[linbox] 08/13: interfaces/maple/lb-maple.mpl.bak: Remove file from git; deleted during build.

Doug Torrance dtorrance-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Jul 30 14:31:38 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

dtorrance-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository linbox.

commit c021bb35499024c7d38106fc7d4059607becf35b
Author: Doug Torrance <dtorrance at piedmont.edu>
Date:   Fri Jul 29 16:28:34 2016 -0400

    interfaces/maple/lb-maple.mpl.bak: Remove file from git;
    deleted during build.
 interfaces/maple/lb-maple.mpl.bak | 320 --------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 320 deletions(-)

diff --git a/interfaces/maple/lb-maple.mpl.bak b/interfaces/maple/lb-maple.mpl.bak
deleted file mode 100755
index 91c8a4c..0000000
--- a/interfaces/maple/lb-maple.mpl.bak
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-LinBox:= module()
-        description "Maple interface for LinBox library version 1.0 by Pascal Giorgi (LinBox project - www.linal.org)";
-	local lbpath, lbInit, lbEnd, lbStart, lbStop:
-	export lbDeterminant, lbRank, lbMinpoly, lbCharpoly, lbSolve, Dev:
-	option package, load=lbInit, unload=lbEnd: 
-	lbpathvalue
-	############################################################# 
-	# Function to initialize LinBox driver and LinBox interface #
-	#############################################################	
-	lbStart  := define_external('lbStart' , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-	lbStop   := define_external('lbStop'  , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-	lbInit := proc() printf("  LinBox/Maple Interface Package beta version 1.0 \n  by Pascal Giorgi (pascal.giorgi at univ-perp.fr)\n");			 
-			 lbStart();
-		  end proc;
-	lbEnd  := proc() end proc;#lbStop();end proc;  
-#############  Definition of the low level submodule ################
-	Dev:= module()
-	      description "low level interface for direct LinBox object manipulation";
-	        local lbInit, lbEnd;
-		export lbDataInfo,lbStart, lbStop,
-	        lbElement, lbDomain, lbBlackbox, lbVector, 
-	      	lbSetPrimeField, lbSetRationalField, lbSetIntegerRing,
-		lbCopyBlackbox, lbBlackboxDimension, lbSetBlackboxAtRandom, lbRebindBlackbox, lbWriteBlackbox, lbSetBlackbox,
-		lbCopyVector, lbVectorDimension, lbSetVectorAtRandom, lbRebindVector, lbWriteVector, lbSetVector,
-		lbWritePolynomial,
-		lbDeterminant, lbRank, lbMinpoly, lbCharpoly, lbSolve,
-		lbConvertElement, lbConvertBlackbox, lbConvertVector, lbConvertPolynomial,
-		lbCopy, lbWrite, lbDimension, lbRebind, lbRandom:       
-		option package, load=lbInit, unload=lbEnd:							
-        	############################################################# 
-		# Function to initialize LinBox driver and LinBox interface #
-		#############################################################	
-		lbStart  := define_external('lbStart' , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbStop   := define_external('lbStop'  , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		######################################################
-		# Function to get information from the LinBox driver #
-		######################################################
-		lbDataInfo := define_external('lbDataInfo', MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);	
-		########################################
-		# Function to set the LinBox data type #
-		########################################	
-		lbSetPrimeField    := define_external('lbSetPrimeField'     , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbSetRationalField := define_external('lbSetRationalField'  , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbSetIntegerRing   := define_external('lbSetIntegerRing'    , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbSetBlackbox      := define_external('lbSetBlackbox'       , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbSetVector        := define_external('lbSetVector'         , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		###############################################
-		# Function to create LinBox object from Maple #
-		###############################################	
-		lbElement   := define_external('lbCreateElement'   , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbDomain    := define_external('lbCreateDomain'    , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbBlackbox  := define_external('lbCreateBlackbox'  , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbVector    := define_external('lbCreateVector'    , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		#######################################
-		# Function for LinBox blackbox object #
-		#######################################		
