[yade] 03/06: Remove some machine-specific stuff in doc.

Anton Gladky gladk at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Jun 2 21:02:30 UTC 2016

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gladk pushed a commit to branch master
in repository yade.

commit 1af062b2ab8168bbb06dfb2f087b6a70ee8f55ba
Author: Anton Gladky <gladk at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Jun 2 22:52:18 2016 +0200

    Remove some machine-specific stuff in doc.
 debian/patches/05_reproducible-builds.patch | 184 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 debian/patches/series                       |   1 +
 2 files changed, 185 insertions(+)

diff --git a/debian/patches/05_reproducible-builds.patch b/debian/patches/05_reproducible-builds.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5aa7225
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/patches/05_reproducible-builds.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+Description: Fix some machine-specific items in documentation.
+Author: Anton Gladky <gladk at debian.org>
+Last-Update: 2016-06-02
+--- yade-1.20.0.orig/doc/sphinx/introduction.rst
++++ yade-1.20.0/doc/sphinx/introduction.rst
+@@ -157,15 +157,11 @@ Normal simulations, however, are run con
+ 	In [1]: O.pause()
+-	In [1]: O.iter
+-	104587
+ 	In [1]: O.run(100000,True)
+-	In [1]: O.iter
+-	204587
+ 	In [1]: O.stopAtIter=500000
++	In [1]: O.run()
+ 	In [1]: O.wait()
+@@ -253,11 +249,9 @@ Entire simulation, i.e. both data and fu
+ .. ipython::
+-	Yade [1]: O.bodies       # some data components
+-	Yade [2]: len(O.bodies)  # there are no bodies as of yet
++	Yade [1]: len(O.bodies)  # there are no bodies as of yet
+-	Yade [3]: O.engines      # functional components, empty at the moment
++	Yade [2]: O.engines      # functional components, empty at the moment
+ Data components
+ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+@@ -288,13 +282,11 @@ Explicitly assigning all 4 properties to
+ .. ipython::
+-   In [3]: s=utils.sphere(center=[0,0,0],radius=1)
+-   In [5]: s.shape, s.state, s.mat, s.bound
++   In [2]: s=utils.sphere(center=[0,0,0],radius=1)
+-   In [6]: s.state.pos
++   In [3]: s.state.pos
+-   In [7]: s.shape.radius
++   In [4]: s.shape.radius
+ We see that a sphere with material of type :yref:`FrictMat` (default, unless you provide another :yref:`Material`) and bounding volume of type :yref:`Aabb` (axis-aligned bounding box) was created. Its position is at origin and its radius is 1.0. Finally, this object can be inserted into the simulation; and we can insert yet one sphere as well.
+@@ -360,21 +352,21 @@ Suppose now interactions have been alrea
+ .. ipython::
+-	In [1]: O.interactions[0,1]
+-	<Interaction instance at 0x93f9528>
++	In [1]: if (O.interactions[0,1]): print ("Interaction exists!")
++	Interaction exists!
+-	In [2]: O.interactions[1,0]     # order of ids is not important
++	In [2]: if (O.interactions[1,0]): print ("Interaction exists!")     # order of ids is not important
+ 	In [2]: i=O.interactions[0,1]
+ 	In [3]: i.id1,i.id2
+ 	(0, 1)
+-	In [4]: i.geom
+-	<ScGeom instance at 0x9403838>
++	In [4]: if (i.geom): print ("Geom instance exists!")
++	Geom instance exists!
+-	In [5]: i.phys
+-	<ElasticContactInteraction instance at 0x94038d0>
++	In [5]: if (i.phys): print ("Phys instance exists!")
++	Phys instance exists!
+ 	In [6]: O.interactions[100,10111]
+ 	ValueError: No such interaction
+--- yade-1.20.0.orig/doc/sphinx/tutorial-geo.rst
++++ yade-1.20.0/doc/sphinx/tutorial-geo.rst
+@@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ The following creates periodic cloud of
+ 	Yade [1]: sp=pack.SpherePack()
+-	Yade [1]: sp.makeCloud((1,1,1),(2,2,2),rMean=.2,periodic=True)
++	Yade [1]: idParticlesCreated = sp.makeCloud((1,1,1),(2,2,2),rMean=.2,periodic=True)
+-	Yade [1]: sp.toSimulation()             # implicitly sets O.periodic=True, and O.cell.refSize to the packing period size
++	Yade [1]: idParticlesAdded = sp.toSimulation()             # implicitly sets O.periodic=True, and O.cell.refSize to the packing period size
