[nauty] 02/04: Merge tag 'upstream/2.6r3'

Jerome Benoit calculus-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Mar 19 16:53:42 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

calculus-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository nauty.

commit dd629199dac20726de7d01cff5ad55bfbbb8bd17
Merge: 42994c2 087f540
Author: Jerome BENOIT <calculus at rezozer.net>
Date:   Fri Mar 18 22:03:50 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/2.6r3'
    Upstream version 2.6r3

 COPYRIGHT                   |     39 +
 README                      |     29 +-
 This_is_nauty26r3.          |      0
 addedgeg.c                  |     12 +-
 amtog.c                     |    114 +-
 biplabg.c                   |      2 +
 blisstog.c                  |     32 +-
 callgeng.c                  |      2 +-
 catg.c                      |      8 +-
 changes24-25.txt            |    122 -
 changes24-26.txt            |    204 +
 complg.c                    |    382 +-
 config.guess                |   1451 +
 config.sub                  |   1813 +
 configure                   |   7105 ++
 configure.ac                |     97 +-
 converseg.c                 |    152 +
 copyg.c                     |    310 +-
 cubhamg.c                   |   1985 +
 deledgeg.c                  |    333 +-
 delptg.c                    |    263 +
 directg.c                   |    144 +-
 dreadnaut.c                 |    453 +-
 dretodot.c                  |    753 +
 dretog.c                    |     51 +-
 formats.txt                 |     81 +-
 genbg.c                     |     76 +-
 geng.c                      |    120 +-
 genquarticg.c               |   1621 +
 genrang.c                   |    723 +-
 genspecialg.c               |   1020 +
 gentourng.c                 |    106 +-
 gentreeg.c                  |    619 +
 gtnauty.c                   |    430 +-
 gtools-h.in                 |     67 +-
 gtools.c                    |   1112 +-
 gtools-h.in => gtools.h     |    119 +-
 gutil1.c                    |    282 +-
 gutil2.c                    |     88 +-
 gutils.h                    |      9 +-
 hamheuristic.c              |    433 +
 install-sh                  |      4 +
 labelg.c                    |    204 +-
 linegraphg.c                |    140 +-
 listg.c                     |     77 +-
 makefile                    |     36 +
 makefile.basic              |    134 +-
 makefile.in                 |    126 +-
 multig.c                    |     46 +-
 naucompare.c                |      9 +-
 naugraph.c                  |      7 +-
 naugroup.c                  |     71 +
 naugroup.h                  |      2 +
 naugstrings.c               |    523 +
 naugstrings.h               |     20 +
 nausparse.c                 |    161 +-
 nausparse.h                 |     48 +-
 nautest.c                   |     55 +-
 nautest1c.ans               |     50 +-
 nautest2.c                  |     79 -
 nautest2c.ans               |      2 +-
 nautesta.ans                |      2 +-
 nautestb.ans                |      2 +-
 nautestc.ans                |      2 +-
 nautestd.ans                |     16 +
 nauteste.ans                |     15 +
 nautestf.ans                |  11934 +++
 nautestg.ans                | 181820 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 nautil.c                    |     12 +-
 nautinv.c                   |      7 +-
 naututil-h.in               |     13 +-
 naututil.c                  |    578 +-
 naututil-h.in => naututil.h |     29 +-
 nauty-h.in                  |    140 +-
 nauty.c                     |     41 +-
 nauty-h.in => nauty.h       |    186 +-
 newedgeg.c                  |      2 +
 nug25.pdf                   |    Bin 574391 -> 0 bytes
 nug26.pdf                   |    Bin 0 -> 498431 bytes
 planarg.c                   |      2 +
 planarity.c                 |      7 +
 planarity.h                 |      7 +-
 poptest.c                   |    263 +
 quarticirred28.h            |    316 +
 ranlabg.c                   |    278 +-
 runalltests                 |     13 +-
 shortg.c                    |    191 +-
 showg.c                     |   1549 +-
 sorttemplates.c             |     27 +-
 splay.c                     |      2 +-
 subdivideg.c                |      7 +-
 sumlines.c                  |    125 +-
 testg.c                     |    374 +-
 traces.c                    |  17844 ++--
 traces.h                    |     38 +-
 twohamg.c                   |   1205 +
 vcolg.c                     |    529 +
 watercluster2.c             |      4 +-
 98 files changed, 230583 insertions(+), 11553 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/nauty.git

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