[gmsh] branch master updated (20e04b0 -> 5b61da5)
Anton Gladky
gladk at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 21 23:30:09 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
gladk pushed a change to branch master
in repository gmsh.
from 20e04b0 Update changelog.
new 744938d Enable dynamic linkage of shared libgmsh to gmsh-executable.
new 76e8a63 Drop one of java-samples (need to be updated by upstream).
new c54a2cc Replace swig2.0 by swig. (Closes: #816997)
new 8811d12 Refresh patches.
new cdc6dce Fix compilation of java-wrapper.
new 19c5864 Fix pdf-generation.
adds 494f444 Imported Upstream version 2.12.0+dfsg1
new 2c20221 Merge.
new 54b562e Apply cme fix dpkg.
new 270a302 Add Breaks/Replaces for libjava-gmsh2. (Closes: #816563)
new 5b61da5 Update changelog.
The 10 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Summary of changes:
CMakeLists.txt | 197 +-
CTestConfig.cmake | 4 +-
Common/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
Common/Colors.h | 4 +-
Common/CommandLine.cpp | 51 +-
Common/CommandLine.h | 4 +-
Common/Context.cpp | 24 +-
Common/Context.h | 29 +-
Common/CreateFile.cpp | 5 +-
Common/CreateFile.h | 4 +-
Common/DefaultOptions.h | 69 +-
Common/GamePad.cpp | 4 +-
Common/GamePad.h | 4 +-
Common/Gmsh.cpp | 72 +-
Common/Gmsh.h | 4 +-
Common/GmshConfig.h.in | 4 +-
Common/GmshDefines.h | 14 +-
Common/GmshIO.h | 8 +-
Common/GmshMessage.cpp | 274 +-
Common/GmshMessage.h | 41 +-
Common/GmshRemote.cpp | 6 +-
Common/GmshRemote.h | 4 +-
Common/GmshSocket.h | 4 +-
Common/GmshVersion.h.in | 4 +-
Common/Hash.h | 4 +-
Common/HashMap.h | 4 +-
Common/ListUtils.cpp | 20 +-
Common/ListUtils.h | 5 +-
Common/Main.cpp | 4 +-
Common/MallocUtils.cpp | 4 +-
Common/MallocUtils.h | 4 +-
Common/OS.cpp | 10 +-
Common/OS.h | 4 +-
Common/Octree.cpp | 4 +-
Common/Octree.h | 4 +-
Common/OctreeInternals.cpp | 4 +-
Common/OctreeInternals.h | 4 +-
Common/OpenFile.cpp | 112 +-
Common/OpenFile.h | 8 +-
Common/Options.cpp | 373 +-
Common/Options.h | 28 +-
Common/SmoothData.cpp | 4 +-
Common/SmoothData.h | 4 +-
Common/StringUtils.cpp | 4 +-
Common/StringUtils.h | 4 +-
Common/TreeUtils.cpp | 4 +-
Common/TreeUtils.h | 4 +-
Common/VertexArray.cpp | 4 +-
Common/VertexArray.h | 4 +-
Common/gmshLocalNetworkClient.cpp | 69 +-
Common/gmshLocalNetworkClient.h | 4 +-
Common/gmshPopplerWrapper.cpp | 4 +-
Common/gmshPopplerWrapper.h | 4 +-
Common/onelab.h | 649 +-
Common/onelabUtils.cpp | 209 +-
Common/onelabUtils.h | 11 +-
Fltk/CMakeLists.txt | 16 +-
Fltk/FlGui.cpp | 68 +-
Fltk/FlGui.h | 14 +-
Fltk/Main.cpp | 12 +-
Fltk/Navigator.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/Navigator.h | 4 +-
Fltk/classificationEditor.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/classificationEditor.h | 4 +-
Fltk/clippingWindow.cpp | 6 +-
Fltk/clippingWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/colorbarWindow.cpp | 146 +-
Fltk/colorbarWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/contextWindow.cpp | 217 +-
Fltk/contextWindow.h | 27 +-
Fltk/drawContextFltk.h | 13 +-
Fltk/drawContextFltkCairo.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/drawContextFltkCairo.h | 4 +-
Fltk/drawContextFltkStringTexture.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/drawContextFltkStringTexture.h | 4 +-
Fltk/extraDialogs.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/extraDialogs.h | 4 +-
Fltk/fieldWindow.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/fieldWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/fileDialogs.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/fileDialogs.h | 4 +-
Fltk/gamepadWindow.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/gamepadWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/graphicWindow.cpp | 424 +-
Fltk/graphicWindow.h | 22 +-
Fltk/helpWindow.cpp | 27 +-
Fltk/helpWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/highOrderToolsWindow.cpp | 47 +-
Fltk/highOrderToolsWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/inputRange.h | 4 +-
Fltk/inputRegion.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/inputRegion.h | 4 +-
Fltk/inputValue.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/inputValue.h | 4 +-
Fltk/mainWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/manipWindow.cpp | 5 +-
Fltk/manipWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/messageBrowser.h | 99 +
Fltk/onelab2Group.cpp | 1045 --
Fltk/onelab2Group.h | 95 -
Fltk/onelabGroup.cpp | 1002 +-
Fltk/onelabGroup.h | 8 +-
Fltk/openglWindow.cpp | 28 +-
Fltk/openglWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/optionWindow.cpp | 28 +-
Fltk/optionWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/outputRange.h | 4 +-
