and mask #2109
      BUG: index name in to_records #2161
      ENH: at_time and between_time for DataFrame #2131
      BUG: exclude timedelta64 from integer dtypes #2146
      BUG: error plotting inferred freq with N>1 #2116
      BUG: xs MultiIndex integer level problem #2107
      BUG: color vs colors in LinePlot #2082
      renamed test case
      BUG: start_time end_time to_timestamp bugs #2124 #2125 #1764
      BUG: change default frequency for to_timestamp
      BUG: add same to_timestamp change to PeriodIndex
      BUG: off-center grid in case of stacked bar plot #2157
      TST: get rid of string.letters import for py3
      BUG: align two tz aware frames loses tz #2127
      BUG: Series.diff for integer dtypes #2087
      BUG: int dtype diff for frame. refactored diff into common
      BUG: stop overridding matplotlib unit registrations for datetime.datetime/date/time but keep registration for pandas specific classes Period and Timestamp
      DOC: draft release notes for v0.9.1
      DOC: examples for release notes
      BUG: ensure axes are Index objects in _arrays_to_mgr
      BUG: put mpl unit registry back in for set_xlim
      DOC: remove note on not overriding mpl registry
      TST: take out IPython check for timeseries plotting tests
      BUG: do not coerce types in parser if converters specified #2184
      BUG: partial slicing bugs for PeriodIndex
      DOC: add note about converters now blocking type coersion in file parsers
      Additional test coverage for v0.9.1
      TST: misc coverage and cleanup
      DOC: fixed up release notes a little more
      BUG: bug in setup.py with cython and sdist command class #2188
      BUG: fill_value not being applied for mixed type frame #2191
      BUG: DataFrame constructor list of lists with duplicated columns
      Revert 866217640c false alarm
      Merge pull request #2195 from michaelaye/patch-2
      DOC: build docs for previous releases
      BUG: allow full color name as string when plotting single column frame
      BUG: remove inlining for some functions to maintain clang compatibility #2188
      BUG: join_non_unique doesn't sort properly for DatetimeIndex #2196
      ENH: let users disable autoconversion to PeriodIndex in plotting so an externally setup twinx can work with irregular + regular freq timeseries #2205
      ENH: add pd.plot_params.use as contextmanager to temporarily set a plot parameter #2205
      DOC: describe suppression of auto tick locator adjustment #2205
      TST: add from future import for py2.5 compat

Jeff Reback (1):
      a panel constructed with a None value throws an error (0.9 exhibits the same behavior)

K.-Michael Aye (1):
      Updating help text for plot_series

Martin Blais (1):
      BUG: Fixed bugs with Python 3.3 from a simple 'import pandas'

Tobias Brandt (6):
      ENH: Allow referencing of Excel columns by their Excel column names.
      Fixed bug
      TST: Added _skip_if_no_xlrd() to skip test when `xlrd` is not installed.
      CLN: Moved tests for related functions closer together.
      CLN: Made Excel file instance variable name consistent across all 3
      CLN: Fixed a typo in the documentation.

Wes McKinney (76):
      RLS: bump minor to 0.9.1, released=False
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'y-p/cleanup_tox'
      Merge remote-tracking branch 'y-p/fast_testing'
      ENH: improve display of hierarchical columns in to_html
      ENH: box Series more efficiently with from_array
      BUG: fix WLS r-squared to match statsmodels post 10/2012
      REF: remove old txt file
      BUG: business day normalize=True/False equivalent. caused performance issues from 0.7 to 0.9
      BUG: fix improved to_html when DataFrame index is multiindex
      ENH: BusinessDay.apply much faster when n large
      BUG: fix group_mean segfault when axis='columns' instead of axis=1. close #2113
      ENH: tweak implementation of Timestamp.__richcmp__ to be faster
      Merge remote branch 'brendam/fix-color-kwarg'
      BUG: don't send utf8-encoded text to matplotlib, barfs in 1.1.0
      merge PR #2086
      Merge remote branch 'y-p/doc_fix'
      merge c6662de
      DOC: rls notes
      ENH: enable DataFrame.dot to accept ndarrays. close #2042
      ENH: also catch UnboundLocalError. close #2068
      BUG: correct computation of min/max for datetime64 and box result. close #2083
      BUG: fix unstacking edge case failure when filtering unrepresented combinations. close #2100
      BUG: fix str.split failure with pipe '|' pattern. close #2119
      BUG: fix formatting of dict entries in Series/DataFrame. close #2144
      BUG: cast datetime64 values to nanoseconds in DataFrame ctor. close #2095
      BUG: correct inf/-inf handling in read_csv. close #2041
      DOC: fix flow issue, add dataframe constructor before example. close #2061
      ENH: per-level sort order in sort/sort_index. close #928
      DOC: remove old reference to index uniqueness. close #2043
      BUG: ensure platform int in a few places
      ENH: revert Index mutability change. improve performance of dropna by using take. related to #2162
      ENH: tweak na_option checking per #2159
      DOC: rls notes
      DOC: release notes. fix file modes
      TST: raise assertionerror instead
      TST: test from #2098
      BUG: box Timestamps in Series/DataFrame.iget_value. close #2148
      BUG: comparison methods for Tick offsets. close #2078
      BUG: don't lose index names in to_frame/to_panel. close #2163
      BUG: use re.search instead of re.match in DataFrame.filter with regex argument. close #1976
      BUG/ENH: support negative periods in Panel.shift. close #2164
      BUG: work around numpy zero-length boolean indexing bug. close #2096
      BUG: make NDFrame.drop work with non-unique indexes. close #2101
      BUG: partial indexing bug: python2.5 support + tweak #2107
      BUG/ENH: week-of-month time rule inference. close #2140
      Merge remote branch 'chang/plot-color'
      BUG: cut/qcut bin formatting bugs. close #1979
      TST: fix up bench/bench_merge.py
      BUG: raise exception when view not possible of multiindex'd dataframe. close #2117
      BUG: groupby.first/last datetime64 type issue. close #2133
      Merge remote branch 'chang/to-timestamp'
      ENH: nanosecond tweak per #2170. period spanning in upsampling
      BUG: better floating point robustness in moving window functions. close #2114
      BUG: fix NA handling in ewma adjustment. close #2128
      ENH: generify common.diff per #2174, close #2087
      ENH: specialized cython diff functions
      BUG: MultiIndex.__getitem__ failure with NA values causing downstream problems. close #2008
      BUG: basic DataFrame constructor refactoring to better support duplicate columns. close #2079
      DOC: rls notes
      BUG: more DataFrame constructor refactoring for duplicate columns. #2079
      BUG: from_records bug when passing columns. docs clarification #2179
      TST: misc test coverage
      TST: disable test_console_encode post unicode refactor
      TST: rogue foo
      TST: fix panel/test_panel file modes. don't skip plotting tests if ipython imported
      TST: more misc test coverage
      BUG: parse floats outside of PyFloat_FromString for python 2.5
      BUG: account for different fp exponent formatting in some pythons
      BUG: catch any/all case that fails in NumPy > 1.6 with stricter casting rules
      DOC: spacing fix
      BLD: c scope decl wrong
      BUG: don't coerce False/True to 0/1 in engines. close #2199
      Merge remote branch 'y-p/unicode_'
      BUG: improper MultiIndex conversion issue. close #2200
      ENH: add pow/rpow to DataFrame. close #2190
      RLS: mark 0.9.1 RC 1