+ 	Yade [1]: O.engines+=[PeriTriaxController(goal=(-1e4,-1e4,-.1),stressMask=0b011,maxUnbalanced=.2,doneHook='functionToRunWhenFinished()')]
+--- yade-1.20.0.orig/doc/sphinx/tutorial-hands-on.rst
++++ yade-1.20.0/doc/sphinx/tutorial-hands-on.rst
+@@ -320,8 +320,6 @@ In order to avoid such tasks, shorthand
+ 	Yade [1]: s=utils.sphere((0,0,0),radius=1)    # create sphere particle centered at (0,0,0) with radius=1
+-	Yade [1]: s.shape                       # s.shape describes the geometry of the particle
+ 	Yade [1]: s.shape.radius                # we already know the Sphere class
+ 	Yade [1]: s.state.mass, s.state.inertia # inertia is computed from density and geometry
+@@ -336,7 +334,7 @@ A particle object is not yet part of the
+ .. ipython::
+-	Yade [1]: O.bodies.append(s)            # adds particle s to the simulation; returns id of the particle(s) added
++	Yade [1]: idS = O.bodies.append(s)            # adds particle s to the simulation; returns id of the particle(s) added
+ Packs
+@@ -350,12 +348,9 @@ There are functions to generate a specif
+ 	Yade [1]: sp=pack.SpherePack()                   # create an empty cloud; SpherePack contains only geometrical information
+-	Yade [1]: sp.makeCloud((1,1,1),(2,2,2),rMean=.2) # put spheres with defined radius inside box given by corners (1,1,1) and (2,2,2)
+-	Yade [1]: for c,r in sp: print c,r               # print center and radius of all particles (SpherePack is a sequence which can be iterated over)
+-	   ...:
++	Yade [1]: idParticlesCreated = sp.makeCloud((1,1,1),(2,2,2),rMean=.2) # put spheres with defined radius inside box given by corners (1,1,1) and (2,2,2)
+-	Yade [1]: sp.toSimulation()                      # create particles and add them to the simulation
++	Yade [1]: idParticlesAdded = sp.toSimulation()                      # create particles and add them to the simulation
+ Boundaries
+ """"""""""
+@@ -430,10 +425,6 @@ Engines define processes undertaken by p
+ 	   ...: ]
+ 	   ...:
+-	Yade [1]: O.engines
+-	Yade [1]: O.engines[-1]==newton    # is it the same object?
+ 	Yade [1]: newton.damping
+ Instead of typing everything into the command-line, one can describe simulation in a file (*script*) and then run yade with that file as an argument. We will therefore no longer show the command-line unless necessary; instead, only the script part will be shown. Like this::
+--- yade-1.20.0.orig/doc/sphinx/user.rst
++++ yade-1.20.0/doc/sphinx/user.rst
+@@ -45,10 +45,6 @@ If no :yref:`Material` is specified when
+ 	Yade [2]: idConcrete=O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=30e9,poisson=.2,frictionAngle=.6,label="concrete"))
+-	Yade [3]: O.materials[idConcrete]
+-	# uses the last defined material
+ 	Yade [3]: O.bodies.append(sphere(center=(0,0,0),radius=1))
+ 	# material given by id
+@@ -520,9 +516,6 @@ It is possible to create an interaction
+ 	Yade [1]: i=createInteraction(0,1)
+-	# created by functors in InteractionLoop
+-	Yade [2]: i.geom, i.phys
+ This method will be rather slow if many interaction are to be created (the functor lookup will be repeated for each of them). In such case, ask on yade-dev at lists.launchpad.net to have the :yref:`createInteraction<yade.utils.createInteraction>` function accept list of pairs id's as well.
+ Base engines
+@@ -826,15 +819,7 @@ Simulation tags
+ * ``O.tags`` is *saved and loaded with simulation*;
+ * ``O.tags`` has some values pre-initialized.
+-After Yade startup, ``O.tags`` contains the following:
+-.. ipython::
+-	@suppress
+-	Yade [1]: O.reset()
+-	Yade [1]: dict(O.tags) # convert to real dictionary
++After Yade startup, ``O.tags`` contains meta information about simulation:
+ author
+ 	Real name, username and machine as obtained from your system at simulation creation
diff --git a/debian/patches/series b/debian/patches/series
index e6dbaa8..81d0246 100644
--- a/debian/patches/series
+++ b/debian/patches/series
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/yade.git

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