Fltk/paletteWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/partitionDialog.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/partitionDialog.h | 4 +-
Fltk/pluginWindow.cpp | 6 +-
Fltk/pluginWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/projectionEditor.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/projectionEditor.h | 4 +-
Fltk/solverButton.cpp | 4 +-
Fltk/solverButton.h | 4 +-
Fltk/spherePositionWidget.h | 4 +-
Fltk/statisticsWindow.cpp | 40 +-
Fltk/statisticsWindow.h | 4 +-
Fltk/treeIcons.h | 4 +-
Fltk/viewButton.cpp | 8 +-
Fltk/viewButton.h | 4 +-
Fltk/visibilityWindow.cpp | 53 +-
Fltk/visibilityWindow.h | 4 +-
Geo/ACISEdge.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/ACISEdge.h | 4 +-
Geo/ACISFace.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/ACISFace.h | 4 +-
Geo/ACISVertex.cpp | 2 +-
Geo/ACISVertex.h | 4 +-
Geo/CGNSOptions.h | 4 +-
Geo/CMakeLists.txt | 11 +-
Geo/Cell.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/Cell.h | 4 +-
Geo/CellComplex.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/CellComplex.h | 4 +-
Geo/Chain.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/Chain.h | 4 +-
Geo/ChainComplex.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/ChainComplex.h | 4 +-
Geo/Curvature.cpp | 27 +-
Geo/Curvature.h | 8 +-
Geo/CustomContainer.h | 4 +-
Geo/ExtrudeParams.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/ExtrudeParams.h | 4 +-
Geo/GEdge.cpp | 17 +-
Geo/GEdge.h | 5 +-
Geo/GEdgeCompound.cpp | 25 +-
Geo/GEdgeCompound.h | 5 +-
Geo/GEdgeLoop.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GEdgeLoop.h | 4 +-
Geo/GEntity.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GEntity.h | 10 +-
Geo/GFace.cpp | 94 +-
Geo/GFace.h | 12 +-
Geo/GFaceCompound.cpp | 156 +-
Geo/GFaceCompound.h | 4 +-
Geo/GModel.cpp | 243 +-
Geo/GModel.h | 21 +-
Geo/GModelFactory.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelFactory.h | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_ACIS.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_ACTRAN.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_BDF.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_CELUM.cpp | 2 +-
Geo/GModelIO_CGNS.cpp | 839 +-
Geo/GModelIO_DIFF.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_Fourier.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_Fourier.h | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_GEO.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_GEOM.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_INP.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_IR3.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_MAIL.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_MED.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_MESH.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_MSH.cpp | 21 +-
Geo/GModelIO_MSH2.cpp | 34 +-
Geo/GModelIO_OCC.cpp | 54 +-
Geo/GModelIO_OCC.h | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_P3D.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_PLY.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_POS.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_SGEOM.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_SGEOM.h | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_STL.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_SU2.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_UNV.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_VRML.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelIO_VTK.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GModelVertexArrays.cpp | 17 +-
Geo/GPoint.h | 4 +-
Geo/GRbf.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GRbf.h | 4 +-
Geo/GRegion.cpp | 52 +-
Geo/GRegion.h | 14 +-
Geo/GRegionCompound.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GRegionCompound.h | 4 +-
Geo/GVertex.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GVertex.h | 4 +-
Geo/GenericEdge.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GenericEdge.h | 4 +-
Geo/GenericFace.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GenericFace.h | 4 +-
Geo/GenericRegion.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GenericRegion.h | 4 +-
Geo/GenericVertex.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GenericVertex.h | 4 +-
Geo/Geo.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/Geo.h | 4 +-
Geo/GeoInterpolation.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/GeoInterpolation.h | 4 +-
Geo/GeoStringInterface.cpp | 138 +-
Geo/GeoStringInterface.h | 106 +-
Geo/GeomMeshMatcher.cpp | 6 +-
Geo/GeomMeshMatcher.h | 4 +-
Geo/Homology.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/Homology.h | 4 +-