Wouter Overmeire (4):
      TST: Series repr fails when name is tuple holding non string-type #2051
      STY: pep8
      BUG: fix output formatting, zero trimming of floats with exp, close #2120
      DOC: correct default sep in to_csv, close #2156

timmie (2):
      set link target for faq site
      link the info on scikits.timeseries

y-p (52):
      BLD: added caching to setup.py - speeds up testing dramatically.
      DOC: add caveat regarding the use of dicts as arg to read_csv()
      DOC: grammer
      BUG: index.format should accept unicode index names
      CLN: Move test_console_encode out of wrong test class
      TST: unless a file is pure ascii, you must specify an encoding
      TST: remove fmt.test_to_string_force_unicode
      CLN: Move _is_sequence() from pd.frame to pd.common, with other is_*
      TST: add test for _is_sequence()
      ENH: rework console encoding detection in fmt.print_config
      ENH: Add helpers to pd.common: pprint_thing/_encoded(),console_encode()
      TST: add test_pprint_thing()
      ENH: SeriesFormatter footer repr now uses pprint_thing()
      ENH: explicitly encode retval of SeriesFormatter.to_string() with console_encode()
      ENH: Index summary() and format() now delegate to pprint_thing()
      ENH: tseries.Index.summary() now delegates to pprint_thing()
      BUG: TextReader._explicit_index_names() should allow for unicode index_name
      BUG: parsers._concat_date_cols should accept unicode
      TST: test dataframe to_csv() with unicode index and columns
      TST: test series to_csv() with unicode index
      BUG: csvwriter writerow() now delegates to pprint_thing() for non-text objects
      TST: add test for UnicodeWriter with csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC
      ENH: add is_number() helper to pd.core.common
      ENH: UnicodeWriter (CSV) now supports quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC
      CLN: Expunge stringify_seq() in favor of pprint_thing() in Index.format()
      BUG: Add checks to df,series repr() to handle python3
      TST: repr() should return type str() on py2 and py3
      ENH: Index.__repr__ now uses pprint_thing/_encoded().
      CLN: Abolish stringify and _strify in favor of pprint_thing()
      DOC: closes #1709, add link to iris data set
      CLN: cleanup tox.ini, remove stale pandas/setup.py, fix tox warning
      TST: Added Script for running tox instances in parallel.
      DOC: fix intersphinx ref to python doc in io.rst
      ENH: Eliminate __setitem__ in pd.Index
      BUG: setup.py error message lacks cache_dir argument
      DOC: make github show link to developer guidelines when opening new issue.
      CLN: fix indent in bench_merge_sqlite
      CLN: clean up comment
      CLN: clean up comments in tox config
      CLN: remove deprecated names argument to df.from_records
      TST: printing df.columns should not raise exception when labels are unicode
      BUG: printing df.columns should not raise exception when labels are unicode
      BUG: pprint_thing() should not realize lazy things
      TST: df.ix[:,unicode] should not die with UnicodeEncodeError
      BUG: df.ix[:,unicode] should not die with UnicodeEncodeError
      TST: MultiIndex repr should properly encode unicode labels
      BUG: MultiIndex repr should properly encode unicode labels
      TST: nested exceptions clobber the exception context, must reraise with named arg
      BUG: nested exceptions clobber the exception context, must reraise with named arg
      BUG: use pprint_thing() rather then str()
      BUG: use pprint_thing() rather then str() in Block.repr()
      ENH: eliminate _str() in favor of pprint_thing


No new revisions were added by this update.

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