[gap-grape] 01/02: Merge tag 'upstream/4r7+ds'

Jerome Benoit calculus-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Mar 22 01:52:16 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

calculus-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gap-grape.

commit 473b6bae8f162ab967d8565ee225c8ccd1156112
Merge: ddd6f3e 33fef21
Author: Jerome Benoit <calculus at rezozer.net>
Date:   Tue Mar 22 01:15:47 2016 +0100

    Merge tag 'upstream/4r7+ds'
    Upstream version 4r7+ds

 Makefile                                        |    8 -
 Makefile.in                                     |    8 -
 bin/i686-pc-cygwin-gcc-default32/dreadnautB.exe |  Bin 105915 -> 0 bytes
 configure                                       |   11 -
 doc/manual.aux                                  |   26 -
 doc/manual.bbl                                  |   88 -
 doc/manual.blg                                  |   45 -
 doc/manual.dvi                                  |  Bin 132428 -> 0 bytes
 doc/manual.example-1.tst                        |   31 -
 doc/manual.example-2.tst                        |  146 --
 doc/manual.example-3.tst                        |  158 --
 doc/manual.example-4.tst                        |   63 -
 doc/manual.example-5.tst                        |   32 -
 doc/manual.example-6.tst                        |  248 ---
 doc/manual.example-7.tst                        |   46 -
 doc/manual.example-8.tst                        |  100 -
 doc/manual.example-9.tst                        |   87 -
 doc/manual.idx                                  |  179 --
 doc/manual.ilg                                  |    7 -
 doc/manual.ind                                  |  158 --
 doc/manual.lab                                  |  198 --
 doc/manual.log                                  |  202 --
 doc/manual.mst                                  |   16 -
 doc/manual.pdf                                  |  Bin 295577 -> 0 bytes
 doc/manual.six                                  |  188 --
 doc/manual.toc                                  |   82 -
 htm/CHAP001.htm                                 |  263 ---
 htm/CHAP002.htm                                 |  369 ----
 htm/CHAP003.htm                                 |  444 ----
 htm/CHAP004.htm                                 |  260 ---
 htm/CHAP005.htm                                 |  155 --
 htm/CHAP006.htm                                 |  502 -----
 htm/CHAP007.htm                                 |  232 --
 htm/CHAP008.htm                                 |  293 ---
 htm/CHAP009.htm                                 |  204 --
 htm/biblio.htm                                  |   94 -
 htm/chapters.htm                                |   24 -
 htm/indxA.htm                                   |   35 -
 htm/indxB.htm                                   |   31 -
 htm/indxC.htm                                   |   39 -
 htm/indxD.htm                                   |   35 -
 htm/indxE.htm                                   |   32 -
 htm/indxF.htm                                   |   33 -
 htm/indxG.htm                                   |   37 -
 htm/indxI.htm                                   |   44 -
 htm/indxJ.htm                                   |   30 -
 htm/indxL.htm                                   |   32 -
 htm/indxN.htm                                   |   31 -
 htm/indxO.htm                                   |   31 -
 htm/indxP.htm                                   |   32 -
 htm/indxQ.htm                                   |   30 -
 htm/indxR.htm                                   |   30 -
 htm/indxS.htm                                   |   31 -
 htm/indxT.htm                                   |   30 -
 htm/indxU.htm                                   |   31 -
 htm/indxV.htm                                   |   37 -
 htm/theindex.htm                                |   29 -
 nauty22/NRswitchg.c                             |  198 --
 nauty22/README                                  |  181 --
 nauty22/addedgeg.c                              |  278 ---
 nauty22/amtog.c                                 |  256 ---
 nauty22/biplabg.c                               |  166 --
 nauty22/catg.c                                  |  175 --
 nauty22/checks6.c                               |  228 --
 nauty22/complg.c                                |  196 --
 nauty22/config.guess                            | 1373 ------------
 nauty22/config.sub                              | 1273 -----------
 nauty22/config.txt                              |   21 -
 nauty22/configure                               | 2690 -----------------------
 nauty22/configure.in                            |  178 --
 nauty22/copyg.c                                 |  158 --
 nauty22/deledgeg.c                              |  182 --
 nauty22/directg.c                               |  487 ----
 nauty22/dreadnaut.c                             | 1173 ----------
 nauty22/dreadtest.c                             | 1421 ------------
 nauty22/dretog.c                                |  214 --
 nauty22/formats.txt                             |  162 --
 nauty22/genbg.c                                 | 1670 --------------
 nauty22/geng.c                                  | 2451 ---------------------
 nauty22/genrang.c                               |  345 ---
 nauty22/gread.me                                |  164 --
 nauty22/gtnauty.c                               |  757 -------
 nauty22/gtools-h.in                             |  133 --
 nauty22/gtools.c                                |  845 -------
 nauty22/gtools.h                                |  133 --
 nauty22/gutil1.c                                |  533 -----
 nauty22/gutil2.c                                |  337 ---
 nauty22/gutils.h                                |   20 -
 nauty22/install-sh                              |    4 -
 nauty22/labelg.c                                |  247 ---
 nauty22/listg.c                                 |  471 ----
 nauty22/makefile                                |  417 ----
 nauty22/makefile.basic                          |  414 ----
 nauty22/makefile.in                             |  417 ----
 nauty22/multig.c                                |  517 -----
 nauty22/naugraph.c                              |  663 ------
 nauty22/naugroup.c                              |  455 ----
 nauty22/naugroup.h                              |   53 -
 nauty22/nautaux.c                               |  263 ---
 nauty22/nautaux.h                               |   31 -
 nauty22/nautest.c                               |  119 -
 nauty22/nautest2.c                              |   79 -
 nauty22/nautil.c                                |  749 -------
 nauty22/nautinv.c                               | 1529 -------------
 nauty22/nautinv.h                               |   56 -
 nauty22/naututil-h.in                           |  241 --
 nauty22/naututil.c                              | 1524 -------------
 nauty22/naututil.h                              |  241 --
 nauty22/nauty-h.in                              | 1055 ---------
 nauty22/nauty.c                                 | 1141 ----------
 nauty22/nauty.h                                 | 1055 ---------
 nauty22/nautyex.c                               |   57 -
 nauty22/nautyex2.c                              |   56 -
 nauty22/nautyex3.c                              |   93 -
 nauty22/newedgeg.c                              |  240 --
 nauty22/nug.pdf                                 |  Bin 356016 -> 0 bytes
 nauty22/rng.c                                   |  131 --
 nauty22/rng.h                                   |   35 -
 nauty22/shortg.c                                |  523 -----
 nauty22/showg.c                                 | 1154 ----------
 nauty22/splay.c                                 |  412 ----
 nauty22/sumlines.c                              | 1421 ------------
 nauty22/testB.dre                               |    9 -
 nauty22/testL.dre                               |   81 -
 nauty22/testM.dre                               |  984 ---------
 nauty22/testS.dre                               |   57 -
 nauty22/testW.dre                               |   57 -
 nauty22/testa.dre                               |   13 -
 nauty22/testg.c                                 |  893 --------
 nauty22/testlab.c                               |  213 --
 130 files changed, 42195 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-science/packages/gap-grape.git

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