[theano] 08/23: Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.2'
Daniel Stender
stender at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Jul 12 10:54:32 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
stender pushed a commit to branch master
in repository theano.
commit 442f3a58bf5938e022870e54a1553ac3ff1ae47d
Merge: 48987a5 6382a4a
Author: Daniel Stender <stender at debian.org>
Date: Mon Jul 11 15:21:53 2016 +0200
Merge tag 'upstream/0.8.2'
Upstream version 0.8.2
.mailmap | 162 +
.travis.yml | 76 +
HISTORY.txt | 14 +
MANIFEST.in | 1 +
NEWS.txt | 287 +-
NEWS_DEV.txt | 42 +-
README.txt | 3 +-
Theano.pyproj | 231 +
Theano.sln | 18 +
benchmark/autoencoder/aa.py | 31 +-
benchmark/autoencoder/aa_numpy.py | 8 +-
benchmark/convolution/conv2d.py | 7 +-
benchmark/convolution/opencv.py | 5 +-
benchmark/convolution/scipy_conv.py | 5 +-
benchmark/numexpr/gen_graph.py | 45 +-
benchmark/regression/regression.py | 14 +-
bin/theano-cache | 51 +-
bin/theano-nose | 35 +-
bin/theano-test | 3 +-
doc/.templates/layout.html | 24 -
doc/LICENSE.txt | 5 +-
doc/acknowledgement.txt | 3 +-
doc/api/epydoc.conf | 152 -
doc/cifarSC2011/advanced_theano.txt | 432 +-
doc/cifarSC2011/index.txt | 3 +-
doc/cifarSC2011/pics/logreg_pydotprint_predict.png | Bin 0 -> 106142 bytes
.../pics/logreg_pydotprint_prediction.png | Bin 0 -> 148860 bytes
doc/cifarSC2011/pics/logreg_pydotprint_train.png | Bin 0 -> 473403 bytes
doc/cifarSC2011/theano.txt | 31 +-
doc/citation.txt | 5 +-
doc/conf.py | 16 +-
doc/core_development_guide.txt | 1 +
doc/crei2013/advanced_theano.txt | 171 +-
doc/crei2013/ifelse_switch.py | 6 +-
doc/crei2013/index.txt | 3 +-
doc/crei2013/logreg.py | 13 +-
doc/crei2013/pics/logreg_pydotprint_predict.png | Bin 0 -> 106142 bytes
doc/crei2013/pics/logreg_pydotprint_prediction.png | Bin 0 -> 148860 bytes
doc/crei2013/pics/logreg_pydotprint_train.png | Bin 0 -> 473403 bytes
doc/crei2013/scan_poly.py | 3 +-
doc/crei2013/scan_pow.py | 4 +-
doc/crei2013/theano.txt | 28 +-
doc/dev_start_guide.txt | 22 +-
doc/developer/compat.txt | 84 +-
doc/developer/index.txt | 1 +
doc/extending/cop.txt | 107 +-
doc/extending/ctype.txt | 65 +-
doc/{tutorial => extending}/extending_theano.txt | 511 +-
doc/{tutorial => extending}/extending_theano_c.txt | 78 +-
.../extending_theano_solution_1.py | 0
doc/extending/fibby.txt | 297 +-
doc/extending/graphstructures.txt | 323 +-
doc/extending/index.txt | 42 +-
doc/extending/inplace.txt | 18 +-
doc/extending/op.txt | 133 +-
doc/extending/optimization.txt | 490 +-
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doc/extending/pics/symbolic_graph_unopt.png | Bin 0 -> 62062 bytes
doc/extending/theano_vs_c.txt | 2 +-
doc/extending/tips.txt | 2 +-
doc/extending/type.txt | 72 +-
doc/extending/unittest.txt | 52 +-
doc/extending/using_params.txt | 224 +
doc/faq.txt | 93 +-
doc/generate_dtype_tensor_table.py | 13 +-
doc/glossary.txt | 16 +-
doc/hpcs2011_tutorial/double_op.py | 5 +-
doc/hpcs2011_tutorial/logreg_example.py | 23 +-
doc/hpcs2011_tutorial/pics/f_optimized.png | Bin 19933 -> 23471 bytes
doc/hpcs2011_tutorial/pics/f_unoptimized.png | Bin 52026 -> 62062 bytes
.../pics/logreg_pydotprint_predic.png | Bin 48094 -> 106142 bytes
.../pics/logreg_pydotprint_prediction.png | Bin 167013 -> 148860 bytes
.../pics/logreg_pydotprint_train.png | Bin 339312 -> 473403 bytes
doc/hpcs2011_tutorial/pycuda_double_op.py | 3 +-
doc/hpcs2011_tutorial/pycuda_simple.py | 3 +-
doc/hpcs2011_tutorial/scan_poly.py | 3 +-
doc/hpcs2011_tutorial/scan_pow.py | 4 +-
doc/hpcs2011_tutorial/simple_example.py | 5 +-
doc/images/blocksparse.png | Bin 0 -> 102018 bytes
doc/index.txt | 85 +-
doc/install.txt | 75 +-
doc/install_centos6.txt | 1 +
doc/install_ubuntu.txt | 21 +-
doc/install_windows.txt | 49 +-
doc/internal/how_to_release.txt | 12 -
doc/internal/index.txt | 5 -
doc/internal/lisa_labo.txt | 22 -
doc/internal/mammouth.txt | 23 -
doc/internal/metadocumentation.txt | 7 +-
doc/internal/python.txt | 11 +-
doc/introduction.txt | 1 +
doc/library/compile/debugmode.txt | 14 +-
doc/library/compile/function.txt | 84 +-
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doc/library/compile/io.txt | 167 +-
doc/library/compile/mode.txt | 5 +-
doc/library/compile/nanguardmode.txt | 69 +
