[python-dtcwt] branch master updated (c3f3d26 -> 6b38398)

Ghislain Vaillant ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Mar 8 11:39:16 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ghisvail-guest pushed a change to branch master
in repository python-dtcwt.

      from  c3f3d26   prepare for 0.10.1 release
       new  896fd63   move into 0.11.0 development
       new  3dea332   MANIFEST: explicitly include README
       new  1bfa0a2   opencl: disable interactive opencl context prompt
       new  9c179e6   gitignore: re-order to make exclusions clearer
       new  a1b8c6c   use tox for running tests
       new  f2b27f9   docs: allow reproducible/deterministic builds
       new  a70dc96   Merge pull request #112 from rjw57/reproducable-builds
       new  309f549   replace use of Lena image with mandrill
       new  a2de16b   docs: replace Lena with mandrill
       new  09bd253   remove lena files
       new  68ac377   docs: replace reference to Lena
       new  d33e325   remove last reference to lena in examples and scripts
       new  0e28cf3   Merge pull request #111 from rjw57/replace-test-image
       new  c83acda   Merge branch 'master' into tox-refactor
       new  db8d452   Merge pull request #114 from rjw57/tox-refactor
       new  09a4a9a   test: rename test suite modules to py.test defaults
       new  899e3d8   Merge pull request #115 from rjw57/rename-tests
       new  be7e4e3   README: note changes currently slated for 0.11.
       new  8ea4be2   README: add note on installation in Ubuntu
       new  fa929c9   README: fix RST formatting
       new  9979820   README: fix reference from nose to py.test
       new  b2d3e11   docs:gettingstarted: fix references to nose
       new  aea2d8f   setup.cfg: remove unused nose configuration
       new  189d454   setup.py: remove nose as a requirement
       new  78e4861   Merge pull request #116 from rjw57/remove-nose-references
       new  f8c01bc   fix coverage reporting
       new  4525867   Merge pull request #117 from rjw57/fix-coverage
       new  e97ded2   tox: add docs testenv
       new  f4e8254   travis: add docs tox environment to test matrix
       new  473f8c9   Merge pull request #119 from rjw57/tox-add-docs
       new  df2308c   tox: remove use of sitepackages
       new  9866aee   Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into use-isolated-venvs
       new  444cee4   travis: remove installation of python{,3}-numpy
       new  899a2ed   Merge pull request #118 from rjw57/use-isolated-venvs
       new  62b99fc   docs: add note on comparison of dtcwt and original toolbox
       new  976bdcf   docs: move to new default sphinx template
       new  9771254   Merge pull request #120 from rjw57/docs-add-testing-note
       new  6b38398   COPYING.txt: remove needless reference

