[shark] 36/58: ported MOCMA
Ghislain Vaillant
ghisvail-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Mar 16 10:05:32 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
ghisvail-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository shark.
commit ed326940f9a309c81d2caaa0174c127814f642f3
Author: Oswin Krause <oswin.krause at di.ku.dk>
Date: Mon Feb 8 16:09:46 2016 +0100
ported MOCMA
include/shark/Algorithms/DirectSearch/MOCMA.h | 178 +++++++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 106 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)
diff --git a/include/shark/Algorithms/DirectSearch/MOCMA.h b/include/shark/Algorithms/DirectSearch/MOCMA.h
index 96f84e8..728be09 100644
--- a/include/shark/Algorithms/DirectSearch/MOCMA.h
+++ b/include/shark/Algorithms/DirectSearch/MOCMA.h
@@ -54,43 +54,36 @@ namespace shark {
* - Igel, Suttorp and Hansen. Steady-state Selection and Efficient Covariance Matrix Update in the Multi-Objective CMA-ES.
* - Vo�, Hansen and Igel. Improved Step Size Adaptation for the MO-CMA-ES.
-template<typename Indicator>
+template<typename Indicator=HypervolumeIndicator>
class IndicatorBasedMOCMA : public AbstractMultiObjectiveOptimizer<RealVector >{
enum NotionOfSuccess{
+ std::size_t m_mu; ///< Size of parent population
- std::vector<CMAIndividual<RealVector> > m_pop; ///< Population of size \f$\mu+\mu\f$.
- std::size_t m_mu;///< Size of parent generation
+ IndicatorBasedSelection<Indicator> m_selection; ///< Selection operator relying on the (contributing) hypervolume indicator.
- shark::PenalizingEvaluator m_evaluator; ///< Evaluation operator.
- IndicatorBasedSelection< Indicator > m_selection; ///< Selection operator relying on the (contributing) hypervolume indicator.
NotionOfSuccess m_notionOfSuccess; ///< Flag for deciding whether the improved step-size adaptation shall be used.
double m_individualSuccessThreshold;
double m_initialSigma;
- /**
- * \brief Default c'tor.
- */
IndicatorBasedMOCMA() {
m_individualSuccessThreshold = 0.44;
initialSigma() = 1.0;
- constrainedPenaltyFactor() = 1E-6;
mu() = 100;
notionOfSuccess() = PopulationBased;
this->m_features |= AbstractMultiObjectiveOptimizer<RealVector >::CAN_SOLVE_CONSTRAINED;
* \brief Returns the name of the algorithm.
std::string name() const {
- return "MOCMA";
+ return "SteadyStateMOCMA";
std::size_t mu()const{
@@ -107,27 +100,12 @@ public:
return m_initialSigma;
- /// \brief Returns the penalty factor for an individual that is outside the feasible area.
- ///
- /// The value is multiplied with the distance to the nearest feasible point.
- double constrainedPenaltyFactor()const{
- return m_evaluator.m_penaltyFactor;
- }
- /// \brief Returns a reference to the penalty factor for an individual that is outside the feasible area.
- ///
- /// The value is multiplied with the distance to the nearest feasible point.
- double& constrainedPenaltyFactor(){
- return m_evaluator.m_penaltyFactor;
- }
NotionOfSuccess notionOfSuccess()const{
return m_notionOfSuccess;
NotionOfSuccess& notionOfSuccess(){
return m_notionOfSuccess;
* \brief Stores/loads the algorithm's state.
* \tparam Archive The type of the archive.
@@ -136,20 +114,28 @@ public:
template<typename Archive>
void serialize(Archive &archive, const unsigned int version) {
- archive & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_pop);
+ archive & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_parents);
archive & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_best);
- archive & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_evaluator);
archive & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_notionOfSuccess);
archive & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_individualSuccessThreshold);
archive & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(m_initialSigma);
- using AbstractMultiObjectiveOptimizer<RealVector >::init;
+ void init( ObjectiveFunctionType& function){
+ checkFeatures(function);
+ if(!function.canProposeStartingPoint())
+ throw SHARKEXCEPTION( "Objective function does not propose a starting point");
+ std::vector<RealVector> points(mu());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i != mu(); ++i){
+ points[i] = function.proposeStartingPoint();
+ }
+ init(function,points);
+ }
* \brief Initializes the algorithm for the supplied objective function.
- * \tparam ObjectiveFunction The type of the objective function,
- * needs to adhere to the concept of an AbstractObjectiveFunction.
+ *
* \param [in] function The objective function.
* \param [in] startingPoints A set of intiial search points.
@@ -158,66 +144,114 @@ public:
std::vector<SearchPointType> const& startingPoints
- function.init();
- m_pop.resize(2 * mu());
- m_best.resize(mu());
- std::size_t noVariables = function.numberOfVariables();
- for(std::size_t i = 0; i != mu(); ++i){
- CMAIndividual<RealVector> individual(noVariables,m_individualSuccessThreshold,m_initialSigma);
- individual.searchPoint() = function.proposeStartingPoint();
- m_pop[i] = individual;
- }
- //valuate and create first front
- m_evaluator(function, m_pop.begin(),m_pop.begin()+mu());
- for(std::size_t i = 0; i != mu(); ++i){
- m_best[i].point = m_pop[i].searchPoint();
- m_best[i].value = m_pop[i].unpenalizedFitness();
+ std::vector<RealVector> values(startingPoints.size());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i != startingPoints.size(); ++i){
+ if(!function.isFeasible(startingPoints[i]))
+ throw SHARKEXCEPTION("[SteadyStateMOCMA::init] starting point(s) not feasible");
+ values[i] = function.eval(startingPoints[i]);
+ this->doInit(startingPoints,values,mu(),initialSigma() );
* \brief Executes one iteration of the algorithm.
