[liggghts] branch master updated (739cac6 -> 5a30eaa)

Anton Gladky gladk at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Jun 15 21:34:04 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

gladk pushed a change to branch master
in repository liggghts.

      from  739cac6   Update changelog.
      adds  6a5c2a8   Imported Upstream version 3.4.0+repack1
       new  001d810   Merge branch 'upstream'
       new  157da23   Refresh patches.
       new  9a184e0   Apply cme fix dpkg.
       new  ea651a2   Update d/copyright.
       new  573aeaf   Refresh patch.
       new  5a30eaa   Update changelog.

The 6 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 README                                             |     2 +-
 debian/changelog                                   |     9 +
 debian/control                                     |     4 +-
 debian/copyright                                   |     2 +-
 debian/patches/01_add_cmake_files.patch            |    10 +-
 debian/patches/05_vtk6_support.patch               |     6 +-
 .../3ccbfc7e7fb8a339ff2566034a8d6809e29c6f92.patch |   690 +
 .../b7cc08a225cb25b5b5db3b2bd5e9728fc1f3a127.patch |    16 +
 debian/patches/series                              |     2 +
 doc/Eqs/cna_cutoff1.tex                            |    28 +-
 doc/Eqs/cna_cutoff2.tex                            |    24 +-
 doc/Eqs/eff_ECP1.tex                               |    16 +-
 doc/Eqs/fix_wall_lj1043.tex                        |    22 +-
 doc/Eqs/gran_model_hooke_hysteresis_1.png          |   Bin 0 -> 1122 bytes
 ...angle.tex => gran_model_hooke_hysteresis_1.tex} |     2 +-
 doc/Eqs/gran_model_hooke_hysteresis_2.png          |   Bin 0 -> 2003 bytes
 doc/Eqs/gran_model_hooke_hysteresis_2.tex          |    12 +
 doc/Eqs/heat_flux_k.tex                            |    22 +-
 doc/Eqs/pair_comb1.tex                             |    14 +-
 doc/Eqs/pair_comb2.tex                             |    44 +-
 doc/JPG/hooke_hysteresis_luding1.png               |   Bin 0 -> 83485 bytes
 doc/Manual.html                                    |   240 +-
 doc/Manual.pdf                                     |   Bin 3419668 -> 3387108 bytes
 doc/Manual.txt                                     |    42 +-
 doc/Section_commands.html                          |    28 +-
 doc/Section_commands.txt                           |     5 +-
 doc/Section_commands_LAMMPS.html                   |     2 +-
 doc/Section_commands_LAMMPS.txt                    |     2 +-
 doc/Section_errors.html                            |    23 +-
 doc/Section_errors.txt                             |    23 +-
 doc/Section_gran_models.html                       |    42 +-
 doc/Section_gran_models.txt                        |    42 +-
 doc/Section_gran_models_prev.html                  |     2 +-
 doc/Section_gran_models_prev.txt                   |     2 +-
 doc/Section_howto.html                             |     2 +-
 doc/Section_howto.txt                              |     2 +-
 doc/Section_input_script.html                      |     6 +-
 doc/Section_input_script.txt                       |     6 +-
 doc/Section_intro.html                             |     2 +-
 doc/Section_intro.txt                              |     2 +-
 doc/Section_modify.html                            |     2 +-
 doc/Section_modify.txt                             |     2 +-
 doc/Section_packages.html                          |     2 +-
 doc/Section_packages.txt                           |     2 +-
 doc/Section_python.html                            |     2 +-
 doc/Section_python.txt                             |     2 +-
 doc/Section_start.html                             |     2 +-
 doc/Section_start.txt                              |     2 +-
 doc/atom_modify.html                               |     6 +-
 doc/atom_modify.txt                                |     6 +-
 doc/compute_coord_gran.txt                         |     4 +-
 doc/compute_pair_gran_local.txt                    |     4 +-
 doc/compute_rigid.txt                              |     4 +-
 doc/dump.html                                      |     4 +-
 doc/dump.txt                                       |     4 +-
 doc/fix_insert_pack.html                           |    15 +-
 doc/fix_insert_pack.txt                            |    15 +-
 doc/fix_insert_rate_region.html                    |    17 +-
 doc/fix_insert_rate_region.txt                     |    17 +-
 doc/fix_insert_stream.html                         |    23 +-
 doc/fix_insert_stream.txt                          |    23 +-
 doc/fix_mesh_surface.html                          |    43 +-
 doc/fix_mesh_surface.txt                           |    40 +-
 doc/fix_mesh_surface_stress.html                   |    20 +-
 doc/fix_mesh_surface_stress.txt                    |    16 +-