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doc/library/compile/profilemode.txt | 23 +-
doc/library/compile/shared.txt | 4 +-
doc/library/config.txt | 195 +-
.../d3viz/examples/d3viz/css/d3-context-menu.css | 29 +
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.../d3viz/examples/d3viz/js/dagre-d3.min.js | 2 +
.../d3viz/examples/d3viz/js/graphlib-dot.min.js | 4 +
doc/library/d3viz/examples/mlp.html | 101 +
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doc/library/d3viz/examples/mlp2.html | 101 +
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doc/library/d3viz/examples/mlp2.png | Bin 0 -> 46699 bytes
doc/library/d3viz/examples/ofg.html | 101 +
doc/library/d3viz/examples/ofg2.html | 101 +
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doc/library/d3viz/index.txt | 274 +
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doc/library/d3viz/index_files/index_11_0.png | Bin 0 -> 93049 bytes
doc/library/d3viz/index_files/index_24_0.png | Bin 0 -> 46699 bytes
doc/library/d3viz/index_files/index_25_0.png | Bin 0 -> 46699 bytes
doc/library/gof/graph.txt | 17 +
doc/library/gof/index.txt | 1 +
doc/library/gof/toolbox.txt | 2 +-
doc/library/gof/type.txt | 2 +-
doc/library/gof/utils.txt | 4 +
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doc/library/index.txt | 6 +-
doc/library/misc/pkl_utils.txt | 24 +
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doc/library/sandbox/index.txt | 1 +
doc/library/sandbox/neighbours.txt | 6 +-
doc/library/scan.txt | 419 +-
doc/library/sparse/index.txt | 48 +-
doc/library/tensor/basic.txt | 227 +-
doc/library/tensor/extra_ops.txt | 4 +
doc/library/tensor/index.txt | 1 +
doc/library/tensor/nnet/blocksparse.txt | 14 +
doc/library/tensor/nnet/bn.txt | 13 +
doc/library/tensor/nnet/conv.txt | 64 +-
doc/library/tensor/nnet/index.txt | 2 +
doc/library/tensor/nnet/neighbours.txt | 16 +-
doc/library/tensor/nnet/nnet.txt | 33 +-
doc/library/tensor/{utils.txt => opt.txt} | 8 +-
doc/library/tensor/shared_randomstreams.txt | 2 +-
doc/library/tensor/signal/downsample.txt | 2 +
doc/library/tensor/utils.txt | 4 +
doc/library/typed_list.txt | 41 +-
doc/nice_quotes.txt | 2 +-
doc/omlw2014/logreg.py | 13 +-
doc/optimizations.txt | 11 +
doc/proposals/index.txt | 9 +-
doc/proposals/noupdates.txt | 56 -
doc/proposals/pfunc.txt | 35 +-
doc/sandbox/ccodegen.txt | 14 +-
doc/sandbox/fg.txt | 11 +-
doc/sandbox/index.txt | 2 +
doc/sandbox/max_gotcha.txt | 25 +-
doc/scripts/docgen.py | 131 +-
doc/tutorial/adding.txt | 55 +-
doc/tutorial/adding_solution_1.py | 3 +-
doc/tutorial/aliasing.txt | 122 +-
doc/tutorial/conditions.txt | 68 +-
doc/tutorial/debug_faq.txt | 184 +-
doc/tutorial/examples.txt | 271 +-
doc/tutorial/extending_theano.txt | 677 +-
doc/tutorial/extending_theano_c.txt | 992 +-
doc/tutorial/faq_tutorial.txt | 84 +
doc/tutorial/gpu_data_convert.txt | 7 +-
doc/tutorial/gradients.txt | 27 +-
doc/tutorial/index.txt | 45 +-
doc/tutorial/loading_and_saving.txt | 62 +-
doc/tutorial/loop.txt | 171 +-
doc/tutorial/loop_solution_1.py | 8 +-
doc/tutorial/modes.txt | 64 +-
doc/tutorial/modes_solution_1.py | 17 +-
doc/tutorial/nan_tutorial.txt | 78 +
doc/tutorial/numpy.txt | 6 +-
doc/tutorial/pics/d3viz.png | Bin 0 -> 55147 bytes
doc/tutorial/pics/logreg_pydotprint_predict.png | Bin 0 -> 106142 bytes
doc/tutorial/pics/logreg_pydotprint_prediction.png | Bin 0 -> 148860 bytes
doc/tutorial/pics/logreg_pydotprint_train.png | Bin 0 -> 473403 bytes
doc/tutorial/printing_drawing.txt | 253 +-
doc/tutorial/profiling.txt | 61 +-
doc/tutorial/python-memory-management.txt | 54 +-
doc/tutorial/python.txt | 2 +-
doc/tutorial/shape_info.txt | 110 +-
doc/tutorial/sparse.txt | 28 +-
doc/tutorial/symbolic_graphs.txt | 169 +-
doc/tutorial/using_gpu.txt | 196 +-
doc/tutorial/using_gpu_solution_1.py | 17 +-
doc/tutorial/using_multi_gpu.txt | 144 +
requirement-rtd.txt | 4 +
setup.cfg | 3 +
setup.py | 40 +-
theano/__init__.py | 82 +-
theano/compat/__init__.py | 77 +-
theano/compat/python2x.py | 288 +-
theano/compat/six.py | 545 +-
theano/compile/__init__.py | 2 +-
theano/compile/builders.py | 92 +-
theano/compile/debugmode.py | 1719 +-
theano/compile/function.py | 236 +-
theano/compile/function_module.py | 1195 +-
theano/compile/io.py | 264 +-
theano/compile/mode.py | 274 +-
theano/compile/monitormode.py | 91 +-