-		lbCopyBlackbox        := define_external('lbCopyBlackbox'         , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbBlackboxDimension   := define_external('lbGetBlackboxDimension' , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbSetBlackboxAtRandom := define_external('lbSetBlackboxAtRandom'  , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbRebindBlackbox      := define_external('lbRebindBlackbox'       , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbWriteBlackbox       := define_external('lbWriteBlackbox'        , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		#####################################
-		# Function for LinBox vector object #
-		#####################################
-		lbCopyVector        := define_external('lbCopyVector'         , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbVectorDimension   := define_external('lbGetVectorDimension' , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbSetVectorAtRandom := define_external('lbSetVectorAtRandom'  , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbRebindVector      := define_external('lbRebindVector'       , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbWriteVector       := define_external('lbWriteVector'        , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		#########################################
-		# Function for LinBox polynomial object #
-		#########################################
-		lbWritePolynomial   := define_external('lbWritePolynomial'    , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		##############################
-		# Available LinBox solutions #
-		##############################
-		lbDeterminant := define_external('lbDeterminant'  , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbRank        := define_external('lbRank'         , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);	
-		lbMinpoly     := define_external('lbMinpoly'      , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbCharpoly    := define_external('lbCharpoly'     , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbSolve       := define_external('lbSolve'        , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);	
-		##################################################
-		# Conversion from LinBox object to Maple Objects #
-		##################################################
-		lbConvertElement    := define_external('lbConvertElement'    , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbConvertBlackbox   := define_external('lbConvertBlackbox'   , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbConvertVector     := define_external('lbConvertVector'     , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbConvertPolynomial := define_external('lbConvertPolynomial' , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		####################
-		# Higher level API #
-		####################			
-		lbCopy      := define_external('lbCopy'       , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbWrite     := define_external('lbWrite'      , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbDimension := define_external('lbDimension'  , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbRebind    := define_external('lbRebind'     , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);
-		lbRandom    := define_external('lbRandom'     , MAPLE, LIB=lbpath);	
-	end module:
-#############  end of the low level submodule ################
-#############  definition of the high level module ################
-		################################################
-		# Determinant computation from a Maple Matrix  #
-		################################################		
-		lbDeterminant := proc()
-		      local d, A, det, t;			  
-		      if (type(args[1], integer)) then	      	      
-		      	 if (type(args[2], Matrix)) then	      
-			    t := time();
-			    A  := Dev:-lbBlackbox(args[1], args[2]);			   					 
-			    t:= time()-t;
-			 else
-			    error("invalid argument",args[2], "must be a Matrix");
-			 end if;
-		      elif (type(args[1], Matrix)) then
-			    t := time();
-			    A := Dev:-lbBlackbox(args[1]);			
-			    t:= time()-t;					
-		      else
-			    error("invalid argument",args[1], "must be a Matrix");
-		      end if;		 		   
-		      d   := Dev:-lbDeterminant(A);		     		     
-		      det := Dev:-lbConvertElement(d); 
-		      if (printlevel>1) then
-			      print("conversion time:",t);
-		      end if;
-		      return det;			      
-		end;
-		########################################
-		# Rank computation from a Maple matrix #
-		########################################		
-		lbRank := proc()
-		      local A,t;
-		      if (type(args[1], integer)) then	      	      
-		      	 if (type(args[2], Matrix)) then	      
-			    t := time();
-			    A:=Dev:-lbBlackbox(args[1], args[2]); 