Geo/MEdge.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MEdge.h | 4 +-
Geo/MEdgeHash.h | 4 +-
Geo/MElement.cpp | 15 +-
Geo/MElement.h | 7 +-
Geo/MElementCut.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MElementCut.h | 4 +-
Geo/MElementOctree.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MElementOctree.h | 4 +-
Geo/MFace.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MFace.h | 4 +-
Geo/MFaceHash.h | 4 +-
Geo/MHexahedron.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MHexahedron.h | 4 +-
Geo/MLine.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MLine.h | 4 +-
Geo/MPoint.h | 4 +-
Geo/MPrism.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MPrism.h | 4 +-
Geo/MPyramid.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MPyramid.h | 4 +-
Geo/MQuadrangle.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MQuadrangle.h | 4 +-
Geo/MSubElement.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MSubElement.h | 4 +-
Geo/MTetrahedron.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MTetrahedron.h | 4 +-
Geo/MTriangle.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MTriangle.h | 4 +-
Geo/MTrihedron.cpp | 3 +
Geo/MTrihedron.h | 162 +
Geo/MVertex.cpp | 25 +-
Geo/MVertex.h | 4 +-
Geo/MVertexBoundaryLayerData.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MVertexBoundaryLayerData.h | 4 +-
Geo/MVertexRTree.h | 4 +-
Geo/MZone.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MZone.h | 4 +-
Geo/MZoneBoundary.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/MZoneBoundary.h | 4 +-
Geo/OCCEdge.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/OCCEdge.h | 4 +-
Geo/OCCFace.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/OCCFace.h | 4 +-
Geo/OCCIncludes.h | 4 +-
Geo/OCCRegion.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/OCCRegion.h | 4 +-
Geo/OCCVertex.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/OCCVertex.h | 4 +-
Geo/OCC_Connect.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/OCC_Connect.h | 4 +-
Geo/Pair.h | 4 +-
Geo/Range.h | 4 +-
Geo/SBoundingBox3d.h | 4 +-
Geo/SGEOMIncludes.h | 4 +-
Geo/SOrientedBoundingBox.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/SOrientedBoundingBox.h | 4 +-
Geo/SPoint2.h | 4 +-
Geo/SPoint3.h | 4 +-
Geo/STensor3.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/STensor3.h | 4 +-
Geo/SVector3.h | 4 +-
Geo/boundaryLayersData.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/boundaryLayersData.h | 4 +-
Geo/closestPoint.cpp | 7 +-
Geo/closestPoint.h | 14 +-
Geo/discreteDiskFace.cpp | 704 +
Geo/discreteDiskFace.h | 91 +
Geo/discreteEdge.cpp | 270 +-
Geo/discreteEdge.h | 18 +-
Geo/discreteFace.cpp | 56 +-
Geo/discreteFace.h | 16 +-
Geo/discreteRegion.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/discreteRegion.h | 4 +-
Geo/discreteVertex.h | 4 +-
Geo/findLinks.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/findLinks.h | 4 +-
Geo/fourierEdge.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/fourierEdge.h | 4 +-
Geo/fourierFace.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/fourierFace.h | 4 +-
Geo/fourierProjectionFace.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/fourierProjectionFace.h | 4 +-
Geo/fourierVertex.h | 4 +-
Geo/gmshEdge.cpp | 11 +-
Geo/gmshEdge.h | 4 +-
Geo/gmshEdgeDiscretize.cpp | 135 +-
Geo/gmshFace.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/gmshFace.h | 4 +-
Geo/gmshLevelset.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/gmshLevelset.h | 4 +-
Geo/gmshRegion.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/gmshRegion.h | 4 +-
Geo/gmshSurface.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/gmshSurface.h | 4 +-
Geo/gmshVertex.cpp | 4 +-
Geo/gmshVertex.h | 4 +-
Geo/intersectCurveSurface.cpp | 8 +-
Geo/intersectCurveSurface.h | 4 +-
Geo/partitionEdge.h | 4 +-
Geo/partitionFace.h | 4 +-
Geo/partitionVertex.h | 4 +-
Graphics/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
Graphics/Camera.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/Camera.h | 4 +-
Graphics/PixelBuffer.h | 4 +-
Graphics/ReadImg.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/ReadImg.h | 4 +-
Graphics/drawAxes.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/drawContext.cpp | 9 +-
Graphics/drawContext.h | 6 +-
Graphics/drawGeom.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/drawGlyph.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/drawGraph2d.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/drawMesh.cpp | 11 +-
Graphics/drawPost.cpp | 9 +-
Graphics/drawScales.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/gl2gif.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/gl2gif.h | 4 +-