theano/compile/nanguardmode.py | 312 +
theano/compile/ops.py | 428 +-
theano/compile/pfunc.py | 452 +-
theano/compile/profilemode.py | 566 +-
theano/compile/profiling.py | 1017 +-
theano/compile/sharedvalue.py | 186 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_builders.py | 106 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_debugmode.py | 147 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_function.py | 173 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_function_module.py | 648 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_function_name.py | 5 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_misc.py | 33 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_mode.py | 17 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_modes.py | 2 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_monitormode.py | 21 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_nanguardmode.py | 46 +
theano/compile/tests/test_ops.py | 35 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_pfunc.py | 101 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_profiling.py | 143 +-
theano/compile/tests/test_shared.py | 77 +-
theano/configdefaults.py | 1506 +-
theano/configparser.py | 126 +-
theano/d3viz/__init__.py | 1 +
theano/d3viz/css/d3-context-menu.css | 29 +
theano/d3viz/css/d3viz.css | 98 +
theano/d3viz/d3viz.py | 135 +
theano/d3viz/formatting.py | 387 +
theano/d3viz/html/template.html | 101 +
theano/d3viz/js/d3-context-menu.js | 42 +
theano/d3viz/js/d3.v3.min.js | 5 +
theano/d3viz/js/d3viz.js | 969 +
theano/d3viz/js/dagre-d3.min.js | 2 +
theano/d3viz/js/graphlib-dot.min.js | 4 +
.../scan_module => d3viz}/tests/__init__.py | 0
theano/d3viz/tests/models.py | 57 +
theano/d3viz/tests/test_d3viz.py | 54 +
theano/d3viz/tests/test_formatting.py | 69 +
theano/gof/__init__.py | 18 +-
theano/gof/callcache.py | 26 +-
theano/gof/cc.py | 848 +-
theano/gof/cmodule.py | 1024 +-
theano/gof/compiledir.py | 349 +-
theano/gof/compilelock.py | 136 +-
theano/gof/cutils.py | 96 +-
theano/gof/destroyhandler.py | 530 +-
theano/gof/fg.py | 514 +-
theano/gof/graph.py | 977 +-
theano/gof/lazylinker_c.c | 17 +-
theano/gof/lazylinker_c.py | 34 +-
theano/gof/link.py | 612 +-
theano/gof/null_type.py | 14 +-
theano/gof/op.py | 987 +-
theano/gof/opt.py | 1356 +-
theano/gof/optdb.py | 234 +-
theano/gof/sandbox/equilibrium.py | 29 +-
theano/gof/sched.py | 183 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_cc.py | 126 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_cmodule.py | 3 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_compiledir.py | 2 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_compute_test_value.py | 43 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_destroyhandler.py | 50 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_fg.py | 27 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_fg_old_crash.pkl | Bin 0 -> 172463 bytes
theano/gof/tests/test_graph.py | 143 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_graph_opt_caching.py | 16 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_lazy.py | 20 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_link.py | 14 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_op.py | 63 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_opt.py | 281 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_optdb.py | 10 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_sched.py | 17 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_toolbox.py | 15 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_utils.py | 45 +-
theano/gof/tests/test_vm.py | 151 +-
theano/gof/theano_mod_helper.h | 31 +
theano/gof/toolbox.py | 187 +-
theano/gof/type.py | 445 +-
theano/gof/unify.py | 195 +-
theano/gof/utils.py | 275 +-
theano/gof/vm.py | 390 +-
theano/gradient.py | 353 +-
theano/ifelse.py | 160 +-
theano/misc/buildbot_filter.py | 6 +-
theano/misc/check_blas.py | 165 +-
theano/misc/check_duplicate_key.py | 84 +-
theano/misc/check_multi_gpu.py | 132 +
theano/misc/cpucount.py | 6 +-
theano/misc/cudamat_utils.py | 32 +-
theano/misc/do_nightly_build | 11 +-
theano/misc/do_nightly_build_send | 15 +-
theano/misc/doubleop.py | 2 +-
theano/misc/elemwise_openmp_speedup.py | 15 +-
theano/misc/elemwise_time_test.py | 14 +-