-			    t:=time()-t;
-			 else
-			    error("invalid argument",args[2], "must be a Matrix");
-			 end if;
-		      elif (type(args[1], Matrix)) then
-			   t := time();
-			   A := Dev:-lbBlackbox(args[1]);
-			   t:=time()-t;			
-		      else
-			    error("invalid argument",args[1], "must be a Matrix");
-		      end if;
-		      if (printlevel>1) then
-			      print("conversion time:",t);
-		      end if;
-		      return Dev:-lbRank(A);			      
-		end;
-		######################################################
-		# Minimal polynomial computation from a Maple matrix #
-		######################################################		
-		lbMinpoly := proc()
-		      local A, p, symb,t;
-		      if (type(args[1], integer)) then	      	      
-		      	 if (type(args[2], Matrix)) then
-			    if (type(args[3], name)) then
-			        t:=time(); 	      
-			        A:=Dev:-lbBlackbox(args[1], args[2]); 
-				t:=time()-t;
-				symb:=args[3];
-			    else
-				 error("invalid argument",args[3], "must be a name");
-		            end if;
-			 else
-			     error("invalid argument",args[2], "must be a Matrix");
-			 end if;  
-		      elif (type(args[1], Matrix)) then
-			   if (type(args[2], name)) then 
-			      t:=time(); 
-			      A := Dev:-lbBlackbox(args[1]);
-			      t:=time()-t;
-			      symb:=args[2];			
-		           else
-			      error("invalid argument",args[2], "must be a name");
-			   end if
-		      else
-			error("invalid argument",args[1], "must be a Matrix");
-		      end if;
-		      p:= Dev:-lbMinpoly(A); 
-		      if (printlevel>1) then
-			      print("conversion time:",t);
-		      end if;
-		      return Dev:-lbConvertPolynomial(p,symb);	 
-		end;
-		#############################################################
-		# Characteristic polynomial computation from a Maple matrix #
-		#############################################################		
-		lbCharpoly := proc()
-		      local A, p, symb,t;		      		      
-		      if (type(args[1], integer)) then	      	      
-		      	 if (type(args[2], Matrix)) then
-			    if (type(args[3], name)) then  
-			        t:=time(); 	      
-			        A:=Dev:-lbBlackbox(args[1], args[2]); 
-				t:=time()-t;
-				symb:=args[3];
-			    else
-				 error("invalid argument",args[3], "must be a name");
-		            end if;
-			 else
-			     error("invalid argument",args[2], "must be a Matrix");
-			 end if;  
-		      elif (type(args[1], Matrix)) then
-			   if (type(args[2], name)) then 
-			         t:=time(); 	
-				 A := Dev:-lbBlackbox(args[1]);
-  			 	 t:=time()-t;
-			      symb:=args[2];			
-		           else
-			      error("invalid argument",args[2], "must be a name");
-			   end if
-		      else
-			error("invalid argument",args[1], "must be a Matrix");
-		      end if;
-		      p:= Dev:-lbCharpoly(A); 
-		      if (printlevel>1) then
-			      print("conversion time:",t);
-		      end if;
-		      return Dev:-lbConvertPolynomial(p,symb);			      
-		end;
-		#############################################################
-		# Linear system solving from Maple matrix and Maple Vector  #
-		#############################################################		
-		lbSolve := proc()
-		      local A,b,x,y,t;
-		      if (type(args[1], integer)) then	     	      
-			 if (type(args[2], Matrix)) then	      
-			    if (type(args[3], Vector)) then 
-			        t:=time(); 	
-			        A:=Dev:-lbBlackbox(args[1], args[2]);
-				b:=Dev:-lbVector(args[1], args[3]); 
-				t:=time()-t;							  							 
-			    else
-				error("invalid argument",args[3], "must be a Vector");				    
-			    fi;	
-			 else
-			    error("invalid argument",args[2], "must be a Matrix");			 
-			 fi;   
-		      elif (type(args[1], Matrix)) then
-	      		   if (type(args[2], Vector)) then 
-			        t:=time(); 
-				A:=Dev:-lbBlackbox(args[1]);
-				b:=Dev:-lbVector(args[2]); 
-				t:=time()-t;
-			   else
-				error("invalid argument",args[2], "must be a Vector");	
-			   fi;
-		      else
-			   error("invalid argument",args[1], "must be a Matrix");
-		      fi;		      
-		      x:= Dev:-lbSolve(A,b);
-		      y:=Dev:-lbConvertVector(x); 
-		      if (printlevel>1) then
-			      print("conversion time:",t);
-		      end if;
-		      return y;			      
-		end;	
-end module:
-	global savelibname,libname:
-	if (FileTools[Exists](cat(repo,"/maple.lib"))) then 
-		fremove(cat(repo,"/maple.lib"));
-		fremove(cat(repo,"/maple.ind"));
-#		fremove(cat(repo,"/maple.hdb"));
-		rmdir(repo);
-	fi:
-	if (not(FileTools[Exists](repo))) then mkdir(repo);fi:
-	march( 'create',repo, 1000 ):
-	savelibname := repo: libname := savelibname, libname:
-	savelib('LinBox'):

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/linbox.git

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