* \param [in] function The function to iterate upon.
void step( ObjectiveFunctionType const& function ) {
+ std::vector<IndividualType> offspring = generateOffspring();
+ PenalizingEvaluator penalizingEvaluator;
+ penalizingEvaluator( function, offspring.begin(), offspring.end() );
+ updatePopulation(offspring);
+ }
+ /// \brief The individual type of the SteadyState-MOCMA.
+ typedef CMAIndividual<RealVector> IndividualType;
- //generate new offspring, evaluate and select
- for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mu(); i++) {
- m_pop[mu()+i] = m_pop[i];
- m_pop[mu()+i].mutate();
+ void doInit(
+ std::vector<SearchPointType> const& startingPoints,
+ std::vector<ResultType> const& functionValues,
+ std::size_t mu,
+ double initialSigma
+ ){
+ m_mu = mu;
+ m_initialSigma = initialSigma;
+ m_best.resize( mu );
+ m_parents.resize( mu );
+ std::size_t noVariables = startingPoints[0].size();
+ //if the number of supplied points is smaller than mu, fill everything in
+ std::size_t numPoints = 0;
+ if(startingPoints.size()<=mu){
+ numPoints = startingPoints.size();
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i != numPoints; ++i){
+ m_parents[i] = IndividualType(noVariables,m_individualSuccessThreshold,m_initialSigma);
+ m_parents[i].searchPoint() = startingPoints[i];
+ m_parents[i].penalizedFitness() = functionValues[i];
+ m_parents[i].unpenalizedFitness() = functionValues[i];
+ }
- m_evaluator(function, m_pop.begin()+mu(),m_pop.end());
- m_selection(m_pop,m_mu);
+ //copy points randomly
+ for(std::size_t i = numPoints; i != mu; ++i){
+ std::size_t index = Rng::discrete(0,startingPoints.size()-1);
+ m_parents[i] = IndividualType(noVariables,m_individualSuccessThreshold,m_initialSigma);
+ m_parents[i].searchPoint() = startingPoints[index];
+ m_parents[i].penalizedFitness() = functionValues[index];
+ m_parents[i].unpenalizedFitness() = functionValues[index];
+ }
+ //create initial mu best points
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i != mu; ++i){
+ m_best[i].point = m_parents[i].searchPoint();
+ m_best[i].value = m_parents[i].unpenalizedFitness();
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector<IndividualType> generateOffspring()const{
+ std::vector<IndividualType> offspring(mu());
+ for(std::size_t i = 0; i != mu(); ++i){
+ std::size_t parentId = Rng::discrete(0, mu()-1);
+ offspring[i] = m_parents[parentId];
+ offspring[i].mutate();
+ offspring[i].parent() = parentId;
+ }
+ return offspring;
+ }
+ void updatePopulation( std::vector<IndividualType> const& offspringVec) {
+ m_parents.push_back(offspringVec[0]);
+ m_parents.insert(m_parents.end(),offspringVec.begin(),offspringVec.end());
+ m_selection( m_parents, mu());
- //determine from the selection which parent-offspring pair has been successfull
+ //determine from the selection which parent-offspring pair has been successful
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mu(); i++) {
CMAChromosome::IndividualSuccess offspringSuccess = CMAChromosome::Unsuccessful;
- //new update: an offspring is successfull if it is selected
- if ( m_notionOfSuccess == PopulationBased && m_pop[mu()+i].selected()) {
- m_pop[mu()+i].updateAsOffspring();
+ //new update: an offspring is successful if it is selected
+ if ( m_notionOfSuccess == PopulationBased && m_parents[mu()+i].selected()) {
+ m_parents[mu()+i].updateAsOffspring();
offspringSuccess = CMAChromosome::Successful;
//old update: an offspring is successfull if it is better than its parent
- else if ( m_notionOfSuccess == IndividualBased && m_pop[mu()+i].selected() && m_pop[mu()+i].rank() <= m_pop[i].rank()) {
- m_pop[mu()+i].updateAsOffspring();
+ else if ( m_notionOfSuccess == IndividualBased && m_parents[mu()+i].selected() && m_parents[mu()+i].rank() <= m_parents[i].rank()) {
+ m_parents[mu()+i].updateAsOffspring();
offspringSuccess = CMAChromosome::Successful;
- if(m_pop[i].selected())
- m_pop[i].updateAsParent(offspringSuccess);
+ if(m_parents[i].selected())
+ m_parents[i].updateAsParent(offspringSuccess);
- //partition the selected individuals to the front
- std::partition(m_pop.begin(), m_pop.end(),CMAIndividual<RealVector>::IsSelected);
+ //partition the selected individuals to the front and remove the unselected ones
+ std::partition(m_parents.begin(), m_parents.end(),CMAIndividual<RealVector>::IsSelected);
+ m_parents.erase(m_parents.begin()+mu(),m_parents.end());
- //update individuals and generate solution set
+ //update solution set
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < mu(); i++) {
- noalias(m_best[i].point) = m_pop[i].searchPoint();
- m_best[i].value = m_pop[i].unpenalizedFitness();
+ noalias(m_best[i].point) = m_parents[i].searchPoint();
+ m_best[i].value = m_parents[i].unpenalizedFitness();
- };
+ }
+ std::vector<IndividualType> m_parents; ///< Population of size \f$\mu + 1\f$.
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