theano/misc/gh_api.py | 61 +-
theano/misc/gnumpy_utils.py | 28 +-
theano/misc/hooks/check_whitespace.py | 72 +-
theano/misc/hooks/reindent.py | 37 +-
theano/misc/latence_gpu_transfert.py | 26 +-
theano/misc/may_share_memory.py | 9 +-
theano/misc/ordered_set.py | 435 +-
theano/misc/pkl_utils.py | 324 +-
theano/misc/pycuda_example.py | 80 +-
theano/misc/pycuda_init.py | 4 +-
theano/misc/pycuda_utils.py | 10 +-
theano/misc/safe_asarray.py | 18 +-
theano/misc/strutil.py | 21 +-
theano/misc/tests/test_cudamat_utils.py | 25 +-
theano/misc/tests/test_gnumpy_utils.py | 4 +-
theano/misc/tests/test_may_share_memory.py | 86 +-
theano/misc/tests/test_pkl_utils.py | 93 +
theano/misc/tests/test_pycuda_example.py | 25 +-
theano/misc/tests/test_pycuda_theano_simple.py | 21 +-
theano/misc/tests/test_pycuda_utils.py | 25 +-
theano/misc/windows.py | 2 +
theano/printing.py | 515 +-
theano/raise_op.py | 15 +-
theano/sandbox/blocksparse.py | 12 +
theano/sandbox/conv.py | 5 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/GpuConv3D.py | 21 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/GpuConvGrad3D.py | 31 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/GpuConvTransp3D.py | 37 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/__init__.py | 342 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/basic_ops.py | 1426 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/blas.py | 802 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/blocksparse.py | 222 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/cnmem.cpp | 1287 ++
theano/sandbox/cuda/cnmem.h | 263 +
theano/sandbox/cuda/conv.cu | 14 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/corr3d_gemm.cu | 2 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/corr_gemm.cu | 11 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/cuda_ndarray.cu | 607 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/cuda_ndarray.cuh | 118 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/cudnn_helper.h | 102 +
theano/sandbox/cuda/cula.py | 142 +
theano/sandbox/cuda/dnn.py | 2069 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/dnn_base.c | 92 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/dnn_conv_base.c | 36 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/dnn_fwd.c | 216 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/dnn_gi.c | 240 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/dnn_gw.c | 227 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/elemwise.py | 669 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/extra_ops.py | 48 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/fftconv.py | 71 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/kernel_codegen.py | 153 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/nnet.py | 241 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/nvcc_compiler.py | 238 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/opt.py | 1234 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/opt_util.py | 51 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/rng_curand.py | 81 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/CudaNdarray_py3.pkl | Bin 315 -> 0 bytes
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/old_pool_interface.pkl | 20265 +++++++++++++++++++
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_abstractconv.py | 88 +
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_basic_ops.py | 391 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_bench_loopfusion.py | 71 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_blas.py | 163 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_blocksparse.py | 234 +-
.../sandbox/cuda/tests/test_conv_cuda_ndarray.py | 367 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_cuda_ndarray.py | 411 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_cula.py | 69 +