 doc/fix_particletemplate_sphere.html               |    26 +-
 doc/fix_particletemplate_sphere.txt                |    26 +-
 doc/fix_poems.html                                 |   123 +-
 doc/fix_poems.txt                                  |    68 +-
 doc/fix_property_atom_timetracer.html              |    82 +
 doc/fix_property_atom_timetracer.txt               |    73 +
 doc/githubAccess_non-public.html                   |     8 +-
 doc/githubAccess_non-public.txt                    |     9 +-
 doc/githubAccess_public.html                       |     8 +-
 doc/githubAccess_public.txt                        |     9 +-
 doc/gran_cohesion_easo_capillary_viscous.html      |    19 +-
 doc/gran_cohesion_easo_capillary_viscous.txt       |    17 +-
 doc/gran_cohesion_sjkr.html                        |    19 +-
 doc/gran_cohesion_sjkr.txt                         |    19 +-
 doc/gran_cohesion_sjkr2.html                       |    18 +-
 doc/gran_cohesion_sjkr2.txt                        |    17 +-
 doc/gran_cohesion_washino_capillary_viscous.html   |    37 +-
 doc/gran_cohesion_washino_capillary_viscous.txt    |    34 +-
 doc/gran_model_hertz.html                          |     4 +-
 doc/gran_model_hertz.txt                           |     4 +-
 doc/gran_model_hertz_stiffness.html                |     2 +-
 doc/gran_model_hertz_stiffness.txt                 |     2 +-
 doc/gran_model_hooke.html                          |     4 +-
 doc/gran_model_hooke.txt                           |     4 +-
 doc/gran_model_hooke_stiffness.html                |     2 +-
 doc/gran_model_hooke_stiffness.txt                 |     2 +-
 doc/gran_rolling_friction_cdt.html                 |     2 +-
 doc/gran_rolling_friction_cdt.txt                  |     2 +-
 doc/gran_rolling_friction_epsd.html                |     2 +-
 doc/gran_rolling_friction_epsd.txt                 |     2 +-
 doc/gran_rolling_friction_epsd2.html               |     2 +-
 doc/gran_rolling_friction_epsd2.txt                |     2 +-
 doc/gran_rolling_friction_epsd3.html               |     2 +-
 doc/gran_rolling_friction_epsd3.txt                |     2 +-
 doc/gran_surface_sphere.html                       |     2 +-
 doc/gran_surface_sphere.txt                        |     2 +-
 doc/gran_tangential_history.html                   |     4 +-
 doc/gran_tangential_history.txt                    |     4 +-
 doc/gran_tangential_no_history.html                |     2 +-
 doc/gran_tangential_no_history.txt                 |     2 +-
 doc/install_liggghts_windows.html                  |    34 +-
 doc/install_liggghts_windows.txt                   |    33 +-
 doc/pair_gran.html                                 |    28 +-
 doc/pair_gran.txt                                  |    25 +-
 doc/pair_sph.html                                  |   252 +-
 doc/rerun.html                                     |   201 -
 doc/rerun.txt                                      |   193 -
 doc/set.html                                       |     4 +
 doc/set.txt                                        |     4 +
 .../heatTransferBed_paScal/pascal/in.pascal        |     2 +-
 .../chute_wear/meshes/simple_chute.stl             | 22628 +++++++++----------
 .../Tutorials_public/conveyor/meshes/box.stl       |   144 +-
 .../Tutorials_public/conveyor/meshes/conveyor.stl  |    24 +-
 .../Tutorials_public/insert_stream/meshes/face.stl |  1208 +-
 .../Tutorials_public/mesh_tet/data/test.vtk        |  6370 +++---
 .../movingMeshGran/meshes/bucket.stl               |   396 +-
 src/MAKE/{Makefile.g++ => Makefile.g++_mingw64}    |    20 +-
 src/MAKE/Makefile.ubuntuVTK_debug                  |     6 +-
 src/PASCAL/Install.sh                              |     7 +-
 src/abstract_mesh.h                                |     2 +
 src/associative_pointer_array.h                    |     7 +-
 src/associative_pointer_array_I.h                  |    60 +-
 src/atom.cpp                                       |     4 +
 src/bounding_box.h                                 |     3 +
 src/cohesion_model_easo_capillary_viscous.h        |    19 +-
 src/cohesion_model_sjkr.h                          |     8 +-
 src/cohesion_model_sjkr2.h                         |     8 +-
 src/cohesion_model_washino_capillary_viscous.h     |    43 +-
 src/comm.h                                         |     2 +
 src/compute_ke.cpp                                 |     5 +
 src/compute_nparticles_tracer_region.cpp           |     2 +-
 src/compute_pair_gran_local.cpp                    |   101 +-
 src/compute_pair_gran_local.h                      |    61 +-
 src/contact_models.cpp                             |     8 +-
 src/contact_models.h                               |    10 +-
 src/container_base.cpp                             |    72 +-
 src/container_base.h                               |    45 +-