The 38 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Summary of changes:
 .coveragerc                                        |   7 --
 .gitignore                                         |  18 +++-
 .travis.yml                                        |  23 ++---
 COPYING.txt                                        |   4 -
 MANIFEST.in                                        |   2 +
 README.rst                                         |  21 +++-
 docs/2dtransform.rst                               |  20 ++--
 docs/conf.py                                       |   8 +-
 docs/gettingstarted.rst                            |   3 +-
 docs/index.rst                                     |  24 +++++
 docs/variant.rst                                   |  18 ++--
 dtcwt/_version.py                                  |   2 +-
 dtcwt/opencl/lowlevel.py                           |   2 +-
 dtcwt/plotting.py                                  |  10 +-
 examples/resampling_highpass_coefficients.py       |  44 ++++----
 matlab/gen_verif.m                                 |  24 ++---
 matlab/lena.mat                                    | Bin 261700 -> 0 bytes
 matlab/mandrill.mat                                | Bin 0 -> 341820 bytes
 matlab/verif_m_to_npz.py                           |  44 ++++----
 scripts/benchmark_opencl.py                        |  44 ++++----
 setup.cfg                                          |   5 -
 setup.py                                           |   2 -
 tests/datasets.py                                  |   6 +-
 tests/docs-requirements.txt                        |   5 +
 tests/lena.npz                                     | Bin 279987 -> 0 bytes
 tests/mandrill.npz                                 | Bin 0 -> 341854 bytes
 tests/opencl-requirements.txt                      |   4 +
 tests/qbgn.npz                                     | Bin 652796 -> 652802 bytes
 tests/requirements.txt                             |   5 +
 ...{testagainstmatlab.py => test_againstmatlab.py} |  52 +++++-----
 tests/{testcoeffs.py => test_coeffs.py}            |  18 ++--
 tests/test_coldfilt.py                             |  42 ++++++++
 tests/test_colfilter.py                            |  52 ++++++++++
 tests/test_colifilt.py                             |  55 ++++++++++
 tests/{testifm1.py => test_ifm1.py}                |   5 +-
 tests/test_ifm2.py                                 |  49 +++++++++
 tests/{testimport.py => test_import.py}            |   0
 ...estopenclcoldfilt.py => test_openclcoldfilt.py} |  54 +++++-----
 tests/test_openclcolfilter.py                      |  86 ++++++++++++++++
 tests/test_openclcolifilt.py                       | 111 +++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/{testopenclxfm2.py => test_openclxfm2.py}    |  56 +++++------
 tests/{testreflect.py => test_reflect.py}          |   0
 .../{testregistration.py => test_registration.py}  |   0
 tests/{testsampling.py => test_sampling.py}        |   0
 ...estswitchbackends.py => test_switchbackends.py} |  13 ++-
 tests/{testutils.py => test_utils.py}              |   0
 tests/{testxfm1.py => test_xfm1.py}                |  14 +--
 tests/{testxfm2.py => test_xfm2.py}                |  55 +++++-----
 tests/{testxfm3.py => test_xfm3.py}                |   2 -
 tests/testcoldfilt.py                              |  42 --------
 tests/testcolfilter.py                             |  52 ----------
 tests/testcolifilt.py                              |  55 ----------
 tests/testifm2.py                                  |  54 ----------
 tests/testopenclcolfilter.py                       |  86 ----------------
 tests/testopenclcolifilt.py                        | 111 ---------------------
 tests/util.py                                      |  20 ++--
 tests/verification.npz                             | Bin 4293123 -> 4293548 bytes
 tox.ini                                            |  18 ++++
 58 files changed, 742 insertions(+), 705 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .coveragerc
 delete mode 100644 matlab/lena.mat
 create mode 100644 matlab/mandrill.mat
 create mode 100644 tests/docs-requirements.txt
 delete mode 100644 tests/lena.npz
 create mode 100644 tests/mandrill.npz
 create mode 100644 tests/opencl-requirements.txt
 create mode 100644 tests/requirements.txt
 rename tests/{testagainstmatlab.py => test_againstmatlab.py} (73%)
 rename tests/{testcoeffs.py => test_coeffs.py} (85%)
 create mode 100644 tests/test_coldfilt.py
 create mode 100644 tests/test_colfilter.py
 create mode 100644 tests/test_colifilt.py
 rename tests/{testifm1.py => test_ifm1.py} (89%)
 create mode 100644 tests/test_ifm2.py
 rename tests/{testimport.py => test_import.py} (100%)
 rename tests/{testopenclcoldfilt.py => test_openclcoldfilt.py} (52%)
 create mode 100644 tests/test_openclcolfilter.py
 create mode 100644 tests/test_openclcolifilt.py
 rename tests/{testopenclxfm2.py => test_openclxfm2.py} (50%)
 rename tests/{testreflect.py => test_reflect.py} (100%)
 rename tests/{testregistration.py => test_registration.py} (100%)
 rename tests/{testsampling.py => test_sampling.py} (100%)
 rename tests/{testswitchbackends.py => test_switchbackends.py} (93%)
 rename tests/{testutils.py => test_utils.py} (100%)
 rename tests/{testxfm1.py => test_xfm1.py} (89%)
 rename tests/{testxfm2.py => test_xfm2.py} (55%)
 rename tests/{testxfm3.py => test_xfm3.py} (98%)
 delete mode 100644 tests/testcoldfilt.py
 delete mode 100644 tests/testcolfilter.py
 delete mode 100644 tests/testcolifilt.py
 delete mode 100644 tests/testifm2.py
 delete mode 100644 tests/testopenclcolfilter.py
 delete mode 100644 tests/testopenclcolifilt.py
 create mode 100644 tox.ini

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/python-dtcwt.git

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