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_dnn.py | 1102 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_driver.py | 20 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_extra_ops.py | 11 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_fftconv.py | 13 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_memory.py | 61 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_mlp.py | 128 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_nnet.py | 237 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_opt.py | 355 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_rng_curand.py | 13 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_tensor_op.py | 8 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/test_type.py | 49 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/tests/walltime.py | 20 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/type.py | 171 +-
theano/sandbox/cuda/var.py | 141 +-
theano/sandbox/debug.py | 188 -
theano/sandbox/fourier.py | 73 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/__init__.py | 119 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/basic_ops.py | 1004 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/blas.py | 210 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/comp.py | 19 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/conv.cu | 1530 --
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/conv.py | 264 -
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/conv_desc.c | 41 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/conv_full_kernel.cu | 455 -
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/conv_kernel.cu | 1045 -
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/cudnn_helper.h | 25 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/dnn.py | 1640 ++
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/dnn_base.c | 146 +
theano/sandbox/{cuda => gpuarray}/dnn_conv_base.c | 4 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/dnn_fwd.c | 263 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/dnn_gi.c | 230 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/dnn_gw.c | 217 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/dnn_pool.c | 143 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/dnn_pool_grad.c | 179 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/dnn_softmax.c | 103 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/dnn_softmax_grad.c | 120 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/elemwise.py | 2024 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/fp16_help.py | 19 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/gemm16.c | 236 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/gpuarray_helper.h | 57 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/kernel_codegen.py | 314 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/neighbours.py | 245 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/nerv.py | 191 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/nnet.py | 1109 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/opt.py | 757 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/opt_util.py | 331 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/subtensor.py | 644 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/GpuArray.pkl | 41 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/config.py | 22 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_abstractconv.py | 51 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_basic_ops.py | 239 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_blas.py | 158 +-
.../gpuarray/tests/test_conv_cuda_ndarray.py | 845 -
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_dnn.py | 974 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_elemwise.py | 212 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_neighbours.py | 14 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_nerv.py | 48 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_nnet.py | 252 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_opt.py | 259 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_pickle.py | 90 +
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_scan.py | 18 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_subtensor.py | 48 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/tests/test_type.py | 43 +-
theano/sandbox/gpuarray/type.py | 481 +-
theano/sandbox/linalg/__init__.py | 2 +-
theano/sandbox/linalg/ops.py | 36 +-
theano/sandbox/linalg/tests/test_linalg.py | 43 +-
theano/sandbox/minimal.py | 58 +-
theano/sandbox/multinomial.py | 367 +-
theano/sandbox/neighbourhoods.py | 251 +-
theano/sandbox/neighbours.py | 4 +-