Graphics/gl2jpeg.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/gl2jpeg.h | 4 +-
Graphics/gl2pgf.cpp | 8 +-
Graphics/gl2pgf.h | 8 +-
Graphics/gl2png.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/gl2png.h | 4 +-
Graphics/gl2ppm.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/gl2ppm.h | 4 +-
Graphics/gl2yuv.cpp | 4 +-
Graphics/gl2yuv.h | 4 +-
Mesh/BDS.cpp | 15 +-
Mesh/BDS.h | 4 +-
Mesh/BGMBase.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/BGMBase.h | 2 +-
Mesh/BackgroundMesh.cpp | 15 +-
Mesh/BackgroundMesh.h | 6 +-
Mesh/BackgroundMesh2D.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/BackgroundMesh2D.h | 4 +-
Mesh/BackgroundMesh3D.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/BackgroundMesh3D.h | 4 +-
Mesh/BackgroundMeshManager.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/BackgroundMeshManager.h | 4 +-
Mesh/BackgroundMeshTools.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/BackgroundMeshTools.h | 4 +-
Mesh/BoundaryLayers.cpp | 44 +-
Mesh/BoundaryLayers.h | 4 +-
Mesh/CMakeLists.txt | 14 +-
Mesh/CenterlineField.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/CenterlineField.h | 4 +-
Mesh/DivideAndConquer.cpp | 2 +-
Mesh/DivideAndConquer.h | 2 +-
Mesh/Field.cpp | 18 +-
Mesh/Field.h | 4 +-
Mesh/FieldPython.h | 4 +-
Mesh/Generator.cpp | 359 +-
Mesh/Generator.h | 4 +-
Mesh/HighOrder.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/HighOrder.h | 4 +-
Mesh/Levy3D.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/Levy3D.h | 4 +-
Mesh/QuadTriExtruded2D.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/QuadTriExtruded2D.h | 2 +-
Mesh/QuadTriExtruded3D.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/QuadTriExtruded3D.h | 2 +-
Mesh/QuadTriTransfinite3D.cpp | 6 +-
Mesh/QuadTriTransfinite3D.h | 4 +-
Mesh/QuadTriUtils.cpp | 5 +-
Mesh/QuadTriUtils.h | 4 +-
Mesh/ThinLayer.cpp | 608 +
Mesh/ThinLayer.h | 134 +
Mesh/Voronoi3D.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/Voronoi3D.h | 4 +-
Mesh/cross3D.h | 4 +-
Mesh/delaunay3d.cpp | 1261 ++
Mesh/delaunay3d.h | 15 +
Mesh/delaunay3d_private.h | 327 +
Mesh/delaunay_refinement.cpp | 522 +
Mesh/delaunay_refinement.h | 13 +
Mesh/directions3D.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/directions3D.h | 4 +-
Mesh/filterElements.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/filterElements.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGEdge.cpp | 84 +-
Mesh/meshGEdge.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGEdgeExtruded.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGFace.cpp | 84 +-
Mesh/meshGFace.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceBDS.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceBDS.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceBamg.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceBamg.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.cpp | 127 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceDelaunayInsertion.h | 9 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceElliptic.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceElliptic.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceExtruded.cpp | 5 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceLloyd.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceLloyd.h | 2 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.cpp | 3056 +---
Mesh/meshGFaceOptimize.h | 38 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceQuadrilateralize.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceQuadrilateralize.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceRecombine.cpp | 542 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceRecombine.h | 354 +-
Mesh/meshGFaceTransfinite.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGRegion.cpp | 814 +-
Mesh/meshGRegion.h | 4 +-
Mesh/{meshGRegion.cpp => meshGRegion19036.cpp} | 273 +-
Mesh/meshGRegionBoundaryRecovery.cpp | 15175 +++++++++++++++++++
Mesh/meshGRegionBoundaryRecovery.h | 882 ++
Mesh/meshGRegionCarveHole.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGRegionDelaunayInsertion.cpp | 516 +-
Mesh/meshGRegionDelaunayInsertion.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGRegionExtruded.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGRegionLocalMeshMod.cpp | 396 +-
Mesh/meshGRegionLocalMeshMod.h | 22 +-
Mesh/meshGRegionMMG3D.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGRegionMMG3D.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshGRegionRelocateVertex.cpp | 247 +
Mesh/meshGRegionRelocateVertex.h | 8 +
Mesh/meshGRegionTransfinite.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshMetric.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/meshMetric.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshPartition.cpp | 22 +-