 src/custom_value_tracker.cpp                       |    31 +-
 src/custom_value_tracker.h                         |    25 +-
 src/custom_value_tracker_I.h                       |    88 +-
 src/domain_I.h                                     |    20 +-
 src/dump.h                                         |     3 +
 src/dump_atom_vtk.h                                |     2 +-
 src/dump_local_gran_vtk.cpp                        |  1029 +
 src/dump_local_gran_vtk.h                          |   172 +
 src/dump_mesh_vtk.cpp                              |   124 +-
 src/dump_mesh_vtk.h                                |     3 +
 src/fix_base_liggghts.cpp                          |   218 +
 ..._property_atom_tracer.h => fix_base_liggghts.h} |    73 +-
 src/fix_buoyancy.cpp                               |    40 +-
 src/fix_buoyancy.h                                 |     8 +-
 src/fix_cfd_coupling_convection_impl.cpp           |   294 +
 ...pecies.h => fix_cfd_coupling_convection_impl.h} |    46 +-
 src/fix_cfd_coupling_convection_species.cpp        |    13 +
 src/fix_cfd_coupling_force.cpp                     |    72 +-
 src/fix_cfd_coupling_force.h                       |     9 +
 src/fix_contact_history.cpp                        |    34 +-
 src/fix_contact_history_mesh.cpp                   |    68 +-
 src/fix_contact_history_mesh.h                     |    11 +-
 src/fix_contact_history_mesh_I.h                   |    52 +-
 src/fix_heat_gran.h                                |     2 +-
 src/fix_heat_gran_conduction.cpp                   |     2 +-
 src/fix_insert.cpp                                 |    81 +-
 src/fix_insert.h                                   |     5 +-
 src/fix_insert_pack.cpp                            |     4 +-
 src/fix_insert_stream.cpp                          |     4 +-
 src/fix_massflow_mesh.cpp                          |    51 +-
 src/fix_massflow_mesh.h                            |     2 +
 src/fix_mesh.cpp                                   |    28 +-
 src/fix_mesh.h                                     |     7 +-
 src/fix_multisphere.h                              |    12 +-
 src/fix_neighlist_mesh.cpp                         |   138 +-
 src/fix_neighlist_mesh.h                           |     3 +
 src/fix_particledistribution_discrete.cpp          |    10 +
 src/fix_property_atom.cpp                          |    16 +-
 src/fix_property_atom.h                            |     3 +-
 ...tracer.cpp => fix_property_atom_timetracer.cpp} |   214 +-
 ...tom_tracer.h => fix_property_atom_timetracer.h} |    38 +-
 src/fix_scalar_transport_equation.cpp              |   212 +-
 src/fix_scalar_transport_equation.h                |    25 +
 src/fix_template_multiplespheres.cpp               |    51 +-
 src/fix_template_multiplespheres.h                 |     5 +
 src/fix_template_multisphere.cpp                   |     4 +-
 src/fix_template_sphere.cpp                        |    13 +-
 src/fix_wall_gran.cpp                              |   303 +-
 src/fix_wall_gran.h                                |   108 +-
 src/fix_wall_gran_base.h                           |   127 +-
 src/general_container.h                            |    13 +-
 src/general_container_I.h                          |   223 +-
 src/global_properties.cpp                          |    88 +-
 src/global_properties.h                            |     4 +
 src/granular_pair_style.h                          |     2 +-
 src/granular_wall.h                                |     5 +-
 src/group.cpp                                      |    39 +-
 src/group.h                                        |     3 +-
 src/input.cpp                                      |    30 +
 src/input.h                                        |     5 +
 src/input_mesh_tri.cpp                             |    23 +-
 src/input_mesh_tri.h                               |    10 +-
 src/integrate.h                                    |     2 +-
 src/lammps.cpp                                     |     7 +
 src/lammps.h                                       |     2 +
 src/lmpwindows.h                                   |     3 +
 src/math_extra_liggghts.h                          |    15 +
 src/modify.h                                       |     1 +
 src/multi_node_mesh.h                              |     8 +
 src/multi_node_mesh_I.h                            |    11 +
 src/multi_node_mesh_parallel_I.h                   |    10 +-
 src/multisphere.h                                  |     4 +
 src/neigh_gran.cpp                                 |     6 +-
 src/normal_model_hertz.h                           |    17 +-
 src/normal_model_hertz_stiffness.h                 |     2 +
 src/normal_model_hooke.h                           |     2 +
 src/normal_model_hooke_hysteresis.h                |     2 +