theano/sandbox/rng_mrg.py | 682 +-
theano/sandbox/scan.py | 697 -
theano/sandbox/scan_module/__init__.py | 41 -
theano/sandbox/scan_module/scan.py | 582 -
theano/sandbox/scan_module/scan_op.py | 383 -
theano/sandbox/scan_module/scan_utils.py | 432 -
theano/sandbox/scan_module/tests/test_scan.py | 572 -
theano/sandbox/scan_module/tests/test_utils.py | 281 -
theano/sandbox/softsign.py | 1 +
theano/sandbox/solve.py | 53 +-
theano/sandbox/symbolic_module.py | 456 -
theano/sandbox/test_scan.py | 83 -
theano/sandbox/test_theano_object.py | 103 -
.../deprecated => sandbox/tests}/__init__.py | 0
theano/sandbox/tests/multinomial_test_graph.pkl | 1750 ++
theano/sandbox/{ => tests}/test_multinomial.py | 125 +-
.../tests/test_multinomial_wo_replacement.py | 155 +
theano/sandbox/{ => tests}/test_neighbourhoods.py | 0
theano/sandbox/{ => tests}/test_rng_mrg.py | 498 +-
theano/sandbox/theano_object.py | 228 -
theano/scalar/__init__.py | 4 +-
theano/scalar/basic.py | 1134 +-
theano/scalar/basic_scipy.py | 234 +-
theano/scalar/basic_sympy.py | 28 +-
theano/scalar/sharedvar.py | 44 +-
theano/scalar/tests/test_basic.py | 236 +-
theano/scalar/tests/test_basic_sympy.py | 11 +-
theano/scalar/tests/test_div_future.py | 16 +
theano/scalar/tests/test_div_no_future.py | 14 +
theano/scan_module/__init__.py | 5 +-
theano/scan_module/numpy_api_changes.diff | 30 +-
theano/scan_module/scan.py | 205 +-
theano/scan_module/scan_op.py | 1293 +-
theano/scan_module/scan_opt.py | 1179 +-
theano/scan_module/scan_perform.c | 15255 ++++++++------
theano/scan_module/scan_perform.pyx | 196 +-
theano/scan_module/scan_perform_ext.py | 22 +-
theano/scan_module/scan_utils.py | 538 +-
theano/scan_module/scan_views.py | 163 +-
theano/scan_module/tests/inconsistent_scan.pkl | 20017 ++++++++++++++++++
theano/scan_module/tests/test_scan.py | 1646 +-
theano/scan_module/tests/test_scan_opt.py | 8 +-
theano/scan_module/tests/test_scan_utils.py | 155 +-
theano/sparse/basic.py | 2254 ++-
theano/sparse/opt.py | 546 +-
theano/sparse/sandbox/sp.py | 121 +-
theano/sparse/sandbox/sp2.py | 79 +-
theano/sparse/sandbox/test_sp.py | 245 +-
theano/sparse/sharedvar.py | 4 +-
theano/sparse/tests/test_basic.py | 107 +-
theano/sparse/tests/test_opt.py | 19 +-
theano/sparse/type.py | 65 +-
theano/sparse/utils.py | 2 +-
theano/tensor/__init__.py | 1 +
theano/tensor/basic.py | 2925 ++-
theano/tensor/blas.py | 1118 +-
theano/tensor/blas_c.py | 448 +-
theano/tensor/blas_headers.py | 90 +-
theano/tensor/blas_scipy.py | 28 +-
theano/tensor/elemwise.py | 943 +-
theano/tensor/elemwise_cgen.py | 168 +-
theano/tensor/extra_ops.py | 533 +-
theano/tensor/fourier.py | 23 +-
theano/tensor/inplace.py | 110 +-
theano/tensor/io.py | 161 +-
theano/tensor/nlinalg.py | 246 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/Conv3D.py | 259 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/ConvGrad3D.py | 46 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/ConvTransp3D.py | 82 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/__init__.py | 150 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/abstract_conv.py | 1105 +
theano/tensor/nnet/blocksparse.py | 267 +
theano/tensor/nnet/bn.py | 73 +
theano/tensor/nnet/conv.py | 563 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/conv3d2d.py | 162 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/corr.py | 601 +
theano/tensor/nnet/corr_gemm.c | 360 +
theano/tensor/nnet/neighbours.py | 320 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/nnet.py | 1303 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/opt.py | 407 +
theano/tensor/nnet/sigm.py | 386 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/speed_test_conv.py | 319 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/test_abstract_conv.py | 719 +
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/test_blocksparse.py | 316 +
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/test_bn.py | 100 +
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/test_conv.py | 147 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/test_conv3d.py | 50 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/test_conv3d2d.py | 78 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/test_corr.py | 354 +