Mesh/meshPartition.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshPartitionObjects.h | 4 +-
Mesh/meshPartitionOptions.h | 6 +-
Mesh/meshRefine.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/multiscalePartition.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/multiscalePartition.h | 4 +-
Mesh/periodical.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/periodical.h | 4 +-
Mesh/pointInsertion.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/pointInsertion.h | 4 +-
Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.cpp | 4 +-
Mesh/pointInsertionRTreeTools.h | 4 +-
Mesh/qualityMeasures.cpp | 6 +-
Mesh/qualityMeasures.h | 4 +-
Mesh/simple3D.cpp | 5 +-
Mesh/simple3D.h | 4 +-
Mesh/surfaceFiller.cpp | 479 +-
Mesh/surfaceFiller.h | 14 +-
Mesh/yamakawa.cpp | 1176 +-
Mesh/yamakawa.h | 33 +-
Numeric/BasisFactory.cpp | 2 +-
Numeric/BasisFactory.h | 4 +-
Numeric/BergotBasis.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/BergotBasis.h | 4 +-
Numeric/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
Numeric/CondNumBasis.cpp | 32 +-
Numeric/CondNumBasis.h | 4 +-
Numeric/ConjugateGradients.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/ConjugateGradients.h | 4 +-
Numeric/ElementType.cpp | 14 +-
Numeric/ElementType.h | 4 +-
Numeric/FuncSpaceData.cpp | 2 +-
Numeric/FuncSpaceData.h | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussIntegration.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussIntegration.h | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussJacobi1D.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussJacobi1D.h | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussLegendre1D.h | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussLegendreSimplex.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussQuadratureHex.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussQuadratureLin.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussQuadraturePri.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussQuadraturePyr.cpp | 6 +-
Numeric/GaussQuadratureQuad.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussQuadratureTet.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/GaussQuadratureTri.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/HilbertCurve.cpp | 8 +-
Numeric/HilbertCurve.h | 8 +-
Numeric/Iso.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/Iso.h | 4 +-
Numeric/JacobianBasis.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/JacobianBasis.h | 4 +-
Numeric/MetricBasis.cpp | 1119 +-
Numeric/MetricBasis.h | 118 +-
Numeric/Numeric.cpp | 58 +-
Numeric/Numeric.h | 11 +-
Numeric/approximationError.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/approximationError.h | 4 +-
Numeric/bezierBasis.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/bezierBasis.h | 4 +-
Numeric/cartesian.h | 4 +-
Numeric/decasteljau.cpp | 11 +-
Numeric/decasteljau.h | 8 +-
Numeric/discreteFrechetDistance.cpp | 15 +-
Numeric/discreteFrechetDistance.h | 13 +-
Numeric/fullMatrix.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/fullMatrix.h | 4 +-
Numeric/hausdorffDistance.cpp | 55 +-
Numeric/jacobiPolynomials.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/jacobiPolynomials.h | 4 +-
Numeric/legendrePolynomials.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/legendrePolynomials.h | 4 +-
Numeric/mathEvaluator.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/mathEvaluator.h | 4 +-
Numeric/miniBasis.cpp | 17 +-
Numeric/miniBasis.h | 14 +-
Numeric/nodalBasis.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/nodalBasis.h | 4 +-
Numeric/pointsGenerators.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/pointsGenerators.h | 4 +-
Numeric/polynomialBasis.cpp | 6 +-
Numeric/polynomialBasis.h | 4 +-
Numeric/pyramidalBasis.cpp | 4 +-
Numeric/pyramidalBasis.h | 4 +-
Numeric/robustPredicates.cpp | 44 +-
Numeric/robustPredicates.h | 14 +-
Numeric/simpleFunction.h | 4 +-
Numeric/simpleFunctionPython.h | 4 +-
Parser/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
Parser/FunctionManager.cpp | 4 +-
Parser/FunctionManager.h | 4 +-
Parser/Gmsh.l | 31 +-
Parser/Gmsh.tab.cpp | 11939 ++++++---------
Parser/Gmsh.tab.hpp | 59 +-
Parser/Gmsh.y | 482 +-
Parser/Gmsh.yy.cpp | 1511 +-
Parser/Parser.h | 6 +-
Plugin/AnalyseCurvedMesh.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/AnalyseCurvedMesh.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Annotate.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Annotate.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Bubbles.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Bubbles.h | 4 +-