 src/normal_model_hooke_stiffness.h                 |     2 +
 src/pair_gran.cpp                                  |     1 +
 src/pair_gran_base.h                               |    19 +-
 src/pair_gran_proxy.cpp                            |    29 +-
 src/pair_sph_artvisc_tenscorr.cpp                  |     4 +-
 src/particleToInsert.cpp                           |     4 +-
 src/particleToInsert.h                             |     4 +-
 src/particleToInsert_multisphere.cpp               |     2 +-
 src/particleToInsert_multisphere.h                 |     2 +-
 src/properties.cpp                                 |    39 +-
 src/properties.h                                   |    12 +-
 src/read_dump.cpp                                  |   168 +-
 src/read_dump.h                                    |     5 +
 src/reader_native.cpp                              |    25 +-
 src/region.h                                       |     3 +
 src/region_mesh_tet.cpp                            |    12 +-
 src/region_mesh_tet.h                              |     3 +-
 src/region_neighbor_list.cpp                       |   481 +-
 src/region_neighbor_list.h                         |   109 +-
 ..._neighbor_list.cpp => region_neighbor_list_I.h} |   361 +-
 ...r_list.h => region_neighbor_list_definitions.h} |   162 +-
 src/rerun.cpp                                      |   224 -
 src/rerun.h                                        |    87 -
 src/rolling_model_epsd.h                           |    36 +-
 src/scalar_container.h                             |     4 +-
 src/settings.h                                     |     1 +
 src/{debug_liggghts.h => string_liggghts.h}        |    47 +-
 src/style_command.h                                |     1 -
 src/style_dump.h                                   |     1 +
 src/style_fix.h                                    |     3 +
 src/surface_mesh.h                                 |     8 +-
 src/surface_mesh_I.h                               |    78 +-
 src/surface_mesh_feature_remove.h                  |     1 +
 ...fix_dummy.h => surface_mesh_feature_remove_I.h} |     0
 src/tangential_model_history.h                     |     2 +
 src/tracking_mesh_I.h                              |     5 +-
 src/tri_mesh.h                                     |     9 +-
 src/tri_mesh_I.h                                   |    22 +-
 src/universe.cpp                                   |     3 +-
 src/update.cpp                                     |     4 +-
 src/update.h                                       |     4 +
 src/utils.h                                        |    13 +
 src/variable.h                                     |     3 +
 src/vector_container.h                             |     4 +-
 src/vector_liggghts.h                              |    43 +-
 src/velocity.cpp                                   |     6 +-
 src/version_liggghts.h                             |     2 +-
 src/version_liggghts.txt                           |     2 +-
 267 files changed, 21986 insertions(+), 18896 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/3ccbfc7e7fb8a339ff2566034a8d6809e29c6f92.patch
 create mode 100644 debian/patches/b7cc08a225cb25b5b5db3b2bd5e9728fc1f3a127.patch
 create mode 100644 doc/Eqs/gran_model_hooke_hysteresis_1.png
 copy doc/Eqs/{angle.tex => gran_model_hooke_hysteresis_1.tex} (52%)
 create mode 100644 doc/Eqs/gran_model_hooke_hysteresis_2.png
 create mode 100644 doc/Eqs/gran_model_hooke_hysteresis_2.tex
 create mode 100644 doc/JPG/hooke_hysteresis_luding1.png
 create mode 100644 doc/fix_property_atom_timetracer.html
 create mode 100644 doc/fix_property_atom_timetracer.txt
 delete mode 100644 doc/rerun.html
 delete mode 100644 doc/rerun.txt
 copy src/MAKE/{Makefile.g++ => Makefile.g++_mingw64} (85%)
 create mode 100644 src/dump_local_gran_vtk.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/dump_local_gran_vtk.h
 create mode 100644 src/fix_base_liggghts.cpp
 copy src/{fix_property_atom_tracer.h => fix_base_liggghts.h} (72%)
 create mode 100644 src/fix_cfd_coupling_convection_impl.cpp
 copy src/{fix_cfd_coupling_convection_species.h => fix_cfd_coupling_convection_impl.h} (71%)
 copy src/{fix_property_atom_tracer.cpp => fix_property_atom_timetracer.cpp} (55%)
 copy src/{fix_property_atom_tracer.h => fix_property_atom_timetracer.h} (81%)
 copy src/{region_neighbor_list.cpp => region_neighbor_list_I.h} (58%)
 copy src/{region_neighbor_list.h => region_neighbor_list_definitions.h} (58%)
 delete mode 100644 src/rerun.cpp
 delete mode 100644 src/rerun.h
 copy src/{debug_liggghts.h => string_liggghts.h} (79%)
 create mode 100644 src/surface_mesh_feature_remove.h
 copy src/{fix_dummy.h => surface_mesh_feature_remove_I.h} (100%)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/liggghts.git

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