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/test_neighbours.py | 54 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/test_nnet.py | 677 +-
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/test_opt.py | 42 +
theano/tensor/nnet/tests/test_sigm.py | 52 +-
theano/tensor/opt.py | 3438 +++-
theano/tensor/opt_uncanonicalize.py | 69 +-
theano/tensor/raw_random.py | 409 +-
theano/tensor/shared_randomstreams.py | 138 +-
theano/tensor/sharedvar.py | 58 +-
theano/tensor/signal/conv.py | 75 +-
theano/tensor/signal/downsample.py | 701 +-
theano/tensor/signal/pool.py | 1056 +
theano/tensor/signal/tests/test_conv.py | 13 +-
theano/tensor/signal/tests/test_downsample.py | 557 -
theano/tensor/signal/tests/test_pool.py | 831 +
theano/tensor/slinalg.py | 150 +-
theano/tensor/sort.py | 163 +-
theano/tensor/subtensor.py | 498 +-
theano/tensor/tests/_test_mpi_roundtrip.py | 3 +-
theano/tensor/tests/mlp_test.py | 91 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_basic.py | 1689 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_blas.py | 235 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_blas_c.py | 59 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_blas_scipy.py | 17 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_casting.py | 4 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_complex.py | 32 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_elemwise.py | 105 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_extra_ops.py | 292 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_fourier.py | 2 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_gc.py | 30 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_inc_subtensor.py | 3 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_keepdims.py | 7 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_merge.py | 10 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_misc.py | 16 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_mpi.py | 23 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_nlinalg.py | 7 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_opt.py | 2568 ++-
theano/tensor/tests/test_opt_uncanonicalize.py | 6 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_raw_random.py | 126 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_shared_randomstreams.py | 153 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_sharedvar.py | 354 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_slinalg.py | 32 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_sort.py | 88 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_subtensor.py | 155 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_type_other.py | 10 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_utils.py | 18 +-
theano/tensor/tests/test_var.py | 31 +
theano/tensor/tests/test_xlogx.py | 8 +-
theano/tensor/type.py | 357 +-
theano/tensor/type_other.py | 15 +-
theano/tensor/utils.py | 71 +-
theano/tensor/var.py | 320 +-
theano/tensor/xlogx.py | 17 +-
theano/tests/__init__.py | 1 -
theano/tests/breakpoint.py | 146 +
theano/tests/disturb_mem.py | 6 +-
theano/tests/diverse_tests.py | 10 +-
theano/tests/main.py | 63 +-
theano/tests/record.py | 48 +-
theano/tests/run_tests_in_batch.py | 243 +-
theano/tests/test_2nd_order_grads.py | 12 +-
theano/tests/test_breakpoint.py | 81 +
theano/tests/test_config.py | 24 +-
theano/tests/test_determinism.py | 17 +-
theano/tests/test_dictionary_output.py | 159 +
theano/tests/test_flake8.py | 262 +-
theano/tests/test_gradient.py | 174 +-
theano/tests/test_ifelse.py | 92 +-
theano/tests/test_pickle_unpickle_theano_fn.py | 16 +-
theano/tests/test_printing.py | 594 +-
theano/tests/test_record.py | 50 +-
theano/tests/test_rop.py | 141 +-
theano/tests/test_tutorial.py | 1501 --
theano/tests/test_updates.py | 4 +-
theano/tests/unittest_tools.py | 132 +-
theano/typed_list/__init__.py | 6 +-
theano/typed_list/basic.py | 230 +-
theano/typed_list/opt.py | 14 +-
theano/typed_list/tests/test_basic.py | 31 +-
theano/typed_list/tests/test_opt.py | 49 +-
theano/typed_list/tests/test_type.py | 43 +-
theano/typed_list/type.py | 46 +-
theano/updates.py | 32 +-
theano/version.py | 2 +-
617 files changed, 130150 insertions(+), 51954 deletions(-)
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/theano.git
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