Plugin/CMakeLists.txt | 6 +-
Plugin/CVTRemesh.cpp | 2 +-
Plugin/CVTRemesh.h | 2 +-
Plugin/Crack.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Crack.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Curl.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Curl.h | 4 +-
Plugin/CurvedBndDist.cpp | 2 +-
Plugin/CurvedBndDist.h | 2 +-
Plugin/CutBox.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/CutBox.h | 4 +-
Plugin/CutGrid.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/CutGrid.h | 4 +-
Plugin/CutMesh.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/CutMesh.h | 4 +-
Plugin/CutParametric.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/CutParametric.h | 4 +-
Plugin/CutPlane.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/CutPlane.h | 4 +-
Plugin/CutSphere.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/CutSphere.h | 4 +-
Plugin/DiscretizationError.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/DiscretizationError.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Distance.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Distance.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Divergence.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Divergence.h | 4 +-
Plugin/DuplicateBoundaries.cpp | 8191 +++++-----
Plugin/DuplicateBoundaries.h | 2 +-
Plugin/Eigenvalues.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Eigenvalues.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Eigenvectors.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Eigenvectors.h | 4 +-
Plugin/ExtractEdges.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/ExtractEdges.h | 4 +-
Plugin/ExtractElements.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/ExtractElements.h | 4 +-
Plugin/FaultZone.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/FaultZone.h | 4 +-
Plugin/FieldFromAmplitudePhase.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/FieldFromAmplitudePhase.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Gradient.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Gradient.h | 4 +-
Plugin/HarmonicToTime.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/HarmonicToTime.h | 4 +-
Plugin/HomologyComputation.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/HomologyComputation.h | 4 +-
Plugin/HomologyPostProcessing.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/HomologyPostProcessing.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Integrate.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Integrate.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Isosurface.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Isosurface.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Lambda2.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Lambda2.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Levelset.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Levelset.h | 4 +-
Plugin/LongitudeLatitude.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/LongitudeLatitude.h | 4 +-
Plugin/MakeSimplex.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/MakeSimplex.h | 4 +-
Plugin/MathEval.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/MathEval.h | 4 +-
Plugin/MeshSubEntities.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/MeshSubEntities.h | 4 +-
Plugin/MinMax.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/MinMax.h | 4 +-
Plugin/ModifyComponents.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/ModifyComponents.h | 4 +-
Plugin/ModulusPhase.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/ModulusPhase.h | 4 +-
Plugin/NearToFarField.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/NearToFarField.h | 4 +-
Plugin/NearestNeighbor.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/NearestNeighbor.h | 4 +-
Plugin/NewView.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/NewView.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Particles.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Particles.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Plugin.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Plugin.h | 4 +-
Plugin/PluginManager.cpp | 7 +-
Plugin/PluginManager.h | 4 +-
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Plugin/Probe.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Remove.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Remove.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Scal2Tens.cpp | 8 +-
Plugin/Scal2Tens.h | 8 +-
Plugin/Scal2Vec.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Scal2Vec.h | 4 +-
Plugin/SimplePartition.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/SimplePartition.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Skin.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Skin.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Smooth.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Smooth.h | 4 +-
Plugin/SphericalRaise.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/SphericalRaise.h | 4 +-
Plugin/StreamLines.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/StreamLines.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Tetrahedralize.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Tetrahedralize.h | 4 +-
Plugin/ThinLayerFixMesh.cpp | 1170 ++
Plugin/ThinLayerFixMesh.h | 180 +
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Plugin/Transform.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Triangulate.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Triangulate.h | 4 +-
Plugin/Warp.cpp | 4 +-
Plugin/Warp.h | 4 +-
Post/CMakeLists.txt | 4 +-
Post/ColorTable.cpp | 1080 +-
Post/ColorTable.h | 4 +-
Post/OctreePost.cpp | 4 +-
Post/OctreePost.h | 4 +-
Post/PView.cpp | 4 +-
Post/PView.h | 6 +-
Post/PViewAsSimpleFunction.cpp | 4 +-
Post/PViewAsSimpleFunction.h | 4 +-
Post/PViewData.cpp | 15 +-
Post/PViewData.h | 6 +-
Post/PViewDataGModel.cpp | 14 +-
Post/PViewDataGModel.h | 5 +-
Post/PViewDataGModelIO.cpp | 4 +-
Post/PViewDataIO.cpp | 4 +-
Post/PViewDataList.cpp | 84 +-
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README.txt | 8 +-
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Solver/STensor33.h | 4 +-
Solver/STensor43.cpp | 4 +-
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Solver/elasticitySolver.cpp | 4 +-
Solver/elasticitySolver.h | 4 +-
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Solver/elasticityTerm.h | 4 +-
Solver/femTerm.h | 4 +-
Solver/filters.cpp | 4 +-
Solver/filters.h | 4 +-
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Solver/functionSpace.h | 4 +-
Solver/groupOfElements.cpp | 4 +-
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Solver/helmholtzTerm.h | 4 +-
Solver/laplaceTerm.h | 4 +-
Solver/linearSystem.cpp | 4 +-
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Solver/linearSystemCSR.cpp | 145 +-
Solver/linearSystemCSR.h | 21 +-
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Solver/linearSystemMUMPS.cpp | 4 +-
Solver/linearSystemMUMPS.h | 4 +-
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Solver/linearSystemPETSc.h | 4 +-
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Solver/multiscaleLaplace.cpp | 4 +-
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Solver/quadratureRules.h | 4 +-
Solver/solverAlgorithms.h | 4 +-
Solver/solverField.h | 4 +-
Solver/sparsityPattern.cpp | 4 +-
Solver/sparsityPattern.h | 4 +-
Solver/terms.cpp | 4 +-
Solver/terms.h | 4 +-
Solver/terms.hpp | 4 +-
Solver/thermicSolver.cpp | 2 +-
Solver/thermicSolver.h | 2 +-
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contrib/HighOrderMeshOptimizer/OptHomElastic.h | 2 +-
.../HighOrderMeshOptimizer/OptHomFastCurving.cpp | 4 +-
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.../MeshQualityOptimizer/MeshQualityOptimizer.h | 2 +-
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contrib/onelab2/OnelabNetworkClient.h | 185 -
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contrib/onelab2/OnelabProtocol.h | 44 -
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contrib/onelab2/OnelabServer.h | 171 -
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.../40_switch_from_opencascade_to_oce.patch | 12 +-
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create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_iter.c
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_linsolve.c
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_logging.c
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_malloc.c
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_memory.c
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_ooc_io.c
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_private.h
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_recvaidya.c
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_sn_llt.c
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_superlu.c
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_timer.c
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_vaidya.c
create mode 100644 contrib/taucs/src/taucs_vec_base.c
create mode 100644 debian/patches/140_fix_java.patch
create mode 100644 debian/patches/150_fix_texifile.patch
delete mode 100755 wrappers/java/WrappingJava/src/main/java/com/artenum/sample/EssaiGmsh_v1.java
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/gmsh.git
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